Citizens by Power - Chapter 1 - Evilfuzzy9 (2024)


'Yondaime-San.I am happy to see you.'

The voice of councilor Genzai Morimoto was quiet, but still firmly when he approached the man who was behind Hokage's desk.

Minato Namikaze, the yellow flash, tense hands and met the dark eyes of Konoha's trade representative.Bred and grabbed with very scary hands, Genzai certainly saw the part of an experienced professional, although he had not done a fair day for decades.

But they were politicians for you.Save the atmosphere of an honest, hardworkingTo workWithout significant hypocrisy on his part.Then everything, did he not even betray his own voters on a much deeper and more basic level?

"You too, Morimoto-san," said Minato, nodding to Rådmann and turn off his regret."

Currently my D.

'Ah, you always cut directly, Hokage-The same, "He said, so it was honored a somewhat ironic bend." Can't I just come by to say hello to the most important political figure in Konhagakure? "

Minato smiled on his side, but the expression did not meet his eyes.

"We both know it is a lie, Morimoto-San. I am just a servant of the people."

"Yes, yes. Because it should all be great leaders," Genzai said with a graceful hand.

But there was a glimpse of something else in his eye, and Rådmann saw the side of a family photo sitting on the Hokage desk for a long time.

Minato followed the gaze of Genzai and then, where the eyes of the council members fell on Naruko and Kushina.

The blonde forced itself to smile.

"Have my children proved acceptable for their stations?"Asked Minato politely, thinking about how he and Kushina had inevitably sent them napkin during the citizen council.

"They have it," Genzai said smiling."I prefer the girl, but then her duties run a lotcloserTo my own interests. "

Minato knew that Genzai did not refer to the role of Naruko as a bodyguard.

"And Naruto?"He asked easily.

"He keeps the militants under control," Genzai said, not interested., now she is oneLandland. I love kunoichi. "

The smile that spread over the face of the trade representative after this comment left no room for illusions about why it was that he was the female class of Shinobi, Kunoichi, generally known, generally known for their precisely cultivated beauty and sexuality.

Minato did not feel guilty about this.Other large villages that were also tired of such people in their ranks who cling to war and constant push limits for their treaties.

It even worked., destroying power, and the citizen council was completely willing to exercise his new authority in Shinobi, which once had the Lord of them.

"I'm glad she is satisfactory," said Minato.

"Much more than just satisfied," said Genzai, flirting, you and me."

Minato has done very well to make a smile of his grimase.

"Kurenai-Chan, my darling, you don't show my friendsbeautifulThings you do with your tongue? "

Kenichi Morimoto, sixteen -year -old cousin of the civil councilor Genzai Morimoto, suffered from his wife.That it was clear that she had no underwear.

She looked around secretly.If they were in a private place, this request could have been within the tolerance of her long -term dignity and self -respect, although all his friends were still in a park.People also saw and stared at their collection.

Especially at Kurenai.

So that they could not be confused with burgers, all shinobi were made to have the village band marked visible somewhere on their bodies.Usually placed in more intimate places.Such as the chest, thighs, navel or buttocks.Would withdraw what precious few rights she still had.

Kurenai looked down and saw that Kenichi had drunk his zipper and had his co*ck flopped out of her pants.'requested'.

Kurenai swallowed for most of the public decor was the same as before the paradigm shift.A privilege of the proud defenders of Konoha, but everyone knew the real intention of this exception.

Kurenai looked in the eyes of the boy - not even a man - with whom she was forced to marry.Her disobedient behavior before she had finally learned to obey.

Kurenai did not sigh.She did not ask Kenichi if he would change the meaning.

"Do you want me to be dressed or -?"

One of Kenichi's friends Wolf flashes.

"Turn it out!"The teen f*cks.

Kenichi nodded agreement.

Kurenai Gulpede and avoided the tires in her dress.In the park so hungry or appreciated hungry or appreciative.Many women have spilled and whispered among themselves.

Large, creamy breasts that were absorbed when Kurenai sucked a stiff one.

Kurenai was vibrating about their abuse.Tomoë.Kenichi smiled at her and lifted her semi-up-getting co*ck free.

Wide, child -bearing hips are thrown back to make a sleek but spacious rear dollar in the air and flexibly beautiful.That he would get it out of her skin if she refused, she separated from her lips and lifted his mouth to take his phallus.

"That's right, honey," said Kenichi."You know what your husband needs and you take care of his needs. You are a good, dutiful woman who knows exactly what her husband owes."

Kurenai closed her eyes and felt her cheeks burned, her mouth moved steadily back and forth over Kenichi's co*ck.

Slurp, slurp, slurp.

If she made him dissatisfied, she would be punished.

And she didn't want to be punished.

So she baptized her head and walked her lips over the teenagers of the teenagers and sucked his co*ck naked in the middle of the park while spectators were delivered and tense.

"MM, have you already placed it in her?"Said a aging, portly civilianat against her finished, balming countryman.can not?

He rested a hand over the basket of a soft, round ass.Straight, straight, while the pot-bouqueted old man roughly threw her ass.

"Oh, I have it," said the bald man, flirting to her boyfriend.

Hinata blushed shameful and pushed her fingers.

"Y ... yes, nakagawa-sama," she stammered.

"Look, Kitaguchi?"Said Nakagawa, flirting to her boyfriend.I'm sure."

However, Hinata's redness was further elaborated.

"You are full of bluster today, Nakagawa," said Kitaguchi, shook her head."Did you really f*ck her as you say? I think so, f*cked you like a wayIher?"

Hinata did not answer immediately and recognized a Landmin when she saw one., or at least their money.

On the other hand, it was not her place as Kunoichi to be ashamed or disturbing a burger, as much less rich as Nakagawa.LOVE, No, she would not apply such a high name to thispeople- But still to say that he was not as good as Kitaguchi would probably sow his pride, and it was a big no.

So she silently silent at a long, drawn moment and carefully considered her options before she was finally able to draw up a suitable answer.

"I would not assume that I have to judge somehow," Hinata said softly, doing his best to ignore it when Kitaguchi pushed a hand into his dress.Please and you should.

Made lo.

"Fair enough!"He said violently and led to Hinata from the table."

Nakagawa put out his hand to grab a handful of Hinata's chest.damp.

To be beautifully ashamed and to know the punishment she would come across if she could not serve these men, Hinata spread her legs and walked up her skirt.of the restaurant.

The Hyuuga Emergency fell on the man's lap and bite her lip while a throbbing dick jumped between her legs.Had a right to itself, but Hinata felt really joy in his touch.

With a worthless, cute moan bent Hinata grabbed her back and grabbed the back of the chair while Kitaguchi won her breasts and pushed her into her puss*.

The spectators smiled at themselves and thought what a whor* heir of the Hyuuga clan was and how shameless and perverts were kunoichi.

These great, overwhelming ends were really only good at things like this.

Tazuna, the shock -rich, aging bridge builder from the land of the waves smiled at his grandson when the boy - a young teenager, now - ordered their escort on her knees so that he could adjust her collar.It was an article designed from Bright Red Leather, a dog collar with a shiny brass name that readsHana Inuzuka.

The connected to the collar was a string.Tazuna was not very interested - she had only bought a belt to use on their escort - he knew that Inari was very happy to pull the belt and stumble the woman to them.

She was a Buxom brunette and her anti-aircraft resort was impractically low.that he was interested in it.Alt what it is about was that it made her fun to look at, more beautiful than she would have been otherwise, and she was pretty easy in her eyes in the beginning.

In addition to West, she wore knee -high socks in blue Shinobi could bind her socks likeKnee -highBecause it was the only things that cover her legs.-Dideid of each buttocks were simple.

She clearly did not dress this way for her own comfort.Although not about protecting her charges.

And certainly it would probably lead to the bitch being raped or beaten or broken in slavery and sold on the black market.

There was no"Gentlemen"To be made about this statement.That she had been lost en route.

Inari was also clearly interested in her, after the way he let his hands run away from the collar to trace Hana's front, dive into her vest and explore the hidden reach of her breasts under her shirt.She didn't protest.

She was very well trained and she looked like she would make a better whor* than a Kunoichi.

Tazuna almost stumbled through this thought.

As if there was a difference between the two.

Haku was bent over a table.

She felt the man's co*ck in her.Apparently sign of slower.But she doubted whether it would take a long time before he was ready, whatever happens.

Before he was ready and the next man approach.

Haku closed his eyes and thought of the inside of Zabuza.

She wished she had the courage to get up and fight and die next to Zabuza's fallen form.Forced opportunities.

She hated how she had left all pride, all the honor, all dignity and on her face,In addition toTo the golf people and desperately asked them to save her life."mercy", and the fact of the indication of her women about what it led to the fact that they did from her supplications.

If she had been a man, they might have just killed her, or even if they saved her, just that she worked in a meniscus and not - essential but difficult job.Work tasks until the day she gave up the mind and died of exhaustion.

But Haku was still deadly afraid of dying first in a different way.Hair in new rich in misery and she scoops her despair of his, whether it is life or death.

The man who f*cked Haku interrupted her thoughts.Despite herself, she felt a perverse, morbid pleasure.

Invisible, she thought of how much it would do for most in the land of the


Even when the next man had her grabbed her hips and with her puss*, Haku knew it was just a matter ofwhenAfter all, she became pregnant.

She would be ready to copulate with citizens until she got pregnant.HyoutonBloodline limit.Haku knew with a gloomy, crushing safety as the weight of a mountain on top of her chest that she would be bred and bred, f*cked and f*cked and gave birth again, again, again,againUntil she was too old and worn and made it longer.

The truth was that this did not differ too much from how Kiriga Cure would probably have treated her if they had taken her first, and it was this understanding that her hope really oppressed.Zabuza-Sama had risen against this new, distorted system, and he was portrayed as a dog.Eer.

She felt that she was the only person in a world of animals.

Could there be a worse fate than this?

Anko Mitarashi could remember for a while that he would be Kunoichi, it was worth and respect, a time when Shinobi was feared and honored as the dangerous but noble protectors in the village and his people.Old enough to have lived at a time before the big change before Yondaime and his Red Devil of a woman sold them all.

Anko was an intelligent woman for all her blusterer, for all her brash and theaters a friendly and empathetic andconsciouslyPerson who knew the world and the people and the meaning of what over the most.

In the end there would be no one who remembered such a time if things didn't change., possibly not before centuries had disappeared.And at that time, what would have been of the big and noble clans of the smaller families of the ordinary citizens who sought to defend their value and their house against all expectations?

Their story was removed.A racist Empire Builder and Hiruzen Sarutobi as a debilitating fool three hokage without taking a single life.

Propaganda, clear and simple.To be worked out from the records and to make a nonsense what they could do to suck dicks - literally or metaphorically - from Konoha's new overlord question that expressed it.Women bow and remove their clothes and left their bodies to the cruel, cheerful whims of their civilian masters.

Anko, regardless of how much she abhorred it in her heart, regardless of how much she raged on the terrible, oppressive machines of this new order, was no different than the rest.could survive;Anko knew better than fighting, whatever it was like to surrender.

She was a ninja, not a samurai.Unless the propaganda from the earlier regimes of Ninja code and duty formation and for all pink tone of nostalgia, Anko was smart enough to recognize the lecture for what it was overwhelming, then success, success,AndHonor for a very distant third.If it meant that she could live another day, she would go back and take what they did to her.If she did nothing else, she could pray for a day if the opportunity would be limits if it were to go, all these events, these abuse, these abuse, would serve as fuel in retribution and justice.

But it didn't seem likely that this would soon happen ifeverWithin her life.

Anko did not try to think too hard when she was attached to the spawning wall with a huge, fleshy fist with much more size than real power.Firmness in Shinobi.He was civil, whatever he was, and in all likelihood it was his little friends.

They moved slowly, awkward against her standards that seem to bleed like Hamstrung Bulls.Learn them easy to take.But Anko knew just as determined that if she lifted a hand against this villain, she would be prosecuted for abuse, it didn't mind that they had started that her actions would be considered self -defense.

A leg, Rat stood opposite the young man who stood against Anko while her cheek was pressed hard against the wall.To stare and approach and ask her.

She didn't care.

That was the point.did notlike itThis is.She knew that there was a few younger Kunoichi who had known nothing else, just like Naruko the daughter of the Hokage.Being treated in this way was good and decent and of course for them.

It might have been foolish sentimentality on her part, but Anko thought it was her responsibility to do what she could do to alleviate the pressure on these girls.Farce.Some of these girls may have become her students or her subordinates were still things they should have been.Generations given, a sometimes secret and sometimes open despite the Ninja code.From the first hokage to herself and her comrades it was understood that the older Shinobi, the veterans, was responsible for those who were among them.

The next generation was the most important.

This was not a fight and this was not dead, but Anko was still sticking to these ideals.Shinobi.She would tolerate it.If she could even help a girl find a short bracer of the greedy convictions of these bastards, Anko thought that her life could still have an opinion as if she could still be proud of herself as Kunoichi.It was just the kind of person that she did not go into one of the poor young Kunoichi who had been her students, her soldiers.

It hurt.It was miserable.It was disgusting and humiliating and hell like nothing else.

It was humiliating to have her face pushed on their ugly, brutal co*cks, a hundred times more size than useful.Lubricant, her dick tore from each other from a daring, throbbing, fleshy erection.

It felt horrible to let their co*cks fill in her puss* one after the other, her labia spread so far apart that they no longer close completely, her once pink and lush now worn, dark in constant use, leveled by continuous penetration,Loose and highly stretched, if still warm, still wet, still good enough to f*ck and get these monkeys out.

They were like animals.From view, but on just a foot of the sidewalk, their shapes still half in the light, and the body of Anko protruded for everyone who was interested in looking and seeing.

She hated them so much.Death she would do nothing but serve her a quick and painful end if she was lucky.

If she was unlucky, she would end up as Naruko or one of the other young girls who were sold out to the civil advice to buy an advantage for their Spinless Sweep families.Ego and history and morality.

Part of Anko wondered if it would not be preferred.

But the rest of her thought to the girls, the young people who had not known any world, but this, not a way of life, but this, and she knew she could not endure this treatment - if it does in the leastGood before she finally forgot bread and again.

She closed her eyes and relaxed, let the men rap her in the alley in the full view of all passers -by.

It almost felt ...Good, not.

Yes, it really wouldn't be much anymore.

But it was fun.

Anko ...

Anko didn't care anymore.

Citizens by Power - Chapter 1 - Evilfuzzy9 (2024)
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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.