The many women in Curtis Sliwa (2024)

He is a self-proclaimed 'serial' husband and de-prisoner Hornhund who runs to stayThe next mayor of New York City.

On an honest report of his long and complicated love life, Republican mayor Curtis Sliwa opened himself for the position of his four marriages and other rocky romances - including how he went to fist battles with Bigots while he defended his first wife, a black woman, II Middle ofthe seventies.

The founder of 67-year-old Guardian Angels also insists that male and the entire female species is generally better to stay impotent after the operation ten years ago to cure prostate cancer.

He accuses the death of his third marriage on his then furious libido, so that he cheats on a long-term lover, the councilor of ex-queen and the current district lawyer Melinda Katz.


Sorry?He has a few, including once to say that he would then go to the speaker of the Melissa Mark-Viverito council during his WABC-AM-Radio program and brag with two other council members next to Katz.

"The advantage of being impotent is that your mind does not even focus on [sex]. You don't look anyone else and don't think anyone else" 2 -Mayor's election.

Here is a look at some of Sliwas Paramours in the past five decades:

Chorus Drayton, Woman No. 1

Sliwa said he was immediately beaten with the native virgin Islands, started that Drayton was the "spap image" of the iconic black activist Angela Davis.

"At the time I loved Angela Davis," Sliwa recalled.. "

In 1975 Sliwa left his family house in Canarsie, Brooklyn, to Hut with Drayton in Brownsville.

"In Canarsie they had her and said I was an N-lover," said Sliwa."In Brownsville they resist because" Why does this white man come in and marry one of our sisters? "This was not time when interracial relationships were common."

In June 1976 the couple married and moved to Father Rockaway, Queens, before moving to Bronx, where Sliwa took a job as a night manager at a local McDonald's.sliwa became a stepfather and helped Dayton's young daughter to feed a previous relationship.

He said that racial tension had certainly tense, but in the end the main reason why they separated in 1977, they were just married to young people - in the early twenties.

Sliwa insists that the division was friendly, but he has not had contact with Drayton or his previous step daughter since the divorce.

Lisa Evers, Kone NR.2


In 1981, Sliwa became a tabloid treasure after married Lisa Evers, a fantastic model and martial art expert, the trendic director of Sliwa's Crime Prevention Group, The Guardian Angels.

He is reminiscent of those who in their early years as a couple had a "big" functioning and marital relationship, even though he collected mass credit card debt while lived in an apartment in Manhattan on Avenue A..

In 1990 they started the cost of a WABC-AM radio talk show, "Angels in the Morning" to help pay the bills.

Sliwa said the marriage began to acidify after teasing death in 1992 during a suspected crowd -hit, the prosecutors of which thought they were being ordered in exchange for Sliwa, who the Gambino -Peetvader John Gotti a drug deal, Croch and"Public Enemy No.1" on his radio program.


Sliwa said that during this period he received death threats that, the relationship-like on-Air discussions about the family members of the couple and the personal life that Evers did not welcome.

"It caused a wedge and everything started to come effortlessly," said Sliwa.

The couple was divorced in 1994.

Sliwa said his relationship with Evers is now 'civil', and added that they occasionally meet each other while she is in the field that reports for Fox 5 news.

Melinda Katz, Love and Babymamma


Sliwa said he had an on-and-off relationship with Katz from 1996 to 2014.They came up with two children in vitro fertilization and previously living together.

Sliwa said he once asked Katz to marry him, but asked, "She said wisely no."

He admits that he puts a lot of pressure on the relationship by attacking routine ex-Gov.cuomo and other top democrats that Katz had to deal with as a chosen officer, but insisted that they now had a "good relationship".

When asked if she supports Sliwa to the mayor, Katz said that she did not support candidates for the chosen office as an public prosecutor, but added: "Curtis is the father of my children and clearly has a very special place in their lives."

Mary Paterson, Kone NR.3


In 2000, Sliwa married former Mary Galda, who was then CEO of Guardian Angels.Two shared a son, separated in 2012, after Galda accused Sliwa of having an affair with Katz.

The relationship was even rooted in 2013 when Galda Slabsliwa with a test of $ 1.4 million, claimed that he was a "liar" of the world class who put her out of money in the form of paying child benefit to his children with Katz.Plan to remove marital assets and eventually leave Galda to Katz.

Sliwa admits that he cheats Galda with Katz, but insists that the support payments of children were strict to help his children with Katz-not a nesting egg for him and Katz to live on.

The story has a surprisingly happy ending.

In 2015, Galda joined the former head of the David Paterson government, with whom Sliwa once organized a radio show.They married in 2019 and Sliwa said he couldn't be happier.

"I welcome it," he said."Mary, who decided to marry the Paterson government, was great. He is an excellent stepfather Toanthony."

Both he and his ex -woman described their current relationship as "good", although the new Mrs. Paterson refused to say who she supports to the mayor.

Nancy Regula, Kone Nr.4


In the hope of the fourth time, the Charme Sliwa married Regula, an lawyer and an animal rights activist, in 2018.

The couple joined three years earlier when Regula Sliwa helped recover from a series of suffering by recommending supplements of organic fungi and antioxidants.His WABC office because most of his income went against child benefit.

"She was my Nightingale in Florence," said Sliwa.

The couple now live in a small apartment of 325 square meters on the Upper West Side, where they usually do more than a dozen rescue treasures.

Sliwa said he will be fine with his 38-year-old wife, a co-republican who runs for the city council.

When asked whether his impotence has put a damper on the sex life of marriage, Sliwa hesitated and said, "You can create a situation in which you are - but it is never natural."

The many women in Curtis Sliwa (2024)
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