The most popular cheeses in the world (2024)

What are the most popular cheeses in the world? Take a world tour of cheese consumption by country and learn about the most popular cheese in each country, including America.

So where is cheese popular and which cheeses are preferred? We take you on a world tour of cheese consumption by country and learn about the most popular cheese in America and the most popular cheeses in the world.

The most popular cheeses in the world (1)

Cheese consumption by country

Whether cheesemaking began in the mountains of Western Europe or arrived via trade routes from the Arab world, Europe is certainly where it entered and flourished. A major reason for this – and one reason why you won't find cheese in many regions – is genetic.

Most of the world's population is lactose intolerant; When children stop breastfeeding, their bodies reduce production of the lactase needed to digest milk. However, due to varying protein sources in different parts of the world, indigenous peoples learned to adapt. While 95% of Caucasians are lactase retentive and continue to digest dairy products well, this number drops to 50% for people of African descent and only about 5% of East Asians. This is why you almost never find milk, cheese, or dairy products in Asian food, and why cheese consumption varies so much from country to country.

So who eats the most cheese? According to areport of the International Dairy Federation, the top 10 countries for cheese consumption per capita (in 2023) are:

  1. France – £57.9 per year
  2. Germany – £53.2 per year
  3. Luxembourg – £53.2 per year
  4. Iceland – £53.2 per year
  5. Greece – £51.5 per year
  6. Finland – £49.5 per year
  7. Italy – £48 per year
  8. Switzerland – £48 per year
  9. Estonia – £45.8 per year
  10. Netherlands – £42.7 per year

Not surprisingly, each of these countries falls squarely in the European sweet spot for lactose tolerance. France in particular is known for producing the most types of cheese (and for staying slim while eating a lot of it)… but what, no USA?

Although the United States produces the most cheese in the world, it falls outside the top 10 in per capita consumption per year at 34.1 pounds per year. That's smaller than Austria, Sweden, Cyprus, Norway...even Israel. And Britain, the ancestral home of Cheddar, produces different types of cheese per capita than any other country, but consumes only 25.7 pounds per capita per year.

Now, of course, the United States is much larger than European countries, and as a nation certainly consumes the most cheese. According to the Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board, the United States leads the world in cheese production with 11.1 billion pounds, followed by Germany with 4.81 billion pounds, France with 4.27 billion pounds and Italy with 2.55 billion pounds.

The leading state in the United States for cheese production is Wisconsin. If the state of Wisconsin were a country, it would rank fourth in the world in total cheese production with 2.86 billion pounds, behind the rest of the United States, Germany and France, and just ahead of Italy.

East angle

The most popular cheeses in the world (2)

The most popular cheeses in the world

In the parts of the world where cheese is made, you will find different varieties preferred in different regions. In the Mediterranean and Middle East, where preservation was a challenge in the warmer climate, cheese was made by heavily salting the curd. That is why feta is the most famous cheese from Greece. In the cooler parts of Europe (the Alps and the north), where caves and ice provided cooling, one could enjoy a range of fresher cheeses (such as Gouda or Havarti). When European immigrants came to America, they naturally brought with them their native preferences.

Let's count down the top international cheesemakers with the most popular cheese in each country (we're putting Wisconsin along with the rest of the US where it belongs; the favorite cheese is still the same).

Italiaans: Parmigiano-Reggiano ost

There are many variants of itgran(hard cheeses are used for grating), but the "king of cheeses" is named after the cities of Parma and Reggio in the Emilia-Romagna region. There really is nothing better in the world thanParmesan cheese ost.

Italian cheeses are among the most diverse and beloved cheeses in the world, with a rich history and unique traditions dating back centuries. From the sharp and nutty Parmigiano-Reggiano to the smooth, creamy burrata and mozzarella to aged Pecorino Romano, Italian cheeses offer a wide range of textures and flavors that reflect the country's diverse regions and culinary heritage. Each cheese is carefully made using traditional techniques. Whether you eat them alone, in salads or as a topping for pasta or pizza, Italian cheeses are a delicious and essential part of Italian cuisine.

France: Camembert cheese

Camembert is a soft, buttery cheese that is creamy and spreadable at room temperature. It is almost identical to Brie, but comes from a different region of France (Normandy) and is usually made in smaller wheels. Both have a white, floral skin and a rich, earthy mushroom flavor that intensifies with age.

French cheeses are known worldwide for their quality, variety and rich history. With more than 400 different types of cheese produced across the country, France has the most extensive cheese-making tradition in the world. From the soft and creamy brie to the tart roquefort and the nutty comté, French cheeses represent the country's different regions and culinary traditions.

Cheese making in France often involves artisanal techniques and strict regulations to ensure the highest quality, and the country's cheese culture is deeply rooted in its culinary heritage. French cheeses are often eaten neat, paired with wine or used as the main ingredient in classic French dishes such as quiche and fondue. Overall, French cheeses are an essential part of French cuisine and a source of national pride.

Germany: Allgäu Emmental east

Also known as “Bavarian Swiss,” this Alpine-style cheese is the German version of Swiss Emmentaler.Allgäu Emmentaleris a semi-hard cheese with characteristic holes, or "eyes", and a buttery, nutty, rich flavor.

German cheeses may not be as well known as those from other European countries, but they are no less tasty and diverse. German cheese-making traditions go back centuries with a number of regional specialties. From the tart and aromatic Limburger to the creamy and mild butterkäse, German cheeses offer a unique range of flavors and textures that reflect the country's varied landscapes and culinary heritage. In addition to classic cheeses, Germany is also known for the production of Quark, a fresh cheese that resembles yogurt and is often used in sweet and savory dishes.

While German cheeses may not have the same international recognition as some of their European counterparts, they are an essential part of German cuisine and a testament to the country's rich culinary history.

The most popular cheeses in the world (3)

The most popular cheese in America

The United States, as a nation of immigrants, can't really lay claim to a true native cheese. (Native Americans did not have dairy products in their diet.) While they dooriginal American cheeses, they are all based on European recipes and techniques, adapted to local resources and tastes.

Due to British colonial influence, the first cheeses were all made in the United StatesCheddar ost. Swiss immigrants introduced the traditional Emmentaler in the mid-19th century and later developed other Swiss-style cheeses, and Germans, Italians and other Europeans followed suit, spreading these traditions across the eastern and midwestern states.

Meanwhile, Latin American-style cheeses were gaining popularity in the American Southwest. These cheeses come from the Spanish colonists, who mixed with the indigenous population and developed their cheese making accordingly. Instead of adhering to the original European recipes, cheeses like Oaxacan,white cheeseand Chihuahua are unique creations from the New World.

The most popular cheeses in the world (4)

According toa report from the International Dairy Foods AssociationAmericans consume more Italian-style cheeses than other types, followed by American-style cheeses. (This also applies to cheddar.) Americans are also eating more and more natural cheeses and less processed cheese.

As our demographics change, Swiss cheese consumption is declining, while Latin American cheese consumption continues to rise. However, Italian-style cheeses and cheddar are becoming increasingly popular. The Italian cheeses are mainly due to the large amounts of mozzarella that smother the American pizza, while the clear champion for everyday eating is Cheddar.

Wisconsin, as previously mentioned, leads the United States in Cheddar production... actually producing almost as much as the entire United Kingdom. If you want to go on a world tour of the most popular cheeses, you can pretty much do it all with domestic cheeses instead of trying to track down all the originals mentioned above. Start with an award-winning Wisconsin Parmesan, move on to a smooth, creamy Brie and enjoy a nutty, butterySwiss rustdescends from the famous Emmentalers and finishes with a razor-sharp Wisconsin Cheddar cheese.

East angle

The most popular cheeses in the world (5)

How many types of cheese are there?

It is difficult to put an exact figure on how many cheeses there are because the number can vary depending on the classification system used and how one defines a "type" of cheese. However, it is estimated that there are over 1,800 different types of cheese worldwide.

Cheeses can be classified based on a number of factors, such as their texture (soft, semi-soft, semi-hard or hard), their country or region of origin, their milk source (cow, goat, sheep, buffalo or other animal) and their production method (raw milk, pasteurized, matured or fresh).

Some common types of cheese include cheddar, mozzarella, brie, feta, gouda, camembert, blue cheese, Parmesan and Swiss cheese. Each of these cheese types has its own unique taste, texture and culinary uses.

In addition to these well-known types of cheese, there are also many lesser-known regional and artisanal types that can be found all over the world.

The most popular cheeses in the world (6)

When was cheese invented?

The exact origin of cheese is unknown as it is believed to have been discovered accidentally. However, there is evidence that cheese making dates back at least 7,000 years, as ancient artefacts have been found in countries such as Poland, Hungary and Switzerland that indicate cheese was made at that time.

However, one legend places the cheese's origins in the Middle East. It is believed that an Arab merchant accidentally did this when preparing for a journey through the desert, by putting a quantity of milk in a bag made from the stomach of a sheep. The natural rennet from the stomach lining, combined with the heat of the sun, caused the milk to separate and choke. When he reached his destination, the curd had a delicious taste and the watery whey quenched his thirst. While whey protein drinks took a while to catch on, cheese became an instant hit and staple food in much of the world.

East angle

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The most popular cheeses in the world (7)

Limburger: The Cheese That Nose Nose

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The most popular cheeses in the world (9)

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The most popular cheeses in the world (10)

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Brian Harris

I'm going to try something different with my next batch of pepperjack cheese. I take the milk and put it in large pots in my electric smoker and set it on low heat. Hickory/Maple smokes the milk overnight and continues. Or I can cheat and just add some liquid smoke to the milk before it solidifies. One thing is certain. No one will forget when they took a bite of my Hickory Habanero and Scorpion Pepper Stick!


Birgitta M. Lille

I am very surprised that Denmark is not at the top of the list. Their Danish Port Salut was superior to the French Port Salut in my opinion, but it may not be fair to compare the two. Apparently Denmark decided to change the name to Estrom, which is still a favorite in California's San Francisco Bay Area, probably among European immigrants, but unfortunately the sellers representing Estrom always seem to be out of stock. According to Marina Market in the Seattle, Washington area, they are having difficulty with timely delivery from Denmark. It is a semi-soft, slightly fragrant cheese that can be cut into slices. My favorite of them all and I remember it well from my childhood. The Swedish Herrgardsost is also fantastic, as are various farm cheeses, also from Scandinavia. But nothing compares to Danish Estrom, and I wish it was easier to find here.


Rise and Shine: Tuesday, February 13, 2024 - CivMix

[…] produced in the new world. Today, Wisconsin is the leader in cheddar production. According to one website, almost as much cheddar is made in one state as in the whole of Britain. (FWIW, cheddar […]


Eileen Quimby

My favorites were creamy blues like gorgonzola, cheddar and havarti. I recently discovered Jarlsburg Swiss - mild flavor and medium texture make fantastic omelettes and just eat slices alone or with cookie burgers or added to grilled cheese! I love this cheese!


Orange cheese is not natural, but man-made Roach news

[…] it is extremely popular in Europe and North America! The French eat 57.9 pounds per person annually, followed by the Germans and Italians. Cool Iceland swallows 53.2 […]


Orange Cheese Is Not Natural, It's Man Made - The Art Of MaryJane Media

[…] it is extremely popular in Europe and North America! The French eat 57.9 pounds per person annually, followed by the Germans and Italians. Cool Iceland swallows 53.2 […]



Astonishing! Thank you


Leslie Rowe

I agree with Loz: Britain produces more than 700 varieties of cheese, surpassing the French by about 100 varieties. Cheddar is insanely popular all over the world. I think like many things in life, trying a bad version of any food will lead to reluctance to try it again. Stilton is a great example, Colston Basset is sensational, and a good French friend of mine wears his Colston Basset every night in New York for his dinner party. I certainly love cheese, but just like beer, there has been a huge revival in local, small-scale production over the past twenty years. The products are made with the best ingredients, care and, above all, love. Having traveled extensively and lived in quite a few countries, it's nice to see certain products being remarkably well received and consumed around the world, despite our much-maligned image of all things culinary on the international stage stands.
I agree with Loz: Britain produces more than 700 varieties of cheese, surpassing the French by about 100 varieties. Cheddar is insanely popular all over the world. I think like many things in life, trying a bad version of any food will lead to reluctance to try it again. Stilton is a great example, Colston Basset is sensational, and a good French friend of mine wears his Colston Basset every night in New York for his dinner party. I certainly love cheese, but just like beer, there has been a huge revival in local, small-scale production over the past twenty years. The products are made with the best ingredients, care and, above all, love. Having traveled extensively and lived in quite a few countries, it's nice to see certain products being remarkably well received and consumed around the world, despite our much-maligned image of all things culinary on the international stage stands.


The Best Cheddar Cheeses to Buy (20+ Taste Tested)

[…] in the world, cheddar cheese is the second most consumed cheese family in the United States (after Italian cheeses). Cheddar cheese is a staple of quesadillas, tapas dishes, sauces, savory pies and […]


Eileen Johnson

I think I bought Wisconsin Longhorn cheese to use in my Potatoes AuGratin recipe. I can't find this cheese and my potatoes don't taste the same. Did you make this cheese? Taco Bell also used the same flavor in their food in the 60s and 70s



You think of Longhorn Colby. We do not sell the Longhorn shape (which is just a different shape), but we do sell the Colby.


Famous cheeses from around the world - MIG Cheese Factory

[…] With nearly 2,000 different options to choose from, it's no wonder many are still unsure what their favorite is. One thing we can guarantee, though: if you're not a cheese lover or have never eaten it before, this list is probably a very good place to start exploring. References: com/blog/cheese-nation/popular-cheeses-world/ 70410/35-cheese-you-must-try-once-in-your-life[…]


Joel Leslie

Where is Gruyère?


A lie

Great Britain has more types of cheese than France. Yes, I'm a bona fide cheese smuggler.


Elias Waters

I'm from Cheddar myself, and when someone tells me Cheddar isn't famous, I just tell them the name of the cheese most commonly used around the world, and they say quietly: Cheddar cheese.


written in the stars - thoughts from Taryn

[…] makes cheddar cheese a good match for them. Cheddar is a true classic, one of the most popular cheeses in the world, [...]



I read somewhere that the most commonly used cheese worldwide is Gouda, but I can't find any real confirmation. I would love to go to Wisconsin someday and just go on a cheese tour!


Johannes Mepham

I think the world's bestseller. cheese is cheddar whose British origins lie in the village of Cheddar in Somerset, England. In Great Britain, Canada. Australia and New Zealand are by far the best-selling cheese; and number two in the United States



I'm doing a project on pizza and cheese is a big part of it, I need help






Answers some questions I've always wondered. Thank you!


Best cheese for pizza: Mozzarella & Beyond

[…] discussion about the best cheese for pizza should start with mozzarella. After all, mozzarella is the most popular cheese in America, and it's all because of pizza. (The most popular cheese for snacks is [...]


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The most popular cheeses in the world (2024)


The most popular cheeses in the world? ›

1. Pecorino Romano. Even beginner cheese lovers know this very famous cheese, and rightly so. Ranked as one of the best cheeses by cheese connoisseurs, this pungent, piquant and hard flaky cheese is a perfect grating cheese for any pasta dish.

What are the 10 most popular cheeses in the world? ›

  1. 10 Most Popular Cheeses In The World. In many markets across the world, cheese is a well-established household staple with a wide variety of uses in cooking & baking . ...
  2. Mozzarella. This whole cow milk's stretched curd cheese is quite popular in Italy. ...
  3. Cheddar. ...
  4. Feta. ...
  5. Ricotta. ...
  6. Parmigiano Reggiano. ...
  7. Gouda. ...
  8. Brie de Meaux.
Aug 6, 2023

What are the 5 best cheeses? ›

The very best kinds of cheese:
  • Mozzarella.
  • Parmigiano Reggiano.
  • Sharp Cheddar.
  • Brie.
  • Swiss cheese.
Jan 19, 2019

What is the #1 rated cheese? ›

1. Pecorino Romano. Even beginner cheese lovers know this very famous cheese, and rightly so. Ranked as one of the best cheeses by cheese connoisseurs, this pungent, piquant and hard flaky cheese is a perfect grating cheese for any pasta dish.

What is the king of all cheeses? ›

Known as the “King of Cheeses”, Parmesan, or Parmigiano Reggiano was first produced by Benedictine and Cistercian monks a thousand years ago. Over the centuries, it has acquired global prominence and is now a hugely popular choice for food-lovers the world over.

What is the most eaten cheese in the world? ›


What is the most eaten cheese in America? ›

Mozzarella surpassed cheddar as America's most popular cheese for the second year in a row. Despite the recent decrease in cheddar consumption, the two cheeses together account for 63 percent of cheese availability.

What is the 2nd most popular cheese? ›

Cheddar. Cheddar cheese is a type of semi-hard cheese made from cow's milk. Originating from the village of Cheddar in Somerset, England, this cheese is the second most popular cheese in America (right after Mozzarella) and the most popular cheese in the United Kingdom.

What is the most expensive cheese? ›

1. Pule Cheese - $600 Per Pound. Pule cheese is the most expensive cheese in the world because it is produced exclusively at Serbia's Zasavica Special Nature Reserve. This rare cheese is made from the milk of Balkan donkeys which are endangered and native to Serbia and Montenegro.

Which country eats the most cheese? ›

  • The nation that consistently ranks among the top consumers of cheese per capita is France. ...
  • Other countries with high cheese consumption per capita include:
  • Greece: Cheese is a staple in Greek cuisine, with varieties like feta being widely used in dishes.
Aug 7, 2023

What are the top 10 cheeses in America? ›

What are America's favorite cheeses?
  • Cheddar. Cheddar was the overwhelming favorite, with 19 percent of adults naming it their go-to cheese. ...
  • American. Coming in second is the classic American cheese, with 13 percent of the vote. ...
  • Mozzarella. ...
  • Swiss. ...
  • Colby Jack/Monterey Jack and Pepper Jack. ...
  • Provolone. ...
  • (Tie) Blue cheese. ...
  • Brie.
Jan 14, 2022

What are the 10 healthiest cheeses to eat? ›

What are the top 10 healthiest cheeses?
  • Goat's cheese. ...
  • Parmesan. ...
  • Paneer. ...
  • Mozzarella. ...
  • Ricotta. ...
  • Cottage cheese. ...
  • Cheddar. An English semi-hard cheese, cheddar is made from cow's milk. ...
  • Feta. Typically made from sheep's or goat's milk combined with rennet, this Greek cheese is soft and tangy to taste.
Apr 14, 2024

What are the 7 basic types of cheese? ›

Do you know the 7 different families of cheese?
  • The Fresh cheeses. These cheeses are, more or less, not aged and their humidity level is above 60%. ...
  • Natural-rind cheeses. ...
  • Bloomy-rind cheeses. ...
  • Washed-rind cheeses. ...
  • Pressed non-cooked cheeses, or semi-hard cheeses. ...
  • Pressed and cooked cheeses or hard cheeses. ...
  • Blue-veined cheeses.

What is the most sold cheese in America? ›

Mozzarella surpassed cheddar as America's most popular cheese for the second year in a row. Despite the recent decrease in cheddar consumption, the two cheeses together account for 63 percent of cheese availability.

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