The 10 Most Stressful Jobs (+ Their Less Stressful Alternatives) (2024)

Table of Contents
What makes a job stressful? 10. Financial analyst What makes it stressful? Strong growth What are some less stressful alternatives? 7 types of finance careers: what you can do with a finance qualification 9. Sales manager What makes it stressful? Strong growth (4.4%) What are some less stressful alternatives? 10 Highest Paying Jobs in Australia Without a Degree: Make Big Money Without Big Debt 8. Spiritual advisor What makes it stressful? Very strong growth (14.2%) What are some less stressful alternatives? The truth about career paths in allied health: think outside the clinic 7. Anesthesiologist What makes it stressful? Strong growth (3%) What are some less stressful alternatives? 6. Patrol officer What makes it stressful? Moderate growth (3%) What are some less stressful alternatives? 5. IT-chef What makes it stressful? Very strong growth (17.7%) What are some less stressful alternatives? 4. Construction manager What makes it stressful? Strong growth (10.2%) What are some less stressful alternatives? How to Become a Construction Manager: Your Guide to Building a Rewarding Career 3. Doctor What makes it stressful? Strong growth (10.2%) What are some less stressful alternatives? 2. Lawyer What makes it stressful? Very strong growth (21%) What are some less stressful alternatives? How to Become a Construction Manager: Your Guide to Building a Rewarding Career 1. Financial manager What makes it stressful? Strong growth (11.7%) What are some less stressful alternatives? How to Become a Financial Advisor (or Planner): Empower people to create financial freedom More stressful professions Latest articles Read more? FAQs
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  4. The 10 Most Stressful Jobs (+ Their Less Stressful Alternatives)

Published on June 17, 2023

The 10 Most Stressful Jobs (+ Their Less Stressful Alternatives) (1)Christian Michaelides

The 10 Most Stressful Jobs (+ Their Less Stressful Alternatives) (2)

Do you feel like your work is stressful?Stress can cause you to lose sleep and motivation. It can become increasingly difficult to go to work every day. And it's harder to enjoy your life, both while you're at work and in your free time. When you have felthigh levels of stressfor a while you can completely burn out.

There are many factors that make your career stressful, but there are alternatives. Discover the most stressful jobs in Australia, and explore some less stressful (but related) career options.

What makes a job stressful?

According to CarrièreCastWhat makes a profession stressful is when the demands it places on employees' lives are high and the rewards limited.

Some stressors include:

  • You have to travel a lot

    While free travel (and the rewards that come with it) may sound appealing at first, the appeal quickly wears off. Traveling for work exacerbates the bad sides of jet setting – jet lag, homesickness, flight delays – but usually keeps you from seeing the sights of your destination. Airplane pilots are workers who travel constantly without necessarily seeing as much of the world as they would like. But consultants or other business people can be flown to the most exotic destinations - just to see some offices and meeting rooms.

  • Your income is not growing much

    It's stressful to have the same or similar salary ten years later as when you first started your career.

  • There are significant physical demands

    For example, if you are on your feet all day or have to stay up late at night to work long shifts. Or, if you have to sit in uncomfortable positions for hours, you're more likely to feel tired and stressed (hello, healthcare workers and police officers).

  • There are dangers to your own life or to the lives of other people

    Working on roads (as taxi drivers), in air traffic control, on an oil rig or even in human roles during the COVID-19 pandemic comes with risks and high levels of stress. People who encounter life-threatening situations in their daily work, such as First Responders (law enforcement personnel, firefighters, mental health professionals such as social workers and paramedics) or military personnel are at risk of trauma from their stressful jobs.

  • You have tough competition

    Always having to be the best in corporate environments such as investment banks or law firms can be chronically stressful. It can cause you to work long hours every day, ruin your personal life, put you in demoralizing work situations, and leave you with a constant sense of insecurity.

  • There are constant deadlines

    Most people thrive in a job with some chance of rest after completing an intensive piece of work. But some stressful jobs just keep up the intensity without the rest. Working as a game developer or at a tech startup are notorious careers for 'crunch' time - where intense work and night shifts are expected to deliver work milestones on time, sometimes for years to come. Ultimately, the stress will lead to burnout. Constant deadlines also affect event coordinators and journalists with breaking news.

  • Your role is public-oriented

    If you're under massive scrutiny for every decision you make, or if people are waiting for a blunder or mistake, you're probably feeling some level of stress. This stress will affect broadcasters, newspaper reporters, radio producers, social media workers, PR managers, senior business leaders and anyone in the public eye.

Based on these factors, these are the ten most stressful jobs in the world, according to research from US News Best Jobs-database, is:

10. Financial analyst

A financial analyst works at an investment bank. They spend their workdays researching financial data, which they then use to make investment recommendations. It is a mentally stimulating role where new opportunities are identified.

What makes it stressful?

Investment banking is a highly competitive sector with endless deadlines, long working hours and a high risk of burnout.

average salary


Strong growth

predicted for the next five years

What are some less stressful alternatives?

Other investment bank positions can also be well paid without the long hours. Business communications or risk analysis are some less stressful alternatives. Outside of investment banking, you can use your skills as financial advisor or planner.


7 types of finance careers: what you can do with a finance qualification

9. Sales manager

Sales managers are involved in selling a company's products to customers. It is a senior role that also requires managing people, setting performance goals for sales teams and being accountable for achieving those goals.

What makes it stressful?

Sales are very competitive. And you should always follow tracks, regardless of the time of day. Always being 'on' can be a recipe for burnout. Your salary may be based on commission, making your income unreliablesales managers earn a high average salary.

What are some less stressful alternatives?

As a people person, you may find working as a customer satisfaction manager more satisfying and less stressful. Your role would be to listen and anticipate the needs of existing technology enterprise customers to strengthen relationships and secure repeat business.


10 Highest Paying Jobs in Australia Without a Degree: Make Big Money Without Big Debt

8. Spiritual advisor

Mental health counselors assess and support people with a variety of mental health problems.

What makes it stressful?

You may find yourself working with people in crisis all the time. Because they are at risk, you may be answering customer calls literally all hours of the day to ensure their safety. The trauma of others puts you at risk of experiencing vicarious trauma.

average salary


Very strong growth (14.2%)

predicted for the next five years

What are some less stressful alternatives?

Often people became burned out in helping professions find fulfillment in working on upstream crisis prevention. You may find a role in early intervention services, teaching children or community groups about mental health, or in a public policy role designed to prevent crises before they start.


The truth about career paths in allied health: think outside the clinic

7. Anesthesiologist

Anesthesiologists (or anesthetists) are doctors who administer medications to patients during surgical procedures. You ensure that the patients do not feel any pain or are likely to be unconscious during their operation.

What makes it stressful?

You can be on duty day and night. When you're part of a surgical team, your day doesn't end until the patient is on the mend, no matter how long that takes. Mistakes in this role are fatal, so even though you may be exhausted, you must always put your skills and concentration to work.

average salary


Strong growth (3%)

predicted for the next five years

What are some less stressful alternatives?

You can remain an anesthesiologist, but in a position where you can work with less high-risk patients. Or with patients who need to undergo routine, elective surgery instead of emergency patients. Alternatively, your skills and experience could be valuable in public health policy, anesthesiology research, or training new physicians.

6. Patrol officer

Patrol officers are responsible for public safety and security. You ensure that the law is followed, investigate crimes, monitor traffic and handle emergency situations.

What makes it stressful?

You are a first responder in various stressful situations, where you always have to act quickly and carefully. The work can be physically demanding and you are scheduled into shifts at any time of the day.

average salary


Moderate growth (3%)

predicted for the next five years

What are some less stressful alternatives?

You can use your skills in your own practice as a private detective or security advisor. Or you can get involved in less dangerous, more typical 9-to-5 police specialties such as detective work.

5. IT-chef

IT managers take care of an organization's IT resources. You ensure that networks function safely, that computers and other IT equipment are maintained and you solve any problems.

What makes it stressful?

IT tasks can be repetitive and you typically work with customers who are not in a good mood. This is a role with constant deadlines - users always need help. It may seem like you haven't made much progress on your to-do list, even though you've had a hard day's work. Making a mistake can also mean that an organization's IT systems fail or that people lose important data.

average salary


Very strong growth (17.7%)

predicted for the next five years

What are some less stressful alternatives?

Your technological skills would be valuable in the tech industry, which offers many career opportunities. You can discover your creative side as a web developer; improve your coding skills to become a software engineer; use your IT security knowledge to become an ethical hacker, or expand your user empathy skills to work with UX design.

4. Construction manager

Construction managers are responsible for construction sites. You have to maintain a complex project with many people doing different things. You also need to ensure that everyone is safe at all times.

One of the benefits of a career as a construction manager is that it comes with a family member high average salary; no degree required.

What makes it stressful?

Mistakes in construction are at best expensive, and at worst they can even be fatal. It can be difficult to meet the constant deadlines you face to complete construction work on time. Construction work can also be physically demanding, even if you are not responsible for the construction yourself. You are often on your feet all day.

average salary


Strong growth (10.2%)

predicted for the next five years

What are some less stressful alternatives?

Your skills make you a perfect project manager. This role is needed in virtually every industry and sector. Or you use your construction knowledge as a draftsman to design and plan a new construction without the stress of executing the plan.


How to Become a Construction Manager: Your Guide to Building a Rewarding Career

3. Doctor

Doctors are also called doctors. You can specialize in a particular medical area (such as emergency medicine, cardiology or neurology) or work as a general practitioner.

What makes it stressful?

Healthcare work meets many of the requirements for a typically stressful job. This may involve physically demanding shifts where your tasks are constantly piling up. You may be the first to respond to life or death situations, and small mistakes can be fatal.

average salary


Strong growth (10.2%)

predicted for the next five years

What are some less stressful alternatives?

Although this is generally a stressful career, you can find ways to make it less stressful. Owning a private practice allows you to choose less stressful hours and work with patients you find most rewarding to treat. Doctors can also enjoy a career change into medical research, education and policy.

2. Lawyer

Lawyers represent and advise clients in a variety of legal situations: from negotiating contracts, overseeing mergers and acquisitions, defending or prosecuting crimes, settling disputes, buying and selling real estate and much more.

What makes it stressful?

Law is a very competitive career. Long hours are expected from anyone who wants to advance in the company hierarchy. It's a role where there always seems to be more to do, and it can be difficult to switch off.

average salary


Very strong growth (21%)

predicted for the next five years

What are some less stressful alternatives?

Entering private practice can be a way to choose the hours and clients you want to work with, making the legal profession a less demanding and more rewarding profession.

Lawyers also have great skills that they can use in any role, especially their strong written communication skills and legal knowledge. Possible career changes include working as a technical or grant writer, project manager or management consultant.


How to Become a Construction Manager: Your Guide to Building a Rewarding Career

1. Financial manager

Financial managers have a lot of responsibility: they are responsible for the overall financial health of the organization, ensuring that the organization meets its financial obligations, establishing a financial strategy and producing financial reports.

What makes it stressful?

Working in the financial sector is very competitive. The hours are long and there is always more work to do. If you work for a large organization, you may have to travel a lot for meetings without seeing many of your destinations outside your hotel room.

Financial managers also have a great responsibility. Sanctions for not doing things right can result in fines or even jeopardize the survival of the entire organization.

average salary


Strong growth (11.7%)

predicted for the next five years

What are some less stressful alternatives?

Your experience in finance can be useful in a number of financial careers, for example as a financial planner. Your high-level management experience will come in handy as a consultant or if you want to start your own business, where you can choose your hours and the type of work you do.


How to Become a Financial Advisor (or Planner): Empower people to create financial freedom

More stressful professions

Factors that make a job stressful can apply to many other roles. According to a 2018 analysis by CareerCast, the most stressful jobs also include:

  • Fireman
  • Police offers
  • Pilot
  • Social worker
  • Events coordinator
  • Military personnel
  • Taxi chauffeur

Do you experience stress at work? Consider one white collar career change? read more best joband some of them least stressful job. Or browse TAFE courses today to explore less stressful career paths.

The 10 Most Stressful Jobs (+ Their Less Stressful Alternatives) (3)

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The 10 Most Stressful Jobs (+ Their Less Stressful Alternatives) (10)

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The 10 Most Stressful Jobs (+ Their Less Stressful Alternatives) (2024)


The 10 Most Stressful Jobs (+ Their Less Stressful Alternatives)? ›

Massage Therapists

Massage therapists have a practically low-stress job that only entails applying pressure to the client's muscles and tissues to alleviate the pain that consequently assisting in enhancing their well-being. They can also suggest treatment for medical conditions.

What is the most least stressful job? ›

15 of the least stressful jobs to consider
  • Massage therapist. ...
  • Biomedical engineer. ...
  • Law clerk. ...
  • Art director. ...
  • Technical writer. ...
  • Real estate appraiser. National average salary: $63,355 per year. ...
  • Dental hygienist. National average salary: $74,321 per year. ...
  • Librarian. National average salary: $56,415 per year.
Apr 18, 2024

What is the most mentally draining job? ›

The most stressful jobs
  • Military personnel.
  • Police officer.
  • Firefighter.
  • Social worker.
  • Broadcaster.
  • Newspaper reporters.
  • Emergency dispatcher.
  • Mental health counselor.
Jan 12, 2024

Which is the most peaceful job? ›

Most Peaceful Jobs In India With Higher Salary
  1. Yoga Teacher.
  2. Freelance Writer/Blogger.
  3. Private Tutor.
  4. Fitness Trainer.
  5. Graphic Designer.
  6. Corporate/School Photographer.
  7. Voice-Over Artist.
  8. Private Chef.
Feb 19, 2024

What is the hardest job in America? ›

8 Hardest Jobs in America
  • Firefighter. Firefighters face physically demanding and dangerous situations, such as fighting fires, rescuing individuals, and providing emergency medical care.
  • Police Officer. ...
  • Construction Worker. ...
  • Correctional Officer. ...
  • Oil Rig Worker. ...
  • Miners. ...
  • Commercial Fisherman. ...
  • Military Personnel.

What is the unhappiest career? ›

20 of the happiest jobs
  1. Early childhood education teacher. ...
  2. Sound engineering technician. ...
  3. Event planner. ...
  4. Plumber. ...
  5. General manager. ...
  6. Carpenter. ...
  7. Esthetician. ...
  8. Interior designer.
Apr 18, 2024

Which job has least pressure? ›

Massage Therapists

Massage therapists have a practically low-stress job that only entails applying pressure to the client's muscles and tissues to alleviate the pain that consequently assisting in enhancing their well-being. They can also suggest treatment for medical conditions.

What job gives the most depression? ›

While depression can arise in any job or career, research has shown that some of the most depressing careers include social workers, disability lawyers, long-term care administrators and nurses, mental health counselors, and first responders.

What profession has the highest PTSD rate? ›

Professions With High Risk of PTSD
  • Military. It should come at no surprise that those working in the military are at a high risk for developing PTSD. ...
  • Police Officers. ...
  • Firefighters. ...
  • Emergency Medical and Ambulance Personal. ...
  • Healthcare Workers. ...
  • Journalists. ...
  • First Responders.

Which career has the highest burnout rate? ›

Every career has elements of burnout and stress; these are 12 that I find to be the most common.
  1. Healthcare Professionals. ...
  2. Emergency Services Personnel. ...
  3. Social Workers. ...
  4. Teachers and Educators. ...
  5. Legal Professionals. ...
  6. Customer Service Representatives. ...
  7. Information Technology (IT) Workers. ...
  8. Journalists and Media Personnel.
Aug 11, 2023

What job field is the happiest? ›

You won't find the happiest workers in the world toiling away at desks or crunching numbers — chances are, they're working outside. Construction workers have the highest levels of self-reported happiness of any major industry category, according to a new analysis by BambooHR.

What is the most safest job ever? ›

Here are 17 safe jobs to consider as you search for your next career:
  • Accountant. ...
  • Executive assistant. ...
  • Librarian. ...
  • Copywriter. ...
  • Technical writer. ...
  • Web developer. ...
  • Systems analyst. ...
  • Statistician.
Apr 18, 2024

What job causes the most stress? ›

Examples of the most stressful jobs
  • Physician. National average salary: $272,872 per year Primary duties: Physicians or doctors are medical professionals who treat various diseases and injuries. ...
  • Nurse. ...
  • Soldier. ...
  • Patrol officer. ...
  • Anesthesiologist. ...
  • Chief executive officer. ...
  • Lawyer. ...
  • Police officer.
Apr 18, 2024

What job is hardest on your body? ›

If we include a dozen components — heck, no matter what we include — firefighters take the top spot. Other top rankers include RV and bus-and-truck mechanics, roofers, paramedics and police officers. To be sure, we're only measuring whether you'll have to do each task on the job.

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Human health and social work

According to the report, 3,530 people per 100,000 employees have experienced work-related stress. The sector tops the list of most stressful industries to work in.

Which is the least stressful IT job? ›

  • Software developer.
  • Information security analyst.
  • IT manager.
  • Web developer.
  • Management analyst.
  • Computer systems analyst.
  • Data scientist.
  • Database administrator.
Aug 1, 2023

What is a low stress level? ›

Training, physical activity, sleep, nutrition, and general life stress all impact your stress level. The stress level range is from 0 to 100, where 0 to 25 is a resting state, 26 to 50 is low stress, 51 to 75 is medium stress, and 76 to 100 is a high stress state.

What job has the lowest outlook? ›

Fastest declining occupations
2022 National Employment Matrix title2022 National Employment Matrix codeEmployment change, numeric, 2022–32
Word processors and typists43-9022-17.0
Watch and clock repairers49-9064-0.6
Roof bolters, mining47-5043-0.5
Cutters and trimmers, hand51-9031-2.3
28 more rows
Apr 17, 2024

Which trade is least hard on your body? ›

The skilled trade jobs are very hard on your body, mostly after a lifetime of work. When choosing a trade, remind yourself that you are making the trade out of passion and do not escape from it. It seems that plumbers and electricians have the least physically demanding position, which the trade school degrees provide.

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Author: Arielle Torp

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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.