Report on student accommodation: Supply and demand ... /.../ 2017/06/Report-on-Student-Accound Mommom code SUP ... · Page |3 2. The demand for accommodation on campus is clear -[pdf -document] (2024)

Report on student accommodation: Question and tender

Table of contents

Managementsamenvatting .................................................................................................................................... 0

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................. .... ............................... 1

2. Ask for accommodation on campus ........................................... .................................

2.1.The figures of students and projected students ....................................... ................................ 4

2.2.International students .............................................. ...................................................... .... ........... 4

2.3.Students with disabilities ......................................... .......................................................... ........ 5

2.4. ...................................................... .... ............................... 5

2.5.Reconciliation for Bedsum ....................................... ...................................................... ...................... 6

3. Delivery of accommodation on campus ....................................................... ...................................................... .... 7

4. Approach and offer ................................................ ...................................................... ... ......... 8

5. Costs and income from student accommodation .............................................. ............................. 10

5.1.Capital Investments for new buildings ................................................... ..........................................10

5.2. ................................... 11

6. Recommendations ........................................................... ...................................................... .... ...................... 12

Appendix 1 References ........................................................... .... .................................................. ........ ................... 14


There has been an unprecedented growth in participation in higher education in recent years and this is

set to continue on the basis of projections for a full demand for education developed by

Education and skills department.DESSE projections estimate that the demand will rise from

Almost 168,000 in 2014 to nearly 193,000 by 2024. Participation in higher education brings many

Advantages for the individual, society and the economy.

Infrastructure including an increasing demand for suitable stay of students.This report sets

Of the estimated supply and demand for student accommodation and related problems.

Section 1 of this report contains the general political context of the development of this report and

Emphasizes some recent trends on the rental market and the range of homes.

Section 2 indicates the estimated demand for students for students, both institution in higher education

(Hei) and Private, currently and until 2024. An estimated requirement of 57.104 beds

Room in 2014. The demand is expected to rise to just over 68,670 in 2024.

Section 3 indicates the estimated delivery of students with students, both heath and private.The current

Number of beds, both heath and private, suitable for student accommodation is estimated

Barely 31,300.

The total available beds will rise to slightly less than 43,500 by 2024.

Section 4 summarizes the position with regard to supply and demand for students with students.It is

estimated that there is an unfulfilled question of around 25,000 beds that have a significant influence

On the private rental sector.DESSE -Data are based on the current and expected development of students


Section 5 shows a summary of the estimated investment and income generated by students

Accommodation.It estimates that the total gross investments planned by fuss and private developers,

was in the order of € 1 billion in the period up to 2024. Income level generated by the university

The student accommodation sector is due to the increase in DKK 51 million. € in 2014 to barely € 120

millions by 2024. The costs for maintaining the increased number of beds will double

Period of estimated € 30 million in 2014 to just over € 63 million.

Take on the costs of major renovations.

Section 6 of this report contains a number of recommendations, as if they are being implemented, either completely

Or partly can help relieve some pressure in the short term and at the same time accelerate the existing

Planned student accommodation projects and increases the pipeline for projects in the coming years.

This includes recommendations regarding the Rent-A-Room scheme, planning and development,

Delivery models, financing, development costs, availability, access to access and further


Higher Education Authority (HEA) wants the advice and support of

Financing and accommodation employees in the Heis.


1. Introduction

This report was written in connection with recent, important government policy initiatives on

Construction and social housing

Into reconstruction of a sustainable construction sector that has the capacity to build the houses and

Infrastructure that we need as a society and make the full contribution to financial recovery.It is

The government has made it clear that the goals of the housing policy will be affordable prices, sustainability and

Inclusion.The aim of the construction 2020 is to produce the production of home too three -sided by 2020 that will also be

Give 60,000 jobs in the same period.

Moreover, the government has also launched a new six -year social housing strategy that includes

A target to deliver 35,000 new social housing for a price of 3.8 billion estimated that some

29,000 jobs will be created and maintained during this period.

The demand for student accommodation in particular influences the private rental market and

Trends in this sector are reported in a recent DFTT.Ie Rental Report1 with rental costs

increases and especially in the hangers of the pendants around the Dublin.

that a low number of property has been offered to the market in Dublin in the last 18 years


This report and other reports published by the National Economic and Social Council (Nesc) point to

The fact that this offer is an important determining factor for accessibility and affordable prices for rental properties.

The latest report from NESC on the private rental sector - the rental sector of Ireland: paths

To ensure coating and affordable offer published in May 2015, the fact emphasizes

The national tenant about 305,000 households (19%) of a private landlord and

Percentage of household rents is considerably higher in Galway (40%), Dublin (34%) and Cork

(29%) 2.

The NESC report also estimates that there are nearly 9,000 students of households (based on 2.73

Coating speed per household) rent in the private rented sector nationwide.

Given the rent increases that have taken place in recent years, the low stock stock and the level of

Student households in the private rented sector and the expected increase in the number of students about

In the coming years it can be argued that an increased determination of the appointed student accommodation,

Both on and next to the campus, the potential can facilitate the continuous demand from medium to long term

Pressed in the private rental sector.This may offer real benefits

1 2


For tenants in the larger urban areas of Dublin, Cork and Galway and the hanging lists

Surrounding Dublin.

Offering extra student accommodation offers benefits for the broader economy and

Society through the economic activity that takes place and through the development of the local city

Areas in less commercially attractive areas.

Job was made in the construction phase of a € 150 million. Project with resulting VAT, Paye and PSI

Receipts.Moreover, a considerable number of extra permanent campus courts would be created

In the maintenance and management of new development and of course when delivering education


Data collected by HEA shows that although there are significant capital costs that Hei's has made

The first structure of accommodation on campus and by offering continuous renovation can give it

A sustainable flow of income for heath in the long term that must be considered positive

In connection with the current work in the Higher Education Financing Group.


2. Ask for accommodation on campus

The strong demand levels show that students generally prefer

Campus accommodation.The conditions that are relevant to these houses acknowledge the duration of

Student period, eszomer pauses, as well as a high standard for maintenance and facilities.

Moreover, the experience of students is undoubtedly improved by the proximity of student facilities

Such as libraries, sports, restaurants, etc.

Limited research has been done into accommodation and housing schemes for third -level students

In United States on the other side and to a lesser extent, the UK has performed

Extensive research in this area.

Research International (Pascarella and Terenzini 2005; Thomas 2012 as quoted by Gormley 2015 p.1)

have shown that students who live in accommodation on campus

Foren students and also show higher scores on developmental scales (checking and travel,

1993 as quoted by Gormley 2015 p.1)

A financing of 2009 in 2009 for England report on students who live at home, reported

In the first year, students who lived with their parents had

Higher than residents who only had a non-reserve of 4% (Hefce 2009, p. 35 as quoted

Gormley 2015).

Groups live less chance of living at home in their first year of study.

The transition from second to third level can be a careful time for students and their parents.

Unfortunately, it can be exacerbated by the stress of standing in line for off -campus accommodation

Which in many cases can be more expensive and of less quality.

It is further complicated by the timeline between the surviving certificate results, the CAO result,

Accept and start of the semester.This leaves a very short period of time to identify and gain access


Moreover, recent research into the transition from school to higher education is ordered by

National Forum for improving education and learning emphasizes the effect so long

Hangers can have for students who are new in higher education.

Work pipes rise, including the transition challenge.It is likely that residential work traffic times

Influence on student's ability to participate in the university, especially to participate in recreation exams

Events and social activities in the evening.A longer commuting -work traffic is probably tiring and

Can also have a Domino influence on academic aspects ”3.




The expected full demand for education in the -hjalp institutions shows an increase in

167,991 FTES in 2014 to 192,886 FTEs in 2024 and is presented below in Figure 1.

International students.

Figure 1 Current and projected student numbers


The international education strategy of the government "Investment in Global Relations" 2010-20155

Included a number of goals to increase international students in higher education institutions and

These have already been reached.Institut for education and skills that lead

Development of a new international educational strategy 2016-2020, which will be completed by ending


Increasing the number of overseas students offers a different flow of income for Heis.oges

Overseas student level with 2,000, for example, the university funds with around.30 million € per year

(Provided that every student is paid at the university of € 15,000 per year).

4 This does not include international students who study in the English language sector or in colleges, which offers courses in higher education that are not financed by HEA 5 -S-International Teaching Strategy-2011110-2015-Investing-in-Global-Relationships.pdf













2014 2019 2024


Current and projected figures from students

Totally fte


Moreover, Enterprise Ireland estimated that a direct financial effect of approximately € 345 million.

From expenditure of international students in higher education in 2012 with an extra DKK 120 million. € from

Related friends and family tourism.

In total, the value of education has grown by 47% as a service export since the publication of

International educational strategy that has had an estimated direct impact of more than € 1 billion in

Irish economy compared to estimated € 682 million in 20106.

In the longer term, international students become part of the Irish 'Diaspora' building on persistent links

With their Alma Mater and with Ireland.

Generally in the most important urban areas of Dublin, Cork, Galway and to a lesser extent Limerick, the

The availability of campus enclosures is a condition for attracting new overseas students who

Students may have difficulty gaining acceptable affordable accommodation in the vicinity of a campus

In these areas he reports that international students need guaranteed accommodation

At least the first year at the time of recruitment.The expected increase in the figures of international students

Will put extra pressure on the availability of student accommodation for domestic students.

2.3.Students with a disability

There is currently also a considerable demand for beds for students with disabilities.

are not satisfied by the available stock.There are different needs because of the different types

Handicap and not just physical mobility.The Campus - Accommodation is generally considered as

The preferred opportunity to improve the participation of students, and that is considerably more, so the business

Students with disabilities.

is necessary a special challenge for financial demand and inclusion on the accommodation

Provider.This has consequences for costs, costs and inclusion.


Summer plates generate VAT to the tax to a current speed of 9%.

Cost account for incoming tourists.Ssparat There are other students looking for shorter

Semester Duration of incoming Erasmus students.This report contains no information about private

Language schools that would further influence the question.

6 contains estimate of € 280 million for the English language sector


2.5.Prial demand for the bed

There are indications that students have difficulty buying accommodation in the area

Their heath campus, especially in large urban areas.

demonstrate a shift to rental properties in the command tires that add traffic volumes and


The current demand for students with students, both heath and private, is estimated at just over 57,100

(public and private).This number is an estimate based on data provided by Heis, including Iots and

Colleagues from teacher training.Institutions of Desdessse were also asked to give details of private

Developed bedrooms in their environment.

Heis was asked to provide information at the demand level on campus bedrooms in their

institution.This was 37,698 of the total demand in 2014 of 57,1047.

19,406 is estimated as private beds.

The student's accommodation currently delivered because of the mix of developed devices, purchase for charger and

Family houses under the rent a room help.

Have extrapolated the expected demand for student bed, including international students from

Projected (median) increase in DES students from 24,895 from 2014 to 2024, as described in the figure

1, the resulting increase would result in the expected demand for the bed of 62,855 in 2019 and 68,678 in


Figure 2 Student Square question including international and Erasmus students

7 Taking into account the reasonable accuracy of the demand in the HEI bed space rates and a general error marginal

Percentage plus or minus 4% is presented on the total demand figure.


, 10



, 85



, 67


2 0 1 4 2 0 1 9 2 0 2 4 4


Student bedevraag


3. Delivery of accommodation on campus

The information about available homes for students with students were informed by contact with all Inse

And a number of private institutions.

Because the accommodation of students is estimated at 31,296.There is a margin of error percentage on plus or minus


Existing student accommodation 2014

Public Public Private Total Places

Dublin 6.501 3.786 10.287

Cork 813 2.975 3.788

Galway 764 2.466 3.230

Limerick 2.590 4.226 6.816

Waterford 446 1.919 2.365

Other locations 0 4,810 4.810

A total of 11,114 20,182 31,296 Figure 3 Existing Student Accommodation 2014

Future development of the Bed Square is based on data submitted by heaths and an estimate of private

Off-campus project

39,696 in 2019 and 43,496 in 2024 as illustrated in the diagram below (including private).

Figure 4 forecast for delivery of student accommodation up to 2024


, 29

6 3




, 49


2 0 1 4 2 0 1 9 2 0 2 4 4




Ed n





Prognosis for offering student accommodation to 2024


4. Adjust the approach and offer

Drawing of the estimates of supply and demand for, shows student accommodation that that

The demand for student accommodation is currently going on with delivery and this trend continues until 2024.

It is estimated that there is currently an unfulfilled question of around 25,000 beds that have one

Significant influence on the private rental sector.

This data is based on the current and expected development of student accommodation.

Time scale for new beds that come into the current are influenced by a number of factors, including

Planning process, access to financing, delays during the building, etc.

Figure 5 Supply of and demand for beds

Discussions with fuss and other stakeholders suggest that the lack of available accommodation

are high in Dublin, Cork and Galway and to a lesser extent Limerick.noccut in other areas,

Together with private accommodation, it is generally sufficient to meet the demand.

There is also a quality question that must be considered.The standard and suitability of some

Private student accommodation, especially where tax cuts

Capital reports are fully claimed that it is doubtful, but have not been fully investigated as part of

This exercise.Størst parts of the Hei development on campus facilities has been maintained for one

High standard with large renovations done or planned in many cases.


39.696 43.496

57.104 62.855


25.808 23.159 25.182










Supply from and demand for beds

Available bed bed question for non -filled question that influences the private rental sector

2014 2019 2024


As noted in the summary, the current imbalance between supply and demand will not be resolved by

Well -known or estimated future development.Factically increased demand as a result of further projected

Numbers will only result in a continuation of this shortage.

Taken to encourage extra investments and, where possible, to present expected projects.


5. Costs and income from student accommodation

5.1.Papital Investments to new buildings

With regard to the construction of new student accommodation, it is estimated that it costs around € 85,0008

per.bed room (current values, excluding costs related to land purchases).

100 bedroom real estate costs around € 8,500,000 to convert.

Figure 6 shows current investments and projected capital investments of universities, Dublin

The Ministry of Technology and a small number of other developments and only relates to new buildings.

Renovation costs are treated as part of the current normal cash flows.

Larger renovations are carried out by the heaths in existing beds for a period of 10-20 years.

This can be a pretty expensive exercise because of health and safety requirements and bringing accommodation

To modern standards.

Area of ​​€ 10,000- € 20,000 per bedroom to carry out these works.He is a provision of

These work in their cash flow.

Figure 6 Current and expected capital costs excluding private

As can be seen on the map above, excluding capital investments in student accommodation, excl.

It is expected that more than 700 million euros in the period 2014 to 2024. It is estimated that the total is

Gross investments planned by fuss and private developers are in the order of € 1 billion in the period

until 2024. The sources of financing for this investment level of heaths are a mixture of reinvestment of

Profit and new loans.There are no loan frames for the Institute of Technology

8 Source: Financing officials and capital section at universities












2014 2019 2024

€ 0



Current and expected capital costs excluding private development


sector and it would be difficult, if not impossible, for most Iots to finance a significant

Student Stay Project of his own resources.Most existing student

Accommodation in Hei ownership and new planned student projects are in

Of academic Sector.


As mentioned above, most accommodation complexes of the student are owned by public ownership

of the seven universities.

The accommodation will increase from DKK 51 million. € in 2014 to slightly less than € 120 million. In 2024.

The figures presented below also contain some estimated interest rates for the room.

Turnover will also increase, so that the costs for maintaining the increased number of beds

estimated that these direct and indirect costs (excluding refund of loans, but including normal,

Continuous maintenance costs) will double € 30 million in the period. In 2014 to Just

More than € 63 million in 2024. These costs do not include the costs of major renovations.

Figure 7 Current and projected income for fuss

There is a risk of developing significant new students' stay that can lead to low

Degrees paved in the summer.

Current operating costs and must be recognized in the development of new projects.

The total cash flows of the campus enclosures are sufficient to make ongoing maintenance possible, major

Renovation and reinvestment in the future development of student bedrooms.












2014 2019 2024

€ '0



Current and projected income for fuss


6. Recommendations

Although it is not possible or useful to develop accommodation on campus to fully meet students

Question is recommended that relevant stakeholders work together to increase the supply of

The student's accommodation in the coming years.The financial benefit of this development is quite

Significantly both by creating jobs in the construction phase and by increased

Expenditure of students in various areas such as shops, restaurants, washing dishes, etc. Tourism,

Visit family/friends of international students.

There are a number of limitations on Hei's to guarantee an increase in student accommodation.

These include a lack of land for development and access to financing.In implementation, both in total

or partly of the recommendations below can help relieve some pressure in the short term, while it is also

Helps to accelerate existing planned student accommodation projects and increase the pipeline

Projects in the coming years.


Lej and Room Relief


Courageous and support the recording of the Rent-A-Room scheme of

Homeowners in areas in addition to higher education institutions

Lead: D/Education and Skills, HEA, USI and Heis

Planning &


Ensure continuous flexibility of local authorities with the help of

Guidelines for specification of student accommodation

Lead: D/Environment and local authorities and local authorities

Ensure that the requirement for student accommodation is considered as

Part of the assessment of the local authorities of development plans

Lead: D/Environment and local authorities and local authorities

Local authorities to consider the use of the empty land tax,

Managed in the urban regeneration and housing account 2015 to

Increase the land offering for which it can be used

Development of the accommodation of students in our cities

Lead: Local authorities

Explore delivery models, with relevant stakeholders, the potential of joint initiatives

In which heis and an approved home agency are involved to deliver students




Financing consider the determination of a capital subsidy specifically to Heis

Development of student accommodation in a fixed period

Consider the potential to deliver future projects via a PPP

Financing model

The strategic investment fund of Ireland sees student accommodation

As an investment area that is consistent with the double bottom line mat

From commercial investments with financial impact.Isif to continue with

Participate in higher education institutions to develop financing

Solutions for accommodation on campus and with the private sector

Developers for possible investments outside the campus

Lead: ISIF, Institutions for Higher Education and Private Developers

Abstentation costs that must be taken into account for tax measures to develop on campus

Accommodation for Heis

Consult Nama on a commercial basis about availability

of suitable properties and country that can be used for students

Accommodation -Developments by Individual Heaths of Heis

Working with joint projects

Accessibility is recommended to meet any future development

The recommendations for accessed access as published by

Environmental department.Here must consult relevant

stakeholders including students with a disability in adjusting

Existing warehouse and design for new buildings

Leader: Institutions for Higher Education and Private Developers

Support the access that Hei's must consider to allocate up to 10% of the new beds

Students with disabilities to probably make an increased question of this possible


Leader: Higher Education Institutions

Research The Irish study of students' involvement (ISSE) must be expanded

Replace relevant questions about student housing to make research possible

must be carried out at student preferences for accommodation and

Related problems

Leader: Higher Education Authority


APPENDIX 1 References

Chickering, A. and Reisser, L. (1993) Education and identity.San Francisco: Jossey - Bass


Gormley, B. (2015).

Social and living conditions based on residence, non -published saves thesis, university of


Pascarella, E.T., Serenzini, P.T.(2005).How college influences students: a third decade with research.

San Francisco: Jossey - Basudgivere.

Thomas, L. (2012) What works?

In a time of change.London: Higher Education Academy.

Report on student accommodation: Supply and demand ... /.../ 2017/06/Report-on-Student-Accound Mommom code SUP ... · Page |3 2. The demand for accommodation on campus is clear -[pdf -document] (2024)
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