Myoglobin concentration and oxygen stores in different functional muscle groups of three small whale sinkers species (2024)

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Myoglobin concentration and oxygen stores in different functional muscle groups of three small whale sinkers species (1)

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Animals (Basel).2021 feb; 11 (2): 451.

Published online 2021 9 February. doi:10.3390/ANI11020451


Claudia Gili,Academicog cinzia centelleghe,Academic

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Simple summary

Marine mammals show various physiological adjustments to their marine environment.To take on the myoglobin concentration of a single muscle to be representative of all muscles in the body.In this study we have analyzed this assumption by comparing it with a more accurate method that weighs all body muscles and measures myoglobin concentration in different functional groups.


Compared to terrestrial mammals, marine mammals have increased muscle yoglobin concentrations (MB concentration, G MB · 100g−1muscle), improves their oxygen on board (o2) Shops and their aerobic diving limit.Selvom myoglobin is not divided hom*ogeneously, whale -like muscle o2Stores are often determined by measuring the MB concentration from a single muscle sample (Longest dorsi) And multiply this value by the locomotor muscle of the animal or total muscle mass.2Stores calculations on.To his body muscles of three Delphinid species:Dolphin Delphi,,Stenella coeruleoalbaInStenella frontalis, was dissected and weighed.MB concentration was calculated from six muscles/muscle groups (epaxial, hypaxial andA belly straight line;Mastohumeralis;Sternohyoideus;InDorsale scalenus), every representative of different functional groups (swimming exercise, fine exercise, food and breathing)..2Stores (on average 92.8%) due to their high MB concentration and large muscle mass.2Stores with 10%when they only considered locomotor muscles and overestimate them with 13%when the total muscle mass was considered.

Keyword:D. Delphi,,S. Coeruleoalba,,S. Frontalis, muscle mass, heterogeneity, aerobic diving limit

1. Introduction

Sea mammals store oxygen (O2) Within the respiratory system, blood and muscles, e.g. [[[[[1,,2]. The aerobic diving border (ADL) is defined if the diving abuse that can be performed aerobically, in addition to which blood lactation levels began to rise above the level of rest [3,,4,,5,,6].Marine mammals with adjustments that increase the amount of O.2Save in these three rooms and save these stores to increase ADL, e.g. [[[[[7,,8,,9,,10].

Myoglobin (MB) is an O2Binding protein whose function is to save O2Within the muscles and facilitates its diffusion in muscle cells [11]. Myoglobin concentration (MB concentration) is higher in the marine mammal muscles than that with similar mammals based on earth [2,,12].Hos marine mammals, the amount of muscle o2is traditionally calculated by measuring the MB concentration (G MB · 100G−1Muscle) in a single place within a primary locomotor muscle and presupposes a hom*ogeneous distribution of MB over all the muscles of the body.A belly straight line) of the helen sparkle mass, b.v. [[13,,14,,15,,16,,17].18,,19,,20,,21] and even within a single muscle [22,,23,,24] in marine mammals.

An accurate determination of O2Beated in the muscles is essential for the correct determination of the ADL.Closely related Pelagic Delphinids [25,,26]:Dolphin Delphi(normal dolphin),Stenella coeruleoalba(striped dolphin) andStenella frontalis(Spotted Dolphin). Kroeger and colleagues recently investigated the morphological characteristics of a primary locomotor muscle, theLongest dorsiof these three species, including muscle fiber type and size, index for mitochondrial volume density and MB concentration [27].Disse species are therefore suitable for this wider study of MB concentration and oxygen storage between muscle groups.A belly straight line), Pectoral Vin movement (Mastohumeralis), power supply (Sternohyoideus) and breathing (Dorsale scalenus).MB concentration values of each of these representative muscles were then used to compare different methods for calculating oxygen stores on board.

2. Materials and methods


Muscle samples were collected from stranded whales in Cape Cod, Massachusetts (US) from September 2013 to September 2014, and on the Canary Islands (Spain) from October 2014 to March 2017. Eleven people of three species were used:Dolphin Delphi(n = 4),Stenella coeruleoalba(n = 3) andStenella frontalis(n = 4) (Table 1).28] Need the Spanish Ministry of Environment.No.Experiments were conducted on living animals.

Table 1

Organic and beach -like conditions for the 11 animals included in the current study.

ID card
SlagerAge -classBody modeAnalysis
Masse (kg)Lentets (cm)SixStranding
Ifaw 14/044D. DelphiSubadultGood268.8176MCape Cod
Ifaw 14/134D. DelphiSubadultGood2134180MCape Cod
CET 745D. DelphiAdultArm258.0188FCanary Islands
CET 767D. DelphiAdultArm278.9220FCanary Islands
CET 748S. CoeruleoalbaSubadultGood274.3195MCanary Islands
CET 750S. CoeruleoalbaAdultArm387.8214FCanary Islands
CET 837S. CoeruleoalbaSubadultArm370.0188MCanary Islands
CET 822S. FrontalisAdultModerate261.4170MCanary Islands
CET 829S. FrontalisAdolescentModerate230.3137FCanary Islands
CET 830S. FrontalisAdultModerate359.8172FCanary Islands
CET 834S. FrontalisAdultModerate365.4175FCanary Islands

Under Necropsi, all body muscles, excluding the head andKutan TruncSpier not separated from the packaged was dissected based on the methods of McLellan et al.29]. The were then weighed and classified by function: Movement for swimming (upstream and downstream of tail fly), pectoral fine movement, suction food and breathing (Table 2,,Figure 1) [30,,31,,32,,33].Table 2was used for total muscle mass.

Myoglobin concentration and oxygen stores in different functional muscle groups of three small whale sinkers species (2)

Dolphin body muscles grouped by colors, depending on their function: ((((IN) Main locomotor muscles in red (epaxial; tail flee upstream), blue (hypaxial; tail fleet pulling force) and green (A belly straight line;32]. (B) Dorsal and ventral trays in brown (involved in breathing).31].

Table 2

Classification of muscles based on their primary function.

Locomotor spiderNon-locomotor muscles
Head movementTail flake movement
(Head of locomotor muscles)
Pectoral fin movementPower supplyBreathing
Uproke movementMovement of downstream
Longest dorsi
Iliocostal Lumba
Hypaxial lumbar garden
A belly straight line
Diagonal (internal and external) belly
Levator Scapula
Lattissimus dorsi
Serratus ventralis

At least one representative muscle in each functional group was sampled into MB concentration provision:Mastohumeralisspier (Pectoral Fine Movement),SternohyoideusMuscle (suction food) andDorsale scalenusMuscle (breathing).In cases of locomotor muscles that swim, more muscles were removed because more and more muscles are involved:Longest dorsiIn the epaxial muscle group (upstream locomotor), the hypaxial muscle group (downstream locomotor) andA belly straight lineMuscle (help in the tail flee trek -out) (Table 2).semispinalisDoes not in itself contribute to itself, but to the head movement [30] Because of the difficulties to separate this muscle from the rest of the epaxial muscle, it was included in the epaxial muscles.

This muscle group map was used to acknowledge that access muscles can perform different functions such as with all mammals.SternohyoideusInhalation during a breathing event [31].

The longest muscles were also sampled in different places: within the epaxial group,Longest dorsiAt the level of the axilla, middle distance between axilla and anus) and the anus;The hypaxial group in the middle and anus level.Wrap, placed in closed bags and frozen at -20 ° C to analysis.

2.2.MB -Concentration provision

Spier -MB concentration was measured in two laboratories: UNC Wilmington in North Carolina, the US and the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria on the Canary Islands, Spain, with the help of methods adapted by Reynafarje through Norwegians and Williams and Ethnier et al.20,,34,,35].Grams van Tissue.GFor 50 minutes at 4 ° C (Beckman J2-Mi Centrifuge).Fem ML Mushout was transferred to a test tube and bubbled with carbon monoxide (CO N37 S10, Air Fluid, Spain) at room temperature for 8 minutes.To guarantee a complete reduction in the MB test, 2 minutes was reduced again with CO. The absorption was measured at 538 and 568 Nm (Genesys 10 S UV, Thermo Scientific, Thermo Electron Scientific Instruments LLC, Madison, Wi, WiVs).Tre -Spiermonsters were analyzed for each sampling location and three spectrophotometric measurements were obtained for each of each of each of each of each of the replicat individual.

To compare our results with the literature, MB concentration (G MB · 100G−1Muscle) was calculated using the comparison developed by Reynafarje [35] where MB concentration is determined as the difference in absorption in two wavelengths.

MB concentration values for an animal (CET 834) were also calculated using a calibration curve to test whether the calculated MB concentration values can vary when using the comparison of Reynafarje with different spectrophotometers.Hest MB standard (horsekelet muscle, M1882A, Sma-Aldrich, Spain) was used to construct the calibration curve (Additional materials Table S1).−1resolution) was shared by 0.025 g muscles · ml−1(0.5 g of muscles were dissolved in 20 ml of solvent (puffer volume + % water in muscles) and then converted to obtaining-1Muscle.MB concentration values for CET 834, calculated according to Reynafarje (1963) and the use of the calibration curve, was compared with tests both approaches.

2.3.Muskel o2Bulletin

Total MB within each muscle was calculated to determine the locomotor and total muscle o2Storage.When the aim of this study was to investigate how the MB concentration heterogeneity influences the calculations of locomotor muscle and total muscle oxygen stores, total muscle yoglobin was calculated in three different ways:

  • (1)

    hom*ogeneous myoglobin distribution was assumed about locomotor muscles.MB concentration measured by the middle epaxial (Longest dorsi) Muscle position was multiplied by the total locomotor muscle mass of the animal (LMM;Table 2) (Comparison (1)).This method is called "locomotor muscle method".

    TProlongMB=[[MB]Attackthe middle·Lmm


  • (2)

    hom*ogeneous myoglobin distribution was assumed to all skeletal muscles.MB concentration in the middle epaxial muscle was multiplied by the overall muscle mass of the animal (TMM) (comparison (2)).

    TotalMB=[[MB]Attackthe middle·Tmm


  • (3)

    Heterogeneous myoglobin distribution was assumed about the skeletal muscles.MB for each functional group was calculated by multiplying the MB concentration of the representative muscle by the mass of all muscles in each functional muscle group (FMG) after comparison (3).MB -the concentration was determined in various places, the average MB concentration between or between places was calculated.



The total muscle MB was then calculated as the summary of MB values within the various functional muscle groups (comparison (4)).



Total Oh2In the muscles stored was obtained by multiplying the total amount of MB, calculated by the three methods, by O.2Binding capacity of MB (O2MB: 1,34 ml af2· G−1MB if you take full MB saturation at the start of the dive) (comparison (5)) [) [36,,37].



2.4Stististical analysis


Whether the MB concentration varied between species and muscle groups was assessed with the help of a mixed model [38] and the limited maximum probability method (reml) to fit the variables.Table 3).


Where for the Iit Dolphin, where belongs to KTH species,MBI,,J,,k,,lIndicate hemoglobin concentration in the JTH muscle,EIs the overall average,MJis the effect of the JTH muscle (Mastohumeralis was taken as a reference muscle and therefore, so, so,MMastohumeralis=0) InCkIs the effect of the KTH species (CD.DELPHIS=0UnpleasantD. Delphi, that worked as the reference special),DelfinIIs the random effect similar to inEdolphin andeI,,J,,k,,lIs the variation within this whale -like (where the characteristic L refers to the LTH replicative effect).We assume that the random variablesDelfinIare independent and identically dividedN((0;-inB)).The mistakes lying (eI,,J,,k,,l) also assumed that it is independently and identically distributedN((0;-inB))Fity's goodness was evaluated with the help of the probability relationship (LRT), akaike Information Criteria (AIC) and Bayesian information criteria (BIC).Table 3).From this model, the values of the MB concentration were estimated for each of the muscles with the help of 95% confidence intervals.

Table 3

Estimate of the fixed effects comparable to the mixed model of myoglobin concentration (G MB · 100g−1muscle).

Fixed effectsCoefficients (each)P (Wald)P (lrt) *AIC **Bic ***
Shielding1.696 (0.179)<0,001
Dorsale scalenus0,661 (0,087)<0,001
Sternohyoideus−0.171 (0.089)0,053
Epaxiale axilla2.478 (0,088)<0,001
Epaxial Mist2.979 (0,087)<0,001
Epaxiale anus2.551 (0,087)<0,001
Hypaxial3.086 (0.088)<0,001
Hypaxiale anus2.842 (0,087)<0,001
A belly straight line2.786 (0,087)<0,001
D. Delphi(Ref.)0-
S. Coeruleoalba1.653 (0.258)<0,001
S. Frontalis−0,957 (0,239)0.004
S. Coeruleoalba - S.Frontalis<0,001

(*) Probability relationship test.Model is Bayesian information criteria (BIC) = 1745.4.AIC and BIC are lack of suitable goals.

Because CET 829 was the only youth in the test and MB concentration changes between development [20,,39], the mixed model was performed both with and without this person.

2.4.2.MB concentration in locomotor and non-locomotor muscles

In order to compare the MB concentration between the locomotor and non-locomotor muscles, the difference between the operating resources was considered:

=((1/6))((ME.Armpit+ME.the middle+ME.anus+MH.the middle+MH.anus+MR.belly))-((1/3))((MMastohumeralis+MD.Scalenus+MSternohyoideus))

Namely: the average of the MB concentration that corresponds to locomotor muscles minus the average of the MB concentration of the non-local muscles and general hypotheset tests were used.

2.4.3.MB concentration and muscle mass ratio

To test whether there was a connection between MB concentration and muscle mass, the following mixed model was used:


WhereMBI,,JIndicates the MB concentration of JTH -MUSCLES similar to ITH Dolphin, Muscle MassaI, JMuscle mass of JTH muscles and EI, JIs the variation within the dolphin, Logbook stands for natural logarithm.Fity's goodness was summarized as the marginal r2(represents the variance explained with the fixed effects) and the conditional r2(Interpreted as a variance explained by the entire model, including both fixed and random effects).

2.4.4.Comparison of the functional muscle group method with the locomotor and total muscle mass methods

To compare the results of this functional muscle method with the more generally used total and locomotor muscle methods with muscles o2Saved determination We used the Intraclas Correlation coefficient (ICC) and represented the data graphically using scatter plots.ICC between two numeric variables measures the degree of coincidence between the variable values.

For statistical analysis, R -Pack, version 3.3.1 [[40], was used by statistical significance byS<0.05.MB concentration variation between species and muscle groups and locations was assessed with the help of a mixed model (see methods 2.4.1), while the rest of the results are unprocessed data., Chicago, il, US).

3. Results

The results below for MB concentration variation between species and muscle groups and locations were assessed with the help of a mixed model (seeSection 2.4.1), while the rest of the results are unprocessed data.IAdditional materialSection, all data shown are unprocessed data.

3.1.MB Concentration between and within body muscles

Over all types, the adapted average MB concentration in locomotor muscles was 2.62 g MB · 100 g−1Muscle (95% bi = 2.54-2.71) higher than in the non-lied muscles.−1Muskel versus 1,96 g MB · 100 g−1muscle,S<0.001).Heterogeneity in MB concentration was observed at and within the various muscle groups studied (Table 4,,Figure 2).

Myoglobin concentration and oxygen stores in different functional muscle groups of three small whale sinkers species (3)

Dolphin functional muscle groups of the reference species (D. Delphi).−1Muscles of their representative muscles.32] (IN) a cotten et al.31] (B).

Table 4

Myoglobin concentrations for musclesD. Delphi: Custom resources with the mixed model.In according to the mixed model, the adapted means ofS. Coeruleoalbacan be obtained, add the amount of 1,653 and forS. FrontalisBy withdrawing 0.957.Rå dataAdditional materials Table S2.

Functional muscle groupMuscleCustom funds (95%BI)
Pectoral fin movementMastohumeralis1.696 (1.346; 2.046)
BreathingDorsale scalenus2.357 (2.006; 2.707)
Power supplySternohyoideus1.524 (1.173; 1.875)
Staartblees UnderstitelEpaxiale axilla4.174 (3.823; 4.525)
Epaxial Mist4.674 (4.324; 5.025)
Epaxiale anus4.247 (3.897; 4.597)
Tail fly downstreamHypaxial4.782 (4.431; 5.133)
Hypaxiale anus4.538 (4.188; 4.888)
Halefluke downstrroke assistantA belly straight line4.482 (4.131; 4.832)

MB concentration and muscle mass showed a strong positive relationship (conditional r2= 0.77), which means that locomotor muscles had higher mass and higher MB concentrations than non-lied muscles.

3.2.MB -concentration between species

Significant differences were observed in the total MB concentration (S≤ 0.004 forD. DelphiVs.S. FrontalisInS<0.001 for all other comparisons between species) of the three species included in the study.S. Coeruleoalba, followed byD. DelphiInS. Frontalis((Figure 3, unprocessed data inAdditional materials Figure S1).

Myoglobin concentration and oxygen stores in different functional muscle groups of three small whale sinkers species (4)

MB -concentrations−1muscle) dot and 95% confidence intervals.S. CoeruleoalbaIn Geel,D. DelphiIn purple andS. FrontalisIn gray.


MB concentration values were different when calculated using the Reynafarje -comparison and calibration curve in Dolphin CET 834 (Additional materials Table S3).Sternohyoideus, when calculated by the calibration brand method then with the Reynafarje comparison.Although differences in MB concentration values between the methods were subtle for non-lured muscles than for locomotor muscles, the calibration curve gave MB concentration values over 1 g MB · 100 g−1Muscle, higher than the values calculated using the Reynafarje comparison.

3.4.Muskel o2Bulletin

The data presented in the current study to evaluation of the heterogeneity of MB concentration in various functional groups showed that locomotor muscle groups made the largest contribution to the total O.2Storage (on average 92.3% against 7.7% for non-lured muscles).2(On average 54.0% of the total number), followed by hypaxial (on average 26%) andA belly straight lineelectric groups (on average 12.8%) (Figure 4,,Additional materials Table S4).

Myoglobin concentration and oxygen stores in different functional muscle groups of three small whale sinkers species (5)

Percentage OF.2Saved in the various functional groups that were considered the animals investigated.

3.5.Comparison of the functional muscle group method with the locomotor and total muscle mass methods

Locomotor muscle mass -method undervalued total muscle o2Storage of whales compared to the functional muscle group method with an average of 6.2%, such as O2Saved in non -lured muscles is not taken into account.2Storage compared to the functional muscle group method by 13.0%because it depended on a single MB concentration value that was taken in the middle of the epaxial muscle, which is one of the highest measured in every muscle (seeTable 4).Figure 5).

Myoglobin concentration and oxygen stores in different functional muscle groups of three small whale sinkers species (6)

The total MB -comparison between the functional muscle method that is proposed in this study and earlier methods (total and locomotor muscle mass methods).IN) or locomotor muscle mass method (B).up to 1, which means a great similarity between the total MB calculated in the functional muscle group method and the locomotor (IN) or total (B) Muscle mass methods.

4. Discussion

As demonstrated in earlier studies [19,,20,,21,,22,,23,,24], Myoglobin was heterogeneous between and inside muscles.In this study, statistically significant differences in MB concentration were found between locomotor and non-locomotor muscles (Table 4).Lokomotor muscles were the largest contributors to the total muscle o2Shops as a result of a high MB concentration and large muscle mass.2Stores when only locomotor muscles were considered and overestimate these when the total muscle mass was considered (when only a relatively high MB concentration value was used to estimate oxygen).

4.1.Difference in the MB concentration between and with the behavior

Locomotor muscles contain a significantly higher MB concentration than non-lied muscles in the three species studied (2.62 g MB · 100 g−1Muscle that is higher than non-locomotor) that can be interpreted in the context of the functional roles of these muscle groups.muscles [30,,31].19,,22,,41].19,,22].In contrast, the highest MB concentration value in the highest MB concentration value was found in the central area, in accordance with the study carried out by Harrison and Davis [42], which suggests that species-specific patterns of MB concentration.

Muscle mass was significantly positively correlated with the MB concentration in our studies, which means that larger muscles also a higher MB concentration per unit of muscle mass.Various factors have been suggested at a molecular level that stores MB development drivers during Verzogeni.43].(Slow versus fiber) also executed for different body muscles, including locomotor and non-locomotor dependent on the role of these muscles.

4.2.MB concentration between species

The patterns of locomotor muscles and total muscle MB concentration found in this study were in accordance with the patterns displayed onLongest dorsiDescribed by Kroeger et al.27].S. Frontalisshowed the lowest MB concentration among the three types.44].D. Delphishowed a higher MB concentration than didS. FrontalisAnd it is known that this species dives up to at least 260 m to feed, but most dives are no more than 100 m [45].Finally,S. Coeruleoalbashowed the highest MB concentration and o2Storage among the species studied.Although the ranking of the food depth is between 200 and 700 m, it has been suggested that feed food takes place early in the night when their prey is closer to the surface.known for the diving behavior [46]. Dybers Dive is generally longer, which requires a larger O2Stores to end the dives with the help of aerobic metabolism and probably explain this species a higher MB concentration.

The overall body mass was not studied as a factor in the mixed model to estimate the MB concentration because the literature for marine mammals indicates that MB concentration is more related to its species and ecophysiology (quickly versus slow swimmers or shallow against deepdivers) than the body weightP. Phocoena);Or simply the opposite mass species with a large body that shows low MB concentration values (eg the species of the Bale Whales), e.g. [[[[[34,,47,,48,,49].

4.3.The comparison between ReynaAfarje -Sequation and calibration curve of MB concentration determination

Different MB concentration values for the same muscle group within an individual were reached with the help of Reynafarje -equation and calibration bent methods.2Shops in the body and estimate ADL.SO, we recommend using standard calibration curves instead of the comparison of Reynafarje to make a more reliable comparison of the MB concentration between laboratories and studies possible.

4.4.Muskel o2Bulletin

Locomotor muscle groups had higher calculated o2Shops than the non-lied muscles because of their larger muscle mass and higher MB concentration.Diss results are similar to those of Dolar et al.19] that described a high muscle oh2Stores in locomotor muscles (epaxial and hypaxial groups andA belly straight line) (82–86%) I Frasers Delfin (LP Day S correction), Spinner delfine (Lougella longingris) en Pygmy Killer Whale (Carried).2Shops within locomotor muscles are important because they require a source of O as primary swimming muscles2To maintain aerobic muscle metabolism [9,,15,,22,,34] (Additional materials Table S4).Differences observed in o2Focused in the different functional groups in individuals of the same species can be explained due to interinded valley differences.S. Frontalis, CET 822 showed the highest differences compared to the other three.This person was a man compared to the other three who were women..

4.5.sam -like study between the current and earlier methods of Spier O2Saved calculations

Locomotor muscle mass -method undervalued dolphin mature muscle o2Stores compared to the functional muscle group method as a result of omitting non-lured muscle mass that an average muscle O-o2Stored percentage value of 7.7 ± 2.3% for the three species.2stores.This method extrapoles MB values of the middle epaxial location, which has the highest MB concentration, to all muscles.

Dollar et al.19] Certain MB concentration and o2stores in different muscles (epaxial, hypaxial,A belly straight line,,intercostaal,,Sternohyoideus,,INFRaspiratus, membrane and cutaneous muscles) of the rating types mentioned inSection 4.4.2Shops when taking hom*ogeneous MB concentration distribution with the help of intermediate paxial values.Concentration of muscle MB concentration.

The functional muscle group method that is presented in this study is labor -intensive because it requires the MB concentration in different muscles and dissected extent and weighs most body muscles.Figure 5), which means that both earlier methods that the hom*ogeneous myoglobin concentration has adopted the skeletal muscles of the body, exactly the total MB and O estimate2Stores.The less the locomotor and/or the entire skeletal muscle mass in both methods must be correctly weighed. [[[[29,,50,,51,,52,,53].[[19,,39] Thus, individuals in different life -historical, reproductive and food classes must be studied to understand the on -board oxygen stores that are representative of the whole kind.

5. Conclusions

As previous studies have shown, heterogeneous heterogeneous MB concentration2Storage due to their high MB concentration and large muscle mass.This study shows that the use of the method of the locomotor muscle mass offers quantitative data that are comparable to that in the functional muscle group method, which is more time -consuming and technically challenging.Spier, this method offers accurate comparative insight into whales and swimming possibilities when locomotor muscles are well dissected and weighed.


The authors want to thank the International Animal Welfare Fund and the Cetacean Stranding Network of the Canary Islands.Tak on Belinda Vega and the technicians, especially Manuela Martel, and Stephen Kinsey for their help with the laboratory equipment.

Additional materials

Below will follow available online at, Table S1: parameters for calibration -adjustment and absorbian values for well -known concentrations of standard horses MB.Table S2: MB concentration RAW values in G MB · 100 g−1Muscle (average ± s.d.) under the different muscles/muscle places for the three Cetacean species species.−1Muscle to the different muscles and muscle places for the three species included in the current study (S. CoeruleoalbaIn Geel,D. DelphiIn purple andS. FrontalisIn gray). Table S3: MB concentration RAW values in G MB · 100 g-1Muscle (on average ±S.D.) Calculated using Reynafarje -Equality and calibration curve of the individualS. FrontalisNo.TABEL S 1: O2Stored (ml) (rough values) within individuals different functional muscle groups included in the current study.

Author contribution

Conceptualization: Y.B.D.Q., D.A.P.;Methodology and Formula Analysis, M.A., Y.B.D.Q., E.M.S., P.S., E.S., N.C., M.A.R., M.N.;, Y.B.D.Q., M.J.M., A.F.alle authors have read and accepted the published version of the manuscript.


This research was financed by the US Office of NAVER Research N00014-13-1-0773, subprogram The Biodiversdad del Ministry The Economía Y Competitivead del Gobierno de España (Mineco CGL 2012-39681 and CGL2015-71498-P) and the Canary) and the Canary-P) and the Canary Islands, which has financed and supported the beach network. Is funded by the University Professor Formation Fellowship of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Y.B.Q.Finans is funded by a Post -Doctoral Beurs from the University of Las Palmas de Granaiaia.

Institutional assessment council statement

Ethical assessment and approval were abandoned for this study when neither animals were sacrificed or experiments were conducted with living animals.

Declaration of data accessibility

Data is included in the article orAdditional material.


The authors do not explain an interest conflict.


Note from the publisher:MDPI remains neutral in terms of jurisdictive claims for published maps and institutional tires.


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Myoglobin concentration and oxygen stores in different functional muscle groups of three small whale sinkers species (2024)
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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

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Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.