What is a good salary in Paris? (2024)

What is a good salary in Paris? (1)

Paris is undoubtedly a great city with many opportunities, but how much money do people make there? What is the average salary in Paris? And how does it compare to other major cities around the world? According to The Economist, Paris is one of the most expensive cities in the world.

A net salary of €3,000 per month is considered good in Paris. With this salary you can afford a decent lifestyle, including an apartment in the city center, weekly food and enough groceries. While you don't have to be too stingy with your choices, the extravagance is somewhat limited.

Of course, these are just average wages, and many people in Paris earn much more than this. Your income will largely depend on your job and the cost of living in your specific part of Paris. Other factors such as experience, skills and company size can also affect your salary. By doing your research and understanding the average salary in Paris, you can better plan your move to this great city.

What is considered a good salary in Paris in 2022?

What is a good salary in Paris? (2)

According tostatesman, a monthly income between €3,000 and €5,000, is considered a good salary in Paris. With this income you can build a decent inner-city lifestyle, including a two-bedroom apartment, regular weekend getaways and dining options.

But even with just $1,400 a month after taxes, you can get a room in a shared apartment and live comfortably.

Yes, Paris is an expensive place and you will have to earn more money than in most other French cities. This is due to the large number of tourists, but also the influx of people moving, including French citizens and foreigners.

An average gross salary of €67,919 per year or €5,660 per month gives you a very comfortable lifestyle in Paris; however, no luxury or extravagance. With this salary you can finance a car, pay for holidays,renta good apartment and enjoy life.

The estimated monthly costs for a single person are € 958, excluding rent. While for a family of four the costs can go up to €3,425; rent excl. The partners must therefore each earn at least €2,000 to maintain a comfortable lifestyle.

You have to calculate for rentminimum €1,000for a decent one bedroom apartment.

In Paris, salaries range from €13,900 (lowest) to €245,000 (highest) per year, depending on your industry. This includes benefits such as accommodation, transportation and bonuses.

Average salaries vary significantly between different careers. For example, technology and marketing jobs are well paid compared to teaching.

The average salary is €50,000 per year. This means that 50% of the population earns less, while the remaining 50% earns more than € 50,000 per year. If you want to move to Paris, make sure you are on the higher side of the chart to live a comfortable lifestyle. Otherwise, it could negatively impact the quality of your lifestyle in Paris.

In fact, around 25% of Paris' population earns less than €29,000 per year, with the remaining 75% earning above this figure. Similarly, 75% earn less than $136,000, while 25% receive more than $136,000 per year.

So there are a large number of high earners who earn more than six figures from their jobs in Paris.

On average, a gross salary of €67,919 per year is seen as a good income, although with €120,000 you are well above the average, which is simply a good salary for France.

For example, software engineers earn well in Paris. Highly rated programmers receive approximately $101,300 per year, closely followed by financial controllers with an average of $51,000 per year.

What your life will be like with different salary levels in Paris, France

Considering the annual average is $67,919, you have a lavish lifestyle to earn from. However, you can still enjoy some comfort with a salary within this average and below. Below, see examples of what you can expect with revenue across the different spectrums.

€100,000 gross annual salary in Paris

A salary of over €100,000 per year or €8,000 per year month (after taxes) gives you a luxurious lifestyle in Paris. For example, an expensive hobby like skiing, shopping at high-end stores for designer goods, three luxury vacations a year, and regular weekend entertainment.

You can regularly buy tickets for shows and concerts, while still saving some money for your retirement.

The collapse

Housing:You can live on the 6thestreet right at the foot of the Eiffel Tower, comfortably paying for a three-bedroom apartment for (€2,701 - €3,500) per month.

Handle ind.:€900 – €1,500 is enough for groceries and basic needs at home. It's even cheaper if you eat at home most of the time; you don't have to be frugal.

Insurance:You better afford ithealth insurancefor about €100 per month.

Spendable income:with around €2,000 you can regularly buy new clothes and shoes, eat out often and take the occasional trip to and from France.

Savings:You can easily save more than €500.

€55,000 gross annual salary in Paris

With a salary of €55,000 per year or €5,100 per month you can live a comfortable but not yet extravagant life in Paris. You can afford one meal a week at a restaurant, but you will probably prepare most of your meals at home.

Here's the breakdown:

Housing:You can afford to live in a studio apartment in the center of Paris by paying some amountmonthly rentfrom approximately €863. You can also choose to find a roommate with whom you can share the rent and halve it if you rent a one-bedroom room.

Rental prices in France in 2023

Insurance:You can pay for standard insurance for around €50 per month.

Handle ind.:€800 is perfect for a month – it depends if you like cooking.

Spendable income:€1,000 – dining out once a week, exotic trip once a year.

Savings:You can save at least €700-900 per month.

Housing is the most essential part of your budget when living in Paris. The rent in the city center averages 25% of your income, depending on what you are looking for. You can choose to live in the suburbs, take the Trans metro or take a bicycle.

However, the most expensive place is at the foot of the Eiffel Tower on the 6th floorestreet and costs are reduced when it is 7 p.megade.

Alternatively, you have the option of renting a room instead of an apartment if costs are a bit high.

Your total monthly expenses in Paris

Here is an example of the cost of living for a single person renting in Paris and using public transport.

A room in a houseStudy1 room apartment2 room apartment3 bedroom apartment
Rent572 €863 €1.001 €1.290 €1.819 €
Utilities0 €100 €120 €200 €250 €
Public transport100 €100 €100 €100 €100 €
Groceries500 €500 €500 €500 €500 €
Insurance100 €100 €100 €100 €100 €
spare time300 €300 €300 €300 €300 €
Total1.672 €2.213 €2.500 €2.990 €3.819 €
Minimum income1.800 €2.300 €2.600 €3.000 €4.000 €

These figures are on the higher side and with a maximum of € 4,000, you still have some money left over. A gross annual salary of €67,000 (€5,800 per month) will more than cover your extravagant expenses in Paris.

Depending on what you're looking for, the average salary in Paris (€3,000 and €4,999) can support a decent lifestyle according to the figures above.

Salaries in Paris

Salaries in Paris are unevenly distributed depending on job titles, location and seniority level. On average, an employee earns between €3,000 and €4,999 per month.

Only 25% of employees earn less than $29,000 per year on average, while 50% earn $50,600 or less on average. Most people earn between €136,000 and €245,000 per year, which represents 75% of the population.

At the same time, the minimum wage in France was €1,539 per month or €10.57 per hour in July 2020. While half of the working population in France has a salary lower than €1,845 per month after taxes.

In general, the French middle class earns between €1,500 and €2,800 net per month.

Facts about salaries in Paris:

  1. The average salary in Paris is €67,919 in February 2022, with the most common salary being €41,455.
  2. In 2019, the hourly rate for women was €30 and for men €40.Gentlemenin leading positions.
  3. Law is the highest paying career with an average income of €105,313 per year.
  4. The average salary for those with a PhD is €73,649 per year, 11% more than those with a master's degree.
  5. A master's degree holder earns an average of €70,209, 20% higher than a bachelor's degree holder.
  6. Employees with more than 20 years of experience earn an average salary of € 114,045 per year.
  7. The highest earners are between 40 and 49 years old and have an average income

Average salary in Paris

The average gross salary for an employee in Paris is €3,900 per month or €46,800 per year, which is higher than most cities in France. The average salary in France is approximately €2,340 net per month or approximately €40,000 gross on an annual basis for a full-time employee.

As a result, the average annual salary in Paris is at least 17% higher than the national average.

The average hourly wage in Paris is €24, depending on the profession and qualifications. The lowest average salary in Paris is €13,900, while the highest average is €245,000.

Specialists earn an average of $129,569 across all industries and company sizes, and an average specialist can earn an average salary of $88,026 per year.

While the average salary in Paris is €50,000 per year, this means that half of the population earns more than €50,000 and the other half receives less than €50,000 in annual compensation.

Highest paying jobs in Paris

What is a good salary in Paris? (3)

Paris is home to several Fortune 500 companies that offer a variety of job opportunities to qualified people. Here are the top 5 jobs that will pay you handsomely in Paris:

Directors, general manager

(129.569 € – 142.711 €)

High-level management positions receive good salaries due to the nature of their work, which is running large companies and making difficult decisions.

Corporate lawyers and attorneys

(59.095 € – 105.342 €)

Paris' lawyers are respected and well paid. A recent law school graduate earns an average starting salary of $4,000 per month, while a veteran earns a maximum of $105,342 per year.

Insurance job

(104.960 €)

In this sector, women earn more than men. However, the level of education and years of experience make a big difference in the average income in the sector.

Financial analysts

(104.608 €)

Financial analysts are highly respected professionals in financial positions and are an asset to most companies, hence the prime salary.

Management functions

(88.026 € -104.608 €)

Managers in departments such as risk and assessment, sales and marketing, human resources receive high salaries because of their commitment to the company.

Is €60,000 gross a good salary to live comfortably in Paris?

In general, €60,000 gross is considered a good salary in Paris – this equates to around €40,000 after taxes annually or €3,200 per month. This is much more than the average income of French workers, which is just over 40,000 per year. This is also enough to live decently – not frugal, but not extravagant either.

But if you want a family apartment in the city center with your girlfriend and kids and want to eat out several times a week while shopping at luxury stores like Louis Vuitton and Colette, 60,000 won't cut it.

Here are some ways you can spend your money:

  • Rental price: 1 bedroom apartment: €750/month; 2 bedroom apartment: €1,000+/month
  • Utilities: €140 per month
  • Telephone bill (mobile phone): 30€ (33 USD) per month
  • Transport: 40€ (44 USD) per month
  • Health insurance: €150 per month
  • Gym membership: €65 (USD 70) per month
  • Eating out: 5-star restaurant: €150+ / person; fast food lunch: €10+/person
  • Groceries: €500 per month.

Health insurance for expats in France

Expats need health insurance when moving to France. We adviseCigna Globalfor international coverage. Because Cigna insurance is international, you can use your policy not only in France, but virtually anywhere in the world.

In the long run you can save a significant amount of moneyprivate insurance.The policy price does not depend on your income, as with government companies. In France, the public health insurance premium is deducted from your monthly salary and the contribution amounts to approx13%of gross income, which is a lot.

With 74,000 employees, 200 years of experience and more than 100 million customers worldwide, Cigna is one of the largest international insurers around.

With this insurance you can enjoy immediate and easy access to healthcare institutions and professionals around the world.

How much money do you need to live comfortably in Paris?

The amount needed to live comfortably in a given city comes down to the cost of living.

Paris is an exciting city, but one of the most expensive in the world. The cost of living in the French capital is over 86% of all cities in Europe and 88% worldwide – ranking 21st out of 160 cities.

The estimated monthly costs for a family of four are on average €5,441, while for a single person €3,356 is sufficient.

The rent is approximately 30% of your income, depending on where you live. The average rental price in Paris is €1,097 per property month, all categories included.

Energy rates are also high, but vary by individual. See below an overview of expenses for one person living in Paris:

  • Rent: € 1,100
  • Electricity: €59
  • Water: € 20
  • Internet: 30 €
  • Transport: 100 €
  • Purchase: €466
  • Taxes: €140/year

Costs in percentages

  • Rent: 56.2%
  • Purchase groceries: 26.2%
  • Leisure activities: 7.3%
  • Transport: 4,2%
  • Electricity: 2.1%
Rental prices in France in 2023

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What is a good salary in Paris? (2024)


What is a good salary in Paris? ›

It appears that a majority of respondents, 33 percent of them, declared that a monthly salary between 3,000 and 4,999 was a salary allowing a good living in Paris.

How much money do you need to make to live comfortably in Paris? ›

Statista reports that a yearly salary of €67,919 or €5,660 per month can provide a comfortable lifestyle in Paris. This salary will let you finance a car, rent a decent apartment, and enjoy life through holidays and other activities.

Is 60000 euros a good salary in Paris? ›

60K, with the status of "cadre",means you have to remove ~23% of taxes, so that means 3850 euros monthly in your pocket (before taxes on your income). In France, we pay monthly, it is not bi-monthly like in US, be careful about that. so yes, that's good in Paris (and even better out of Paris).

What is the top 1% salary in Paris? ›

The biggest pay cheques, those over €10,000 per month, are reserved for the top 1% of salaried workers. For over a decade now, the Observatoire des Inégalités has been trying to determine thresholds for both poverty and wealth in France.

Is 100K euro a good salary in Paris? ›

What is a good salary to live on in Paris? Depends where, how, and who you actually are (single, couple or family). I would say 100K€ gross (for a family) is a minimum if you want a “bourgeois” lifestyle and not worry too much about money.

Is it cheaper to live in Paris than the US? ›

According to the Cost of Living Comparison website, the overall cost of living in France is 31% less expensive than in the United States. This means that you would need to earn about 31% less money in France to maintain the same standard of living as you would in the United States.

Is 80k a good salary in Paris? ›

An annual salary of 80,000 Euros gross in Paris is generally considered a good salary.

What is the average rent in Paris? ›

According to seloger.com, the average rent in Paris is around 35,50 € per square meter for a one-bedroom long-term furnished apartment. Therefore, for a 1-bedroom furnished accommodation ranging from 30m² to 70m², the rent is between 1 300 € – 3 000 € per month.

Is 200k euros a good salary? ›

200k Euro, even if gross, is a VERY good salary. It is the kind of money a physician MIGHT make who is head of a mid-sized to large surgical department, or runs a VERY successful private practice in a part of town with many privately insured / rich patients.

What is the average income in France in US dollars? ›

In France, the average household net-adjusted disposable income per capita is USD 34 375 a year, more than the OECD average of USD 30 490 a year.

What is upper class salary in France? ›

'The rich are very rich in France'

The report found that to be in this 1% in France, you must earn at least €6,848 per person per month. This is more than the amount needed to be in the 1% in Germany (€6,500), and the UK (€5,997). Only Switzerland had a higher threshold (€8,801).

What job pays the most in Paris? ›

Some of the highest-paying jobs in France include:
  • Surgeon: €160,177 yearly.
  • IT director: €90,000 yearly.
  • Lawyer: €92,000 yearly.
  • Dentist: €117,000 yearly.
Sep 1, 2023

What is a comfortable salary in France? ›

Salary for a comfortable life in France

Earning around 3,200 euros per month is considered a good income for individuals or 5,600 euros for a family of three. This amount takes into account the cost of living and allows you to cover your basic expenses such as housing, food, transportation, and leisure activities.

Are salaries higher in Paris or London? ›

To sum up, living in London is around 21% more expensive, than living in Paris. Yet, taking into consideration the average salary, it is also higher in London than in Paris. The average monthly net salary (after-tax) amounts to 2,144.30 € (1,852.37 £) in Paris, and 2,591.28 € (2,238.50 £) in London.

How much is rent in France? ›

Average rent in France
CityPrivate RoomApartment
Nice€595 ($653)€1,061 ($1164)
Bordeaux€550 ($604)€1,020 ($1120)
Marseille€460 ($505)€733 ($804)
Strasbourg€550 ($604)€890 ($977)
3 more rows
Mar 2, 2024

How much is 100k after taxes in France? ›

Periodic Payroll Deductions Overview
Income Tax Due16,935.361,411.28
Total Deductions38,958.853,246.57
Salary After Tax61,041.155,086.76
Employer Social Security37,822.143,151.85
4 more rows

Is 2000 euro a good salary in Paris? ›

You won't be rich at all but you will have enough to live and even a bit more to travel, go to a nice restaurant once in a while. If you live alone, you can usually rent a studio appartment for approximately 800 euros. You will probably pay about 2000 euros per year in taxes (around 165 euros per month).

Is 50000 euro a good salary in Paris? ›

“Is 50k euros gross per year a good salary in Paris?” -it's well above average, though not spectacular for a city job.

Is 4000 euro a good salary in Paris? ›

€4,000/month places you above the median French household income. Many families of four live off that much money, and it would be probably three to four times the average income of a student in Lyon. Was this worth your time? This helps us sort answers on the page.

Is 1000 euros enough for a month in Paris? ›

It all depends on a number of factors, and weighing each one carefully can help you live well while studying in France. Taking all these factors in account, the average monthly student budget is thus around 1000 Euros in Paris and 800 Euros elsewhere.

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