When should you replace your iPhone's battery? • mac reports (2024)


DoorSerhat KurtPosted Reading time:4minutes

You can check the status of your battery by going toInstitutions>Bacteria>Battery status. The most important indicator is the maximum capacity percentage. Mine currently says 88%, as you can see in the screenshot below. Yours might say something like 85% or 90%. You should check your maximum capacity when your phone is fully charged as it will give the most accurate figure. The more you use your iPhone, the smaller this percentage becomes. When you buy your iPhone as a brand new device, this number will be 100% or slightly less than this. Maximum capacity is the biggest indicator of when to replace your battery.

When should you replace your iPhone's battery? • mac reports (2)

Your battery ages, but its age is not measured in calendar time, as we are as we age. The more you use your iPhone, the older your battery becomes.

What does the maximum capacity percentage mean?

Essentially, this percentage tells you how many times your iPhone has cycledcharging cycles. So what is a charge cycle? A charge cycle does not mean that you have charged your iPhone from 0% to 100%. This is what Apple says:

Apple lithium-ion batteries operate in charge cycles. You complete a charge cycle when you have used (discharged) an amount equal to 100% of your battery's capacity, but not necessarily all in one charge. For example, you can use 75% of your battery's capacity in one day and then fully charge it overnight. If you use 25% the next day, you have discharged 100% in total and the two days together form one charge cycle. It can take several days to complete a cycle.


Apple goes on to say that an iPhone that has gone through 500 cycles should still retain approximately 80% of its original capacity. I should note that this does not mean that your phone will be unusable after 500 charge cycles. However, you will likely experience battery issues. Your phone may slow down or turn itself off unexpectedly.

Apple shows how many charge cycles you've had as a percentage instead of showing the actual number. Based on the maximum capacity percentage, we can't know for sure how many times your phone has been charged, but we can guess. If the number is closer to 80%, your charge cycle is close to 500. Or, if your maximum capacity is 99%, your phone has only had a few charge cycles.

When should the battery be replaced?

Apple says you need a replacement if you can see your maximum capacity80% of memories.

Apple can replace your battery for free if you are under warranty or AppleCare+. If not, Apple can replace your battery for $69 for most models:

  • iPhone X and newer: $69
  • iPhone SE and other models: $49

You may have Apple's Limited Warranty or AppleCare+. As for the battery, this is what they do:

  • Limited Warranty: This is a one-year warranty that begins after purchase. This is the basic warranty that comes automatically with your purchase. If your battery level reaches 80% or less within a year, the warranty covers battery replacement. You can check it againyou are still under warranty.
  • AppleCare+: This can be purchased within 60 days of purchasing your iPhone, or you can purchase it at the time of purchase with your new iPhone. It provides up to 3 years of coverage. You can check if youhas an active AppleCare+ warranty.

How to replace the battery

If your maximum performance is less than 80%, there are three ways to replace the battery:

  • You can send your iPhone to Apple. If you choose this option, you will be charged shipping charges ($6.95 in the US) regardless of warranty status. Apple typically ships your device back within 3 to 5 days.
  • Make a dealand take it to an Apple Store. They will probably replace it while you are there. It is usually a quick process.
  • If you don't want to send it by mail or there isn't an Apple Store nearby, the third option is to take it to an Apple Authorized Service Location. You canask Appleabout the nearest store.

I haven't included the information here, but there are DIY options as well.I'll fix itfor example, sells battery replacement kits that you can buy to do the replacement yourself if you think you have the right skills. You should know that this can be risky and will void any Apple warranty.

Finally, this is a different route but you may consider replacing the battery instead of replacing it.

You will find more information about this on this pagebattery replacementoptions offered by Apple.

Related articles

  • How to check your MacBook battery status in macOS
  • How to optimize and extend battery life on iPhone
When should you replace your iPhone's battery? • mac reports (2024)


When should you replace your iPhone's battery? • mac reports? ›

If you bought an iPhone in the last two years, you probably don't have to think about replacing the battery. According to Apple, iPhone batteries are designed to sustain 80% of their capacity even after 500 charging cycles (charging and discharging).

At what percentage should I replace my iPhone battery? ›

Apple recommends replacing it when it reaches 80%. To check your battery health, go to Settings > Battery > Battery Health.

When should I consider replacing iPhone battery? ›

Apple says that a normal battery should still retain up to 80 per cent of its original capacity at 500 complete charge cycles when operated under normal conditions. Once your battery capacity drops below 80 per cent, Apple will show you a message recommending that you replace the battery.

Is 70 percent battery health good for iPhone? ›

You might think that because your iPhone's maximum capacity begins at 100%, it's the only condition that can be considered optimal. However, that's not quite true. Apple considers any iPhone with a battery capacity of 80% or above to be in optimal condition.

Is 80 percent battery health good for iPhone? ›

100% is factory-fresh, and iPhones can run extremely well with batteries as low as 80% performance in Maximum Capacity. If your iPhone's battery health has slipped to 75% or below, it will still perform well. However, you can expect further degradation and may see lower numbers and worse performance in the near future.

Is 79 battery health bad? ›

iPhone battery's maximum capacity

If the number you see under Maximum Capacity is more than 80%, you have a healthy battery, according to Apple.

Will Apple replace iPhone battery at 80%? ›

Your iPhone is eligible for a battery replacement at no additional cost if you have AppleCare+ and your product's battery holds less than 80 percent of its original capacity.

Is it cheaper to buy a new iPhone or replace battery? ›

Fortunately, replacement batteries are way cheaper than new iPhones. And they're better for the environment. I went to I Can Fix It For You, a local New York City repair shop, to discuss replacement batteries.

Is it worth getting an iPhone battery replaced? ›

Replacing the dead or dying battery in your iPhone or iPod is probably a good idea, but we recommend thinking about the issue this way: Is your iPhone still under warranty? Then yes, definitely replace the battery. With the warranty, the repair should be free or low cost.

Can iPhone battery health go back to 100%? ›

An iPhone battery will degrade with use. You can't get it back to 100%. You can expect a 1 - 2% drop each month. When the battery health gets to 80% or less, get a new battery.

Is 90% iPhone battery health OK? ›

Battery Health normally declines an average of about 1% a month over longer periods. So, it would normal to expect that your Battery Health would be about 88-90% after 12 months ( 1 year). Your battery is doing better than average, so nothing to be concerned about here. If anything, you should be happy.

How much does an iPhone battery cost? ›

As you'll notice in the table below, Apple charges either $69, $89, or $99 for a battery replacement. The $99 price point is for the more recent iPhone families, the $89 price point is for most other 'newer' models, and the $69 price point is for 'older' models such as the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus.

Is 85 battery health good after 2 years? ›

Two years and at 85%…. that's about normal. The battery in smartphones are good for 3–500 cycles (about 2–3 years ) of normal usage before the battery drops below 80% and may need to be replaced if you want the phone to preform like new.

Is it better to charge an iPhone to 80 or 100? ›

It's generally recommended to keep your iPhone's battery level between 20% and 80% to maximize the battery's lifespan. Going below 20% or above 80% regularly can cause the battery to degrade faster over time.

What happens if iPhone battery health is 75? ›

When the battery health of your iPhone falls below 75%, it is one telltale indicator that the battery is failing. The overall state of your battery's ability to keep a charge is referred to as battery health. Your gadget will struggle to keep a charge for as long as it formerly did as it approaches this level.

At what battery percentage should I charge my new iPhone? ›

For optimal battery health, it's recommended to charge your phone between 20% and 80%. It's best to avoid extremes, such as letting the battery reach 0% or consistently charging it to 100%. Features like "Optimized Battery Charging" can be beneficial, and it's advisable to avoid overnight charging at 100%.

How much should iPhone battery health be after 1 year? ›

Excellent. Battery Health normally declines on average at about 1% a month, so it would be normal to expect that your battery would be at about 88% after one year. Your battery performance is excellent.

How long does 87 battery health last? ›

Normal Battery Life: A normal battery is designed to retain up to 80% of its original capacity at 500 complete charge cycles under normal conditions [3]. So, having 87% battery health after less than a year is within the expected range.

How to restore iPhone battery health to 100%? ›

There's only one thing that you can do to keep your iPhone's battery health at 100%. Stop using your iPhone. Yup, the only way you're going to keep your iPhone's battery at 100% is to stop using it and charging it.

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.