We highlight the significant body of evidence supporting the importance of vitamin K2 as a cardio-supporting nutrient and how the right K2 makes all the difference (2024)

Integr Med (Encinitas).2019 december; 18(6): 24–28.



Hogne Vik, MD, PhD, MBA*

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In an ideal world, vitamin K is2is said to have the same link to cardiovascular health as folic acid does to pregnancy. Optimal vitamin K2intake is essential to prevent the build-up of calcium plaque due to atherosclerosis, thereby minimizing the risk and rate of calcification.1-3

Matrix GLA protein (MGP) – found in tissues of the heart, kidneys and lungs – plays a dominant role in vascular calcium metabolism. Its production is stimulated by vitamin D3, but it does require sufficient vitamin K2to activate intake (corresponding to the bone-building protein osteocalcin). Once activated by vitamin K2MGP can bind calcium and escort it out of the areas where this mineral is destructive, namely arteries and soft tissue.1,4

No other productive mechanism for maintaining flexible blood vessel walls has been discovered, making MGP the only known and most potent existing inhibitor of cardiovascular calcification.

So it's vitamin K2is essential as a nutrient for cardiovascular health. Here we will try to clear up the significant confusion surrounding vitamin K2, ensuring the correct form is identified, as well as providing the significant body of evidence supporting its role as a cardiovascular supporting nutrient.

Why vitamin K?2I am MK-7 is the most important

Vitamin K is a family of vitamins, of which the K vitamins are the most important1(phylloquinon) en K2(menaquinones). Think of them as fraternal twins. They have similarities, such as their action in the liver to detect blood clots, and chemically they share a quinone ring called menadione.

We highlight the significant body of evidence supporting the importance of vitamin K2 as a cardio-supporting nutrient and how the right K2 makes all the difference (1)

But this is where their similarities end.

Vitamin K2has several molecules called menaquinones that K2available outside the liver to other systems. Vitamin K1is the most important source of vitamin K in the diet and is necessary for proper blood clotting. Meanwhile, vitamin K2is essential to prevent calcium deposits in the arteries and build and maintain strong bones. (A more detailed breakdown of vitamin K1and vitamin K2, states the review article, “Vitamin K: Double Bonds beyond Coagulation Insights into Differences between Vitamin K1a K2in health and disease,” udgivet iInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences.5)

We highlight the significant body of evidence supporting the importance of vitamin K2 as a cardio-supporting nutrient and how the right K2 makes all the difference (2)

Not all forms of vitamin K2is created equal. The two most commercialized forms of vitamin K2are MK-4 and MK-7. Because of its side chain, MK-7 has a much longer half-life in the body than MK-4, giving it better access to tissues outside the liver.

In addition, the serum half-life of MK-4 has been shown to be several hours, compared to a half-life of more than 3 days for MK-7.

Although they have the same molecular mechanism of action, MK-7 is therefore more bioavailable than MK-4. And because of MK-4's short half-life and low bioavailability, multiple doses are required per daymilligramlevels - vs. MK-7smicrogramlevels – for measurable efficiency.

How vitamin K2“Engages” MGP

So how does the MK-7 allow the MGP to reach its full potential?

Vitamin K2, especially MK-7, activates special proteins, allowing the body to use calcium properly. Two of these proteins are osteocalcin (OC) and MGP. The first attracts calcium to where it is locatedis most needed, namely in bones and teeth; the latter keeps calcium away from where it residesIs not necessary, namely soft tissue.

We highlight the significant body of evidence supporting the importance of vitamin K2 as a cardio-supporting nutrient and how the right K2 makes all the difference (3)

Proteins already present in the body depend on cofactors. Vitamin K2is the cofactor for an enzyme called vitamin K-dependent carboxylase. The vitamin K-dependent proteins are activated by gamma carboxylation, which alters the structures of OC and MGP by adding another carboxyl group so that these proteins can bind calcium. In the case of vitamin K2deficiency, they remain "undercarboxylated" or inactive.1

What MK-7 does better than any form of vitamin K is activate proteins made in various organs of the body, including MGP in the circulatory system. MGP is the most powerful modulator of vascular calcification known, provided the body has sufficient vitamin K2to activate it.

The collateral damage of a budget deficit is tragic. A five-year study of 10,000 asymptomatic individuals published inAtherosclerosisfound that survival rates were related to the amount of calcium in the blood vessels. The differences were large: “A calcium score of less than 10 correlated with biological age that was 10 years younger than the 'real age' in individuals over 70 years of age. A calcium score above 400 – on the other hand – correlated with biological age up to 30 years older than the actual age of younger patients.”6

It is important to note that recent evidence highlights the benefits of active MGP beyond the heart and bones. At the end of 2018, DeJournal of Alzheimer's DiseaseInScientific reportspublished articles examining the role of aortic stiffness due to calcification as a contributing factor to dementia and retinal arteriolar health, respectively. Both conditions are affected by active MGP status.

According to “Aortic Stiffness Linked to Increased Risk of Dementia in Older Adults,”7Risk factors for cardiovascular disease – including age, hypertension and diabetes – contribute to aortic stiffness and subclinical cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, increasing the risk of dementia.

In "Inactive matrix gla protein is a novel circulating biomarker that predicts retinal arteriolar constriction in humans",8researchers studied a randomly recruited Flemish population. Conclusion: Circulating inactive MGP (dp-ucMGP) is a long-term predictor of smaller retinal arteriolar diameter in the general population.

“Our observations highlight the possibility that vitamin K supplementation may promote retinal health,” the researchers said.

Furthermore, a 2019 study was published inArteriosclerosis, thrombosis in vascular biologynoted that based on the activation of MGP vitamin K2has the ability to scavenge free radicals and reduce oxidative stress.9

Vitamin K2's cardiovascular connection

Evidence linking vitamin K2Intake for cardiovascular benefits really started to take off in 2004. NattoPharma ASA saw this early observational evidence and went even further, sponsoring interventional studies that confirmed this link and elucidated the actual mechanism. There is now a significant research base and the majority of the research used NattoPharma's MenaQ7® Vitamin K2such as MK-7 as the source material itself.

The heart-healthy relationship between vitamin K2and MGP first appeared in the groundbreaking Rotterdam study, which showed that high dietary intake of vitamin K2– but no vitamin K1-has a strong protective effect on cardiovascular health.

The results of this 10-year population study indicated that eating foods rich in natural vitamin K2(at least 32 mcg/day) resulted in a 50 percent reduction in arterial calcification, a 50 percent reduction in cardiovascular risk, and a 25 percent reduction in all-cause mortality.10In 2009, these findings were confirmed by another population study with 16,000 subjects (49 to 70 years old) from the Prospect-EPIC cohort population. After following female participants for eight years, researchers found that for every 10 mcg of vitamin K2(MK-7, MK-8 and MK-9) ingested - again, no vitamin K1- the risk of coronary heart disease was reduced by 9 percent. Vitamin K1swallowing had no effect.11

The Rotterdam Study (2004) and the Prospect-EPIC Study (2008) were the first population-based evidence that high dietary vitamin K intake2– but no vitamin K1-offered a strong positive reduction in cardiovascular risk.

These important observational data highlighted the need for further research. That's why NattoPharma sponsored a landmark cardiovascular endpoint intervention study in which MenaQ7®Vitamin K2since MK-7 was the source material.

Researchers conducted a double-blind, randomized intervention study in 244 postmenopausal women who received 180 mcg of vitamin K2I'm MK-7 (I'm MenaQ7®by NattoPharma) or placebo daily for 3 years.

This first interventional study of MK-7 nutritional supplementation and cardiovascular endpoints demonstrated that 3-year supplementation with a daily nutritional dose of MenaQ7®was sufficient to actually reduce arterial stiffness in healthy postmenopausal women.

Using ultrasound and pulse wave velocity measurements (recognized as standard measures of cardiovascular health), researchers found that carotid artery distensibility was significantly improved over a three-year period in MenaQ7®compared with a placebo group, especially in women with high arterial stiffness. Furthermore, pulse wave velocity showed a statistically significant decrease for vitamin K after three years2(MK-7) group, but not for the placebo group, showing an increase in elasticity and a reduction in age-related arterial stiffness, again especially in women with high arterial stiffness.

We highlight the significant body of evidence supporting the importance of vitamin K2 as a cardio-supporting nutrient and how the right K2 makes all the difference (4)

This study had historical impact. It was the first intervention trial in which the results confirmed the link from previous population studies: vitamin K2intake is associated with cardiovascular risk. A nutritional dose of vitamin K2, Actually,promotescardiovascular health. No other compound has yet been shown to provide the same cardiovascular protection as vitamin K2I'm MK-7.12

Two 2019 studies further strengthened (and confirmed) the relationship between vitamin K.2and cardiovascular disease.

First, researchers examined the causal link between genetically predicted K concentrations and the risk of coronary heart disease in more than 103,000 cases in Europe. They found that K1had no effect on MGP, but that vitamin K2had a positive impact on cardiovascular health.13

Second, the American Health Association's "Central Hemodynamics in Relation to Circulating Desphospho-uncarboxylated Matrix Gla Protein: A Population Study" evaluated vitamin K status (dp-ucMGP) in 835 randomly recruited Flemish people. Researchers noted that higher inactive vitamin K was associated with greater pulse wave velocity, central pressure, forward pulse wave, and reverse pulse wave.

“Strengthening and calcification of the large arteries are precursors to cardiovascular complications,” the authors said. “MGP, which requires vitamin K-dependent activation, is a potent locally acting inhibitor of arterial calcification. We hypothesized that its central hemodynamic properties may be associated with inactive desphosphouncarboxylated MGP (dp-ucMGP).14

A silver lining to an eternally dark prognosis

Despite all the illuminating research, the news about cardiovascular health remains sickening.

What the consistent, grim statistics tend to hide is that poor cardiovascular health is not a problem reserved for the middle-aged or elderly. A 2019 study of 22,346 young adults ages 30 to 49 who underwent coronary artery calcium (CAC) testing for clinical indications found that 34.4% had CAC, and those with elevated CAC scores had significantly higher rates of coronary artery disease and coronary artery disease had. mortality due to disease.15

Traditional prescriptions for cardiovascular disease include anticoagulants and statins, both of which have an important relationship with vitamin K2it must be considered.

AnticoagulantThe most common treatment for poor blood flow is to prescribe a vitamin K antagonist, such as coumarin or warfarin. These prescription medications disrupt vitamin K activity in the liver by inhibiting enzymes, preventing the blood from forming an unwanted clot. However, recent studies have found an association between long-term anticoagulant treatment and reduced bone quality due to the reduction of active osteocalcin, as well as twice as much arterial calcification compared to patients who did not receive vitamin K antagonists.

Fortunately, the standard of care has improved with the emergence of a new class of oral anticoagulantsdoesn'tvitamin K antagonists and relatively without major safety concerns.

Statins.Statins are a common recommendation to lower LDL-C (cholesterol) levels, and their use has increased in recent decades. However, a 2015 article stated that statins can act as 'mitochondrial toxins' with negative effects on the heart and blood vessels via the depletion of coenzyme Q.10(CoQ10) and by inhibiting vitamin K2synthesis.16

This new article speaks directly to statins interrupting the mechanism of action by which vitamin K2inhibits calcification. But while CoQ10and vitamin K2Both are affected by statins, there is currently no recommendation for supplemental vitamin K2should be given to statin patients.

Vitamin K2can be an excellent opportunity to maintain the benefits of these medications while mitigating their harmful effects. This means more treatment options for patients who can continue to support their cardiovascular health with vitamin K2subsidy.

K2because MK-7 is a complementary cardio nutrient

It is also important to note that vitamin K2works in combination with other nutrients that may already be part of a person's cardiovascular regimen.

A 2013 study looked at vitamin K2's influence on vascular calcification in stage 3-5 patients with chronic kidney disease over six months. This prospective, randomized clinical trial in humans evaluated the cardiovascular effects of oral vitamin K administration2(I'm MenaQ7®) plus vitamin D or vitamin D alone.

The progression of coronary artery calcification index (CAC) and common carotid artery intima media thickness (CCA-IMT) – both markers of calcium deposits in arteries detected by computed tomography – showed slower progression of calcification in MenaQ7®/vitamin D group than in the D-only group, an encouraging sign to use this potentially powerful duo.17

Additionally, Omega-3 has been recognized for cardiovascular support, with qualified health claims for reducing the risk of coronary heart disease in the United States. Although Omega-3's mechanism of action is related to supporting healthy inflammation, triglycerides, blood pressure and promoting arterial health, it is not recognized that it affects vascular calcification. That's what vitamin K does2a perfect complementary nutrient – ​​providing the final piece of the heart health puzzle.

NattoPharma ASA has been awarded a Canadian patent (No. 2,657,748) for pharmaceutical and nutraceutical products that provide vitamin K2in combination with one or more polyunsaturated fatty acids, including fish and/or krill oil, for benefits related to bones, cartilage and the cardiovascular system.

Proven bone benefits of K2sum MK-7: Simultaneous support

In addition to coexisting peacefully with other nutrients, patients receiving vitamin K2also receives the powerful bone health benefits that come from its action on osteocalcin. This has been established in a number of studies, highlighted by a groundbreaking, double-blind, randomized clinical trial published in 2013 inOsteoporosis International.

The study demonstrated for the first time clinically statistically significant protection of the vertebrae and the hip (femoral neck) against bone loss. This was achieved with a nutritional dose of vitamin K2such as MK-7 (again MenaQ7®of NattoPharma) taken daily for three years.

In this study of 244 healthy postmenopausal women, MenaQ7®the group taking 180 mcg daily showed significantly reduced circulating non-carboxylated osteocalcin (ucOC). After three years, bone mineral content, bone mineral density and bone strength were statistically significantly better for the MK-7 group compared to the placebo group.18

Vitamin K2The effect on bone health in children is particularly notable because childhood is the most important time for building healthy bones. Here are some highlights:

  • 2009: Healthy children aged 6-10 years who took 45 mcg of MenaQ7®K2per day resulted in more active osteocalcin, leading to stronger, denser bones.19

  • 2012: Children and adults over 40 show the greatest K deficiency and responded most strongly to MenaQ7®K2supplement (45 mcg for children; 90 mcg for adults).20

  • 2013: Children and teenagers receive MenaQ7®K2(50 mcg) and vitamin D (5 mcg calcitriol) showed improvements in bone mineral density daily.21


In less than 20 years, more than 19 clinical trials of vitamin K have been conducted in humans2Publications have been published confirming the benefits for bone and cardiovascular health in both healthy and patient populations, young and old. The research will only grow. MenaQ7 from NattoPharma was used in these studies®as the source material itself, further reinforcing the need to use MenaQ7®asyour sourceof vitamin K2such as MK-7, especially as cardiovascular health wreaks havoc on the world's population.

NattoPharma has taken the lead on a vitamin K2RDI, but primary care physicians can play a more direct role in raising awareness about vitamin K2like the MK-7. You can explain the power of vitamin K – and simplify it further2for your patients and colleagues.


Hogne Vik, MD, PhD, MBA, studied to become a physician and researcher at Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway, where he specialized in clinical laboratory medicine and immunology/allergy. From there, Dr. Vik worked in clinical medicine, as a physician, researcher and teacher as professor II. Dr. Vik is the author of more than 100 original peer-reviewed scientific medical publications. He is currently Chief Medical Officer at NattoPharma ASA, the world leader in vitamin K2research and development, and exclusive supplier of MenaQ7®, the first and best clinically validated vitamin K2available as MK-7, and the only K2such as MK-7 patented for cardiovascular health.


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We highlight the significant body of evidence supporting the importance of vitamin K2 as a cardio-supporting nutrient and how the right K2 makes all the difference (2024)
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