Adam Warlock vs. Scarlet Witch: Who will win the battle? (MCU and comics) (2024)

Adam WarlockInThe Scarlet Witchbelongs toMarvel's most powerful characters. Both possess enough power to break reality, and with Adam Warlock's impending inclusion in the MCU, even though Scarlet Witch is apparently dead, with the multiverse in question, who knows what could happen. We compared Adam Warlock to some of the most powerful Marvel powerhouses, such asThor,Thanos, InCaptain Marvel. But the duel against the Scarlet Witch would be particularly interesting due to the nature of their powers. When it comes to a fight between Scarlet Witch and Adam Warlock, both in the comics and the MCU, who will win?

Adam Warlock would emerge victorious in a battle against Scarlet Witch in the comics and MCU. Although Darkhold currently makes Wanda stronger, Adam Warlock is still more intelligent, faster, durable, and stronger than Wanda. This, combined with his strong powers, would prove fatal to the Scarlet Witch and her glass cannon nature. And while we have yet to determine the exact nature of Adam's powers in the MCU, assuming his character will have at least some of his powers from the comics, it's a sure win for him.

Now that we've covered who would win in this hypothetical matchup, it's time to move on to the analysis. We will compare the powers, abilities, physical attributes and intelligence of Scarlet Witch and Adam Warlock so you can see why we came to our conclusion. If you're interested, read on!

Powers and capabilities

Unfortunately, we're starting with Wanda, and at this point it would be easier to list the powers she doesn't have. Scarlet Witch is a nexus being, meaning she is a focus of magical energies in the universe, giving her some pretty amazing reality and probability altering powers. Since her powers in the comics and the MCU are similar compared to some other characters, consider the upcoming list as valid for both.

So Scarlet Witch is a powerful source of psionic and energy manipulating powers, and her telekinetic powers are second to none. Although Wanda is physically weak, she is seen handling extremely heavy objects with nothing but her mind. She can use force fields for both offensive and defensive purposes.

And as you know, Wanda is a powerful telepath. She has the reality that changes andtime travel capabilities, and her probability-altering powers always ensure that the universe is on her side. Further enhanced by Darkhold Scarlet Witch takes these skills to another level. She gained the ability to dream, meaning she can possess her alternate bodies from alternate universes and break reality through intrusion.

Adam Warlock vs. Scarlet Witch: Who will win the battle? (MCU and comics) (1)

As a perfect specimen of a human, Adam Warlock also has a list of useful powers. He is especially attached to the Soul Gem, which gives him soul-manipulating abilities. He can absorb and harness various energies, including elemental energies. He can alter reality and his quantum magic allows him to create various energy constructs and possibly even time travel.

Adam Warlock vs. Scarlet Witch: Who will win the battle? (MCU and comics) (2)

Although their powers are similar and largely revolve around cosmic energies and magic, Adam Warlock is overpowered by both the comic book Wanda and especially the current MCU version of Wanda. However, he could win if he decided to use his soul manipulation skills to mess with Wanda, as her mind and soul are her biggest weaknesses. But this is only 'if'. In terms of raw power, Scarlet Witch defeated Warlock.

Punt: Adam Warlock (0:1) Scarlet Witch

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Strength and endurance

Scarlet Witch was never known as one of the strongest characters. Her physical strength is limited to her human physiology, and if she had to rely solely on her brute strength, she wouldn't be able to do much. She can use her telekinetic powers to throw people around and lift heavy trash, but Adam Warlock surpasses her in physical strength.

Adam Warlock vs. Scarlet Witch: Who will win the battle? (MCU and comics) (3)

We're still determining how strong Adam Warlock will be in the MCU, but going by his comic book version, he could be considered extremely strong. Due to his unique physiology, he has access to superhuman strength and superhuman endurance. He doesn't tire easily and functions at top level for a few hours before getting tired. In terms of power, he is listed as Class 4 in his base form. Enhanced, he can reach Class 40. Scarlet Witch can't come close to this, so this point goes to Adam Warlock.

Adam Warlock vs. Scarlet Witch: Who will win the battle? (MCU and comics) (4)

Punt: Adam Warlock (1:1) Scarlet Witch


Scarlet Witch can levitate,teleport, and even time travel and dream walking are not beyond its limits. However, when we look at her base speed, she is once again limited by her human physiology. She is not a very fast character. She was never known for her speed. While she can increase her reflexes and response in battle, it is nowhere near the speeds of Adam Warlock.

Adam Warlock vs. Scarlet Witch: Who will win the battle? (MCU and comics) (5)

Adam Warlock can move at speeds faster than the speed of sound. On several occasions he was seen traveling at the speed of light. He can do that tooflyand teleport. His MCU version may be slower than his comic book version. It's always like that with live-action adaptations, but it will still significantly outshine Scarlet Witch. Both when it comes to movement speed and combat speed.

Punten: Adam Warlock (2:1) Scarlet Witch


Like her speed, Scarlet Witch, enhanced by the Darkhold, can greatly increase her durability. She was able to withstand powerful explosions during the Battle of Kamar-Taj without any damage. Moreover, during the battle of Mount Wundagore, she suffered several attacks from America Chavez. And she walked away unscathed.

So while the Scarlet Witch was technically almost invulnerable, there's still the fact that a pile of rubble officially killed her. During her last appearance in the MCU, Scarlet was seen suffering serious injuries. It's doubtful how much of that she could hold on to when it comes to Adam Warlock, as he has a special trick up his sleeve.

Adam Warlock vs. Scarlet Witch: Who will win the battle? (MCU and comics) (7)

Adam Warlock is highly resistant to damage. He is also immune to poisons, diseases and toxins. He is immortal. He never ages. His perfect physiology makes him extremely durable, even against hits from the strongest Marvel powerhouses. But in itself he is not invincible. he can still be seriously injured and even killed, but the trick here is his cocoon.

Adam Warlock vs. Scarlet Witch: Who will win the battle? (MCU and comics) (8)

When it is near death or is fatally injured, it can return to its cocoon and regenerate. It's only a matter of time before he manages to revive himself. And he did that a number of times in the comics. So Adam Warlock is immortal, at least if it's Wanda. And since his cocoon was shown in the trailer, we can expect it to serve a similar function as in the comics.

Punten: Adam Warlock (3:1) Scarlet Witch


Wanda is certainly no fool. She is very well versed in matters of magic and cosmic laws. This makes her especially dangerous as she was seen to even attack Dr. Strange in several cases. When she comes up with a plan, she's ready to execute it with near-perfect precision, even if it results in cosmic chaos. But the stability of her mind is often questioned, and it is her greatest weakness.

Adam Warlock, on the other hand, can be considered one of thesethe smartest characters in the universe. His cosmic abilities and unique brain structure gave him great insight into the workings of reality. He can understand reality, the past, the present and the future completely differently. This is another thing that makes him special: his incredible intelligence.

RELATED: Is Adam Warlock Good or Bad in 'Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3'?

And while Wanda is smart and can outsmart even the smartest of them, she is no match for Adam Warlock.

Punten: Adam Warlock (4:1) Scarlet Witch

Combat skills

This is where the comic version of Scarlet Witch and the MCU version of Scarlet Witch differ greatly. In the comics, Wanda never had to learn exceptional fighting skills. In the MCU, trained by Captain America along with the rest of the Avengers, she was molded into a freeformidable fighterskilled in multiple types of combat.

Adam Warlock vs. Scarlet Witch: Who will win the battle? (MCU and comics) (9)

We're still determining what fighting skills Adam Warlock will have in the MCU, but we know that's far from his greatest power in the comics. Given his other powers, he is stronger enough to take down even the most formidable opponents without resorting to fistfights. This point goes to Scarlet Witch.

Punten: Adam Warlock (4:2) Scarlet Witch

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Adam Warlock vs. Scarlet Witch: Who would win in a fight?

As you can see from the points, Adam Warlock wins this in both the comics and the MCU. Scarlet Witch may have some new and flashy powers that are more versatile than what Adam currently has at his disposal. Yet Adam Warlock surpasses her in every other aspect. He is stronger, faster and more durable, can never really be killed and is smarter.

We're still deciding how Adam Warlock will turn out in the MCU, but if his comic book version is anything to go by, he'll take this one. Not without a lot of effort and struggle, but he wins.

Adam Warlock vs. Scarlet Witch: Who will win the battle? (MCU and comics) (2024)


Who can beat Scarlet Witch in Marvel Comics? ›

Thor's immense strength, combat prowess, control over lightning, and enchanted hammer, Mjolnir, make him a formidable opponent against Scarlet Witch. In Avengers: Age of Ultron, he demonstrated his ability to resist her reality-warping powers and even physically overpower her.

Who is stronger than Scarlet Witch in comics? ›

Franklin Richards was omnipotent at some point, although his powers did not last forever. At the height of his powers, comic book Franklin Richards was much stronger than the MCU's Scarlet Witch ever was.

How powerful is Adam Warlock in the comics? ›

Cosmic Crusader

In his original incarnation, when he was known as Him, Warlock could project blasts of cosmic energy from his hands as concussive forces, fly at vast speeds, travel to different dimensions, create a solar vortexes, molecular walls, and flame barriers.

Who has defeated Adam Warlock? ›

4 Rune Killed Adam Warlock

During the Ultraverse storyline, Adam learns that he is worshiped as a god in the eponymous timeline, the inhabitants of which need him to defeat the evil being known as Rune. During their fight, however, Rune managed to stop Adam Warlock through the chest, killing him.

Can Scarlet Witch beat Thanos comics? ›

Wanda could not defeat Thanos, but she was able to stop the Mad Titan with one hand while destroying an Infinity Stone with the other. What Wanda did in Infinity War is even more impressive considering that Thanos had five of the six Infinity Stones in his gauntlet.

Can Thor beat Scarlet Witch in the comics? ›

Marvel Cinematic Universe Marvel Comics Thor Stomps The Scarlet Witch. The outcome is already clear in the Uncanny Avengers Vol. 1 #4 After Thor doesn't yield, She went all out on Thor but she simply couldn't overpower him and “cast a hex down” his throat The combined efforts o…

Can Spiderman beat Scarlet Witch? ›

Spider man is super friendly, which will allow the witch to go first and then it's over. If spiderman attacked all out from the moment of combat - he's quicker, faster, stronger — he'd win. Spidy allows the witch to bring her powers to bear even for a second and he stands No chance.

Can Scarlet Witch beat Galactus? ›

There are few beings who can defeat Galactus by themselves but Scarlet Witch is definitely one of them. Her ability to alter reality means that there's nothing he can do that would affect her and her friends.

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In Doctor Strange 2, Black Bolt's mouth was removed by Scarlet Witch. Panicked, Black Bolt tied to speak, causing his brain to implode from the power of his own voice, which was still destructive as ever. However, Black Bolt would likely have annihilated Wanda with a single word.

Can Hulk beat Adam Warlock? ›

The Hulk is incredibly adept at smashing his enemies, but Adam Warlock appears to be invulnerable to almost any blunt-force trauma. While he's not as strong as the Hulk, Warlock would roll with the punches long enough to find a way to incapacitate the raging beast.

Can Thor beat Adam Warlock? ›

Adam Warlock

This meant that he didn't know better when he showed up and tried to force Lady Sif to mate with him. Thor didn't take this well and beat the young Warlock to a point near death. Years later, Warlock put up a better fight when Thor lost control and turned evil.

Can Adam Warlock beat Thanos? ›

Thanos' reputation as a (nearly) unstoppable threat may precede him, but that doesn't change the fact that he's been defeated by Adam Warlock on more than one occasion. In one instance, Adam Warlock is rescued from the Soul Stone, and, upon his physical return, manages to turn Thanos into stone.

Who is Adam Warlock biggest enemy? ›

Although Adam Warlock's greatest enemy in modern Marvel Comics is the Mad Titan Thanos, his first foe, the Man-Beast, is still his deadliest.

What is Adam Warlock's weakness? ›

Magical weaponry, like Thor: Love and Thunder's Godslayer, can harm Warlock. The other major weakness Warlock constantly battles is himself, or if we're being technical, his evil self, Magus. Warlock often worries he'll become Magus or (when Magus exists as a separate being) he fears he'll be unable to defeat Magus.

Is Adam Warlock the strongest MCU character? ›

Adam Warlock is one of the most powerful characters in the Marvel Universe, and he was fairly overpowered in his cinematic debut as well. As a new MCU character, fans haven't seen all of Adam Warlock's impressive abilities yet.

What is Scarlet Witch's weakness? ›

Scarlet witch's biggest weakness is her durability. The only mode of defence was her powers. So her durability depended on her powers. She had two different stages in her power: before Infinity war and after Endgame.

How powerful is the scarlet witch in the comics? ›

The source of Wanda's unnatural abilities stem from a two-fold base; unparalleled mastery of actual magic and an innate power to warp reality. Due to exposure to mystic energies and forces at an early age, Wanda may reshape reality to various extremes.

Who is the strongest Marvel character? ›


Hercules is considered the physically strongest character in the whole marvel universe. Literally the strongest, even over characters such as Thor, Hulk, and the Destroyer.

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