Paper seeds and adventures - Chapter 1 - Gullibrelemon (2024)


Simon sniffed while he bowed to place the pile of books he had worn on the floor.

"These books must be on a shelf, Simon!"Come a mocking voice from the corner.

"And they will be," Simon promised and got up again."I just don't have six hands."

Rosh appeared around the side of the bookshelf, a grin in her face.UnpleasantI have to have six hands to prepare everything for his Majesty. "

"It is" his royal highness "and I know you know; but don't catch Felice you hear, says it wrong, she has kittens."

"She could do with the loosening of a little, otherwise she will go to an early grave by the end of the day."

Simon looked over her shoulder to ensure that Felice did not hear from a distance until he laughs and shook her head."I think she killed one of us before she even goes."

"If you don't get these books on a shelf five minutes ago, you'll be sure," said Rosh, before you slide behind the next shelf, away from Simon's Haalened,"f*ck Dig!".But he still bent and started placing the books on their right shelves.

He heard Felice's steps before he saw her hurry around the corner.

"I know," said Simon."I will come there afterwards. I thought we probably didn't want him to broke his throat, stumbling over piles of books while he was here."

Felice didn't like it.Simon was pretty sure she hadn't heard him.Chairman somewhere else, and what if Prince Wilhelm needs something else and what if - "

"Felice," Simon said firmly and put his hands on his shoulders."

She stared at him."I can't" relax ", Simon! This is such a huge deal. I can't -"

"Felice," he said, cut her off again.Do, they are not worth your time.

She bustThe princess!"

"Yes," said Simon."And I don't care. I know. I don't really understand why youDoingMake sure. "

She sighed and shook her head. "

"I thought all your rich types went into the same circles."

She stared at him."You also went to Hillerska, Simon."

"Yes, and they made my life miserable for three whole years."

She sighed again, she said, "Good. Judgment. Didn't cause a scene. Friendly?"She gave him a sweet smile.

He rolled with his eyes."For you. Fordi I love you. But don't expect me to suck them up."

"Not me," she said."Finish the screen, and then you can just make a button if you want."

"Yes," he said."I don't think we expect their Royal Highness to make crepe -Pictures with many children?"

Felice laughed about it."No," she said."They are only here in the first hour. Read, signature and then goes."

'Okay, it's no problem.I'm going to the display. "

"I can't sit!"She shouted.

Simon Bult against himself and shook his head.Maybe Rosh was the same, and Felice was on his way to an early grave.

He passed Rosh again while he fenced it in front of the store.She took a book out of the box while she stayed next to him.

"Did you read it?"She said, crossed through.

"Yes," he said."Do you have?"

She made an affirmative sound on the back of her neck before she looks at him and flirts."Do you think his Majesty Kroon Prince Erik knows that he has written a queer allegory?"

Simon Snoof."I doubt it," he said.

"Maybe," she said."Or maybe he is a secret queer and he slowly dies in an archaic hom*osexual institution."

Simon laughed loudly about it. "

Rosh pointed to him and gave him a faux heglook. "

He rolled with his eyes."I think he can take it," he said.

"That's what I say," she said."take this. "She waved her eyebrows.

Simon pushed her while she laughed. "Rosh stumbled in the display and they were both panicking before they were laughed.

"Don't let Felice be destroyed, it's her pride and joy."

"Did you see her eye shock when Maddie did the crown?", Simon pointed to the huge, dressed cardboard crown that was proudly placed on the shelves.

Rosh fired."Yes.But what else should we do? "

Simon laughed."Come on," he said.

They worked in accompanying silence when they filled the boards with the debut novel of Crown Prince Erik., but the fighting and the journey for the small seed in the story was one that Simon recognized.

Even ten minutes later the box was empty and they were back to admire their work.Knowed that Felice had worked tirelessly with a public relations person within the Royal Court to ensure that the tickets went to underprivileged families or families with children with children they thought they could really benefit from it.

Simon checked to ensure that the box with books to sign and to be transferred to the children for the rest of the week, was under the table, which was now set out with two seats: one for every visitor Prince.

"What time do the children arrive?"Simon asked when Felice came out of the back room and looked considerably more together than before.

She looked at her watch and then on the clipboard in her hand."In five minutes," she said."

"Yes," said Simon."Are the matching mugs clean?"

She threw him a non -imposed look, but he could see the edges of a smile, so he knew she wasn't completely over.

"Yes, thanks," she said.

"Is everyone ready for a prince?"

"Two," she remembered him.

"Does the extra baby prince really need matching mugs?"

"They don't match if there is only one of them."

He laughed and was happy to see that she could do the same, although he quickly saw it slipping off her face when she saw the queue form outside the doors.

"Finished?"He said with a much milder voice than he had used.

When she chased her lips, she nodded."Ready," she said, before she hired her dazzling smile and went down to open the doors.

The next few minutes passed in a veil of screaming and small feet that beating on the floor.To boards were turned around, a child stumbled and knocked in his chair and needed an ice suit that had to be removed under the table, and two cried loudly into their parents' shoulders.

Simon was sent under the table and Rosh was instructed to place screams while Felice hurried to grab the ice suit.

Soon, with some soft encouragement and the promise of no loud sounds, and 'yes, it is a prince in real life.NastyOf them, in fact, both remaining children sat next to their parents for the time being and waited like the rest.

When hordes were all a residents, Felice Simon threw half -excited, half -frighted look, which he assumed to arrive the princes;And at least a minute later the door waved up to allow a lot of customized suits.

It took a while before Simon Crown Prince Erik distinguished among the photographers, what he accepted was a small PA team and their safety, but then the gaggl and the crown prince wiped Erik forward and smoothed the front of his suit Jacking he radiated he shoneAgainst Felice and grabbed his hand in both of him.

"Felice!"He said."It's so good to see you again!"

Despite her previous nerves, Felice seemed composed and unnecessary while she shook her hand and turned his smile back. "

"No," he said."Thank youvanTo have me. "

A few of the parents gave an applause and Simon tried so hard to stop rolling his eyes that he made them water.

Erik was led to the side of an authoritative woman with straight, dark hair and a long, navy -blue jacket., Thank you."

Simon looked at Rosh with broad eyes.This woman apparently never had to pray a group of 6 to 10 years to sit still for another ten minutes, with nothing to ever entertain them.Look while she poured away with crown prince Erik, who immediately brought Felice into conversation as they walked to her office.

That is when Simon noticed the other Prince., could not have been different.

Prince Wilhelm looked surly and unhappy.Before he followed his brother and their entourage with Fellice.

It didn't take long, Simon and Rosh were distracted by an increasingly unduler crowd of both children and parents.In the meantime, Simon had to look up two wasted drinks and help to break a small scrub between two of the children.

After a few minutes Felice came out of her office and took Simon's arm.

"What?"He was cracking.Office, Erik laughs at something that Wilhelm sees out.

"Simon, I want your Prince Wilhelm to make a drink in the kitchen."

Simon flirts."With one of your matching mugs?"

She stared at him."Just make a cup of coffee?"

He sighed."Bun. But they must start to entertain these children soon, or this bookstore will be destroyed by a horde of small, impatient hooligans."

"We are starting now!"She said.

'Good.I'll be back.'

"Thanks, Simon," she said, squeezing her arm quickly.

He shook his head, but knocked lovingly on her shoulder before he went to the kitchen.the top of the frame.

He threw the soaked paper towels that were bound in his hand in the garbage, he started to open beings in search of an Krugs.Mug that Rosh had received him the year before as a secret Christmas gift.CrossWith the Converse Star logo on the page surrounded by red flags and the words "forever socialist".

Simon quickly made the drink before he could change ideas and pushed the bookstore out with the mug in his hands.

Erik had already started reading.

A person who did not seem impressed was Wilhelm.idly speculated Simon how much media education he had to still just stand aside who looked at nothing special.The contact, Wilhelm struck and looked at Simon with a frightened expression on his face.

"Here," said Simon and gave him the mug."I made a new drink."

"Oh!"Said Wilhelm, taking the mug."

He brought it to his lips, Simon tried to hide his butter.Surprising in Simon.Simon just raised his eyebrows, as if he would change him to say something.

Looking back on Simon, Wilhelm brought the mug to his lips and took a sip.

But Wilhelm just smiled at him."Thanks for the drink," he said, before he placed the mug on the table next to him.

Simon, who found a Palace for Baars, then Crown Prince Erik ends the lecture.

The woman, who had previously spoken, stepped forward and dedicated everyone to form a queue in front of the table to get a signed book.Unfortunately, most six-year-olds were either not aware or did not care about the Queuing label, so it was chaos for a while until Simon and Rosh in between managed to implement a kind of system.

Some children had run away and their parents sat in line between their place and overseing the problems that their children could cause.Again and looked incredibly uncomfortable with a small child on his knee.

The child seemed to be enthusiastic about replacing a story to Prince Wilhelm that nodded in the right places, although he looked like he wanted the floor to swallow him whole.Turn off and try to end some of the floating children when he saw the child give an almighty sneezing.

All eyes hit the corner, where Wilhelm the baby had quickly deposited on the floor and stared at the belt of his coat in quiet horror.

Simon heard some of the parents crave breath, and a few others end in their breath.When you are confronted with an exaggerated apologetic parent and an indignant child, do when you are confronted.

Simon decided to put him out of his misery.

"Hey," he said, quickly went forward. "

Wilhelm looked at the mess of his coat and then went back to Simon.

"Do you want me to show you ... Where are you going?"

Wilhelm nodded."If you do not mind."

Simon tried not to be too surprised how Meek Wilhelm seemed to have been compared to the glare he had thrown in the past, and his general surly air.May snot humiliated on your jacket.That she had everything under control, but she just turned her eyebrows against him.

They left the room through a small corridor and the crowds of the children died almost immediately.

Simon was suddenly greeted with a stifling silence.Wilhelm hadGood shoulders.

When he scraped his throat, Simon treated the moistening of a towel.

Simon watched when Wilhelm started floating on the belt with the look of a disgust on his face.Satation said Simon: "Not much cleaning of physical liquids in the palace?"

Wilhelm's head shot up and Simon realized what he had said.

If you look at him for a moment, Wilhelm flashed, as if he tried to decipher or Simon finally mocked him.

Simon's stomach made a nice twist to the smile and he tried to remind himself that he would not love that the princes had a household staff to perform their daily tasks for them.

He looked at the jacket to distract himself."I think you just spread it," he said."

Wilhelm made a small, pathetic sound."Erik will kill me," he said."MorWill kill me. "

Simon knew in theory that the 'mother' was actually the queen of Sweden, but Wilhelm looked like any other person in line with a roasting party to get something on his best suit.

"Don't you travel with an extra?"Simon asked.

When he threw him a nice look, Wilhelm said: "Why should I travel with an extra suit?"

Simon shrugged my shoulders."I don't know. I don't know what your life looks like. Isn't this kind of thing often?"

Wilhelm shook my head.And they will kill me.I told them that I would ruin it. “When he threw the canvas on the table, Wilhelm raised his hands to let them run frustrated by his hair.

Simon was surprised how disturbed Wilhelm seemed to be. "

Wilhelm shook my head."I have the photos before we travel."

"Is Farima the scary lady who has never met a child in her life?"

Wilhelm laughed a bit.

Simon was not sure how to take it, so he just kept diving into the brand.After a few more attempts, he sighed.soon."

"What should I do?"Wilhelm and Simon were surprised to see that he really seemed to ask Simon if he would help him.

"Turn it on again," said Simon."Let's see if it is less clear when it is enabled."

Wilhelm lifted the jacket and pulled it back on his shoulders.Shame,Simon thought before he shook his head again to concentrate.

Simon quickly looked around the kitchen and discovered the flowers on the table that Felice had imposed to impress their guests.

"Felice, why do they even get to the employee kitchen?"

"You never know!"

Simon must remember to thank her for her.

If you look at Simon in confusion, he said, "What - what are you doing?"

Simon Snoof.ActuallyGive you flowers.But we can attach them to your jacket.Cover the brand. "

Wilhelm looked skeptical.

"Look, it's the colors of Sweden and such. They for you or something. People will think it's sweet.

Simon suddenly realized how close they were and quickly stepped out of the personal space of Wilhelm.

"Come on," Simon said with more annoyance."It is this, not a jacket or a"

Wilhelm looked back at Simon and studied him before he nodded.

When you looked at the somewhat withered bouquet in my pocket, Wilhelm sighed."I look ridiculous."

"Well, at least you don't see snot covered anymore," said Simon."It can certainly be worse?"

“Worse than having taken photos with my perfect brother while I was strung on my jacket?Yes, I suspect it can be worse. "Wilhelm designed for a moment before he shook his head and then on Simon."Sorry, "he said." "He put his hand out to Simon, who carefully took and shook it. Wilhelm's hand was warm and his handle was strong.

"Simon," he replied.

Wilhelm nodded."Thank you for your help, Simon."

Simon tried to ignore the funny flutter in his belly by hearing Wilhelm say his name.Cloth back on its hook."You are welcome," he said after too long.

"And thanks for coffee earlier. I ... there ..." Wilhelm laughed a little laugh."

Simon so surprising on him.

"We - uh ... we're not going to talk about politics," Wilhelm said, looking at his hands.Was with intense expressions in his face.

Simon's breath caught in his throat.

Simon was looking for something to say to break the sudden heavy air, Simon said, "Well, politics or not, Erik has accidentally written a very strange coded book."

Wilhelm looked at him for a long time and diminished him."That, uhm, it wasn't an accident."

The stubborn smile slid from Simon's face when he saw Wilhelm redness.

"Wait," said Simon."He did it on purpose?"

Wilhelm nodded.

Simon laughed an unprocessed laughter.

Wilhelm opened her mouth to say something, but the door waved up.The photos, Prince Wilhelm. "

Wilhelm nodded and said, "Okay."

Simon did not miss that his face had fallen and his shoulders were a bit prepared."I'm there for a while.""He said."For ... for your help."

Simon nodded."No problem," he said.

Wilhelm gave him a tight lip smile before he followed Felice from the room.

The next day, when Simon approached the bookstore, he saw a wealth of people outside.approached, the crowd cheered.

The sound was filled in when the door behind him was closed.

"What the hell is there?"Simon said with a little smile.

"I know," said Felice."Can you believe it?"

"What happened?"Simon asked his bag and jumped on the table next to her.

Felice shrugged and lifted his drink on his lips. And the message we all thought was pretty clear? "

Simon Snoof."So what, the crown prince is now everyone's queer?"

Levels him with a look, Felice said: "Only because you don't like him does not mean that this is not really quite a problem for the queer community."

Bristling, Simon said, "I know ... why does he get the honor of writing some subtle messages for a book when we live our lives every day?"

Felice sighed."I know," she said."But ... maybe we should just take it as a victory, yes? -" They will be very disappointed if he doesn't pop up today. "

Simon took a stack of books from hand."What?"He said."What do you mean?

Felice shook his head. "

Simon rolled with his eyes. "

"Simon," Felice said, threw him a whipped look."It's not fair."

"No," said Simon."I am sure that all their smart meetings and tape jackets and garden openings are much more important than reading for a couple of children."

"He is visiting a children's hospital today," said Felice.

Simon's stomach fell and he changed uncomfortably."Well," he said."It's better than nothing."

Felice lifted her eyebrows.

"Good," Simon said with a huff."It is a very noble and good thing, and he is not such a selfless and amazing person."

Felice Snorret. “She threw him a non -unavoidable look.

He laughed."He liked it."

When he looked up and down, Felice said, "I bet he did that."

It pulled Simon briefly;He felt hot to the cheeks."What is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing," she said lightly while she walked away to prepare tables for their afternoon activities.

Simon shook himself and tried to get rid of the tingling feeling that Felice's words had inflamed behind his breastbone.What did she mean by that?

He knew that the very limited time he had spent with Wilhelm yesterday felt ... other than he expected.People.But then he had been so ... Charming.And not a way in the adventurous prince;

And if Simon would have thought of Wilhelm's disarmed eyes more than once last night?Idea to see Wilhelm again.What if it was awkward?Simon did it strange yesterday?

He tried to stay busy when Rosh arrived.the amount?"

Rosh has spotted."If he is afraid that a few strange people celebrating who are represented in a children's book, he has had bigger problems than a book signs," she said.

"But what if his team thinks it's a security problem?"

'Safety questions?What for God's sake, Felice.It's just people who dance on the street.Why would he be threatened? "

"I am not saying he should be!"She didn't break."I try to be realistic. What if?"

Simon was able to see some of the black-suited individuals of yesterday and pray part of the crowd to go to the side to let Wilhelm pass.followed behind her.He smiled and a small wave at the people on each side while he passed.A girl moved him, he looked at security before he got closer;Gave him a little before he pressed toes and put her arms around his throat.

Farima stepped forward and said something to the girl who nodded and went back., but still had a little smile on his lips.

Farmia struggled on Felice and coordinated her head against the office.Nodded, Felice followed her and left Wilhelm to float uncomfortably while Simon and Rosh were ready to set up space.In the piles before the doors were opened to the public.

"Hello," Wilhelm said when they were alone (the security officers were both placed next to the doors).

"Hello," Simon said, unnecessarily corrected a stack of books, suddenly nervous.

"How are you?"She said both at the same time.

When he laughed shyly, Wilhelm Hagen appeared on his chest.

"I'm good," said Simon."

Wilhelm nodded."Good," he said.

Felice's office door waved up and Farima went out.

"Prince Wilhelm," she said, while Felice hurried towards able to collect you from the alley behind the building. "

Wilhelm nodded.Felice so nervous on the growing amount outside.

"Threatened?"Come Rosh's voice behind Simon."What do you mean by" threat "?"Queer people can't touch our dear prince? "

"Rosh,"Said Felice warning.

"What?"Rosh Brak. "

Farima shot Rosh a hard staring. "

Rosh opened her mouth to protest, but closed it again after a new warning look from Felice.

"If you want to apologize."Farima turned off and lifted her phone to her ear while she left.

Rosh breathed, but Felice raised her hand.

Huffend, Rosh shrugged and turned again to avoid work.

"I heard that!"Shouted Rosh.

Felice Rolde with his eyes, said, "I'm still upset."

Wilhelm gave her a tight smile."That's fine," he said."I understand what she means."

Felice has reduced the smile."Can I have a drink before everyone arrives?"

"Erm ... yes thanks," he said.

"Coffee? Tea? Water?"

"Coffee would be great, please."

"He loves the star mug," said Simon.

Wilhelm's head struck, an insignificant smile on his face.Simon glistened to him.

Wilhelm laughed."You eventually get more problems," he said.

Pulled on the shoulders, Simon jumped on the table. "

Wilhelm nodded."That's she," he said.

They were at least an arm length apart, and Simon's heart had no matter that accelerated as it did, but he felt a little dizzy tension on Wilhelm, who apparently was pleasant enough to make his prince persona slide a bit.She really does it.She is simply more interested in the interest of the crown than others. "

Simon was silent for a moment and was not sure if he would say the following."Is - do you think she is really worried that you are connected - with a queer - demonstration?"

Wilhelm turned to look at him."Almost certain," he said, his expressions gloomy.Not far away.

Simon looked from the small rainbow pin in the hand of Wilhelm, until the unclear smile on his face.A bit of a bit of Wilhelm's joy, Simon could not help to return to the smile.up again."Be good!"She said.

Wilhelm quickly closed his hand over the badge where his fingers brush Simon's brushing when he did it.

Felice shot him a question mark, but he just shook his head in the hope that she would drop it.

"Thank you, Felice," said Wilhelm, bring the mug (one from the matching set, noted Simon op) SimonAlsoSaw a light pink color for Wilhelm's children.AlsoTo have an exaggerated response to a speaking of the skin.

Between them a last time suspiciously, Felice pulled and turned to the doors.

Simon nodded. "

Felice returned to Wilhelm."Are you ready, Prince Wilhelm?"

"Wilhelm is fine," he said quickly.

Felice blushed."Of course," she said."Wilhelm. Are you ready?"

While he breathed deeply through his nose and jumped through his mouth, Wilhelm nodded, his posture much striker than it had been two minutes earlier.

In a somewhat worried look, Felice turned around to walk and unlock the door.

Simon like Wilhelm -Will- Wear from the table and walked around to take the chair and shake his hands a little while the previous day he painted a much different photo than Erik, who had beaten trust and charisma.Those who proudly had shown Simon his rainbow -pin moments.

Pressed by the table, Simon hesitated for a moment and wondered if you should say something to Wille before you decide against it and Felice will help to start the families.

Hubbub was a bit different today, the majority of the lecture was over the crowd outside, instead of the prince inside..

When all the children were inside and sat in front of the table, Felice scraped her throat and introduced Wilhelm.He gave the crowd a tight smile and Simon's heart fell a bit.He seemed to fight to reveal every kind of enthusiasm for the event.

He knew that these children were so enthusiastic about this, and it was so big for these families to gain access to something like considered serious by the royal family.

When he cleans up his neck a few times, Wile greeted the crowd and started reading.;And although he did not do all the funny voices and actions that Erik had, he still injected a little warmth into the prose, and Simon noticed that he laughed with the children at some of the more fun moments.

Will was about halfway through history when Simon remarked that the excitement in the room changed slightly.who pulled her shoulders before she walked to the doors to see what was going on.

Just when she arrived there, the two security staff turned around and went to Wille with targeted steps.


"Not,Prins Wilhelm.”

Nodding was getting up.

"In this way, Prince Wilhelm," she said.

Will let himself go and Simon heard Rosh hanging from an irritated sound.To send him a smile, but his face felt tight.

Felice shot Rosh a famous look before he got up to tackle the crowd. "

Felice gave Simon a meaningful look and gave him the book.

"What he said.

"Please, Simon," Felice whispered."

Sighing, he nodded, opened the book where Wilhelm had stopped and continued the story.

That afternoon was one of the weirdest that Simon had ever had.The crown prince in the building, it could no longer happen.

Just as he suggested that they will continue to the next activity, he heard an uprising outside.He further if they came in, but they stopped right in front of the crowd that was already gathering there.

Hart that knocked in the chest faster seemed to Simon to Rosh, who also looked nervous.

"Excuse me."One of the parents tried to attract Simon's attention.

"Erm ..." Simon pulled herself, knowing that the answer to the question was "not today", but not by delivering this"

Simon tried to find Felice among the still difficult customers.Hanging and sighed."They don't want him to come back tomorrow."

"What?"Said Simon."It's so unreasonable!"

"It's a shame, but I come to where they come from."

"Why, Felice? Literally nothing bad happened. Why not -" but he was cut off by a blow outside the store.

When they heard a loud cry, they saw in horror when one of the new girl pushed that Wilhelm Rainbow Pin had given.

"What for God's sake!"Simon exclaimed.

"Simon!"Felice whispered.

When he went around, he lifted his arms."That guy just attacked her!"

"I know, Simon," she said.

"What are we doing?"

"We keep these children to safety is what we do. Her expression was serious, and Simon knew as much as he would go out and take revenge, it would not help."Window."The original audience is spreading."

Simon crossed his arms."They did nothing wrong.What'svanTo leave?"

"Because they clearly have a good sense of self -preservation," Felice said and clapped him on the shoulder.

"It is not fair," Simon said, and discovered that he had tears that were linked to the back of our eyes."Why are we always the bad?"

"You are right," said Felice."It's not fair."

"So how do we solve it?"

Felice smiled and pressed a calming hand on the arm."We will come back tomorrow and we will read a queer -code -code story to a bunch of children and we live our lives high, yes?"

Simon sniffed to try to force tears back in his eyes.

"And at a more practical level, we entertain these families as well as we can in the next two hours, and we offer them a repeat book that draws on Saturday."

"Will one of the princes come back?"

"Well, we just have to convince them, right?"

Felice smiled with a look of silent determination, so he nodded upside down and followed her back in the crisis.

Simon was anxious the next day. Send a quick apology grimas to Felice, he hurried to dump his bag and jacket in the employee's cloak.

He was so busy, he did not notice the tricky woman outside the door until he had already pushed in.

The door jumped hard off the wall and the other person in the room grabbed breath.

"Oh sorry!"Simon exclaimed."

Then Simon saw the figure, bent in the corner under the sink.

Wille looked small and scared.

"sh*t," said Simon."

But Wille Shake Wild on his head and presses a hand alarmingly hard against his breastbone.

By taking it for a moment to think about it, Simon fell to his knees and carefully mixed against Wille.

"Is it okay?"He said and tried to make his voice as calm as possible, even though his heart was knocking against his ribs irregularly.

Frenetically crispy will.

"Okay," Simon said, sitting on the heels and folding your hands in my lap."Do you need me to get someone?"

With crazy movements Wille shook his head again, his eyes wide.

"Okay," said Simon."Okay. It's fine. I can do it.will haveI to stay? "

"Yes!"Zwankt Will.

A minute went, maybe two.Or maybe it was ten seconds, and Simon was just like that time that time moved as a betrayal.

"Shall I talk to you?" He said."

Simon thought it sounded like Will's breath was a little easier when he answered: "Yes."

Simon nodded, Simon settled over the legs. "

Wille nodded with his permission and started rubbing soothing circles on the chest.

"My bus was late," said Simon."That's why I ran around like a head without a head."

The corners of Willes Mouth Scholten a bit, but he said nothing.

"I assume that the roadblock is your thing? Simon went on."And my bus is being diverted?"

Wille closed his eyes and nodded."Sorry," he said, the word came a bit strangled, but even less forced than his earlier attempted speech.

"It's okay," said Simon."Felice was afraid that you would not return at all. I suspect it was the compromise?"

Just a short nod this time.

Simon so carefully.

'In the afternoon we made Crepe Paper Seeds and Seed Cardboard.I'm not sure if my artistic skills are a lot. "

Will's mouth certainly appeared on this.Key so himself worked.

"I almost cut off my finger yesterday, maybe they should give me the safety scissors today."

A light smile and a curl on the corner of Wille's eyes.

"I had a disgusting film of glued crepe paper on my arms when I got home."

This had the opposite effect that Simon tried to achieve.

"Oh sh*t," said Simon."Sorry. I am - is it going?"

Wille shook his head and nodded in rapid order.

Simon waited until he worked out, but there was no explanation.Huh,He thought it might not always look like a panic attack.

Uncertain, Simon said, "Do you want me to continue or -?"

"No, that's fine."Wile certainly sounded better now, although his cheeks were an almost alarming shade of red.

Simon stood on his knees and got up.

Wille mixed under the sink before he grabbed Simon's hand and returned..What is happening?

When he laughed nervously, Simon took a step away from Wille."I just went to ..." he moved the guard against one of the cupboards.

"Oh!"Said Willle."Yes of course. .

Simon did not get the chance to answer until the door was closed.

When Simon returned to the store, Wille had already started to Felice.

"Where were you?"She whispered.

"My bus was late. The drain ..." He moved the guard to the window.

"No, I know.I have your text.What did you last so long? "

"I had to use the bathroom."

He stubbornly kept his eyes on the heads of the public and would not give Felice the place to interrogate him.Must have decided to drop it because the next he knew she was jumping off the table and moved to the front to thank Wille and continue to that activity.

Willle sent Simon a small smile and a warm spread of Simon's breastbone all the way through his chest and along his arms, making him the need to stretch out all his fingers.

For the Heck.

Simon knew pretty well how his body felt when he had a hug on a sweet boy.Unfortunately, his body had not received the message from his brain that this specific sweet boy was a prince and therefore completely outside the borders, even for fantasies.Probably straight.Absolutly Straight.harry?

Simon's brain took care of the image of Wille's pink cheeks after Simon helped him, and of the little happy smile on his face, because he had shown Simon his rainbow.Huh.Maybe not the most conclusion to draw.

The crowd steadily began to form a row at the table and grabbed their books to their chest to have Will signed.

"Do you mind getting Prince - Erm ... Wilhelm a drink?"

Nodding, Simon went to where Wille drew the first book..

"Hey," said Wille."What is ... Is everything okay?"

"Yes," Simon replied."Do you want me to get a drink?"

Wille looked at the line of people for him. "

Simon laid a steady hand on the arm that seeing the queue and put a steady hand on his arm."Hey," he said.

While he turned to him with broad eyes, Wille exclaimed: "No! No. Sorry, I'm just - thank you. But we can't cancel it again. My mom will kill me." He gave a humorless laugh.Do not think that many of these people are very happy to get my signature instead of Erik's.

He said so casually that Simon, with a sinking heart, realized that he really believed in it.

On the way to the kitchen, Simon wanted to hit his palm to his forehead.Hello, I know you have just had a panic attack and you feel subordinate to you about testing brother.But calm, I'm sure it's thatlived.

It wasn't that Erik didn't seem nice, he did it., maybe.

Simon supplied the glass water to be fooled and was rewarded with a shy smile.

Felice announced a short break of 15 minutes while he prepared the next activity to have Simon come and help her make tables.

Reluctantly Simon slowly passed Wille, not at all hoping that they could still have an uncomfortable conversation before Wille had to leave., as if it were his most precious possession.

"... And then I said I couldn't do it because I didn't want her to be my boyfriend. Do you have a girlfriend?"

Simon did not try to make clear when he delayed his steps on his way to Felice.

When he cleans up his neck, Will lowered his voice to a more suitable level."Not me, no."

"Do you have a girlfriend? I have a girlfriend. Han's name is Lars and he let me borrow his purple glittering pen yesterday."

Simon, who slept a lateral look, pretended to repair some books on a shelf.I haven't met the real boy yet."

Simon made a stack of books to make them straight with his elbow and coded..When she rolled her eyes, she returned to her task.

The moment Simon's Pulse had returned to a less worrying speed, he snows another look at Wille, who now listens to the little boy, tells him about his new kitten and what he had had for lunch today and why he was hisWore socks on the wrong side.

Simon rushed over the butterflies who had suddenly tried to make a break in front of his stomach and rushed to Felice.

Happy for a distraction, Simon started to turn off the newspaper and scissors while Felice glue decanted in small pots.

The newspaper slid out of the hand of Simon and fell on the floor.

The moment Farima came about and tried to be firm, but politely wanted to politely from the team that the little boy wore.

Simon returned it, scissors in his hand, and - given snort Felice gave - a dope expression in his face.

The hot wrinkle over his skin remained until far beyond Wille was abandoned and the children cut seedmans apart with different degrees of success.

"What the hell was it?"Felice whispered under her breath and passed to get a child to their fourth piece of paper after they 'destroyed' the other three.

"I don't know what you're talking about," said Simon, in an attempt to find the last pair left -handed scissors in the box."And there are children.

Felice huffled and stared at him."Find. But it's on Wednesday evening drinks tonight and you're gossip me."

Simon made a non-damn sound and spent the rest of the afternoon thinking about apologies to get out of drinks on Wednesday evening.

None of Simon's apologies was good enough for Felice, who was unfortunately very sustainable and bought nothing of it.

"To be alone about regretting your tragic hug on a prince is not an excuse not to come," said Felice and eliminated all the lights to the store.

"Pardon, what?"Said Rosh while she ended the corner while she pulled her coat on her shoulders.

"Simon's huge hug on Prince Wilhelm that he will tell us in less than fifteen minutes."

"Oh," said Rosh."It's really sad."

"f*ck off," said Simon, looking.

Rosh lowered his arm over his shoulder and pulled him in an uncomfortable lateral hug.

"I don't have a hug on the prince," Simon said, managed to appear under Rosh's arm and out of reach.

"You say to yourself," Rosh said, making Felice laughing when they got out three in the morning and closed the door behind them.

Maddie was already waiting for their usual table when they arrived, but she still waved enthusiastically when they entered the bar.

Simon heard Rosh breathing deep behind him and threw a smile over her shoulder."Damn," she said under the weather.

"Hello, if you can tease me about sake, may I tease you about Maddie."

Rosh lifted his eyebrows."Will?"She said with an almost disgusting look on her face.

Stop, he threw her a pointed look."Maddie,"He repeated himself.

Pressed her lips together and poured a breath from her nose.

When he knew it was the best he would probably get, Simon did not argue when they sat down in the stands and let Maddie hug him enthusiastically before throwing himself against Rosh.Simon, lifted an eyebrow to Rosh, but that front about itMaddie's shoulder was enough to let him press his lips together and move, instead of just sharing an expert look with Felice.

On Wednesday evening, drinks had only become one thing when Maddie had started with some freelance work for them.Realized that she was willing to make up for her ridiculous amounts of money.To get things done.

Maddie had always been a loose canon and had rejected Felice's offer of a job and claimed that she did not want to be bound.

She claimed that social events held a team together and went to this dingy bar, which she claimed was a local gem that she had discovered.They all witnessed their teenage friends who were drunk for the first time and where Rosh had found and lost his first love behind the trash cans.

"So how has our beautiful princesses been?"Maddie asked when their first drinks arrived.

Without missing a beat, Rosh said: "Ask Simon."

Simon directed her under the table, but missed and hit Felice.

"Sorry!"He cried while she turned.

Felice rolled with her eyes. "

Simon blushed in the zero of his cola.

Maddie's eyes jumped between them all. "

"No gossip," said Felice, looking at Simon as he resolutely avoids her eyes."Nothing juicy. I'm scared."

Maddie turned to Rosh."You will tell me, you won't do that?"

Rosh looked painful with the amount of effort she makes to remain silent.

'Good if you don't tell me, I think.Simon ... coffee everywhere over crown prince Erik and was exiled from Sweden forever?Does he have all the coffee from the chron prince Erik who remembered?-Si-anti-anti-monarchy does not protect him against how chronic gay he is?

"Thanks, Maddie," Simon said loudly. "

"The man SimonherRealized that he is chronically gay, "said Felice and Gigs."

"Felice!"Simon exclaimed.

"What? She said and shrugged.

"Ooh, baby prince?Really, Simon?I didn't think he was your type. "

"He is not!"Simon, possibly too powerful if the swallowed smile on Maddie's face was something to come by.

"Good," said Maddie, who leaned back - he looked at then Rosh almost imperceptibly mixed and Maddie's arm her region - "but I think our baby prince could make it worse than you, Simon. A catch."

Simon's cheeks felt hot.

Felice leaned in Simon's shoulder."You blush," she said with her eyes flash.

"Silence," he muttered.

"Sorry," she said."We only tease. But if you really want us to stop, we'll do that."

Simon chased his lips against her.

"Okay," she said, kept her hands up.

"Thank you."

"I don't promise I won't continue tomorrow if I get extra ammunition."

The blinding he gave her seemed to make her laugh harder and pulled Maddie and Roshs away from each other.

And they,Simon thought Sulkily,Should be much nicer to tease about having clear in love.

Then on Thursday Rolde, Simon wasnervousOn the point to see Willle.Cordial chances, palm sweat, mouth dry,nervous.And he almost completely accused Felice and Rosh of getting his head yesterday.

He avoided the couple as much as possible of them when he walked between the piles and was busy occupying his hands until the access day arrived.

Today, Wille arrived at the entrance of goods and the roadblock was lifted and extra security was stationed at the front doors.

As he walked into the room, he looked around before looking at Simon and flirting.

Simon lifted his hand into a small wave and ignored Simon steadfast Rosh's badly hidden snuff from the end of the row.

Wille went to Simon."Hello," he said.

"Hey," replied Simon."How are you?"

"Good," said Wille."Better than yesterday. Thank you. I never got the chance to say yesterday. I - yes.

"No problem," Simon rushed out."That was no problem. You don't have to worry about it. But you're good now?"

Pleasure chopped.

"It was you?"

"Yes," said Wille."I - I am enough here to make a view as it is, I didn't want roads to be closed, just so that I can read a children's story. It seemed crazy."

"And you feel ... sure?"Said Simon.

"Naturally!"Said Wille."

Simon cut it off with a hand on his arm and a soft "hey".

When Will looked at him with wide eyes, Simon suddenly felt like they were under water.Many ... The children looked forward to seeing him every day, how Will did ... The days of the children better.Snakes through his body.And at the moment stared deep into Simon's soul.

A high crash ensured that Simon jumped.He wrapped his head to find Rosh who stood next to a fallen stack of books.

Without looking back at Wille Wilde Hurry to pick up the books and replace it on the pile.

When he turned around, Willem was gone.

Simon took a moment to gather before he resumed to help Felice organize the families they had just let go. In an attempt to print themselves, it was a few minutes later, before Simon's eyes on Wille Snuit, currently behindThe table sat and nervously picked up on the thumb of the thumbs.Return, glad he didn't want to panic with ... whatever it had been.

If he was honestSimonWas a little freaked.Despite his pathetic protests the night before, Simon knew completely knew what had just happened, his hug had uncomfortably sent the world to be observed by someone close enough to the attention,To be observed by Wille.

Oh God, what if Will thought he was really weird?

"Hey," Felice said quietly, sitting in front of him when Will started reading."What's the matter with you?"

"Nothing," Simon cracked.

Felice raised an eyebrow.

Simon was not worthy with an answer.

"What happened?"The smile in Felice's voice was clear, without him turning to her.

By striving for his lips, Simon said nothing.

"Oh my God, did somethingActuallySpoon?"

Simon was happy that Felice had dropped his voice in a whisper, but they were still surrounded by people, so he sent her a look.

"No, Felice," he whispered."Nothing happened. Nothing will happen."

"But you like him."

"Felice, we can drop it."


"You are always on us to talk about our personal life at work."

Felice sniffed out of her nose.RealDoesn't. "

With that she slipped back from the table and went forward, ready to board when Wille ended his lecture.

Closing the book took the will what looked like a steady breath before he looked up and his eyes immediately found Simons.They probably looked at each other through the room for more seconds than it was appropriate.Aligt Felice was busy explaining the next step and started organizing the families in a row.

It is ridiculous,Simon thought for himself before giving his head a shake and would help Rosh create the afternoon vessels while Felice cheated on the signature.

Continue to sneak the cans on Will and only pull the eye twice, Simon tried to continue for the rest of the time until Will 'departure without fooling himself.

Simon declared himself at the table with scissors to make Concertina seeds that he had done in the previous days, waiting for the children to gather to listen with different degrees of attention for the instructions.Not because he was suddenly sharply aware of where Wille was at all times, so Simon Will went and talks to Farima in his face was something to visit.

The next that Simon knew that Wille stood next to him at the table and reached scissors.

"What -" Simon looked up confusion to Wille.

"I thought I might be a little longer today."

Simon didn't really know anything.Turn on to start the demonstration.It will be useful to have a few extra hands to help. "

"Hmm? Oh yes.højre.ja."

Simon, who tried to collect the scattered remains of his dignity, launched Simon in his explanation, very happy that he had perfected it for the past four days, so that he could do it, his or their shoulders in collision, more often happened to, then it probably should have done it.

When he exercised the children with their scissors, paper and colored pencils, Simon was a nervous carrot.

"Everything is fine?"He asked and started folding his paper.

"Yes," said Simon."

"You just look" -crease- "Lighty" -crease- "Flusted."Willed pressed the last curl on the paper.

Fast eyes of Wille's long fingers, who did not have the right to look so good, only folding paper, Simon swallowed and shrugged.

Wills smile staggered a bit."Is that okay?"He asked.

Simon nodded and used all his energy not to blow up"Only end, ok!"Instead, choose a much cooler and collected - "Safe. It's fine."

Simon's task in the next twenty minutes wandered around the table and grabbed terrible mistakes and replaced paper before there were too many tears when there waswasWrong and don't try to spend all the time watching Will.

For his part, it seemed to be concerned with the current task that carefully decorated his seed chain with small crowns, Simon was certainly not receivedmoreFlusted when seeing Wille's tongue that stuck when he concentrated.

When the children became Antsy and Simon was about to launch them to the other table for the next activity, one of the little girls in tears.Wrong thing and sobbing just got louder and louder.

Wille looked a bit upset, but lost quickly enough to fall next to her and keep her chain out.

"Here," he said.She paused her temporarily and saw him suspiciously.You can have mine if you want.

She stood on targeted toes to look at his creation."You are not very good at coloring," she said.

Simon saw Willes's smile a bit and the mother jumped in to apologize, but Wille stabbed his hand."No," he said.'

"No, thank you," she said."But I want this."

Simon assured her that he would do that and took the precious pieces while she turned to the next table.

When you saw her walking, braids swing, Wille pushed up to stand.

"Well," said Simon, "she's not wrong. Maybe you should concentrate more on your color."

Wille sighed dramatically."That's what my mother always said."

Simon was behind a moment to take the broken paper and collect his mind before he followed Wile.

This time he placed himself opposite, so he didn't have to fight with their bodies that constantly touch..If Simon was not careful, he would forget himself and just launch it over the table and kissing looks a bit out of his face, but he didn't think it would go very well in one way or another.

Clap the back to have arrived at the end of the instructionsWithoutWhen he did, Simon was concerned with the distribution of the glue and crepe paper and made sure that he never passed too close to Wille.

After a few minutes he felt a tap on the shoulder while he helped a little boy tearing his paper("No! Small pieces!")And turned around to find willing behind him with a happy smile who pulls his mouth.

"Here," he said, holding his hand out.

Simon stares them stupid for a few seconds before he stumbled his feet.

He carefully put his hand out and took the small bouquet of Wille, where his fingers hit and sent a zap of electricity on Simon's arm.

Will's eyes were suddenly serious and shot around Simon's face.Simon thought his heart could beat his chest with the intensity of his gaze.

"Prince Wilhelm," Farima cut over him.

Fury bubbled under Simon's skin.Get rid of this compound law so that he could hear the end of Wille's judgment.

"We have to travel," she said.

"Can I just have a moment?"Asked a prayer spot in his eye.

“I'm not afraid, Prince Wilhelm.We have stayed for some time than planned. "

When he turned to Simon, Wille sent him a sad smile."I suspect I'll see you tomorrow?"

"MHM," was all he managed to say.

Wille looked like he could say something else, but then he followed his lips together, gave Simon a little nod and turned to follow Farima.

Simon was aware of the sounds of the traditional session that returned to his ears when Will left.

"Simon ..." she said.

But Simon didn't want to hear it.

Nodding, Felice slid away to make Simon work in peace, a small herd of wilted paper flowers carefully hidden in your pocket.

That night Simon lay on his bed, kept his crepe paper flowers over his face and turned them.

"f*ck, Simme," he said."Guy is downstairsBad."

Simon sighed his hands in his face;The flowers fluttered in the wind of his breath.

"He gave you flowers.datumDate of thing. "

Simon spoke through his hands, his voice filled in. "He didn't believe in the words, even though he said them.

Nor thought that Ayub did."Bullsh*t," said Ayub.I haveI never made crepe paper flowers, and until the perfect prince came, I was the love for your damn life. "

Sniffing Simon turned to his phone.

"Why?"Asked Ayub.

"Why? Because he gave me handmade little crepe paper flowers, Ayub! What do I say to that?"

"Thanks for the flowers."

Simon has sprayed for a while. "

"Bridge ..." Ayub's eyebrows were raised and he looked at Simon with an insignificant expression.

"I'm not in love with him," Simon said quickly. "

"Okay," said Ayub.

"Okay? What the hell should that mean?"

Ayub changed and sighed. "

"Don't know!"Simon shouted.I expect that I will be sad that I will literally never want to see him again after tomorrow. "

"So ask if you can see it again after tomorrow."

"Not useful, Ayub," said Simon, staring at his best friend through the screen.

"I don't know what you want from me here, Simon. You are clearly obsessed with the man, just ask him."

"As if he's not the damn prince?"

"Yes," said Ayub."What is the worst thing that can happen?"

"That he says" no "and I feel like an idiot? Or that he says 'yes' and I go on a dateWith the damn prince. "

Ayub shrugged your shoulders."You don't know if you are not trying."

For example, Simon saw the flowers again and the delicate stems turned in his fingers.

Ayub Hums and Simon turned to say goodnight.

Paper seeds and adventures - Chapter 1 - Gullibrelemon (2024)
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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.