Statistical map #128 (2024)

April 2012

Hospital keeps testing in the heart, 2009

David I. Auerbach, Ph.D., Jared Lane Maeda, Ph.D., M.P.H., OG Claudia Steiner, M.D., M.P.H.


Coronary or heart tests are used in surgical procedures called percutaneous transluminal coronary angoplasty (PTCA), also known as balloonangioplastics.DESSE procedures are intended to reduce the risk of heart attacks or other complications that are derived from coronary heart disease in which the arteries are used.PTCA is deployed a catheter through an artery in the leg and pulled into the blocking area.The artery is opened with a balloon and a stent is often used to maintain the opening and prevent the dose and the need to repeat the procedure.1

Drug wensing stents introduced in the early 2000s releases a medicine that is intended to prevent restose.Stents for medicine can sometimes reduce the remaining nose, but is considerably more expensive, resulting in some controversy about their cost effectiveness.2A recent study of drug-dependent stents in patients with heart disease 65 years and the elderly showed lower mortality and small heart attacks compared to non-medical eleplingstents.3

This statistical short presents data from the health care costs and the usage project (HCUP) about recordings with heart tests.Almost all heart procedures reported in this letter are associated with a balloon angioplastics (PTCA).4In particular, variation in the hospital admissions of the patient's demography, hospital and paying properties in 2009 and user trends over time are sometimes separate for drug-elucating and non-drinking-eluccating stents.All differences between estimates mentioned in the text are statistically significant at 0, 05 level or better.


In 2009 there were 644,240 stay in the hospital with the implantation of a heart test with a balloon angioplasty (Table 1).The recordings were on average about 3 days, an average cost of $ 18,560 and was almost $ 12 billion nationally. Hospital enclosures compared to emissions with a non-Drink-Eluing Stent.


  • In 2009 there were 644,240 stay in the hospital with the implantation of a heart test.
  • The percentage of each heart -stent procedure increased steadily from 1999 to 2006 by 61 percent and then fell sharply between 2006 and 2009 by 27 percent.
  • Medicare was the payer in 51 percent of the hospital admissions (329,420 stay) with heart test procedures.
  • Males received treatments with heart tests with about twice as many women.
  • The use of drug-elevating stents increased sharply from 2003 to 2006, while the use of non-medical exciting stents decreased.From 2007, however, the use of Druglying Stenter, before it fell to less than 3 to 1 in 2009.
  • The share of heart test procedures that used drug-elusing stents compared to non-drinking increase Stents varied considerably by the payer: 78 percent of cardiovascular procedures paid with private insurance policies compared to 59 percent in the event of non-secured stay.
Table 1. The hospital's stay with regard to an insertion procedure for Hart, 2009Hospital enclosures with a hat procedure for a heart tent*Any form of stent †Narkotika-Eluerende StentNon-drug-rejected stentTotal number of stays644.240484.530172.450Percentage of the total stay100,0%75,2%26,8%Middle Ages (years)64.664.465.0Average living length (days) hospital costs$ 18.560$ 18.440$ 19,320Total national costs (billions)$ 12,0$ 8,9$ 3,3Primary expected paysMedicare329,420 (51,1%)246.670 (50,9%)89.540 (51,9%)Private insurance222.560 (34,5%)177.430 (36,6%)49.430 (28,7%)Medicaid35.530 (5,5%)24.360 (5,0%)11,850 (6,9%)Uninsured38,130 (5,9%)22,920 (4,7%)15.850 (9,2%)Other things17,500 (2,7%)12.290 (2,5%)5.510 (3,2%)Median income for the postal code of the patientKwartiel 1 (lowest income)166.580 (25,9%)123.000 (25,4%)46,820 (27,1%)Quartile 2175.010 (27,2%)130.600 (27,0%)47,920 (27,8%)Quartile 3155.070 (24,1%)116.690 (24,1%)41.420 (24,0%)Quartile 4 (highest income)132.150 (20,5%)102.990 (21,3%)31.800 (18,4%)PatientLarge central metro area156.390 (24,3%)118.100 (24,4%)41,290 (23,9%)Large edge metro area158,720 (24,6%)120,840 (24,9%)41,110 (23,8%)Average and small metro area181.580 (28,2%)135.780 (28,0%)49.220 (28,5%)Micropolitan and non -core area (rural areas)139.940 (21,7%)105.120 (21,7%)37,810 (21,9%)*Based on all stated procedure
† 12,740 remains involved in the insertion of both a drug-eluccating and a non-medical excitement tent.-Medicin Eluende stents were spoken in both groups.
Kilde: AHRQ, Center for delivery, organization and markets, project for healthcare costs and usage project, national inpatient sample, 2009

Figure 4. Speed of heart test procedures, 1999-2009*.Trend line diagram; 10,000 population;1999; 10,000 population;2001; 10,000 population;2002; 10,000 population;2003; 10,000 population;2004; 10,000 population;2005; 10,000 population;2006; 10,000 population;2007; 10,000 population; 10,000 population;2009;
*Baseret På Allisteret Procedure.kilde: AHRQ, Center for delivery, organization and markets, healthcare costs and usage project, national intramural sample, 2009 for delivery, organization and markets, healthcare costs and usage project, national intramural sample, 2009.

The speed of residence with drug-traffic stent procedures quickly rose from 2003 to 2006, while the speed of non-medical clarification decreases.2005 before he fell to a small end 3 to 1 in 2009.

Data source

The estimates of this statistical assignment are based on data from HCUP Nationwide Infatient Test (NIS) from 1999 to 2009. Population -snunders was based on the book population for 1999 and 2000 to 2009 of the USAbureau of the Census, Access on 6 September2011 and 8 November 2017. From:


ICD-9 CM is the international classification of diseases, ninth overhaul, clinical adjustment that assigns numerical codes for diagnoses and procedures.encrypted with ICD-9-CM or the Common Procedural Terminology (CPT).

Pharmaceutical vallure stents were separated from non-medicine elusive stents in October 2002. We do not separate druglying stents from non-medicine elusive stents until 2003 to give the coding a neighborhood to stabilize.

ICD-9-CM All-Listed Procedure Codes that define the heart test procedure:

  • 36.06 Intert of non-medical election-coronary physician-windows (R)
  • 36.07-Insertion of Medicine Coronar Arthie Stent (R)
  • 36.06 and 36.07 - insertion of a cordial (R)

About 2 percent of the stay with the insertion of a heart test, involving both a drug-eluccating and a non-medical increase in the drug area.Both groups in analyzes of medicines and non-medical locking stents were spoken in both groups.

Types of hospitals included in HCUP
HHCUP is based on data from social hospitals, defined as short -term, non -nutrition, general and other hospitals, excluding hospital units of other institutions (eg prisons).HCUP data includes midwife and gynecology, otolaryngology, orthopedic, cancer, cancer, cancer, cancer, cancer, cancer, cancer, cancer, cancer, cancer, cancer, cancer, cancer, cancer, cancer, cancer, cancer, cancer, cancer, cancerCancer, cancer, cancer, cancer public and academic medical hospitals.For this stay will be included in NIS.

Unity of analysis
The unit unit is the dismissal of the hospital (ie the stay in the hospital), not a person or patient.

Costs and reimbursem*nts
The total hospital costs were converted into costs using HCUP costs based on the accounting reports of the hospital of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).6Costs reflect the actual costs incurred in the production of hospital services, such as wages, supplies and costs;reflect the amount that the hospital invoices the stay of the entire hospital and does not contain professional (doctor) reimbursem*nts.

Location of patients' stay
Residence Residence is based on the urban classification schedule for American provinces developed by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS):

  • Large central metropolis: central provinces in metropolitan areas with 1 million or more residents
  • Large Fringe Metropolitan: Fringe Counties of Counties in metropolitan areas with 1 million or more residents
  • Medium metropolitan: provinces in metropolitan areas of 250,000-999,999 inhabitants
  • Little City: provinces in metropolitan areas of 50,000-249,999 inhabitants
  • Micropolitan: non - -Metropolitical Counties, ie, not -Metropolitics county with an area of 10,000 or more inhabitants
  • Non-core: non-large and non-micropolitical provinces.

Median income on the local community
Median income on the local community is the average family income for the postal code of the patient.

Payer is the expected primary payer for the hospital's stay.

  • Medicare: Including patients with fairy-for service and managed care
  • Medicaid: Including patients for service and managed care.Patients who are included under the State Child Insurance Program (ship) can be admitted here.
  • Private insurance: Including Blue Cross, Commercial carriers and private HMOs and PPOs
  • Other: includes the reimbursem*nt of employees, Tricare/Champus, Champva, Title V and other government programs
  • Just known: including an insurance status for "self -paid" and "without compensation".

When more than one payer is mentioned for a dismissal in the hospital, the first paid paid is used.

The region is one of the four regions that have been defined by the US:

  • Noordoost: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey OG Pennsylvania
  • Midwest: Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska Og Kansas
  • Syd: Delaware, Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oglahoma OG Texas
  • Vest: Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, Californien, Alaska Og Hawaii

Over hcup

HCUP is a family of powerful health databases, software tools and products for promoting research.Sponsored by the Agency for Health Research and Quality (AHRQ), HCUP includes the largest meeting level for all paid longitudinal health department) in the US, starting in 1988. HCUP is a partnership of the federal state sector that brings together data collection efforts from many organizations, such as data organizations, such as data organizations, such as data organizations, such as data organizationsof the state, hospital associations, private data organizations and the federal government to create a national information source.

HCUP would not be possible without the contribution from the following partners for data collection from the entire United States:

NedState Hospital & Nursing Home Association
ArizonaDepartment of Health Services
ShyMinistry of Health
CaliforniaOffice of Statewide Health Planning and Development
ColoradoHospital association
ConnecticutHospital association
FloridaAgency of Health Service Administration
GeorgiaHospital association
HawaiiHealth Information Corporation
IllinoisPublic Health Department
IndianaHospital association
IowaHospital association
KansasHospital association
KentuckyCabinet for Health and Family Services
LouisianaDepartment of Health and Hospitals
MaineHealth data organization
MarylandHealth Services Cost Review Commission
MassachusettsDepartment of Health Finance and Politics
Weigh cancerHealth and Hospital Association
MinnesotaHospital association
MississippiMinistry of Health
MissouriData Institute for Hospital's Industry
MontanaMHA - An association of health care providers in Montana
NebraskaHospital association
NevadaDepartment of Health and Human Services
New HampshireDepartment of Health and Human Services
New JerseyDepartment of Health and Senior Services
The MexicoHealth Policy Commission
New YorkMinistry of State for Health
North CarolinaDepartment of Health and Human Services
OhioHospital association
Oklahola!Ministry of State for Health
OregonAssociation of hospitals and health systems
PennsylvaniaCosts Council for Health Service
Rhode IslandMinistry of Health
South CarolinaState budget and control committee
South DakotaAssociation of Healthcare Organisations
TennesseeHospital association
TexasDepartment of State Health Services
UtahMinistry of Health
VermontAssociation of hospitals and health systems
VirginiaHealth information
WashingtonMinistry of State for Health
West VirginiaThe authority of health care
WisconsinDepartment of Health Services
WyomingHospital association

For mass

HCUP Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) is a national database of the intervention of the hospital.95 percent of all emissions in the US.

For purely information

For more information about HCUP, visit

For extra HCUP statistics you can visit HCUPnet, our interactive query system,

Download for information about other recordings in the US.H Cup-Fakta and Numbers: Statistics about hospital-based care in the US in 2009, located in

See the following publications for a detailed description of HCUP, more information about designing NIS and methods for calculating estimates:

Introduction to HCUP Nationwide Infatient Test, 2008.Online. Mei 2010. U.S.Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.Fås on

Houchens, R., Elixhauser, A.Final report on calculation of Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) Deviations, 2001.HCUP Methods Series Report 2005 (herzien 6 juni 2005) .u.s.Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.Fås on (15. Marts 2012).

Houchens, R. L., Elixhauser, A.Use HCUP Nationwide infinite test to estimate trends.Augustus 2006. VS.Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.Fås on (15. Marts 2012).

Proposed quote

Auerbach, D. (Rand), Maeda, J. (Thomson Reuters) OG Steiner, C. (Ahrq).Hospital keeps testing in the heart, 2009.Hcup Statistical map #128.April 2012. Tage for health edition and quality


The authors would like to recognize the contribution of Eva Witt (Thomson Reuters) by programming assistance.


AHRQ welcomes questions and comments from readers of this publication that are interested in getting more information about access, costs, use, financing and quality of healthcare in the US.We also invite you to tell us how you can use this statistical short and other HCUP data and tools, and to share suggestions about how HCUP products can be improved to further meet your needs.Email ushcup@ahrq.govOr send a letter to the address below:

Irene Fraser, Ph.D., director
Center for delivery, organization and markets
Health research and quality agency
540 Gaither Road
Rockville, MD 20850

1Serruys, P.W., et al., "A comparison of balloon -expanding stone implantation with balloon angiplasty in patients with coronary artery disease," "New England Journal of Medicine, Flight.331, No.8 (1994): 489-495.
2Firth, B. G., Cooper, L. M., Fearn, S. "The correct role of cost -effectiveness in determining the coverage of unity: a case study of medicines -lyping stent."Health matters.2008.27 (6): 1577-86.
3Douglas, P. S., et al. "Clinical efficiency of coronary stanten in the elderly: results of 262,700 Medicare patients in ACC-NCDR."Journal of the American College of Cardiology.2009.53 (18): 1629-1641.
4A total of 7.3 percent of PTCA procedures had no heart tests and 0.2 percent (1,273 emissions) of Hart test procedures did not include PTCAs.
5Wier, L. M., Pfuntner, A., Maeda, J., Stranges, E., Ryan, K., Jagadish, P., Collins-Sharp, B., Elixhauser, A.HCUP facta and numbers: statistics on hospital care in the US, 2009.Rockville, MD: Agency for Health Research and Quality, 2011 (
6HCUP costs (CCR).HealthCare costs and user project (HCUP) for Healthcare Research and Quality.Rockville, MD.Fås August 2011. (access to March 15, 2012).

Statistical map #128 (2024)
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