Hypertrophy training volume: How many sets to build muscles? (2024)

If you follow a good oneHypertrofie trainingProgram, you must be able to maximize your speed for muscle growth with 9-22 sets per day. Space per week.But it depends on which exercises you choose, which muscles you train and how hard you train them.

If you train for other goals - strength, strength, fitness or endurance - you stimulate less muscle growth per day. Set so you need more sets to maximize muscle growth.However, you can also inflict more stress per day. Set, which means that you cannot get so many.

So we start by viewing the besttypeFrom the training volume for muscle building.

Table of contents

  1. What is the training volume?
  2. The ideal type of training volume
  3. The ideal amount of training volume
    1. Low volume versus bodybuilding with high volume
    2. How do you count volume of composite lifts?
    3. Do different muscles need different training volumes?
    4. How many sets do you need to perspier?
    5. How many sets do you have to work per training?
  4. When are you going to add more sets?
  5. Volume for specialization phases
  6. The minimum volume needed to build muscles
  7. Cv
Hypertrophy training volume: How many sets to build muscles? (1)

What is the training volume?

There are two popular definitions of training volume.Both definitions are correct.

  • Training volume = pound raised per.co lane pattern per week:Number of sets × number of repetitions × lifted weight.
  • Training volume = number of hard sets per muscle group per week.So if you make 5 challenging set of bench press on Monday and Friday, your breast volume is 10 sets per week.

The first definition is better if you try to improve how much work you can process per week (work capacity). Set.it is less useful when you follow a hypertrophy -educational routine.

If you train towardsbuild muscle, you don't have to know how muchoccupationYou do how muchMuscularityYou encourage.Hypertrophy training program,,elkSet is designed to stimulate muscle growth, so everything you have to do is count them.Nathan Jones. I heard about it from Greg Nuckols.)

Exercise volume can best be defined as the number of challenging sets that you per week per week.If you make 5 sets of bench press on Monday, 5 sets of push-ups Wednesday and 5 sets of dips on Friday, they are 15 sets for your chest.

Hypertrophy training volume: How many sets to build muscles? (2)

The ideal type of training volume

Different forms of exercise stimulate different amounts of muscle growth, so we have to cover the idealfriendlyof volume for the idealquantityof volume.

For example, let's say that you are trying to build larger biceps, so that you decide to make 12 sets for your biceps every week.Barbel -free, Do 3 repetitions press and stop 3 repetitions shy for failure.It is not a good way to stimulate your biceps, so that the 12 sets do not get you far.

Let's imagine that you are exchanging the rows to biceps curls, do 10 repetitions a day. Take and take these sets in a representative of failo.nu you train efficictia.

Hypertrophy training volume: How many sets to build muscles? (3)

You can go one step further.Lie biceps curls.Now you stimulate even more muscle growth.

There are a few ways to stimulate more muscle growth a day. Doing: Doing:

  • Choose good exercises.Lifters that challenge your muscles through oneScope of movementTend to stimulate more muscle growth.Romanian deadliftsTo your hamstrings.
  • Challenge the muscle that you want to grow.Connection exercises are better for some muscles than others.Bench press and dips are absolutely good for your chest, but not your triceps.
  • Practice hard enough.Stopping 0–2 repetitions away from failure gives you the most muscle growth per day. Set.
  • StiffenHypertrophy -Pre -serie.Everywhere from 4 to 40 repetitions can be good at building muscles, but sets of 6 to 30 repetitions are usually more effective, so that you can build more muscles with each set.
  • Get enoughRest between sets.To rest for 2-5 minutes between sets, you can lift more weight and/or do more repetitions in the following sets, which stimulates more muscle growth.
  • Often taken enough.If you connect all your volume to a single training, the later sets do not stimulate as much growth as previously. Acts 2-4 times a week.That way every set is stimulating.

The ideal amount of training volume

Low volume versus bodybuilding with high volume

Since Arthur Jones and Mike Mentzer were popularExercise with high intensity (hit)In the 1970s, some bodybuilders claimed that programs with lower volume exercise stimulate more muscle growth.It was a very good idea then.non-response."

In the meantime, bodybuilders such as Arnold Schwarzenegger followed incredibly high-volume training routines, making no fewer than twelve long training a week.This procedure stimulated muscle growth for everyone, but it was also quite common to make excessive use.

You could claim that Arnold Schwarzenegger was a more successful bodybuilder than Mike Mentzer, so routines with a higher volume should be better.But looking at professional bodybuilders is not a good way to find out what works best for natural lifters with average genetics.

This is where James Krieger, MS, enters.He was the first person to go through the data and published a meta analysis of how the exercise volume influences muscle growth (inspection).

Krieger noted that with shorter rest times (less than 2 minutes between sets) some studies found benefits by doing as much as45 sets perSpier. But if you rest longer (3-5 minutes between sets), the advantage of a large volume exercise disappears.

Hypertrophy training volume: How many sets to build muscles? (4)

For example,An investigationDiscovered that it was enough to do 12 sets per week to maximize muscle growth in the quads. Exercise has achieved a littlefewerMuscle, although the results were not significant.

The recent BAZ-Valle meta-analysis confirmed the Kriegers Fund, which demonstrated that 12-20 sets of press muscle per week maximized muscle growth (inspection).

Interestingly, this is more similar to how the best natural bodybuilders train in the 40s, 50s and 60s. Exercise.

How do you count volume of composite lifts?

There are different ways to count the volume.A set of barbell rows like a set for your upper part of the back, but does it count like a set for your biceps?elkMuscle involved, which led to a lot of confusion.

In my case, Census took care of composite lifts such as the volume of my biceps, triceps and hamstrings in front of the upper body than the limbs.

Hypertrophy training volume: How many sets to build muscles? (5)

For example, the bench press stimulates about twice as much growth in the chest as in your triceps (inspection).

But your chest and triceps do not necessarily need different training volumes.

Hypertrophy training volume: How many sets to build muscles? (6)

A way to solve the problem is to count suboptimal sets as half set. Set Bench Press counts as 0.5 sets for your triceps.-Extensions.

10 set of bench presses would not fully stimulate the long head of your triceps and should not workeveryoneLeading hard enough to stimulate a lot of growth.If you want balanced muscle growth, you need a balanced mix of exercises that stimulate every muscle well.

I start by programming the connection exercises and then filling the holes.In this case your biceps and triceps get a certain stimulus of pushing/pulling so that they no longer need.Place push/pull exercises and 5 sets of curls/extensions.

Do different muscles need different training volumes?

There is an old idea that different muscles benefit from different training volumes.There is some truth in that idea, but it seems to have more to do with training choices than the unique physiology of different muscles.

Some muscles have access to better exercises.For example, hamstrings is famous because he only needs a few hard sets per week.currentBe because hamstrings have more fast muscle fibers, but I suspect it is because Romanian deadlifting-the most popular hamstring training train your hamstrings during a deep stretch.

Hypertrophy training volume: How many sets to build muscles? (7)

If I am right, muscles that can be challenged during a deep piece do not need that much volume.Muscles that are more difficult to work in long muscle melodies, such as your back muscles, are the advantage of higher training volumes.

How many sets do you need to perspier?

  • Chest and front divided: 9-18 sets per week.It is not necessary to punish your chest muscles and fronts.The most urgent exercises work hard during a deep piece.UPS and HALMER FLIGHTS.
  • Upper back: 12-30 sets per week.Your back can take a Christmas.But maybe you should do more sets.
  • Quads: 9-18 sets per week.Quads are easy to train in longer muscle lengths, especially if you are proponents of exercises such asCup squats, front squats en beenpers.
  • Hamstrings: 6-12 sets per week.Romanian deadlifts, good mornings and sitting hamstring curl all hamstrings during a huge part.
  • Side Delts: 9-18 sets per week.Most people train their side tents with exercises that are most difficult with shorter muscle quantities.Lie lateral climbs.
  • Biceps: 6-12 sets per week.If you count your back exercises when biceps work, they can handle a lot of volumeLie biceps curls, you can do well with only 8 sets per week.
  • Triceps: 6-12 sets per week.Pressing exercises is not an effective way to collect your triceps, but triceps extensions are, and both skull breakers and overhead extensions days out your triceps through a deep range of movement.
  • Forearms: 0-18 sets per week.Your forearms can handle a huge amount of volume, which is good because you use them in almost every exercise.They can be fine without insulation work.
  • Falling: 0-18 sets per week.You support your shoulder strap among composite lifts, including deadlifts, chin-ups, overhead presses and rows.You probably don't have to insulate them.
  • ABS: 0-18 Sets per week.Connecting lifts often does a good job to stimulate your abs, but for boys withSmall or stubborn abs., Direct AB training can certainly help.
  • Butt muscles: 0-12 sets per week.Deadlifts and squats challenge both buttock muscles during a deep piece, so you probably don't need extra glute work.
  • Kalf: 12-18 sets per week.Calves are not trained by compound exercises.
  • To: 9-18 sets per week.Your neck is also not trained by compound exercises.

How many sets do you have to work per training?

You must have 3-12 sets per muscle per train and train your muscles at least twice a week.The more often your muscles train, the fewer sets per day are needed. Example.For example, if you try 12 sets of pressing per week, you can spread your tire as follows:

  • 6 set of biceps curls twice a week.
  • 4 set of biceps curls 3 times a week.
  • 3 set biceps curls 4x a week.

Most hypertrophy training routines train every muscle at least twice a week.That applies to everyoneTraining routines in the full body, most4 daysIn5-day departmentsAnd almost everyone6-day divisions.

If you are a beginner, you can start a week with 3 training sessions in your entire body and perform 3-6 sets per week. Space every training.As an intervening average you may be able to use a training that trains your muscles twice a week and makes 6-8 sets per day.

Hypertrophy training volume: How many sets to build muscles? (8)

The elephant in the room is Bro Split, where you only train one muscle once a week.In this case you may be able to do no fewer than 12 sets per day. Body in a single training.Or you can adjust the routine to give it a better training frequency (as explained inOur brush split -article).

For example instead of stacking all your arm trainingArmdag, change some of your biceps curlsReturnAnd some of your triceps extensionsAdemSpreading your arm volume will free up the space for chin-ups and tight handle bench press on the armdy and spread your breast and rear volume.

When are you going to add more sets?

Scarpelli and colleagues had topics that train one of their legs with 20% more volume than they were used to, and the other leg with an "optimal" volume of 22 sets per week (inspection).After 8 weeks they found that the addition of 20% more volume stimulated .50% more muscle growth than sudden shifts to an optimized program.Desse finding has been replicated by recent research (inspection).

Hypertrophy training volume: How many sets to build muscles? (9)

When you get used to a training program, your muscles become larger, stronger and also more difficult.Your muscles will also be able to recover from these higher training volumes.

Hypertrophy training volume: How many sets to build muscles? (10)

Let's say you squat 3 times a week and make 3 challenging sets per day. Exercise.It is a total of 9 challenging sets per week.

After a few weeks, 3 sets may not give your quads the same amount of stimulation.

When the increasing volume becomes unmanageable, take a Deloadweek and drop the volume to only 2-3 sets per day. Exercise.

Volume for specialization phases

A specialization phase is when you reduce your training volume for some muscles to free up improvement for others.For example, you can lower the leg volume to 6 sets per week and increase your biceps/triceps/shoulder volume to 30 sets per week.

A recent study by ENES and colleagues brought participants to a specialization program where they trained their quads with a maximum of 52 sets per week (inspection).The first group of participants is stuck with 22 sets per week, the second group added 4 sets every two weeks and the third group added 6 sets every two weeks.

Hypertrophy training volume: How many sets to build muscles? (11)

At the end of the program, the third group 52 did a week before their quads.sets.

52 sets are not as praised as it sounds.If you made 10 sets of squats, bank presses, deadlifters, chin-ups and overheads every week, you would make 50 total sets per week., what is impressive is that that collapses all the energyjust nowQuad exercises worked so well.

I prefer a slightly more balanced approach.Instead of having the other exercises fall completely, I recommend that you change most of your muscles into maintenance and do 2-6 sets per week. Specialization phase and work up to 30-40 sets for a few different muscles

I have some of my best muscle growth from specialization phases.I have added 2 centimeters to my arms by concentrating on my biceps and triceps for 3 months. Practice and added more volume every week.

The minimum volume needed to build muscles

Routines with a low volume do not maximize your muscle growth, but they can still be enough to make progress.

  • A systematic review showed that uncomfortable lifters could get muscles with only 3 sets per day. Space per week (inspection).
  • A recent study found that 2-3 sets per movement pattern was sufficient to get strength.The participants were able to squat 220 pounds and 330.You may need more volume if you are stronger than that (inspection).

If you make fewer sets, it helps them to push harder.

Winning muscles is slowly sounding bad, but there are a few ways in which you can use it to your advantage:

  • More effective training routines:The law of declining returns starts early with training volume.
  • You can train with a lower volume of some muscle groups to clear energy in muscles, you want to grow.For example, you can make the minimum effective volume for your quads to give yourself more time and energy to train your weak shoulders.
  • You can make stable progress even if you are not fully invested in the gym.Perhaps you are happy to build muscles more slowly when life gets busy or stressful.
  • Lower training volumes can make your muscles more sensitive to muscle growth.If you get used to lowering volumes, your muscles regain their sensitivity to the stimulus by lifting weights.For example, if you relieve arm training for a few months, you can get better results when you are over to an ARM specialization phase.


The ideal training volume for muscle building is approximately 9-22 sets per day. Space per week.If you choose good exercises, do 6-30 repetitions per week. Insert these sets and, after failure, bring within 0-2 repetitions, the lower end of this interval is often sufficient to maximize muscle growth.

Hypertrophy training volume: How many sets to build muscles? (12)

Start with a lower training volume and increase it gradually. Exercise is enough for beginners.Newbie wintWith only 9 sets per muscle per week.

If you want a minimalist routine, start with 2-5 sets per week.Follow your strength from week to week to see if it is enough.

Hypertrophy training volume: How many sets to build muscles? (13)

Okay, that's it for now.If you want a full muscle building program, including a 5 -month training routine, diet guide, recipe book and online coaching, view ourBony to Beastly Program (for men)ofBony to Bombshell Program (for women).If you want an adapted intermediary muscle building program, view ourOutfit Hypertrophy program.

Shane Duquette

Shane Duquette is co -founder and creative leader ofForgive,,Bony to BeastlyInMiserly bomb, and has a diploma in design from York University in Toronto, Canad.He personally received 65 pounds of 11% body fat and has ten years of experience helping more than 10,000 thin people who are on bulking.

Marco Walker-ng, BHSC, POINT

Marco Walker-NG is co-founder and strength trainer forForgive,,Bony to BeastlyInMiserly bomb, and is a certified trainer (PTS) with a bachelor's degree in Health Sciences (BHSC) of the specialty of the University of Ottawa..

Hypertrophy training volume: How many sets to build muscles? (2024)
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