Stunts, Cats and Crime: Sliwa's colorful run for NYC Mayor (2024)

NEW YORK (AP) -Curtis Sliwa is on TV) with one of the 16 rescue treasures in a campaign advertisem*nt in a campaign advertisem*nt in a campaign advertisem*nt in a campaign advertisem*nt in a campaign advertisem*nt in a campaign advertisem*nt.In the Metro with his Guardian Angels anti-crime fatrille.

This is how the Republican nominee sets an unlikely search to become the mayor of New York City - always in his red hat.

Sliwa has spent decades as a stunt-loving New York character with the ability to keep news cameras in the neighborhood and a story of bombastic statements.survived an attempt at MOB HITDecorated by his radio commentary.

The Republican insists that his campaign is not a long shot this year, but more a David-and-Goliath catapult, with Sliwa as a street "man of the people" about crime and disorder.

"I am the only Republican who can go to neighborhoods where the only Republican they have ever seen is Abraham Lincoln on a bill of $ 5 and is being received well," said SLIWA this week Associated Press in an interview in his cat Filling Apartment.

"I think most people don't necessarily see me as Republicans. They see me more as a populist." It is Curtis. We know him, "said Sliwa.He says the fact that he has won the Republican nomination, despite never voting for Trump, a sign is that it may be unlikely that he will win Democrats.

Through a campaign connection later that day, he rejected the idea that it was impossible to win and said that he has been "David versus Goliath" all his life.

SLIWA is largely expected to lose next month's elections to Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, a Democrat and former police in New York City who would be the second black mayor of the city.

In a city where Democrats surpass Republicans 7 to 1, Adams came from a busy primary field as a candidate with a more moderate image, a pro-business approach and unambiguously perspective on crime that mixes his time with NYPD, his former representation for reformFor reform in the department and experiences of police brutality while a teenager.

Sliwa, 67, has been an omnipresent New York figure since he founded the Guardian Angels Anti-Misdaadgroep in 1979.The unarmed entity of young men and women dressed in red berets and matching jackets began to patrol the then criminal scourge system of New York City and released to the city before making chapters in the US

The 320 -Square -Foot apartment in the Upper West Side, which shares Sliwa with his wife Nancy, is decorated with enough campaign posters and photos of themselves and their many cats.The early exploits of Guardian Angels, a sign that sounds "crack down on crack" and a few police sketches of decades of old rape.

He says that Tableau is a reminder of the roots of the group in a grit New York.

"His analysis of New York is very outdated in some respects, and I think many voters see him as a western in old New York, with his red beret, and I would say racial understanding of how the city works, as I doDo not think that many New Yorkers are interested at the moment, "said Christina Greer, assistant professor of political sciences at Fordham University.

Sliwa won the Republican Primary earlier this year after beating the Fernando Mateo restaurant.

Two decades from Rudy Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg in the mayor of the mayor show that Republicans can overcome the benefit of the Democrats in the city.

But the style and reputation of Sliwa, Greer said, led him to "not really be taken seriously by a certain segment of the population."

Sliwas Flair for getting attention became deadly in 1992 when he was shot after using his radio programs for Pillory, the Mobsbaas John Gotti.

He confessed after the real attack that he had previously linked stories from the performance of Guardian Angels, including foil of a rape and a false story that Sliwa was abducted by the police officers of the Transit Authority.

After making crooked and racist comments about TV and the radio about the municipal councilor, he was briefly excluded from a regular place in a local TV debate.Sliwa later apologized for his comments.

Last summer, when democratic mayor Bill de Blasio swimming on the beaches of the city forbade in an attempt to curb the spread of Coronavirus, Sliwa organized a protest on Coney Island, first by putting a cardboard cutting of the Blasio's face on the beachand to kick sand and kick sand and kick sand and kick sand and make sand and kick sand on sand on the beach and kick sand on it is then about an hour swam, in a wetPak and his red beret, who ignores orders from city park officers to get out of the water.

As a mayor candidate, he has been faithful to form.

Sliwa keeps news conferences around the city almost daily, often through day -old crimes where he rejects the failed leadership of the city."During a car while TV cameras rolled.

His campaign released videos that reportedly shown Sliwa and his Guardian Angels and streamed in a small restaurant in Italy to separate and limit irregular customers.

Sliwa rejects Adams as Non-Touch and removed from the street and has hammered him for reports he was on vacation in Monaco and fundraisers in Hamptons and kept Martha's Vineyard.To Fort Lee, New Jersey with a milk cardboard with the face of "missing" Adams.

In the meantime, Adams has largely ignored Sliwa.

"It is a challenge for me to have a conversation with someone who acknowledged that they have made up stories about crimes," and "do an antiques every day," Adams said in a recent radio advantage.

"We will have to endure the antiquity of someone who thinks this is a circus in the four weeks and I will tolerate it because it is the process," Adams told WNYC."But can we take Curtis Sliwa seriously on something, based on his story in this city?"

Stunts, Cats and Crime: Sliwa's colorful run for NYC Mayor (2024)
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