Marriage - Stardew Valley Wiki (2024)

For marriages between players in a multiplayer game, seeMultiplayerInWedding ring.
Because having itCrobusas cohabiting instead of marrying, seeKrobus# Roommate.

Wedding ceremony with Abigail

In single player mode,Weddingcan only do with onevillagerwho is marked as 'single' on the Social tab.

Before proposing marriage, the player must earn 10 heartsfriendshipwith their intended partner, which requires them to have given one firstbouqueton 8 hearts of friendship. They will have to do that tooupgradeoffarmat least once and have access toTidal poolarea ofThe beach. The Lost BookMarriage guide for farmersalso explains this process.


  • 1 Marriage candidates
    • 1.1 Bachelors
    • 1.2 Shipping
  • 2 Romantic
    • 2.1 Data
    • 2.2 Resolution
    • 2.3 Making a marriage proposal
    • 2.4 The wedding
  • 3 Married life
    • 3.1 Duties of the Spouse
    • 3.2 Star Drop
    • 3.3 Spouses' rooms
    • 3.4 Spouse outside the region
    • 3.5 Exhaustion
    • 3.6 Messy house
    • 3.7 Jealousy
  • 4 children
  • 5 Divorce
  • 6 mistakes
  • 7 References
  • 8 History

Marriage candidates


  • Alex

  • Elliott

  • Harvey

  • Sam

  • Sebastian

  • Shane

to Hungary


Romance can't begin until you reach the 8thhardwith a potential partner (where the friendship level freezes for suitors).


The morning after you reach 8 hearts for the first time with a suitor,Pierrewill send you a message to notify youbouquet(Marriage - Stardew Valley Wiki (14)200 gropPierre's shop):

“It seems like you're starting to get close to some of the townspeople. If you want to show someone that you are romantically interested, you should give him or her one of my beautiful bouquets. I'm selling them now, at a very reasonable price! If you ever want to start a family, this is the first step!”
– Pierre

Giving the bouquet unlocks the friendship level with the bachelor or bachelorette, allowing the friendship to develop further. Once they accept the bouquet, their Social tab status will also change to 'boyfriend' or 'boyfriend'. The bouquet can be given to multiple candidates, regardless of gender. There is nofriendshippunishment for giving bouquets to dating rivals, even if there are anyGroup heart eventthat happens when you date all six candidates of both genders, which can result in all the girls/boyfriends giving you the "cold shoulder" for a week.

To finish

To find a suitor aWithered bouquetends the dating relationship. That of the suitorfriendshipThe level will immediately drop to 5 hearts when you receive one, and there will be unique reactions to receiving it.

Suggests a marriage

The day after reaching 10friendshiphearts with a suitor, the player receives a letter from the mayorLewis:

"I'm going to give you this advice because I like you and I want you to stay in Pelican Town. If there ever comes a day when you want to ask for someone's hand in marriage, you're going to have to shake his or her hand. A"The mermaid pendant'. Don't worry, everyone in Pelican Town understands the meaning of the amulet. It is an old tradition in this region. Good luck!"

To become engaged, the player must complete aThe mermaid pendantto their intended partner. They'll have to buy itMarriage - Stardew Valley Wiki (15)5.000 grvanOld sailor, which on rainy days can be found atthe tidal pools on the beach(which can only be reached by repairing the bridge for 300boomor by purchaseandere community-upgradevanRobin). During the dayWinter, it will only appear if aRain totemhas been used. He will not sell the pendant unless the farm has been upgraded at least once, the player has 10 hearts with an eligible villager, and the player is not yet married.

After the mermaid pendant is accepted, this will also happencalendarwill have a mermaid pendant icon on the wedding day.

The wedding

The weather icon is replaced by a heart on the wedding day.

The wedding ceremony takes place in the morning, 3 days after you propose. That is, if you propose on Monday the 1st, the wedding video will take place as soon as you wake up on Thursday the 4th. Once the ceremony is complete, you and your partner will appear at the farmhouse on 6 The day will proceed as usual when you are married. The friendship with your partner can now reach 14 hearts, but drops by 20 points per day if there is no contact between the two of you.

The wedding ceremony will not take place on a day when another event is taking place in the town square. In such cases, the wedding is postponed until there is a day without such an event.

On the wedding day, the weather icon that appears between the date and time is replaced by a heart. The weather will always be sunny that day, regardless of the weather forecast the day before.

Married life

When a villager gets married, they move to the cityfarm. They will have a maximum of 14 hearts instead of 10 and if you keep them happy they will helpthe farm. A happy husband can make breakfast, feed animals, repairfenceof waterCrops. They change from time to timethe wallpaperofcarpetingvanFarmor add a piecefurnitureto a room. Interacting with your partner when dialogue is not possible will result in a hug.

It is also possible to havechildrenunder certain circ*mstances.

If you are married, the donation limit of twice a week no longer applies; however, the once per day limit still applies.

Husband chores

  • Irrigation of all crops on the farm (i.espring,summer, Inval).
  • Feed everyoneanimals.
  • Drainagedog CatCheers.
  • Repair brokenfence.
  • Giving gifts, inclbreakfast and dinner. (If the inventory is full, the item will not be received.)


After reaching 12.5 hearts (3125friendshippoints) with your partner, the player can receive oneStardropas a sign of their love. INmultiple playersIn a game where two players marry each other, the Stardrop appears as a gift in a small purple box next to each player's bed when he wakes up in the morning.

Only one Stardrop can be obtained this way per save file, or once per play in multiplayer.

Rooms for spouses

Once married, the player's partner will immediately create a unique room insideFarm, located to the right of the bedroom. note thatEmily's parrot will not be visible to anyone in themultiple playerswho did not complete his 4 heart event.

Husband outside the region

In addition to their room in the house, each spouse has a unique space in the backfarm.

  • Abigaïlplays his flute.

  • Alexlifts weights.

  • Elliott,Harvey, InCentwill read a book in a potted plant garden.

  • Emilymeditating in a crystal garden.

  • Haleytaking pictures between two potted palms.

  • Leaworking on a sculpture.

  • Maruworks on a gadget.

  • Samdoing skateboard tricks on a halfpipe.

  • Sebastianworks on his bike.

  • Shanestands by his chicken coop with his chicken Charlie in his arms.


Kissing your partner will disappearexhaustionfrom your energy bar. This only works for the first kiss of the day when a heart appears above your head.

messy house

If an object blocks your partner's path in the farm, he or she will say:"You could have cleaned up here while I was gone... It's not so nice to have to wade through a pile of rubbish after a hard day's work."

If your partner cannot reach the kitchen, he or she will say:"There's a lot of stuff in the kitchen... I don't think you're going to eat tonight."

If there are monsters in there, likeslime, your husband will ask,"Uh... honey? Why are there monsters in the house?"

If there weren't anyzingthe night before at home, your partner will comment on their lack of sleep.

  • "Where shall I sleep...?"
  • "I couldn't sleep well last night..."
  • "I had to sleep on the floor last night..."
  • "Did something happen to our bed...?"

They will also turn around with an irritated expression when you try to kiss them.


If you give an unhurried gift to one of the other suitors while you are already married, there is a chance that your partner will become jealous. This only happens if the villager receiving the gift has already accepted a bouquet from you and is of the same gender as your partner -dv.if you married a bachelor, this only happens if you give a gift to another bachelor. It doesn't matter if the gift is nice or not, the only gift you can safely give is a birthday gift. (Please note that delivery orders do not count as gifts.) The chance of your partner becoming jealous is between 20 and 40%, depending on the dailyheld. If your partner gets jealous, you will be fined 30 friendship points, and the next time you talk to your partner, he or she will give an angry message about your gift.[1]


Main article:Children

You can only have children once you upgrade the farm for the second time, the nursery adds. When you go to bed at night, your partner may randomly ask if you want/adopt a child. You can answer "yes" or "not now." Same-sex couples will adopt children, and opposite-sex couples will have biological children.


Players can visitThe Mayor's Housewhere a small book inside allows them to divorce their husband. A divorce costs moneyMarriage - Stardew Valley Wiki (40)50.000 gr. After filing for divorce, players have the option to cancel before the end of the day (until 12:00 noon)Lewis'the house is closing). If they don't cancel, their partner's room, their partner's room, and the unique outdoor area will be gone the next morning and their friendship level will return to 0 hearts. Below their name it says "(ex)".

After the divorce, the husband moves back to his old hometown and will have negative interactions with the player, arguing that his marriage did not work out. They will also not accept gifts from them. (Note that the player can still enter the ex-spouse's bedroom or home as if the player had two friendship hearts with the ex-spouse.) Any children from the marriage will live onfarm. Any items the player placed in the ex's room are collected and placed in a roomchestthe day after the divorce. Divorced spouses do not attend the player's wedding or treat them normally during the weddingFestivals.

Players can visitHexenhutin the late game where they will find a shrine that can erase all memories of past spouses for an offeringMarriage - Stardew Valley Wiki (41)30.000 gr(this will also dryCrobus' memory if he is a former roommate). Afterwards, all ex-spouses will no longer remember their previous marriage, allowing players to date them and remarry if they wish. Please note that if the player decides to remarry, they will not see the Bachelor/Bachelorette's previously seen heart events, as the heart events can only be seen once per game. saved file, or play once per in multiplayer.

Children from marriage can also be 'turned into doves'Hexenhutin exchange for onePrismatic shearing. This permanently removes these children from the game, but additional children can be obtained with another partner. (Note that if a divorce is filed and then annulled on the same day, multiple children may be born to the same spouse.)

If the player is expecting a child and gets divorced, the child is not born/delivered.


  • In aMultiplayergame, your partner can give the other waterPlayer's washed, but not your own.
  • A divorced spouse can have a "Help wanted" request. When the partner completes the mission, he will express gratitude before returning to an angry/hurt dialogue. Fulfilling a quest for an ex-spouse yields nothingfriendshippoints with the former spouse.
  • If the game exits without saving during the wedding cutscene, the cutscene will not play after the save file is reloaded. The farmer wakes up with his partner already inside the playerfarm.
  • A partner may react as if he or she cannot reach the kitchen, even though there is nothing blocking the kitchen.
  • If a torch is placed where a husband is standing on the porch in the morning after doing a farm task, it will fall to the ground when the farmer leaves the
  • If the player completes all bundles in a room iBurgerhuisthe day before you get married, theWere inThe nighttime video is skipped.
  • If the player character is male, he will wear a black tuxedo to the wedding ceremony. If the player character is female, she will wear the player's chosen outfit.


  1. SeNPC::tryToReceiveActiveObject()in the game code


  • 1,0: Introduced.
  • 1.1: AddedShaneInEmilyas marriage candidates. Added separation option. Added different outdoor areas for each spouse.
  • 1.3.27: ThatDwarfattends weddings of players who hit rock bottomThe mines.
  • 1.4: Divorced spouses no longer attend weddings or treat their exes normally during festivals. Changed the jealousy of the player's spouse to only apply to suitors who received a bouquet and does not contain hated gifts. Heart meter for spouses increased from 12 to 14. Fixed bug allowing multiple bouquets to be given to create friendship.
  • 1.4.4: Items placed in divorced spouses' rooms are now collected in a chest, instead of being dropped as monster loot.
  • 1.5.6: The player character, if female, wears his chosen outfit during the wedding ceremony. This was changed to a white dress (for female characters) or black tuxedo (for male characters) in an unknown earlier version.
Marriage - Stardew Valley Wiki (2024)


Who is the most beneficial marriage in Stardew Valley? ›

Penny is one of the most considerate love interests in Stardew Valley and, hence, one of the best wives in the game. She gives her spouse the same care and attention she gives her students.

What are the benefits of getting married in Stardew Valley? ›

Married Life

Keeping your spouse happy will also result in them helping around the farm and house. Some activities/choirs your spouse will do for you are: watering crops, feeding animals, giving water to your cat or dog, repairing fences, and making meals.

Do spouses get jealous in Stardew Valley? ›

Jealousy. Spouses may become jealous and mistrustful if the player gives another marriage candidate of the same sex a gift. This event will not trigger unless the marriage candidate in question was given a bouquet at any point in time.

Who is the best Stardew Valley man to marry? ›

Without a doubt, Sebastian is the best bachelor in Stardew Valley. After marrying Sebastian, he makes Coffee sometimes for the player in the mornings. He sets up a display area for his motorcycle in the space outdoors, where he can be seen working on it every so often.

Who is the easiest man to marry in Stardew Valley? ›

For the men I'd say Shane and Harvey are the easiest, both of their favorites can be bought from Gus and they're generally in one spot throughout the week unless they got something special going on.

What happens when you give a bouquet in Stardew Valley while married? ›

Yes, you can date someone while married. If that person is the same gender as your spouse, when you give a gift to that person, your spouse will get jealous. Yes, you will see the bouquet forever, but the person will be listed as single because you are otherwise occupied officially.

Who is the best bachelor in Stardew Valley? ›

In my personal opinion, Shane is the best bachelor. His character arc is the best in the game, I think, and it's incredibly satisfying to watch as he gets his life together in a healthy and realistic way. Also, he loves his chickens.

Can you get the mermaid pendant in winter? ›

It is impossible to receive the Mermaid's Pendant in Winter, as it does not rain for the entirety of the season.

Is cheating possible in Stardew Valley? ›

With the right balance of cheating and playing legitimately, players can enjoy all Stardew Valley offers. It's important to note that while cheats can be fun and valuable, some cheats can cause glitches or other issues that may affect your gameplay experience.

Will my spouse get mad if I dance with someone else Stardew? ›

If you are already married and still choose to dance with someone else then your spouse will do the same. And if you have no relationships strong enough and are denied by everyone, you can start the dance anyway and your character sits in the top left corner while everyone else dances.

Will my wife be mad if I dance with someone else Stardew? ›

It's a great way for a married person to get a huge heart boost with another single NPC, without causing jealousy in the spouse. A spouse will get jealous if you give a bachelor a gift (except for birthdays), but not if you dance with them.

Who is the most popular Stardew romance? ›

Leah is one of the more popular romance options in Stardew Valley, and it's easy to see why. She's creative, loves nature, and has great hair.

What does Elliot love? ›

If you want to take Elliott to the Movie Theater to raise his friendship, his Loved movie is Mysterium and his Disliked movies are It Howls in the Rain and Journey of the Prairie King. He Likes all others. His Loved Concessions are Cappuccino Mousse Cake, Stardrop Sorbet, and Truffle Popcorn.

What does Leah do when you marry her? ›

The only thing she sometimes does is give me coffee or a mushroom. Most of the time she stays in the house, or goes to work on her sculpture behind the house or goes for a stroll in the woods.

Is Alex worth marrying Stardew Valley? ›

Although he comes off to be a one-to-one recreation of the jock that bullied you in high school, Alex is a compassionate and vulnerable marriage candidate in Stardew Valley.

Is Sebastian a good husband Stardew Valley? ›

If you're looking to find a husband in Stardew Valley, Sebastian may just be the perfect candidate for you. He's easily one of the most popular bachelors from the games, and honestly, what's not to love about him.

Is marriage important in Stardew Valley? ›

Being married in Stardew Valley comes with a range of benefits and perks. These include: Additional dialogue: Once you're married, your spouse will have new lines of dialogue that provide insights into their thoughts and feelings.

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