Seeing the future through memories - Chapter 1 - Ninjazzz, Sunflowerdrake (2024)


Now to clarify, this is how to read the text



"Looking back"

Episode (All in Bold is from the episode)


Calm, Sarutobi Hiruzen observes the people he has called for the specially prepared interrogation room.

His own two students, Jiraiya and Tsunade are a little further away and as far away as possible..

He sighs and looks at the blonde hidden in the shade.If only Yamanaka Inoichi, the current leader of the intelligence department, had confirmed the blonde to be a spy ... it would have been so much lighter.The history of the younger blonde and insisted on performing this Jutsu.nara Shikaku and Akimichi Chouza with their teammate.

The Hiruz scrapes the throat and immediately attracts the attention of everyone."I'm sure you're wondering why you're here. Have room and I'll explain it."

His parent appearance is exchanged when they are satisfactory.

"A few hours ago an unknown shinobi appears in my office with the help of a seal. He is unconscious and seriously injured. The seal disappears immediately afterwards. Inoichi brings him into custody. What he sees in the spirit of the boy is later confirmedBy the boy himself.

"Who is he?"Asks Shikaku Mute, frowning to go his to be here.

Hiruzen nods, after he expects the Nara clan head to catch up quickly."He's just right. He is a Konha Shinobi and we will find out that he will be born for a few more years."

A bewildered silence fills the room.

"Hokage-Sama, do you suggest time travel?"Minato asks softly.

"That's the only explanation."Hiruz talks softly.

"Fourth?"Ask Minato softly, a horrible look on his face reflected by the others in the room.

Hiruzen nods.His people, an advantage in this war or in the coming years ...?

"Inoichi assured me that taking the time to see these memories would now be more than worth it. That's why I wanted you all here. We are very little in this room, and maybe I will ask others to end, end upBut this is wise to do.

"I have a question: do we have to see the child's life? And where is he anyway?"Tsunade asks irritated.

However, he understands her annoyance.She would probably prefer to work in the hospital.

"Inoichi, if you wanted?"He moves to the Yamanaka Clan -head that stands next to their visitors of the time trip and (maybe?

"Of course, Hokage-Sama."The man appears before he is bent behind him.

A blonde teenage steps out of the shadow.Call them.Every Jutsu.hellers are on the safe side.

"Naruto-Kun?"Asks Minato and shares a look with his Sensei.

“The Jutsu that I want to perform, so that it can be stopped and resumed at any time.

"Important memories? Meaning that you didn't choose them?"As always, Shikaku is the one who caught the implication.

Inoichi shakes his head.

"More questions?"Asks for Hokage.

"Not at this moment."Jiraiya Glitish and eagerly rubs his hands together."

Inoichi moves Naruto to move to him.The blonde teen sits in the chair right in front of Yamanaka.inoichi waits until everyone looks comfortable, the light turns out and a simple seal on the back of Naruto's throat.Painted on the wall.

He quickly assesses the required hand seals and activates Jutsu.

Small legs become visible, dressed in blue Ninja sandals and orange pants.Old, laughs.

"Are you that? What have you done abruptly?"Jiraiya asks.

"Yes, that's me. And I'm sure you'll see what I was doing."

"Why did you do something like that?One of them calls anger about the baby.You really get it this time! "

They chase the child around the village and pass under the Hokage monument.

Jiraiya laughs loudly and almost falls out of her chair.

Sandaime immediately touches him upside down, causing his student to fall to the ground.

"I don't care, Datebayo!"The blonde child shouts.

Random Shinobi can be heard when the scene changes to show hokage in his office."There is a problem Mr!"


"These are not the memories of the child?"Shikaku mumbles softly when he wrinkles on the images shown on the wall.

Sarutobi Hiruzen regards Shinobi who enters his office with a tired look.

"What is that? His hand scale while writing a kanji."

"From that reaction I assume that this happened earlier?"Minato asks mother.

Naruto only laughs the desire for his (future) orphan.

Without being too bothered, Hokage continues to write.The two shinobi in his office looks hectic.

"Yes, he climbed on Hokage -Mountain and ..."

"And he hit and squirted graffiti about them!"The other shinobi interrupts.

Almost bored as if it is a daily event, Hokage shoots quietly smoke from his tube.

Outside the hunt is still switched on.To Shinobi is still running behind the blonde child named Naruto.


After passing a spawning with wooden paneling, a piece of cloth is removed, dyed to look like the panel to show a grinning blonde.

With his hand over rubbing his head, the child laughs and clearly thinks he has lost them.

"Idiots."Hiruses mumbles.

"Why would I?"Naruto answers the question of Shinobis from memory, as if they were still there.

An angry chunin with his brown hair in a ponytail and a horizontal scars over his nose appears behind him."Hello, Naruto!"

Don't expect it, the blonde jumps high in the sky and shouts somehow into the air and falls on his back.

"How are you suddenly touched, Iruka sensensei?"

Chunin points a finger at him and wrinkles."The question is: what do you do here if you have to be in class?"

The next scene will change to show Ninja Academy, where Iuka presents a bound Naruto in the classroom.

"You have succeeded in surpassing Chunin Ninja from our village while you were at the academy?"Asks Shikaku."

"Thank you."Naruto laughs back to the man.

"Now listen to Naruto, you have the last diploma test and it failed. This is not time to go, you're crazy!"

"Have you failed twice?"Requires a skeptical tsunade.

"Silence, BAA-Chan."Naruto muttered, not happy to relive this and to be held responsible for it.

"How did you call me?"A murderous glint appears in her eyes when she lifts a fist.

"Tsunade-sama, please not."Inoichi reprimand Sannin.

Naruto seems grateful to the older blonde.

"He must be aware that Jutsu works."

"Hello!"Naruto protests high and has the hope of finding a paw, Rash Ruthly.

Inoichi shoots him a smile.

The eye of Iruka moves.

"We want a gene test on Henge No Jutsu (transformation technique)! Even those who have already passed will take it!"

Immediately all students moan.

First a girl is in a red dress with green eyes and long pink hair.

"Haruno Sakura."She presents herself.

"Good."Their teacher praises her with a smile.

She is looking forward to jutsu when she canceled."Have you seen that, Sasuke-Kun?"

"Great, a fangirl." Mutter's tsunade, with the look of a disgust on her face.

"Value xt, Sasuke is Sasuke."

The boy behind her in the line arrives stoically.

Iruka division.

"Value XT, dazzling Naruto."

"Uzumaki? I thought Kushina is the last ..." Minato mumbles and shoots a look at the teenager who is not too far from him.Is she the boy's mother?But why would he bear his name?

In the background, the children complain to the blonde dressed in an orange jumpsuit."This is all your fault!"

"Annoying ..."

"As I am interested."The blonde mumbles.

Blue Chakra rotates around Naruto as he performs Jutsu, and with the brand's cloud of the brand the baby transforms into a foxy, blond and a very nude teenage girl who blows a kiss on the poor teacher.Iruka's mouth falls open and he is immediately stunned to what he sees registers.Then he flies backwards from the power of the nasal coating.

Jiraiya has the same reaction as IUKA, only with a perverse smile on his face.

"What the hell is that?!"Tsunade shout in an anger.

"It's brilliant!"Jiraiya shouts when he returns.

Minato Sugar as a tsunade almost sends his teacher through a wall for that comment.

The man tilts his head in such a way that he can still see the screen, but people can't see his face ... Minato Sweat Drops and the others in the room are difficult, but only Naruto laughs immediately.

"What is it like? I call it Oiroke No Jutsu (Sexy Jutsu)!"

Naruto laughed aloud and does not notice the rapid recovery of his teacher.

"Absolutely right."Tsunade mumbles.

The scene changes in the direction of the Hokage monument.Naruto is cursed when he tries to scrub the paint.

"I'll not let you go home until you clean it all!"IUKA calls to the baby.

"I do not give a hoot."Naruto shouts back, just as angry."

"And your parents?" Asks Minato.

That blonde looks at him."I'm an orphan."

Minato wrinkles.What did it mean?together .. .

Breeding continues to scrub the child.Iuka looks at him for a while before he tries it again.

"Naruto ..."

The blonde looks up, an irritated look on his face."What is it this time?"

"What I meant is ... If you clean up all this mess, I will buy your windows tonight."Stars appear in the eyes of the boy.

"Yes! I will end it in a short time, Datebayo!"Naruto calls out enthusiastically.

Minato hums.

Later the night eten naruto en iruka ramen in ichiraku.

"Naruto, why did you destroy the monument?"

"Sure I will."Naruto says with his mouth full of windows.

"In short, those who receive the Hokage name are the strongest Ninja in the village, anyway? Among them is the fourth Hokage that saved the village from the Nine-Staart Demon Fox."

"Why did you do that?"

"Because I become a hokage myself, and then I will surpass all the previous hokage!"Naruto ends this sentence by focusing his chopsticks on his teacher. "

"Nice dream, kid."Minato laughs at Naruto who happily goes back.

"The dream of a fool."Tsunade mock.

"I don't want to hear from you!"Naruto is bursting and laughs.

Tsunade wrinkles.She doesn't know for sure if she liked this child.

"And then! And then I get the village to recognize my strength! By the way, Sensei, I have an advantage to ask ..."

"What, do you want seconds?"

"No ... can I borrow your leaf protector?"Naruto asks him with an innocent smile.

"Oh, this?"Iuka points to the headband.

"To cut."That blonde pull.

"Nice try."Sandaime laughs.

Iuka laughs."So that's why you have removed your glasses."

"Seconds!"The child shouts in revenge.


Minato laughs, entertained by the exchange.

"Not to be a loot, but why do we see this? I mean, you can't tell me that this is an important moment in your live."

"It is not as if I can choose which memories you see. The really important parts will appear later, I assume that ..." Naruto pulls a bit.

The next day she sees in class.

"Now for graduation research you will do Bunshin No Jutsu. If you are called, come to the next room."Says Iuka with a name list in your hands.

Naruto eagerly awaits his turn."Dadamn, why is it my worst skill ..."

When it's finally his turn, Hans Bunshin looks like it's dying ...


"Not a violation child, but this is the third time that you have not passed the exam of the Academy. Give Shikaku skeptical.

"I did not deliberately went back. It's an accident!" Naruto cries indignantly.

Hokage nods."I thought you have since the start of these memories. Inoichis Jutsu, even if it was not used much, fake memories do not let this kind of clarity appear. We would have noticed the difference now."

Naruto laughs at it and feels relieved.

Disappointed Falls Naruto Down.

"Iruka sensesei ..." speaks the white hairy chunin next to the teacher.

Naruto looks hopeful.
"In no way, Mizuki-senses. Everyone makes three clones, but Naruto has only made one, and it's useless. I can't let him pass."

To be honest, I can see where he comes from.Although the fact that you can surpass Chuunin, you must also be taken into account. “Minato reluctantly speaks.

"Which other tests?"

The adults in the room flash to the teenager.

"... Academy Graduation Test now, is a written test with a Taijutsu test, a Genjutsu and a Ninjutsu test that follows. Do you tell me that they only tested your Ninjutsu skills?"

"I mean yes?"

The adults share a troubled look.Hiruz cannot help it, but wonders why it has changed because it looks very ineffective for him.

Then they see Naruto on a swing just outside the academy.

"Well done! That's my son!"

"Now you are a man!"

"I'm so proud of you! I have to make your favorite dinner."

And then the whisper starts when the adults look at Naruto.

"Hello, that child ..."

"Yes, that's the child and he is the only one who failed."

"Well that's good."

"What?"The hills wrinkles.Why?

"We can't let him become shinobi. Since then he has been ..."

"Hello, we can't talk about it!"

They all frown.

Naruto refuses to listen more, Naruto leaves quickly.

In the village, Mizuki Sensei De Blonde catches.


"Iruka sensesei is a serious person."Explains Chunin.

"But why does he choose me?"He pids Naruto.

Mizuki laughs."He probably sees himself in you. He probably thinks he wants you to be strong in a real way. Try to understand the feelings of Iruka, because you don't have any parents either."

Naruto looks down on his hands and a sad look in my eyes."But I wish I was trained."

"Well," Mizuki flirts."I'll tell you a secret ..."

"What is he doing?"Jiraiya asks quietly.

The scene changes again.

Naruto seems to sneak around the Hokage tower at night.

"What do you do here at this hour?"Asks you the third hokage -stupid when he catches Naruto in the promotion.

The blonde makes a surprise and cries in reflex: "Sexy no Jutsu!"


Overwhelmed by the beautiful lady for him, Hokage goes out in a pee.

Jiraiya falls off her chair again and laughs."Sensei, yes ..."

This time it is Hiruses that touches him upside down.

Naruto continues and is seen and searches by rollers.

"Let's look ... The first skill is ... Cakebunshin? (Shadow Clone) What the hell is it? Why does it start with a, I'm bad at?"

"Would you try to learn a Jutsu from that role? Cake Bunshin is a dangerous technique," says Minato worried.

"The only role that Jutsu has in it is the forbidden role. Why would you take it?"

"It will be explained later."Naruto muttered.He is not looking forward to the next part.

Later Iruka Naruto finds in her open space.The boy breathes hard and has the role on his back.

"I found you!"Calls an irritated Iuka.

"Oh, I found the nose bleeding!"Naruto shouted enthusiastically.

"Idiot, I found you!"Shout Iruka as an answer.

"You are such a comic man."Jiraiya laughs.

"Oh, yes, I'm the best joker!"Naruto radiates against the man, only a small spread of pain coming into his heart when he communicates with his old teacher.

"Hehehe, you found me."

"Have you managed it? But Jutsu requires a huge amount of chakra?"Asks Minato stunned.

"I always had large chakra reserves. It is because of my almost non-existent chakra check that I can't make a regular Bunshin."

'Naruto, you are all defeated.What are you doing?'

"Remember that! I will try an incredible Jutsu. If I do that, let me out -Exam!"

"Why would he study you for it?"Asks Chouza with a wrinkle, who talks for the first time.

Iuka flashes.So you train here?

"Is the?"

"Han?"The children look up, eyes rose in concentration.

"Where did you get that role on your back?"

"Oh this? Mizuki sensei told me about it. And also about this place."

"He says that if I show you this skill, I will certainly study!"


"It seems that we have a traitor."

When he hears something, Iuka Naruto quickly pushes out of the way and takes a hit from different Kunai that has been launched on the child himself.

"Well done to find him."Laughs Mizuki who suddenly appears.

Iuka stares at her boyfriend on a Kunai."I can see it, so that's what's going on ..."

"Naruto, give me the route."The white man screams with laughter.

"What is going on here?"Asks Naruto.han so confused that you can almost see a questioner over his head.

"Come on, kid, it's not that hard to connect facts."


"Naruto, don't give him the role even if you die!"

"It is a dangerous role that the Ninjutsu has forbidden in it. Mizuki used you to get hold of it!"

Shaking, Naruto gets up.

"Naruto, there is no sense that you have it. I will tell you the truth."

"The truth?"Naruto asks, more confused than ever.

"No not!"Iuka shout desperately.

"Twelve years ago ... do you know that the Demon -Vos is sealed, right?"Mizuki keeps blowing him up."

"Verslooted? Kyuubi is sealed again?"Asks Minato.

Naruto nods something.Minato -sugar and finally understanding.

Naruto sees his father with broad eyes.

The others in the room nod in understanding, but give no other response.

"... a sentence?"Naruto asks.

"But Naruto, this rule is never meant to hear you."The traitor continues to speak.

"Not for me? What is this rule? Why?"Ask Naruto, hectic.

"It's strange. How would you not have been told?"Shikaku mumbles softly.

Yet Naruto hears him and can't help it.

Mizuki humrer.

"What kind of rule is that?"Naruto asks again with wide blue eyes.

"The rule is that nobody can talk about the fact that you are the Demon Fox."Mizuki beats him.

"He is not the fox, only the prison," says Minato with a strong voice.

Naruto Sugar lit and laughs at the man.Minato, who sees the beautiful smile on the boy's face, laughs back.

"Huh what do you mean?"Naruto shouts again, his voice breaks a bit.

"Stop it!"Iruka calls.

"It means that you are Kyuubi who killed the parents of Iruka and destroyed the village! You are sealed by Hokage, admire you and ..."

"Oh, close it, your idiot."Minato really doesn't love the white man.

"Stop it!"IUKA tries again.

"You were lied by everyone!"Mizuki continues as if Iuka is not there.

"Why did they tell the whole village?Minato screams in!"

Naruto shrugs."Apparently Yondaime Hokage wanted the village to see me as a hero."

"Really, who the hell is it naive?!"

Naruto can't help it, but laugh with it.Oh, the irony ...

Tears gather in Naruto's eyes.

"Iuka is the same! He actually hates you!"

"Naruto!"Iruka is concerned about the reaction of the young boy.

"He has never known the love of a parent and is hated by all villagers because of this incident."

"Nobody will ever accept you."Mizuki shouts as he waves forward.

"So to get attention ... He causes many problems. He is looking for recognition of his existence in every possible way."

"That role is used to seal yourself."Mizuki has almost reached the blonde.

"He behaves hard, but he really suffers."

Blood flies over the screen.Iruka sees Naruto covering his body as the big wind that Shuriken Mizuki has thrown out of the back.S from the man's mouth to Narutos has colored cheeks.


"M-mine parents, after they have died, nobody compliments or recognizes me. I was so sad ... I would always worn as an idiot to get people's attention."Attention by doing well at school. "

"They know for sure how to go monologue ..." Shikaku mumbles."This takes too long. Why would the traitor wait until Iuka ends? Not that in this case I complain, but does this kind of thing happen often?"

Naruto rubs his hand against the chin and thinks."Normally it is only the bad guys.""

"It's so painful."Iuka is now crying "Yes, Naruto, you must have hurt a lot. I am sorry, Naruto, if I have done it better, you don't have to feel it."

Naruto hesitates for a moment and then, clearly overwhelmed, the boy runs away.

The scene is changing and Naruto is now running through the trees.

He runs as far away from his teachers as his feet can wear him.Arka wins him after having chased him through the trees.

"Naruto!"Iruka runs next to the boy.

Naruto changes direction in the middle of the leap and tackles his teacher.

They look at the screen in tense silence.

The man flies back while Naruto lands and connects the role in his arms.

"What? Iruka depends on the child."Why?Naruto ... how did you know I wasn't an IUKA?

"Hehehe."The Naruto laughs.

"Nice."Cheers Jiraiya.

"I see."Snow the white -haired man.

Naruto, unknown to both men, hides a little further away behind a tree.

"Hehehe, would you transform into what your parents killed to protect him?"

"I don't give that role to an idiot like you!"Iuka shouts back.

"You are an idiot."Mock Mizuki.

"Naruto and I am the same."The man almost whispers when he looks down.

"The same?"

When he hears this, Naruto wrinkles.

"If you use the skills in that role, you can do what you want. There is no way that Demon Fox will not try to use this power, in contrast to what you take."

"Yes ..." Iuka agrees with a soft smile.

Minato wrinkles again.

"Oh, can you just continue?! Stop talking and doing something!"If it wasn't so cumbersome, Shikaku would have shouted.

Naruto Kromp in and hears this.

"Damn, what I knew ... Look, even Iuka senses ... Deep inside ... Don't recognize me."

Minato reaches the baby and puts his hand on the shoulder.Fortunately the younger blonde laughs at him.

"Demon Fox would do it ..." Iuka interrupts Naruto's depressing thoughts, "but Naruto is different. He is ... I recognize him as one of my excellent students. He may not be the most difficult worker ..."

Naruto squeezes the role for himself and tries to hide his face in it.

"And he is awkward, so nobody accepts him. He already knows what it's like to feel pain in your heart. He is no longer the demon fox ..."

Again, a short flash of the suspended form of Naruto has been shown."He is a member of the Hidden Magazine."

The tears that the boy has tried to contain since the beginning of the day are finally falling."He is Uzumaki Naruto!"

They all smile at it.

Naruto shakes and tries to relax, to regain control of his feelings and not to make a noise.

Mizuki grimaser.

Iuka is weak due to blood loss and can only see from his chair to a tree.

"Iuka, I said I would take care of you later, but I changed thoughts. Hurry up and die!"Mizuki throws weapons.

Iruka laughs but does not move.He doesn't need it.

Naruto and Head-Men unexpectedly appear the attacking Shinobi.

"Finally, something happened."Shikaku mumbles.

"Do you want to remain silent?!"The youngest blonde cries in the room.

"If you stay?!"

"You shouldn't have done it ..." Mizuki mumbles, who slowly got up.

"Don't touch Iuka sensei. I kill you!"With the role that rests on the ground, but still in his hand, Staart Naruto.

"You tell him kid!"Chouza is enthusiastically screaming.

"You idiot!

"Silent! Punks like you, I'm done with a shot!"Mizuku reads again to attack.

"Try it, the recycle bin! I give the pain back a thousand times!"The boy forms a hand department.

"Do it, Demon Fox!"

"The technology of Shadow Alter Ego!"

Both Chunin, however, pants in shock about what followed next time.

The people who look at the memories that respond in the same way.

Hundreds of Naruto appear.Entire clearing is filled with them!

"Wow, good work child!"Jiraiya gives him his thumb up.

Naruto Glitish, especially when he sees his father yawning.

"Wha- What Happense?"Mizuki is crying, the tightness.

"What is going on?"Spotter Naruto."Come to me!

Surprised, Iuka only sees .'naruto, you ... '

"Well, I'll start things!"And with that all the clones start to attack the traitor.

Iuka then laughed only one Naruto next to the beaten form of Mizuki remained.

"Give it good."Minato shines on the screen.

"Hehe, I went a bit too far ..." Naruto rubs the back of his head and becomes embarrassing.

Iuka laughs."Naruto, come here. There is something that I will give you. Close your eyes."

Naruto does as told.

"Ok, you can open your eyes."

His eyes are flying open and Iuka is in front of him.He laughs and keeps Naruto's glasses in his hand.Han's main tires are missing.

"Congratulations on the exam! Let's celebrate; I buy a bowl with windows. Exaggerated, Naruto tackles Iuka in a hug and laughing happy.

"Well, it's fun."Shikaku smile when the photos disappear."

"It's the first of many to come."Grin inoichi.

"How much, exactly?"Nara moans.

Minato puts his hand on Naruto's shoulder again."Congratulations."

Bloosend feels Naruto smiling until his face almost divided into two.


Seeing the future through memories - Chapter 1 - Ninjazzz, Sunflowerdrake (2024)
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Author: Jerrold Considine

Last Updated:

Views: 5375

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (58 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.