Pizza vs. Burger: Which is Healthier? (2024)

Pizza versus burger, which one should you eat? It's a question you may have pondered just before indulging in your favorite snack.

If you love pizza, you will be drawn to it regardless of the time or season. And if you're a burger person, even the fat content wouldn't stop you from eating a burger whenever you want. It's just a human! But between these two popular fast food items, is one healthier? Let's find out.

Pizza vs. Burger: Which is Healthier? (1)

This article takes a deep dive into the nutrition facts and their impact on your health. From the high sodium content to the alarming cholesterol levels, keep reading to make a smarter decision about your next snack.

Pizza versus burger: which is healthier?

Pizza vs. Burger: Which is Healthier? (2)

Fast food pizzas and burgers contain excellent nutrients: proteins, energy-giving carbohydrates, essential vitamins and minerals. But you also get your fair share of saturated fat, sodium, sugars, preservatives and high calories. These are probably your concerns.

The truth is that fast food pizzas and burgers can be healthy or unhealthy depending on the ingredients you put in them. You make your snack unhealthy if you add high-calorie, processed meat and sugar-rich sauces. But you can make it healthier by adding lots of fruits and vegetables.

Let's take a closer look at a typical pizza and a typical burger.

Comparison of nutrients for pizza and burger

I will compare a Pizza Hut 12".Pepperoni Pizza and a Burger King Cheeseburger.

Here's the view.

Pepperoni Pizza vs. Cheeseburger (Key Nutrients)


1 stick Pepperoni Pizza (Pizza Hut)

1 osteburger

(Burger King)


286 kcal261 kcal
Calcium140 milligram

239 milligram


29,3 gr23,87 gr
Cholesterol24 milligram

37 milligram

Egg white

11,5gr13.94 gr
Saturated fat5,06 gr



664 milligram508 milligram
Sugar3 gram



Pizza versus burger: vitamins and minerals

Pizza vs. Burger: Which is Healthier? (3)

Hamburgers have reasonable amounts of vitamins A, Bs, C, D, E and K. They also have essential nutrients such as lycopene (antioxidant), beta-carotene, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and fiber. Burger patty (meat) is rich in protein and iron.

Pizzas are a good source of vitamins A, Bs, E and K. They also contain several amino acids, copper, zinc, potassium, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium and fiber. Pepperoni is a good source of protein and iron. [Is pizza bad for you?]

What do these numbers mean?

Let me break it down for you. I will only focus on the ingredients that make pizzas and burgers 'unhealthy'.

Pizza vs. hamburger: calories

(I cut Pizza 286 Kcal versus 1 Burger 261 Kcal).

When you have eaten one piecePepperoni-pizza, you would consume 286 calories, but if you eat a single burger, you would consume 261 calories.

You need calories for energy. But eating too many calories without using them can ultimately lead to obesity and its associated problems (high blood pressure, clogged arteries, risk of stroke, etc.).

How many calories are too many in a day?

OfThe FDA recommends a maximum of 2,000 calories per day. But the amount of calories you consume depends on your height, weight, physical activity level, etc. UseMyPlate-subscriptionknow exactly how many calories you should consume per day.

The burger contains fewer calories than pizza and is therefore healthier. But if you add high-calorie cheese, fatty meat and sweet sauces to your burger or pizza, your calorie intake will skyrocket.

Pizza versus burger: calcium

Pizza vs. Burger: Which is Healthier? (4)

(1 skive-pizza 140 mg versus 1 burger 239 mg).

Cheese provides a generous amount of calcium and protein.

Calcium works with vitamin D to strengthen your bones and teeth. Without enough calcium, your body will start pulling calcium from your bones. How to lose bone mass.

But can calcium be too high?

Experts recommend at least 1,000 mg of calcium per day. A whole pizza gives you 1,149 mg of calcium, which is nowhere near the upper limit of 2,500 mg. But keep in mind that the vitamin D content in pizza is lower than in a burger.

In terms of calcium, the burger is healthier than a pizza.Why? Burgers also contain vitamin D, and a burger contains more calcium than a slice of pizza.

Pizza vs. hamburger: carbs

(1 piece of pizza 29.3 grams versus 1 burger 23.87 grams)

Carbohydratesis your main source of energy.

The pizza dough and the burger bun are the main sources of carbohydrates. Without the crust, pizza contains only 3 net carbs. Likewise, a burger without the bun has only 2 grams of carbohydrates.

How many carbohydrates are too many?

Some portion of your caloric intake (45% to 65%) should come from carbohydrates. That means about 300 grams of carbohydrates per day in your 2,000 calories.

You can reduce your carbohydrate intake by using whole wheat instead of refined wheat. Or remove the crust. You can use a pizza base made from nut flour.

If you ate all your pizza slices, you would consume 237 grams of carbohydrates. It is still within the limit. But it also means that you should not take more carbohydrates that day.

With carbohydrates, the burger is the healthier option over pizza!You're unlikely to eat eight burgers a day, but if you did you'd still be within the limit.

Pizza versus burger: cholesterol

Pizza vs. Burger: Which is Healthier? (5)

(1 piece of pizza 24 mg versus burger 37 mg).

A significant portion of the calories in your pizza and burger come from the cheese. Remove the cheese and the problem is solved. But what about the taste? Will it still work out? You choose.

Not all cholesterol is bad. Your body needs some cholesterol to make vitamin D and hormones. But here's the thing.Your liver makes enough cholesterol for your needs.

In terms of cholesterol, neither a burger nor a pizza are healthier. You don't have to consume cholesterol. But if you do, keep it under 300 mg per day.

Pizza vs. burger: Saturated fat

(1 piece of pizza 5.06 grams versus burger 4.85 grams).

Dairy products (cheese) and fatty red meat (including cured meats such as salami, pepperoni and sausages) are high in saturated fat.

Saturated fat is solid at room temperature. They quickly increase your blood cholesterol levels.

The American Heart Association recommends no more than 13 grams of saturated fat per day. If you take three slices of pepperoni pizza, you are already over the limit.

In terms of saturated fat, pizzas are just as unhealthy as burgers. In fish and poultry, it is best to replace saturated fat with unsaturated fat. Why not cut out the fatty red meat and chunky cheese?

Pizza versus burger: sodium

Pizza vs. Burger: Which is Healthier? (6)

(1 skive-pizza 664 mg versus 1 burger 508 mg).

Processed meat is preserved by salting, brining, drying, smoking or canning. They include sausages, pepperoni, salami, bacon and canned meats.

Processed meat and cheese have very high sodium content, which can be a problem for sensitive people, such as those with high blood pressure. Too much sodium also increases the chance of developing hypertension and its related symptoms.

Like other nutrients, sodium serves its purpose.You need about 500 mg of daily sodium intake for your nerves and muscles. But more than 2,300 mg is too much.

With sodium, the burger is the healthier option.But both pizzas and burgers contain unhealthy amounts of sodium.You can swap processed meat for freshly prepared meat and use less cheese.

Pizza vs. hamburger: sugar

(1 piece of pizza 3 grams versus 1 burger 4.85 grams).

Fast food pizza contains a little sugar in the crust and pizza sauce. The burger also has sugar in the bun and ketchup.

You don't need to consume free sugar in your diet. It's just a sweetener.

Free sugars are the sugars that you add to your food. (They do not occur naturally in food). If you must consume it,NHSrecommend no more than 30 grams per day for adults and even less for children.

Pizza vs. Hamburger: Which is Healthier? The final verdict.

Pizza vs. Burger: Which is Healthier? (7)

Compared to burgers, pizzas contain higher amounts of calories, carbohydrates, saturated fat and sodium. But also reasonable amounts of proteins, iron, calcium and other minerals and vitamins.

Burgers contain higher amounts of cholesterol and sugar than pizzas. Burgers also have a higher protein and calcium content.

In general, burgers are healthier than pizzas.

But you can control the excessive 'unhealthy' nutrients. Pizzas and burgers can be healthier.

This way you make your burger and pizza healthier

Make your snack at home

And why not make your pizza at home? It could be the healthiest meal ever! That way you can control sugars, fats, sodium and everything else. If you make them at home, you can use healthier fats like olive oil and fresh meat instead of the fatty types.

You can use cauliflower or nut flour for your pizza base. You can also add as many healthy toppings as you like!

Juster toppings.

  • From red meat to white meat. You can replace the fatty red meat patty in your burger with grilled chicken. Or grab a vegan burger instead (e.g. Burger King's Impossible Whopper).
  • From refined wheat to whole wheat. Instead of refined grains, you can opt for whole wheat pizza bases and burger buns.
  • From high-fat cheese to low-fat cheese. You can replace the low-fat Parmesan cheese with low-fat cottage cheese. Or you can leave out the cheese altogether, or have one slice of cheese instead of two.
  • Lots of fruits and vegetables. You can put vegetables on your burger or pizza to boost your immunity. You can never go wrong with a plant-based diet.

But toppings aren't the only thing that matters. You also have to think about the sides.

Adjust the sides

  • Why not have a salad instead of fries?
  • Why not take water instead of the excess sugar in soda?
  • Instead of washing down that greasy burger with a beer, why not have some fresh fruit juice?

Consumption in moderation

And how much pizza or burgers do you take?

One slice a day is excellent, but three slices? It pushes it. The whole pizza? Too many! Any meal, when overdone, becomes unhealthy.

To avoid overeating your pizza, serve it on a plate and chew slowly.


Both pizzas and burgers contain good nutrients (protein, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins), but also contain alarming amounts of cholesterol, sodium, carbohydrates, saturated fat and calories. And in fact, these nutrients can be found in every other food we consume.

If I had to choose between a burger and a pizza for my only meal for a week, I would rather have a burger. But that's just me. What would you choose and why? Share your opinion below!

Pizza vs. Burger: Which is Healthier? (8)

Pizza vs. Burger: Which is Healthier? (9)

Barbara Gordon

Barbara is an avid food explorer who enjoys a variety of culinary experiences. She was inspired to write a pizza blog post after tasting one of the best-selling pizzas in Toledo.

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  • 2 average vs. large pizza: Which is bigger?
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Pizza vs. Burger: Which is Healthier? (2024)


Pizza vs. Burger: Which is Healthier? ›

A pizza with just two slices contains 18 grams of fat and 8 grams of harmful saturated fat. Then the burger contains 19.8 grams of total fat and 9.2 grams of saturated fat. Despite the lower levels of calories and carbohydrates, burgers contain fat which is not healthy for your body.

What is healthier, pizza or hamburger? ›

2 pizza slices contain 18 gram of total fat out of which 8 gram is the harmful saturated fat. On the other hand, a burger contains 19.8 gram of total fat, out of which 9.2 comes from saturated fat. Although low in total calories, a burger is higher in fat content than pizza slices.

Is pizza healthier than other fast food? ›

Pizza isn't considered health food—and for good reason. It's high in calories and typically loaded with fatty meats and cheese with little nutritional value. Two slices can easily add up to 600 calories and more than a full day's worth of sodium.

Is pizza the unhealthiest food? ›

Pizza is not only delicious but can also be a healthy meal choice when thought is put into its preparation. Though many frozen and fast-food varieties tend to be high in calories, fat, sodium and other unhealthy ingredients, pizza can be made healthier.

Why pizza can be healthier fast food than a burger and fries are? ›

Eating pizza can be healthier than eating burgers and fries. Pizza is a simple Italian dish that can be made without too much oil, with a healthy tomato sauce, vegetables, cheese. All ingredients can be fresh, healthy and can contain all essential nutrients.

What is a healthier option than pizza? ›

Flatbread Pizza

Flatbread pizza is a thinner and lighter option than traditional pizza, reducing calories and carbohydrates. Opt for whole grain or whole wheat flatbread for added nutrition and fiber.

Is pizza once a week ok? ›

Having Pizza once a week is alright as long as you are exercising and having good food the rest of the days. Pizza Basic ingredients include bread or pizza base, tomato sauce, cheese and toppings. All of the ingredient are healthy if eaten in moderation.

Why are burgers better than pizza? ›

One large pizza can contain around a whopping 2000 calories, and that's before you add toppings. On the other hand, you could have around two burgers worth that allowance, especially if they come with cheese, bacon, and special sauces.

Is McDonald's or Little Caesars healthier? ›

They chose five of each restaurant's best sellers and five random items. Coming in on top as the healthiest fast food restaurant was Little Caesars.

Is pizza worse for you than pasta? ›

However, pizza has more calories than pasta, 285 in a slice of pizza versus 220 in a cup of cooked pasta. This is attributed to the fact that the fat content in a slice of cheese pizza is much higher – almost 9 grams higher – than in a cup of cooked pasta.

What is the most unhealthy thing about pizza? ›

Pizza is high in saturated fats due to cheese and processed meat toppings, which can increase your cholesterol levels as well as risk for heart disease. Eating three-four slices of pizza or more, on a regular basis, can have detrimental health consequences.

Can pizza ever be healthy? ›

Pizza Can Be Part of a Healthy Lifestyle

“Just about everything can be enjoyed as part of a healthy lifestyle in moderation,” Dr. Cederquist says. Adding lots of vegetables to your pizza, pairing it with a side salad, and drinking plenty of water in between bites will help you avoid eating too many slices, she adds.

Which is healthier, pizza or pasta? ›

When it comes to nutritional value, both pizza and pasta offer some essential vitamins and minerals. However, depending on the toppings used for each dish, one may be more nutritious. For example, pizzas usually have more vegetables as toppings than pasta (which can provide more vitamins and minerals).

Can I eat burger on cheat day? ›

Worst choice cheat day meals

The least optimal option is allowing yourself to eat whatever you like. Aim to avoid foods such as pizza, burger and chips from a fast food chain or Chinese takeaway. These meals are often easy to overeat and will most likely take you well over your recommended calories.

What is unhealthier pizza or fries? ›

What fast food is more unhealthy than French fries? Here it is, in all its salty, fat-laden, artery-clogging glory. Pizza was found to be the most unhealthy in a recent study.

Is a burger healthy? ›

Though burgers provide protein and other nutrients, they're not seen as a healthy food option. That's because they're high in saturated fat and cholesterol. They're also often bundled with sodas and french fries, which contain large amounts of sugar and saturated fats.

Is pizza cheaper than burgers? ›

While a hamburger is also a more affordable option for eating out, most of the time, a slice of pizza is cheaper than a hamburger. Burgers also offer the nutritional benefits of protein, but sometimes that can be combatted when they are dressed up with cheese or fattening sauces or paired with a side of fries.

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.