Warframe: Jade Complete Guide - Drops, Possibilities and Builds (2024)

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Warframe's Jade Shadows Update added the titular support character to the Warframe program list, giving her allies the chance as she damaged her enemies.


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It is difficult to control this warframe is a fairly simple process, but creating a building for jade can be difficult, especially because her skills want you to invest in every core state..But before we cover these buildings, we first cover how you can get Jade and show all four of her skills.

How to make jade

Warframe: Jade Complete Guide - Drops, Possibilities and Builds (2)

Jade's components are grantedClimbGame type on Brutus, Uranus.This mission and the most important plan of Jade has been unlocked when"Jade Shadows" Quest.You get access to this search for end "The new war"

Ascension -Spiltype can drop Jade parts or components for its characteristic weapons -harmony, Cantara and Eversg -Upon -Finish.OverviewDeserved in Ascension to buy the exact jade parts you need.Parts are purchased from Ordis in the Larunda Relay Die Orbit Merkur.

Jade blueprint

Drop Bron
  • "Jade Shadows" Quest -Completion.
  • Ordis (450 remains)
  • 25.000 credits
  • 1 Jade Neuroptics
  • 1 jade chassis
  • 1 Jade Systems
  • 3 Orokinceller
Craft72 Timer

Jade Neuroptik

Drop Bron
  • Brutus, Uranus (5% falling chance)
  • Ordis (150 remains)
  • 15.000 credits
  • 1.000 circuits
  • 750 polymer bundle
  • 3 Neural sensors
  • 4 Neuroder
Craft12 Timer

Jade -chassis

Drop Bron
  • Brutus, Uranus (5% falling chance)
  • Ordis (150 remains)
  • 15.000 credits
  • 600 alloy plate
  • 4,000 Nano Spores
  • 1.500 plaster
  • 6 Morfer
Craft12 Timer

Jade Systems

Drop Bron
  • Brutus, Uranus (5% falling chance)
  • Ordis (150 remains)
  • 15.000 credits
  • 600 Hell
  • 600 plaster
  • 1,100 Rubedo
  • 10 rivals modules
Craft12 Timer

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Jade -Skills

Warframe: Jade Complete Guide - Drops, Possibilities and Builds (3)



  • Sign:135
  • Energy:150
  • Health:365
  • Shields:450
  • Sprintighed:1


Warframe: Jade Complete Guide - Drops, Possibilities and Builds (4)

Jade's deep understanding of the relationship between life and death gives her two aura against -Slots.

Jade has two obligations that make her incredibly strong with the right building:

  1. She has a -Slots.
  2. Her first and fourth skills bring a judgment, a defuping of 50% vulnerability.

The first part of her passive is fairly simple, but opens a lot of build options.Jade can equip two unique Aura mods at the same time.The team benefits from both Aura Mods and Jade's energy capacity increases withbothMods.This makes her incredibly easy to combat and less dependent on forma than other war frameworks.

Her other passive isAS, a 50% vulnerability Deuff applied by its first and fourth skills-Licht judgment and honor for high, respectively, enemies marked by judgment, have a seven -Blade clover icon.This defuff takes ten seconds, can be updated and donedoesn'tStack yourself.

Other sources of vulnerability of injury, such as violation of the retreat, remained adjectives.

Light's Dom

Warframe: Jade Complete Guide - Drops, Possibilities and Builds (5)

Create a source of light that heals allies and hurts enemies.

Light's Domsstatistik


25 Energy


6 meter


10 seconds


600 Heat Persecond

HP Regen

8% right

Max Wells

5 Putten (Organizable)

Relevant mods





Influence how long the wells last

Influences the radius of the power

Influences Cast energy costs

Influences the damage of the well and hp regeneration

Light's judgment acts as an attacking variant of the MOEGEGEGE.Allied recovers 8% HP Pents second while in the well and this will continue to exist for ten seconds if you leave the well.Since this has recovered a percentage of HP, this is incredibly effective on Warrams with high HP -Pools such as Inaros.

Enemies who are trapped in the well isMarked with judgment and constantly taking on heat damage.Most enemies draw from the heat dot so that this power can best be used to mark a group of enemies with a judgment.Light's judgment will go out after 15 secondsRegardless of your endurance status.Up to five can be up at the same time.

Archon can intensify the healing of the judgment of the light.

Although it is labeled as a supporting force, the judgment of the light is more of oneDebuff Grenade is the Je ultimate prepared.Every time you see a group of enemies, throw this in their general direction and then throw Glory's all-four to explode every marked enemy., expensive and efficiency.

Symphony of grace

Warframe: Jade Complete Guide - Drops, Possibilities and Builds (6)

Cycling through three songs that strengthen allies.

Symphony of genade statistics


50 energy


Initial:30 seconds

Killer:+2 seconds of the enemy judging


The seven power:+25% power power

Deaths:+130% baseskade

Spirit of resilience:+10% the piercing and second;-10% shielding

Relevant mods





Influences the aura duration

N / a;Range is based on affinity

Influences Cast energy costs

Adapts aura buff -size

By throwing this possibility, your team can go to your current selected buff that appears to your skin to the right.Despite the description in the game you can only channel one aura at the same time;You cannot throw all three auras at the same time.

This possibility applies to all allies in the affinity radius (50 meters).You can expand this with Vazarin Focus School and Flare Consumables.

The Seven PowerGives your team extra power to stack additive with other sources.doesn'tHas an upper limit.

DeathAssigns a bonus of 150% basic damage to all weapons that can be improved with the ability to be clear.Basic damage, the same as mods such as Serration and Hornet Strike.it isdoesn'tA fracture modificator such as Eclipse or Roar.Unless your weapons do not miss basic damage scalars, we recommend that you fully use the death.

Spirit of resilienceMuch improves your shield regeneration statistics.If your shields regenerate, repair another 10% of your maximum shields per second.Multiply the effect of this aura.If you can hit more than 300% and can equip rapid deflection, you can restore your entire hurt in just over a second.

All three auras use the strength and duration of the skill.We strongly recommend building for strength, because it has to scale the power of the seven buffs, so you have even more power than normal., Until your skills need an update.The duration is extended by two seconds for each judgment with the enemy you kill.

Solanim eyes

Warframe: Jade Complete Guide - Drops, Possibilities and Builds (7)

Jade calls for an accusing look that slows down enemies in the neighborhood and dissolves their shields and armor.

Occasional eyes statistics


50 energy


30 seconds


Distance:20 meter

Hoek:70 ° (umodabel)

Defense strip

10% by.Second


Slowly:15% pr.seconde

Dop:90% (umodabel)

Relevant mods





Influences the duration of the power

Influences the cone distance

Influences Cast energy costs

Influences the defense strip and slow persecution

You can suppress this possibility on other war frames via the Helminth system.

A provision of provision that leaves your enemies defenseless.All enemies in Jade's visual cone will make their defense shine and the movement slows down.Solanim Eyes defensed all enemies in a congestion of 70 degrees, so you will fight remotely to maximize the number of goals that you disconnect.

Enemies cannot be delayed more than 90%, but the defense strip continues until the target no longer shields and/or has armor.Drastically improve the defense strip of this power with the right structure.The area is also recommended as it expands the reach of the can.

Downed allies in your gaze are automatically revived.

High High

Warframe: Jade Complete Guide - Drops, Possibilities and Builds (8)

Increase with destructive power.Use alternative fire to explode judgments, causing an explosion of Jade light.

High statistics


Roll team:25 Energy

Drain:5 energy persecuted

Alt-Fire:25 Energy


Primary:2 meter

Alt-Fire:4 meter


Primary:150 heat

Alt-Fire:1500 heat

Damage control

35% (caps van 50%)

The chance of judgment

At 10 am%. Hit

Relevant mods





Influences energy disposal, while <175% efficiency

Influences Glory's explosion beam

Influences the thrown and drainage -energy costs

Influences the injury standard and the output of the glory

Honor at high turns Jade for a flying artillery cannon.This is a channeled capacity in which Jade releases his wings and becomes in the air and gives access to her glory -elevated secondary.In this state, Jade checks in the same way as an open world arch and unlocks her Z -axis until you rise or rise manually.

Glory is a secondary weapon that fires explosive bolts, similar to Laetum's Incarnon shape or Acceltra. Each shot tone in a two -meter radius and is about pure heat damage.Alt-Silder who explodes all enemies, marked with an opinion that relates to X10 damage with twice the radius of explosion.This is especially effective if you use your first skill, the judgment of the light, to quickly mark a group of goals.Use your first skill as a grenade and then explode the affected goals with your all-fire to tackle with serious injuries.

Every projectile of glory has a 10% chance of highlighting an enemy.

Since this weapon has a fairly poor fire frequency state, you will improve the fire frequency of this gun as much as possible to make it competitive with Titania's double pixier.Basic damage can be increased with essential strength and the explosion beam can be changed with the ability of skills and fulminal judge.

In addition to weapons, Glory On High also offers a passive 35% Dr.Buff, while it is active.Or resilience aura from your other opportunity to stay alive in steel path content.

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Warframe: Deep Archimedea Guide and Rewards

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Jade builds

Warframe: Jade Complete Guide - Drops, Possibilities and Builds (10)

We show three buildings for Jade that focus on her ultimate skill: Glory on High.Mens You can use her as a dedicated support by submitting to her fourth possibility, we do not recommend this.We recommend playing CitrinOr wisps instead.Jade's Claim van Roem is her angelic form and explosive weapons.

For all three buildings we recommend building Jade as onePile tank.Spirit of resilience of her other skill makes it trivial to restore your shields.Jade Shield Regeneration Rivals Arcane AegisIf you can keep her other skills active.On Die Arkane and you become invincible for almost everything, despite toxins.

As for focus schools,VazarinIs the clear winner.This extensive affinity area makes it much easier to buffer your team with Symphony of Grace.DethcubeToo spacious energy balls during the battle.

Archon -Shards

Warframe: Jade Complete Guide - Drops, Possibilities and Builds (11)

Jade needs almost every state in the game, soVan Fleste Arhardsis worth spending to her.We strongly recommend itViolet Shard with balanceTo give Jade an energy source while she is in her ultimate.Amber Shard with rolling team.Ours end games build both use.

Other good statistics includePower of power (Carmozer red), Duration (Carmo -Red) and Start -Energy (Amber).

Make investment structure (no forma, no subgroup)


Undermining institutions

N / A

Archon -Shards


You are very welcome to replace all Primed Mods with their standard variants.If you do not have Archon vitality, instead, you must impose a Augur -secrets or Augur message.

Aura mods must taste.

This is aNul forma buildWithout Arhards of Subume, Modding Jade too high uptime on her ultimate, while she also increases her overall injury.We focus on increasing JadesPower and reachWithout harming one of her other statistics.We start by restingTransitInUmbral is getting more intenseTo increase its strength state.Calm if you do not have a maximum rank parliament, it is intensified here;We are working on temporary strengthDue to continuity, although normal continuity works great.

We use for the rangeAccountInAugur -BereikHitting 175%.This makes her first power much more consistent and gives you some gentleness while she strives for her ultimate Sustain.Balanceand a companion withSynth deconstructenKeep her energy reserves full.Sundhedsorber will give their value in energy and vice versa.

To address the elephant in the room that we useRapid deflectionInstead of a traditional defense.Rapid deflection almostdoubleThe power of this appearance.Instead of regenerating 20% ​​of your shields per second, regenerate 38%InHave a much shorter load delay.This is as if you always have mysterious Aegis active.

Warframe: Jade Complete Guide - Drops, Possibilities and Builds (12)

Finally we useArchon Vitality (R0)To double the number of heating processes that have been inflicted by Honor, our elevated weapons.Hornet Stike, galvanized diffusion and deadly torrentScale your basic damage and multishot.Anemic agilityFor more brand frequency andYour favorite combined element—We use viral in the screen above.

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Demolition building (7 forma, no subgroup)


Jade:2 (2 en)

Eer:5 (SD, -)

Undermining institutions

N / A

Archon -Shards

Violet (balance), 2 amber (cast speed, starting energy)

This build focuses on the use of Jade's first ability to primarily prelace goals for detonation with glory on high.Throw your ultimate, throw the light from the light and then use your all-fire.gentag if necessary.You effectively use the judgment of the light as a grenade.powerInReachPossible without dumping your effectiveness.

Before we jump into the nuisance,This building requires combat discipline.It is an aura mod that harmful you when you kill something.We can use this to force ourselves to be cured by the judgment of the light, that will then buyArchon -intensiveresSecondary bonus.We can also use it to keep 100% uptimeArcane Avenger'sCritical Chance buff.The other aura is up to you - we recommendAerodynamicFree dr during the use of your fourth option.

For the nuclear moders we useTransitInArchon -intensiveresFor bonus capacity.Rapid deflectionmust ensure all survival values ​​as long as the number of Verekracht is active.We run thenArchon VitalityTo dive on heat proceds andDue to continuityTo prevent the transient punishment.OverlayInAccountBuffer a lot of jet for your wells and glory all-fire.StreamlineInAviatorTo leave the building.

Warframe: Jade Complete Guide - Drops, Possibilities and Builds (13)

Glory has seen a number of large investments in this building.Multiplicators .i this example we drivePrimed Pistol Gambit, Primed Target Cracker, Dehydration Corpus (all course works) and four basic mods.We hold Hornet Strike if we have to use the primary fire of Glory.

You may notice that the critical statistics from Glory are still quite low for an elevated gun.Arcane AvengerOn your war frame.IncreaseTo get a much needed skill strength when we kill enemies.

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Honor at High Build (7 Forma, no immersion)


Jade:2 (2 en)

Eer:5 (SD, -)

Undermining institutions

N / A

Archon -Shards

Violet (balance), 2 amber (cast speed, starting energy)

We transform Jade into an explosive version of Titania with this build.This building focuses on the as powerful as possible of the primary brand of Glory.We scale aggressive competence strength, reach and glory fire frequency to transform it into an orbital flakkanon.tank.

Again, again,You need fighting disciplineTo maximize the effects of Archon Intense and Arcane Avenger.We also recommend that you runAerodynamicLike your other aura for some free dr while you are in your ultimate.These piles withAviatorTo improve your DR.Rapid deflection.When your power power is increased, your shields will regenerate within a second.

The first major change is that we let go of temporary strengthBlind anger.This almost doubles your strength to the costs of efficiency.We tackle the energy problems of four things:

  1. Primeret Flow.
  2. A amber shard (start energy).
  3. A violet cut (balance).
  4. Dethcube.
Warframe: Jade Complete Guide - Drops, Possibilities and Builds (14)

Dethcube can be usedEnergy commandIncrease to spawn energy balls into landing aid.This works together withSynth deconstructenAnd your violet cuts to get constant energy from killed enemies.Primeret streamAnd an Amber Shard set to start energy to start every mission with 450 energy.

Regarding the counter configuration we useArchon -intensiveresAgain because of its enormous increase in strength, which we always retain by combat discipline and Jade's first power.Augur -BereikInAccountBuffer very much your reach status, andDue to continuityIncreases your duration.The chances of survival that we have chosen to useRapid deflectionAlong the sidePrimeredirection.While we restore a flat percentage of shields per day. Secondly, tripled mainly for our shield regenerated per targeted persecond.

Shield tank

With the spirit of resilience active with maximum force, these 70% shields per second with a delay of 0.2 seconds up to 0.8 if your shields are completely exhausted.To upload.

Warframe: Jade Complete Guide - Drops, Possibilities and Builds (15)

Glory uses a configuration that is closer to a typical weapon building.He's primary fire weights with damage and multishot, so we runHornet Strike, galvanized diffusion and deadly torrentTo get her basic injury and multi -mote to a respectable level.

In addition, we use an elementary combination and lock in the critical circ*mstances.Anemic agilityFor a drastic lift to your fire frequency.IncreaseWill your ability to strengthen, increase and continue to scale your basic damage.

If you want to photograph even faster, drop Molt supplemented for Arkane speed.

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Warframe: Jade Complete Guide - Drops, Possibilities and Builds (2024)
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