Curtis Sliwa gives an inner look of what life is like with 15 cats (2024)

It is the Purrrfect apartment.

The post received an exclusive look at the small Upper West Side Studio apartment from Curtis Sliwa on Wednesday - after thatNew relief gop -mayor nominatedhe and his wife revealedShare the space with 15 rescue treasures.

The study of 320 square meters on West 87th Street and Central Park West is a real cathmel with furniture that is more suitable for cat animals than their human housemates.

There are three windows opposite the street that are perfectly made for the reasons of birds, or an afternoon in the sun that are equipped with chicken wire afterwards, so that the cats can enjoy a provisional outdoor space while they cherish themselves on the windows.

Three towering cats apartments cover the main wall of the apartment and in the kitchen there are two private cathotels on top of the cupboards, which offers a bird's eye view of the action below.


Although there are a number of human decorations on shelves and tables above the apartment, a growing number of cat toys are filled with those who are in danger of bringing almost every free space back to the studio.

"I try to use electronic toys that they can hunt because it is difficult to play with them all the time," said Sliwa's wife, Nancy Beth Sliwa while throwing two toy positions in the room.

Surprisingly, the house smells more like a freshly opened box with a fresh step kitty litter than the waste, which is buried in one of the six boxes spreading across the room.


But distracting the scent of ammonia and cat poo is a senior company, Nancy Beth explains.


"We clean litter boxes at least three times a day," said Cat Mom, which corresponds to a monster 18 daily scercings with which the few sanitary living conditions can maintain.

"I use vanilla candles and clean with alcohol, water and baking powder because the chemicals in these heavy detergents can really make the cats sick."

Curtis, who won Thursday's Republican Primary for Mayor about Fernando Mateo, isA pronounced animal activist.

Every catwere planned to be killedFrom the emerging animal care center of the city, but was saved and breastfeeding to the health of him and his wife.

"It starts with Apollo, the Patriarch, and then Athena, she is the female cat who checks Roosten," explained the proud cat father over his hairy tribal.

"Then it comes with [crooked head] because the head is actually almost gone and it would have been killed, and then there is a drop base and there are whiskers and there is fresh and there is a big little one."

Then there is Tiger, Laws, Ajax, Duncan, Hope, Tiny, Hercules and eventually Wolverine, "who snores so hard that it tears the paint of the walls," Curtis explained lovingly.

"It starts with Apollo, the Patriarch and then Athena, she is the female cat who manages the Roost."

Curtis Sliwa, NYC Mayoral Candidate en Cat Parent

Every night, three of the cats share the queen bed of the apartment with the couple that they say they have to make sure they are perfectly quiet so that they do not accidentally roll over one of the cats.

"Once you have left it, it is that cats on your left, cats on your right side," Curtis said, adding the nights can be difficult.

"The kittens do not know when to stop when they intervene in the grass course of the older cat," Curtis explained about the policy of Nightime Feline.


"They keep them in their own lanes when they all start running around and going down at night because they are nightly and can become aggressive, it can be a big challenge!"

But if the pair feels fresh, they have an easy solution: fill them all in the bathroom.

"They make more noise than we are on these nights!"Curtis laughed.

The couple explained that they would like to open their house for cats in the dead cell, but they try to adopt as much as possible as they can.

"This year we have taken and adopted 20 to 25. We have planned four to be hired, and when they go, we will take four more," said Curtis, adding the older and less healthy kittens to residents of thebe life.

Despite the work and the busy relationships, Kattedaddy said that his hairy housemates have been great for his health.

"It's a destroyer," Curtis explained.

“They actually cause calm.When I had high blood pressure after I had Crohn's disease, the cats would put on my chest and normally reduce my blood pressure. "

Curtis Sliwa gives an inner look of what life is like with 15 cats (2024)
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