Choose between a British and American accent - ESL language study abroad (2024)

Everyone who learns English faces a choice at some point: do I want an American accent or a British accent? Hollywood glamor or London sophistication? Wolf of Wall Street or Downing Street?

Decisions decisions...

Of course, there are more important factors when choosing a place to study English, but people dojudgments based on accents, so don't underestimate the difference choosing your English accent will make!

Option 1: The American accent

The most popular English accent of all. Spread around the world by American cinema, music, television and more than 350 million North Americans (including Canadians, er), this is the most easily understood accent for most people, whether they are native speakers or non-native speakers.

There's something inherently glamorous about the American accent: why do you think almost all singers - including British ones - adopt an American accent when they sing?

(Listen to the difference when Adele speaks and sings)

The accents of North America are less varied than Britain's, but there are still some distinctive varieties, most notably Boston, New York, and the South.

What an American accent says about you

Well-traveled and international, you feel just as comfortable in the biggest cities as you do on a ranch. You consume the world culture, know the latest trends and follow what is happening around you. You are understood all over the world.

Nasty:The largest global form of English, understood by most people around the world.

mod:The largest global form of English, understood by most people around the world... isn't it just a bit boring?

Option 2: the British accent

What is the British accent? Is it this:

Or this:

Or most likely something like this:
…and these all just come from England. Visit Scotland, Wales and Ireland/Northern Ireland and the accents will be very different again.

Most people probably associate the British accent with BBC English, which is supposed to be a neutral form, but actually resembles the English of the wealthier middle class in the counties around London. This is also the supervillain's standard accent in Hollywood movies.

What a British accent says about you

You understand tradition, enjoy the finer things in life and probably listen to good music. You are connected to the conversational tradition and give the impression that you are well educated.

Nasty:Sophisticated, respected and often regarded as the sexiest English accent.

mod:Less understood globally, potential to sound a bit snobbish.

Option 3: Aussie/Kiwi/South African

Australians and New Zealanders like to tease each other about many things, including accents.

Kiwis Drill Aussies:

Aussies drill kiwis:

Meanwhile, the South African accent has a unique and distinctive twang:

These accents are less immediately recognizable than the North American and British accents, but each is distinctive in its own right. Interestingly, the Aussie/Kiwi tendency to rise in pitch at the end of a sentence (known as the High Rising Terminal, and used in many languages ​​to indicate a question) has spread to other varieties of the English.

What these accents say about you

Leave the British and American accents to the masses. You chose your own path, went south of the equator and experienced a different way of life.

For: Individuality. Backpack on your back, you've been on an adventure.

Cons: People may talk to you about cricket, so be prepared!

Option 4: The chameleon

You get an American accent when you talk to Americans, an Australian accent to Australians, and a British accent to the British (and anyone you want to charm).

What this says about you

Flexible, communicative, but hard to pin down. A citizen of the globalized world and truly versatile.

Pros: Shows your skills with English, puts your interlocutor at ease.

Against: Who are you? Who are you really? Do you know more?

What is your favorite accent: American, British or something completely different?

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Choose between a British and American accent - ESL language study abroad (2024)


Which is better to learn British accent or American accent? ›

Learning British or American English may be preferable if you are looking to work, live or study in Great Britain or the USA. American English is also more widespread, which makes it more desirable for many learners. Otherwise, it is a matter of what you personally enjoy.

Should I choose British English or American English? ›

Which one? If it's America, then you should be training to learn American English. But if not, then focus on British English because most other English-speaking countries use British English grammar and spelling standards. Do you speak to a lot of clients or colleagues who are from America or from the UK?

Which English accent is better to learn? ›

In most countries around the world, it's common to hear spoken English on television or in the cinema. For this reason, students may aspire to speak a sort of 'Hollywood English'. Others may consider the formality of British English, the 'Queen's English', the best English accent to learn.

Which English speaking country has the best accent? ›

British, Australian, and Irish accents are the top 3 foreign accents people find to be most attractive.

Which accent is the most correct? ›

A neutral accent is correct and widely accepted. To clear any voice and accent test, the accent and pronunciation should be globally comprehensible and decipherable to the native speakers of most English speaking nations.

Which accent is hardest to understand? ›

The New Zealand vowel system has undergone what linguists consider a “shift” in pronunciation. This means that a letter, such as “e”, no longer has the same pronunciation that the rest of the English world uses. For example: “Test” in New Zealand is pronounced as “Tist” = /e/ has become /i/.

Why is American English more popular than British English? ›

In some European countries, both kinds of English are now accepted and taught. Some learners prefer American English because they believe it has fewer regional accents and dialects than British English does, experts say, and therefore is easier to understand and to use.

Which is more widely used American or British English? ›

Which is More Popular American or British English? Based on demographic data, British English is spoken by approximately 70 million people in the United Kingdom, and American English by approximately 350 million people in the United States.

Is there a big difference between American English and British English? ›

The most significant differences between British and American English are in their pronunciations, their vocabularies, and their spelling. There are grammatical differences, too, but these are less important and harder to describe, so we will pass over them for today.

What are the top 3 English speaking countries? ›

The United States and India have the most total English speakers, with 306 million and 265 million, respectively. These are followed by Pakistan (104 million), the United Kingdom (68 million), and Nigeria (60 million). As of 2022, there were about 373 million native speakers of English.

Which country speaks purest English? ›

Top 10 Countries that Speak English the Best!
  • Singapore.
  • Norway.
  • Denmark.
  • South Africa.
  • Luxemburg.
  • Finland.
  • Slovenia.
  • Germany.

What is the most trusted British accent? ›

The top five most trustworthy accents are:
  • Received Pronunciation (aka The Queen's English)
  • Yorkshire.
  • Welsh.
  • Geordie.
  • Edinburgh.
Sep 6, 2022

What is the most accepted American accent? ›

According to the renowned American linguist William Labov, the New York accent is often perceived as the “most American” as it's the one that appears all the time in popular culture.

What accent do most Americans use? ›

General American English, known in linguistics simply as General American (abbreviated GA or GenAm), is the umbrella accent of American English spoken by a majority of Americans, encompassing a continuum rather than a single unified accent.

What is the most pleasant American accent? ›

Overwhelmingly, people like the Southern accent best, followed by British and Australian accents. Southern accents tend to be thought of as friendly and welcoming, while British and Australian accents are more exotic.

What is the number 1 most attractive accent? ›

The year 2020 saw the British accent ranked No. 1 on the list. It was crowned the sexiest accent in the world with 25 percent of the total votes. The accent proved particularly popular in countries like China, Sweden, India and the USA.

What is the easiest English accent to learn? ›

Option 1: the American accent

The most popular English accent of them all. Spread around the world by American cinema, music, television and more than 350 million North Americans (including Canadians, eh), this is the easiest accent for most people to understand, whether native speakers or non-native speakers.

Which British accent is closest to American? ›

I would say that the closest accent to General American would be an Irish accent.
  • All accents in Ireland are rhotic (pronouncing the post-vocalic "r"). eg. wondah > wondeR.
  • The vowel sounds in "bath" and "box" are very similar.
  • The inter-vocalic "t" becomes a flapped t (which British people hear as a "d"). eg.

Why do people use American English? ›

American spelling was invented as a form of protest

Webster wanted American spelling to not only be more straightforward but different from UK spelling, as a way of America showing its independence from the former British rule.

Why is American English unique? ›

Due to the unique history of migrations to the United States, American English now contains loan words and linguistic influences from various Native American languages, Dutch, German, Yiddish, French, European Spanish, Mexican Spanish and more.

Is it OK to mix British and American English? ›

Sure. For example, Canadian English has standard spellings that are derived from both British and American influences. Canadian spelling of the English language combines British and American conventions. French-derived words retain British spellings (colour or centre).

Which is more difficult British or American English? ›

The differences between British and American English grammar are slightly more complicated. The differences are small, but they are significant. Verb to have, for instance. To talk about possession, British English uses the verb to have got (I have got a book.), whereas American English uses to have (I have a book.).

What are the five differences between American English and British English? ›

It includes all English dialects used within the United Kingdom. Differences between American and British English include pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary (lexis), spelling, punctuation, idioms, and formatting of dates and numbers.

What is the most useful language to learn after English? ›

Most useful languages to learn
  1. Mandarin Chinese. The world's biggest economy since 2015, China is a vital business partner for most countries in the world. ...
  2. French. Never one to be left out, French still stands as a valid option for strategic language learners. ...
  3. Spanish. ...
  4. German. ...
  5. Portugese.
Mar 20, 2020

Which accent is difficult to understand British or American? ›

“They had a lot more trouble understanding both accents with background noise, but the British was harder to understand than the American.” “When young, normal-hearing listeners were in quiet, they did just as well with British English as with American English,” she adds.

What is the hardest accent to perfect? ›

10 Hardest Accents To Nail & The Actors Who Perfected Them
  • British English - Meryl Streep. ...
  • Irish - Jon Voight. ...
  • American - Hugh Laurie & Christian Bale. ...
  • Russian - Viggo Mortensen. ...
  • Australian - Stephen Fry. ...
  • Greek - Christian Bale. ...
  • Scottish - Jonny Lee Miller. ...
  • Italian - Penelope Cruz.
Mar 29, 2022

Which country is number 1 in speaking English? ›

#1 United States of America

The United States of America is the world's largest English-speaking country. Approximately 225 million Americans speak English as a first language, while 43 million speak it as a second language.

What is the cheapest English-speaking country to live in? ›

South Africa

Possibly the cheapest English-speaking country to live in is South Africa. Not only can you get by without having to go to language school, but most South African cities also have a high standard of living, similar to Western cities, which will make the transition much easier.

Which English speaking country has the highest standard of living? ›

Which is the best English speaking country to live in?
  • Canada has the highest quality of life in the world according to the OECD.
  • The U.S is one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world and is also home to some of the biggest corporations in the world like Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Amazon.
Apr 3, 2022

Which European country speaks best English? ›

The Netherlands, Austria, and Denmark are ranked the best countries in Europe to live in for English speakers. In the European Rankings for the EF English Proficiency Index, they scored 663, 641, and 636 respectively.

Who speaks the most percentage of English in world? ›

English speaking countries

As a percentage of the total population, the largest share of around 100 percent is in the Bermudas. A total of about 410.4 million people worldwide speak English as their mother tongue.

What is the most neutral British accent? ›

Received Pronunciation (RP) is the proper term to describe the regionally neutral accent used by many middle-class speakers in the UK, particularly in England. It is widely used as a reference point in dictionaries and as a model for teaching English as a foreign language.

Why is British accent attractive? ›

People tend to think a foreign accent is more interesting and more sexy, says Guy Winch, a psychotherapist from Britain who's long been based in the United States, “because in general we tend to value what's less common.” Americans associate a British accent with someone being “more intelligent, more sophisticated and ...

Why are British accents so strong? ›

The rich variety of dialects in Britain can to a large extent be attributed to the fact that English has been spoken on this island for more than 1500 years. This long time period has allowed for the language to develop into regional varieties of English.

What is the advantage of learning American accent? ›

More Credibility – A study from the University of Chicago states that “people believe non-native speakers less, simply because they are harder to understand“. As you improve your American Accent you will be seen as more credible and trustworthy.

Is learned American or British? ›

Learnt and learned are both used as the past participle and past tense of the verb to learn. Learned is the generally accepted spelling in the United States and Canada, while the rest of the English-speaking world seems to prefer learnt.

Is it hard to learn the British accent? ›

And, you've guessed it, accents in the UK can be English, Welsh, Northern Irish, or Scottish, but there is no such thing as one British accent. Pronunciation is one of the hardest things to learn. In this article, we will explain to you how to do a proper British accent!

What is the most difficult English accent in the world? ›

The British Accent

The Great British accent proved to be the most difficult of all the accents to imitate – along with the regional Yorkshire and co*ckney pronunciations, in particular.

What is the thickest English accent? ›

Geordie. People from Newcastle speak a dialect called Geordie, which is one of the strongest and most distinctive accents in England.

Which English accent is closest to American? ›

The Canadian accent is most closely related to General American English with similar rules for pronunciation and accent. The main difference is how Canadians will speak some diphthongs (a sound formed by the combination of two vowels in a single syllable) higher than their American neighbors.

What accent do Americans like the most? ›

Accordingly, we asked people what the most and least pleasant accent to listen to is. Overwhelmingly, people like the Southern accent best, followed by British and Australian accents. Southern accents tend to be thought of as friendly and welcoming, while British and Australian accents are more exotic.

Should I learn a British accent? ›

It's not necessary to learn the British accent. It's actually quite common for speakers of English to have an American accent purely because they'll have had an American English teacher at some point. And it's amazing how quickly people take on the accent of the person that they're learning from.

Which is more popular American or British English? ›

Which is More Popular American or British English? Based on demographic data, British English is spoken by approximately 70 million people in the United Kingdom, and American English by approximately 350 million people in the United States.

Is American English more correct? ›

In the main, British English and American English are very similar, even with differences in spelling. In today's world, American spelling is probably winning thanks to Microsoft's spell checker. There are vocabulary differences and some can cause embarrassing situations if you only know one flavour.

What is the difference between American and British vocabulary? ›

British speakers are more prone to use formal words like "shall," while Americans prefer to use simpler words like "will" or "should." The Brits have for long abandoned the usage of "gotten" as the past tense of "get" in spoken form, in favor of "got," but Americans still use it.

Which country English accent is easiest to understand? ›

Option 1: the American accent

The most popular English accent of them all. Spread around the world by American cinema, music, television and more than 350 million North Americans (including Canadians, eh), this is the easiest accent for most people to understand, whether native speakers or non-native speakers.

How many days does it take to learn British accent? ›

People usually achieve noticeable change in their accent, clarity and English speaking confidence within 3 months. A quality course will give you the skills to achieve ongoing improvement.

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