252 most difficult English words to pronounce: a nice challenge (2024)

Did you think there were only 10 super -produced words to pronounce in English?To pronounce and spell.

EngelsPronunciationIPAResourcesTo differUH-Ber-Uht/ Healing /Differences from the norm or typical behavior.AcceptedUHK-SEED/ oppositeːd /To give permission, you must give approval;AccessoriesUHK-SES-UH-ree/ repeated /Small thing wears you with clothing to add style.RigidAd-uh-muhnt/ Ædemant /Refusing to change thoughts.SketchAD-UHM-BREYT/ Aedambreɪt /To give a vague or signed overview of.Agorafobiuh-gaw-ruh-foh-bee-uh/ Ukeykney /A fear of places or situations that you cannot escape;AlcoholAll-Bee-It/ ɒlbens /Despite the fact that.AliasAre-lee-uhs/A supposed name temporarily recorded, sometimes by a criminal or refugee.MandelAl-muhnd/ ːMend /A small, oval.Anathemauh-nath-uh-muh/ to the otherSomething or someone who doesn't like a difficult.Anemoonuh-no-uh-iets/ Anemia /Small plant.AnesthetistUh-N-N-Uh-Tist/ Mother'ship /An anesthesiologist.AneurysmUh-nur-ish/ Æjacezammat /Excessive local swelling of the wall in an artery.AntarcticAnt tray/ Andˈtːːktɪk /Extremely cold region in the southern part of the world.AntipotAn-thruh-puh-mawr-fiz-uhm/ ˌˌNθʊʊˌɪzam /The attribution of human characteristics or behavior to a God, animal or object.AntidisetableringarismeAnuery-ThiSa-Finea-RiriB-Ny-ND/ ˌTidɪsaˌstienɪzam /Resistance to the resignation of the church of England.Apocryphauh-pahk-ruh-fuhl/ April Power /Of doubtful authenticity.ArchetypeEverybody/ ːRkabap /A very typical example of something.ArchipelagoHah-kih-pal-it-theses/ ˌ ˌ ˌrcouldeladeˌo /A group of islands.AsceetIs-it-ACK/ Are inborn /A person who practices extreme self -discipline.SterIS Room Risk/ Opinion /The symbol: *AthleteAth-leet/ ˈÆθˌlit /A person who is competent in sports or other physical activities.BacteriologyBAK-HO-HA-HILL/ Brookˌtɪi /The study of bacteria.AgingBee-gyle/ Bɪˈaɪl /Cheating or cheating someone.BlasphemyBlas-fuh- me/ ˈBlæsfəmi /To speak to victims about God or holy things.BouquetBuck/ buːˈkeɪ /A bunch of flowers.BourbonBer-Buhn/ Bɝːben /A kind of whiskey mainly made of corn.breweryBrew-UH-ree/ To notice /A place where beer is produced.BroccoliBrok-Uh-Lee/ Brokale /A green vegetable with a woody shape.Curvatureboy/ This / i /A floating device that is used to mark a place or to indicate a navigation rate.BureaucracyByoo-rok-ruh-see/ BJʊKO /To complex administrative procedures.To buryBer-ee/ Since /To place underground, usually in the ground.Soccer playerKuh-chuh-tawr-eee/ Qatar /Prepare in a spicy tomato sauce with mushrooms and herbs.PressWho/ ˈKæʃ /A hiding place to store goods.CacophonyKuh-Kof-UH-NR/ Kakkɒfan /Unpleasant mix of sounds.FleeKuh-John/ TEALʒʊL /To persuade someone to do something by being very nice.SpookyKAL-U/ Area /Shows no feelings or sympathy;CompanionKam-ruh-duh-duh-ree/ ˌ ˌ ˌ ˌ ˌ ˌ ˌ ˌ ˌ ˌ ˌEasy fame and friendship, often built over time.CandidateRommy eh-bod/ Kænoldet /A person looking for an office or position.CaramelTax-this mail/ Keremale /A sweet, golden brown confectionery made by heating sugar.CaricatureKuha-ree-uh-cher/ Caravate /A representation that exaggerates the characteristic characteristics.CavalryKav-uhl-ree/ Covenory /Soldiers trained to fight on horseback.KaosKay-ahs/ Poɪas /Full suffering and confusion.CharcuterieShahr-ca-tuh/ Charcuterie /The branch of the cooking is reserved for boiled meat products.ChauvinismShoh-vuh-niz-uhm/ Ʃoʊvɪzam /Excessive patriotism, a belief in the superiority of one's own gender.ChimpanzeeChimpanzee/ ˌTʃɪmpænˈziː /A kind of monkey.ChipotleChi-poat-lee/tʃɪˈpɒtleɪ, tʃɪˈpɒtli, tʃɪˈpəʊtleɪ, tʃɪˈpəʊtli/Smoked and dried chili pepper.KorKwahy's/A group of singers who appear together.ClothesKlohz/ KLOʊÐZ /Clothing items that you wear.CacaoKoh-Koh/ ˈKokoʊ /A powder made of painted roasted cocoa beans.SpokenKamillels are they/ Castle /A word, meaning or expression that is a conversation instead of formula.OberstCore-Nuhl/ ˈKɜːnl̩ /Right -wing officer in the army.Comfortablekum-fuhr-tuh-buhl/ Kʌmofathet '/Feel relaxed.ConnecticutKN-UH-NHK-U/ Store /A state in the United States.KennerNot/ ˌKɒnəˈsɜː /A person who knows a lot about something determined.KnownNear -Spec Seed h n/ Kɒnʃan /The moral feeling of a person right or wrong.CupKoo/ ˈkuː /A sudden power approach of a government.KryptografiCrip-raw-green fairy/ Krɪptɒraf /Writing or solution of codes.CurmudgeonKarma/ Kɜːmʌdʒan /A person who is easily irritated.CyanosisEn-Uh-NOH ice cream/ ˌSaaɪsɪs /A bluish skin discoloration due to poor blood circulation.Cytologyand taw-luh-jee/ SaɪtɒlaScience that deals with the structure and function of plant and animal cells.FactsDay/ Deɪt /Information used to make calculations.PromiscuityFoam/ daughtersTo be able to manage virtue;To destroy morally.WagonDeb-ree/ luxe‖ /The remains of something that has been destroyed.DebutDevy/ ˈDeɪbjuː /The first public execution.Because ofBreath-it-it/ To that part of /In a very bad condition due to age.DefibrillatorThey are She-Hephb-AB-REK-STETETS/ Deflecting /A medical equipment that uses an electric shock to restart the heart of a person.DemagogueDem-uh-gog/ Say not /A political leader who seeks support by calling on the wishes and prejudices of ordinary people instead of using rational argument.Dengue feverDeng/ Denɡ /A viral disease spread by mosquitoes.ExacerbatedIT-T-Trer-OO-Ooide writes/ datigri-To get worse in quality or state.Diaphaandy-uh-fuh-nuhs/ Daɪjana /Light, delicate and transparent.Middle floorDy-uh-fram/ Daɪafum /An organ for breathing between partition horax of the stomach.ExtensivelyShare/ disconnected /To make wider or larger.DisappointTrek/ Drɔː /Furniture components that slide in and out.EliteEH-LEET/ Aliːt /A group of people with a high status.Mitigationi-mawl-yuhnt/ Imager /Makes smoother or less difficult.ContractorOn-hedge-prrehu/ ˌⱰntraplan‖ /A person who owns his own business.EphemicI-Fem-Uh-Rul/ ɪFemeline /Takes a short time.EpistemologyEP-UH-STEM-AWL-UH-JEE/ ɪˌpɪstamɒi /A knowledge theory.SavingEP-UH-TAW-ME/ ɪpɪt /A person or thing that is a perfect example of a certain quality or type.EquivalenceJa-talk-nim-uh-message/ ˌIkwens /Rest and tranquility.Equivalentih-in v-uh-khl/ ɪkwɪvakl̩ /Open for more than an interpretation.ErinosIts/ There is it subled the robor that Ear.With regard to a hedgehog.SpeakingI-spowz/ ɪˈSPAʊz /To follow or support an idea or theory as a cause.Espressome-press-oh/ expressʊ /A littleItalian coffee.Enz.Et-suh-tehr-uh/ INExpressions used to sum up something.EulogiYoo-Luh-./ Juːlag /A speech or a written tribute in honor of a deceased person.EuouaeYoo-oh-wee/ euouae /A mnemonic remembering the order of tones in a certain passage of Gloria Patri.EuthanasiaYoo-Thuh-Nay-Zhuh/ ˌJuːθanzeɪza /The painless killing of a patient who suffers from an incurable and painful disease.Exhaust pipeThe Was-Gyy-Hesk was right./ ɪkˈspeɪʃɪeɪt /To talk in detail or write about.Coolrum-oo/ Feet /Foolish, uninters;Without intelligence.Bad behaviorfoh pah/ ˌFoʊ ˈpɑ: /A socially unacceptable error.FebruaryFeb-pre-to-it./ Febjade /The second month of the year.Filmfilm/ Fɪlm /A movie or a series.Fiscal policyFis-kuhl/ ˈFɪskl̩ /Regarding the income of the government, in particular taxes.FloccinaucinihilipilificatieFlock-Well-New-good-not-NO-U-U-F-U-F-U-K-K-K-K-K-Wat-what-what-what-what-what-what-what-what-what-what-what-what-what-what-or/ ˌFlɒksɪnɔːsɪˌnɪhɪlɪˌlɪlɪfɪkɪʃk /The action or habit to estimate something like worthless.WetFoh-lee-c/ ˈFoʊliɪdʒ /Leaves of a plant.FoyerFoy-yer/ VAN /An entrance or lobby.FuchsiaFyoo-shuh/ Fjuːʃa /A lyesosa color or a kind of flower.GuardsPerformance/ ˈEoftʒ /A device for measuring quantities, level or something on something.GenreZhahn-ruh/ Ʒ ʒDe /A category artistic, musical or literary composition.GossipBlap/ Shortɪʃ /Meaningless speech.GifJif/ gif /A type animated image.GourmetGoor-May/ Ʊme‖ /A connoisseur of good food.GrandGran-Dil-Uh-Kwuhnt/ Randɪipwant /Extravagant, high or bombastic in style or way.hegemonyHi-jam-uh-nr/ Hɪami /Authority, leadership or influence of a dominant social group.HorribleDe nuhs/ Heɪnes /Extremely bad or cruel;Heir apparentis/ ˈEr /A person who inherits something.Urturt/ ˈɝːb /A plant used for culinary purposes.HeresyHehr-uh-see/ HER /A conviction that is contrary to the established religious doctrine.ComplainHair-no-uh/ Hɜːn / hɜːA condition in which part of an organ is moved and protrudes through the wall of the cavity it contains.HierarchyTwo/ Haɪaqːrki /A system where people or things are arranged in order of rank or meaning.StartersOf durv/ 10: Eccl.Elegant words to start with, loan words from French.SemiominomiansIG-NUH-min-ee-uhs/ ˌꞮnamɪns /Very embarrassing.IllinoisIl-Uh-noy/ ˌꞮ, n n /A state in the United States.InchroateIn-Koh-It/ ɪnʊɪʊɪt /Only partially existing;partially formed as in an idea.NotoriousIn-fam-uhs/ Ɪnfamer /Well known for some poor quality or deed.ResourcefulnessIn-jen-yoo-uh-TEE/The ability to think of new ideas.InterpretOn the leek/ ˌꞮntɝːpat /To explain something or to give something.ISCHIs-cee-mee-uh/ ischemia /An insufficient blood supply to an organ or part of the body.OFull land/ Aɪdin /A piece of land surrounded by water.SpoilIZ-MUHS/ ꞮSmar /A narrow strip of land that connects two larger land masses.RouteFire/ Aɪtɪna /A plan for a trip.WaterpaneoHA-LUH-PEYN-YO/ Cane, j), halapani /Small green or red pepper.JaundiceJawn-dis/ ˈDʒɔːndɪs /Yellow of the skin or an adjective that means bitterness, resentment or cynicism.JewelleryComments/ Dʒuːdri /Ornaments that people wear for decoration.Jury memberYOOR-IS/ Dʒʊrar /A person chosen to serve in a jury.KaleidoscopeKuh-Bue-Duh-SKAWP-SKAWP-SKAWP-SKAWP-IK/ Cutɪɒpɪk /Have complex color patterns.Kneadneed/ Niːd /To work and press with your hands.Kneeknee/ ˈNiː /The joint that connects the thigh and lower leg.KnellNell/ ˈNel /The sound of a bell, especially if it was solemnly called for a death or funeral.DelvenaisicalFor depot baskets/ ˌAglæklelˈdeɪzɪkl̩ /Do something in a lazy way.Leicester SquareLes-tuhr skweir/ Tab Vierkant /A square in London.ResponsibleLy-uh-buhl/ Laɪabl̩ /Legally responsible.LinkLee-ay-zawn/ liˈeɪˌzːn /A link or connection between people or organizations.libraryPaint-break-ee/ ›Ɪbrai /A collection of books.PromiscentHyinthus/ LaɪSentʃ /Lacks moral restraint.LingerieLan-Zhuh-ree/ Lɑːnʒʒre /Women's underwear.Grinding currentMeyl-Strahm/ Meɪlstram /A powerful hot tub in the sea or a river.MassachusettsMas-uh-choos-its/ ˌMæsəˈtʃuːsəts /A state in the United States.MastectomyMas-tek-tuh-mee/ Metrics /Operation to remove a woman's chest.MauveMoving/ MOʊV /INlight purple color name.Middle Agesone-in-vuhl/ Devil̩ /With regard to the Middle Ages.Memekader/ meme /A funny photo on the internet.Metamorphosismeh-tuh-mawr-fuh-sis/ ˌMetamɔːrphose /A change in form or nature of one thing or person in a completely different one.MiniatureMin-Ee-Cher/ Mɪniettʃ / / / / / / / / / / / 4A small model of something.DisconnectMis-chuh-vuhs/ Mɪstrain /Person who likes to cause problems for fun.FeminineMuh-saj-uh-you/ Mysoginist /Person who hates women.Munkmunk/ Mahŋk /A person who lives in a monastery or monastery.Doubtfuldoubtful/ ˈMuːt /Open for discussion;Debating.MuscleMUS-UL/ ˈMʌsl̩ /A body tissue composed of cells or fibers.CordMuh-stash/ ˈMəˌstæʃ /Her grows on the upper lip.NadirIn/ Neɪdar /The lowest point.NarcissisticChannel-cum-sis-tick/ ˌNːstɪk /To have an excessive interest in itself.NeophyteAF-ex-ex-fix/ Niːaːfaɪt /A beginner, a new participant.Nicheons/ ˈNɪt vide /A specialized segment of the market for a certain form of product or service.NihilismNahy-Oh-Liz-Uhm/ Naɪɪˌli /The conviction that nothing in the world has a real existence.NoisyNOY-SUHM/ N = ifDisgusting, as in odor;able to cause nausea.AtomicRaw-klee's/ NuːKlier /Type of powerful energy.MarriageNup-shuhl/ Nʌptʃ /With regard to marriage.DifficultI loved/ Ɒbdjoor /Stubbornly refuses to change thoughts.AppartementUh-kay-zhuhn/ Akeɪʒn̩ /A chance for a certain event.TitAf-tuhn/ For the best ofMany times;OligarchyAW-Lij-Aar-Kee/ ːːːRi /A small group of people who have control over a country or organization.OnomatopoeiumOn-UH-MAT-UH-PEE-UH/ ːNamːtapi /Words that sound like the thing they refer to.OphthalmologyBuiten thal-mawl-uh-jee/ ˌːPθabːi /The branch of medication that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of eye disorders.OrdinanceOf-DN-uhns/ Ɔːrandants /A law or regulations drawn up by a local government.OtorhinolaryngologieAuthor-Hino-Lar-Ol-UH-Gee/ ˌˌToodoms /The examination of diseases of the ear, the nose and the throat.Panaceapan-uh-see-uh/ ˌPænia /A remedy for all disease or solution for all problems.ParadigmPar-uh-dafy/ Peraˌdaɪm /A typical example or pattern.PauciloquyPaw-suh-loh-kwee/ Paucily /Brevity of speech.PejorativePlasjuh-Rut-IV/ Padʒɔːv /Express rejection or humiliating.penguinPen-wuhn/ Peŋwen /An airplane -free bird that lives in cold areas near the Poles.PrediptoryBut.m-terte-ri/ perveme /Speak or very roughly.Phenomenafuh-nahm-uh-nawn/ Byking /An extraordinary event or event.MucusInfluenza/ Flaf /Thick mucus produced in the airways.FleicFLG-MAT-I/ flagship /Slowly to respond and not show emotion;ImageHighlight/ Pɪkticle /A picture.PizzaPlas-tsuh/ WHO /INCheers of Italian descent.PlumberPluhm-is/ Plʌmar /A person who repairs pipes.PneumatologiNy-muh-taw-luh-jee/ ˌNjuddiness /The study of spirits or spiritual beings.PneumoniaRight-handed moh-neee-noe/ Numodine /Pneumonia caused by bacterial or viral infection.IntroductionPrel-yood/ PROVEA piece of music that acts as an introduction to the majority.PrivilegePara-Rag-Thes twenty/ Pro-Expetion /A right or privilege excluding a certain person or class.PrescriptionPre-script-wat/ Prexcrɪpʃn̩ /Prescribing a medicine or treatment.ConvertiblePri-Wair-a-ray/ prɪˈværɪkeɪt /To talk or act in a evasive way.ProbablyAwesome/ Prːbabli /With a big chance;very likely.PronunciationPro-nun-s-y-what/ Proˌnsocialɪʃn‖ /The way you say a word.RadiatesPrahs-Trayt/ ˈPrːtrest /Lying with the face on the floor.PseudonymAbuh-nih/ Suːddaˌm /A fictional name, especially a writer who is used by a writer.ChildishPyoor-ahyl/ piesːˈriːl /With regard to a child or youth;Rasty, foolish.HandsomePUL-KRUH-DET/ ˈPʌlkrɪtjuːd /Outer beauty.MarshKWAG-MYR/ Kwægˌmaker /A soft literal land area that gives space under the foot.Inkey/ ˈKiː /A place around water for loading and unloading ships.Queueresidence/ ˈKjuː /A variety of people or vehicles waiting for something.QuicheKish/ ˈKiːʃ /A fried pie or acid with a tasty filling thickened with eggs.QuinoaKee-noh-uh/ Kiːnwː /A plant whose seeds we eat.TypicalKwin-tuh-sen-shuhl/ ˌKwɪntasenʃale /Represents the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class.QuirkyFrom where/ ˈKwɝːki /Have or characterized by special or unexpected characteristics or aspects.QuixotischCohol/ Kwwali Swayas A work in a structure that was in Posksis, is the last / Isa.Extremely idealistic;Unrealistic and impractical.EverydayKwoh-time-un/ Kwʊtɪs /Occurs or occurs daily, common.RacoonRak-Kun/ ræˈkuːn /A gray -images American mammal.RaspberryRaz-Ber-Ee/ ˈ ˈ ˈ ˈ ˈ ˈ ˈ ˈ ˈ ˈ ˈ ˈ ˈ ˈ ˈ ˈ ˈ ̈ ̈ ̈ ̈A soft fruit that looks like a red or blackberries.ReceptionPlace again/ Rate /A document that recognizes something.RegimeRuh-zheem/ Second -year -olds /A government or regulatory system.RewardLimyo -unu h -etc/ senˌmjuːnareɪʃn̩ /Payment or compensation for a service or work.AppointmentRon-duh-v/ ˈRːndɪˌvuː /A meeting or agreement, especially a romantic.RestaurateurRes-DHH-RR-UH-Tuhr/ ˌA person who owns a restaurant.RitmeRith-Uhm/ Raɪðð /A pattern of sounds or beats that are located in music.salmon-/ Sperm /One type of fish, we eat.OptimisticSanjun/ ˈSæŋˌwɪn /Cheerful, hopeful, confident, especially in a bad situation.Shoulder bladeKast-oh-/ Spade /Shoulder blade.SchadenfreudeShah-dn-froid/ Ʃːd (as) i nˌfrɔɪ /Joy derived by someone from the accident of another.TimetableSked-yool/ ˈSkedʒuːl /And plan.SaksSi-Zuhrz/ Sanenel /A cutting instrument with two knives.Sesquipedalianse-kwi-pi-Aday-le-tunge/ ˌSESKWɪPɪDeligan /With a lot of useLong words.SorbetSher-bit/ ɝɝːIce as food.SiliconSIL-Uh-Kahn/ Sad /A non -metal element with atomic number 14.SpecificallySpeh-sihf-uh-buhl/ Spesɪfaɪfaɪfaɪfaɪ̊tingbl̩ /Can be specified.Specificallyspuh-sihf-i/ spəˈsɪfɪk /Special or clear;Rear -momanometerSFIG-MUH-MUH-NOM-UH-MEE-TER/ ˌSfɪmadiɒmail /Instrument for measuring blood pressure.SquirrelSkwur-El/ SKEWɜːRAL /An orange rodent with a bushy tail.StateStay/ Stadium /The position or is in a person in relation to others.DomStul-tuh-luh-kwens/ Stultiloquilo /Meaningless speech.DiscreetSUHT-L/ ˈSʌtl̩ /Very accurate and difficult to analyze or describe.Suitesweet/ ˈSwiːt /A set of rooms in a hotel.SupercalifragilisticexpialidociousSu-parr-kal-uh-uh-uh-lihs-tick-s-p-shuha-lee-do-shuhs/ ˌˌPaˌkælɪˌsedʒɪˌstɪKEKSPECYCLUS /Exceptionally good.HandoverToo many/ ˈSɜːfɪt /An excessive amount of something.SyllogismSil-Uh-ji*z-UHM/ Sɪʒɪza /Deductive reasoning.SynecdocheSin-ek-duh-kee/ i sɪnek /A speech figure.SynergySin watch jee/ Sɪnadʒi /The interaction between two or more agents to give an effect that is greater than the sum of their individual effects.Tautologytaw-tol-uh-jee/ tɔːtɒi /The saying of the same twice with different words.TemperatureIs/ Place /A size for hot or cold.BronStyle/ Tɪkalɪʃ /Sensitive to touched or sandwiched.TimbreTahr-Flash/ Tomrhra /The sound or tonal quality of a certain voice or musical instrument.TriathlonTry-at-lon/ ˌTrːːjæA long departments athletic event.TriskaidekaphobiaTrai-fchone-Dec-Uh-Fooh-B-Uh/ triskaidekaphobia /Extreme superstition with regard to the number of thirteen.JustTru-kyuh-geleen/ ˈTrʌkjʊlənt /Trouw, fast to argue or fight.Everymobilizedyoo-bik-wit-us/ Jeːbíkataes /Present, appear or found everywhere.ValetByh-Lay/ Velɪt /The personal companion of a man.VehicleVee-uh-kuhl/ ˈViːhɪkl̩ /A machine used for the transport of people.Abdominal speakerKlep-uh-style/ ventrɪlawɪst /A person who can make his voice look like a dummy.RefusalShow-uh-si-food/ vɪˈsɪsɪtjuːd /A change in circ*mstances, usually undesirable.Deep -rootedCONTACTION/ Vɪsaral /Due to deep inner emotions instead of the intellect.WednesdayWednesday day/ ˈWenzdeɪ /The third day of the week.WhiplashLash/ ˈWɪplæʃ /The flexible part of a whip or something.RandiesWinboom/ ˈWɪntri /Regarding winter.Wisteriawis-teer-ee-uh/ Wɪsto /A tree with beautiful pink or violet flowers.WorcestershireWuss-Tuhr-Schoor/ Wʊsta /In brown sauce.YolkRight/ Joʊk /The yellow central part of an egg.FreitZEF-IS/ Zefa /A soft, mild breeze.CourgetteZoo-kee-no/ To uu29A kind of green summer pumpkin.

The words "spelling bee" probably remember your English lessons from kindergarten and primary school.But to achieve spelling goes beyond passing all your spelling bees with an A at school.

Spellbi is also a competition for language lovers.Here are the 10 most brutal words for spells and statements that appeared in the Spellbi competition over the years.

Phew!Some of these words are real tongue writers, even for Spellbi masters.

But whether you learn English for personal or professional reasons, learn to express these challenging words, help you impress your native language and bring your English to the next level.

252 most difficult English words to pronounce: a nice challenge (2024)
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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.