[PDF] George Orwell's Animal Farm A Study Guide.Toukludde's Book - Free Download PDF (2024)

1 George Orwells Animal Farm A Study Guide Student Book 2 Content about Animal Farm 2 Introduction 3 Before reading: ...

George Orwells

L a m i an m r fa

A study guide

The student's book

Content at Dierenboerderij 2 Introduction 3 Before you read: 4 Chapter I 8 Chapter III 13 Chapter IV 15 Chapters I-IV Review/Reflection 17 Chapter V 18 Chapter VII 29 Chapter V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-V-ViiChapter IX 42 Chapter X 45 Chapter VIII-X Review/Reflection 47 After you have read: Activities 48 Animal Farm: The Complete Roman 50

Design 2 August 012

About Animal Farm about the story that animal farm tells the story of the animals of farmer Jones who get up in Rebellie and take over the garden.To create a new and honest society.A serious problem by presenting the one in a ridiculous, fun way.Oorwell uses satire to postpone what he saw as the myth of Soviet-Socialism.Since the real revolution.

Life started about the author Orwell when Eric Arthur Blair (George Orwell was a name he later took over).Started "writing" before he knew at the age of eight.In front of the university he decided to take a job in Burma with the Indian imperial police.Early written about this experience in Burmese days (1934) and in the essay 'shoot an elephant'.His serious writing career started.In the next two decades he wrote newspaper columns, novels, essays and radio broadcasts, most of which grew from his own personal experience.

George Orwells

L Soul Farm

A study guide

This module has been designed about the module to read and listen to the students.From new words and definitions.

The student's book


Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

Introduction 1. You can read a story about cattle that a farm starts to exploit without the help of all people. Been covers are quite similar. What do you think will happen in the story based on the two covers of this book?

Identification of animal instructions: Listen to the teacher Read the passage and fill in the missing words

Word choices below.

Increased lantern goat straw lies

Behind a very small figure majestic

respected pincher huge ordinary line

Muriel yourself earlier

On one side of the large barn, on a sort of ______ -platform, Major was already nestled on his straw bed, under a ______ that hung on a beam.- Ser Pig, with a smart and benevolent appearance, despite the fact that his Tushes was never cut .________ The other animals started to arrive and ___________complice after their different way.Based in ______ directly in front of the platform.Hen's _______ even on the windowsill, the pigeons dumped until the trusses, the sheep and the cows laid ______________ started cud.de two carrots horses, boxes and clover, come together, slowly _____ and lay their huge, hairy hooves with bigMake sure, so no ______ animal may be hidden in the straw..boxer was a _______ animal, almost eighteen hands long and as strong as both two ________ horses compiled.For his stability of character and huge workers.After the horses came ________, the white ________ and benjamin, the donkey.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book


Before reading: Answer: Equal society instructions: Answer one of the following two writing instructions in your notebook.

1. Imagine that you have to design a society where everyone is the same. List of five lines or laws that you have to make, so that everyone is the same.For example, some people did not say the color green.) 2. Abraham Lincoln once said: "Almost all men can do adversity*but if you want to test the character of a man, you have to give him power."This quote?Glavings: (n.) Great difficulties.

What is a revolution?Before you read Animal Farm, it is important that you think of revolutions why they are present and the positive and negative effects of these revolutions.

1. Brainstorm two or three revolutions that took place at least ten years ago.Why did it take place? What do these revolutions have in common.C. Are revolutions successful?How yes, how no?

2. Answer individually in your notebook: A. In your opinion, revolutions are successful? Since we know that revolutions have at least have a number of negative effects, what would someone mean to start a revolution?


Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

The Russian revolution The revolution of Animal Farm has a lot in common with the real Russian revolution.


In mid -1800, the capitalist system was strong in Europe and America, but the profit of the company was at the expense of employees who worked 14 to 18 hours a day under uncertain circ*mstances.Almost no formable for the ordinary employee.In 1847 an international working group Karl Marx, a German philosopher, asked to draw up a plan for their organization.


Arx saw the rebellion of an employee followed by a kind of paradise where every person would work according to his or her assets, and Karl Marx receives money according to his or her needs..Occasionally, labor legislation was adopted in Western Europe and America, which made the workplace safer and acceptable for employees.




The people who followed Marx's thinking were called socialists.

Ussia was currently poorly managed by a Tsarist government, ruled by Tsar Nicholas II.


Y 1917 the suffering was too great and groups of people started a revolution.Bolshevik party under Lenin took control of the government.From 1918 to 1921 other countries that did not want communism to spread Russia.each other.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

An early Soviet propaganda weaker


Identification of animal instructions: match the images of this cattle with the words at the bottom of this


1. Boar _______ 2. Raven ______ 3. Spring and Spread ______ 4. Calf _______ 5. Chicken _____ 0. SO ______ 7. Dog ______ 8. DEE ______


9. Get ______ 10. KO _____ 11. Horse ______ 12. Rat _________________________ 15. Piglet _____ 16. Cat _____

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

Following characters that are introduced the protagonists of Animal Farm in the first four chapters.Think about the purpose of each of the characters of Orwell.

Instructions: complete the table by noticing details that describe each character or by specifying important actions of each character.

Characteristics/actions/purposes get the revolution in progress, proponents of real change.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book


Chapter in pre -reading of useful vocabulary canalism - n.Praget by eating their own species (eg a person eating a person) cryptic adj. mystic or fuzzy gambol - v. To jump damage around the game - Adj.Skam;Indispensable-Adj.-Consumering parasitic-Adj.


Old Major, the prize, has a dream in Chapter I. Read the section below and has made predictions about his dream.Where will he say?

As soon as the light went out in the bedroom, there was a rudder and a flattening through the farm buildings.Communicate with other animals.

Insight choose the best answer. Where this story takes place? In the garden of a zoo. On a farm.c. in a city.

5. What does the big thing mean when he says: "No animal comes from the cruel knife"? The farmer kills all animals. Knives are dangerous. Animals are slow.

2. What do the animals feel about larger? Making the animals ridiculous about larger B. The animals ignore major.c.c.de animals large.

Answer the questions

3. Major describes the current life of the animals as A. Gladig.


6. Why did the animals wait for Mr. Jones to go to bed? Who or what did Mr. Jones put on his gun? Major uses the expression "products of our work" several times. When the revolution that Major speaks about, will take place?Solution suggests greater to solve the animals' problems?

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

Discussion 1. Look at the song "Beasts of England." What is the mood of the song? What are some photos in the song? Why do you think the animals enjoyed the song so much? Why is songs a great way to ideasCommunicate and encourage to support? Do you have revolutionary songs in your culture? What are the rules that Major gives the animals?Can you think of analogies in your culture? Do you think all animals will follow the rules?


Instructions: Identify the sign from the quote or the description.

1. He never laughed between the animals on the farm. "Our work is the earth, our fertilizers fertilize it, and yet there is not one of us who possesses more than his skin." A white stripe through the nose gave him aSomewhat stupid look.4. He was still a majestic looking pig with a wise and benevolent appearance.

Chapter II Pre-reading of useful vocabulary prominent-adj.Overlay or remarkable instead of all others; to present a theory or idea and to be explained systematically and in detail spinney-n.et a small area of ​​trees and branches unchanged adj.


1. What is based on what happened in Chapter I, what do you think in Chapter II? Discuss all the positive and negative aspects of having a farm of animals all of which are the same.Do you have problems that can arise?

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book




Insight choose the best answer. What effect had the speech of major about the more intelligent animals? They started writing more songs. They looked at life in a completely different way. They decided to stop working.

2. Which animals do the others start teaching? Pigs.b.de cows.c.de horses.3. Why did the cows broke into the quantity? They wanted more air.b.dhr.jones asked them about it.4. What does Mr. Jones don't have? Pay his Bills.B.Voer de Dieren.C. read the newspaper.

5. What did the animals do with Mr. Jones and his men? Had a feast for them.

6. What destroy the animals? Rietje as they ate. The farm where Joneses lived.remembering jones' strength.


7. Why does Snowball Mollie tell her that she cannot carry tires? Tires symbolize slavery.b.bands are bad for the health of a horse. All tires were taken by Jones and his wife.8. What did squeaking it was so compelling forThe other animals? Move the use of images and diagrams.c.Praat very hard.

9. Which animal leaves the farm with people? Bluebell de Hond.B.Mozes de Raven.c.Benjamin Donkey.

10. What made an impression on the animals about the house of Jones? There was beer in the basem*nt. It was so clean.c.de luxe.

11. What power "reveals the" pigs "as they have? A. they can fly and can read and write. They can play the piano.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

12. What does Orwell mean when he says that screams "can transform black into white"? Squealer is a good painter.

13. What decided to do the animals with the farm? Make a museum of Brent.c. use it to sleep in.


Answer the questions.14. Why is it difficult for the pigs to convince the animals of the animal principles?

15. What are the animals' objections to the animal?16. What did the animals remembered the morning after the uprising?How did they respond?

1. Why not the pigs such as the stories of Pet Raven Moses about Sugarcandy Mountain?

2. Think of the events that the revolution started - Jones' wrong management of the farm, hungry cows, violence of people - as well as all thinking, teaching, planning and organizing that the pigs were doing.Possibly before the revolution of having happened without animal?

3. The words that Orwell uses to describe the morning after the revolution are very descriptive. The pigs are slowly starting to take more control than the others.Can you find some examples of this in Chapter II?

5. The animals change the name of the farm of Manor Farm to Animal Farm.


Instructions: identify

Character from the quote or the description.

1. "Don't you understand that freedom is worth more than tires?" He was a spy and a narrative carrier, but he was also a smart speaker.3. He could turn black into white.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book


The seven command instructions: Imagine that you were in the same situation as the animals in the book.

The rules/laws that you want everyone to follow.Write 5-10 lines in the boxes below.

Discuss these questions as a class.

1. Are the seven commands sufficient to maintain order on the farm? Are there commands we want to add? Are there commands that we want to remove?


Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

Chapter III Pre -instructions Pre -Lecture: match the words with their definitions.

Handy vocabulary 1. 2. 4. 4. 5. 6. 7. 7.


Implementation.Velvær-n.Solution-n.motto-n.maksimal.dole outv.Sevenness-n.

One tool or instrument that is used to perform work.

Predictions At the end of Chapter II, the animals have freed themselves from the Heerjones and his men.They should not take care of themselves.What types of decisions do you think they should take?

Insight choose the best answer.

1. What was the problem with the site tools? They were broken. They were made for a human hand.C. They had burned the animals.

2. Why Bad Boxer co*ckerels to call him half an hour earlier in the morning? It takes him a long time to get ready. He is a heavy sleep. He would do more work.

3. The selection and programs of Snowball were not very successful, except which? EI -production committee.b.clean tails league.c. lessons read and write.

4. Why did the animals enjoy their food more? The animals produced it for themselves. Muriel is a better chef than Mr.jones.c.ze could drink milk with their meal.5. Where do you find the pictures of a hoofand Hoorn? On the board to the farm.c. on the new flag.

6. Who enjoyed the slogan "Four legs good, two legs bad", most of them? Sheep.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book


7. Who takes Puppies away for a training? Bokser.b.napoleon.c.Sneeuwbal.

10. What are Boxer's strengths?

11. Who talked the most during the Sunday meetings?

8. What happened to the milk and apples? The pigs took them to eat. The sheep took them to sell.c.dhr.jones destroyed them.

9. What Squealer says to scare the animals? If the pigs are not healthy, Mr. Jones Back.B. If the animals are not working hard, they will be hungry. If the animals eat the milk and apples, they becomesick.

12. Who could never agree with the Sunday meetings?

13. Why do you think the cat came to the re -education committee?

14. Why did Snowball summarize the seven bids in "Four Legs Good, Two Legs Bad"? Where did the new puppies go?


1. What further examples of the difference between the pigs and the other animals occur in this chapter?2. What does it show that there are already problems in the leadership of the new government?

3. Given that the pigs are responsible, do you think it is fair that only the pigs are allowed to drink the milk produced?


Instructions: Identify the sign from the quote or the description.

1. 2. 3. 4.

"We keep an eye on your well -being day and night."He was admiring for everyone.

A successful society

1. Instructions :: Consider the essential functions of the government needed to be successful a society.. Mind a different student and discuss your ideas. Share your ideas with the entire class. Instructions now: Consider how your community works and how the government works.Use this information and compare them with Animal Farm with the table on the next page. A few examples have been given to get started.


Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

The functions of the government

How does my community try to achieve this function?

Examples of animal farm

Why is this function currently evolving in history?

The dream of the old major, the

Must convince animals

Economics Leadership Education values,


How one

The concept of Dierenmeism.

Another etc.

of the need to make upset

direction Jones.har must unite members of

Animal farm to one


Construction of schools, salary

Teach animals


Duration the seven

Teachers, diplomas,


Learn an offer to read

Legal security others

Chapter IV pre -Prote lecture of current Vocabulary 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9.


Instructions: Match

Words with their definitions.


Definitie A.B.C.D.E.F.



To run a surprise attack to run directly to someone to make an attack in an entrance, especially through an armed force, to take over an adventure or exciting story, a medal given as aPrice, usually connected to a uniform, special bravery or success a party that happens regularly to remember an important event A hiding place for cows that are the attitude to want to make a revolution or general disobedience

Are you again looking at the list of words above, what do you think will happen in Chapter IV?


Insight choose the best answer. That is the closest to the meaning of "Snowball threw his fifteen stone to Jones' legs." Throwed fifteen small stones on Jones.b.ren Jones with his tongue weight. The bullets of Jones threw him back.

2. There is a description of animals on other farms: “Bulls, who had always been traceable, suddenly became furious, hedges and devoured the clover, the cows kicked buckets, hunters refused their fences and shot their riders to the other side.For everything the melody and even the words of the "Beasts of England" were known everywhere. "What are these examples of? A. a.: A. married.b.

4. For which "department" for the government on Animal Farm, the pigeons worked? Foreign affairs.b.defense.c.onderwijs.d.propaganda.

5. "" Beasts of England "was irrevocable."From the context means "irrevocable": A. not suppressed. Difficult to stop.c. free of oppression.

Answer the questions

6. How did people respond to the animals who sang "Beasts of England"?

7. Why would Frederick and Pilkington be threatened by Animal Farm?

8. What was Snowball's strategy to win the battle? How did Snowball knew what to do?

10. What do the animals do to celebrate their victory? What can we say about the character of Snowball after reading about the Battle of the Cowshed, what can we say about the character of Snowball?

Answer where or not true.

12. The other farmers were really good friends with Mr. Jones and would help him.13. The animals were surprised by human attacks.

14. Snowball ordered the animals in battle.15. The stable boy was killed by Boxer.


1. At the end of Chapter IV, the animals decide to celebrate Mr. Jones' gun twice a year to celebrate the anniversaries of the Battle of Cowshed and the Rebellion.In your culture there are a few parties comparable to this birthday? Who would you say is/is the hero of the competition/heroes?

3. Read the following quotes after the Battle of the reactions of Snowball's and Boxer.From tears. "" No sentimentality, friend!"Snowball screamed, whose blood the blood is still dripping."


Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

WHO instructions: identify the character from the quote or description.

1. These two did not like each other that it was difficult for them to reach every agreement, even to defend their own interests.Willillingdon brought ...

Chapters I-IV Review/Reflection

Answer the questions using your own words.1. What is your response to the animal revolution? Do you fill the complaints and goals of the animals?

Remember and interpret

1. Describe how the rebellion takes place.2. How do pigs get the rights to the milk of the queue?Why do the other animals perform this?

3. What technology does Orwell use to have doubts about the chance of a successful revolution? Snowball characterize as a leader.Do you do that his reaction to the death of the stable boy is the correct reaction that must have during a revolution?

Literature and writing of the fighting

The animals recognize the battle for Kobshed as a central moment of the revolution.What effects did the battle on the animals, individually and as a group?Your match with a partner and compare your evaluations of the events and their effect.

Role -Games Games

While he deals with a serious subject at a level, the plot of Animal Farm, when it is literally taken, is a funny story.Role -Games these scenes and then discuss how Orwell creates humor.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book


Chapter V Instructions: match the words with their definitions.

Handy vocabulary 1. Factation-N.2. replacing film 3. Schema-N.4.Closet-v. 5. assumption.6.Tactiek.7.ration-n.8.protestv.9. Windmill-N.10.Velloquence-N.11. opposite.

Definitie A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H.Jeg.J.K.

A great machine that uses wind to generate the power to hide in seclusion, often to perform a task in loneliness a plan to pee a small group of beliefs that differ from the larger groups -specific amount of food, whichis given to accept as Sanduud to think the ability to speak convincingly or explicitly to express a strong rejection or disagreement about something that has used a method or action to achieve a short target

Predictions In Chapter IV Napoleon Bring a few puppies away from the farm.What do you think of these puppies?What do you think they can be used?

What do they really mean?

The characters of Orwell use languages ​​to communicate hidden meanings.Sometimes Orwell suggests that the language must be set, other times it is up to the reader to notice instructions

Examples of manipulative communication.Then what you think the language really means.


Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

The words in the future all questions regarding the work of the farm would be decided by a special selection of pigs that are led by themselves.

What they really mean


Napoleon will make all decisions.

“Nobody believes more firmly than

Comrade Napoleon that are all animals

Just.He would only be happy to make you make decisions for yourself.But

Sometimes you can make it wrong


Decisions, comrades, and where would you all be? "

»» »» Insight choose the best answer. What happened to Mollie? She was killed by Mr.jones.b.S betrayed Animal Farm and went to work for people.C.E started her own revolution where all animals get sugar.2.This sentence means: A. The weather does not taste good. The weather was very sturdy. It made it difficult to live.

3. The animals "collect" every Sunday in the stable.This means probably A. They will argue in the stable.b. they all meet each other in Stal.c.se would build a barn every Sunday.

4. What would be the advantage of a wind turbine according to Snowball? Wind would make the farm cooler.B. Electricity would make life easier.C. It can be used as a new sleeping place.5. What said Napoleon first about the wind turbine? It is a good idea.C. It will be difficult to reach.

6. In Chapter V, in addition to the wind turbine, what question Napoleon and Snowball do not agree with it? Defense of the farm.b.huis.c.eieren laying.

7. What accuses Snowball for Snowball? To be lazy. Isn't it better than a criminal.B. de Knurry van de Dogs.c.napoleon shouts.9.What has newly canceled Napoleon? Sunday meetings.b.b.de Windturbine plan.c.zingt "Beasts of England."

Answer the questions.

10. Who seemed to support the animals that would support Snowball's speech during the Windmill meeting on Sunday? What reasons gave Squealer for Napoleon who made all decisions?

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book


12. Does Benjamin agree with Napoleon or Snowball about what was said?

13. What did Napoleon do with the plans on the floor?

Answer where or not true

14. The animals supported Napoleon's announcement that Sunday meetings would be canceled.

15. The chapter starts in the winter and ends in spring.16. At the end of the chapter, Napoleon continues with the plans to build the wind turbine.17.squealer tells the animals that the wind turbine was actually the idea of ​​Napoleon.

Discussion 1. What role does "four legs play well, two legs bad" in Napoleon's propaganda?

2. "[squealer] repeated a number of times", tactics, comrades, tactics! "Jumping and the tail waving with a joyful laughter." If the animals did not understand screaming words, why do you think they have accepted his explanation?

3. How useful are speaks like snowballs if people don't understand them?

4 Are false? Who draws Snowball's plans?


Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

The instructions of the big wind turbine bats: Read the following section as a class and then discuss the questions together.

1. 2. 3. 4. 4. 5.

“In January there was bitter weather.Ratified by majority.Barley, the other was certainly a larger area of ​​oats demand, and if one of them said that such a field was just right for cabbage, the other would explain that it was useless for anything but carrots.There were some violent debates. Why group made the decision on the farm?

Now that you have read the passage and discussed the questions as a class, you have a much better understanding of the big wind turbine tin that happened in chapter V. You will now keep your own debate.Napoleon and the other half

Will be snowball..What has been said.• There are many ways you can do this.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book




What are the most important points of disagreement?What is his opinion about the wind turbine?

What is his opinion about the defense of the farm?

Tale: Write a speech for your character to convince others to vote for your ideas.I'm convinced that ... "


Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

Chapter we pre -instructions Pre -instructions: Complete the crossword with the help of the instructions and definitions.

Handy vocabulary lawyer.mæler.Commission.Gale-N.Section-Timer's Week-N.Quarry-N.Slogan-N.Boldder-N.VAGT- ADJ Between N. v. Wanhoop.

Over 2. A kind of lawyer 4. A place where stone is taken by building from 5. A week when someone works in sixty hours 6. Given money as a payment to someone who sells something for another person 8 feeling of having no hope 11 11take revenge for a crime or for misconduct or a maximum of 9. Not clearly, not well defined

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book


Insight choose the best answer. How is agricultural life for the animals otherwise in chapter we? The animals work harder and harder and many things are not done. It is easier than before, with a lot of food and leisure. Nothing has changed.

2. Why was the wind turbine difficult to build? The animals don't work very hard.B.Snowball tries to slow them down. The stones are large and the weather is bad.3.meestal, when something is voluntary, you should do it. Can only do it if you want.At Animal Farm If the animals do not work, do volunteers work work? They are not allowed to attend Sunday meetings.B. Half of their food has been removed.C.E must apologize.5.napoleon decides to act with people. The seven Bud.B.Major's Tale.c.dhr.Whympers Council.

6. How Squealer explains that it is not against the seven commands for pigs to sleep in beds? There is no rule that the beds mention.

7. What Squealer says about the meaning of "bed"? Everything to sleep on, such as a pile of straw, is actually a bed.b. Minners don't have to worry about definitions because the word "bed" was invented by man.C.A bed is only a bed if you use blankets.

8. Why cannot animals remember their decisions? There are too many to remember. The people try to confuse them. Neuemand has his own written copy.9.Wie owes Napoleon for the destruction of the wind turbine? Dhr.jones B.Boxer C. Snowball

Answer the questions.

10. What decided to do Napoleon to get stocks on the wind turbine? Which seasons go in this chapter?

12. Who is Mr. Whymper, and what does he do?

13. Why hate Animal Farm?Why do they respect it? How have the seven bids changed?


1. How is Snowball used as a scapegoat (person who is blamed for someone else's action)?

2. How much work does the animals perform now and how are they forced to work more and harder? How is the windmill destroyed?Why accuses Napoleon Snowball?

4. Who thinks the animals are responsible for the wind turbine?


Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

WHO instructions: identify the character from the quote or description.

1. "Do you know the enemy who came at night and crashed our wind turbine?" Clover sometimes warned him to be careful not to overwhelm himself, but [he] would never listen to her.3. [He] endedHis speech with his usual cry about "Long Live Animal Farm!"4. [he] would even come out in the evening and work alone for an hour or two due to the light of autumn moon.

The other side of the fence

Not all figures in the book see things in the same way.:

1. Look at photo A and Photo B on page 28. What do you see? Read text A and text B. Text A describes how people and animals observe the farm in Chapter IV, and text B describes how people perceive the farm in chapter We.Pilkington • Group 2: Mr.Frederick • Group 3: Pinky, a pig on Mr.Frederick's Farm 3. Each group will write a formal letter that has been pronounced what their character thinks and thinks about the events on Animal Farm: • Mr.Pilkington will write to Mr.Frederick.• Mr.Frederick will go to Mr. Pilkington.• Pinky writes to his cousin at Foxwood Farm.4. Write a letter that gives your opinion about animal farm.This must contain opinions about: • Quality of life for the animals.Ga to groups of three.In each group you should have one: Mr.Pilington, a Mr.Frederick and a little finger.Changes change to read your letters to each other and then answer the following questions in your notebook. What is the perception of Animal Farm for the characters in your group? How do the characters influence their perception? Would these perceptions change if they actually at AnimalFarm lived?Why or why not?

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book


Read the text.ex a

'Most of this time Mr. Jones spent in the Red Lion Taproom on Willillingdon to everyone who would listen to the shameful injustice he had suffered from his ownership of his ownership of good animals.They didn't give him much help in the beginning.Permanent bad circ*mstances. Pilkington, was an informal gentleman who spent most of his time with fishing or hunting according to the season. Frederick, a tough, sharp man who was always involved in a lawsuit and with a name to walk hard good deals.These two did not really like each other that it was difficult for them to come to every deal, even to defend themselves interests.yourself.It would be over in two weeks, they said.Death others with red horseshoes and had their wives in common. "


Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

Read the text.ex B.

“Every Monday, Mr. Whymper, the farm as it was arranged.Would be worth it.And partially reconciled them with the new event.Everyone husband kept it as a problem that the farm would go bankrupt sooner or later, and moreover the wind turbine would be a failure.They would have developed a certain respect for the effectiveness that the animals have given their own affairs.Yet contact between Animal Farm and the outside world, but there were constant rumors that Napoleon enters into a specific business agreement, nor with Mr. Mr. Pilkington from Foxwood or with Mr.Frederick van Pinchfield - Mendet was never noticed at the same time. "

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book


Image A

Image b

How life has changed the instructions: how has life changed for the animals on Animal Farm?


Do you think that life is better or worse for the animals at Animal Farm since the revolution?


Ways in which life is exacerbated

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

Chapter VII Pre -instructions Prelee: Make a sentence for each word below.

Useful vocabulary

Chaffn.straw is eliminated for a shortage of animal food n.


1. What do you think of the wind turbine?Do you think the animals are successful?

2. Do you think Napoleon's attitude will do that?

Change over?How does he want to become a friendlier leader or stay a dictator on the farm?

Insight Choose the best answer 1. What has changed in the plans for the wind turbine? The animals decided not to build a windmill. The animals buy a wind turbine instead of EN.C.to build. The animals will make the walls thicker than before.2. Why is life not so good at Animal Farm? The animals are always cold and always hungry.feel depressed.

3. What do the animals find the most inspiring? Squealers speaker.b.de dogs beam.c.boxer's efforts.

4. Napoleon and the other pigs have to hide the food situation on the farm, because: A. They don't want the human world to know the farm. They don't want the animals that work so hard to notice that thereLess food is then before. They will starve the animals death because they have punished them because they have not worked hard enough.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book


5. Why ordered Napoleon trays filled with sand and covered with grain and seeds? To poison the animals. Keep food dry by keeping the cold wet soil away.To believe that the animal farm did well.

6. Beasts of England are being replaced by a short song that does not praise obedience and duty, but A. urges the animals to be afraid of individual freedom.C. suggers that the animals must be prepared to die defensive animal farm.

Answer the questions.7. How does Napoleon get more grain for Animal Farm?

8. What have the chickens done to protest against the sale of their eggs? Napoleon forced the chickens to end their protest by doing what to do? Squealer accuses snowball for what?

11. When the dogs attack boxes, he looks at Napoleon to see if he should kill the dog.Why does Boxer do this?

12. What happens after the four pigs and many other animals confess to their crimes? What is the animals' reaction to the executions?

14. Why are these last murders worse than when Jones checked the farm? Why does Squealer say that the song "Beasts of England" is being abolished?

Discussion 1. Why do you think that no animals helped the chickens during the protest?

2. What things are blamed for snowball in Chapter VII? Does the animals scream when he accuses snowball of a traitor?

4. Do you think that Squealer has really secret documents that turn out that Snowball was a traitor? Proval shadow is when the author gives us instructions about what will happen in a story.

6. What is Boxer's solution for bloodshed (dead, violence), and what does this say about Boxer?


Instructions: Identify the sign from the quote or the description.

1. "I would not have thought that such things could happen on our farm." He jumped forward with a scream about "Death to Humanity!"And sank his teeth in the legs of Jones.3. He confessed that he had been intervened in the drinking swimming pool.


Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

An allegory: the Russian revolution and application instructions: an allegory is a story that can be read at more than one level.

Can be read as an allegory of the Russian revolution.Some characters and events can be exactly the same as the historic revolution.Empire and Tsar


In the beginning of the 20th century, Russia was a great empire.The Eastern Orthodox Church in Russia, the greatest religious organization, supported Tsar and the prevailing class.

Tsar Nicholas II


The Russian revolution started in 1917 and in 1922 the Bolshevik party was led by Vladimir Lenin, in total control over Russia.And was killed later.


Talin believed that Russia was underdeveloped compared to other Eurpean countries, and he changed the economic and industrial policy of the country.That this would increase food production, but in fact this often did not happen and there was a slow decrease in the amount of available food.are supposed to died under collectivism.




His communist party checked everything in Russia, including the media and education system.No clear reason.

His idealistic goals for Marx had become a system that was in many ways more daunting than the rule of Tzars.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book


Comparison of event instructions: Based on what you have read and read on the previous page, enter

Table below and points to agreements between the Russian revolution, the animal farm and other countries.The Russian Revolution



Other countries

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

With the help of media instructions: As Stalin assumed more and more power, he used state media and the change of

Photos to change the ideas of people about history.

Later kicks






Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book


Media Continue ... answer the questions. What do you notice about these photos?

2. What do you think Stalin tried to do?

3. What connections can you make between media such as these images and animal farm?

Connections with other literature

Instructions: Read the poem below by W. H. Auden.

A certain kind of leader.Test after answering the questions that follow.

Epitaph on a tyrann of W. H. Auden Perfection of a kind of what he was looking, and the poetry he invented was easy to understand;He knew human foolishness as the back of the hand and was very interested in armies and fleets;Respectable senators of laughter, and while he was crying, the small children died on the street.

To ask:

Tyrann (n.) A kind of dictator of a kind of (sentence) a certain type, a certain version of foolishness (n.) Thinklessness, recklessness or recklessly smooth (n.) A large group of ships, a navy blue senator (n.) A kindpolitician (a member of a senate)

1. What kind of leader does Auden describe?

2. What does Auden mean: "He knew human foolishness"?How does this help the leader?

3. Explain the effect that the manager has on both the senators and the children.



Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

Chapter V-VII Review/Reflection answers the questions using your own words.1. What is your opinion about the removal of Snowball from Animal Farm, and why?

2. Do you think it is fair that those who are more trained or are more skilled and the pigs at Animal Farm-Have more influence on decision-making?Consider how decisions are made in your society, state or in the nation.

Remember and interpret

1. Identify three ways in which Napoleon tries to strengthen his leadership position on the farm. Why do the executions take place?What message do these events send to the animals about their role in a future society?

Literature and writing political speech

What do you think of the way Napoleon drives the farm?

Focus activity changes the rules

How would you feel if the rules continued to change the right behavior?information.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book


Chapter VIII pre -read Make a sense for each word below.

Cunning-n.lina in fraud;deception machine.deed of lubrication, especially the illegal production of a false deputation-n.A group appointed to represent others

Think about revolutions

1. Are there different types of revolution? Does revolutions really and lasting change?

Instructions: Identify and discuss factors with a partner that a government can change

Since policy and those who cannot be such as climate conditions..

When you read Chapter VIII-x ...

When Napoleon takes over the leadership of the farm, a new social and political structure arises.

of the pigs with the living conditions of the other animals.

Under the leadership of Napoleon

Life of pigs - pigs live on the farm

- Napoleon is waiting for


The life of other animals - Working longer hours - Receive less food

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

Insight choose the best answer. What has completely changed at the start of Chapter VIII? The sixth Bud.B.The name of Animal Farm.c.the plans for the wind turbine.2. If you asked Napoleon for what reason he put in the animals for the animalsChapter VIII had to kill, he would probably A. "I felt it." "They helped snowballs to hurt Animal Farm." "I have not killed any animals." Who is the first person who says Napoleon says he wants to sell the tree?Pilkington B. Snowball C. Frederick 4. To whom Napoleon Final De Boom sell? Pilkington B. Snowball C. Frederick

6. What do the men destroy at Animal Farm? The Cowshed B. de Schuur C. de Windmolen

7. What is the real reason why Napoleon thinks he dies? Snowball poisoned him.

Answer the questions

8. What has changed on the loading wall at the end of Chapter VIII? What is wrong with the money that Napoleon gets from Frederick?

5. Napoleon asks Pilkington for help fighting Frederick.frederick sends a note that says: "You should do well." Napoleon should help Pilkington in exchange. Napoleon deserves the punishment because he is attacked.


1. Frederick gives the forged money from Napoleon and Pilkington refuses to help him.

2. What makes the fight against Frederick's men other than the Battle of Cowshed? How is Napoleon more and more on a typical dictator?

4. The animals are celebrating a victory, but at what costs? Describe the Whiskey event.


WHO instructions: identify the character from the quote or description.

1. [he] seemed to understand it, but would say nothing.2. He went slowly and down, with his eyes boring, his tail hanging behind him.3. He had dragged an old horse to death, he starved his cows,He had killed a dog by throwing it in the oven, he had fun in the evening by having co*cks fight with splinters of the knife dramatically tied to their spurs.4. [He] would speak with the tears, other farms.


Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

Role -Playing: The Drunken Pigs and Screaming Autumn Instructions: Like a class, introduce a few scenes from Chapter VIII. This help you visualize how

The events have happened and practicing your speech/listening skills.

Choose some students to be the six protagonists and a storyteller and let others build the set using your imagination and objects from the entire classroom.Read the manuscript and build the events in front of the class.

- figures: squealer, napoleon, dogs, other pigs, group animals, muriel, narrative environments: farm, farm, stable marked with the seven commands useful vocabulary

Scene 1:

Whiskey-n.and alcoholic drinking canal running fast (usually describing a horse) make lament.bier and whiskey barley.A grain produced beer and whiskey

All pigs are out of sight in the stable and give party sounds.

Says: it was a few days later that the pigs came to the farm on a case of whiskey in cellars.Drunk version of "Beasts of England."Narrator: about half of the nine nine Napoleon, with an old Bowler hat from Mr. Jones', it was clearly seen to get out of the back door, quickly gallop around the garden and disappear inside again.

Tells: but in the morning a deep silence hung over the farm.Of that are seriously ill.In general quite sick.Squealer, with a very serious and sad voice, says, "Cameraat Napoleon dies!"

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book


Narrator: A cry for lamentation went up.

Tells: straw was laid outside the doors of the farm and the animals went on its toes.or two seats).He looks very sick, close to death.

Narrator: A rumor went around that Snowball was finally desperate to introduce poison into Napoleon's food.And publishes a message.On the way to improvement.The evening that day Napoleon was back to work, and the next day it was told that he had dedicated Whymper to buy Willillingdon a few pamphlets about brewing and a week later Napoleon gave orders that the little paddock also gave the little paddock to the orchard, who was previously intended to go aside as a grazing for animals that were previously work, had to be plowed.The one with barley: animals ask each other what Napoleon and the pigs will do with a field of barley?

Scène 2:

Squealer and the dogs stand in front of the barn.

Vertelling: Around this time there was a strange incident that almost someone could understand around twelve in one evening.Overthrow a chair) and fall to the ground.


Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

Vertelling: It was a moon evening at the foot of the end wall of the large barn, where the seven commandments were written, a ladder was broken in two pieces.Hand was a lantern, a brush and a well -known pot of white paint.He looks very guilty.

Says: none of the animals could be any idea what this meant, except the old Benjamin, who nodded with his snout with an expert air and seemed to understand, but would say nothing.But a few days later, Muriel noticed whom the seven commandments read for themselves who was one of those who had remembered the animals wrong. "But there are two words I forgot. Factically, the command is:" No animalMay drink alcohol to surplus. '


Answer the following questions such as a class. What did squealer do?

2. Why nods Benjamin on the head "with an expert air?" Why does the dogs scream circularly and accompany him to the farm.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book


Chapter IX pre-tone-leading instructions: Make a meaning for each word below.


Useful vocabulary

Complicity-n.rdelvand about involvement with others in an illegal activity or misconduct of Kniper-N.Material or flour, applied to the body to relieve tenderness and inflammation of dignity.and losing their elected representatives, professional lerv.begin strength or momentum interment-n.That will happen?2. Do you like that the animals will have the motivation to rebuild the wind turbine and maintain itself?


Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

Insight choose the best answer. Why did it not feel well at the start of the chapter? He was poisoned by Snowball.b. He was lazy.c.hij was injured in the battle for the windmill.

7. Benjamin is upset because A. put the grass aside for retirement age. Napoleon has become drunk again. He knows that Boxer is being removed to be killed.

3. First, the orchard was promised to the animals. As a place for them to withdraw when they are old. If a place to have horse races.C. As a place to build another windmill.

9. The author writes that it was not possible for boxer who returns to the farm. He was very seriously injured and seeing the remains would disturb the animals too much. Boxer was killed and his leftovers were used to produce glue.

2. What would the animals not have to know? That he spoke with snowball.b.c.c.c. that he and clover were in love.

4. How are the piglets treated? Equal to all other animals, more important than the other animals.C.erger than the other animals.

6. Boxer is almost twelve years old. To retire in the grass set aside for old animals. A big birthday party on the agricultural garden.c. to be old enough to drink beer.

8. The pigs say that Boxer went? To Pinchfield Farm.B.Naar Willillingdon Animal Hospital.c.

Answer the questions.

10. Why should the rations be reduced again?

11. Why did the chickens have so few chickens?

12. What privileges do the pigs enjoy now? How was the president of the new republic chosen?

14. How did the pigs use the Boxer death to make the animals work harder?

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book


Discussion 1. Why do you think that only the young pigs have been trained? Should everyone be trained on the farm, or would this lead to problems? Do you think it was fair how the president of the new Republic was chosen? How did boxers change?Who is really interested in boxes and how do they show it?

5. Was it fair what happened to Boxer?If you were a leader, what would you have done with Boxer?


Instructions: Identify the sign from the quote or the description.

1. “Fools!Fools! “2. [He] had offered that something would be held once a week, a spontaneous demonstration 3. It now seemed that [he] did not, when the animals Sigaf had presented a stratagem, but openly to theKant van Jones had fought .4. Midden in the summer [he] suddenly appeared on the farm after an absence of a few years.5. "There, comrades," he said solemnly, pointing to heaven with his big mouth - "above that, on the other side of the dark cloud you can see - it's it, Sugarcandy Mountain ... "

Do conclusions, what is the task of the reader?You can understand it against them.

Inference - (s): in logic, the process of drawing conclusions of buildings that are known or are supposed to be true.


Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

Instructions: Read the following passages from Chapter IX.i your notebook that you have to explain

Conclusions and insights that you can do, because the characters cannot.

A. In the meantime, life was difficult.

Even shorter.The time all rations were reduced except pigs and dogs.

B. In April, Animal Farm was named Republic and it became necessary to have a

Chair.There was only one candidate, Napoleon, who was unanimously selected.I just tried the battle to lose Cowshed with the help of a stratagem, but had openly fought on the side of Jones.

Chapter X Pre -instructions Pre -Lecture: Match the words with their definitions.

Handy vocabulary 1. 2. 4. 4. 5. 6.

Insoluble adj.Uøjret- adj.sparsomt- adv.lament- adj.Bundring-n.


And. Powers or supporters at minimal level B. Always a small costs;

1. This is the last chapter of the book. Do you think that the pigs will ultimately be successful, or do you think they will fall and be in a worse position than the other animals they have abused?

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book


Insight choose the best answer. When Chapter X takes place? A few days after Boxer was murdered.B. A few months after Boxer was killed.C.Vele years after Boxer was murdered.

6. What prevents the animals from protesting? The dogs are beam. Singing.

3. Why do the animals have a hard time remembering the uprising and ideas of the animal. They will not remember.B. They are kept crazy by Snowball and the other people. Now there are so many animals on the farm that were born or purchased after the uprising.

8. What has the seven bids on the charging wall replaced? "All animals are the same, but some animals are more on top of each other than others." "Long -living emperor Napoleon!"C. "All animals are the same, but still everywhere they are in chains."

2. How many animals have retirement? An animal.

4. The wind turbine is not used to make A. animal life easier.B.MAIR Majs.c.Were money on the pigs.

5. Which frightened clover and the other animals? The wind turbine fell down again.B.Frederick and Pilkington attacked Animal Farm again. The sight of screaming and pigs that go on two feet.

7. Squealer has changed the sheep song from "Four legs good, two legs bath" to "two legs good, four legs better." "Four legs good, four wheels better." "Four legs good, two legs better."

9. What message does Napoleon not give? The pigs have the farm. The name of the farm is changed back to Manor Farm.c.de Rebellie spreads to other farms.

10. Why are Napoleon and Pilkington starting to fight against each other? Someone turned out to cheat at Kort. Pilington is afraid that Napoleon will attack his farm. Napoleon does not like how Pilkington treats his animals.

Discussion 1. How does Orwell enjoy bureaucracy?

2. What do the animals think about their community on the farm?Why do they feel that way?

3. All seven bids are removed. What changes have brought the years to the farm?

5. What new changes at the conference with the nearby farmers point to Napoleon?


Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

WHO instructions: identify the character from the quote or description.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. 6.

"Even when I was young, I could not have read what was written there.""Four legs good, two legs better!"And their appetite were always good.

Chapter VIII-x review/Reflection

Answer the question with the help of your own words.

Remember and interpret

1. What game does Napoleon have with Frederick and Pilkington?

2. What happens to boxes and how do the other animals learn about his destiny?

Literature and write and connect and connect

1. In Chapter X the pigs start to walk on two legs.After your opinion, this development is a sign of progress.2.somlige critics are of the opinion that Orwell suggests that the pigs and human political leaders can be replaced at the end of the book. How can the power change it?

Newspaper article

Imagine that you had to write a newspaper article for Animal Farm..

Personal answer

Animal Farm contains many extremely effective scenes.Some are humorous or witty, others are bitter ironic or pessimistic.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book


Once you have read: activity activity 1: create a newspaper instructions: working in groups of three or four,

Create a short newspaper that reports the most important events in the novel.

Activity 2: News report Instructions: Choose large events from the book, and each present as part of a series of TV

News reports, maybe with video camera.

Activity 3: Make a shirt

You may have seen shirts with political messages written in a creative and interesting way.Design a shirt for one

Companies that had a political message from Dierenboerderij (or another political goal).On an empty piece of paper you have to pull and color what you would put on the front, as well as the back of the shirt.The class.One votes in the classroom to see which shirt design class is the most preferred.


Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

Perfection of a kind was what he was looking, and the poetry he invented was easy to understand;He knew human foolishness as the back of the hand and was very interested in armies and fleets;He cried the small children died in it

Activity 4: PO instructions: the animals, especially the pigs, using songs and poetry

Transfer meaning and ideas to the book.Be humorous?

Activity 5: Research of the Russian Revolution and the instructions of the Cold War: Now you have read Animal Farm and completed this

Study guide, you must have an idea of ​​the events that took place in Russia in and after 1917.

1. Most figures in Animal Farm represent real figures or groups of people in the Russian revolution. Research the Cold War.This was a period from the end of 2. The First World War until around 1990, when the United States and Communist Russia competed to impose control over smaller countries and to impose their own opposite political systems around the world.

Activity 6: Watch the film 1. There are many differences between the film and the book.Use the table below to fill the empty spaces with the differences between the film and the book.

The book


2. The book and the film ended differently.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book


Animal Farm George Orwell 1945


Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

I Mr. Jones from the country house had locked chicken houses for the night, but was too drunk to remember to close the doll holes., pulled one last glass of beer from the barrel in Scucleman, where Mrs. Jones was already snoring.When Oude Major, the Middle White Boar prize had a strange dream last night and wanted to communicate it to the other animals.He had to say at one end of the large barn, on a kind of raised platform, Major was already nestled on his straw beds, under a lantern that hung on a beam.He was still a majestic -looking pig with a wise and benevolent look despite the fact that his Tushes was never cut.And then the pigs who could settle in the straw came immediately in front of the platform.The two fleet horses, boxes and clover came together, went very slowly and laid their enormous hairy hooves with great care, so no small animal should be hidden in the straw.Clover was a shock from the mother approaching

Long, and as strong as both normal horses.forces.Then came the horses Muriel, De Witte Geit and Benjamin, the donkey.Note - For example, he would say that God had given him a tail to keep the flies away, but that he would have had a tail and not flies under the animals on the farm he never laughed.Why he would say he didn't see anything to laugh.No less, without admitting it openly, he was dedicated to boxer;.Around them with his large front legs, and the elderly in it and immediately fell asleep. Jones' stairs, came in, chewing through a lump of sugar.he said.All animals were now present except Moses, the tame raven who slept on a perch behind the back door.Already heard of the weird dream I had last night.But I come to the dream later.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book


With you for many months longer and before I die, I feel my duty to pass you on such a wisdom that I have received.I had a long life, I have a lot of time to think.And I think I can say that I understand the nature of life on this earth, as well as every animal that now lives.It: Our life is miserable, difficult and short.We were born, we just get so much food that your breath will keep in our body and those among us who are able to work is forced to work until the last atom of our strength;And the moment that our usefulness has ended, we are slaughtered by terrible cruelty.Is the common truth.But this is just part of the order of nature?No!The bottom of England is fertile, the climate is good, it is able to give food in abundance of a large number of animals than inhabiting now.They all live in comfort and dignity that is now almost outside our performance..He does not give milk, he does not lay eggs, he is too weak to pull the team, he cannot run fast enough to catch rabbits.Just the minimum that stares them, and the rest he has for himself.52

Where I gave thousands of Galton milk, did you give this last year?Last year and how many of these eggs ever abandon chickens, did you wear that support and joy of your old age?For your four inclusions and all your work in the fields, what have you ever had, except for your mere rations and a stand?Old and have had more than four hundred children.The block within a year.We all have to come to that horror - cows, pigs, chickens, sheep, all together.Strength, Will Jones sells you to Kacker who cuts your throat and you cook for Foxhounds.Regarding the dogs when they grow old and toothless, Jones binds a brick around the neck and drowns them in the nearest pond.Clear, so comrades that all the evil of our lives from our lives of people's tyranny jumps?Why, work day and night, body and soul, for the crash of the human race!Years, but I know, as I see this straw under my feet that will sooner or later justice will be done.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

With this announcement from me to those who find out, so that future generations will continue the fight until the victor is.And remember, comrades, your decision should never falter.You must bring the argument on a sideline.That man and the animals have a common interest that the prosperity of one is the prosperity of the others.Battle.All men are enemies. "At the moment there was a huge rebellion. The major was talking, four big rats sneak out of their holes and sat on their back quarters and listened to him. The dogs had suddenly seen them, andIt was only a good time that the rats have saved their lives.agreed by an overwhelming majority that rats were comrades.There were only four dissidents, the three dogs and the cat, which were afterwards discovered to voted on both sides.Mayor continued: 'I also have something more to say.And don't forget that we should not look like Him in the fight against man., or smoking tobacco or touching money or entering into trade.All habits of people are bad.And above all, no animal ever can ever do its own species.All the animal is right.And now, comrades I will tell you about my dream last night.

Dream for you.Sing an old song that they only knew the melody and the first three words.Is, the words of the song also came back - words, I am sure that it was sung by the animals a long time ago and have been lost for generations., and my voice is he, but once I have taught you the melody, you can sing it better for yourself. "Old major shocked his throat and started singing. As he said, his voice was hesitates, but he sang wellEnough, and it was a parent melody, something between Clementine and La Cucarachak.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

Beasts of England, animals of Ireland, animals of every country and the climate, are among my happy reports about the golden future time.Returned by animals., beans and shortcomings must be ours that day.

Light will shine the fields in England, clean his waters, sweeter, but must blow his wind on the day we all have to work for that day, although we die before it breaks;, everyone has to work for the sake of freedom.53

Beasts of England, Beasts of Ireland, Beasts or every country and climate, hear well and spreads my messages about the Golden Future Time.They started singing it for themselves.Then, after a few preliminary attempts, the entire garden burst into the animals in England in huge associations.From the song they sang the straightforward five times in order and it might continue to sing all night if they were not interrupted. Jones, who jumped out of bed and made sure there was a fox in the garden.Meeting collapsed quickly.


Three nights later the old major died peacefully in his sleep.On the farm a completely new view of life.for the.The work of teaching 54

And the organization of the others naturally fell on the pigs, which were generally recognized as the smartest of the animals. Jones was offered for sale.Speech and more inventive, but was not considered the same depth of character.Spray from left to right and the tail, which was very convincing in one way or another.The others said squeaking that he could transform black into white., after Mr. Jones slept, the secret meetings kept in the stable and threw the principles of the animal for the others. Jones, as they have referred to 'master' or elementary comments as' Mr. Jones Baarts us."And the pigs had great difficulty seeing that this was contrary to the spirit of the animal.Will there still be sugar after the uprising? "" And do I still have to wear ties in my mane? "Asked Mollie.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

"Cameraat," said Snowball, "The tires you are dedicated to are the badge of slavery." Mollie agreed, but she didn't sound very convinced. Jones' special pets was a spy and a narrative carrier, but butHe was also a smart speaker.But some of them believed in SugarCandy Mountain, and the pigs had to argue very hard to convince them that there was no such place, but as soon as they accepted the pigs like their teachers, they absorbed everything they were told and sent itTo the other animals through simple arguments.In the kitchen, reading the newspapers, drinking and occasionally feeding Moses on crust bread in beer., Hedges were neglected and the animals were undermined.

June came and the hay was almost ready to cut. Jones in Willillingdon and was so drunk from the red lion that he did not return to Sunday.The world over his face, so when the evening came, the animals were still loose.The store shoots with its horns and all animals started to help themselves with the garbage bins. Jones woke up.The next moment that he and his four men in the store with whips were brought in their hands and in all directions., they threw herself over their pines.Or two they gave up to defend themselves and went on their heels.A minute later, all five of those were in full flight through the carriage track that led to the main road where the animals chased them.Bedroom window, so what happened, quickly threw a few things in a carpet bag and slid out of the garden in a different way.Mosjes jumped out of her perch and slapped behind her and shot successfully completed: Jones was deported and the country house was theirs.In the first few minutes the animals could hardly believe in their happiness.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book


Of course no one hid everywhere;When they drove back to the farm buildings to wipe out the last traces of Jones' hated reign. Jones was used to castrate the pigs and lambs, were all thrown into the wells.So the whips go up in flames."Must be considered clothing, which is a human brand." When Boxer heard this, he took the little straw hat he wore in the summer to keep the flies out of his ears and threw it on the fire with the rest. In aVery small time, the animals had destroyed them from Mr. Jones.napoleon then led them back to Bigness and served a double ration of corn to everyone with two cookies for each dog.England, and then they slept, as usual, slept in the air as usual., Hayfield, The Orchard, The Pool, The Spinney.

They had never seen these things before, and even now they could hardly think that it was all of them., Snowball and Napoleon stuck the door with their shoulders and the animals came in a single file and with the greatest care for fear of disturbing something.Awe for the incredible luxury, by beds with their feathers, the appearance of glasses, the horse hair bench, the dean of the Brusel, the litho -victoria of the queen over the mantelpiece in the living room.In the best bedroom.Hanging in the kitchen was eliminated for funeral and the beer vessel in Scullery was a staircase of Boksershoof - otherwise nothing would be touched in the house.Museum.Everything has been agreed that no animal should ever live there.Start the Hooioogst.But there is another case that must first be observed. "On the waste.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

Snowball, which was the best in writing) took a brush between the two knuckles in his trotter, painted the country house of the top bar in the gate and painted animal farm in place.This went back to the farm buildings, where Snowball and Napoleon sent a ladder that they had to be placed against the final wall of the large barn.Dise Zeven Commandments would now be registered on the wall;They would form an unchanging law that all animals should live on animal farm forever.Up and started to work, with a few sports underneath him that held the paint pot.

1. Notwithstanding something on two legs is an enemy.

2. Notwithstanding something of up to four legs or has wings, a friend is.3. No animal may wear clothes.4. No animal may sleep in a bed.5. No animal may drink alcohol.6.dead.7.alle animals are the same.All animals nodded in full deal, and the wiser immediately started to learn the commandments outside.'Now, comrades,' screamed snowball and threw down the paint brush: 'Let's make it a pivot to get into the harvest faster than Jones and his men could do. "But at the moment the three cows were for a whileWere worried before, a highlings had already been milked twenty and their udder was almost blown up.

After a small thought, the pigs that were sent to the buckets and the cows are quite successful, where their carriers were well adapted to this task.Will all that milk happen?Anyone said."Jones sometimes mixed a part of it in our moss," said one of the chickens."Do you remember the milk, comrades!" Napoleon shouted and placed in front of the buckets. "So the animals walked to Hayfield to start the harvest, and when they returned in the evening, it was noted that the milk had disappeared.


How they lock and sweat to get the hay in it!But their efforts were rewarded, because the harvest was an even greater success than they had hoped.A major disadvantage that no animal was able to use a tool that stood on its hind legs.Actually understood that acting and much better than Jones and his men have ever done.Clover would benefit from the cutter or horse business (of course no pieces or reins that are needed, of course) and tramp steadily around and around the field with a pig that goes back and shouts, comrade!Back, comrade! 'And every animal worked to the modest by turning and collecting the hay.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book


The ducks and chickens hit back and forth in the sun all day and wear little hay in hay in their mouths.The greatest harvest, as the farm ever had seen.Summer went on the farm while the timepiece was happy when they never thought of it.Dolle for them by a gravel master.Years, when they harvested corn, they had to step into the old style and blow it up with their breathing, because the farm had no threshing machine - but pigs with their cleverness and boxing with its huge muscles always pulled through.Admiration for everyone.He was even a hardwork and pulled in the time of Jones, always where the work was the most difficult.He had arranged one of the co*ckerels to call him half an hour earlier than someone else, and would introduce some volunteer work to what seemed to be most needed for the regular day of work.Every problem, every setback was "I want to work harder!"- which he had taken over as his personal motto.But everyone worked according to their capacity.Quarrel and bit and jealousy and jealousy, there had used to be normal characteristics in life.

Shirked - or almost nobody.Mollie, it was true was not good in the morning and had a way to leave the work early on the floor that there was a stone in her.And the cat's cat was something special.It was soon noted that when work had to be done, the cat could never be found.Excellent apologies and so lovingly pureed that it was impossible not to believe in her good intentions.Never shake and never voluntarily to work.From you once saw a dead donkey, and the others had to be happy with this cryptic answer.There was no work on Sunday.Garden every Sunday 8, morning.All animals in the large barn for a general meeting that became known as the meeting.Vote but could never think of their own decisions.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

Retled to resist it.With retirement age for every class of animals.Wool movement for the sheep and various others, in addition to introducing classes in reading and writing.They were treated with generosity, used it..Could read as well as every pig, but never practiced her faculty.

As far as he knew, he said, there was nothing worth reading.The dust with its big hoof, and would then stare at the letters with his ears, sometimes shaking his utility chess and tried to remember what has come and never succeeded again.H, but when he knew them, it was always discovered that he had forgotten A, B, C and D, he finally decided to be happy with the first four letters and write them once or twice a day to take his memoryto work.Mollie refused to learn differently than the six letters that pin her own name.The other animals in the garden could be further than the letter A. Learn the seven commandments outside. He said, contained the essential principle of the animal.The case.of.'.Often they would all start to blow the field

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book


'Four legs good, two legs bad!Four legs good, two legs bad! ”And keep it up and never get tired of it. Napoleon was not interested in the Snowball committee. He said that the training of the young people was more important than something that could be done for those who were alreadyGreated. It happened that Jessie and Bluebell were whistling for nine robust puppies that could only be reached by a ladder from the harness room, and they held them in such a seclusionThe farm soon forgotten their existence.Doing this in a spirit and privilege?called in and jumped from left to right and beaten tail ', there are at least 60

No one of you who wants to see Jones coming back? "If there was one thing that the animals were absolutely sure, they didn't want Jones back.Health was way too clear.So it was agreed without further arguments that the milk and windfall the apples (and also the most important harvest of apples when they grow up) should only be reserved for the pigs.


In the late summer the news about what had happened on Animal Farm, about half of the county.Snowball and Napoleon sent flights from pigeons whose instructions would disrupt the animals on neighboring companies, tell them the story of the rebellion and teach them the melody of Beesten van Engeland. Yones spent in the Red Lion Taproom in Willillingdon to everyoneListening to the outrageous injustice he had suffered by a package of good -exposed animals from his property.Not given much help in the beginning.Permanent bad circ*mstances. Pilkington, was an informal gentleman who spent most of his time with fishing or hunting according to the season. Frederick, a tough, sharp man who was always involved in a lawsuit and with a name to walk hard good deals.This two did not really love each other that it was difficult for them to come to every deal, even to defend themselves interests.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

Nevertheless, they were both thoroughly afraid of the rebellion at Animal Farm and very enthusiastic to prevent their own animals from learning too much about it.Would all be over in two weeks, they said.And the animals were apparently not starving, Frederick and Pilkington changed their number and started talking about the terrible evil that now flourished at Animal Farm.said.The landscape.The words of the animals of England that is known everywhere.How even animals could bring themselves to sing despite waste.Yours and melody of the church bells.

And stacked, and a part of it was already threshing, a flight of pigeons came through the air swirls and illuminated in the garden at Animal Farm in the wildest excitement.Come in in the five raised gate and came to the Carriage Spoor that led to the garden.was expected for a long time and all preparations were prepared.Was in his position.When people approached the farm buildings, Snowball launched his first attack.This, the geese hurried, the geese, the geese, the geese, the geese, the geese hurried who had hidden themselves behind the hedge, and cruel the calves in their legs.Intended to make a small condition, and the men drove the geese with their sticks.All parties, while Benjamin turned around and turned against them with his little hooves.All animals turned around and fled through the gate in the garden.The garden, the three horses, the three cows and the rest of the pigs that had been to Koellopers suddenly came up and cut them off.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book


For Jones.jones saw him coming, his gun raised and shots.Jones was thrown in a pile with fertilizer and his gun flew out of his hands.Stroke took a stable load from Foxwood on the skull and stretched it lifeless in the mud.They were led, kicked, bitten, trampled.There was no animal in the garden that did not revenge them in his own way.He screamed terribly.In a time when the opening was ready, the men were happy enough to run out of the garden in the same way, they had arrived, with a herd of geese who whisper after them and pick all the road on their calves.All men were gone except one.In the mud and tried to turn him around.t Do this on purpose? "" No sentimentality, friend! "Shouted snowball, whose wounds blood is still dripping." "I don't have a desire to take life, even human life," repeated boxes and his eyes wereFull of tears. 'Where is Mollie?'Everyone exclaimed.Mollie was in fact missing.Buried her head 62

Under the hay of the cradle.Run up and the animals in England were sung several times, after which the sheep who were killed had a solemn funeral where a hawthorn bush was planted on her grave.To be ready to die for animal farm if necessary.Some old horse manager found in the armor room) that must be worn on Sundays and vacations.Called. Jones' gun was found in the mud, and it was known that there was a stock of cartridges in the farm.Once in October the twelfth, the birthday of the Battle of the Carriage Staff and once on the Midsummer Day, birthday of the uprising.


While the winter retired, Mollie became more and more cumbersome.Go to the drinking pool where she would stand foolish and look at her

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

Own reflection in the water.But there were also rumors about something serious., "I have something very serious to say. Pilkington's men were on the other side of the hedge." He didn't do that! "Mollie shouted and started predicting and pasting the earth."Mollie!See me in the face.Do you give me your honor that the man didn't stroke his nose? "reported that they had seen her on the other side of Willingdon.wore a deep red band around her preference.Planning the work in the coming season.

The pigs that were clearly wiser than the other animals had to decide all the questions about the agricultural policy, although their decisions had to be ratified by the majority.It did not agree with the fact that disagreement was possible.For cabbage, the other would explain that it was useless for anything but roots.For themselves between time.He was especially successful with the sheep., that they were specially responsible for breaking 'four legs good, two legs bad' at crucial moments in Snowball's post.All animals to drop their meeting directly into the fields in a different place to save the cartridge work.A bitter as the one who took place over the wind turbine.In the long grassland, not far from the farm buildings, there was a small hill, which was the highest point on the farm.This was just the location of a wind turbine that could be made to operate a dynamo and to provide the farm with electric current.And an electric milking machine.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book


Never heard of this kind of this kind (because the farm was an old -fashion and only had the most primitive machines), and they listened surprised their convenience in the fields or improved their spirit with reading and conversations.In a few weeks, Snowball's plans were fully prepared for the wind turbine. Jones - thousand useful things to do through the house, every man's own brickwork and electricity for beginners.Snowball used as his studies a shed that was once used for incubators and had a smooth wooden floor that was suitable for drawing up.there for hours..Although the chickens and ducks came and had the pain not to get on the chalk stripes.Went strongly around the barn, looked closely at all the details of the plans and sniffed them once or twice and then got up for a while while he considered them from the corner of his eye;And went out without expressing a word.

It would be saved that the animals should only work three days a week.The animals formed in two fractures under the slogan, 'voice for Snowball and the Three Day Week' and 'Voice for Napoleon and the Full Crib.' 'Benjamin was the only animal that is not with one of the group.Always gone - that is, bad.To re -create the farm and Mr.Again introduction Jones.de had all the more reason to do this because the news of their defeat had spread over the country and the animals on the nearby farms had made more residues than ever.The animals must do to buy firearms and train themselves in the use of them., they had to be conquered, the other argued that if rebellion happened everywhere, they didn't have to defend themselves.Always in accordance with the person who was currently talking.Animals were gathered in the large barn, Snowball got up, and although they were occasionally interrupted by blowing out of the sheep, he set out his reasons to go for the construction of the windmill.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

Answer.He said very calmly that the wind turbine was nonsense and that he did not advise anyone to vote for it and immediately sat down again;At his feet and shouted the sheep that began to blow again, broke in a passionate attraction in favor of the wind turbine.Away., teams, etc. rollers and harvesters and binders, in addition to supplying boxes with its own electric light, hot and cold water and an electric stove.At the moment Napoleon got up and threw a special silk look at snowball, expressed a kind of high -hole whistle that nobody had ever heard him before.Wearing brass collars came and walked in the stable.Afraid of talking, all animals pressed through the door to see the hunt.It.And slid with a few centimeters to save through a hole in the hedge and were no longer seen.

Imagine where these beings came from, but the problem was quickly solved: they were the puppies that Napoleon had taken away from their mothers and had bred private.Although they were not yet full, they were huge dogs and look as fast as wolves.They kept close to Napoleon.jones.napoleon, with the dogs that follow him, now mounted on the raised part of the floor where Major had previously stood to give his speech.He said, waste time.Sunday morning to greet the flag, sing animals in England and receive their orders in the week;But there would be no debates anymore.Protested if they could have found the right arguments.However, the pigs themselves were more articulated.Deep fallen, deep, threatening growls and the pigs became quiet and sat down again..

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book


Work on himself.You make your decisions for yourself.Then a criminal? "" He bravely fought in the battle for the carriage, "everyone said."Completion is not enough, "Squealer said."Discover that Snowballs is exaggerated. "Again, this argument was not responsible. The animals would certainly not have Jones back; if holding debates on Sunday morning was responsible for returning him, the debate must stop. Boxer, who now has timeHad to think about things, expressed the general feeling by saying, "If comrade Napoleon says so, it must be good."To his private -I will generally work in the large barn to receive their orders.at 66

For the raised platform where the nine young dogs form a semicircle around them, and the other pigs that were behind them.And after a single number from Beasts of England, all animals spread on the third Sunday after the expulsion of Snowball, the animals were somewhat surprised to hear Napoleon announcing that the wind turbine would not give a reason to do.Have changed thoughts, but the animals simply warned that this extra task would mean a lot of hard work, it may even be necessary to reduce their rations.Pigs had worked with them for the past three weeks.The plan that Snowball had drawn on the floor of the incubator was actually stolen between the papers of Napoleon.To resist the wind turbine, just as a maneuver to get rid of snowball, which was a dangerous character and a bad influence.Now where Snowbal was avoiding, the plan could continue without his interference.Something called tactics.He repeated a number of times, tactics, comrades, tactics!'Speak around and hit the tail with a joyful laughter.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

We worked with the animals as slaves throughout the year.But they were happy in their work;Pack of idle, twentieth people.In the spring and summer they worked a week of sixty hours, and in August Napoleon announced that there would also be work on Sunday afternoon.The rations reduced by half.The team had not ended early.So that all materials for building were at hand.But the problem that the animals could not solve was how the stone in pieces of fitting animal could stand on the hind legs.Animals were acidified rope around this, and then all the cows, horses, sheep, every animal that could grab the rope - even the pigs sometimes ended up at critical moments - they desperately pulled them on the slope to the top of theSteengroeve, where they were overthrown over the edge to crush in pieces below.

In an old Governor's sleeve and did their part.This late summer had collected a sufficient store with stones, and then the building started under the superintendent of the pig.Pull a single stone to the top of the quarry, and sometimes, when pushing over the edge, it could not break.who tension the rope and stopped the stone...Stones and pull it to the location of the wind turbine without help.Fewer..and gates.No less that the summer went on, they started to make various unforeseen shortcomings themselves

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book


felt.Napoleon receives their orders, announced that he had decided a new policy.From now on Dyefarmgård would enter the trade with the nearby farms: of course not for a commercial purpose, but to get certain materials that were urgent.More money, it must consist of the sale of eggs, because there was always a Marketi Willdon..Treatment of people, never to participate in the trade, never use money - if it had not been one of the earliest decisions that had been adopted during the first triumphant meeting after Jones was deported?At least they thought they remembered it.Four legs good, two legs bad!"And the immediate clumsiness was smoothed.A gentleman, a lawyer who lives in Willillingdon, agreed to act as an intermediary between Animal Farm and the Outside World, 68

And the farm would visit every Monday morning to receive its instructions. And after the song of animals in England the animals were rejected.suggested.Was pure imagination, probably traceable at the start of lies that are spread by snowball.Such a decision?Is it written down everywhere? "And because it was certainly true that there was nothing like that kind of written, the animals were satisfied that they had been confused. Every Monday, Mr. Whymper visited the farm as it was arranged. Would be worth itand reconciled to the new event.have given their own affairs.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

Farm after the correct name and stopped pretending to be called the country house. Pilkington from Foxwood or with Mr. Frederick from Pinchfield - De Mende was never noticed with both.Days, and again, Squealer was able to convince that this was not the case.The dignity of the manager (he had taken too late to talk about the Napoleon under the title 'Leader') to live in a house than in a pure style.Only take their meals in the kitchen and used the salon as a recreation room, but also slept in beds.Until the end of the barn and tried to puzzle the seven commandments that were registered there.In a bed? "With some difficulties that the statements. The wall must have made this. And beeping that is currently passing by, participated by two or three dogs, was able to place the whole thing in its right perspective.

"You've heard, comrades," he said, "that we are now sleeping in the farm beds? And why not? You did not assume that there was definitely a decision against beds? A bed just means a place to sleep in. OurNobody wants to see Jones again?the walls could increase a different foot.ask themselves that they should have been able to build something so impressive.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book


Buildings shake their base and various tiles were blown off the roof of the barn.A cry of despair broke out of the throat of every animal.from everyone.The fallen stone Napoleon tempo back and forth in silence and occasionally sniffed on the floor.Camerates, "he said calmly," Do you know who is responsible for this? "He suddenly roared with a voice of Thunder. Snowball has done this thing! In pure evil if you think you can bring back our plans and take revenge on hisScary, this traitor is lame under the coverage of the night and destroyed our work in almost a year!From the damn.

Those to be Snowball's. Shouted Napoleon while the footsteps were examined.. ''


It was a bitter winter.The stormy weather was followed by gossip and snow and then by a hard prince that only broke in February.Outside the world looked at them and that the jealous people would look forward to and prevail if the mill was not finished on time.were too thin.The animals knew this was not the case.Quarry was full of snowclede and nothing could be made.Hunger.Can boxes and clover have never lost the heart.Squealer Freighted Sprinkles about the Juid of Service and the Digna Labor, but the other animals found more inspiration in the power of Boxer and his never Failing Call about 'I want to work harder!' In January the food came on map.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

Compensate it.The animals had nothing to do with food, but chaff and shortcomings.She seemed to be staring in the face.Farm.Mr. Whymper to spread an opposite impression.The animals had little or no contact with Whyper during his weekly visit: now a few selected animals were usually sheep, asked to randomly notice in his hearing that the rations were raised.Ordered the almost empty garbage bins in the shop shed to almost be filled to the edge with sand, which was then covered with what was left behind by the grain and the meal.Should a glimpse of the waste.In these days, Napoleon rarely appeared in public, but spent all his time in the farm, which was guarded at every door of hard dogs.Get rid of an escort of six dogs that carefully surrounded him and crushed when someone got too close.the chickens that have just arrived for placing

Again their eggs must vomit.were at the spot to prepare their couplings for the spring and they protested for the fact that removing the eggs was now murder.floor.Away.Was stacked there ten years earlier when a Beech -Spinney was cleaned up. Pilkington and Mr.Frederick wanted to buy it.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book


Pilkington, Snowball would be in Pinchfield.End, early in the spring, an alarming thing was discovered.He came in under the cover of darkness and carried out all kinds of evil., the entire farm was convinced that Snowball had thrown it up.Their sleep.Inspection of the farm buildings, the other animals follows at a respectful distance.His secret on the ground, gave several deep sniffs, advertisem*nt with a terrible voice, 'Snowball!' And through the word 'Snowball', all dogs escaped from blood intake and showed their side teeth.them with all kinds of dangers.

"Camerates!"Shouting and made a little nervous jumps, "something is terribly discovered.Guide when the attack starts.He was the secret agent of Jones all the time.Tried - luckily without success - to make us defeated and destroyed in the Battle of Cowshed? “The animals were stunned. They all remembered themselves or thought they remembered how they had seen snowballs for them in the Battle of Cowshed, how he hehad gathered and encouraged them during every trip and how not broke for a moment, even when Pellets van Jones' gun had the injured.A hard attempt to formulate his thoughts."I don't think so," he said. "" It was our fault, friend.We now know - it is all written in the secret documents we found - that he was really trying to lure us to our downfall. "But he was injured," said Boxer."We all saw him run with blood." "It was part of the event!" Squealer shouted."Jones shot him alone.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

Critical moment to make the signal flee and leave the field to the enemy.Do you remember how, the moment Jones and his men had entered the garden, Snowball suddenly turned and fled, and many animals followed him?Napoleon jumped forward with a scream about 'Death to Humanity!' And sank his teeth in Jones's legs? ”Squealer and refreshed from left to right..A good companion. "The very first beginning - yes, and from a long time before the uprising was ever thought.It was noted that he threw a very ugly look at boxes with his small blinking eyes.Because we have reason to believe that some of the secret agents of Snowball are currently lurking! “Four days later, in the late afternoon, Napoleon ordered all the animals to gather in the garden.Class' and 'animal hero, second class'), with its nine huge dogs

Freshing around him and pronouncing Knurr, who shake all the spines of the animals.Throwed hunted.Other two fled with their tail between their legs.Boxer looked at Napoleon to know if he should crush or let go of the dog.Eliminated, marked and cry.Riot died in the moment.In addition to further request, they admitted that since his removal had been in contact with Snowball, that they had worked with him to destroy the wind turbine and that had entered into an agreement with him to transfer animal farm to the Lord.Ensure that Snowball had admitted them privately that he had been the secret agent of Jones in recent years.Had something to be seen.came out

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book


And confessed that they separated six corns during the harvest of last year and they eaten at night.have killed an old ram, a particularly devoted successor to Napoleon by haunting him and around Enbire, while he was suffering from coughing.They were all killed on stage.Layed at Napoleon's feet, and the sky was heavy from the smell of blood, which was unknown there since the removal of Jones.Shocked and miserable.But it all seemed that it was much worse now that it happened.The Semi -Voltooid Windmolen stood, and with a consensus they were all as if they had to hug together for heat Klaver, Muriel, Benjamin, the cows, the sheep and a whole group of compensations and chickens - all, except the cat, which suddenly disappearedJust before Napoleon ordered the animals to collect.To the only fault in ourselves. "And he left with his tree and created for the quarry.When he got there, he gathered two consecutive stones and 74

Pull them to the windmill before they withdrew for the night.To the Hoofdweg, Hayfield, Spinney, the drinking pool, the pleated fields where the young wheat was thick and green, and the red roofs on the garden with farm buildings Co -Smoke curls of chimneys.Blades hedges were gilded by the rays of the sun.Hill, when her eyes were filled with tears.Terror and slaughter were not what they looked forward to that night when the old major first stirred them to rebel., everything equal, each worked according to its capacity, the strong protection of the weak when she had protected the lost tribal ducks with her front leg in the night of the major speech.Time when nobody dared to speak his opinion when they roamed hard, growling dogs everywhere, and when you had to see your comrades demolished after confessing shocking crimes.Things were, they were much better off than in the days of Jones, and that it was necessary for everything else to prevent the return of people.Hair and accept Napoleon's management.Yet it was not that she and all other animals had hoped and worn out.were her thoughts, although she was missing

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

The words to express them.Until the last time she felt this somehow a replacement for the words she could not find, she started singing animals in England.Very tune but slow and sad, in a way they had never sung it before.England was abolished.From now on it was forbidden to sing it. Called Muriel. "It is no longer necessary, comrade," said Scream Stif.I have longed for a better society in the coming days.Goal.So England animals were no longer heard.Was sung every Sunday morning after hoisting the flag.


A few days later, when the terror caused by the executions, some of the animals remembered - or thought they remembered - that the sixth commandment

Introduction 'No animal will kill another animal.' And although no one was interested in mentioning it during the hearing of the pigs or dogs, it thought that the murders that had occurred did not come with this.To interfere such questions, she picked up Muriel.Muriel read the command to her. On some way, the last two words were slipped from the memory of the animals, but they now saw that the command was not violated;Because there was clearly a good reason to kill the traitors who had been with snowballs in the year in the year.The animals were even more difficult than they had worked in the previous year to rebuild the wind turbine, with walls twice as thick as before, and to end up on the agreed date, along with the regular work on the farm was a huge worker.Times, where it seemed for the animals that they were working for longer hours and did not feed better than they had done in the day of Jones.That proof that the production of each food class had increased by two hundred percent, three hundred percent or five hundred percent, as is the case.How relationships had been before the uprising.Nevertheless, there were days when they would have had fewer figures and more food.Once in two weeks.When he appeared, he not only participated in his consequence of dogs, but through a black rooster that marched for him and served as a kind of trumpet player and a long 'co*cka-Doodle-Doo' spoke for Napoleon.Although in agriculture it was said, Napoleon inhabited individual apartments from the others.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book


Tekkakkels.Everywhere carried on all animals, even and especially the unfortunate animals that still lived in ignorance and slavery on other farms.At the other, "under the leadership of our leader, comrade Napoleon, I laid five eggs in six days";Or two cows that enjoy a drink from the swimming pool would spread: 'Thanks to the management of friend Napoleon, how excellent this water tastes!'Minimus and as follows: Friend of Dad!!You give everything your beings love, full twice a day, pure straw to roll up;Every beast that is great would have become so large, even as a pint bottle or as a rolling pin, if he has learned to be faithful and loyal to you, yes, his first squeaking should be "Comrade Napoleon!"

Napoleon approved this poem and made it on the wall of the large barn on the other side of the seven bids.Via the WhyMper agency that deals with complicated negotiations with Frederick and Pilkington.Attained Animal Farm and destroy the windmill whose building furiously awakened jealousy in him.Their bed at night, one in every corner, and a young pig named Pinekeye was given the task of tasting all his food before he ate it so that it would not be poisoned.Sell ​​the stack with wood to Mr.Pilkington;He also had to enter into a regular agreement on the exchange of certain products between Animal Farm and Foxwood.Human degree instead of Frederick, whom they both feared and hated.Twenty men who are armed with weapons and he already had the cutlery the magistrates and the police, so if he could ever get the title leaders at Animal Farm, they would also not ask any question.Cruelty that Frederick has practiced in his animals.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

Had dragged an old horse, he hung out his cows, he had killed a dog by throwing it in the oven, he was amused in the evening by getting co*cks to fight with splinters of the razor blades tied to their traces.Of the animals cooked with anger when they heard about these things that were done to their comrades, and sometimes they struggled to go into a body and attack Pinchfield Farm, perform people and free the animals.Avoid hasty actions and trust in the strategy of Mate Napoleon.Considering him under his dignity, he said, with rose of this description.Slogan of 'Death to Humanity' in favor of 'Death to Frederick.'endnu One of the editing of Snowball was just laid..The order of "Animal Hero, First Class."The effort - until the harvest had to be collected almost the same time - the wind turbine was ready.

On the teeth of any difficulty, despite inexperienced, of primitive tools, from Onfinsels and of the betrayal of Snowball, the work was completed for that day!Nice in their eyes then when it was first built.To inspect the completed work;announced that he had sold the stack of wood to Frederick.I arrived from Frederick the morning and started to drive it away.Out;Insulting messages were sent to Pilkington.And had never been in his life: he lived - in a considerable luxury, it was said - at Foxwood and was in fact a retirement of Pilkington in previous years.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book


The pigs were in ecstases on the Napoleon list.This seems friendly to Pilkington, he had forced Frederick to increase his price against twelve pounds.Someone, even Frederick.frederick, had wanted to pay the tree with something that was called a check that it seemed to be a piece of paper with a promise to pay for it.Real Five -Pound notes that had to be transferred before the tree was removed.Speed.When it was all gone, another special meeting was held in the stable for the animals to inspect Frederick's bank drawings.Stacked on a Chinese bowl of the farm kitchen.Whymper, his face pale, threw the path on his bike, threw it over the garden and immediately rushed into the farm.!Frederick had received the tree for nothing!Treacherous act was to be expected.

The attacks came the next morning.The slight victory they had had in the battle for the Carriage Staff.Despite the efforts of Napoleon and Boxer to collect them, they were soon driven back.From the enemy.For the time being, even Napoleon was lost.One of them with a scrap paper from Pilkington. In between, Frederick and his men were stopped over the windmill. Rip Napoleon.We have built the walls too thickly. "But Benjamin looked intensely at the movements of the men. The two with the hammer and the coupling bore a hole near the bottom of the wind turbine. Long, and with an air almost entertainment, Benjamin nodded with hislong snout. "He said."Don't you have what they do?" Torn awaited the animals.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

Seen in all directions.Despair that they had felt a moment before, were drowned in their anger against this weak, despicable action.Don't follow the cruel pellets about them as a hail.Two geese were killed and almost all were injured.Napoleon's own Bodyguard, whom he had instructed to make a detour under cover of the HEG, suddenly appeared on the flanks of the gentlemen, overtaking mirroring.And the next moment the Feige enemy ran for the precious life.Tired and bleeding.was standing.Yes, it was gone;Almost the last trail of their work had disappeared!

Foundations were partially destroyed.Was as if the wind turbine had never been.Farm buildings, the solemn flowering of a gun."What is the gun that fires?" Said Boxer."To celebrate our victory!" Said Boxer.Han's knees bleed, he had lost a shoe and shared the hoof, and a dozen pellets were established in the hind leg. "But they destroyed the wind turbine.And we had worked on it for two years! "" Which case?We build another wind turbine. "" Then we won what we had before, "said Boxer."It's our victory, "Squealer said.Work of rebuilding the wind turbine of the foundation, and already in fantasy he stepped on the task.But for the first time it discovered that he was eleven years old and that his big muscles might not have been completely ever.But then the animals saw the green flag flying and heard the gun shoot again - seven times it was fired in everything - and heard the speech that Napoleon gave, so they congratulated their behavior, it seemed that they had a big victory.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book


During the battle, a solemn funeral.Boxer and Clover pulled the car that served as a house, and Napoleon even went first in the procession.Pistool, and a special gift from an apple, each animal with two ounce of corn received for every bird and three cookies for each dog.Decoration, the order of the green banner, which he himself had assigned.The farm.An old bowler hat wearing Mr. Jones, it was clearly seen to appear from the back door, quickly gallop in the garden and disappear into doors again.When Squealer appeared, slowly and down, his eyes boring, his tail hanging behind him and with every gaze of seriously ill.!A cry for lamentation stood up., Snowball was desperate to introduce poison in the food of Napoleon.Napoleon, however, seemed to be a little better, and 80

After the morning, Squealer was able to say that he was well on his way to improvement.A week later, Napoleon ordered that the Little Paddock next to the orchard, who was previously intended to go aside as a grazing for animals that were previously work, had to be distributed.and needed genes;But it soon became known that Napoleon was planning to sow the one with barley.The final wall of the large barn where the seven commandments were written, a ladder was broken in two pieces.Zekrealer, temporarily stunned, afterwards pot with white paint.Well -informed air and seemed to understand, but would say nothing, but a few days later Muriel, who read the seven commandments for himself, noticed that there was still one of them who had remembered the animals wrong."No animal should drink alcohol," but there were two words they had forgotten.


Boxer's split hoof was a long time to heal.The laundry started with the reconstruction of the wind turbine the day after the victory celebrations were completed.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

Make sure he was in pain in the evening."The lungs of a horse do not last forever," she told him.But Boxer would not listen.Starting, when the legislation on Animal Farm was first formulated, the retirement age was aimed at horses and pigs at twelve pension was agreed.Was not yet an animal that was actually retired, but lately the subject had been discussed more and more.Large grassland had to be fenced and became a grazing conspiracy for super -manned animals.For a horse, it was said, the pension would be five pounds and fifteen pounds in the winter, with a carrot or possibly an apple on holidays.boxer's twelfth birthday should be the following year in the summer.And dogs.A rigid equality in rations, explained squealer, would have been in conflict with animal principles.The performance can be.Before time it was certainly found to make an adjustment of rations (Squealer has always spoken about it as a 're -adjustment', never as a 'reduction'), but compared to Jones' days, the improvement input was.The figures in a screaming, fast voice and proven them in detail that they had more oats, more hay, more nose than they had on the day of Jones, that they worked for shorter hours, that their drinking water was of dissolving quality, that they were longerlived that a larger part of their boy survived the baby and that they had more straw

In their cabins and ran less of fleas.And often cold, and that they usually worked when they didn't sleep.And that made the difference, because Squealer was unable to point it out.There were now many more mouths to feed.Bricks and wood were purchased are being built in the school room in Farmhouse Garden.As a rule, when a pig and another animal met each other on the path, the path must stand aside: and also that all pigs, regardless of the degree, must have the privilege of green ribbons on the tails on Sundaywear.The farm had had a fairly successful year, but was still shortly after money.Oil and candles in front of the house, sugar to Napoleon's own table (it forbade this for the other pigs, with the ground that made the fat), and all the usual replacements such as tools, nails, string, coal, wire, scrap.And dog biscuits.In December in February again reduced and lanterns in stands were forbidden to save oil.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book


Seemed comfortable enough, and was actually on the road, if something had a warm, rich, tasty scent at the end of February, like the animals that never melted, flowed across the farm of the Kleine Brewery De Tijd van Jones and those over theKitchen noticed.It was announced that everything and from now on would be reserved for the pigs.To Napoleon himself, who was always served in the Derby -Soep crown., More speeches, more processions, Napoleon had offered that there was a spontaneous demonstration once a week whose goal was to celebrate the competitions and triumphs at Animal Farm.In military formation, with the pigs that lead, then the horses, then the cows, then the sheep and then the poultry.Occasionally a shot was fired from the gun.The cold, the sheep were safe to dampen him with an enormous bleeding of 82

"Four legs good, two legs bad!"But these parties largely enjoyed the animals.The gun, the inn of the co*ckerel and the flag of the flag, they could forget that their stomach was empty, at least a party.To lose the battle for the carriage with the help of a stratagem, but had openly fought on the side of Jones. On his lips.Very unchanged, still did not work and spoke in the same tension as always about Sugarcandy Mountain.Sky with its large beak - 'above it, on the other side of the dark cloud you can see - it is it, Sugar Candy Mountain, the happy country where poor animals have to rest forever of our work!In him.Life now, justified, were hunger and demanding;Was it not good, and just that a better world would exist somewhere else?

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

To decide, the attitude of the pig was towards Moses.Explained all contempt for his stories about SugarCandy Mountain lies, and yet they let him stay on the farm, not work, with a fee of a beer a day., Boxer worked harder than ever.In fact, all animals worked as slaves that year.Has been.But spring came and the boxer didn't get fatter.Continue.His lips were seen at such times to form the words: "I want to work harder";There was something around the garden with Boxer.Lit his side and cannot get up! “About half of the animals in the garden ran to the tuber where the wind turbine stood.Stumbled out of the mouth.Clover fell on his knees by his side."Boxer!" It's my lung, "said Boxer in a weak

vote.I was looking forward to my retirement. "" We need to get help right away, "said Clover." All other animals immediately drove back to the farm to give the scream the news.The shouting of one hour appeared, full of sympathy and concern.Hospital in Willingdon.That the veterinar in Willingdon could treat the boxer's case more satisfactorily than could be done on the farm.Benjamin had prepared a good straw for him for the next two days.For what had happened.If he received a good recovery, he could expect that he would live for another three years and he was looking forward to the peaceful days he would spend in the corner of the large lawn.Study and improve his spirit.He he

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book


The intention, he said to devote the rest of his life to learn the remaining 22 letters of the alphabet.The animals were all in workplaces that are the nose under the supervision of a pig weed when they were surprised to see Benjamin galloping from the direction of the farm buildings that roared at the top of his voice.Excited - It was actually the first time someone had ever seen him."Fast, fast!" He shouted. "Without waiting for the pig's orders, the animals broke the work and drove back to the farm buildings.Of course there was a large closed van in the garden, drawn by two horses, with letters by his side and a swallow in a low -ranged bowler hat on the driver's seat.and Boxers were empty. "Benjamin shouted, jumped around them and stamped the ground with his little hooves." Fools! Don't you see what's on the side of that van? "It gave the animals a break and there was a Hysk.Kennels delivered.They take boxes to Kackers! “A shout of horror burst of all animals.At the moment the man hit his horses and the van moved the garden on a smart trot.against the front. 'And exactly at the moment, as if he had heard the rebellion outside, the face of the box, with the white 84

Stripe over the nose, appeared on the small window on the back of the van. "All animals took screaming:" Come out, boxing, come out! "But the van already collected speed and pulled away from them. Tried.Kicking himself out.who are too ignorant to realize their ears and faster, Boxer's face did not appear at the window.Seen three days later it was announced in the hospital in Willillingdon, despite the fact that a horse could garden..Was ready. He whispered. "They were his best words, comrades." Here the screaming behavior suddenly changed.He became quiet for a moment and his little one

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

Eyes shot a suspicious look from left to right before he continued.Was marked with 'horses slaughter' and was actually jumped to the conclusion that Boxer was sent to Knackers.That?But the explanation was really very simple.this.From their partner, were tempered by the idea that he was at least dead.To the farm, but he had ordered a great wreath by making the laurel in the farm and sent to be placed on Boxer's Grave.Tied up his speech with a memory of Boxer's two favorite adjustments, "I want to work harder" and "Comrade Napoleon is always right" - Maxims, he said, what all animals would do well to adopt as his own.was named the banquet, a grocer drove from Willillingdon and delivered a large wooden box on the farm.

Like a violent Krangel and the Klok eleven ended with a huge glass accident.


Years.Jessie and Pincher were also dead.Beyond the retirement age, but in fact no animal had withdrawn.Look out of his eyes.The turnout was not as great as expected in previous years.Many animals were born to whom the rebellion was only a weak tradition that was passed on by mouth to mouth, and others had been bought who had never heard of anything like their arrival.The farm now had three horses next to Klaver.The rebellion and principles of animal, especially clover, for whom they had an almost branch respect;But it was doubtful about them understood much of it.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book


The farm was now more prosperous and better organized: it was even expanded with two fields that had been purchased from Mr. Pilkington.The wind turbine was finally successfully completed and the farm had a threshing machine and its own hay lift, and several new buildings had been added to the. Whymper had bought a doggy.It was used for mowing corn and brought a wonderful surplus of money.The animals worked hard to build another wind turbine;When it was done, Dynamos would be installed.Water and the three -day week were no longer spoken.The farm had become richer without even making the animals richer - except of course for the pigs and the dogs.Don't work after their fashion.Told them that the pigs had to spend huge work every day on mysterious things called 'Files', report '' 'minutes' and 'memoranda.' Write, and as soon as they were covered, they were burned in the oven.There were a lot of them and their appetite were always good.The fields;In the winter the unrest of the cold and in 86

Summer with the flies.Sometimes the elderly were given their weak memories and tried to determine whether in the early days of the rebellion, when the expulsion of Jones was even newer, things were better or worse..Things now., the animals have never given up hope.By animals.Not one of them, not even the youngest, not even the new ones who had been brought from farms ten or twenty miles in Masthead strolled their hearts of unmistakable pride, and the lecture always turned to the old hero days, the removal of Jones,Writing the seven commandments, the Great Vechtput, the human intruders were defeated.to leave.In secret here and there: at least it was a fact that every animal on the farm knew, although nobody would have dared to sing out loud.be fulfilled;But they knew they were not like other animals.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

Not from feeding tyrannical people;If they worked hard, they at least worked for themselves. All animals were the same.One day in the early summer, Squealer ordered the sheep to follow him and led to a piece of waste on the other side of the garden, which had grown with the plants of Birch.The leaves under the supervision of Squealer.Don't see none of them.The animals had finished working and were on their way back to the farm buildings, which sounded the frightened neighbor of a horse from the garden.In a canter and hurry in the garden.Position, but with a perfect balance he walks over the garden.Trifle unstable and looked like they would have wished the support of a stick, but each of them successfully drove around the garden.Napoleon himself, majestic upright, threw a huge look back and forth and with his dogs that gamble around him.

The long row of pigs slowly marches around the garden., developed for long years, never complain, never criticize, regardless of what happened - they may have said a protest word.But just at the moment, such as on a signal, everyone gets better in a huge bleeding legs!Four legs good, two legs better! "It went for five minutes without stopping. And when the sheep were quiet, the chance to express each protest went because the pigs had gone back to the farm. Benjamin felt a nose sniffing onHis shoulder looked around.

Then it didn't seem strange when the next day pigs guarded the work on the farm, waving all the bar in their carriers.Real descriptions taken at John Bull, Titbits and Daily Mirror.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book


A tube in the mouth - no, not even when the pigs Mr. Jones' clothing from the wardrobe and put them on, Napoleon herself appeared in a black jacket, ratcatcher and leather leggings, while his favorite set appeared in the ivy sidesDress, which Mrs. Jones was used to wear on Sunday.Week later, around noon, a number of Dogcarts ran to the farm.The wind turbine.The farm.Possibly in the farm.At the gate, she was silent half afraid to continue, but Clover walked the way in. They pointed to the house, and such animals that were long enough looked at the dining room.There, around the long table, there were half a dozen farmers and half a dozen of the more prominent pigs, Napoleon himself occupied the honor of the forefront of the table.The pigs seemed completely calm in their seats.Defended with beer.pilkington from Foxwood had risen, his mug in his hand.In his hand, he said, he would ask the current company to drink a bowl.Say.It was a source of great satisfaction for him, he said - and was sure that everyone else were present - to feel that a long period of no confidence 88

And misunderstanding was now complete.Neighbors.Incidental events had taken place that there had been wrong ideas.Such a farm would have the upper hand.Eyes, and what have they not only found the most up -date methods, but a discipline and a formulation that should be an example everywhere for everyone.More work and received less food than every animal in the province.Again, the friendly feelings that existed and should exist between Animal Farm and his neighbors.The work problem the same everywhere? Pilkington was about to be carefully prepared in the company, but for a moment he could be overcome by entertainment to pronounce it.Let your lower animals fight, "he said," we have our lower classes! Pilkington again congratulated the pigs with the low rations, the long working hours and the general absence of pampering

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

As he had noticed on Animal Farm.And now, he finally said, he would ask the company to get up and make sure that their glasses were full. Pilkington, 'Lords, I give you a bowl: for prosperity on expensive farm!' There was enthusiastic cheers andStamping feet.pilington's before he empties it.When the cheers died, Napoleon, who was left on his feet, also suggested that he also had a few words to say.Period of misunderstandings was for a long time.The rebellion among the animals on neighboring holders.From control, he added, was a cooperative company.In the routine of the farm, which should have the effect of further promoting trust. This was supposed to be suppressed.Already buried.on.

He had only one criticism, he said, to do by the Heerpilkington's excellent and adjacent speech.hr.pilkington referred to 'Animal Farm'. Of course he could not know - for he, Napoleon, was only now announcing -That the name 'Animal Farm' was abolished.was the correct and original name.Men! "There was the same warm cheer as before, and the mugs were emptied from the tractor. But when the animals were staring on stage, it seemed to them that a strange thing happened. What was what had changed in the faces of itPig flew from one face to the other.

Animal Farm: A Study Guide - Student's Book

The end


George Orwells

Pulleyo A Study Guide

Teacher book Animal Farm: A study guide looks at the famous story of George Orwell about an uprising of a group of cattle against their human masters.Those who lead them and participate.This study guide investigates the world of the expensive farm with understanding questions, analysis, group discussions, debates and writing exercises, plus a chapter by chapter Vocabulary list in which difficult words are explained.

This study guide includes the book of a students and the book of a teacher.Versions - One cartoon from 1954 and a live action film from 1999.

[PDF] George Orwell's Animal Farm A Study Guide.Toukludde's Book - Free Download PDF (2024)
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