Healthiest diets in the world (and how they help you live longer) |William Russell (2024)

Healthiest diets in the world (and how they help you live longer) |William Russell (1)

Lee Doran

Insurance manager

Date published:02/03/2023

Last updated:07/03/2024

We all know the importance of healthy eating.But if you are planning to move abroad, you can find a whole new way of eating - for better or worse.

In this article we will have some ofhealthiest diets in the worldAnd the scientific evidence behind why they lead to a longer life.From the Mediterranean Sea that is rich in olive oil and entire foods to the Okinawan -so centered around soybeans and fish, we dive into the most important components of every diet and benefits they offer.

In this article
  • The 10 biggest healthiest diets in the world
  • Lands with the most unhealthy diets in the world

Healthiest diets in the world (and how they help you live longer) |William Russell (2)

The 10 biggest healthiest diets in the world

To determine the top 10 of the healthiest diets in the world, a complex task can be because there are many different onescultural,,nutritionalInEnvironmentFactors that can influence the health of a certain diet.It is also important to note that it is very possible to eat healthily in every country as long as youMake the right food choices and eat in moderation.

FindTop 10 healthiest diets in the world, We have looked at scientific and medical means, including nutritional data and benefits of important ingredients.We have also taken into account.

1/ Okinawan Diet - Japan

Okinawan -this is generally considered one of the healthiest diets in the world and has various health benefits.So much that Japan hasLowest obesityInOther longest life expectancyof every country developed.

Okinawan diet is centered around fish, seafood, tofu and other nutritious ingredients.This is also extremeLow processed foods.Some of the most important factors that contribute to the health of the Okinawan - these include the weight on soy and fresh fish, resulting inMake intake of saturated fat, Recording ofAntioxidant rich foodsuch as seaweed and sweet potatoes and foods with a low glycemic index that helpRegulate blood sugar levelsInHelp a healthy digestion.

Another remarkable feature of the Okinawan -this isSmall portion sizes.This again leads to a lower calorie intake that is linked to an increased life and reduced risk ofChronic health problems.

Important food in Okinawan -Det

Fish, seafood, sweet potato, seaweed, tarp, bitter melon, soybeans and rice.

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2/ Mediterranean diet

Mediterranean diet is another diet that is celebrated as one of the healthiest diets in the world.It is characterized by its weight onhel,,unprocessed foodsand aLow intake of red meat and dairy products.Arerich in antioxidants and little meat and animal fat, is said to help Mediterranean diet to helpLower the risk of certain cancersIncluding breast, colorectal and prostate cancer.

Another advantage of the Mediterranean deputy is that it is attached to improved blood sugar control and therefore can helpReduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.Media's lifestyle also promotesfysical activity,,Regular mealsInSocial interaction around foodCreating a further positive effect on weight control, which helps to reduce the risk of obesity.

FinallyGood brain health and improved cognitive functionWith omega-3 rich fish a staple in the Mediterranean diet, it has been shown that it helps 'clean the brain' andReduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseasesLike Alzheimer's.

Important foods in the Mediterranean diet

Vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, full grains, fish, seafood and olive oil.

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3/ Nordic diet

The Nordic diet is a strong competitor of one of the healthiest diets in the worldBoth people and for the planet.The Nordic diet usually focuses onat least treated,,Local food suppliedFound in the Nordic countries - Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Iceland.Fish and seasonal vegetables are important players in the alnend - diet, so that it is bothNatural rich in nutrients and sustainable.

The Nordic diet has beenassociated with a number of health benefitsincludedImproved heart healthThanks to being high in heart healthy omega-3 fatty acids of fish, nuts and seeds and little saturated fat.It can also helpLow bloodpressure,,Reduce inflammationInImprove the cholesterol level.

Due to the focus on entire foods and plant -based proteins, the Nordic diet is also possibleLower the risk of chronic diseasesSuch as cancer, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.

Important food in the Nordic diet

Local with fish, seasonal fruit and vegetables, full grains, nuts and seeds.

Healthiest diets in the world (and how they help you live longer) |William Russell (3)

4/ Greek cuisine

Greece is undoubtedly one of the countries with the healthiest diets because of the culture ofBalanced and healthy dietIt emphasiseshel,,Food with a high protein content, immediatelyDifferent fruit and vegetables.

One of the biggest benefits of Greek cuisine is the use ofHealthy fatsSuch as olive oil and nuts that are richmonounsaturatedInDensely.The fats have been favorably demonstrated for the health of the heart, cholesterol levels and reducing inflammation,Reduce the risk of disorders, stroke, diabetes and obesity reduced by heart.

It is no wonder that the Greeks suchGreat life expectancy- On average 85 years for women and 80 for men.

Important food in the Greek diet

Protein including pork, poultry, lamb and goats, fresh herbs and vegetables, olive oil, cheeses and yogurt.

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5/ West -African cuisine

Known for hisVarious and tasty dishes made with fresh foods and traditional cooking methods, West -African cuisine is a strong competitor of the world's most nutritious food.

West -African cuisine offers all possibleRich and complex tasteBecause of the abundance of fresh herbs and herbs, including ginger, garlic, eating foam and coriander.Excellent health benefitsAlso with anti -inflammatory and antioxidant properties that helpLower the risk of certain cancers.

West -African Cooking emphasizedBalanced mealsThis contains a number of food groups that help give the body the energy it needs to function properly.However, it is not just about the ingredients.

One of the most important things that West African food separates is the use ofTraditional cooking methodsSuch as grilling, roasting and steaming, which help to maintain the nutritional value of the ingredients and at the same time minimize the intake of saturated fat.

Important food in the West African diet

Sweet potatoes, plants, rice, fruit and vegetables such as ackee, jack fruit, aubergin and papaya, spices and chili.

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6/ French diet

Another unlikely country with healthy food is France.The French diet is often referred to as'De Franse Paradox', referring to the fact that despite the consumption of a dietloud of saturated fat, the French have oneLower Heart Diseases PreventionThen other Western countries.

There are several reasons why the French diet is considered one of the healthiest diets in the world - although it might be less related to the ingredients and more to do with the countryCulture around.

In France, meals are an important cornerstone of local culture.For example, the French tend to take their time with their food and to help them pay more attention to their food choices.Dipmay alsoHelp prevent digestion and prevention.

Sub -Control is another factor.French cuisine often focuses onSmaller portionsThose individuals can help maintain a healthy weight.

Important food in the French diet

Cheese in full fat, yogurt butter, bread, fresh fruit and vegetables, small portions of meat.

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7/ Korean diet

South Korea hasLowest speeds of heart disease in the world.But what is the secret of their excellent health record?

A colorful and tasteful kitchen, the Korean diet is often considered one of the healthiest diets in the world because of the weight on vegetables and fermented foods.It also usesProtein with low fatsources such as tofu, seafood and poultry that areLower in calories and saturated fatCompared to red meat.

Probiotica iFermented foodAs Kimchi contains useful bacteria that canSupport the intestine,,Help the absorption of nutrientsInIncrease the immune system.This can again reduce the risk of various health problems, including heart conditions, type 2 diabetes andCertain cancer.

Important food in the Korean diet

Rice, vegetables, soybeans, tofu, seafood, fish, kimchi and herbs.

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Healthiest diets in the world (and how they help you live longer) |William Russell (4)

8/ Thai cuisine

Not only makes Thai cuisineThe most nutritious food in the world. Deeiskuken is filled with fresh, nutrient ingredients such as fruit and vegetables and is known for its balance between sweet, sour, salty and spicy taste, which helpsSatisfy TrangInPrevent too much food.

Of course little saturated fat, Thai cuisine often includes healthy manure inhabitants such as coconut flour and oil, which is a good source of triglycerides of the middle chain (MCs) that help withHelp weight loss and support brain function.

Thai cuisine also contains a variety of herbs and herbs, such as lemongrass, ginger, turmeric and chili -pepper.Improved digestion,,Reduced inflammationInLower blood sugar levels, who reduces the risk of heart and digestive-related diseases.

Important food in the Thai diet

Colorful vegetables, noodles, rice, coconut milk, shrimp, tofu, chicken, herbs and herbs.

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9/ Italian diet

WHODo notI love Italian food?And no, we are not talking about frozen pizza.Lawyer Italian cuisine is a golden miner for vitamins and minerals.With focus onFruit and vegetables supplied locally, the Italians know exactly how to do itMatch food with taste.

The Italian diet includes a variety of full grains, such as whole -grain paste, bread and Farro, which is a good source of fiber and important nutrients such asB vitaminsIniron, essential for healthy blood, as well as being associatedLower risks of stress and chronic fatigue.

It is another reason why Italian cuisine is considered one of the healthiest diets in the worldLow intake of processed and packaged foodsthat can contain a lot of sugar, sodium and unhealthy fats.Instead, the Italian diet includesHealthy fatsSuch as olive oil, a good source of saturated fat and nuts, which is a good source of polyunsaturated fat.That fat is linked to a number of health benefits, includingImproved heart healthand aLower risk of stroke.

Important food in Italian diet

Full grains, tomatoes, vegetables, fish, poultry, olive oil, cheese and fresh herbs.

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10/ Indian diet

Finally on our list of top 10 healthiest diets in the world, the Indian diet is.In India, meals passBalancing of taste, Take a variety of herbs, such as turmeric, ceiling plates and ginger that everyone has their ownUnique health benefitsHelps everything, from digestion to immune function.

Indian cuisine uses a selection ofHealthy fatssuch as ghee (liberated butter) and coconut oil that can helpImprove the cholesterol levelInSupport for brain healthIn the meantime, the emphasis of the Indian diet on vegetarian and vegan protein sources makes a lot of fat -saturated fat dishes and helps keep calorie intake low.

If you are used to the Take-AWAY CURRYS that are found in many Western countries that tend to use creamy, greasy sauces as their staple, you may be surprised to hear thatEating authentic Indian can be very different from what you are used to.Local Indian cuisine isRich in nutrients,,ThinUses meat sparingly and contains no dairy products.

Important food in the Indian diet

Cereals, lentils, lean meat, vegetables, ghee, herbs and herbs.

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Healthiest diets in the world (and how they help you live longer) |William Russell (5)

The most unhealthy diets in the world

It is difficult to definitively say which countries the unhealthy diets haveDiet habits and patterns can vary greatly in a single country.

However, some countries have been criticized because they have high ratesObesity,,Heart disease, and othersChronic health problemsThat is often associated with unhealthy diets.So now to name the worst offenders and to be ashamed:

United States

It has been shown in the USSomeone has a heart attack every 40 seconds- it is about805,000 heart attacks every year.It is especially shocking, unfortunately this is not surprising when you consider what the average American diet looks like.

The diet in the US has been criticized because it is high inProcessed foods,,unhealthy fats,,Refined sugarInAnimals ProductsAnd little fiber, fruit and vegetables.As the US is12. Highest obesity in the worldop36,2%(For comparison, obesity in the UK27,8%).

ForAverage American adult,,36%From their daily calories comes from fat,47%Of carbohydrates and22%From sugar.

Important food in the American diet

Baked foods, low -fat dairy, processed meat (such as bacon and deli meat), red meat and refined grain.

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While the Mexican diet is on paperdoesn'tTraditionally unhealthy, Mexico has one ofHighest obesity in the world.

Mexican cuisine does a lot in terms of ingredients with vegetables, beans and grilled meat all staples in the local diet.But where it falls is itHeavy dependence on fried food and the large portion sizes.

Mexican dishes, such as tortilla chips and fried taquitos, arefrightening high in unhealthy fats, calories and sodium that contribute to high blood pressure, cholesterol and a number of weights and due to heart -reinforced health problems.

Meanwhile, when it comes to sub -Sates, Mexico is growing, which has contributed to oneCulture of too much foodInWeight gain.

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