Red, white and royal blue (2024)


2,138 reviews67.8K Followers

February 4, 2021

I am a soul -free emptiness.

I certainly said this before, but I don't know if you really heard me.And they say that actions speak louder than words, so here I am.

To take this book that everyone has praised as pure joy / cookie level sweetness / greatest romance of our generation, although it is fictional / in general, so lucky, it seems that it must be referred to the black market conditions...

View it ... and dropped a three-point five rating (which already gave a Scrooge-like aura from Grumpiness) to ... Two point five.

And in general so discombobulated and dissatisfied that I have to write a whole new review.

(If you know something about me, you know that I am too lazy to write more reviews of a book, unless the circ*mstances are really lifelike. That's where we are.)

This did not do it for me.

Let's talk about why, in Balpins, to hopefully limit my order and therefore to limit how angry with me (please don't shout at me, I am already heartless and depressed):

- Romance: the first time I read this, I felt like the human equivalent with a waffle.Don't shout at me.

- Smut: Okay, I have to admit that this is personal preference.Subject all the explicit scenes in this book, I would only have tried to bring myself a pamphlet to participate in the fictional perfect glorious Democratic party in my hands., not convincing or fun for me.

- The characters: I love Bex or Bea (I think it's Bea) and I love Henry's friend whose name I can't remember (is it Pez? Or is it just a candy), I love June and NoraThen a lot, I want to marry them, and also to remember their names that seem to be a lot of praise for me.With a hangover shouting at the still drunk people to hold the chain or b) a grumpy old man who tells Snot-Nose children from the 1950s to get out of his farm.

- Policy: This is by far the worst of this book.Evil looking at the politics I have ever seen.Do the right one and they have never done anything wrong in their lives.It loves American people implicitly and will make historic red states blue to show them.

It is not only sick, it is harmful.Ideals, no politicians.

For full transparency I am a left -wing, so I think the Democrats are a little better than the Republicans.And falling in love with Fauci and is generally unable to keep people responsible for doing their work (what you represent) and therefore results in the results of corruption and useless politicians and the end of the world.

Dramatic enough for a stopping point?

Bottom line: Before you start screaming at me, can someone refer me to a good dentist?

Reload Pre-Increase

Completion of this assessment because the general vote for political fan fiction is much more difficult to ignore in round 2.

Potential updated review that comes / was 3.5 stars can now be 3

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Start the year where I want to continue: Buddy Reading WithLily

Original review

This is the most cute smartest book on the face of the planet.

This made me ... blush?And I can't blush famous.Little Badass (was not going on my heart and I was not nervous than I have ever been) was like: "Yes, I try not to hide anything." And he, surprised, went, "... you don't even blush."

So to summarize: I, a deeply shy 15-year-old in school, is called up for all her very cool peers of her frightening old man teacher = no blush.

The pure sweetness of this book = blush city, population me.

Casey McQuiston is a star.

This book has:
- Great fight
- the best side signs
- fantastic friendships
- So much humor (I laughed! In a book! When will it happen!)
- A lot of fear (sometimes too much fear sometimes - I got this book a bit tired of the end)
-E good cute (except actually a meeting. A cute re-with? Can I collect an expression?)
-The best idea for a forbidden / enemy-to-enthusiast romance ever !!!No exaggeration.

In short, Casey McQuiston, after just one book, is a complete car-buuy writer for me.


This was not a perfect book.

Like, yes, on the one hand everyone is right, and this is the sweetest, fluffy, most fun reading of all time.

On the other hand ... I don't want my sweet plunder policy to be fun.I don't want them to be revisionist history where the current administration is absurdly well -motivated and diverse and perfect, and there is no corruption or negotiation about the rear hallway.

If I wanted to have an idealized to-point-of-the-knowledge fictional US president, I would see West Wing and ignore the large parts.

I also think that the scene with the queen of England was central, not realistic, only very good political versus very poor policy, depending on which better the plot deserves.

This just felt ... very young.

Everything I say is ... I am interested in politics and to see that the idealized and completely unrealistic has taken me out of the story?

(Can I say the word policy more.)

Yet it was not enough to remove this book so well that it is a negative judgment or an indispensable reading.

But ... it was a collection meal.

Bottom Line: Casey McQuiston immediately give me your next book, and thanks for not writing about politics.

Original pre-increase

Nothing but respect for my (alternative reality where the fictional president of this book is the real president)

Review to Come / 3,5 sterren

TBR Review

I am a simple girl.I see a Bajillion five -star reviews of a modern I read the modern

    2 and a half stars modern Versatile


827 Reviews1,180 followers

22. augustus 2023

I, looking awkwardly at all the enthusiastic reviews for this book and is afraid to give my beautiful negative, very unpopular, but ultimately very honest:

Red, white and royal blue (3)

Okay, so please don't hate me, I'm fragile.

But even in all seriousness I didn't like this book.

Let me explain in detail how I pass on the long review!

A few months ago all the arches received for this book, and absolutely everyone thought it was great and gave it five stars.I knew I had to read it, and I knew, just -button, I had to love the sketch!

Apart from, it's not really how it all went.

I mean, don't get me wrong!. I would have a sweetness over tax.I would fall my head over heels in this story, I would love these charcters, I would have read this a five -star!

It wasn't.

I recently read an emberroad with modern romance and it is all hoping that I will find something that will melt this cold little heart!I am again twice, because that is how often I read it in 24 hours.

But unfortunately my search for such a book has proved meaningless that no other modern romance will do.

Now for the assessment!

Perhaps this book is strongly overwhelmed, or maybe I am just a miserable, heartless girl.Both are possible, but whatever happens, I had many problems with this book and I will do nothing else.

No, there is nothing that reminds me of masses when the book is released.

To begin with, this book felt like it sometimes tried too hard.

If this book was PG, it would undoubtedly be transformed into a Disney channel film, into the unrealistic happy ending, where we all pretend that the world is made of rainbows, ice cream from cotton god and unicorn speeds.

And to be honest, I would not necessarily mind.I like a happy endings.But the book was pushing politics in the throat, and it seemed to be forced over -geïdealized end, uncomfortable and so completely predictable!

The world that shows the book is what ours would look like through pink glasses.A royal prince believes that rich is the literal devil, despite the fact that they can benefit from the monarchy in every possible way.Also, the affair would also have no worldwide consequences that would influence international circ*mstances, not only between the United States and the UK, but also with any other country.

It is also a world where people who do not buy in this PC world are demonized for their faith.

In the end there are no consequences for everything.She tried to tackle racism, international circ*mstances, hom*ophobia, complicated family drama, equality, imperialism and almost any other social question that is currently being discussed, while trying to deliver good romance.

And it didn't work!

The policy of this book seemed so forced!

So yes, maybe I am heartless.

The things I mentioned are those who will undoubtedly love many people.People will claim that the book does not have to be realistic! "And I agree.

Sorry, but I'm not sorry either.

This was a sweet, romance of two cute gays that fall in love!No book about idealized political views.

I liked part of the dialog box.I sometimes laughed.It was sweet.But sometimes the characters felt for me.the enemies of loved ones and that does not agree that

In the end this book was just not for me, I think.Many of you will love it.Problems that tried to be part of the main story.I think a book that made this better wasThe Gentleman's guide for vice and virtueNot to be the person who compares all gay books, but I think someone was better at weaving everything there in ways that are relevant to the plot and realistic consequences of the character's choices.

I went to this book and expected one thing.Instead, I have overlooked something different, and in the end I think.Unfortunately this was not the book.My problem with the book has nothing to do with the LGBTQ+ aspect that it has to do with the overall version.

Just a warning, this book is not, young adult.It contains explicit sexual content!

** I received a pre -copy from this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.All opinions are my own. **

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This entire review is hidden because of spoilers.

    BUE Boren-me-to-dad modern


771 Reviews410 followers

July 13, 2020

I received this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

This book will prevent legitimate criticism because it is a "funny, downy" romantic novel, and "should not be that serious."Planks, but we have to wonder why this is the book that was chosen for "Nicholas Sparks Processing"-$ 16.99 selling price, regular publisher, all things that the most modern romantic novels do not get, especially those with LGBTQ figures., Seriously, can you think of a modern writer outside of you, who is famous to write LGBTQ romantic novels?It's actually good.
I have a theory.We'll get a bit on it.
Red, White and Royal Blue follow Alex Claremont-Diaz, a Mexican-American child whose mother was elected president in 2016.We have to imagine this book as a kind of gay pursuit that meets Liberty Parks and Recreation: a genuine, optimistic, unreasonably patriotic romp, where the stars, yes, are two hot guys, but they are worn on the wide, benevolent shoulders ofLady Liberty.
President Ellen Claremont is a white, southern, central Democrats-Fordi This is an alternative universe, but let's not go wild with two children, Wannabe Journalist June and political-Besat Alex.alx's Bue Nemesis for about.5 percent of itBook is Prince Henry from Wales and then he is his secret girlfriend for the next 90 percent.
CM writes in the recognition that this book began as a fun project, and after the course of the actual choice in 2016, a kind of therapeutic, longing exercise became. Hillary au?I don't avoid that.
There are so many small things that make this book bad: the fact that Alex and Henry are "bay window pages" for literally about ten pages until they kiss, and then there is no plot for a hundred pages;Family is caught a private -mail server that sounds like a complacent joke ("Maybe this would be something in another America, but not this one!");Alex wears a red white and blue gucci bomber jacket instead of a suit, when it ends a world about violation;When the first family and two of the royal brothers and sisters go to a hom*osexual bar in West Hollywood and do not post other customers to post or sell quotes to gossip magazines ... I could continue to be honest.Are the stupid things that we should not criticize because this is a "nice" book, so I won't.
What about it instead when Henry says: "I'd rather be the water board ... Your country could probably arrange it", and we should see that as a sweet singer.Or when Ellen says: "My FN ambassador.. Do not use it every minute that he lives) is somehow the pinnacle of morality of morality. One does not promote lifelong love for Star Wars without knowing that one'rich' is not a good thing. "These cute lines and feel-good storylines do nothing to fight with the imperial violence that suggests, as Alex and Henry both take advantage, so Ellen talked to Netanyahu, andJune wants to be BFFs with Ronan Farrow.Racist.If I had to read a good time, this position would certainly move me out.Machine.
If this book Harder in his slopes in Disney Channel was laughed to varying degrees) because the idea of ​​the President or Queen was distant fantasies, put an end to political and imperial figures.Would have roughly the tone of this book.
Even if we leave all the politics outside, there is not much to redeem..
Others have described this phenomenon more in -depthThese thoughts are not just mine.And I will notice before we start that I know that cm is not the same.The great and the whole, the people who write these things, as far as the publication world and the audience in the large and whole, white women write for an audience of a white women.Objective that brought their books to the market and bought. The hom*o Sapiens agenda and the Herenids for Vice and Virtue, and they want more from the same grand pin and beautiful young boys, light up the details of men who have sex with each other.A nice story of gay love despite challenging circ*mstances.
So let's judge: this book is painfully not aware of how painfully ignorant it is;It is an ice car that runs through an apocalyptic wilderness.And isn't it a bit offensive that the "God blessed America" ​​blows as it goes?His many ways in which this book could have been much worse, but it's not the story you deserve.

Chai ♡

343 Reviews164k followers

11. augustus 2022

Ah, yes, the only trope that sings most for me: rivals to "If we never have to be in the same proximity as each other, it will be too early" Ugh, we are forced to work together to save Reddevores for thatThe report of the countries, but this does not change anything that I still can't "wait" to you, you are actually a kind of decent person and we are really good together, I may have rated you too hard, but not much in it too"Until" Oh God, I think I really like you, but it doesn't matter "for" damn, I will literally make the moon with you with your fists and kill everyone who dares to put a finger, I'm thenSewn to enthusiasts.

Alex Claremont-Diaz, the Mexican-American first son of the United States, who tolerates Henry, the Prince of England, to about the same extent as Henry tolerates him, which is not at all."Cataclysmic, international, terrible way", Alex and Henry have no choice but to play well together.impossible.Morning, every stolen refugee moment in a hotel room, they have slowly, unforgettable on the shells around each other's all.

"Do you feel on him forever?"And there is no more room to bully it, to do nothing more than saying what he is always known.

Is it possible for your entire body to laugh?Read it in a single, feverish environment, the last 50 pages or so, absolutely from stand - not willing - to let this book go.Because it is a dream that is about to end up and drop them.

Yes, the rumors are true, the people: I am a hopeless romantic.So much tenderness for you that you can talk and every time less insecure, a little more can appear yourself, one person who helps you to stop the unclear chaos in your life so that there is less a lot in your heart?Only the pure joy to just know someone else.

When Alex was a child before someone knew his name, he dreamed of love, as if it were an adventure, as if it would be one day in his life on the back of a dragon.Weird that could fall apart, no matter how bad you would have it, a choice that you make.

There is such a flood of love that flushes back between Henry and Alex, painful and happy and clean.Then he fell, and it was unmistakable.

Although the bright enlightened core of history is the budding connection between Henry and Alex, each of the characters makes a lot of individual growing in the novel.Still fighting the framework of family and inheritance and creates a life all.That with serious work and forces, the world, grain through grain, would shine clearly again.

"Take everything you want and know that you deserve to have it."

I also really love how the author deals with so much care and sensitivity and compassion for the bisexual awakening of a character that only realizes, accepts and hugs his bisexuality in the 1920s to learn the facets of someone's gender and sexuality, certainly the beginning- or end point..

Red, white and Royal Blue also succeed with brilliance and verve when tackling questions about racism, gender, responsibility and ethics.I can't tell you how much I enjoyed voice.The whole was so great.told that their dreams match where they came from and therefore never be realized, those who love and believe despite Odium and conviction.

Thinking of the story asks me how I fit in one day, I assume.

This is really one of the best romantic novels I have ever read.Favorite book ", I now know that if I got stuck on a desert island, with only one book to take with you, it would probably be this one.

    adult Mature Adult


201 Reviews8,997 followers

20. augustus 2020

Not for me.

I get a lot of people who love and I can see why.It is a diatrip of self-praised, naive American exceptionalness against a stereotypical, sterilized, Angloc image of the United Kingdom that masks like an anti-monarchist, but ultimately prepares the royal family as an institution.The United Kingdom works ("Premier in England") or about the culture (people in the streets who wave "Union Jack" and Alex, who "want to scream on this stupid country", while in the middle of a damn NHS hospital department) Nevertheless, this book presents itself as a kind of authority for contemporary questions.Chews and chews only on stupid irrelevant quips about the bloody history of the monarchy, as if the United Kingdom is imprisoned in a kind of time snip that occurs that it goes beyond the 17th century - as if someone here can give a white hot -to -turn sh*t turning die dailyKing while real real things happen.

What real things?Fast lashes or the extinction of different indigenous species in the wild.The Church of England).This book wants to knock on the back to be "current" without really knowing anything.I can't believe I bought this (with my contactless visa card, no less!).

Similarly, the protagonist is an unusual, judgmental, indelible butt hole, and the story knew him under the chin in front.His back.Han Claims that I wanted to make the world a better place made me laugh aloud.

The central relationship had a number of sweet moments, but was very unrealistic and dysfunctional.Dald me tells you something: someone who invites you in their bed, in your most vulnerable condition, and then keep saying things like "f*ck you, you are indispensable, you are the worst thing I hate you, you're a bastard" is your timenot worth it.

The dichotomy "good versus evil" of American politics, especially the glorification of the politics of two parties, has also left a terrible taste in my mouth.Also present under the Democratic party and present them as a kind of unspoilt, perfectly designed power for good, is full discomfort.From good vs.kwaad completely helpful and foolish.Has a rich, hand waves quickly.

Apart from all this, there are some funny moments, but only if you have a high tolerance for cheesiness.Christ.

I say no.

Nenia ❤ I have considered my books back and forth ✨ Campbell

Auteur56 books19.9k Followers

5. June 2020

Red, white and royal blue (8)

DNF @ 30%

Hello, did you know that this book is actually a love triangle?All at Tumblr. I have not read a book that waves in his own self -feeling, since, yes,ever.This book won a goodreads Choice Award.I had assumed it would be good.of.

Red, white and royal blue (where is the Oxford comma? I already hate this book) is a romance between the son of Potus and the son of the royal family.Think carefully again.In $ 75,000 wedding cakes and exchange pop culture references about Harry Potter and Star Wars, it falls in $ 75,000.

RW&RB is a book that will tell you that it is real, really hip.It's real, it's about as topical as a hemorrhoid cream.Books about gays have really bothered me because it feels like they are dependent on stereotypes and main cannons and less about creating real, realistic characters who have a real, realistic romance.

Henry and Alex are both so immature.They have no common sense, zero social expert.The "charm" consists of sarcastic school school insults that we have to believe are a witty fight, and we have to deal with it because they watch TV shows and read books that eat aemographic demographic, food, ice cream at night and use emojier!OMG this character is so me, a millennium, 18-39 years old!

The female characters in this book, others, have all pointed to it.They are all developed from a single spore that flourished around 2004 from a Harry/Draco Fic on

I hated the order.

I hate to continue and I hate books that mask as intellectual and witty if they are actually quite boring and unusual.GoodM-m-romance that investigates politics and fame, while I am also a provocative and incredibly romantic love story, readGravity of ours(It's #ownvoices!).It caught Prince(Warning: triggers in abundance).But if you want to read: "I am vegan because I read the title of an article about free radicals inPeopleMagazine, and get all my news from Buzzfeed articles andThe Young Turks"Version of an M-M love story, in all respects, picks this up. #Bye

1 ster

    i-came-i-saw-i-yeet Kissing books LGBTQIA Library

Nilufer Ozmekik

2,562 reviews52.2k followers

14. augustus 2023

Make some noise on the winner of the best romance and debut Roman categories!Alex and Henry, you are so sweet and I enjoyed every word about the grasping, unique, memorable love story of this great couple !!!
Yayyyyyy !!!!

Flap! Fleet!

My three letter words together summarize my feelings about this book: spectacular, beautiful, special!

You don't have to attend a auction!I am shaken, I smile, my feelings are everywhere and my mind flew to the moon!

I shouted my eyes and surpassed my sigh record with 428 sighs!At least 200 times I hit my forehead to wait too long to read this powerful, emotional, beautiful story.

I loved challenging, grit, sincere stories and of course the characterization is as good than I expected.

Let's meet our dear heroes:

Alex Claremont Diaz, Filipijns-American first son of the United States (Amen to It!) And Henry Prince of the United Kingdom., because they have made a real PR -Fiasko on the royal marriage.So they must form a false friendship as quickly as possible because of the political balance between the countries.Something even melted in the heart of the cruelest bitch (also known as me!

What I like about this book: this is not just an amazing, heartbreaking and tears Jerker -Romance between Alex and Henry, there are amazing supporting characters that you could easily relate to it.Admire her so much.And we should not forget Bea, Pez and June.

This book is about brothers and sisters, family dynamics, boundary of dedicated friendship, diversity, mindset, diaspora policy, search for your true identity and path in your life.

It is about two boys in the twenties, discovering their expectations of life, love and doing something best for the benefits of their own countries, which is a calm burden for their unique, flawless, real relationship because we live in a wordFull of stereotype, conviction thoughts influence our real opinions, honest thoughts.

Especially Alex 'great struggle to express himself, to find his place in the world as a pansexual young man who comes from immigrated Filipino family, is the most meaningful, effective and crucial part of the book that hurts my heart deeply.

Well done Casey McQuiston!The author knows honestly how you can create a soulbushing, heart study harmony!


724 Reviews2,837 followers

17. Maj 2019

DNF @ 53%

Go back with pitchforks.

The prize for the most overhyped, biggest book disappointment of the year, so far, goes to this book.

First, let's tackle the fact that this book had more than 2000 reviews/reviews before it was made available to buy. What the hell is it about?Damn special, right?

For me this book is nothing special at all. It is mediocre.

-The figures are flat, uninspired and frankly boring. At least at least he had something to him, but Henry was cut like a cardboard.

-To was everywhere and sometimes young. The story jumped from scene to scene without electricity to the story. I lost the number how often I had to go back and read certain scenes.

-The British stereotype just annoyed me. It was like the author 'All Things British' and decided to record whether they worked ... And that was.


First let me say that I don't always need graphic sex scenes, in fact some of the best romance books I have read did not have much. But what the hell happened here. They would start with a lot of kisses, hands in her, a little despairAnd then nothing. It was literal. It was over and you were told a bit that they had had sex. Most time I had no idea what they had actually done. And as a single result I felt a zero connection or chemistry between them. I haveThey didn't get them at all as lovers. They came just like best friends for me.

-I know it is fiction, but it must be credible. And it wasn't. I think these two would float around in restaurants, staying in hotels where nobody recognized them!

-Themies for loved ones?No, it wasn't. They didn't think each other fair for ridiculous reasons.

-A many people have mentioned the policy .... Fortunately I gave up before it became too bad.

    sow Alli-it annoying

Jack Edwards

Auteur1 swamp240k followers

17. april 2021

This is a sweet, healthy and uplifting story that would be perfect to get you out of a lecture..

However, I also think that it is a very idealistic book that would not really be a problem if the plot is not about political figures.To go.This makes a bear service for the real struggles and trauma, so many people around the world continue to exist, especially those who do not have the enormous privilege of protagonists.Was that!), It felt a bit forced because the book literally tried to tackle every social injustice that it was possible.

In short, I am torn apart between believing that it was really amazing to see so much representation and enjoy the love story, while at the same time it also felt that it was quite predictable because nothing goes wrong.And what hope for this weird time.

Miranda Leest

1,589 reviews162k followers

16. Marts 2021

Red, white and royal blue (13)

New Week, The BookTube -Video- everything about the best (and worst) literary couples

The written review

The floral reactions

~ Packy Book ~

Oh?This looks cute ...

~ 20 pages later ~

F*ck.i die for this ship.

~ Last pages ~

No book will ever be the same.

~ P.S. ~

Am I the only one who picked up the constant wrong statement from the AudioBoek of David Bowie's name?

It is Boh-Wie, not Bah-Wie. Proof.

YouTube|Blog|Instagram|Twitter|Facebook| Snapchat @miranda_reads

    Audiobook Tucker_recs

Colleen Hoover

Auteur103 books715k followers

18. June 2019

I am now on a cruise.Trivia, because I enjoyed this book so much.Even worse, it is Slooooow, so it takes a good minutes of fifteen minutes to get goodreads to upload.Just like our cruise director, but it's for another day.
All in all, this book cost me a few dollars to buy, but this review cost me about $ 20 to leave, so that someone starts a GoFundme, thanks kthxbye.#It is worth it

Chelsea (Chelseadolling -Sounds)

1,503 reviews20.2k followers

16. november 2020

Re -reading 11/9/20: This book makes me so happy.

Re-read on 14-5-19: * Cry in Gay * Alex & Henry Forever and Always (and always and always).

Originally read 21/1/19: It is possible only February, but I now call it: this will be my # 1 favorite book of the year.Possibly even older than age ????This is all I once wanted f*ck -romantics and my heart is Sky High.alex and Henry is OTP for my dreams and I will never be over it.of my life.


Chan ☆

1,151 reviews55.4,000 followers

9. augustus 2023

It was gay and I am in love

I read this for the first time in 2019 and it still gets so fast in 2023. It is funny, it is deeply romantic, and it is a bit of a love letter to my home that makes me soft.From the United States you think it is and when Alex is about it ... Feeled validation.breathtaking.Sandable.

I am ready to make the film all my personality in 2 days.

    20199999999999999999999999999999999999999111 2019 2019 20199999 E moetene9999191999998311133113331322111152222222111231311111111111122111111111121111111111111111111111111111 -11111111111a's11111a's1a's1a's1a's1a's1a's D1a's Dam dat ’TO 2023 Book-bfs

And play

Auteur7 Books14.7,000 followers

16. June 2019

If this book does not get the same epic treatment as crazy rich Asians, I have to sue Hollywood

    property row

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥

581 Reviews35k followers

29. December 2022

"He wants to set himself on fire, but he can't pay anyone to see him burn."

First of all: if you want to read my full and uncensored review with all the quotes and my personal trademark that is going around, you can do thather!And now to the considerably shortened Goodreads review!(Word limits *shakes head *)

This sentence, this book, the subjects that are being tackled, the honest and blunt way they are treated and approached?!Found it great and a small, small, infinite part of me may even have hated to be that perfect!

That sentence at the start of my review?From his own voice and words.How many people who are forced to be in the closet have felt like this?What could their parents say?How they will respond ... How many of us have only felt and weighed through the truth?

This book, this supposedly romantic comedy, it touched me in a way in which books rarely do.Me, and it gave me something that I didn't even know I missed: the generous hope.

I hope there is a better world.
I hope that one day people will accept others as they are.
I hope people can change.
I hope we are all the same and that our actions count more than our outgoing appearance.
I hope that our future in this world is worth fighting.

So if you decide to read this book, enjoy it!These pages and try to keep this feeling even after you have the final book.

The characters:

Do I even have to mention that you are spoiled in oblivion if you dare to exceed this line?!* LOL* This is my character part and I would not be if I didn't gush like a crazy little teen!You have been warned! P.


"Alex's image is all charisma and genius and smirking vids, thoughtful interviews and the coverage of gq on eighteen; Henry's are calm smiles and gentle chivalrous and generic charity performance, a perfectly empty prince charming canvas. Henry's role, seems Alex, is much easier spelen."

I didn't like Alex at the start of the book!Where Henry felt.In his mind he gave him a role and never looked at the horizon.used to be.I liked how Alex realized that he liked him and I loved him to be so unapological about his bisexuality.Really was!Defined him or his actions did not.xd

"It is unpredictable and it is intoxicating, and it is funny because Alex has never accepted a challenge that he did not like, and he - yes, Henry is a challenge, go to Teen that starts to end."

"He should not feel wrong in the belly. But everyone seems enthusiastic when the only difference between the lie and the truth that Fox News would burn is, the gender ... Yes, the damn swing."

"It would be a lie because he wouldn't be."It was a lie because it wasn't.


"Hmm," says Henry, a show to think hard.You come from or who your family is - you can always be good if you are faithful to yourself. "

I kept crazy, loved, loved and loved, Henry!* LOL* This boy is sweet and friendly and sweet and gentle and everything that someone ever needs!He likes to see baking because it is so calming ?? !!Where the freaking is my prince Henry is !! ???* lol* I definitely need these downy cookies in my life!Bow so much!When he was so young and I felt Henry's grief as if it were my own.I could understand why his mother decided to retire from the world, but I was really happy that she accepted her son as he was and eventually fought for him.

“A strange thing about sorrow is the way it costs all your life, all the basic years that you have made who you are and make them so painful to look back because of the absence there that they are suddenly not available.New system. "

“What do we even defend, Philip?What kind of legacy??It is outside of our feeling of decorum!

"I have been gay as a Mayypole since the day I came from mother, Philip."


"Songs I am in guys?"
It pulls Nora shortly before she pours her head to the side and says. "

I loved the analytical spirit of Nora and her conversations with Alex.?? !!!There was something there?-Baren.Pez, Nora and June!All three feel?!* LOL*;-P

Alex 'parents:

"How often do I have to tell you not to discuss your murder diagrams for a sitting president?"Their mother interrupts.

Haha!This sentence immediately made me love the president!They were her first priority, no matter how important her task was and she would have done something to make them happy.She didn't want Alex to be injured and she wanted to protect him.

His father throws him on the biceps with the spoon and leaves a spray of crema and cheese."Do you have a little more faith in your old husband than that?"
"Okay, okay, sorry!", Alex says laughing."I just know it is different if it's your own child."
His father laughs too and rubs a hand on his walk.

"Diaz, you are insane, hopelessly romantic little sh*t," the voice told the president of the United States, muted in bed."

'I am your mother.I was your mother before I was ever president and I will be your mother long after, the day they put me in the ground and outside this earth.You are my child.So if you take this seriously, I will be back. "

Relations and ships:

Henry & Alex:

"Let's convey it."
"I'd rather be watery," says Henry, smiles.The camera clicks nearby.
Alex throws his head back and laughs beautiful, loud and false.
"Hardly enough time," says Henry. "

I could have quoted the whole book, I swear !!!You could wish for you.Nice messages to each other.And considering writing a message, takes time and that you think that this was long and hard that this was writing was also very realistic.upset about them.It was not their own decision!Is your decision to make and nobody should remove this!Grrr !!* Grizzly Bear -Modus* I assume you can already tell that this is a very important and sensitive subject for me.Because not everyone is ready to get out and for many people to take this step, giving up the life they are used to.First place with Baz and Simon now.333

Henry's whole face grimasen in frustration and his eyes throw at heaven, as if they seek the help of an unclear universe."Christ, you're as fat as it gets," he says, and he grabs Alex's face in both hands and kisses him.

'Do I have to tell you that when we are apart, your body comes to me in dreams?That when I see you sleep, baptized in your waist, freckled over your hip, and when I wake up in the morning, does that feel from my throat meat and not thought?at all?"

"But I kissed your mouth, the corner, that place is going so often now. I have remembered it. Topography on the map of you, a world that I still map out. I know. I am in the keyAdded.


"Red, White and Royal Blue" was one of my most expected lectures this year and I was not disappointed!This book was all I wanted and it made me so happy!Loss and depression to hom*ophobia and political regulations.This book was a fantastic composition of love, hatred, ignorance and prejudices.The last post: you are perfect as you are!

"Take everything you want and know that you deserve to have it."

Four damn good reasons to read this book:

1.) It is still Pride Month and it is time for me to finally read a LGBTQ+ book!
2.) I've read this for months!
3.) After all these dystopian science fiction books, I really need a downy break!> _ <<
4.) I just don't seem to be able to say noThis girl!XD I am sure she is very happy now.*LOL*

    favorites m-m-romance


412 Reviews2,161 followers

17. november 2023

4.5/5 ⭐

Full review on my blog: Dacian She-Wolf🐺
BONUS: At the end there are 10 quotes that prove that Zahra is the ultimate mood!!

Red, white and royal blue (20)

I would now be so happy to actually have the right words to describe this beautiful mess as this book is, but I rarely have them, so this review will be an equally hot root.should do.

Red, white and royal blueIs not precisely reading my type.of it) made sure that I wanted to try it with your victory.

And I thought it was great.

Really, after the first chapter I was like thatGirl, keep reading, why on earth did you stop?

I felt creepy giggling.

Red, white and royal blue (21)

What made me super comfortable is the political reality - the United States actually has a female president who is a targeted lady from Texas, and she has two great children who happen to be half Mexican.

On the other hand, I found some time and events inaccuracy that actually disrupts me with my OCD and keeps me awake at night.
At first I thought the promotion happened at the end of 2019, and then something Mumbo-Jumbo happens in one way or another and we are somehow in the mid-2020 and noneBut absolutely nobodygives something about the fact that the Olympic Games are in 2020happensAnd.

Red, white and royal blue (22)

In any case, the details that are probably discussed by me with a contraction in a private session with, why am I fun instead.

These characters, male.tis figures are all that I swear.

They are all so cute and so witty and so beautiful and they make you feel so hot and welcome.

- Strong mothers who love their children and help them and support them, whatever happens;
- Equally wonderful father figures that I actually enjoyed having a beer;
- Fabulously beautiful and intelligent and daring girls who are the world's best sisters and can easily be your best friends (and I mean them all, June, Bea, Nora);
- two terribly sweet guys who are so clean and so dirty and so completely angry at the same time, I will personally loosen hell for them, if that is what they feel safe;

(Also Teeny-Tiny Tingy here: I could completely feel that Henry is a piece and Alex is a ramblabel like every piece I know, and Alex is so stubborn and so passionate and ready to take over the world, to make plans, to be, be the center of each event you buried yourself in thousands of projects such as every ram I know.

- the ultimate eccentric best friend who is as one person with whom you would like to spend time, and know that he will force you to feel good and you will like it aka Pez;
-a gay-slatino skittles-eater guard Angel alias Rafael Luna (even his name is full of essence);
- Zahra - the greatest damn mood in the entire universe;

All characters are part of this great feeling that you get when you read the book, it is something fun and familiar and warm.

The love of this book is real and is tearful.

There isloadsFrom connections and sexy scenes in it, some more detailed, some not, but you still get the photo..explicitlyThe type of content is in general to hug hell.

So.This was an enlightened book.I loved it.The more than I thought.And while I read it throat.In moments there were only me who witnessed a love story that unfolded.shoutWith me with love.

“I thought this is the most incredible that I have ever seen and I had kept it at a safe distance from me.And I fell in love with you (...), so inexplicable, you had the absolute courage to love me.

Red, white and royal blue (23)

    2019 releases Adult advances modern

Heather K (dentist in my free time)

3,977 reviews6.112 Followers

22. June 2021

History, right?

To be honest, I did not expect that I had to love. I mean, this isCasey McQuiston's first book, and it is written inpresent tense(Ugh), but love what I did.

Was everything I was looking for, and more.

My reading experience was just that I laughed, crying or waving in a continuous cycle.It has been a long time since I wanted to melt on the floor in a puddle of Goo becauseromantic!!!Holy God, this story was the romantic romance of your dreams.

I am a fool for a few things in a romance book and this story almost hasUnpleasanttheirs.We get oneSexually awakening(Can I get oneHalleloo?!), inEnemies-to-enthusiasts(with all the gloriousDamn your face, bruises kissing that I could dream of),QuitDaaaaaaaaaaays, and a romance with a literal (okay, fictional ... but still)Prince of Mother Fork England.DeedCasey McQuistonWorms far in my brain and remove my deepest fantasies?!?!?!

I would take a nap in these pages.From my own creation.I fell asleep with the print of my child on my face.3.

Although I don't like to read about political or political games, even if the current time itches me (I still mentioned it? This book forever.

The dialog box is something that I will remember for a long time.IthumorWas absolutely everything and increased this book from good to incredibly amazing.

Is the whole hype worth and more.This is worth your time and your money and it is worth reading somethingfun and sincere and rareThat it made my evasive favorite list.With literally thousands of romance under my belt, it still stands out.

And nothing will matter, but only we two, we two desiring love finally collect.

*Copy provides in exchange for a fair assessment*


    Little-to-No-SEX-inhoud thought it was great m-m

She (each other)

1,094 reviews18.8k followers

24. september 2020

I can really be taken again in half an hour.

As usual, the Day Watch stares at him in the Dirksen building when he slides through the security.

A ridiculous romance between the composite prince of England and the composed son of the composite first female president has no right to be thisGood.And yet.

For those of you who wonder if I am joking about the condition for this book, I am not entirely.(The popular poll by the way, such as.)

It is a book about the importance of loving in a world very desperately after breaking down love.Tommaso Cavalieri, Wilfred Owen to Siegfried Sassoon, Jean Cocteaua to Jean Marais.I will say that: vita-sackville-west-to-virginia-woolfbrevet is definitely writing one of my favorite pieces in time and makes me daily.Line "History, right?"

And it's a book about love as a choice. “Have reached an almost memetic level of Tumblr and Twitter, but meSnap is.There are so many stories, especially in Queer Lit, about love as something electionless.But the thing is that love is always a choice.

It helps that the rolling team is just really excellent.For me.Nora and June are each good side character.

But.About the tenderness and also about the weight of expressing love and also about how both our global context and our social history unite as binding as strange people.

I'm ready.

Some rules and moments from this book I think a lot about:

➽ "So if he and Nora occasionally get drunk in hotel rooms and look at the west wing and make high moaning sounds on the wall for curious tabloids, he cannot be blamed. In their own personal entertainment."
➽ I started writing this down in the second half, but Alex 'bi crisis ... I understand.
➽ I don't know
➽ "It's a week. The opinion measurements are not great, Paul Ryan is devoted to the second amendment", ",
➽ The tenderness of the telephone conversation scene
➽ bar -scene like God who is friendship darling!
➽ “I walk on like a depressive lesbian poet who met a hot yoga instructor in a lecture that brought her super into meditation and pottery, and now she starts a new life as a high -driven businesswoman who sells her own line with the fruit bowls"
➽ "I thought you just got into international politics or something" "Well, technical", "
➽ "Her son's f*cking quarter life nato sexual crisis"
The PowerPoint presentation made me cry
➽ "The term see attached bibliography is the only sexy you've ever written to me", because I am sorry for what a damn mood
➽ "American politics: really fascinating" "Do you want to speak, Henry VIII?"
➽ When Henry Zwaan in a lake and inner Alex is as if he is so beautiful and out, Alex is like "you have to be so damn extra"
The entire sea scene is a claim as ... so romantic that I am here and a woman wants
➽ The forty -seven texts that are ultimately 46 from June and one of Nora and asked where she left her shoes
➽ “Aware?“ Is just such a recognizable explanation
Prince Consort Road
➽ "Take a photo with me with the board!"
➽ "The top list of reasons to love you, then go into the brain, then dick, then the imminent status as a revolutionary gay icon"
➽ The large number of times Alex threatens with physical control over someone
It is sometimes for Henry's honor, but for the most part it is not
➽ "Lmaooooooooo Wait see on page 22 in e -mails Alex is such a hoe"
Everything Zahra does in this book
Everything also does everything in this entire book
➽henry's speech to Philip alias one of the most legendary things I've ever read
➽ "Plus, we turned it off last night"
➽henry's mother really came in and saved their donkeys as she did and she did it for us (gay
History, right?
➽ The damn tweet about DC Dykes on bicycles that chase Westboro Baptist Church
➽ "Sufia, can I say that?""Literally, when did it ever stop you?"
➽amy and her wife !!!!!!!!On the Parade !!
➽ This does not really have to make with the book, but Texas.


    5 stars Auteurs modern

Taylor Reid

Auteur21 Books184k followers


8. April 2021

The first son has a enemies-to-loving case that continues with the Prince of England.That if you read it and like it, Casey's new one is one last stop this summer and if I get it in my hands, I will stop everything to read it!


Monica Kim

202 Reviews6,109 Followers

16. Maj 2019

I just read a review where someone said they don't like this because it was too idealistic and happy.have been after the 2016 elections.This is the kind of story that this world needs more, not less because it shows that this kind of love story - one where two men can fall in love and still be world leaders and exchangers - not 'it has to be tragic.Part of what makes this book so important is that it dares to dream that it changes you bravely.And I accept nothing less. "

I read this during a meeting.

    2019 releases

Alex ✰ Comets and comments ✰

173 Reviews2,878 followers

16. June 2019

"But the truth is also simply this: Love is indemusable."

Red, white and royal blue (29)
Red, white and royal blue (30)

My heart is so completely full, it is almost busy.This book was with a word;Beated, I want nothing more than go all the way back to the beginning and sometimes start again.very rarely- You come across a book that becomes a lot of a mantra, a new feeling of hope and an outbreak of something that you never really knew existed.
I don't think I'll ever forget this novel.

Red, white and royal blue (31)

You have not won a chance of this book yet ...

For a glimpse of my current situation:
I am sporty training pants, I have not cooked for more than 24 hours, her is an absolute mess, wants to shout how gay I am out of the window and completely left my responsibility.
My horoscope did not prepare me for this.

Once this book is published and readers pick it up for the first time, I sit and look at all the feelings and all the fan; art, fiction, girls starts.

It is equal parts of pleasure and loving and wise and tragic.Combined with rebellion and sexy fight is almost too good to be in a novel. everdatum.

"So you can hate the heir of the throne, everything you want, write average poems about him in your diary, but the moment you see a camera, you work as if the sun shines out of his co*ck and you make it convincing."
"Have you met Henry?" Says Alex."How should I do it? He has the personality of a cabbage."

Red, white and royal blue (32)

A homage

In more than one way, the story behind the relationship of Alex and Henry Magie is.There is a lot of policy involved, a lot of drunkenness and many soft moments so that you make your cheek a little tighter.

"But he thinks of Henry, and oh. He thinks of Henry, and something turns in his chest, like a piece that he has avoided too long."

This was a enemies for loved ones -romantics with so much more to go after it.A nice feeling arose throughout the book when I saw the family and the omnipresent feeling of hope by friends.We all need PEZ in our lives.Bea was the softest cinnamon role in the entire bakery, and when they were all together, my heart began to sing.

"Alexander, Babes," says Pez, when he picks up."How nice for you to give your aunt Pezza a ring on this beautiful Sunday morning."Book by Big Sun Hat and a striped Pashmina. "

I wish I could go to everyone who once doubts about reading this book and asking them to give it a chance..I am here and am incredibly in love with everything that this book is and will stay in my life.

"Never tell me the opportunities."

    Favorites of all time BUE Smuk-Doesnt-zelfs-Cut-It

Joss Amon D

Auteur9 Books33.4k followers

12. april 2020

Let's look ... I have a lot to talk about.

I start to say thatReading this novel has been a roller coaster of emotions and sensations.When I commented on my social networks, I have more stops and it was something that I did not expect a novel with such a good reception between all types of audience.

My first impressions about the novel were, I have to admit, bad.Usually when a book becomes a tree at night, I always give myself a bad thorn.Under the same star,For example.I know I can lose many things, but then it worked.

BeeRed, white and blue bloodSomething has changed in me after so much hype.In the end I decided to give it a chance and to participate in the interactive joint reading of the podcastPunished without reading. It was a great opportunity to read it, so I completely threw myself.

And now it's when everything starts.

Red, white and royal blue (34)

I will divide my reading experience intoThree parts: What I felt that I read the first third part, what I felt by reading the second and what I felt I was reading the third.Apart from that, I will also comment on other aspects.Take some popcorn or something that comes one of my longest reviews (if not the most extensive of all).

First third

The introduction to the secondary characters was confusing.I believe, even after completing the book,It has not been very clear to me which papers play exactly some characters that appear during the novel.Ignoring this fact, I tried to concentrate more on the most important: Alex and Henry.

In contrast to figures such as Ellen, they are introduced and well managed.The biggest trick of the book is the protagonists, his love hat and his relationship between strip and released.

As a remark,This novel has been a roller coaster.In this first third part I met the figures that I connected to their story, because it was extreme ... hot.The fact that they love each other, which makes it clear that they want nothing than expectations.

Red, white and royal blue (35)

Sex this sheet.The author's style is detailed, paused in parts, full of information and when we first have erotic scenes ...

NeeThey can either consider erotic.What f*cks?You can know exactly the mathematical perspective in the curvature of Henry's ear, how many moles he has in the shoulder blade, but you don't know how he has the dick or how it goes.But without doing it.Bed scenes have no details.There is a huge melted into black when we have had ten pages of pillow, to get hand, touching ... but we have nothing else.
They had finally done it and had been honor.Henry fell on the bed, undone, sweat.utrol.

And it's in plan ... what did you do?Chapters literally go until you discover exactly what they have done because they respond in a conversation in a conversation.

SoFirst disappointment.They told me the book"It was very hot"And I think it's good sh*t.The book plays with the expectations of the reader,To present a dynamic from the moment that has little to do with what follows.

Red, white and royal blue (36)

Second third

Politics comes in through the big door.Although we can observe how there is from the first momentCertain reasons of political tensions and others that appear,Around the center of the book that becomes something that is insurmountable.Reading from 40% to 60% of the novel was like tagging pins in my eyes, and I sincerely had to choose to read diagonally.

I understand that the novel is trying to show a political reality how things are going daily in the fighting, butThat is not what you first presented.The romantic plot leaves aside, apart from certain glimpses of scenes that excite you to return to statistics, votes and speaking.

An authentic fireworks.

Third third

And here are my ladies and gentlemen where I fall in love.

In the entire book I am angry with different questions you have seen: sex is disappointing, politics takes too much familiarityThis last part of the novel was no longer able to connect me.Even more than the first third part, that I read fairly quickly.

I was unable to start from the book until I finished it.Finally, both reasons end something unique and make the novel something great, something I was looking for (or what the book seemed to promise, I don't blame myself for my expectations) and I feel that it is when the novelreally starts.If this balance was maintained from the start, I would go directly to my top ten of the measurements.

Henry and Alex's relationship, then an ñoña -aura takes over my taste because the passage of time is not reflected properly and makes it unlikely ... and that would be the only one 'but' that I would place in this last piecewhere I put in this last part whereEverything swallows in a grinding current of emotions, reasons and characters.

Red, white and royal blue (37)

Now I want to talk about other questions, except for those I have already responded.

I don't know if it is the translation or what nose it happens, butThe novel is sometimes complicated to understand.I would not complain if it was the usual tonic, but it is not.There are scenes that are pure dialogues where everything is simple and sudden sections and sections (or chapters) where everything is complicated to understand.

Another thing I will respond is is isHow bad the novel is because there are short and other chapters that are pace of reading the novel to become eternal.In fact, one of the reasons why I suffered from that crisis to stop reading it partly because of the rare concept of the duration of the chapters that the author/editors have.

In summary: the novel has a great potential that I am not known to exploit one hundred percent.It is also not clear that it is a mix of the three things, so it is somewhat confusing to decide.The balance is susceptible to the things I liked, have convinced me more than those who don't.I don't want to tell you that you have to read it because the bad parts are worth what comes, because I personally felt a lot of pressure to end it with such comments.But I gave myself the feeling that I missed the great novel in the 21st century when it is ... another one.



421 Reviews576 followers

15. april 2024

Edit 06/08/19: Still can't wrap my head around the hype and fanfare around this book.To read your book by marking adult stories to children.Nice "story wish -ctheath and see that it is enclosed to read the fangirl/boy wet dream ... Get yourself a pleasure and pack of genre books with something that is valid to say -books that don't make jokesFrom "Water Board", "Israel", "Empirical VK", and does not constantly push the partisan policy in the throat until you have the choke.

Original review:
To Netgalley, the publisher and the author: thanks to the moon and back for giving this EARC in exchange for an honest review.

Okay, I didn't hate me because my review is certainly in minority when it comes to this book;I just couldn't put together: a star?-Dovey things and continuousmake love(It was overly cursed !!).It.I know that this book will be a big hit for many people and I am fully prepared to defend my unpopular opinion.

Let me say this: it was very clear from the start of how this story would end..It is sometimes nicely written (but for the most part it is a very tumblr/fanfic/glib root).Pull it too seductive, unrealistic raw, sarcastic fight to get there, then ...

Almost all the additional character is a color person and there is a lot of LGBTQ display that should feel good, but instead as incredibly forced (somewhat f*cking) - as a diversity control list.Another.I dig that the first family is biracial here, but again, it didn't feel organic (couldn't be normal: "This is us. This is the one we are" and is it not up?It is completely despised political correctness.Rep is important: we have more lgbtqia+

signCaricatures that came out as unpleasant stereotypes.But usually I couldn't connect to MCS for the entire novel.sincerelyEnough: for complacent, snarky, narcissistic, and romance was all -compassing (and I hate it) ... Give me diversity and representation, but make it logical!

A lot of events in the first 10% of the book (it felt like public events - I didn't know how to do it for the remaining 90%. I wish there was more time on a pair of Alex and Henry's excursions earlier because theyI got so fast and I got whiplash: the journey to stables was over in a flash, the talk show (I think it was?) Probably a paragraph or two before it suddenly jumped a charity.

(Page comment: Whole debate for young adultsStar Wars"Schchtick is so exaggerated).

When I am talking about young adults, I know that this is technically invoiced as after (all protagonists are in the early twenties), but it is overwhelming if you here on goodreads.Is a huge identity crisis that happens in this novel: sometimes it screams you, and then the characters talk about anal sex with 18 fumes in three sentences.

Honest warning for everyone who is second: there are extremely often raw/scratch language and lots of graphic sexual material- one of the lake ...intimateScenes play for several pages (too long, in my opinion).We get a dozen (I am not exaggerating!) Differences for f* cking!

I can't believe I say this either, but there was justWaaaay too much arguingTo my taste.Superbid!I constantly checked my progress because the story just pulls and I wanted it to pick up the pace.

So yes, I feel abandoned of a great height.This is all.

    LGBTQIA Netgalley worst of the worst


500 reviews1,215 followers

24. October 2021

Henry is so boring why Alex is still sucking his co*ck

    Audio books modern LGBT

Lila ✽

143 Reviews2,332 followers

January 25, 2024

January 2024 Re -reading:To think about how it is so important to us to have strange figures in history as a society and how we all try to find ourselves in these people who have fought for us so that we can relate

If I have not mentioned these 4582875435 times, I love the mess around which both protagonists have misunderstandings around each other, but when they eventually give their guard back and real / see / see each other, they realize that they are wrong.Alex and Henry is just.I have no words to express what they do for me.Boys, write letters to each other, act secret kisses and forbidden eyes.To boys in history, create their own heritage and cut their way into the world.To boys in Texas try to live their lives calmly and peacefully, but live every day to the complete and enjoy every moment of happiness and bliss.

But above all they are so poor and beautiful person.Okay.We have a whole world with us who are with ustime.

"Sometimes give yourself away, honey."

I can use Eons by expressing why I admire Alex Claremont-Diaz because of how he is led through his heart forever.To articulate his identity.How does he think nobody should see him so open.How he is so charming and great and yet to his own fights with who he is.

Forever, I can love Prince Henry Fox-Mount Christen-Windsor for how damnedencourageHe is without even realizing it.How does he have his seizures of loneliness and dissatisfaction and depression and his "dark" periods, but also how he comes from them.How is he so much more than the boring person who has cultivated the royal family.How he likes David Bowie & Han & Leia & Tud, the most random facts that sometimes felt so much to Alex.

"History, don't?"

An old house key and a home, side by page.alex & Henry, a legacy of Hope & Love, now a battle call for change.

✼ ⸺⸺⸺ ✿ ⸺⸺⸺ ⸺⸺⸺ ⸺⸺⸺

I scream and vomit.altYou immediately get into the chest about the book?.

'Do I have to tell you that when we are apart, your body comes to me in dreams?That when I sleep you see you, baptized in your waist, freckled over your hip, and when I wake up in the morning, does that feel fresh from my throat and not thought?In a thousand rooms, nowhere? "

I am so in love with Alex and Henry that it is not even fun.The way they complement each other - swore.Henry was so calm, composed, calm, quiet and loyalsoftHe was such a girlfriend (he gave such a fishing energy that I swear) and I just wanted him to be happy.Mens Alex was so snarky & sassy & legend & charismatic and himself -Safe, but he was so deeply interested in the people he leaves completely in his heart.He had this arrogant facade, but he just felt so much inside.altAbout them made me so emotional.f*ck Verdenstyle?I loved it.The first half of this book is currently rooted in my heart, because although I loved the book as a whole, it was the part that I was more partial for because there was so much more romance & progression in it (although I was in the secondHalf did not make the policy exactly, it also made the pleasure from the book for me?Alex & Henry was really made for each other.Soulatism at its best.

Red, white and royal blue (41)

Forbidden conditions (conditions in which sneaking, required, or where they should keep the secret)turn awayFor me because the excitement?It.The way they used to write about how much they loved each other.From literature and quote people from the story.For each other, especially Alex for Henry, and how they were both undone?I am a goner for them.

"I miss you at home."

The side figures!can notForget them.Nora and June were literally so cute and I thought it was great how supportive they were from Alex.zahra!Our favorite grumpy lil lort, we love her, I loved her.Were actually interested in him in his life.I loved his sister, Bea, she was so cute!T that bad too.

I loved the way the real problems were depicted here.The end made me so emotional because looking at world leaders is evolving, getting queer children who fall in love with each other despite the world that is said to be against them, everything is for me.

Every time I now think of Alex & Henry, I think of how beautiful it was that they tart the opportunities together and stayed together by everyone.

Also - do anyone else have Henry a regular believer that Remus hom*o is?

Ultimately - request a Henry POV someone ???

    A-2023 Favorites Category New Grown and Wax Genre conconteminair

Bel Rodrigues

Auteur3 Books21.1k followers

14. June 2021

Then delicious lampa

My God, how I would have read this book in my time job.

    LGBTQIAP Read-2021


1,817 reviews12.2k followers

4. December 2022

Alex Claremont-Diaz, the first son of the United States, runs through the university and is planning a future career in politics.

Red, white and royal blue (44)

He has many years of experience working on different campaigns and is a pretty successful more time -made. As or it is their job;And it's a bit.

I love everything politically in books, so from the start I count the mood.

Red, white and royal blue (45)

It soon becomes clear that Alex grows up to do.

He partyed a bit too hard, endorses Randoms, who is then forced to sign NDAs and quarrels with foreign dignitaries.


Red, white and royal blue (46)

Alex's greatest rival is Prince Henry from the United Kingdom.

When an embarrassing incident in which both Alex and Henry are involved in a royal marriage, the boys are forced to pretend to be friends to save face.

Red, white and royal blue (47)

Alex would rather do almost all the other.

Unfortunately, his desires are now insignificant.

Red, white and royal blue (48)

If you read this, I am sure you already know what this book is concerned.

A regular title, a humorous and steaming new adult romance that contains a man/man, enemies-to-enthusiasts?

Red, white and royal blue (49)

This is actuallyThe book The World has waited.

And let's be honest, it's a book that the world needs.

Red, white and royal blue (50)

Personally, I was swept away from the very first pages.

I really feel that this is groundbreaking and that we will talk about it in the coming years.

Red, white and royal blue (51)

McQuiston has done this so well to do this so modern and of course.

The dialogue was credible and the story gave a lot of thought.

Red, white and royal blue (52)

I have heard a few people mention that it is too optimistic?

For me I didn't really think about it.It is generally a happy story, but our characters have competitions like real people.

Red, white and royal blue (53)

Alex and Henry both struggle with their sexuality, and what it means in terms of their lives, the answers of their families, answers of the world;They really struggled with it.

There is no doubt that they had difficult decisions, just like in real life.

Regarding the general result, I think we needed a book like this.

Where can this be a reality?Where the majority of the population would be on the side of what is good instead of hiding behind the curtains of tradition?

I welcome Casey to write this.I think this will mean a lot for many people and McQuiston is determined on my list of autobuy writers after this spectacular debut.bravo!

Red, white and royal blue (54)

Thank you very much to the publisher, St.Martin's press, because he has given me a copy of this to read and assess.

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    bend read

Cece (ProblemFabookerd)

330 Reviews7,072 followers

11. november 2019

Reservation Update 11/11/19:
I am a mess, part 2

Original review 29-6-19:
I am a mess

    Expected in 2019 favorites LGBTQIA

Destiny ♡ Hyling libraries

1,846 reviews6,018 followers

25. October 2021

Alex, the first son, has an arch enemy: Prince Henry from England, the golden boy of the crown.International connections, and it will be absolutely terrible.

Okay, look, I don't even know how to start this review, so I want to apologize for my fangirling in advance, because to be honest it is really not fair that we are less than three months a year and I have thatI have probably found all my favorite book of the year. Holy hell, you're so good.
“And you are good.Most things are usually terrible, but you are good. "

I mean, this book is exactly what I refer when I say that romance thrives on tropics and that we have to embrace tropics more often because, serious internal circ*mstances??False dating?
"The turkeys don't go to Jurassic Park Dig."

When I say I loved this book, I am afraid that you will interpret it as "wow, destiny enjoyed this book", when I am what I ammeanis, “I had to stop searching my highlights to use quotes because I was derailed by reading all my favorite parts and I am currently in the temptation to read this book now, even if I just less thereThen 24 ready am hours ago. "
"You have so much in you, it's almost impossible to match it."

There are so many freaking cute characters that I want to cherish forever.
Alex:First son, biracial (white/latinx), bisexual, funny, guard full of himself in the best way
👑Henry:Prince, Gaaaaay, soft bean ever
📰June:First daughter, Biracial (White/Latinx), #squadmom for Life, gave me a real total queer vibber, so please we please have a successor who confirms this?
💻Nora:Alex and Juny's bestie, bisexual, nerd, computer hacker and data analyst extraordinary, infinitely funny ("still waters, deep dicking")
🎤Bea:Henry's sister, former cocaine -addict, sweet and spicy as hell, also strange, and I will not hear any arguments
💎Pez:Henry's best friend, massive philanthropy, fashionista, not taking social gender roles into account (despite these last two things I am tempted to believe that Pez Token Straight ™ is in Super Six)
It is nothing above the pillow of someone he once kissed in his life.

I could flow forever, to be honest.And even if everyone is completely dressed, the excitement of the charts is so sweet and wear their little hearts on their sleeves and I loved everything about the perfect OTP that Alex and Henry is.Death me with sweetness, Casey McQuiston, just do it.
Anyway, fine.Henry is annoyingly attractive.

I think the last thing I want to say is how optimistic and clearhopefulThis book is.Id to ruin something, there is a scene towards the end that is just pure queer confirmation and support and love and it had meCheekyThe happiest tears in the thought.

All quotes come from a pre -copy and may not match the final release. Martin's press to give me this bow in exchange for a fair review!


    modern Na row

B around

102 Reviews8,587 followers

24. augustus 2023

4 stars

“But the truth is also just this:
Love is uncontrollable. "

- I had to pick up this book immediately after completing the film and I am so happy that I did it.Don't add BC, there was no time to fit into all scenes -such as e -mails of the desire?That it takes place in the world of politics - it's all about political escapism and observes politics in a more positive, optimistic vision compared to the real world.

➷ The condition for the book follows the first son of the United States to fall in love with the Prince of Wales.Nevertheless, we see Henry and Alex overcome so many obstacles to their status of being together, the love they have for each other, simply flows from the book.Also the brutal reality of politics.

“Take everything you want and
Know you deserve to have it. "

➳ Alex, the national treasure and the first son of the United States - this book follows Alex and is told from his POV.I The start of the book is Alex at the university in his last year and looks forward to a careerto go into the government..

➳ Henry, the Prince of Wales is the opposite of Alex.He is much more reserved, polite and appropriate, but my God, he is so cute that he was so beautifully written !!I found comfort in his softness, he is the character, you just want to protect you with all your heart.Ahh and he is also a colleague?Omg IVE won.His own life and we see him becoming more stubborn because he knows what he wants.

➳ This book also consists of great side characters: the White House is becomingSuper sixIt consists of June (Alexs' sister) Nora (VPS -Barne) Bea (Henry's sister) and Pez (Henry's best friend) I loved the friendship dynamics and how they all came together, each of them helped to continue, sheEstablished characters, and they have all added to the top of this book The location group that everyone deserves in his life.

'Shall I tell you that when we are apart, your body will return to dreams?That I see you when I sleep [...] and when I wake you up in the morning, it feels like I've just been to you, the Phantom Touch of your hand on the back of my throat fresh and not thought?, nowhere? "

➷ The chemistry between Henry and Alex simply comes from the page, this book has an excellent relationship development and a fine coordinated balance between profound feelings and laughter -high lightness.Especially before they jump, their relationship started.Just fill each other, made this comfortable to read, you eventually rooted for all expectations.

-General this was a pleasant reading.!

Remark:I always see reviews that are enthusiastic that this is "To be considered "enemies" there was only a little misunderstanding from years ago, so Alex did not necessarily like Henry.

    Fab-fours-౨ ৎ mm-coming
Red, white and royal blue (2024)
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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.