Starfox (Eros) | Sign | Miracle (2024)

Born on Titan, Saturn's moon, Eros is oneEternallywho loves life, adventure and romance, and deserves the nickname Jack of Hearts. He joins the earthWrekersI'm Starfox.

Eros of Titan

750,000 years ago, A'Lars, akaMentor, of the Eternals, a cosmically driven subspecies of humanity, chose to leave Earth for his brotherroarsbecomes the leader of the Eternals. The A'Lars travel to Saturn's moon, Titan, where a band of exiled Eternals had slaughtered each other. By marrying the sole survivor, Sui-San, A'Lars and his new wife turn Titan into a paradise, which they populate with their children and other genetically engineered humans. As ruler of Titan, A'Lars createsISAAC, a computer that meets all of Titan's technological needs.

Mentor and Sui-San's youngest son Eros is born with the ability to inspire the joy of others. This power has no effect on his mutated older brother,Thanos, there was born
metDivergentSyndrome, physically repulsive to his fellow human beings. Thanos grows up to worship the cosmic embodiment ofDeath, and conducts morbid experiments on various Titans. By vivisecting Sui-Sanand, several other Eternals are killed, Thanos flees after discovering the Titan. Unlike his brother, Eros loves life and often visits other systems for adventure and romance, including Earth, where he is remembered in legend.

Eternally cosmic

Like aEternallyEros can harness cosmic energy for various purposes; even though he has not yet developed his full potential. For example, he appears to have little or no skill in molecular restructuring; although he once helped take one outSersi's transformations. He has superhuman strength (class 25), durability, metabolism and regenerative powers. He is immune to land diseases, is virtually immortal, and also ages much more slowly than most humanoids; it is over 1000 years old.

Eros can surround himself with a personal force field, allowing underwater and space travel, he can both fly at speeds of up to 800 mph and perform telekinetic stunts using his ability to harness gravitons. Eros can speak 500 alien languages.

Eros possesses the ability to stimulate the pleasure centers of other people's brains, often sent unconsciously, causing a euphoric effect. With concentration it can enhance the effect and cause euphoria, excitement, pacification and/or sedation. Creatures without pleasure centers, including Thanos, are immune to this effect.

Power-hungry enemies

Eros has a complicated relationship with his brother,Thanos, who often try to destroy the universe. Although they are brothers and Eros sometimes sides with him, he spends most of his time working against the Mad Titan, along withWrekers, ThatGuardians of the universe, and the Dark Guardians, just to have the power to go against him.

Avenger allies

Eros is known to have many lovers throughout the galaxy; his only ongoing relationship is with Heater Delight. As for team-ups, Eros has teamed up with Kree Mar-Vell, AKACaptain Marvel, which was attached to manRik Jonesagainst Thanos. The two become good friends.

As one of Titan's Eternals, Eros occasionally spends time there, but eventually makes his way to Earth, where he joins up.Wrekers.

Romanticizing the stars

More than a century after his departure, Thanos returned to Titan with an army, conquered the planet and leftMentorand Eros as the only remaining resistance. In search of a reform of realityCosmic cube, Thanos broughtRik Jonesto Titan to find out its location. Aided by Kree Mar-Vell, akaCaptain Marvel, who was then allied with Rick, Mentor and Eros were controlled by Thanos' lieutenant, Kl'rt, AKASuper Skrull, while Mar-Vell himself defeated Thanos by apparently destroying the Cosmic Cube. Eros helped rebuild Titan after the battle and formed a close friendship with Mar-Vell. After the pimp Pro-Boscis enslaved the Procurer Heater Delight, Heater stopped Eros from rescuing her to avoid damage to his face, instead manipulating Prince Pip Gofern, AKABeep the troll, to save her. Due to programming previously installed by Thanos,ISAACcreated agents for himself and conquered the Titans, but Mar-Vell returned to Titan and defeated them, after which he fell in love with one of the lieutenants,Elysius. Shortly afterwards, Mar-Vell succumbed to cancer and spent his last days on Titan with Elysius. Devastated by the loss, Eros grew close to Elysius, who eventually had ISAAC create a son for her using Mar-Vell's DNA, whom she named Genis, AKA.Photo's. Genis grew up believing that Eros was his father, and Eros maintained this facade until Genis' accelerated adulthood.

Looking for a new adventure, Eros returned to Earth and helpedWrekersreport Samuel Smithers, orPlantman. When he applied to join the Avengers, he was quickly accepted as an Avenger-in-training; However, the Avengers were reluctant to introduce a man named 'Eros' to the public, so Janet Van Dyne, AKAWasp, calling him "Starfox." Eros was saddened when he met fellow intern Monica Rambeau, AKACaptain Marvel(laterspectrum), believes that the novice adventurer was not worthy of claiming the name of Mar-Vell. As an Avenger, Starfox learned teamwork and responsibility. Though he still found time to pursue romantic liaisons, including a one-night stand with teammate Jennifer Walters, AKAThe Hun Hulk. The group also appreciated Starfox's scientific knowledge, as he was on a roster without the Avengers' usual scientific geniuses. After many Avengers were brought to Battleworld to serve in thepast'S "Secret Wars”, Victor Shade, aka theVision, Starfox was promoted to full membership to fill out the roster, and Eros retained his status upon their return. Shortly afterwards, Starfox aided the Avengers against a faction of the subversive groupHydra, using his pleasure powers on Hydra agent Elliot Kohl to obtain the deactivation code for Hydra's Atomi-Geddon device.

While still with the Avengers, Starfox invited the Wasp to a party hosted byEternally Sersiin the eternal city of Olympia. While there, Starfox fascinated his Earth friends with the story ofA'Lars' founded Titan and participated in the Eternals' Ritual of the Uni-Mind, merging with them into a single psionic entity. WhenDivergent-InhumanhybridMaelstromtried to transfer the power of the Uni-Mind to himself, Vision and Wanda Maximoff, akaThe Scarlet Witch, freed the Eternals from their merger, and Starfox took out Maelstrom using her pleasure powers. The Avengers then foiled Maelstrom's next plan to stop the Earth's rotation; by seeingCaptain MarvelDue to bravery in that battle, Starfox accepted her use of his friend's name and apologized for his previous treatment of her.

The Avengers got involved in one of themSkrullscivil wars where the pirateMistseized Thanos' spaceship and used it to command a Skrull fleet to destroy the planet Xandar. When she confronted Nebula, Starfox was shocked by her claims that Thanos was her grandfather. But before he could find out more, Nebula was teleported awaypast, who misunderstood the Xandarian Pyreus Kril, AKAIlderre's wish that Nebula be thrown out of the galaxy. Determined to find out more about Nebula's claims, Starfox left the Avengers to hunt down Nebula with Firelord. Shortly after beginning his hunt, Starfox was severely injured by Garthan Saal, also known as Super-Nova (laterFrom Omega), another Xandarian survivor who mistakenly thought Nebula was an Avenger. Starfox quickly recovered and freed Heater from another master, Axel the Rescorlan, eventually catching up with Nebula and helping the Avengers thwart her attempt to harness the Infinity Union, an entity belonging to the Cosmic.Strangerwhich could give her great power.

Shortly afterwards, Thanos obtained the Infinity Gauntlet (which contained the sixInfinite pearls) and used it to offer the universeDeath, taking Starfox hostage and obliterating Eros' mouth to force his brother to testify silently. Thanos eventually lost the Infinity Gauntlet and Eros was restored to his former state.

Starfox continued to assist the Avengers on occasion, participating in their mission to the Shi'ar Empire during the Kree-Shi'ar War and also joining them against the Sorceress.Morgan le Faywhen she mastered the power of AsgardTwilight Swordand turned Earth into the medieval-looking Reality-398. Starfox served in her Queen's Vengeance army as the Jack of Hearts before reality was restored. In the aftermath of that battle, Starfox befriended Avenger Greer Nelson, also known as AKATiger, who was traveling to Deneb-7. The duo quickly became bored and found new excitement when the universe was threatened by the Infinities, cosmic extra-dimensional beings. The two teamed up with Jack Hart, AKAHartenboer, Wendell Vaughn, aliasQuasar, Thor Odinson, aliasThor, Monica Rambeau (then calls herselfPhoto's) en Heather Douglas, aliasThe moon dragon, to meet the infinities. Starfox helped call upon the Infinite through the Cosmic UnityEternity, and one of the Infinite ultimately chose to sacrifice themselves to repair some of the damage they had caused. Later, Starfox led a small army of Eternals in opposition to an apparent 'Thanos'doppelgänger of Thanos during Thanosi's quest for the Heavenly Messiah, but Starfox and the Eternals were defeated and thrown into space.

Starfox later confronted the time travelersThanatos, the powerful Earth-9309 counterpart of Rick Jones who set out to collect items of power. He struck Starfox with the Spear of Destiny, causing a wound that could not be healed, and threatened to kill Eros unless he brought Rick Jones-616 (now bound to Genis) to him. Starfox was forced to comply, but Rick and Genis defeated Thanatos and reversed his actions. When Genis' cosmic consciousness drove him mad, Starfox helped Elysius, Mentor, and other Titans oppose him, eventually allowing Genis to regain his sanity.

Shortly after helping the Avengers against an insane Scarlet Witch, Starfox was captured by Thanos and implanted with false memories. Unaware that anything had happened, Starfox continued to adventure, visiting Earth and sharing a romantic affair with a married mother of three, Christina Garvey. A week later, Garvey took Starfox to court, claiming that Eros had used her powers to take advantage of her. While being defended by She-Hulk, Starfox secretly used his powers against her after seeing her arguing with her boyfriend, John Jameson, akaMan-wolf, which made her fall in love with Jameson. She-Hulk's power-mimicking counterpartGreat Andyaccidentally copied Starfox's abilities and kept She-Hulk's love alive. After Elliot Kohl testified and feigned possession of Starfox, Eros was placed in a cell under guard until he escaped, using his pleasure powers to get past Matt Hawk, AKA.Child with two gunsand the Guardians. She-Hulk attacked him, convinced that he had used his powers against her during their previous one-night stand. Mentor and ISAAC saw Eros' shabby treatment on Earth and teleported Eros back to Titan to undergo a Titanian mind test using the telepathicThe moon dragon. Cosmic judges, the Magistrati, appointed their earthly agent, She-Hulk, to preside over the trial.

When She-Hulk called himself a witness, Starfox confessed to using her powers in an attempt to help her mend her relationship with Jameson (who had killed the beaten She-Hulk
since married). Soon, a Thanos clone arrived and testified, believing himself to be the real Thanos, unaware that he was carrying out the real Thanos plan, causing ISAAC to find Starfox guilty. Sensing tricks, She-Hulk had Moondragon place her mind into the Thanos clone's mental plane, where she fought the clone until Starfox projected her own mind to her aid. The clone eventually left the battle to focus on the physical plane where Stargod (the Godstone-backed John Jameson) had attacked him. With the clone gone from the Mental Plane, Starfox revealed that he had not abused She-Hulk during their one night stand together. The two heroes soon discovered how the real Thanos had manipulated Eros' memories and returned to the physical plane, revealing and defeating the Thanos duplicate.

In light of the new evidence, Moondragon concluded that Thanos' mind-altering device had caused Starfox brain damage, reducing his control over his pleasure powers and causing his recent misuse of it. She then offered to remove this power permanently, an offer that Eros happily accepted considering all the problems his abilities had caused lately. ISAAC then decreed that Starfox would restore his reputation by traveling to neighboring systems to seek forgiveness from past victims of his unchecked forces. Before She-Hulk and Stargod returned to Earth, Starfox revealed that he had only used his powers on She-Hulk, proving that Jameson's love for her was real.

While living back on Titan with his powers restored,Ultronthe attack. With the help of a robotic virus, the population of the moon assimilated, becoming Planet Ultron. Starfox escaped and recruitedWrekerson Earth to help free Titan from Ultron. When he first faced Ultron, Starfox used his powers of persuasion on Ultron's organic parts, causing him to have an emotional breakdown, leading to victory for the Titans' people.

When Thanos faced a terminal illness, Starfox formed an alliance with Thanos' son Thane.Mist, Tryco Slatterus, aliasFall one, and Lady Death to kill him once and for all, in his weakened state. To do this, they acquired a secret weapon, one they stole from Tyros, i.eTerrax- a Phoenix egg. But Thane betrayed them all and harnessed the powerPhoenix powerto avenge his father. He succeeded; Thane unleashed his power on Thanos, turning him into a powerless mortal. But Thane's former ally had another problem: Thane had plans to destroy the universe. Starfox and his cohort asked Thanos for his help in defeating Thane. They searched for something that could fight the Phoenix Force and went to the God Quarry, a legendary burial ground for gods. There they met the Coven, three witches who cared about the gods who fell into the quarry. They explained that Thanos had to undergo a trial at the quarry to claim his power. Thanos proved his worth and gained the power to fight Thane. When Thanos showed up, Eros was there and gave him a hand, but Thanos used his powers against him and knocked him out for going against him in the first place. After Thanos fought Thane and the Coven drained him of the Phoenix Force, Thanos threw him into the quarry. Nebula and Slatterus helped Eros to his feet when Thanos refused Lady Death's love, and the Coven seemingly killed her, but in reality only delayed her. Thanos left Eros, Nebula and Slatterus to their fate.

To Thanos' adopted daughterGamorakilled him, Eros searched for his brother's body and discovered his will. He shared the will aboard Thanos' ship, the Sanctuary, and in it Thanos revealed that he would be resurrected in the body of an unknown person. Thanos loversBlack ordercrashed the lecture, stole their leader's body, and then caused a breach in the room, trapping all the participants inside. Although Eros escaped, he did not do so without a battered face. He formed the Dark Guardians with Kallark, AKAGladiator, Zak-Del, AKAWraith, Frank Castle of Earth-TRN666, aka the Horseman, and Nebula to stop Thanos' resurrection.

They wrongly assumed that Gamora would be Thanos' host, as proven byHela, the goddess of death, who revealed that his host would be Eros. Soon after, Thanos took over Ero's mind and body. He traveled with usBlack orderand Hela to Knowhere to reunite with her body. Gamora metGuardians of the universeand the Dark Guardians stormed Knowhere thanksInhuman Crampwho teleported them all there and Gamora threw a sword through Eros' body. She apologized to him for that, and he spoke to her briefly as he was killed. Thanos was still cheerful, but his spirit was broken. Hela then produced a black hole that sucked her and Knowhere into an unknown location while the Guardians and Dark Guardians escaped again thanks to Lockjaw.

Starfox (Eros) | Sign | Miracle (2024)


Is Eros and Starfox the same? ›

Starfox (Eros) is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. He first appeared in The Invincible Iron Man #55 (February 1973), created by Jim Starlin. He is depicted as a member of a human offshoot race known as the Eternals.

Is Starfox a hero or villain? ›

Starfox, AKA Eros, grew up on Titan alongside his brother Thanos, embracing all the pleasures that life has to offer. He later became Starfox and an official member of the Avengers. He is an adventurer and a cosmically-enhanced super-being.

How is Eros Thanos' brother? ›

Eros, also known as Starfox, is a member of the genetically engineered Eternals. Created by Arishem the Judge in the World Forge, he was stationed on Titan, joining the royal family as a prince and becoming the adoptive brother of Thanos.

Is Starfox stronger than Thanos? ›

That comic revealed that, fearing his own potential, Starfox has always limited his powers, but he is actually "the equal and opposite of Thanos" on a genetic level.

How strong is Starfox Eros? ›

Starfox's physical strength is approximately average for an Eternal and can lift more than 15 tons. Through proper training, Starfox could reach ridiculously higher levels of strength, and it can also psionically concentrate its cosmic energy to temporarily increase its strength.

Who is stronger than Thanos? ›

Kang is stronger than Thanos, with the Conquerer being much more challenging to defeat than the Infinity Gauntlet-wielding villain.

Who is the son of Thanos? ›

Thane is the son of Thanos and an Inhuman woman who spent the majority of his young life in Orollan as a healer, but Thane's life would change forever when his father came to Earth.

Why is Thanos purple? ›

From his birth on Saturn's moon of Titan, Thanos was always an outsider. He carries a Deviants gene, which causes his gruesome and misshapen appearance, with purple, rugged skin.

Who is Thanos' sister? ›

Nebula appears in The Super Hero Squad Show, voiced by Jane Lynch. This version is Thanos' older sister. Nebula, based on the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) incarnation, appears in Guardians of the Galaxy (2015), voiced by Cree Summer.

Is Harry Styles Thanos' brother? ›

For that reason, Marvel may look to give their father a role in the movie to justify any in-depth exploration of their history. Going in this direction does feel necessary since Eternals was so quick to announce that Styles' character is Thanos' brother.

Why is Thanos purple but Eros isn t? ›

An Eternal getting a Deviant-like mutation was later dubbed “Deviant Syndrome,” or the way Thanos looks with his purple skin and ridged chin. (Of the two sons, he's the only one with this condition; Eros looks like a regular Eternal, something that Thanos naturally hated his brother for.)

Will there be Eternals 2? ›

A sequel to Marvel Studios' 2021 feature “Eternals” is reportedly no longer in development according to scooper DanielRPK.

Who was Thanos' mother? ›

Thanos returns to his destroyed home on the Saturn moon Titan to visit the grave of his mother, Sui-San. The story then goes back to the birth of Thanos, where Sui-San tries to kill Thanos at first sight.

Who is the strongest Eternal? ›

He is smarter than even the brightest of Earth's geniuses, including Reed Richards and Dr. Doom. Likewise, he can control time and the souls of the dead. Considered to be an equal to Zeus, Galactus, and Odin, Kronos remains the most powerful and strongest of Marvel's Eternals.

Is Harry Styles a Starfox? ›

Alongside Patton Oswalt's Pip the Troll, Harry Styles debuted as Eros, aka Starfox, another Eternal introduced as the brother of the Mad Titan Thanos.

Who is the oldest Eternal? ›

“The First”. Zuras is the eldest of the Eternals, a direct progenitor of the Celestials. He is also the father of Thena, and a warmonger against the Deviants. Humans have attributed him to Greek god, Zeus.

Are Thanos and Starfox half brothers? ›

Summary. The Eternals movie introduces Starfox as an Eternal and Thanos' brother, but doesn't explain how that's possible. In the comics, they are biological brothers, but the MCU may change this origin story.

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