Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (2024)


  • 1 Basic principles
    • 1.1 Monster
    • 1.2 Crows
    • 1.3 Pets
    • 1.4 Fertilization and plants
    • 1.5 trellis plants
    • 1.6 Growing times
    • 1.7 End of season
    • 1.8 Giant crops
    • 1.9 Crop quality
    • 1.10 gold per day
  • 2 Spring crops
    • 2.1 Blue jazz
    • 2.2 Carrots
    • 2.3 Cauliflower
    • 2.4 Coffee bean
    • 2.5 Garlic
    • 2.6 Green beans
    • 2.7 Kale
    • 2.8 Parsnip
    • 2.9 Potato
    • 2.10 Rhubarb
    • 2.11 Strawberries
    • 2.12 Tulip
    • 2.13 Usleben ris
  • 3 summer crops
    • 3.1 Blueberries
    • 3.2 Corn
    • 3.3 Hop
    • 3.4 Hot pepper
    • 3.5 Melon
    • 3.6 Poppy
    • 3.7 Radish
    • 3.8 Red cabbage
    • 3.9 Star fruit
    • 3.10 Summer sequin
    • 3.11 Summer squash
    • 3.12 Sunflower
    • 3.13 Tomato
    • 3.14 Wheat
  • 4 Autumn crops
    • 4.1 Amaranth
    • 4.2 The cone
    • 4.3 Agitation
    • 4.4 Bok Choy
    • 4.5 Broccoli
    • 4.6 Cranberries
    • 4.7 Aubergine
    • 4.8 Fairy rose
    • 4.9 Grape
    • 4.10 Pumpkin
    • 4.11 Jam
  • 5 Winter crops
    • 5.1 The powder melon
  • 6 special crops
    • 6.1 Old fruit
    • 6.2 Cactus fruits
    • 6.3 Fibers
    • 6.4 Mixed seeds
    • 6.5 Pineapple
    • 6.6 Tarowortel
    • 6.7 Sweet gemberry
    • 6.8 Tea leaves
    • 6.9 Wild seeds
  • 7 Craft goods
  • 8 achievements
  • 9 Note
  • 10 externe links
  • 11 References
  • 12 History
This page is for crops that grow on cultivated land. For fruit growing on trees, seeFruit trees.

Cropsare plants grown from seed to be harvested for profit, food, or gift. In general, this applies to every cropseason-. It can only be planted in the designated season, and when the seasons change (after the 28th day), the crop will wither and die. Multi-seasonal crops (dv. Old fruit,Coffee bean,But,Sunflower, InWheat), however, will continue to grow in all specified seasons.



Monster(or onWilderness farmor disabledDark sanctuary of night terrorson any farm) has no effect on the crops.


Crops can be eatenCrowswhen there are more than 15 crops growing and noneScarecrowwithin reach.

Farm animals

Farm animalsnever trample or destroy crops. They may hinder planting or harvesting efforts, but will never cause damage to crops.

Fertilize and plant

Fallow (undeveloped) agricultural land must be developedHowbefore fertilizing or planting, an activity that consumes some of the player's daily energy, as shown on the energy bar. A tile can be watered (usingWater can) only after it has been grown, which requires more energy.

Seed and fertilizer are placed individually on a processed tileleft clickcontrol, or on multiple tiles by holding constantlyRight-clickofleft clickcontrol and move the cursor and/or player. Because planting and fertilizing do not require tools, these activities do not consume the player's energy.

Only one type of fertilizer may be used at a time on a given tile. Some fertilizers must be placed on a tile before planting a seed, other types can be placed before or after planting a seed. Watering can be done at any time after tillage and freely before or after fertilizing and/or planting, regardless of the order.

Trellis crops

Some crops require a trellis that you cannot walk through, so they need a suitable crop layout to reach them. Trellis crops can be walked through when they are dead.

The available trellis crops areGreen beans,Hop, InGrape.

Growth times

Growth times shown on this page (and in-game)to rule outthe day the seeds were planted. If planted on the first day of a season, a five-day crop will be ready for harvest on day 6, not day 5. In this case, the number can be thought of as the numbernightsnecessary to grow the crop.

FertilizerInAgricultural professionisdoesn'tdiscussed on this page, but the effects can be seen on individual crop pages.

For maximum growth, crops should be watered every day. If water is not given for a day, the crop will not grow. Unwatered crops won't die, but they won't grow either.

If a seed is planted in unwatered soil and not watered the same day, it will not grow that night. Growth begins the next night. The growing times on this page assume the seeds are watered on the day they are planted.

There is no penalty for planting after midnight (it still counts as planted on the current day).

End of the season

On the first day of each season, any crops that are no longer in season will wither and die, leaving a dead crop. When a dead crop is left at the beginning of a season, the soil it is planted on remains tilled, which can reduce the amount of manual tillage and watering that needs to be done at the beginning of a season. Dead crops can be removed with aOf.

Perennial crops that are still in season (dv.corn planted in summer as it transitions into fall) will not wilt and simply continue to grow. However, mature crops that are ready to harvest will wither and die as they move into a new season.

Giant crops

Cauliflower,Melons,Pumpkin,Powdered melonsInQi fruitsplanted in a 3x3 pattern can be randomly combined into a giant crop. Giant crops drop 15-21 normal quality items when harvested with any of these cropsaxe, gets three hits.

At the start of each day, all possible 3x3 crop grids (including overlaps) have a 1% chance of growing into a giant crop, as long as the center crop is mature and watered and all incoming crops are of the same type. Giant crops don't necessarily appear the day the crops finish growing; it could happen any day that these criteria are met.[1]

Giant crops don't die from replacementseasonjust like other crops. The soil under a giant crop can be tilled, causing all the fertilizer to be lost. Giant crops cannot grow in itwhat, With help ofGarden pots, or opGinger Island.

Giant crops
CauliflowerMelonPumpkinThe powder melonQi-fruit

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Crop quality

Also see:Crop quality formula

The quality of crops consists of four levels: regular,Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (6)silver,Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (7)gold, andCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (8)iridium. Quality is determined when a crop is harvested. Typically, the crops harvested are almost all of normal quality, with some of the silver or gold quality level. By planting seeds in it, the average quality can be increasedfertilizedcountry. Please note that iridium quality is only possible withLuxury fertilizer. IncreasingAgricultural skillsalso increases the chance of harvesting a quality crop. Like aSeed maggotturns a higher quality crop into seed, that is, the seedsnot more likelyto produce higher quality crops when grown and harvested.

Please note that for feed items that have been grown fromwild seeds, the quality of the items is determined by foraging skill, not farming skill, making iridium quality forage possible with the profession of botanist.

Higher quality crops command higher prices when sold and yield larger quantitiesenergyInhealthbenefits of eating. When gifted to an NPC who likes or enjoys the harvest, a harvest of silver, gold, or iridium gives a higher numberfriendshippoint. The crop quality hasno effectopcooked food'health or energy gains, or on the quality ofCraft goodsproduced.

The quality star for a crop in the inventory comes to life when it is of the highest possible quality (iridium).

For crops that produce multiples at harvest (dv. Coffee bean,Blueberry,Cranberry),Basis,QualityInLuxeFertilizer only affects the first harvest. This means that only 1 in 4 coffee beans is affected during each harvest; only 1 in 3 blueberries are affected, etc.

Gold per day

Calculations do not take this into accountFertilizer, the quality of the crop, or the tiller or the farmerprofession. Variations are noted in or below each table, where applicable. It is assumed that the crop is watered on the day of planting.

The general formula is:Minimum gold per day = ((max. harvest × sales price per harvest) − seed price) / growing days

Growing days=Days to maturity + ((maximum harvest − 1) × days to regrowth)

Days to adulthoodInDays to grow againare listed in each table.

Maximum harvestsis usually 1, but for crops that continue to produce this is the actual number of harvests that can be achieved in the growing season(s).

Sales price per autumnis usually equal to the selling price of a crop of normal quality. Additional harvests are not counted because they rarely occur, except in the case ofpotatoes. The chance of an extra potato is ≈25%, much greater than with any other crop. SoSales price per autumnis 1.25 × 80 instead of 1 × 80.

For plants that always produce >1 piece per harvest (e.g., Coffee bean,Blueberry,Cranberry) ThatSales price per autumn= number of harvests per harvest × sales price for one item.

Example: cranberries

Maximum fall = 5

Sales price per autumn = 2 berries ×Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (9)75 gr=Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (10)150 gr

Seed price =Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (11)240 gr

Growing days = 7 + ((5 − 1) × 5) = 27

Gold per day = (5 × 150 − 240) / 27 =Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (12)18,89 gr

Spring crops

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (13) Blue Jazz

The flower grows in a bulb to invite as many butterflies as possible.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / HealthUsed in

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (15) Pierre's:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (16)30 gram
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (17) JojaMart:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (18)37 gr

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50 gr

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62 gram

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75 gr

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100 gr

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (45) Happy lunch
1 day2 days2 days2 daysTotal: 7 daysCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (46)2,86 gr/D

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (47) Carrot

A fast-growing, colorful tuber that makes a good snack.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / Health

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Carrot seeds

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35 gram

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52 gram

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70 gr

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1 day1 day1 dayTotal: 3 daysCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (74)11,67 gr/D

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (75) Cauliflower

Valuable but slow growing. Despite its pale color, the buck is packed with nutrients.

Cauliflower can become oneHuge harvest.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4Phase 5AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / HealthUsed in

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Cauliflower seeds

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (77) Pierre's:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (78)80 gram
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (79) JojaMart:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (80)100 gr

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175 gr

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218 gr

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262 gr

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350 gr

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (108) Cheese cauliflower

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (109) Spring crops bundle

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (110) Search for "Jodi's request".

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (111) Maru(popular gift)

1 day2 days4 days4 days1 dayTotal: 12 daysCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (112)7,92 gr/D

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (113) Coffee bean

To grow a coffee plant, plant in spring or summer. Place five beans in a bowl to make coffee.

Each plant produces 4 beans per plant harvest, with a 2% chance of more beans.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4Phase 5AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / HealthUsed in

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Coffee bean

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (115) Travel car:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (116)2.500 gram
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (117) Dust Sprite(1% kans)

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15 gram

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18 gram

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22 gram

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30 gram
Not edibleCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (132) Coffee
1 day2 days2 daysThree days2 daysTotal: 10 daysRegrowth:
2 days
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (133)-20,74 gr/D1
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (134)20,77 gr/D2
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (135)25,56 gr/D3
1 Travel car(2 seasons)
2 Dust Sprite/ Harvested beans (1 season)
3 Dust Sprite/ Harvested beans (2 seasons)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (136) Garlic

Gives a delicious taste to dishes. Quality garlic can be quite spicy.

Available from year 2+.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / HealthUsed in

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Garlic seeds

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (138) Pierre's:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (139)40 gr

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60 gr

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75 gr

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90 gr

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120 gr

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (166) EscargotCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (167) Fiddlehead-risottoCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (168) Garlic oil
1 day1 day1 day1 dayTotal: 4 daysCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (169)5g/D

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (170) Green beans

A juicy bean with a cool, fresh taste.

This crop uses a trellis and continues to produce after maturity.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4Phase 5AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / HealthUsed in

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Bone starter

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (172) Pierre's:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (173)60 gr
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (174) JojaMart:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (175)75 gr

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40 gr

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50 gr

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60 gr

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80 gram

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (202)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (203)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (204) Bean Hotpot

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (205) Spring crops bundle

1 day1 day1 dayThree days4 daysTotal: 10 daysRegrowth: 3 daysCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (206)7,2 gr/D

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (207) Kale

The waxy leaves are delicious in soups and stir-fries.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / HealthUsed in

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Kale seeds

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (209) Pierre's:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (210)70 gr
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (211) JojaMart:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (212)87 gr

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110 gr

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137 gr

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165 gr

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220 gr

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (239) Salmon dinnerCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (240) Fry while stirring
1 day2 days2 days1 dayTotal: 6 daysCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (241)6,67 gr/D

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (242) Parsnip

A spring tuber closely related to the carrot. It has an earthy taste and is packed with nutrients.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / HealthUsed in

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Parsnip seeds

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (244) Pierre's:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (245)20 gram
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (246) JojaMart:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (247)25 gram

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35 gram

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52 gram

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70 gr

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (274) Farmer's breakfastCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (275) Parsnip Soup

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (276) Spring crops bundle

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (277) Quality crop bundle

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (278) Pa(popular gift)

1 day1 day1 day1 dayTotal: 4 daysCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (279)3,75 gr/D

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (280) Potato

A highly cultivated tuber.

Yields at least 1 potato at harvest, with the ability to produce an average of 0.25 extra potatoes.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4Phase 5AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / HealthUsed in

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Potato seeds

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (282) Pierre's:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (283)50 gr
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (284) JojaMart:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (285)62 gram

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80 gram

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100 gr

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120 gr

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160 gr

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (313) Grated fried potatoes

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (314) Spring crops bundle

1 day1 day1 day2 days1 dayTotal: 6 daysCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (315)5g/D1
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (316)8,33 gr/D2
11 potato per harvest
21.25 potatoes per harvest

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (317) Rhubarb

The stems are extremely tart, but when sweetened they make a good dessert.

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Rhubarb seeds

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (319) BOTTOM:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (320)100 gr

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220 gr

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275 gr

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330 gr

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440 gr
Not edibleCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (334) Rhubarb pie
2 days2 days2 daysThree days4 daysTotal: 13 daysCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (335)9,23 gr/D

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (336) Strawberry

A sweet, juicy favorite with an attractive red color.

Continues to produce after maturity. Each strawberry plant produces 1 strawberry every 4 days at harvest, with a 2% chance of more strawberries.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4Phase 5AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / HealthUsed in

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Strawberry seeds

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (338) Egg Festival:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (339)100 gr

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120 gr

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150 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (350)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (351)

180 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (352)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (353)

240 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (354)


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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (356)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (358)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (364)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (365)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (366)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (367)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (368) Demetrius(popular gift)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (369) Maru(popular gift)

1 day1 day2 days2 days2 daysTotal: 8 daysRegrowth:
4 days
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (370)20,83 gr/D1
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (371)11,67 gr/D2
1Spring planted 1
2Planted spring 13/14

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (372) Tulip

The most popular spring flower. Has a very faint sweet smell.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / HealthUsed in

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (373)

tulip bulbs

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (374) Pierre's:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (375)20 gram
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (376) JojaMart:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (377)25 gram

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (378)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (379)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (380)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (381)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (382)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (383)

30 gram

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (384)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (385)

37 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (386)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (387)

45 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (388)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (389)

60 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (390)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (391)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (392)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (393)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (394)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (400)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (401)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (402)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (403)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (404) Evelyn(popular gift)

1 day1 day2 days2 daysTotal: 6 daysCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (405)1,67 gr/D

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (406) Unformed rice

Rice in its rawest form. Run this through a grinder to increase the value.

Has a 10% chance of yielding more unmilled rice when harvested.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / HealthUsed in

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (407)

Rice shot

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (408) Pierre's:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (409)40 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (410)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (411)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (412)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (413)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (414)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (415)

30 gram

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (416)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (417)

37 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (418)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (419)

45 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (420)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (421)

60 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (422)


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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (424)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (426)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (435)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (436) Ris
1 day2 days1
1 day2
2 days1
1 day2
Three daysTotal: 8 days1
Total: 6 days2
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (437)-1,25 gr/D1
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (438)-1,67 gr/D2
2The water

Summer crops

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (439) Blueberry

A popular berry is reported to have many health benefits. The blue peel has the highest concentration of nutrients.

Continues to produce after maturity. Each plant produces 3 blueberries at harvest, with a 2% chance of more blueberries.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4Phase 5AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / HealthUsed in

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (440)

Blueberry seeds

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (441) Pierre's:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (442)80 gram

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (443)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (444)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (445)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (446)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (447)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (448)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (449)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (450)

50 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (451)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (452)

62 gram

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (453)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (454)

75 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (455)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (456)

100 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (457)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (458)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (459)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (461)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (468)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (469)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (470)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (471) Blue berry pieCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (472) Fruit salad

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (473) Summer crops bundle

1 dayThree daysThree days4 days2 daysTotal: 13 daysRegrowth: 4 daysCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (474)20,8 gr/D

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (475) But

One of the most popular grains. The sweet, fresh bottles are a summer favorite.

Continues to produce after maturity. Can be grown in summer or autumn.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4Phase 5AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / HealthUsed in

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (476)

Corn seeds

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (477) Pierre's:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (478)150 gr
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (479) JojaMart:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (480)187 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (481)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (482)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (483)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (484)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (485)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (486)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (487)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (488)

50 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (489)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (490)

62 gram

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (491)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (492)

75 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (493)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (494)

100 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (495)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (496)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (497)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (499)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (506)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (507)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (508)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (509) TortillaCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (510) Oil

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (511) Autumn crops bundle

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (512) Quality crop bundle

2 daysThree daysThree daysThree daysThree daysTotal: 14 daysRegrowth:
4 days
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (513)1,92 gr/D1
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (514)7,41 gr/D2
11 season
22 seasons

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (515) Hop

A bitter, sour flower used to flavor beer.

Hops use a trellis and continue to produce after maturity.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4Phase 5AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / HealthUsed in

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (516)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (517) Pierre's:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (518)60 gr
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (519) JojaMart:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (520)75 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (521)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (522)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (523)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (524)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (525)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (526)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (527)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (528)

25 gram

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (529)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (530)

31 gram

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (531)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (532)

37 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (533)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (534)

50 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (535)


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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (547)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (548)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (549) Blue Shield
1 day1 day2 daysThree days4 daysTotal: 11 daysRegrowth: 1 dayCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (550)13,52 gr/D

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (551) Hot pepper

Warm with a hint of sweetness.

Continues to produce after maturity. At harvest, each Hot Pepper plant yields 1 Hot Pepper every 3 days, with 3% for more Hot Peppers.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4Phase 5AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / HealthUsed in

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (552)

Pepper seeds

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (553) Pierre's:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (554)40 gr
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (555) JojaMart:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (556)50 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (557)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (558)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (561)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (563)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (564)

40 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (565)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (566)

50 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (567)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (568)

60 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (569)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (570)

80 gram

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (571)


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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (573)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (582)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (583)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (584)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (585) Pepper PoppersCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (586) Spicy eelCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (587) Tropical curry

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (588) Summer crops bundle

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (589) Quest "Knietherapie".

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (590) Lewis(popular gift)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (591) Shane(popular gift)

1 day1 day1 day1 day1 dayTotal: 5 daysRegrowth: 3 daysCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (592)10,77 gr/D

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (593) Melon

A cool, sweet summer treat.

Melons can become oneHuge harvest.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4Phase 5AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / HealthUsed in

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (594)

Melon seeds

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (595) Pierre's:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (596)80 gram
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (597) JojaMart:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (598)100 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (599)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (600)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (601)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (602)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (603)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (604)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (605)

250 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (606)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (607)

312 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (608)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (609)

375 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (610)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (611)

500 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (612)


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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (616)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (618)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (622)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (623)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (624)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (625)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (626) Fruit saladCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (627) Pink cake

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (628) Summer crops bundle

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (629) Quality crop bundle

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (630) Search for crop research

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (631) Cent(popular gift)

1 day2 daysThree daysThree daysThree daysTotal: 12 daysCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (632)14,17 gr/D

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (633) Poppy

In addition to its colorful flower, the poppy has culinary and medicinal uses.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / HealthUsed in

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (634)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (635) Pierre's:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (636)100 gr
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (637) JojaMart:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (638)125 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (639)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (640)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (641)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (642)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (643)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (644)

140 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (645)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (646)

175 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (647)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (648)

210 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (649)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (650)

280 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (651)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (652)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (653)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (654)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (655)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (657)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (659)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (661)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (662)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (663)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (664)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (665) Poppy seed muffin

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (666) The chef's package

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (667) Cent(popular gift)

1 day2 days2 days2 daysTotal: 7 daysCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (668)5,71 gr/D

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (669) Radish

A crunchy and refreshing root vegetable with a hint of pepper when eaten raw.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / HealthUsed in

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (670)

Radish seeds

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (671) Pierre's:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (672)40 gr
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (673) JojaMart:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (674)50 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (675)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (676)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (677)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (678)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (679)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (680)

90 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (681)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (682)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (683)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (684)

135 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (685)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (686)

180 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (687)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (688)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (689)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (691)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (699)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (700)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (701) Raddish SaladCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (702) Red plate
2 days1 day2 days1 dayTotal: 6 daysCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (703)8,33 gr/D

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (704) red cabbage

Often used in salads and coleslaw. The color can vary from purple through blue to green-yellow, depending on soil conditions.

Available from year 2+.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4Phase 5AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / HealthUsed in

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (705)

Red cabbage seeds

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (706) Pierre's:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (707)100 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (708)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (709)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (710)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (711)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (712)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (713)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (714)

260 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (715)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (716)

325 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (717)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (718)

390 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (719)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (720)

520 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (721)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (722)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (723)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (725)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (732)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (733)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (734)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (735) School areasCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (736) Vis TacoCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (737) Red plate

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (738) Color bundle

2 days1 day2 days2 days2 daysTotal: 9 daysCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (739)17,78 gr/D

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (740) Star fruit

An extremely juicy fruit that grows in warm, humid weather. Slightly sweet with a sour undertone.

Not to be confusedCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (741) Stardrop.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4Phase 5AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / HealthUsed in

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (742)

Star fruit seeds

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (743) BOTTOM:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (744)400 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (745)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (746)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (747)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (748)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (749)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (750)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (751)

750 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (752)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (753)

937 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (754)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (755)

1,125 gram

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (756)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (757)

1.500 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (758)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (759)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (760)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (762)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (768)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (769)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (770)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (771)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (772) Junimo HutCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (773) Search for a 'soldier star'
2 daysThree days2 daysThree daysThree daysTotal: 13 daysCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (774)26,92 gr/D

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (775) Summer spangle

A tropical flower that thrives in the humid summer air. Has a sweet and sour smell.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / HealthUsed in

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (776)

Spangle seed

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (777) Pierre's:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (778)50 gr
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (779) JojaMart:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (780)62 gram

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (781)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (782)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (783)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (784)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (785)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (786)

90 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (787)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (788)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (789)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (790)

135 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (791)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (792)

180 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (793)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (794)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (795)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (799)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (803)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (804)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (805)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (806)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (807) Caroline(popular gift)

1 day2 daysThree days2 daysTotal: 8 daysCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (808)5g/D

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (809) Summer squash

A curved yellow pumpkin that is harvested unripe and still soft.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4Phase 5AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / Health

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (810)

Seeds of summer pumpkins

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (811)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (814)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (815)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (816)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (817)

45 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (818)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (819)

56 gram

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (820)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (821)

67 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (822)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (823)

90 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (824)


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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (826)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (834)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (835)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (836)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (837)

1 day1 day1 day2 days1 dayTotal: 6 daysCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (838)8,93 gr/D

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (839) Sunflower

A common misconception is that the flower rotates so that it always faces the sun.

Harvesting a sunflower also produces 0-2 sunflower seeds. Sunflowers can be grown in summer or fall.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / HealthUsed in

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (840)

Sunflower seeds

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (841) Pierre's:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (842)200 gr
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (843) JojaMart:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (844)125 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (845)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (846)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (847)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (848)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (849)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (850)

80 gram

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (851)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (852)

100 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (853)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (854)

120 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (855)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (856)

160 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (857)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (858)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (859)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (860)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (861)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (862)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (863)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (865)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (866)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (867)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (868)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (869)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (870)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (871) Oil

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (872) Color bundle

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (873) Haley(popular gift)

1 day2 daysThree days2 daysTotal: 8 daysCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (874)-15 gr/D1
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (875)-5,63 gr/D2
1 Pierre's shop, which does not take into account recovered seeds
2 JojaMart, which does not take into account recovered seeds

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (876) Tomato

The tomato is rich and slightly acidic and has a wide range of culinary uses.

Continues to produce after maturity. Each harvest yields 1 tomato, with a 5% chance of more tomatoes.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4Phase 5AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / HealthUsed in

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (877)

Tomato seedlings

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (878) Pierre's:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (879)50 gr
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (880) JojaMart:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (881)62 gram

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (882)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (883)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (884)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (885)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (886)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (887)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (888)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (889)

60 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (890)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (891)

75 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (892)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (893)

90 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (894)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (895)

120 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (896)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (897)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (898)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (899)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (900)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (901)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (902)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (903)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (904)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (905)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (906)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (907)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (908)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (909)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (910) BruschettaCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (911) Eggplant ParmesanCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (912) The fish stewCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (913) PizzaCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (914) SpaghettiCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (915) Vegetable mixture

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (916) Summer crops bundle

2 days2 days2 days2 daysThree daysTotal: 11 daysRegrowth: 4 daysCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (917)9,26 gr/D

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (918) Wheat

One of the most widely grown grains. Makes a great flour for breads and pastries.

Can be grown in summer or autumn.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / HealthUsed in

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (919)

Wheat seed

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (920) Pierre's:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (921)10 gram
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (922) JojaMart:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (923)12 gram

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (924)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (925)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (926)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (927)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (928)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (929)

25 gram

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (930)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (931)

31 gram

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (932)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (933)

37 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (934)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (935)

50 gr
Not edibleCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (936) BierCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (937) Wheat flour

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (938) Feeding bundle

1 day1 day1 day1 dayTotal: 4 daysCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (939)3,75 gr/D

Autumn crops

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (940) Amaranth

A purple grain grown by an ancient civilization.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / HealthUsed in

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (941)

Amaranth seeds

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (942) Pierre's:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (943)70 gr
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (944) JojaMart:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (945)87 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (946)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (947)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (948)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (949)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (950)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (951)

150 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (952)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (953)

187 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (954)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (955)

225 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (956)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (957)

300 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (958)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (959)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (960)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (962)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (964)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (966)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (967)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (968)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (969)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (970)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (971)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (972) Salmon dinnerCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (973) Quest for 'Cow's Delight'
1 day2 days2 days2 daysTotal: 7 daysCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (974)11,43 gr/D

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (975) Artichoke

The bud of a thistle plant. The pointed outer leaves hide a fleshy, filling interior.

Available from year 2+.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4Phase 5AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / HealthUsed in

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (976)

Artichoke seeds

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (977) Pierre's:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (978)30 gram

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (979)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (980)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (981)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (982)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (983)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (984)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (985)

160 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (986)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (987)

200 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (988)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (989)

240 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (990)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (991)

320 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (992)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (993)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (994)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (995)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (996)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (997)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (998)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (999)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1000)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1001)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1002)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1003)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1004)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1005)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1006) Artichoke dipCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1007) Super meal
2 days2 days1 day2 days1 dayTotal: 8 daysCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1008)16,25 gr/D

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1009) Stir

A sweet and earthy root fruit. As a bonus, the leaves make a great salad.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / HealthUsed in

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1010)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1011) BOTTOM:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1012)20 gram

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1013)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1014)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1015)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1016)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1017)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1018)

100 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1019)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1020)

125 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1021)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1022)

150 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1023)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1024)

200 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1025)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1026)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1027)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1028)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1029)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1030)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1031)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1032)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1033)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1034)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1035)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1036)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1037)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1038)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1039) Vegetable mixtureCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1040) SugarCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1041) "The Mysterious Qi" Quest

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1042) Evelyn(popular gift)

1 day1 day2 days2 daysTotal: 6 daysCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1043)13,33 gr/D

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1044) Bok Choy

The green leaves and fibrous stems are healthy and delicious.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / HealthUsed in

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1045)

Bok Choy seeds

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1046) Pierre's:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1047)50 gr
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1048) JojaMart:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1049)62 gram

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1050)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1051)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1052)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1053)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1054)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1055)

80 gram

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1056)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1057)

100 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1058)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1059)

120 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1060)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1061)

160 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1062)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1063)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1064)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1065)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1066)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1067)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1068)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1069)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1070)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1071)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1072)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1073)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1074)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1075)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1076) Super meal
1 day1 day1 day1 dayTotal: 4 daysCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1077)7,5 gr/D

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1078) Broccoli

The flowering head of a broccoli plant. The small buttons give it a unique texture.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / Health

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1079)

Broccoli seeds

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1080)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1081)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1082)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1083)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1084)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1085)

70 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1086)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1087)

87 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1088)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1089)

105 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1090)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1091)

140 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1092)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1093)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1094)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1095)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1096)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1097)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1098)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1099)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1100)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1101)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1102)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1103)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1104)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1105)

2 days2 days2 days2 daysTotal: 8 daysCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1106)8,33 gr/D

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1107) Cranberry

These tart red berries are a traditional winter food.

Yields 2 berries when harvested, with a 10% chance of more berries. Continues to produce after maturity.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4Phase 5AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / HealthUsed in

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1108)

Cranberry seeds

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1109) Pierre's:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1110)240 gr
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1111) JojaMart:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1112)300 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1113)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1114)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1115)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1116)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1117)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1118)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1119)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1120)

75 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1121)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1122)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1123)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1124)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1125)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1126)

150 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1127)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1128)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1129)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1130)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1131)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1132)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1133)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1134)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1135)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1136)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1137)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1138)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1139)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1140)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1141) Cranberries like thisCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1142) Cranberry sausCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1143) To fillCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1144) Super meal
1 day2 days1 day1 day2 daysTotal: 7 daysRegrowth: 5 daysCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1145)18,89 gr/D

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1146) Aubergine

A rich and healthy relative of the tomato. Delicious fried or stewed.

Continues to produce after maturity. Each eggplant bush produces one eggplant every five days at harvest, with a 0.2% chance of more eggplants.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4Phase 5AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / HealthUsed in

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1147)

Eggplant seeds

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1148) Pierre's:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1149)20 gram
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1150) JojaMart:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1151)25 gram

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1152)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1153)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1154)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1155)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1156)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1157)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1158)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1159)

60 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1160)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1161)

75 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1162)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1163)

90 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1164)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1165)

120 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1166)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1167)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1168)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1169)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1170)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1171)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1172)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1174)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1175)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1176)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1177)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1178)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1179)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1180) Eggplant ParmesanCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1181) Survivor citizen

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1182) Autumn crops bundle

1 day1 day1 day1 day1 dayTotal: 5 daysRegrowth: 5 daysCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1183)11,2 gr/D

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1184) Fee Roos

An old folk legend suggests that the sweet scent of this flower attracts fairies.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / HealthUsed in

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1185)

Fairy seed

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1186) Pierre's:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1187)200 gr
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1188) JojaMart:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1189)250 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1190)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1191)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1192)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1193)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1194)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1195)

290 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1196)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1197)

362 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1198)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1199)

435 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1200)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1201)

580 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1202)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1203)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1204)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1205)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1206)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1207)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1208)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1209)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1210)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1211)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1212)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1213)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1214)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1215)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1216) FE fabric

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1217) Evelyn(popular gift)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1218) Jas(popular gift)

1 day4 days4 daysThree daysTotal: 12 daysCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1219)7,5 gr/D

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1220) Grape

A sweet bunch of fruit.

Grapes use a trellis and continue to produce after ripeness.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4Phase 5AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / HealthUsed in

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1221)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1222) Pierre's:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1223)60 gr
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1224) JojaMart:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1225)75 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1226)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1227)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1228)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1229)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1230)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1231)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1232)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1233)

80 gram

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1234)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1235)

100 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1236)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1237)

120 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1238)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1239)

160 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1240)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1241)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1242)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1243)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1244)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1246)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1248)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1249)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1250)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1251)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1252)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1253)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1254) Summer seed

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1255) Summer food package

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1256) Vincent(popular gift)

1 day1 day2 daysThree daysThree daysTotal: 10 daysRegrowth: 3 daysCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1257)16,8 gr/D

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1258) Pumpkin

An autumn favorite, grown for its crisp seeds and delicately flavored flesh. As a bonus, the hollow shell can be cut into a festive decoration.

Pumpkin can become oneHuge harvest.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4Phase 5AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / HealthUsed in

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1259)

Pumpkin seeds

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1260) Pierre's:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1261)100 gr
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1262) JojaMart:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1263)125 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1264)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1265)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1266)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1267)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1268)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1269)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1270)

320 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1271)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1272)

400 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1273)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1274)

480 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1275)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1276)

640 gr
Not edibleCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1277) The richness of autumnCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1278) pumpkin pieCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1279) PumpkinsoupCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1280) Jack-O-Lantern

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1281) Autumn crops bundle

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1282) Quality crop bundle

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1283) Quest "Cutting pumpkins".

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1284) Abigaïl(popular gift)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1285) Crobus(popular gift)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1286) Willy(popular gift)

1 day2 daysThree days4 daysThree daysTotal: 13 daysCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1287)16,92 gr/D

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1288) Yam

A starchy tuber with a lot of culinary versatility.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / HealthUsed in

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1289)

Yam seeds

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1290) Pierre's:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1291)60 gr
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1292) JojaMart:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1293)75 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1294)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1295)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1296)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1297)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1298)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1299)

160 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1300)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1301)

200 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1302)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1303)

240 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1304)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1305)

320 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1306)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1307)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1308)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1310)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1312)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1314)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1315)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1316)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1317)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1318)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1319)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1320) The richness of autumnCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1321) Glazed yams

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1322) Autumn crops bundle

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1323) Linus(popular gift)

1 dayThree daysThree daysThree daysTotal: 10 daysCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1324)10 gram/D

Winter crops

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1325) The powder melon

Named for the powdery layer that forms on its surface, this melon is crunchy and sweet with a delicate flavor.

Powdered melons can become oneHuge harvest.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4Phase 5AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / Health

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1326)

Powdered melon seeds

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1327)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1328)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1329)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1330)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1331)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1332)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1333)

60 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1334)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1335)

75 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1336)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1337)

90 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1338)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1339)

120 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1340)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1341)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1342)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1343)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1344)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1346)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1348)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1349)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1350)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1351)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1352)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1353)

1 day2 days1 day2 days1 dayTotal: 7 daysCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1354)9,52 gr/D

Special crops

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1355) Old fruit

It has lain dormant for centuries.

Grows in spring, summer or autumn. To seeOld seedsfor availability.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4Phase 5AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / Health

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1356)

Old seeds

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1357) Traditional recipe: Free
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1358) Travel car:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1359)100-1.000 gram

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1360)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1361)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1362)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1363)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1364)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1365)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1366)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1367)

550 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1368)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1369)

687 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1370)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1371)

825 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1372)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1373)

1.100 gram
Not edible
2 days7 days7 days7 days5 daysTotal: 28 daysRegrowth: 7 daysCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1374)57,14 gr/D*
*Assuming seed is produced for free fromOld seedsArtifact, grown for 3 seasons.

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1375) Cactus fruits

The sweet fruit of the prickly pear cactus.

Can only be grown inTight, indoorsGarden pots, of die eneGinger Island Farm.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4Phase 5AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / HealthUsed in

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1376)

Cactus seed

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1377) BOTTOM:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1378)150 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1379)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1380)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1381)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1382)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1383)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1384)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1385)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1386)

75 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1387)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1388)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1389)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1390)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1391)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1392)

150 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1393)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1394)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1395)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1396)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1397)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1398)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1399)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1400)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1401)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1402)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1403)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1404)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1405)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1406)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1407) Exotic food package

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1408) Linus(popular gift)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1409) Pa(popular gift)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1410) Sam(popular gift)

2 days2 days2 daysThree daysThree daysTotal: 12 daysRegrowth: 3 daysCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1411)11,11 gr/D1
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1412)24,11 gr/D2
1Planting season
2Every season after that

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1413) Fiber

Raw material obtained from plants.

Grows in all seasons. No watering is required. Produces 4-7Fiberwhen harvested, with a 1% chance of even more fiber.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / HealthUsed in

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1414)

Fiber seed

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1416)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1417)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1418)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1419)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1420)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1421)1gelkNot edibleCrafts
1 day2 days2 days2 daysTotal: 7 days

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1422) Mixed seeds

There's a little bit of everything here. Plant them and watch what grows!

Mixed seeds are a type of seed that can be planted in any season except winter to grow into any crop specific to that season. They can be found randomly while cuttingweedimmediatelyOf, by digging up dirt or sand with aHowor of oneSeed maggot. OfForest farmhas a unique cannabis strain that always drops mixed seeds when destroyed.

Mixed seeds become the following seeds when planted. Please note that mixed seeds may occurArtichoke seedsin year 1, even though Cone Seeds is normally only available in year 2.

SpringCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1423) Cauliflower seedsCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1424) Parsnip seedsCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1425) Potato seeds
SummerCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1426) Corn seedsCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1427) Pepper seedsCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1428) Radish seedsCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1429) Wheat seed
ValCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1430) Artichoke seedsCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1431) Corn seedsCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1432) Eggplant seedsCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1433) Pumpkin seeds
WinterAny of the above (Tightand indoorsHavepottewhen).
Ginger IslandCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1434) Blueberry seedsCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1435) Melon seedsCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1436) Pineapple seedsCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1437) Rhubarb seeds

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1438) Pineapple

A sweet and sour tropical treat.

Grow inSummerwhen planted on itThe farmand all year roundGinger Island.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4Phase 5AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / HealthUsed in

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1439)

Pineapple seeds

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1442)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1443)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1444)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1445)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1446)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1447)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1448)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1449)

300 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1450)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1451)

375 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1452)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1453)

450 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1454)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1455)

600 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1456)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1457)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1458)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1467)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1468)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1469)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1470) Tropical curry
1 dayThree daysThree days4 daysThree daysTotal: 14 daysRegrowth: 7 daysCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1471)28,57 gr/D

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1472) Taro-staff

This starchy root is one of the oldest crops.

Grow inSummerwhen planted on itThe farmand all year roundGinger Island.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / HealthUsed in

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1473)

Taro knew

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1476)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1477)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1478)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1479)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1480)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1481)

100 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1482)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1483)

125 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1484)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1485)

150 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1486)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1487)

200 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1488)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1489)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1490)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1491)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1492)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1493)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1494)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1495)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1496)

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Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1498)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1499)


Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1500)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1501)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1502) Then
1 day1
1 day2
2 days1
1 day2
Three days1
2 days2
4 days1
Three days2
Total: 10 days1
Total: 7 days2
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1503)10 gram/D1
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1504)14,29 gr/D2
2The water

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1505) Sweet gemstone berry

It is by far the sweetest thing you have ever smelled.

Grow inVal. Seeds are available for purchase atTravel carduring the daySpringInSummer, and rarely belowValInWinter. Can be given as a gift toOld Master CannoliiSecret forestsin exchange for oneStardrop.

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4Phase 5AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / Health

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1506)

Rare seed

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1507) Travel car:Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1508)1.000 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1509)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1510)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1511)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1512)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1513)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1514)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1515)

3.000 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1516)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1517)

3.750 gram

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1518)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1519)

4.500 gr

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1520)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1521)

6.000 gr
Not edible
2 days4 days6 days6 days6 daysTotal: 24 daysCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1522)83,33 gr/D*
*Requires rare seeds purchased fromTravel carUnpleasantCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1523)1.000 gr. Can be done for littleCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1524)600 gr, but only rarely.

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1525) you month

The young leaves of the tea plant. Can be brewed into the popular stimulating drink.

Grows in all seasons. Can be harvested every day in the last week of spring, summer and autumn (and in winter if kept indoors).

GlancesScene 1Phase 2Phase 3AutumnSell ​​forEnergy / HealthUsed in

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1526)

Tea sapling

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1528)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1529)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1530)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1531)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1532)

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1533)

50 gr
Not edibleCrops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1534) Green tea
10 days10 daysEven
21st of the season
Total: 20 daysRegrowth: 1 day

Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1535) Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1536) Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1537) Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (1538) Wild seeds

Wild seeds can be made from forage plants after learning the recipe for the particular plantquadrupledlevel (Spring at level 1, Summer at level 4, Autumn at level 6, Winter at level 7). Each recipe contains 10 seed packets.

When planted, wild seeds grow randomly into one of the season's forage plants. Regardless of what ends up growing, wild seeds all take the same amount of time to mature (7 days, not including the day they were planted). Crows do not attack crops grown from wild seed, so the use of scarecrows is not necessary.

Since these seeds produce forage, they will be of iridium qualityBotanical professionis chosen.

Craft goods

Crops can be processed for itCraft goodsto increase their resale value. MostFruitsInVegetables, likeGinger, can be processed intoJellies and picklesa way toPeeping pot, ofVinInSapa way toKeg.HopInWheatcan be processedBlue ShieldofBiera way toKeg, InCoffee beanscan be processedCoffeea way monthcan be processedGreen teause oneKeg.


There are 2Performanceassociated withDispatchCrops.

  • Polyculture (Send 15 of each crop)
  • Monoculture (send 300 from one harvest)

Referring toPerformancepage for a list of crops that will meet this performance.

To note

  • If wheat is planted in late summer, it will still be present in early fall and will prevent tilled soil and manure from disappearing with the change of season.
    • If the wheat is planted on or before the 25th of summer and is allowed to remain unharvested until the 1st of fall, the wheat can be quickly harvested with a scythe on day 1 of fall, leaving tilled and fertilized soil ready for fall crops. Wheat is a good choice for this because the seeds are very cheap, easily available and quick to grow.
  • There is a small chanceeveryonecrop to produce an additional crop at harvest. To seeModding: cropping data.

Externe links

  • Stardew winallows comparison of crops across a wide range of variables in a compact format.


  1. SeCrop::newDayin the game code.


SpringBlue JazzCarrotCauliflowerCoffee beanGarlicGreen beansKaleParsnipPotatoRhubarbStrawberryTulipUnformed rice
SummerBlueberryCoffee beanButHopHot pepperMelonPoppyRadishred cabbageStar fruitSummer spangleSummer squashSunflowerTomatoWheat
ValAmaranthArtichokeStirBok ChoyBroccoliButCranberryAubergineFee RoosGrapePumpkinSunflowerWheatYam
WinterThe powder melon
SpecialOld fruitCactus fruitsPineappleQi-fruitSweet gemstone berryTaro-staffyou month
Crops - Stardew Valley Wiki (2024)
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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Views: 6175

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Author information

Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.