Unhealthy behavior and risk of uncontrolled hypertension in treated individuals - the CONSTANCES population-based study (2024)

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Unhealthy behavior and risk of uncontrolled hypertension in treated individuals - the CONSTANCES population-based study (1)

AboutEditorial BoardFor AuthorsScientific Reports

Scientific representative2020; 10: 1925.

Published online on February 5, 2020. doi:10.1038/s41598-020-58685-1


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From an epidemiological point of view, the quantification of the individual and the combined effect of lifestyle factors on uncontrolled blood pressure (BP) deserves further evaluation. Our aim was to investigate the individual and combined association between unhealthy behaviors and uncontrolled hypertension in treated adults with hypertension. A cross-sectional analysis was performed using data from CONSTANCES, an ongoing French population-based cohort study. Uncontrolled blood pressure was defined as mean systolic blood pressure ≥140 mmHg and/or mean diastolic blood pressure ≥90 mmHg. Unhealthy behaviors were considered high alcohol consumption, low or average adherence to dietary recommendations, sedentary physical activity and being overweight. A total of 10,710 hypertension-treated volunteer participants were included, and 56.1% had uncontrolled hypertension; of these, 2.0%, 24.5%, 54.0%, and 19.5% exhibited 0, 1, 2, or ≥3 unhealthy behaviors, respectively. In men, there was an increased risk of uncontrolled hypertension with heavy alcohol consumption compared with light or never (adjusted odds ratio 1.34, 95% CI 1.10-1.63), with both low and average adherence to dietary recommendations compared with tall men. (p < 0.05 for both), and overweight or obese compared to a normal body mass index (p ≤ 0.001 for both). In addition, compared to none, men who reported a combination of ≥3 unhealthy behaviors had an increased odds of hypertension of 1.67 (95% CI 1.09–2.53). Unhealthy behaviors described as heavy alcohol consumption, non-adherence to dietary recommendations and obesity are associated with uncontrolled hypertension, at the individual and combined levels, and especially in men. Improving modifiable lifestyle factors can provide significant benefits in the treatment of hypertension.

Subject terms:Hypertension, risk factors


Arterial hypertension is a global public health problem that affects more than 1 billion people worldwide and is estimated to cause ten million deaths per year1. Despite the availability of effective and well-tolerated medications and widespread public health efforts to treat people with hypertension, inadequate blood pressure (BP) control is often reported in treated people with hypertension, significantly contributing to increased risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and chronic kidney disease (CKD)2.

A number of epidemiological studies often reported a high prevalence of uncontrolled hypertension at the 140/90 mmHg threshold; in the US, data analysis from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) found that among treated subjects, approximately 45% had uncontrolled blood pressure3. In Europe, blood pressure control rates among treated subjects reached 40% in England, 30% in Germany, 28% in Italy, 19% in Spain and 21% in Sweden4. Similarly, the estimated prevalence of hypertension in France is 31% and 51.3% of hypertensive patients are not controlled5.

A wide range of factors have been identified that contribute to poor blood pressure control. These include physician inertia (i.e. lack of therapeutic effect when patient's blood pressure is not controlled)6shortcomings of healthcare systems in their global response to chronic diseases7and low adherence, including prescription of antihypertensive medications and lifestyle changes8. Furthermore, factors such as socio-economic characteristics and poor lifestyle have been described as predictors of poor blood pressure control9. Studies suggest that unhealthy lifestyle behaviors, including heavy alcohol use, lack of physical activity, poor diet, and obesity, may contribute to inadequate blood pressure control in individuals treated with hypertension.9,10. Alternatively, lifestyle changes were associated with reduced blood pressure in hypertensive individuals;11,12Appelet alreported that behavioral interventions, including increased physical activity, dietary sodium intake restriction, reduced alcohol consumption, and weight loss, reduced systolic blood pressure by 12.5 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure by 5.8 mmHg.12.

Various lifestyle changes or non-pharmacological approaches are widely recommended in global guidelines for the treatment and prevention of hypertension. These interventions focus on dietary habits, salt intake, potassium intake, alcohol consumption, physical activity and weight. However, the quantitative or qualitative measures for each of these measures differ per guideline13,14. This heterogeneity makes its promotion more challenging and justifies the need to conduct further research to evaluate its impact on different populations. Indeed, these recommendations emphasize lifestyle changes based on intervention studies that were particularly effective in pre- or hypertensive individuals; therefore, investigation of its efficacy in improving blood pressure control in hypertensive-treated individuals remains necessary.

As such, from an epidemiological perspective, examining the quantitative effect of unhealthy lifestyle factors on uncontrolled hypertension at the individual and combined levels warrants further evaluation. The French national large population-based study CONSTANCES15, which is designed to contribute to the development of epidemiological research, offers the opportunity to provide additional data on this topic. Therefore, this additional study was conducted to evaluate the individual and collective relationship between unhealthy behaviors, especially heavy alcohol consumption, low physical activity, non-adherence to dietary recommendations, and obesity with uncontrolled hypertension. Our aim was to assess the quantitative extent to which modifiable lifestyle factors are determinants of uncontrolled hypertension, to assess the magnitude of their effect on hypertension treatment from a gender-related perspective.


Basic characteristics of the study population

Bord1presents the basic characteristics of the studied participants, which were compared between subjects with controlled and uncontrolled hypertension. The mean ± standard deviation (SD) age of the population was 59.8 ± 8.6. Unhealthy behavior was prominent; the majority of participants (91.3%) did not follow dietary recommendations to a high degree, more than two-thirds (70%) were obese (body mass index ≥25), 15% drank heavy alcohol, and 10.2% were sedentary.

table 1

Frequency of uncontrolled hypertension according to participant characteristics.

CharacteristicAll participants n, (%)Uncontrolled hypertension n, (%)Controlled hypertension n, (%)P-value
General10710 (100)6003 (56,1)4707 (43,9)
He6032 (56,3)3776 (62,9)2256 (47,9)<0,001
Woman4678 (43,7)2227 (37,1)2451 (52,1)
Age, years, average59,8 ± 8,661,0 ± 7,758,2 ± 9,3<0,001
Age, years<0,001
[18-39]342 (3,2)107 (1,8)235 (5,0)
[40-49]1064 (9,9)471 (7,8)593 (12,6)
[50-59]3053 (28,5)1596 (26,6)1457 (30,9)
606251 (58,4)3829 (63,8)2422 (51,5)
Systolisk BP, mmHg142,6 ± 17,4154,4 ± 12,7127,5 ± 8,7<0,001
Diastolic blood pressure, mmHg81,8 ± 9,986,7 ± 9,075,6 ± 7,2<0,001
Pulse, beats per mine65 ± 1166 ± 1265 ± 11<0,001
Serumcreatinine (mmol/l)78,3 ± 21,578,9 ± 19,977,4 ± 23,30,001
Educational attainment<0,001
high school exam4754 (44,4)2812 (46,8)1942 (41,3)
Bachelor-grad1693 (15,8)947 (15,8)746 (15,8)
Postgraduate diploma4263 (39,8)2244 (37,4)2019 (42,9)
Monthly income per household0,615
Less than €1000504 (4,7)269 ​​​​(4,5)235 (5,0)
1000-2099 €2287 (21,3)1279 (21,3)1008 (21,4)
2100-4199 €5201 (48,6)2935 (48,9)2266 (48,1)
More than or equal to €42002718 (25,4)1520 (25,3)1198 (25,5)
Family situation<0,001
Simple2554 (23,8)1319 (22,0)1235 (26,2)
Parliv8156 (76,2)4684 (78,0)3472 (73,8)
Oral contraception or HRT*958 (20,5)*434 (19,5)*524 (21,4)*0,058
BMI (kg/m22)28,1 ± 5,028,3 ± 4,927,7 ± 5,0<0,001
BMI class<0,001
<253101 (29,0)1568 (26,1)1533 (32,6)
25,029,94364 (40,7)2529 (42,1)1835 (39,0)
30,03245 (30,3)1906 (31,8)1339 (28,4)
Fysical activity0,008
Stationary1095 (10,2)586 (9,8)509 (10,8)
Moderate3928 (36,7)2152 (35,8)1776 (37,7)
High5687 (53,1)3265 (54,4)2422 (51,5)
DASH-score26,1 ± 3,726,0 ± 3,726,3 ± 3,7<0,001
DASH categories<0,001
Lav1361 (12,7)750 (12,5)611 (13,0)
Medium8413 (78,6)4766 (79,4)3647 (77,5)
High936 (8,7)487 (8,1)449 (9,5)
Alcohol use<0,001
Never/lightly1828 (17,1)931 (15,5)897 (19,1)
Moderate7271 (67,9)4053 (67,5)3218 (68,4)
Tung1611 (15,0)1019 (17,0)592 (12,6)
Do not smoke4987 (46,6)2740 (45,6)2247 (47,7)
Current smoker1200 (11,2)584 (9,7)616 (13,1)
Ex-roker4523 (42,2)2679 (44,7)1844 (39,2)
The history of CV events1401 (13,1)709 (11,8)692 (14,7)<0,001
Diabetes1661 (15,5)1045 (17,4)616 (13,1)<0,001
Dyslipidemie6418 (59,9)3733 (62,2)2685 (57,0)<0,001
Chronic kidney disease176 (1,7)99 (1,6)78 (1,7)0,345
Monotherapy5932 (56,3)3227 (54,6)2705 ​​(58,4)
Double therapy3619 (34,3)2081 (35,2)1538 (33,2)
Triple therapy or more995 (9,4)603 (10,2)392 (8,4)

Data are mean ± SD for quantitative variables or percentage for categorical.

Pfrom a logistic regression model adjusted for age and gender.

*Frequency only among women.

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index (kg/m²).2); Blood pressure, blood pressure; CV, cardiovascular; DASH, Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension; HRT, hormone replacement therapy; SD, standard deviation.

Of the 10,710 hypertensive-treated participants, 6003 had uncontrolled hypertension, achieving a prevalence of poor blood pressure control of 56.1%. Uncontrolled hypertension was more common in men than in women (62.9% versus 47.9%, respectively, p < 0.001) and with increasing age categories with the highest prevalence observed in people over 65 years of age (63.1%). After adjustment for age and gender, uncontrolled hypertension was more common in participants with lower education (46.8% vs. 41.3%, p < 0.001), who were in a relationship (78% vs. 73.8%, p < 0.001), with diabetes (17.4)% vs. 13.1%, p < 0.001) or with dyslipidemia (62.2% vs. 57%, p < 0.001). It was less common in those with previous CVD (11.8% vs. 14.7, p < 0.001). Regarding lifestyle factors, those who are overweight or obese and those with heavy alcohol consumption have a significantly higher prevalence of uncontrolled hypertension (p < 0.001 for both variables), while high dietary adherence is associated with a lower frequency. Interestingly, inverse associations were seen with physical activity and smoking status: those with high levels of physical activity (p = 0.008) were more likely to have uncontrolled hypertension, while current smokers appear to be more likely to have controlled hypertension (p < 0.001). Globally, 56.3% of subjects received one antihypertensive drug, while 34.3% received dual therapy and 9.4% received three or more medications; those with uncontrolled hypertension were less likely to receive monotherapy and more likely to receive dual or triple (or more) therapy (p = 0.001).

Characteristics and unhealthy behavior

Figure1illustrates the frequency of unhealthy behaviors in participants with and without uncontrolled hypertension. Also tables2Inin 33presents the characteristics of men and women respectively, depending on the number of unhealthy behaviors. Globally, unhealthy behaviors were more common among men, with 22.7% reporting three or more unhealthy behaviors, compared to 11% of women (p < 0.001). Among participants with uncontrolled hypertension, 2.0%, 24.5%, 54.0%, and 19.5% exhibited 0, 1, 2, or ≥3 unhealthy behaviors, respectively. Minimal differences were seen between genders in the associations studied; An age-adjusted analysis shows that an increasing number of unhealthy behaviors is associated with lower monthly household income (p < 0.001), lower education (p < 0.001), the presence of dyslipidemia or diabetes (p trend < 0.001) and current smoking status (p) < 0.001).

Unhealthy behavior and risk of uncontrolled hypertension in treated individuals - the CONSTANCES population-based study (3)

Proportion of subjects based on the number of unhealthy behaviors, stratified by gender.

table 2

Characteristics of men according to the number of unhealthy behaviors.

Number of unhealthy behaviors0123 or moreP-value
Total n (%)97 (1,6)1255 (20,8)3312 (54,9)1368 (22,7)
Age, years, average60,9 ± 8,660,1 ± 8,960,2 ± 8,160,1 ± 7,90,767
Age, years0,003
[18-39]3 (3,1)52 (4,1)78 (2,4)24 (1,8)
[40-49]7 (7,2)106 (8,5)312 (9,4)134 (9,8)
[50-59]22 (22,7)329 (26,2)947 (28,6)420 (30,7)
6065 (67,0)768 (61,2)1975 (59,6)790 (57,7)
Systolic blood pressure144,6 ± 17,8143,5 ± 17,3145,3 ± 16,5146,0 ± 16,20,001
Diastolic blood pressure81,9 ± 10,081,8 ± 9,683,6 ± 9,884,2 ± 9,8<0,001
Uncontrolled blood pressure53 (54,6)721 (57,5)2089 (63,1)913 (66,7)<0,001
Pulse, beats per mine59 ± 962 ± 1165 ± 1167 ± 12<0,001
Serumcreatinine (mmol/l)87,4 ± 35,385,3 ± 20,986,6 ± 22,385,3 ± 23,40,184
Educational attainment<0,001
high school exam33 (34,0)462 (36,8)1573 (47,5)661 (48,3)
Bachelor-grad11 (11,3)192 (15,3)472 (14,3)190 (13,9)
Postgraduate diploma53 (54,6)601 (47,9)1267 (38,2)517 (37,8)
Monthly income per household<0,001
Less than €10006 (6,2)48 (3,8)116 (3,5)89 (6,5)
1000-2099 €16 (16,5)195 (15,5)635 (19,2)304 (22,2)
2100-4199 €41 (42,3)564 (45,0)1670 (50,4)597 (43,7)
More than or equal to €420034 (35,0)448 (35,7)891 (26,9)378 (27,6)
Family situation0,001
Simple22 (22,7)228 (18,2)595 (18,0)314 (22,9)
Parliv75 (77,3)1027 (81,8)2717 (82,0)1054 (77,1)
BMI (kg/m22)23,2 ± 1,424,7 ± 3,429,2 ± 3,930,1 ± 4,0<0,001
BMI class<0,001
<2597 (100)965 (76,9)250 (7,5)27 (2,0)
25,029,90 (0)198 (15,8)1904 (57,5)752 (55,0)
30,00 (0)92 (7,3)1158 (35,0)589 (43,0)
Fysical activity<0,001
Stationary0 (0)2 (0,2)115 (3,5)553 (40,4)
Moderate28 (28,9)450 (35,9)1407 (42,5)352 (25,7)
High69 (71,1)803 (64,0)1790 (54,0)463 (33,9)
DASH-score32,1 ± 1,827,1 ± 3,725,1 ± 3,323,8 ± 3,4<0,001
DASH categories<0,001
Lav0 (0)72 (5,7)408 (12,3)284 (20,8)
Medium0 (0)879 (70,0)2829 (85,4)1079 (78,9)
High97 (100)304 (24,2)75 (2,3)5 (0,4)
Alcohol use<0,001
Never/lightly20 (30,6)174 (13,9)443 (13,4)89 (6,5)
Moderate77 (79,4)1069 (85,2)2659 (80,3)322 (23,5)
Tung0 (0)12 (0,9)210 (6,3)957 (70,0)
Do not smoke45 (46,4)549 (43,7)1229 (37,1)389 (28,4)
Current smoker13 (13,4)110 (8,8)350 (10,6)225 (16,5)
Ex-roker39 (40,2)596 (47,5)1733 (52,3)754 (55,1)
The history of CV events20 (20,6)235 (18,7)585 (17,7)259 (18,9)0,630
Diabetes9 (9,3)150 (11,9)687 (20,7)322 (23,5)<0,001
Dyslipidemie55 (56,7)686 (54,7)2225 (67,2)993 (72,6)<0,001
Chronic kidney disease5 (5,2)21 (1,7)64 (1,9)23 (1,7)0,191
Monotherapy59 (62,1)746 (60,2)1660 (50,8)638 (47,2)
Double therapy25 (26,3)408 (32,9)1247 (38,2)531 (39,3)
Triple therapy or more11 (11,6)85 (6,9)362 (11,0)183 (13,5)

Data are mean ± SD for quantitative variables or percentage for categorical.

Pfrom logistic regression model adjusted for age.

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index (kg/m²).2); Blood pressure, blood pressure; CV, cardiovascular; DASH, Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension; SD, standard deviation.

table 3

Characteristics of women according to the number of unhealthy behaviors.

Number of unhealthy behaviors0123 or moreP-value
Total n (%)157 (3,4)1590 (34,0)2416 (51,6)515 (11,0)
Age, years, average60,2 ± 9,259,2 ± 9,259,3 ± 8,859,4 ± 8,80,595
Age, years0,476
[18-39]6 (3,8)72 (4,5)92 (3,8)15 (2,9)
[40-49]11 (7,0)170 (10,7)265 (11,0)59 (11,5)
[50-59]50 (31,9)429 (27,0)705 (29,2)151 (29,3)
6090 (57,3)919 (57,8)1354 (56,0)290 (56,3)
Systolic blood pressure138,1 ± 17,9138,8 ± 18,6139,6 ± 17,4140,2 ± 16,90,271
Diastolic blood pressure77,0 ± 9,078,9 ± 10,180,4 ± 9,681,3 ± 9,5<0,001
Uncontrolled blood pressure65 (41,4)753 (47,4)1152 (47,7)257 (49,9)0,312
Pulse, beats per mine64 ± 965 ± 1067 ± 1168 ± 11<0,001
Serumcreatinine (mmol/l)68,1 ± 14,468,0 ± 13,268,9 ± 10,568,3 ± 10,90,675
Educational attainment<0,001
high school exam44 (28,0)581 (36,5)1162 (48,1)238 (46,2)
Bachelor-grad32 (20,4)292 (18,4)422 (17,5)82 (15,9)
Postgraduate diploma81 (51,6)717 (45,1)832 (34,4)195 (37,9)
Monthly income per household<0,001
Less than €10007 (4,5)67 (4,2)125 (5,2)46 (8,9)
1000-2099 €26 (16,5)332 (20,9)656 (27,2)123 (23,9)
2100-4199 €75 (47,8)804 (50,6)1209 (50,0)241 (46,8)
More than or equal to €420049 (31,2)387 (24,3)426 (17,6)105 (20,4)
Family situation<0,001
Simple69 (44,0)449 (28,2)709 (29,4)168 (32,6)
Parliv88 (56,0)1141 (71,8)1707 (70,6)347 (67,4)
Oral contraception or HRT36 (22,9)392 (24,4)449 (18,4)81 (14,4)<0,001
BMI (kg/m22)22,2 ± 1,723,7 ± 3,629,9 ± 5,231,0 ± 5,2<0,001
BMI class<0,001
<25157 (100)1337 (84,1)261 (10,8)7 (1,4)
25,0-29,90 (0)134 (8,4)1117 (46,2)259 (50,3)
30,00 (0)119 (7,5)1038 (43,0)249 (48,3)
Fysical activity<0,001
Stationary0 (0)6 (0,4)127 (5,3)292 (56,7)
Moderate48 (30,6)516 (32,4)1023 (42,3)104 (20,2)
High109 (69,4)1068 (67,2)1266 (52,4)119 (23,1)
DASH-score32,9 ± 1,727,9 ± 3,526,6 ± 3,125,8 ± 3,4<0,001
DASH categories<0,001
Lav0 (0)151 (9,5)337 (14,0)109 (21,2)
Medium0 (0)1173 (73,8)2047 (84,7)406 (78,8)
High157 (100)266 (16,7)32 (1,3)0 (0)
Alcohol use<0,001
Never/lightly45 (28,7)349 (22,0)611 (25,3)97 (18,8)
Moderate112 (71,3)1234 (77,6)1639 (67,8)159 (30,9)
Tung0 (0)7 (0,4)166 (6,9)259 (50,3)
Do not smoke99 (63,1)901 (56,7)1500 (62,1)275 (53,4)
Current smoker15 (9,5)197 (12,4)224 (9,3)66 (12,8)
Ex-roker43 (27,4)492 (30,9)692 (28,6)174 (33,8)
The history of CV events4 (2,6)108 (6,8)157 (6,5)33 (6,4)0,145
Diabetes6 (3,8)68 (4,3)327 (13,5)92 (17,9)<0,001
Dyslipidemie72 (45,9)705 (44,3)1371 (56,8)311 (60,4)<0,001
Chronic kidney disease5 (3,2)23 (1,5)28 (1,2)7 (1,4)0,229
Monotherapy107 (68,6)1052 (67,7)1383 (58,3)287 (56,4)
Double therapy46 (29,5)410 (28,4)785 (33,1)167 (32,8)
Triple therapy or more3 (1,9)92 (5,9)204 (8,6)55 (10,8)

Data are mean ± SD for quantitative variables or percentage for categorical.

Pfrom logistic regression model adjusted for age.

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index (kg/m²).2); Blood pressure, blood pressure; CV, cardiovascular; DASH, Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension; HRT, hormone replacement therapy; SD, standard deviation.

Uncontrolled blood pressure and unhealthy behavior

The association between uncontrolled high blood pressure and diet, physical activity, body mass index (BMI), alcohol consumption and number of unhealthy behaviors is described in Table4for men and in an additional table for women. In men, there was no major difference between the associations found after adjustment for age, monthly income and education level (model 1) and after further adjustment for diabetes and dyslipidemia (model 2). In other words, the associations found significant in model 1 remained significant in model 2. However, in women, the association between individual unhealthy lifestyle factors and uncontrolled hypertension did not reach statistical significance and is available in the Supplementary Table.1.

Table 4

Association between uncontrolled hypertension and the number of unhealthy behaviors in men.

SemesterModel 1P-valueModel 2P-value
High1.00 (reference)1.00 (reference)
Medium1,26 [1,04-1,52]0,0201,26 [1,04-1,53]0,018
Lav1,41 [1,11-1,79]0,0051,41 [1,11-1,79]0,004
Low/average vs. high1,13 [0,97-1,34]0,1131,14 [0,97-1,35]0,105
Fysical activity0,0410,031
High1.00 (reference)1.00 (reference)
Moderate0,86 [0,77-0,97]0,0120,86 [0,77-0,96]0,009
Stationary0,91 [0,76-1,08]0,2850,90 [0,76-1,08]0,274
Moderate/sedentary vs. high0,87 [0,78-0,98]0,0130,87 [0,78-0,97]0,010
<251.00 (reference)1.00 (reference)
25,0-29,91,23 [1,07-1,40]0,0021,25 [1,09-1,43]0,001
≥30,01,54 [1,33-1,79]<0,0011,57 [1,35-1,83]<0,001
≥25 versus <251,33 [1,18-1,51]<0,0011,35 [1,19-1,53]<0,001
Alcohol use0,0030,003
Never/lightly1.00 (reference)1.00 (reference)
Moderate1,07 [0,91-1,27]0,4101,08 [0,91-1,27]0,367
Tung1,33 [1,09-1,61]0,0041,34 [1,10-1,63]0,003
Heavy versus moderate/never1,25 [1,09-1,44]0,0011,25 [1,09-1,44]0,001
NB. of unhealthy behavior<0,001<0,001
01.00 (reference)1.00 (reference)
11,12 [0,74-1,71]0,5851,11 [0,73-1,69]0,612
21,39 [0,92-2,09]0,1201,38 [0,91-2,08]0,123
3 or more1,66 [1,08-2,52]0,0191,67 [1,09-2,53]0,018

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index (kg/m²).2); DASH, Dietary approach to stop hypertension.

Model 1:logistic regression model adjusted for age, education level and monthly income.

Model 2:logistic regression model adjusted for age, education level, monthly income, diabetes and dyslipidemia.

With regard to dieting, men who reported low or moderate adherence to the diet had a 1.26-fold (adjusted odds ratio (ORa) 1.26, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.04-1.53 ) and 1.41-fold (ORa 1.41, 95% CI 1.17.) increase in the odds of uncontrolled hypertension compared to people with high diet adherence. Similarly, the odds of uncontrolled hypertension increased 1.25 times (1.09–1.43) and 1.57 times (1.35–1.83) in overweight and obese men, respectively, compared with normal BMI . Furthermore, there was a significant association between alcohol consumption and uncontrolled hypertension (p = 0.003); Men who consumed heavy alcohol had a 1.34-fold increase in the odds of uncontrolled hypertension compared with light/never drinkers (ORa 1.34, 95% CI 1.10–1.63). The association remained significant when dichotomizing the variable and comparing heavy drinking with moderate/light drinking (ORa 1.35, 95% CI 1.09–1.44; p = 0.01). Furthermore, in both sexes there was a significant increase in age-adjusted mean systolic blood pressure with light, moderate and heavy alcohol consumption: in women, mean systolic blood pressure was ± SD in the categories 134.6 ± 4.8, 135.5 ± 4 , 2 and ±2 , 136.1 ± 4, < 0.001), and in men this was 134.9 ± 4.6, 135.7 ± 4.0 and 136.4 ± 3.6, respectively (p < 0.001). Regarding physical activity, there was an unexpected inverse association between sedentary physical activity and uncontrolled hypertension. Furthermore, the prevalence of uncontrolled hypertension increased with the number of unhealthy lifestyle factors only in men (p < 0.001). Those who reported three or more unhealthy behaviors had a 1.67-fold (1.09-2.53) increase in the odds of uncontrolled hypertension.


The results of our study show, from a population-based perspective, that modifiable unhealthy lifestyle factors such as heavy alcohol consumption, being overweight, and nonadherence to dietary recommendations were associated with an increased risk of uncontrolled hypertension in hypertension-treated individuals. The association was significant only in men, but even after adjustment for sociodemographic characteristics and cardiovascular risk factors. There was also a dose-effect relationship with a greater likelihood of uncontrolled hypertension and a greater number of unhealthy behaviors; Compared to none, three or four unhealthy lifestyle factors were 1.7 times more likely to cause uncontrolled hypertension in men. To our knowledge, these findings are among the few that quantitatively assess the extent to which individual and combined unhealthy lifestyle factors influence the risk of uncontrolled hypertension in pharmacologically treated patients.

Compared with a normal BMI, we found that overweight and obesity were strongly associated with uncontrolled hypertension in men, increasing the odds of this by 1.25-fold and 1.57-fold, respectively. This connection has been described elsewhere; A study in South Korea of ​​people being treated for hypertension who were regularly taking their antihypertensive medications found that obese patients were less likely to control their blood pressure compared to those with normal body weight (ORa 0.44; p < 0.05 )9. Similarly, the Framingham Heart Study reported that in treated subjects, increasing age, obesity, and the presence of left ventricular hypertrophy were associated with a lack of systolic blood pressure control. The authors suggested that public health efforts should focus on achieving target blood pressure levels, especially in patients who are older, obese, or have target organ damage.16.

There was no significant association between physical activity and uncontrolled hypertension in women. While the multivariable analysis models surprisingly found a weak but significant inverse association between physical activity and uncontrolled hypertension in men, with moderate and moderate to sedentary physical activity levels compared to high levels (as reference) being negatively associated with uncontrolled hypertension. Overall, this is inconsistent with the results of observational studies that reported a strong association between physical activity and blood pressure control. Ham and Young found that low levels of physical activity (compared to high levels) are associated with poor blood pressure control in individuals treated with hypertension.9. Other studies suggested that moderate-intensity aerobic exercise lowers blood pressure in patients with hypertension and reduces the need for antihypertensive medications.17,18. Although no dose-dependent relationship was observed in our study, we still found a protective relationship between moderate physical activity and uncontrolled hypertension. Several aspects of the physical activity score we used could explain our divergent results. In fact, we calculated a score that is not commonly used or reproducible in the literature, which could have led to an inadequate assessment of physical activity level. Additionally, the score does not take into account the metabolic equivalent (MET) of the reported physical activity, resulting in a separate classification. Further research is needed to assess this aspect.

With regard to adherence to dietary recommendations, low or moderate adherence to the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet was found to increase the risk of uncontrolled hypertension only in men. Few studies have evaluated the association between a dietary approach and blood pressure control in uncontrolled hypertensive patients. A randomized controlled trial conducted in hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes and uncontrolled hypertension showed that a DASH diet in combination with increased daily walking promotes a clinically relevant reduction in ambulatory blood pressure monitoring19. On the other hand, most research examined the blood pressure lowering effect of a DASH diet in pre-hypertensive and hypertensive patients. For example, the DASH Collaborative Group found that a DASH diet significantly lowers systolic and diastolic blood pressure by 11.4 and 5.5 mmHg, respectively, in patients with hypertension.20This suggests that such blood pressure reductions may help achieve adequate blood pressure control. Our study found that non-adherence to dietary recommendations is associated with uncontrolled hypertension, while we measured the magnitude of the effect of this association. Accordingly, our findings suggest that lifestyle changes involving the adoption of a DASH-like diet provide an important approach to the treatment of hypertension.

We identified a strong association between heavy alcohol consumption and uncontrolled hypertension. Men who drank alcohol heavily were 1.34 times more likely to have poor blood pressure control. This association has been reported in previous studies. hamet al. reported that heavy alcohol consumption, defined as the consumption of more than 60 g for men and 40 g for women in a single drinking session, was independently associated with poor blood pressure control at the 140/90 threshold in a sample of treated South Koreans with hypertension9. In addition, a number of studies described a clear and direct link between high alcohol intake and high blood pressure21,22which may result in recommended blood pressure targets being exceeded. A Japanese study found that systolic and diastolic blood pressure were 2.3/2.0 mmHg higher in heavy drinkers than in non-drinkers.21. Gender differences in drinking behavior, drinking patterns and drink choice may have influenced the lack of association in women. Nevertheless, an association between heavy drinking and hypertension was again demonstrated, supporting the limitation of the recommendation for alcohol consumption in the hypertension-treated population.

We found a dose-effect relationship between the number of unhealthy behaviors and uncontrolled hypertension; the probability of uncontrolled hypertension increased almost linearly with 1, 2, 3 or more unhealthy lifestyle factors, but reached statistical significance with 3 or more factors. Few epidemiological studies have evaluated the role of modifiable lifestyle factors on blood pressure control in treated individuals or assessed their combined effect. Collective unhealthy behaviors can indeed have a synergistic effect on blood pressure control, underscoring the importance of studying their combined effect. In patients with uncontrolled hypertension and type 2 diabetes, the combination of increased physical activity and adherence to a DASH diet significantly reduced systolic blood pressure values ​​of approximately 15 mmHg compared to a reduction of 3 mmHg in the control group19. Importantly, with such blood pressure reductions, more than half of patients in the intervention group achieved recommended goals for ambulatory daytime blood pressure monitoring.19. Blood pressure reductions with a combination of lifestyle factors have been discussed in previous studies in hypertensive patients, but there was no reference to the use of antihypertensive medications. For example, a systematic review of randomized controlled trials in hypertensive patients reported a blood pressure reduction of 5.5 mmHg after a combination of interventions including physical activity, diet and weight loss, compared with 5.0 mmHg for an improved diet, and 4.6 mmHg for training and exercise. . 3.5 mmHg for alcohol restriction23. In a recent separate analysis, we evaluated the extent to which unhealthy behaviors influence the development of hypertension in the general population and found that unhealthy behaviors (as described in this study) significantly increased the risk of hypertension in both sexes. We also reported that a combination of two and three or more unhealthy behaviors resulted in an increased risk of hypertension by 1.77 and 2.29 times, respectively, in men and by 1.71 and 2.14 times, respectively, in women.24. Our current study shows that a combination of unhealthy behaviors is independently associated with uncontrolled hypertension in hypertension-treated individuals. These results together with the previous ones24further support the important influence of lifestyle factors on hypertension, in different populations and regardless of the presence of other risk factors. However, when both studies are compared, the magnitude of the effect of this association appears to be stronger on the development of hypertension than on blood pressure control, suggesting that other factors should also be considered when evaluating determinants of blood pressure control in subjects receiving pharmacological treatment. treated for hypertension.

Our research also indicated gender differences regarding these associations. Few observational studies have evaluated the determinants of uncontrolled hypertension using a sex-stratified analysis9,25and they didn't particularly like unhealthy behavior. Gender differences can be explained by differences in lifestyle habits between men and women, but also by the influence of other confounding factors68such as other socio-economic factors (employment, marital status), other diseases (chronic kidney disease), other behavioral factors (such as salt intake and stress) and adherence to antihypertensive medications. In addition, some data suggest that sex-related characteristics, such as the level of sex hormones, may influence the results26. Although further research is needed to clarify this difference, adopting a healthy lifestyle is nevertheless important for the prevention of cardiovascular disease worldwide and should be encouraged in the general population.14.

Finally, age- and sex-adjusted results showed that current smoking is associated with a reduced prevalence of uncontrolled hypertension. Epidemiological studies describe inconsistencies regarding the effect of smoking on uncontrolled blood pressure; some studies reported that smoking had a negative effect on blood pressure control27,28, while others found no connection9,25,29and showed that office blood pressure is not reduced by smoking cessation30. Further research may yield more conclusive results. Nevertheless, smoking is an unhealthy behavior and a major risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer; Smoking cessation recommendations should be given to all hypertensive individuals for the prevention of cardiovascular disease, including stroke, myocardial infarction, and peripheral vascular disease.1,2,14.

The main strength of our study is the use of data from CONSTANCES, which is designed using a population-based method, including a large randomly selected sample of participants, ensuring sufficient power. In addition, blood pressure measurements were collected according to standardized protocols and data were collected using different methods, such as validated questionnaires and national databases, creating a lack of missing information. In addition, we examined the combined effect of unhealthy behavior and performed an analysis stratified by gender. However, some limitations need to be addressed. Reverse causality bias is inherent in cross-sectional analyses, preventing confirmation of a causal relationship between unhealthy behaviors and uncontrolled hypertension. Furthermore, our study may be subject to selection bias due to the selection effect associated with voluntary participation, also because farmers and self-employed were not included in CONSTANCES. Misclassification bias is also possible because lifestyle behaviors were self-reported. Furthermore, the time frame between recent medication adjustment and blood pressure measurement was not taken into account. Indeed, antihypertensive drugs are a confounding factor in blood pressure measurements, with epidemiological data on blood pressure often compromised by the effects of antihypertensive drugs31, and especially the latest changes. Nevertheless, this is common in epidemiological studies of cross-sectional design; prospective data from CONSTANCES may help consider this point. Finally, excessive salt intake is considered an unhealthy behavior, but we could not study its effect on uncontrolled hypertension because quantitative data on salt intake are not available, as dietary habits were evaluated using a non-quantitative food frequency questionnaire.

In conclusion, the results of this study provide supporting evidence for the individual and combined effect of unhealthy behaviors on uncontrolled hypertension. An unhealthy lifestyle, described as heavy alcohol consumption, non-adherence to dietary recommendations and being overweight, increased the risk of uncontrolled hypertension, which was further increased by a greater number of unhealthy factors. Our results showed that the correlations were only significant in men, suggesting the presence of other factors influencing uncontrolled hypertension. Although further research is needed to elucidate the reasons behind the sex-based differences, our results contribute to epidemiological data that are of paramount importance in the treatment of hypertension, especially in the presence of limited data on the effect of lifestyle factors on the control of hypertension. From a population-based perspective, our study advocates that public health strategies should promote the improvement of modifiable behaviors through a multidisciplinary approach to lifestyle changes, which can provide significant benefits in the treatment and control of hypertension, especially in men.


Study design and study population

Details on objectives and study design for the CONSTANCES cohort (http://www.constances.fr/index_EN.php) has been previously published15,32. Briefly, CONSTANCES is a prospective epidemiological cohort composed of randomly selected adult participants aged 18–69 years at baseline, linked to the French National Health Insurance Fund (CNAM) database; General scheme covering 85% of the general French population ) following a stratified sampling scheme. across age, gender, socio-economic status and region in France.

Volunteers who agreed to participate in the study were required to complete self-administered questionnaires and were invited to participate in one of 22 selected health screening centers (HSCs) to benefit from a comprehensive health screening. They were also linked through French administrative and national social databases in the health field. Social, demographic, health, behavioral, occupational, biological, and anthropometric data were collected through these various sources. All participants in the CONSTANCES cohort signed an informed consent form. This study follows the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the National Data Protection Authority (National Commission for Information Technology and Freedoms; CNIL) en de Institutional Review Board van het National Institute for Medical Research en het Local Committee for Personal Protection (Committee for the Protection of Human Beings).

Studying participants

The current study is a cross-sectional analysis of participants who were known to have hypertension, registered by the physician or measured during the medical examination at the HSC, and who were receiving antihypertensive medications. Of a total of 87,808 voluntary participants recruited between February 2012 and January 2018 and for whom data were available through linkage to the health insurance administrative database, 10,764 subjects met the above definition and were eligible for inclusion in the current analysis. We excluded 54 participants with a BMI <18 kg/m22and therefore we analyzed 10,710 hypertensive-treated participants.

Uncontrolled blood pressure

Blood pressure measurements were performed based on Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)33during the clinical research at HSC. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure were measured using an automated oscillometric blood pressure monitor in each arm at 2-minute intervals and after 5 minutes of rest. The arm yielding the highest systolic blood pressure was considered the reference arm and after 1 minute of rest, a third blood pressure measurement was taken, taking into account the average of these 2 measurements. Uncontrolled blood pressure was defined as mean systolic blood pressure ≥140 mm Hg and/or mean diastolic blood pressure ≥90 mm Hg34.

Definitions of behavioral risk factors

Lifestyle factors were assessed using validated self-administered questionnaires. They were described and classified based on a previous study that evaluated the link between unhealthy behaviors and the risk of high blood pressure24. Similarly, unhealthy behavior was defined as in the original study24. The lifestyle factors are also presented here.

Alcohol usewas determined taking into account the amount and type of alcoholic beverages consumed in the previous week35. We defined subsequent alcohol consumption as never/light (0–3 drinks/week (0–30 g/week) for men and 0–2 (0–20 g/week) for women), moderate (4–21 (40–20 g/week) ) 210 g/week) drinks/week for men and 3-14 (30-140 g/week) for women) and heavy drinkers (>21 drinks/week (>210 g/week) for men and > 14 (>140 g) /week) for women)36. Heavy drinking was considered unhealthy behavior.

Fysical activitywas assessed using three questions related to the frequency of exercise, leisure activities and sports37. We assigned 0, 1, or 2 points to each question based on increasing frequency of activity. A score of 0–6 was then calculated and physical activity level was classified as sedentary (0–2), moderately active (3–4). ), and very active (5-6). Sedentary level was considered unhealthy behavior37.

Diet assessmentwas done using a validated 52-item food frequency questionnaire (FFQ), from which a DASH score was constructed based on 8 food groups or nutrients for which consumption should be increased (fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes, low-fat dairy products, whole grains) or reduced (sodium, sweetened drinks, red and processed meat)38. Consumption of each dietary component was divided into quintiles and participants' intakes were assigned 1–5 points according to a gender-specific intake ranking.38,39. Component scores were summed and a total DASH score of 8–40 was calculated. The DASH score was then divided into tertiles for analysis; a higher tertile indicates higher diet quality, compliance with dietary recommendations was then divided into low, medium and high. We considered a low/medium diet as unhealthy behavior.

BMI(BMI, kg/m22) was calculated by HSC and then divided into three classes: normal (≤25 kg/m2), overweight (25 kg/m22), and obese (≥30 kg/m2). We took overweight/obesity into account (BMI >25 kg/m2).2) an unhealthy behavior.

Accordingly, participants could engage in 0 (none), 1, 2, 3, or 4 unhealthy behaviors.


Covariates were defined and classified as the original analysis24and they include the following. Education level was collected according to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED)40and were then classified into three levels: high school diploma or less (≤13 years of education), bachelor's degree (14–16 years of education), and postgraduate degree (≥17 years of education). Marital status was divided into married or single (including widowed or divorced/divorced). Household monthly income was divided into: <1000; 1000-2099; 2100-4199; ≥ 4200 euros per month.

Blood sugar, triglycerides and total cholesterol were measured by taking fasting blood samples at HSC. Diabetes mellitus status was based on the use of antidiabetic drugs or a fasting blood glucose concentration greater than or equal to 7 mmol/l. Dyslipidemia was defined as a fasting total cholesterol or triglyceride level of ≥6.61 mmol/L (255 mg/dL) or >1.7 mmol/L (150 mg/dL), respectively. History of CV disease was considered as any self-reported previous diagnosis of angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular accident or peripheral artery disease14. Chronic kidney disease was defined as known proteinuria or impaired renal function (creatinine clearance <60 ml/min calculated by the co*ckroft-Gault equation) for more than 3 months.41or chronic kidney disease, diagnosed by biopsy or ultrasound of the kidneys and confirmed by a nephrologist.

Statistical analysis

Descriptive analysis was performed using counts and percentages or mean ± SD. Each characteristic was compared between subjects with controlled and uncontrolled hypertension using logistic regressions adjusted for age and sex. In addition, we compared characteristics of subjects based on the number of unhealthy behaviors using logistic regressions adjusted for age and stratified by gender. We also use logistic models to estimate the association between uncontrolled high blood pressure and unhealthy behavior. In a first step, the models were adjusted for age, education and monthly income (model 1). In a second step, the models were further adjusted for diabetes and dyslipidemia (model 2). Initially, we ran separate models for each unhealthy behavior using categorical and binary variables. We next examined the association between uncontrolled hypertension and the number of unhealthy behaviors (0 ≥ 3) independently associated with hypertension control. A general linear model was used to study age-adjusted mean systolic blood pressure across an increasing number of unhealthy factors. Adjusted odds ratios (ORa) were presented along with a 95% confidence interval (CI), all statistical analyzes were performed using SAS 9.4 (SAS Institute) and p ≤ 0.05 was considered significant.

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We thank the UMS 11 Inserm-Versailles Saint Quentin and Yvelines University "Cohortes épidémiologiques en population", which designed and is responsible for the CONSTANCES cohort study. They also thank the "Caisse nationale d'assurance maladie des travailleurs salaries" (CNAMTS) and the "Centres d'exams de santé" of the French social security, which collect a large part of the data, as well as ClinSearch, Asqualab and Eurocell responsible for data quality control. The Constance Cohort Study was supported and funded by the Caisse nationale d'assurance maladie (CNAM). Constance's cohort study is an "Infrastructure nationale en Biologie et Santé" and benefits from a grant from ANR (ANR-11-INBS-0002) and from the Ministry of Research. Constances is also partly funded by MSD, AstraZeneca and Lundbeck.

Author contribution

M.Z. and M.G. obtained funding for the CONSTANCES study cohort and conducted the CONSTANCES study. MC, AV and J.B. developed the research question. MC, AV JB and P.S. contributed to the study design and analysis plan. S.K. and M.Z. the data obtained. OUCH. performed the statistical analyses. M.C. drafted the manuscript. All authors critically revised the manuscript, gave final approval, and agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work to ensure its integrity and accuracy.

Availability of data

Datasets generated during and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the CONSTANCES principal investigator (marie.zins@inserm.fr), provided that the procedures described in the CONSTANCES Charter (http://www.constances.fr/charter) is fulfilled.

Competing interests

All authors completed the ICMJE uniform publication form athttp://www.icmje.org/coi_disclosure.pdf(available upon request from the corresponding author), and all authors declare that they have no competing interests.


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These authors contributed equally: Michelle Cherfan and Alexandre Vallée.

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is available for this article at 10.1038/s41598-020-58685-1.


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Unhealthy behavior and risk of uncontrolled hypertension in treated individuals - the CONSTANCES population-based study (2024)


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May 15, 2024

What are patients with chronic uncontrolled hypertension are risk for? ›

Uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to complications including: Heart attack or stroke. Hardening and thickening of the arteries due to high blood pressure or other factors can lead to a heart attack, stroke or other complications.

What is the prevalence of uncontrolled hypertension? ›

The prevalence of uncontrolled hypertension was 61.7% in all participants (95% CI: 60.3–63.2) [60.9% middle-aged (95% CI: 58.7–63) and 62.5% older adult (95%CI: 60.5–64.5)] (Table 1).

What demographic has the highest rate of hypertension? ›

Black adults have higher hypertension prevalence (45.3% versus 31.4%, aOR, 2.24 [95% CI, 1.97–2.56], P<0.001) but similar awareness and treatment rates as White adults.

Which hypertension is the most common type affecting population at large? ›

Primary or essential hypertension accounts for 90-95% of adult cases, and secondary hypertension accounts for 2-10% of adult cases.

What are Behavioural risk factors for hypertension? ›

Risk Factors for High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
  • Being overweight or obese. The more you weigh the more blood flow you need to supply oxygen and nutrients to your tissues. ...
  • Too much salt (sodium) in your diet. ...
  • Too little potassium in your diet. ...
  • Not being physically active. ...
  • Drinking too much alcohol.

Which lifestyle behavior can lead to hypertension? ›

Lifestyle habits

Eat unhealthy foods often, especially foods that are high in salt and low in potassium. Some people, including Black people, older adults, and people who have chronic kidney disease, diabetes, or metabolic syndrome, are more sensitive to salt in their diet. Drink too much alcohol or caffeine.

Which behavior can contribute to high blood pressure? ›

But too much stress may lead to increased blood pressure. Also too much stress can lead to behaviors that increase blood pressure, such as: Poor diet. Physical inactivity.

What is the difference between hypertension and uncontrolled hypertension? ›

Uncontrolled hypertension means that you have a blood pressure above 140/90 mm Hg. Your hypertension may be classified as uncontrolled if it's not being treated or if medications that are supposed to help lower your blood pressure have been ineffective so far.

What is the life expectancy of someone on controlled hypertension? ›

On the other hand, the life expectancy of someone with controlled high blood pressure can often be well into retirement age. With that being said, research³ does show that although you can live a long life, it may be five to seven years shorter than those without high blood pressure.

What 4 conditions can result from chronic hypertension? ›

Chronic Hypertension is the term for having high blood pressure and increases your risk for heart attack, stroke, heart failure, or kidney disease.

What population is at greatest risk for hypertension? ›

Older adults

The older we are, the more likely we are to develop high blood pressure. A main reason is because our blood vessels gradually lose elasticity as we age, which can cause the heart to pump blood harder.

What are the predictors of uncontrolled hypertension? ›

The predictors of uncontrolled hypertension are a number of prescribed antihypertensive therapies [adjusted odds ration = 2.39; 95% confidence interval: 1.48–3.87], treatment adherence [0.46; 0.21–0.97], salt consumption [28.35; 7.87–102.04], physical activity [0.22; 0.13–0.37], current alcohol use [2.10; 1.22–3.61], ...

What is the prevalence of hypertension in the population? ›

The prevalence of hypertension increased with age. The prevalence was 22.4% among adults aged 18–39 and increased to 54.5% among those aged 40–59, and 74.5% among those aged 60 and over. For both men and women, a similar pattern of increasing prevalence of hypertension by age was observed.

Who is at greatest risk for hypertension? ›

Risk Factors for High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
  • Being overweight or obese. The more you weigh the more blood flow you need to supply oxygen and nutrients to your tissues. ...
  • Too much salt (sodium) in your diet. ...
  • Too little potassium in your diet. ...
  • Not being physically active. ...
  • Drinking too much alcohol.

Who is most vulnerable to hypertension? ›

Men are more likely than women to develop high blood pressure throughout middle age. But in older adults, women are more likely than men to develop high blood pressure. Women who have high blood pressure during pregnancy are more likely to have high blood pressure later in life.

What groups are prone to hypertension? ›

Most of the patients who are affected by high blood pressure are people who are at increased risk, notably African-Americans, older adults, and pregnant women. These people are more susceptible to developing high blood pressure and tend to develop more serious complications from the disease.

What ethnic groups are higher risk for hypertension? ›

In multivariate logistic regression, after adjusting for age, sex, education, and BMI, black and Asian adults had significantly greater odds of hypertension than whites (black, adjusted odds ratio [AOR], 2.6; 95% CI, 1.7–3.9; Asian, AOR, 2.0; 95% CI, 1.2–3.4), but adjusted odds for Hispanic and white adults were ...

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Name: Duncan Muller

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.