Restore balance: the meaning of salt and electrolyte minerals (2024)


    • The human body depends on electrolytes minerals (eg sodium, chloride, potassium, magnesium) for muscle contractions, nerve impulses, acid-base balance and hydration.
    • Missing minerals results in dysfunction, illness and even death.
    • Electrolyt balances each other and is balanced by other systems in the body.
    • Chronic surplus consumption of someone has the potential to cause damage.
    • Salt (sodium chloride) is an essential mineral;We have to get it out of the diet.
    • Due to the role of sodium in hypertension, salt is the only essential nutrient that has been destroyed.
    • We have a rich history of salt;It is central to traditions and cultures around the world.
    • The British estimates correspond to approx .8 grams of salt that is consumed daily.
    • Varies between 5.1 g/d in Samoa and 17.7 g/d in China.
    • 75% of the salt consumption of a developed country comes from processed foods.
    • In the UK, 61% comes from processed foods.
    • The salt war has the breed for 120 years.
    • Researchers cannot agree on all the variables that influence blood pressure to indicate sodium.
    • Only a third of people's blood pressure increases with their salt intake.
    • This is known as salt sensitivity.
    • Salt sensitivity is caused by potassium deficiency, obesity, insulin resistance, specific genes and kidney disease.
    • There is a J-shaped curve (a sweet place) salt consumption.
    • Many researchers who use more accurate data collection techniques have found a sweet spot between approximately.4 and 6 g/d sodium.It is 10 - 15 grams of salt daily, twice the recommended quantities.
    • The causes of salt sensitivity are the real question, not salt (reason).
    • Reduce or elimination of junk food to reduce your chances of becoming salt sensitive and to increase your intake of nutrients, including potassium,, which is important to maintain homeostasis by preventing or turning salt sensitivity.
    • Reducing junk food, especially sugar, reduces body fat %, improves kidney function, insulin resistance and helps to control 'bad genes'.
    • Heavy sweaters (intense and sustainable practitioners), low-colydrate and keto diets, and people who make their meals all over again, may have to increase their salt intake and the other balancing minerals, especially potassium.

    To learn to learn

    Electrolytes, such as sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium, help generate and transfer electrical impulses in the body and brain.Payed..About public health, these shades leave away.The advice is to reduce the intake of the salt without knowing how much a person takes control of your health by choosing nutrients and using a balancedElectrolyte supplement if applicable.Read the full article for more information.

    We are electric creatures.
    Small electrical impulses that fill communication signals in our bodies.A mainly electrolytic mineral, sodium chloride, united as salt, has been notorious because of his contribution to the rising blood pressure.Salt's status as an essential nutrient is anything but forgotten if health authorities tell the world to reduce, reduce, reduce.Public health has been simplified to the lowest common denominator, so that people leave the false perception that salt is toxic.But as always, there are important nuances for a health to understand.

    Electrolyt 101

    What are electrolytes?

    Electrolytes are minerals with an electrical charge.

    They include sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, phosphate and bicarbonate.Ensure that our heart stops or restart.The amount of liquids we drink.Hydration is the story of electrolytmeal and water balance.importantTo make your electric body run.


    In the heart of each article about electrolytes will be salt, it included.The -a percentage of our sodium comes from salt, therefore the two words have almost become synonymous. [1]Sodium is the most common mineraloutsideFrom our cells.In addition to sufficient blood levels, brain cells start to vomit with water.collapses.If their sodium levels do not increase quickly, they fall into a coma and can even die.OverhydratLike this before and during a marathon, often on a swelling day, when their fear of dehydration Toppes. [2]The irony is that they do not leave the early symptoms of overthrowing dehydration a short period in which blood level lowers blood level outside a safe level.


    Chloride works hard to balance sodium, potassium and water in our cells, making it an important player in hydration.Cirka 75% to 80% of our dietchloride intake comes from salt, especially in Western countries. [3]This often forgotten electrolytic mineral helps to maintain acid-base balance in our blood.digestive code.With the other electrolytes, chloride also plays a role in nerve impulse transfer and muscle contraction. [4]A shortage of chloride is rare, which is usually only seen during long -term diseases. [5]Babies became seriously underweight and sick because of a chloride deficiency. [6]


    Potassium is the most common mineralto celebrateOur cells involved in more than 600 enzymatic reactions. [7]Without enough potassium, the muscles begin to weaken and cramp..


    Numerous symptoms occur without sufficient magnesium.
    Runner to Potassium Magnesium is the second most common mineral in our cells. [8]A mild deficiency can cause tiny muscle tickets, fatigue and headache to name just a few. [9]When a deficiency is exacerbated, the severity of the symptom is increasing., Often normalized nowadays, people drain from their magnesium and catch them in a vicious circle of more to use at the same time that needs more. [10]If we are not spoiled with the problems with biological availability, good sources, seeds, legumes, green leafy vegetables, yogurt, halibut, salmon and other entire foods.


    Calcium plays critical roles both inside and outside cells.
    Without sufficient calcium, symptoms start that resemble magnesium deficiency.From these places to more immediately life -threatening areas, including the heart, brain and nervous system. [11]Irritability, depression, confusion and abnormal heart rhythms are starting to manifest.

    The delicate interaction between electrolyte minerals

    The body is constantly looking for homeostasis, the scientific term for balance.
    Our amazing bodies endlessly monitor our systems and adjusted to keep everything in homeostasis.Minerals are of great importance in achieving this balance, but must be in balance.That deteriorates sound quality when you strengthen a single frequency of a hi-fi system from the 90s.If in theory you eat too many electrolyte minerals that dissolve in water, your kidneys can remove them in urine, provided that you are well hydrated and have no health status that can prevent this process.I interfere with the chronic excessive consumption of an electrolyte the delicate mineral balance and may cause damage.

    High sodium intake can, for example, lead to potassium drainage and vice versa. [12]The opposite is also true. [13]High sodium levels can also increase the excretion of calcium. [14]Potassium can protect calcium against excess sodium. [15]Low magnesium levels also entail the potassium levels. [16]Sodium and chloride (salt) work closely together to balance minerals and water.

    Doctors received a strong memory of this balancing act after a new Enterale (pipe food) food product was a shortcoming in chloride.Chloride, but also sodium and potassium, even though they are within the product. [17]

    Now let's take a deep dive in salt.

    Salt and the real problem

    'Salt is one of the cornerstones on which mammal biochemical structure is built.Essential component of mammals that have achieved this unattractive status? "[18]

    Niel grain MD;Saltforker.

    Salt's attraction as a herb is the ability to cancel bitterness, while at the same time they can make a sweet and sour taste pop by reducing water activity and increasing our joy of food.Used it to ferment plants and retain meat since then. [19]In China, 8000 years ago, salt farmers would scoop it out of shallow swimming pools at the end of a sunny day before it rolled over the large landscape. [20]Salt extraction is an old industry, the oldest mine that has been discovered, in Hallstatt, Austria, dates from 6,000 years. [21]Salted and fermented seafood and meat were favorites among the ancient Egyptians, immortalized with the pharaohs in their grave paintings. [22]Roman legionaries used part of their salary on salt. [23]Pliny the oldest, an old Roman author, noted that 'civilized life cannot continue without salt: it is so necessary an ingredient that it has become a metaphor for intense mental pleasure. "[24] The Romans were not unique; [25] In Venice there was a busy port between the 14th and 16th centuries, 30-60% of the import tax, salt. [26]Absolutely, salt has been a wanted item, such as sugar, but it plays a living role to play.

    How much salt did we eat?

    There is a current tendency to look back on what pre-people ate during their development against becoming modern people about 300,000 years ago.Which makes sense.For example, there are large amounts of archaeological data that show that red meat, in fact, all that has been moved large and small, fell for our ancestral flints and have made a large part of their diet. [27]Whether they ate salt in the same way are infinitely more challenging to prove.Against scientists tried to find out how much sodium our paleolithic ancestors ate.

    The newspaper, published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1985, stated that old people between 2 million years ago and 10,000 years ago ate about. 700 mg sodium per day. [28]

    It is approximately.1780 mg of salt or a third of a teaspoon of typical table salt.And how to eat more can save your life '. [29]They calculated this low number by using only muscle meat from land animals and certain plants, explains Dinicolantonio. [30]Seafood are very high in sodium [31] and our early ancestors ate many of those whose piles of archaeological evidence still exist is something to pass. [32]Other food sources, in particular organs and blood, were also omitted in their calculations.and hero normalized the tribal tradition as a salt -searching behavior. [33]

    A glance at existing hunters, however, shows a relatively low intake of salt, with the Yanomamo -Indians (Brazil), Alaska Eskimos on the other side of the scale eats 3.91 grams daily [34]Against groups, the average is only 1000 mg of sodium per day. Day.

    There is Isotopic proof of an increase in salt consumption in ancient Greece and Roman times, but whether this has influenced their health is impossible to prove. [35]In the bestseller of Mark Kurlansky, Salt: A World History, he writes: 'The salt intake of Europeans, much of it in the form of salted fish, was outForty gram during the dayper. person in the sixteenth century toSeventy gramsIn the eighteenth century '(Weight added). [36] In saline solution, Dinicolantonio claims that heart conditions were almost unheard of until the beginning of the 20th century, but people ate much more salt. [37]While we are chasing loud and low during the investigation for this article, we have not found any supporting evidence to match this kind of salt intake and we asked Kurlansky's publisher for their source.Say that we don't know how much salt our ancestors ate, and from an evolutionary point of view, what they ate a few hundred or even a few thousand years ago makes no difference to us.

    How much salt do we eat today?

    Today we eat in the UK between around 7 and 8 grams of salt daily, depending on the data you are looking at. [38]It is between 1.2 and 1.4 teaspoons. Day in Samoa to 17.7 in China. [39]There are accuracy problems with this data because estimates depend on significant observation studies using food frequency quotes (FFQs). [40]People receive an FFQ via postal and cross boxes about their diet and lifestyle. [41]But our memories are deeply poor;We forget that the fudgesundaewe ate five minutes ago, exaggerated and lies all the time, often without knowing it. [42]This completely normal human behavior suggests that registered intake is probably lower than actual consumption because we undermine the processed food we eat. [43]In developed countries, 75% of the salt consumption of packaged processed foods come, we add 15% at home during cooking and 10% is the natural sodium content in food. [44]In the UK we get 61% of our salt from processed foods (see the cake diagram below).

    Restore balance: the meaning of salt and electrolyte minerals (1)

    Every discussion about excessive salt consumption must focus on packaged processed foods. [46]Surprised?

    Suppose someone eats 8 grams of salt per day. Day.In this case, 61% comes from processed foods, 21% of the sodium is present in the food and 18% of the salt is added during cooking or at the table (estimated salt).Effective intervention to lower their salt intake.If they stop eating processed foods, this number falls to a scent of more than 3 grams of salt per day. Day;1.3 grams of sodium.In reality, these figures do not work because eliminated treated meals are replaced by something else with natural sodium and estimated salt with a speed of approximately 21% and 18%.merelySalt later in the article.

    The problem of advice on public health

    Health authorities around the world recommend that we all keep our sodium between 1.5 - 2.3 grams per day. It is a difference in 53% in reach.This lack of consensus tells us that a sweet place still avoids us, at least from the perspective of public health advice. Mercken, an American journalist at the beginning of the 20th century, known for his sharp VIDD and leaning social comments, said:'For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple and wrong.Clear and simple.It's also wrong.Salt only increases blood pressureSaltfuffesPeople.This message is central to this article.

    Why are we so afraid of salt?

    Why has salt achieved an 'unattractive status'?
    After all, our blood, sweat and tears are full of salt.In addition to salt we get sick and die.HOS Healthy people are approximately.0.4% of their weight salt.This means that the average person carries around 43 teaspoons of salt in their blood. [48]Salt has an unattractive status due to the controversial role of the sodium in hypertension.Højer -Tevaaces ofdeductedSodium in the blood pulls more water to the blood circulation, increases its volume and therefore pressure. [49]Hypertension, generally known as high blood pressure, is a chronic medical condition in which the force exerted by blood against arterial walls is consistently too high.In Millimeter of Kwik (MMHG) and appear as two numbers: systolic pressure (the first song) about diastolic pressure.Awareness is the relationship between salt consumption and high blood pressure, which leads to scary diseases.
    Hypertension is a primary part of heart vessel diseases and as such is the main cause of preventing deaths. [51]'Preventional' because the interventions of the medicine and the lifestyle are available to lower blood pressure. [52]In the UK, however, hypertension has fallen steadily since 1975, making it the least affected country in Europe and 195.Of the 200 countries assessed in 2015. [53] The use of the same ranking data is the countries with the highest distribution of hypertension, starting with the leader and traps, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Slovenia, Romania, Poland, Czech Republic, MontenegroAnd Slovakia.It makes Eastern Europe the global hub for hypertension.

    Restore balance: the meaning of salt and electrolyte minerals (2)

    Note that 6/10 of the countries (in red on the graph) that use the most salt, also in the top 10 hypertensics column.Desse locations are not evidence of anything because the studies used to collect this data simply cannot demonstrate any diet factor as a causal relationship, not even close, but this is well in line with the belief that salt stimulates hypertension.Most salt per day and is 181. out of 200 on the Hypertension card.

    Niels Graudal MD, a salt scientist quoted at the start of this salt section, reminds us of how strange it is to feel an essential mineral as toxic.somethingWill be toxic after a certain level.

    When did we all become so scared of salt?

    You may not know, but a war has been furious for 120 years.
    In 1904, Salt Wars started after two French scientists theoretized that salt increases blood pressure. [58]A few years later, a German scientist opposed these results with his. [59]In the coming decades, two armies from scientists were confronted with swinging research of different qualities.Balance his blood salt mirrors, against the supporters, those who believed that the theory was a healthy science because of observation data that meant for them.

    Just before the Debakel for the American nutrition objectives (1977), two researchers, George R. Menely and Harold D. Battarbee from Louisiana State University Medical Center, published a paper entitled 'High Sodium-Lage Potium Environment and Hypertension'. [60]They were supporters of the salt, raising the blood pressure hypothesis, but had added some complexity and said that the real problem was a combination of high salt, specific genetics and low potassium mirrors.And magazines were often the first state guidelines in the world on the front pages.Salt causes hypertension!Even it could have been forgiven, but the counseling of the state did exactly the same.per.dag. [61]accepted that this number was too low, the committee revised it to 5 grams of salt per day. Day, that is approximately.2 grams of sodium. [62]After the government's advice to reduce salt, the American Medical Association (AMA) said publicly: "[the committee] cannot support the hypothesis that salt consumption is an important factor in causing hypertension."However, became the American food guidelines (1980), had too much slowness.

    In 1991, researchers published the first assessment of investigations with low saline solution.62 tests, 10 of which are randomized, discovered that the salt with approx. 3 grams of per day could lower their blood pressure with an average of 5/3 mm HG (systolic/diastolic) or with 7 mm HG in people with hypertension[63]The authors decided that if everyone could reduce their salt consumption by 3 grams per day. Day they can reduce strokes by 22% and Ischemic heart disease by 16%..

    Gradually and two other researchers only include data from randomized attempts to increase the standard of the research used for their systematic review and Meta analysis. [64]The 58 RCTs assessed could not correspond to the results of the aforementioned assessment of 1991. Without hypertension without any significant change in diastolic MMHG.

    Newspaper heads tell us about the Towing and Froing conflict in the past decade:

    Restore balance: the meaning of salt and electrolyte minerals (3)

    What is the body's reaction to salt?

    If we need salt, we long for some salt. [65]

    In general we drink more liquids when we have had some salt. [66]If you think the bar staff will be charitable by leaving salted peanuts for you, you think again..

    However, it seems that Dorst can only be the short -term reaction on a salty snack.In 2017, researchers from the German Aviation Center and Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine made a surprising discovery about salt. [67]During 105 and 205 days, scientists have closed ten healthy volunteers in a number of interconnected space modules.Between 6 and 12 grams daily while retaining the inserted liquid intake. Day the volunteer kidney dumped more salt in their urine, but maintained more water by adjusting hormone levels responsible for mineral and water balance.The pressure remained constant.The volunteers were not salt and stayed in homeostasis as such.
    Sodium and water constantly balance each other in a process called osmoregulation.When the blood levels of bleeding increase, signals shoot to the brain and activate the release of hormones.These hormones instruct the kidneys to maintain sodium and water to maintain the balance.Ca.1.45 kg and 1.63 kg of salt or 0.58 kg and 0.65 kg of sodium per hectare. Day, approx 1150 times more than the amount of salt, we usually consume daily. [68]It means oneSund and fastPerson can filter the recommended daily limit of 6 grams of salt in five minutes.

    Is salt sensitivity the real problem?

    About 26% of people with normal blood pressure are salt sensitive.

    So 74% of people do not experience an increase in blood pressure after eating salt.

    Researchers characterize salt sensitivity through changes in blood pressure that reflect the intake of the diets. [70]There is also a phenomenon called reverse salt sensitivity that takes blood pressure after taking salt.with normal blood pressure) a decrease in their blood pressure after eating salt. [71]Salt sensitivity and reverse salt sensitivity are both associated with an increased risk of hypertension. [72]The definition of reverse salt sensitivity is not yet fully formed, with a different meaning is an increase in blood pressure, even though it has a layer of salt diet. [73]This lack of definition reminds us that the human body is still a mystery for our scientists and explains the confusion of Salt's exact role in all this.Cardiovascular events in a group of 596, Solar sensitive. [74]Salt sensitivity influences approximately.50% of people with hypertension. [75]So what causes salt sensitivity?

    Potassium deficiency and salt sensitivity

    90% of the British do not eat enough potassium. [76]

    This is because they have replaced entire foods, which are good sources of potassium, with ultra-processed foods, aka junk food. [77]Junk Foods has high calories and low nutrients, including potassium. [78]Potassium deficiency damages the power of the kidney to separate sodium, leading to increased blood volume and pressure. [79]In other words, a potassium deficiency is possiblecauseSalt sensitivity. [80]When doctors tackle the potassium deficiency and in the absence of various reasons, the salt sensitivity runs. [81]

    Insulin resistance and salt sensitivity

    Half of these people with salt sensitivity also have insulin resistance. [82]Insulin resistance is a condition in which the cells of the body do not respond correctly to insulin, which leads to higher blood sugar levels and possibly type 2. Diabetes compared to salt -resistant people (people whose blood pressure does not respond to salt in both indications), salt-Sensitive people have serious insulin resistance. [83]Excessive sugar consumption, in particular fructose, can cause insulin resistance. [84]In an interview with the Medical Research Blog from the University of Colorado, Cuconnections, Richard Johnson, MD, author of 'The Fat Switch', a potential mechanism with the interviewer.FRINTROSHOTE causes high levels of uric acid that damage the kidneys, the pipes, leading to sodium retention and high blood pressure, explains Johnson. [85]

    Obesity and genetic connection with salt sensitivity

    Researchers have identified different genes that increase the risk of salt sensitivity. [86]Not surprisingly, there is a lot of crossover between these genes and hypertension. [87]Remember that genes do not predict your future, but they make it more important to take preventive action against certain disorders such as salt sensitivity and hypertension.Bad genes [88] Given the tungsten strong relationships between obesity and insulin resistance and hypertension. [89]Shrinking obesity reduces the sensitivity of the salt and hypertension, although someone has a genetic institution for both. [90]

    What is the salty sweet place?

    Researchers refer to a 'sweet place' as a U-shaped or J-shaped curve that describes the pattern formed by depicted data on a diagram;See the image below.InToo little salt increases a person's risk of dysfunction and illness. [91]A team of 26 cardiovascular researchers rated four studies with a total of 133,000 people in different countries. [92]The results published in one of the world's most prestigious scientific journals, Lancet, showed a protective effect of 4 - 5 grams of sodium (10 grams and 13 grams of salt) compared to less than 3 grams per day (8 grams).British eat around .8 grams daily.The average guideline does not recommend more than 6 grams.

    Restore balance: the meaning of salt and electrolyte minerals (4)

    In 2011, some of the same researchers found a J-shaped curve for sodium consumption.gram sodium (~ 10 - 15 grams of salt). The day was associated with a greater risk of stroke, heart attack and death. [94]

    Three years later, some of the same researchers gathered urine monsters of 101,945 people in 17 countries to estimate the intake of sodium and potassium. [95]These estimates are much more accurate than the epidemiological data that is used to assess salt consumption.Sodium per day (~ 15 grams of salt) that escalate more than 7 grams (~ 18 grams of salt), especially in people with hypertension.People ate, yes lower is their risk, that adapts to the fact that potassium reduces the sensitivity of the salt and helps with sodium excretion.

    In an extensive analysis of 133,118 people from 49 countries, researchers investigated how sodium intake cardiovascular events and mortality affects people with and without hypertension. [96]The study published in Lancet showed that a higher sodium intake increased the systolic blood pressure more in people with hypertension than in them without. Day (~ 18 grams of salt) and less than 3 grams per day.Day (~ 8 grams of salt) were linked toIncreased risks of cardiovascular events and death compared to between 4 and 5 grams of disorders per day. Day;10 and 13 grams of salt.On the other hand, the high sodium intake did not increase the risk that without hypertension, but low sodium intake did not work.
    A study from 2021 entitled 'Sodium intake and health: what should we recommend based on current evidence?' Is a recent overview of the authors of various studies that we have quoted in this section. [97]They write in their summary: 'We claim that current evidence suggestsThis level of intake is associated with the lowest risk of disease disease and death, and that the risk of adverse health results increases when sodium intake exceeds more than 5 g/day or is less than 3 g/day. "(((Added weight).6 grams of sodium daily. [98]

    Restore balance: the meaning of salt and electrolyte minerals (5)

    Who may want to increase their salt intake?

    To tell the whole world to reduce the amount of salt they consume, without knowing exactly how many people eat, or actually how many people lose is just as scratches as people who tell more to eat more with the same gaping hole in information.The UK, 61% of our salt intake comes from processed and packaged food, and by removing it, the average Joe/Jo would drop their totals to 3 grams of salt per day. Day plus the replacement as discussed ABOve in how much salt do we eat today?1.2 grams of sodium daily, a touch over the double of 0.5 grams minimal to keep people alive.Healthy or restore health.

    Heavy sweaters need more salt

    Have you ever trained so hard that salt crystals form over your T-shirt when it dries?

    Current recommendations do not take sodium lost in sweat, which, according to some sports scientists, can be up to 7 grams to 7 grams to 7 grams during an event in warm weather. They recommend powerful exercises to restore between 10 and 15 grams (daily1.7-2.6 teaspoons of salt.

    A 2023 study into rehydration after exercise recommends consuming between slightly less than 1 gram to almost 2.5 grams of sodium after exercising for optimum rehydration and improvement. [106]

    Low-carbohydrate and keto diets may need more salt

    People in low-colyhydrate diets, especially ketogenic diets, have lower insulin levels.Release loss of sodium Relossing retention electrolyte balance. [107]

    People who do not eat processed foods may need more salt

    If you make most of your food all over again, congratulations.Your wishes and needs.

    Some health -conscious people may have their salt intake too low in a misleading suggestion to continue to have been healthy.

    If you are not sure, ask your doctor for a sodium test with blood.

    Do coffee drinkers need more salt?

    Coffee has a mild diuretic effect, which means that it ensures that people urinate more often. [108]Depending on how much coffee someone drinks and their reaction to that, some electrolytes, especially salt, can be worth it.But this is very dependent on the other aspects of their diet and lifestyle, some of which discuss in this section.OFFFIN can help to reduce salt -sensitive hypertension by activating a kidney channel that helps to balance the sodium levels. [109]

    Chronically ill people may need more salt

    Addison's disease is a condition in which adrenal glands do not produce enough hormones, including cortisol and aldosterone.Iidosteron regulates sodium and water balance in the kidneys. [110]Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) is a condition that influences blood pressure and heartbeat. [111]

    Stressed people may need more salt

    The perception of stress causes physiological reactions, including increased blood pressure.This is partly about sodium retention. [112]Depending on the diet and lifestyle of the individual, it can be important to replace the lost sodium to help restore homeostasis.

    If it is not salt, what is it?

    LLet's be clear: for some noise, sensitive people are salttrekkerof their hypertension.We oppose ourselves to use the word cause instead of too trigger because salt sensitivity is hypertensioncausesOf the things we have mentioned above, is salt sensitivity the real question? [113] Remember that the vast majority of people with normal blood pressure are not salt. The authors provide proof that assessments of salt consumption are close by enough despite methodological shortcomings.These experts actually offer a cardio -protective effect. [114]If they are right, only the Chinese and Hungarians can of course exaggerate salt in the absence of salt sensitivity.That sugar, in particular fructose, causes obesity, kidney dysfunction and insulin resistance, which extensively extends. [115]We discuss this briefly in the section, insulin resistance and salt sensitivity.

    The real reason why your electrolyte minerals are whip.

    The only best way to keep your electrolyte minerals in balance is to stop eating ultra-processed foods.Junk Foods is a huge factor in salt sensitivity.Or two minerals can disturb the others.Contains potassium and other electrolytes that play well.

    Junk Foods is very correlated with obesity because they contain so many calories and so low nutrients.Including fructose.Factic contains many junk food snacks that pretend they are healthy, fructose because part of the fruit sugar regards them as healthier.rodents. [116]Do not be a human experiment.

    Interesting is that Eastern Europe, Hub van Hypertension, Junk Food, is higher in fructose than VK and Midden -Europe. [117]Of course the correlation does not show a causal relationship. [118]

    As you know, insulin resistance can cause salt sensitivity by preventing the sodium excretion of the kidney. [119]A healthy body can separate sodium and quickly sodium, but if it is not possible, blood pressure rises. [120]In the United States, researchers have estimated this number at 40%. [121]

    It doesn't have to be complicated

    Electrolytes are critical about the normal function of your body.If you think that your diet is falling, we encourage you to exchange junk food to healthier, more nutritious option.Living - What is better than that?

    Salt sensitivity is a symptom of shortcoming, dysfunction and disease.It is also the determining question when discussing the dangers of salt.Entire foods give your body the electrolytes needed to maintain homeostasis.Revision or endurance can make the difference for your performance, rehydration and improvement by restoring the minerals that have been lost in sweat.First drink in the morning it can be the lack of piece in health and unlimited energy muscle games.

    Disclaimer: This article contains general information that challenges the existing British guidelines for salt consumption and is only for educational purposes.

    Sound clips

    • Hydration is not just about water.
    • Hyponatemie (low salt levels) can kill.
    • About 75% to 80% of our dietchloride intake comes from salt.
    • Chloride syntheses stomach acid, an essential first -line defense system and critical digestive code.
    • Potassium is the most common mineral in our cells, involved in more than 600 enzymatic reactions.
    • Magnesium is the second most common mineral in our cells, involved in more than 600 enzymatic reactions and counting.
    • Calcium plays critical roles both inside and outside cells.
    • When it comes to electrolyte minerals, balance is life.
    • By reducing water activity, salt concentrates and increases our joy of food.
    • People added salt to their food at least 40,000 years ago and have since used it to ferment plants and retain meat.
    • In the UK we eat between 7 and 8 grams of salt every day.(1.2 and 1.4 teaspoons).
    • Worldwide, salt consumption is wide, ranging from 5.1 grams per day in Samoa to 17.7 in China.
    • In developed countries, 75% of the salt consumption of packaged processed foods comes.
    • In the UK we get 61% of our salt from processed foods.
    • Every discussion about excessive salt consumption must focus on packaged processed foods.
    • Health authorities around the world recommend that we all keep our sodium between 1.5 - 2.3 grams per day.
    • With a difference of 53% in the area between recommendations with low and high salt, there is no conscientious.
    • Salt only increases the blood pressure of salt -sensitive people.
    • The average person wears around 43 teaspoons of salt, mainly in their blood.
    • Between 1990 - 2019, global hypertension rates will be doubled.
    • Hypertension has fallen steadily in England since 1975, making it the least affected country in Europe and 195.Of the 200 countries assessed in 2015.
    • Everything becomes toxic outside of a certain level.
    • The salt war has the breed for 120 years.
    • The short -term effect of salt consumption is thirsty.
    • Salt consumption can cause hunger.
    • On average, our kidneys can between approximately 1,45 kg and 1.63 kg of salt or 0.58 kg and 0.65 kg of sodium per hectare. Day, approximately 1150 times more than the amount of salt that we usually consume every day.
    • A healthy person can filter the recommended daily limit of 6 grams of salt in five minutes.
    • About 30% of people are salt sensitive.
    • 70% of people do not experience an increase in blood pressure after eating salt.
    • Inverse salt sensitivity sees a decrease in blood pressure after eating salt.
    • Ninety percent of the British do not eat enough potassium.
    • This is because they have replaced Whole Foods, which are good sources of potassium, with ultra-processed food, aka junk food.
    • Potassium deficiency damages the power of the kidney to separate sodium, leading to increased blood volume and pressure.
    • Potassium can cause salt sensitivity.
    • The turning of potassium deficiency can reverse the salt sensitivity.
    • Sixty -Six percent of a standard British diet is junk food.
    • There is a decrease of 38% in micronutrients in fruit and vegetables.
    • Half of salt -sensitive people have insulin resistance.
    • Turning obesity can change salt sensitivity.
    • Too much salt and too little salt increase someone's risk of dysfunction and illness.
    • Some researchers say that less than 8 grams of salt people can have a shortage every day.
    • Some researchers say that between 8 and 13 grams of salt has a protective effect every day.
    • Heavy sweaters and strenuous trainers may need more salt.
    • Low carbohydrate and keto diets may need more salt.
    • People who make their meals all over again may need more salt.
    • Excess fructose consumption can cause kidney damage, insulin resistance and obesity.
    • Protect yourself against salt sensitivity by reducing your junk food intake.
    • Kick junk food to the sidewalk and protect yourself against salt sensitivity.

    Over from author

    Restore balance: the meaning of salt and electrolyte minerals (6)

    Tim Rees, BSC Mbant RCNHC, is a registered clinical dietary physiologist who specializes in diet and lifestyle interventions for chronic diseases.Tim, who works from his home base in picturesque Bavaria, immerses himself where possible in the natural beauty of the surrounding mountains and lakes.


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    Restore balance: the meaning of salt and electrolyte minerals (2024)
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