Rep -area for hypertrophy (2024)

Table of Contents
Best rep -Riding -Range for muscle growth Jim's home report Reference High repetitions for strength and size The science of high repetitions for size and strength Jim's home report View and download this training Reference Further support for weight training with high rep/light Repeat maximum continuum The size of the size Curling your One-Repel Max recruits most muscle fibers Higher repetitions with lighter weight can be even more effective The meaning of metabolic stress The new research into REP rag and muscle growth Going to muscle failure can be the key To give meaning to these representatives Don't worry about "training" Higher representative of greater muscle growth Educational variation is important for continuous progress Training References Support for research Variable Rep -speed training Studies confirm the influence of REP speed changes influence the results Fast repetitions Equal results Speed ​​set training View and download this training View and download this training View and download this training Alternating break Changing division Download this program Negative Rep -Training Negative Rep -Training when you only train How to perform negative repetitions Room from your negative REK training points for the best results Negative repairing program Exercise 1: chest, triceps, abdominal muscles Exercise 1 Training 2: Back, biceps, forearms Exercise 2 Exercise 3: Shoulders, falling Exercise 3 Exercise 4: Ben, calf Exercise 4 Snyder -Representatives Jim's home report Reference FAQs

As I often say: "Everything works but nothing works forever."If you are familiar with my training tips, you know that I like change.about which repetitions are being carried out.In this article I will break down the different approaches of Rep technology that can revolutionize your training and show your better results for your efforts.

Best rep -Riding -Range for muscle growth

From a scientific point of view, there is actually not much that we know about muscle growth.8-12 repetitions pressing seems to be the sweet place to build muscles.Weight and higher repetitions.

Research from Finland and the United States shows further support for higher REP intervals of 8-12.From quads to analyze the muscles of biochemical factors that initiate muscle growth.

They specifically looked at mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signal roads.There was an increase in MAPK signaling.

Jim's home report

If muscle growth is your most important target, make sure that many of your training sessions are performed using repetitions in the sweet place of muscle growth-8-12 reps.Rep area.To stick to a rep series for too long, will only lead to stagnation and limit your results.Like more power and greater endurance.


Hulmi, J. J., et al.Molecular signaling in muscles is influenced by the specificity of the resistance exercise protocol.Scand J Med Sci Sports.2010.

High repetitions for strength and size

Based on the decades of research into strength training, the use of lightweight and high repetitions (repetitions of 12 or more) is best to better increase muscle restrictions to increase muscle size and use heavy weight for low repetitions (repetitions of 3-7 per

The science of high repetitions for size and strength

Take a study from Japan in which it turned out that the addition of a set of high repetitions (25-35 repetitions) was best in increasing not only muscle size, but also muscle strength.The Japanese scientists had trained men to train a curved training twice a week for six weeks on a typical muscle-moving program include the use of moderate weight to 10-15 repetitions per day. Set leg presses and leg extensions.

After this 6 -week training phase, they divorced the men in two groups: 1) A strength training group and 2) a mixed training group. Been groups trained with a typical strength training program, which consisted of 5 sets of each exercise (leg press and leg extension) performed with heavy weightIn 3-5 repetitions per day. Set with 3 minutes of rest allowed between sets for four weeks.

The researchers reported in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research that the group that carried out the 25-30 Rep, not only continued to win the profit in muscle mass, while the strength training group actually had a small loss in muscle mass, but they arrived around 5% moreThen force the strength training group.

Although the researchers were uncertain about the exact mechanism of the extra strength gain, it seems that the individual set of higher repetitions offers an extra training stimulation that influences the strength profits.Power gain.

Jim's home report

The message with the house forms this research that when you are in a strength phase and use heavier weight and make repetitions, make sure you add a light drop set of 25-30 repetitions on your last set.The last set of each exercise for a weight with which you can complete 25-30 repetitions with this exercise.

For a four -week strength training program that I designed, using this training technique, my training program tries to clean up high strength.

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GOTO, K., et al.Muscle adjustments to combinations of resistance exercises with high and low intensity.Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 18 (4): 730-737, 2004.

Further support for weight training with high rep/light

You have seen them in every gym: the boys who moan and moan as loudly as possible, while loading the bar with as many plates as possible to get a few repetitions with a very bad shape., every time they are in the gym, but they don't make much progress if they keep training this way.

I have something new that their day will ruin: practice with much easier weight for much higher repetitions will actually help them build more muscles than heavy and heavy training.

Of course they laugh and pull it for each other.If they all come together, they are interested in how impressed you are with the weight they hardly move than get real results..So read on to learn science behind how easy weights can help you grow more muscles.

Repeat maximum continuum

In the world of strength training science, REP intervals are subdivided into what is known as a 'maximum continuum' repetition '. This splits the Rep areas into three main categories:

  • 1) Muscle strength
  • 2) Muscle hypertrophy (muscle growth)
  • 3) Muscle endurance ability

Research and years of training have previously shown that the REP area of 1-6 per year. Sets are best for increasing muscle strength; sets are the best for increasing muscle growth;And repetitions of 12 and higher are best for increasing muscle restriction.Athletes have seen over the years and train in this way.

So most boys ultimately train in the 6-8 rep area, perhaps occasionally as high as 10 repetitions, because this is the rep area with which they can see and feel the most impressive in the gym, just enoughDoing repetitions to stimulate muscle growth. Theoretically this sounds like the smartest plan based on the maximum continuum.

The size of the size

Another fact that power scientists have learned in the laboratory is that muscles are recruited (or are called to contract) from the smallest to the largest. This is known as the 'size principle'.

There are two main types of muscle fibers: slowly shocking and rapid resistance.Slow-titch muscle fibers are those with the most endurance, but they are also the smallest and weakest.Most power and strength and the ability to grow the largest.

When you take a weight and curl a biceps, the slow muscle fibers are first recruited in biceps to eliminate the weight. If the weight is too heavy for the few slow muscle fibers that have been recruited, the brain signal residues of the slow muscle pulling is available is availableIn biceps to help their friends.Larger fast jerk fiber in biceps to help the small, weak slow muscle fibers.StillToo heavy, the brain beats for the rest of the large and strong fast shocking fibers to help, and the weight has been rolled up successfully.Of course it all happens in a matter of microseconds.

Curling your One-Repel Max recruits most muscle fibers

But when you take a weight that you can curl repeats in 20 repetitions, you can only recruit the slow muscle fibers because the weight is so light that the fast muscle twitches are not even disturbed.Those who grow the largest and strongest and the slow muscle twitches that must remain small for maximum endurance, it is believed that in order to build up the maximum muscle size, the weight must be heavy enough to recruit the bright muscle fibers.

Now back to the weight with which you could complete 20 repetitions of curls: yes, if you do the first pair of repetitions, you only recruit the slow muscle twists.Call more and more of the larger rapidly affected fibers with every completed repetitions.

Higher repetitions with lighter weight can be even more effective

If you take the 20-repack set on absolute muscle failure-that point at which you can do another repeated not the same amount of fast muscle fibers. This is the real key to the higher Rep-SETS that are performed with lighter weight, can be better formuscle growth than to make fewer repetitions with heavier weight: practice for muscle failure.

Although recruiting the maximum number of fast muscle fibers can be crucial for muscle growth, they seem to be other factors.

After all, if muscle growth were only about recruiting rapidly shocking muscle fibers, the best way to grow would always raise a weight that you limit to a rep.It is not even the best way to increase muscle strength.

The meaning of metabolic stress

Metabolic stress is created in the muscles when by -products accumulate from the biochemical routes used in the muscle cells to produce the energy needed to increase the weight. These by -products indicate other chemicals in the muscles, such as insulin -like growth factorThey come and cause muscle hypertrophy.

For example, the growth hormone level increases as the levels of the metabolic by-product-silkic acid increase.Stress is to do more repetitions.

Higher repetitions increase the amount of biochemical by -products that are produced.Metabolic stress.This sounds good in theory, there is also research that supports this claim.

The new research into REP rag and muscle growth

The majority of research into easier weight/higher rep training comes from the Metabolism training group at MCMaster University in Canada.

The first work that attracted attention to strength scientists and bodybuilders everywhere was well read a study from 2010 that the group published in the Online Science Journal Plos (Public Library of Science).

Trained men performed four sets of leg extensions with the help of a weight that limited them to 4-5 repetitions per year. Set or a weight with which they can complete about.25 REALING PRESET.25-Repae used but did not go to complete muscle failure.

When the men made the four sets of light weight condition for higher repetitions for muscle failure, muscle prey synthesis of quadriceps was raised by no less than 60% more than when they did 4-repit for failure.Synthesis much larger than 25-repackets that are not taken for muscle failure.

Going to muscle failure can be the key

A 2011 study by the same researchers looked at what is happening with muscle protein synthesis after heavy or light weight training because test subjects consumed a protein shake 24 hours after the training.

They performed four sets of leg extensions with a weight that they could lift in around 4-5 repetitions or a weight that they could lift in about 25 repetitions.All sets while the other half did not.

The researchers reported in the Journal of Nutrition that drinking a protein shake 24 hours after training for failure using the heavy weight (4-5 repetitions per set) or the lightweight (approximately 25 repetitions per set) higher the significant muscle prey synthesis whenThey drank the same protein roast at rest or after weight training, but not go to muscle failure.

A trend that you should notice immediately in these two studies is that the most critical factor in increasing muscle egg synthesis, both immediately after exercise and in the 24 hours, is all sets of muscle failure.

It is the only way to recruit all fast muscle fibers and to initiate adequate metabolic stress.This data finally closes all these power education experts who say that you should not train for muscle failure, at least not on most sets.Interfere with strength and muscle growth.

To give meaning to these representatives

The first thing you will notice about most of these so -called experts is of course the fact that their upper arms barely measure 15 centimeters.Immediately tell you that they do not understand the basic principles of muscle physiology and never learned more specifically about the size principle.

Don't worry about "training"

As for overrunning, you are not worried about it, as long as you follow a solid food and supplement plan as you find on my site.

Our ancestors were hunting their feet all day and/or teams the fields.Bureau Job or at school that intense training for 60-90 minutes do you train?!

This is just an excuse for those who do not want to do the hard work that is needed to build real muscles.must take, fall fail or close to the maximum muscle growth.

Another finding from these two studies is that training with lighter weight that is being carried out for higher repetitions seems to be better in promoting muscle growth than heavier weight that is done for fewer repetitions.

Higher representative of greater muscle growth

But standing: there are two problems with these two studies.The first is that these studies have only measured muscle prey synthesis.Muscle growth over time to train these ways.They just looked at a snapshot of a training.

The second problem is that the heavy weight sets were performed with a weight that limited the empty spots to only 4-5 representatives.Most ego maniacal bodybuilder usually does not train in this low of a rep interval.So it really is not a stock market comparison of heavy weight versus lightweight, insofar as these expressions mean with the average bodybuilder.

The MCMaster researchers have finally conducted a follow -up study to see how good these light weights, high reps remain to initiate real muscle growth compared to more realistic rep intervals. They had carried out topics one of the three -bone extension programs programmers timesper week for 10 weeks:

  • 1) A set for failure using a weight that limited them to 8-12 repetitions
  • 2) Three sets for failure using a weight that limited them to 8-12 repetitions
  • 3) Three sets for failure using a weight with which they could complete 20-30 repetitions

Immediately after each training, the test subjects ate a protein beam that supplied 30 grams of protein, 33 grams of carbohydrates, 11 grams of fat and 4 grams of BCAA -Leucine.

In a 2012 edition of the Journal of Applied Physiology, they reported that both topics train with three sets of 8-12 repetitions for failures and those who train with three sets of 20-30 repetitions for muscular failure raised the pier muscle size by 7%,What was more than twice the increase in those who train with just one set of 8-12 repetitions for failure.

This increase in muscle size was visible in both the slow and fast muscle fibers as fast muscle fibers. Exercise, but whether you are training in the 8-12-REP or 20-30 series area does not really mean the long year that you have each setTakes for muscle failure.

But before you start thinking that it does not matter which rep series you choose, the researchers also measure muscle strength and muscle endurance before and after 10 weeks of program.

They discovered that the group training with one set or three sets of 8-12 repetitions per day. Set increased their max strength of one calculation considerably more than the group that performed three sets of 20-30 rep.10 repetitions at the start of theProgram. But muscle endurance that they measured with the number of repetitions could only complete with 30% of their maximum One-Rep, only in the group with the help of 3 sets of 20-30 repetitions.

So while exercising with both heavy weight and lightweight can cause a similar increase in muscle growth, they offer the various advantages of muscles.Heavy weight training does not do that.

Educational variation is important for continuous progress

The real home report from these studies is that you should never keep to a representative for too long.

By changing your stress of heavy weight for fewer repetitions in lighter weight for higher repetitions, you can also increase muscle strength and muscle endurance.that can better influence muscle growth.

Whatever every rep series offers, the simple fact helps you to change things, prevent stagnation to make continuous profits in muscle, strength and endurance possible.

A good way to change your REP assortment is to use linear periodic microcycli where you start with lighter weight for higher repetitions and gradually increases the weight until you are a very heavy weight for low rugs.

This is similar to my micromuscular program (akaQuick coupling to size).Or try my 11-week plan below, which increases the weight every week with reps road on the reach of 21-30 and takes you to only 3-5 repetitions per day.set.

You can repeat this indefinitely, as long as you change other variables, such as the exercises used and the rest periods between sets.


Try this plan that your rep varieties change every week.You can even consider taking the last set of each exercise that goes beyond muscle failure with techniques such as forced repetitions, remaining break or drop set.

WeekRep -


Support for research

Stoppani, J. Encyclopedia of Muscle & Strength.Human Kinetics, Champagne, IL, 2006.

Henneman, E. et al.The relationship between the size of neurons and their sensitivity to dismissal.126 (3287): 1345-1347.

Fallentin, N., et al.Recruitment of motor unit under long -term isometric contractions.European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology.1993;67 (4): 335-341.

Fuglevand, A. J., et al.Write -Down of neuromuscular propagation under human tiring contractions by Subximal Forces.Journal of Physiology 1993;460: 549-572.

Sales, D. G.Influence of training and training on activation of motor unit.15: 95-151.

Burd, N. A., et al.Low load training High volume resistance Exercise stimulates muscle egg wiss synthesis more than high load low volume resistance exercise in young men.PLOS ONE 5 (8): E12033, 2010.

Burd, N. A., et al.Improved amino acid sensitivity of myofibrillary protein synthesis remains in young men up to 24 hours after resistance to young men.J Nutr.2011 1. april;141 (4): 568-73.

Mitchell, C. J., et al.Resistance exercise Tax does not determine training mediated hypertrophic profits in young men.J Appl Physiol.i Pressen, 2012.

Variable Rep -speed training

When it comes to rep ranges, most people keep the tested and real slow and controlled pace of approximately 1-2 seconds on the positive and about.1-2 seconds on the negative.

Although this is the pace that you usually have to save, consider going much slower occasionally and some of the time much faster.Strength and strength that can help you build more muscles in the long term, and they can even help you burn more body fat.

Studies confirm the influence of REP speed changes influence the results

Researchers from the University of Sydney (Lidcom, NSW, Australia) had men and women to follow a Biceps training program for 6 weeks with the help of different rep speeds to determine the repverter of one-poor biceps curls theBest increased strength, and what repspeed that best increases the muscle size.part of the representative).

Each group trained with a weight that limited them to 6-8 repetitions on one-off biceps curl and trains three times a week.-Freight of 40%.are the best for increasing muscle size.Those who use faster repetitions.

Fast repetitions Equal results

Fast repetitions probably increase muscle strength better because they use more of the fast muscle fibers in a muscle.These are the muscle fibers that can be contracted at great speed and strength.From Ball State discovered that weights trained by weight that performed squats with rapid repetitions burned more than 10% more calories than when doing squats with normal speed representatives.

So make sure that you change your REP speeds, just as you change other aspects of your training sessions.Building normal speed representatives at the basis of your training program, you usually also use these rapid repetitions to build up strength and strength, also to build up strength and strength, such as the fall of body fat.

Use slow repetitions to encourage more muscle growth.

Speed ​​set training

In the video below I demonstrate speed set training using standing dumbbells curls (two arms at the same time, not varied) as an example:

I would like to expand the concept here..

  • Reps 1-5: Fast and explosive on all repetitions
  • Reps 6-10: Super slow repetitions in a five-second cadence up (concentric), five seconds down (eccentric)
  • Reps 11-15: normal speed, controlled repetitions.For most people this will be up for 1-2 seconds, 1-2 seconds down

It is a "speed set".

What is good about this technique is that you train your muscles on just one set in three different ways.Maximize representatives "Time under tension" (tut) to increase muscle damage and to promote muscle growth;And the last five repetitions promote further muscle breakdown and growth while also developing endurance.

Due to how demanding a 15-REP speed kit is, it does not require much weight to thoroughly avoid the muscles.That is why I say that it is great for the times that you are only a pair of Halvergewijzer available, such as while traveling and staying in a hotel with a limited fitness center.

That said, speed set training is a great method to use, even if you are in a fully equipped fitness center.program.

You can use a speed training in a few different ways: You can apply the speed kit to all exercises in your training for a limited period (up to about four weeks), make three sets per day. Exercise and 3-4 exercises per large muscle group.Or you can only make speed sets for the first exercise per day. Space group and then perform standard sets for all other exercises.In the latter option you make three speed packages for the first exercise per day. Body part.

Put my speed set training technique on the test and see how effective these different rep speeds can be.

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Download the next resistance tape for an example development that uses speed sets for all exercises.Jym Strength Bands) Routine:

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For a training that only uses speed set training for only the first exercise per day. Space group, use the link below to see and download my speed set of leg training./5/5 ", stated in the repeat column, when you set the speed as described above. Make sure it is, but I recommend that you choose a weight that you normally use for 20 repetitions of standard sets.

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Ultimately you can mineExercise in sets of the whole bodyFor a strong combination of the benefits of variable rep speed and the fat burning improvement of complete exercise.

Alternating break

Of all Weider principles that are famous by the late, Big Joe Weider, Rest-Break is one of my favorites-one training technique with real home.Period and then continue with the set.

Simply put, it gives the muscles time to re -fill phosphocoatine (PCR) - the same molecule that increases creatine supplements.Better results.) With this shot of extra energy, muscles can.Jo greater power that your muscle can produce and the more repetitions you can perform, the greater the stimulus muscles and the greater the profit in muscle size and power it can be expected.Is that simple.

There are two common ways in which training for residues is used. Set make two or three rest breaks that you could say-which not only allows more repetitions, are completed with a certain weight, but also to the muscle far beyond muscle failureto take.muscle growth.

Rest-break training can also be used to increase muscle strength.You usually use a weight with which you can only get 3-5 repetitions (your 3-5 RM).Another you repeat this process until 4-6 repetitions were completed.

Now is a new variation of remaining breaks: changing remaining training.Opposite each other and you cycle back and forth from one side to the other.

For this, choose a weight with which you can complete. 6-8 reps.I use one-arm-hairders that curl as an example.In this way, do three rest breaks for three repetitions, then two rest breaks for two repetitions and finally a break for a rep.-8 repers.The not only pushes muscle growth, but also muscle strength.

And because you use one arm (or leg) at the same time, you are stronger than when you use two arms.What you could curl on a vectar beam with both arms, which leads to an even greater profit in muscle strength.

Here is another VRI: with the last set of each exercise you have to do as many repetitions as possible during the last remaining break, the one who must be a representative.This will not only increase the intensity of the last set, but will also serve as a barometer for how suitable the chosen weight was.Complete a representative, the chosen weight is perfect.If you cannot complete the final representative on the last set, reduce the weight with 5-10 pounds the next training.First sets, reduce the weight by 5-10 pounds before your last set instead of staying with a load that is too heavy.

Even if you can stick to your current training division and simply insert alternating residual pauset training for each muscle group when you normally train that muscle group, I recommend that you try the four -day training division that I propose below.Train chest and triceps on Monday, legs on Tuesday, shoulders and fall on Thursday and back and biceps on Friday.Training section.

Changing division

Try this training division while following the changing training program for remaining break:

DayMuscle groups
MondayBorst, triceps, abs
ThursdayDelts, falling, abdominal muscles
FridayBack, biceps

Download this program

Negative Rep -Training

If you have my article injury, How important muscle damage is for muscle growth is, you know that you have to do a negative rep training for every muscle group every few months. This is one of my favorite negative rep programs that I use to cause some damage toMy muscle fibers to get new cores.

Many of these exercises are unique.So do your best to make them correct until I get the photos and some videos on the site.Training after reading the SLAKE, Inc.-Tarticle.So I wouldn't wait for the many months it would take to film all these exercises.-Side you must click on the link below:

Although the best way to follow negative rep training is to have a reliable partner to help you, even if the positive part of repetitions and you only work to resist the negative repetitions, many of them trainus alone.Don't worry for you - I have techniques that you can use if you only exercise one, so that you do not miss all the benefits of negative rep training.

Negative Rep -Training when you only train

A method is called a single negative rep. For unilateral movements such as curls, you simply use both hands to eliminate the weight and then let the arm be trained with negative repetitions to process the negative part of the representative alone.

Userbank pressAs an example: find a weight with which you can lower the rod with an arm, but it still resists it for about 3 seconds on the way down..Again use of both arms.In this way that changes the arm that you use to lower the rod to each representative, but always uses both arms when you press the rod up.On the bench presses when you track down alone.

You can also use the Smith machine to do negative rep training on pull-ups.

Place the bar on the shoulder height.If you hang at the bar, your legs must free the floor with your knees bent so that you hang free.Do 3 negative representative just 5 seconds.

So I have training options during the exercises that were designed with a spotter.So if you see "or" during an exercise that can be done solo.They train with a partner or those who only train.

How to perform negative repetitions

To make the negative repetitions, you must find out how much you can lift for a representative to that exercise.For Smith bank prints from can discover your maximum on a representative on the same day with the negative rep training.If you know how much you can do on that exercise for a representative, add approximately.20% more weight for your negative rep working weight.

To make up for the negative repetitions, you will slowly lower the weight to around 3/4 to almost 1/2 way, even if you are the range of the movement, because you probably still have the eight in the upper half of itREP area can lift.T lift the weight again, you push as hard as you can not drop the weight completely.8 seconds, you have the right weight.

Try to create these negative REP training points with the help of a four-day split.

Room from your negative REK training points for the best results

Do not forget that once you have completed them, you don't have to train again for another 3 months.

Negative repairing program

Exercise 1: chest, triceps, abdominal muscles

Exercise 1

Smith Machine one-arm negative bench press
23-52 minutes.
Bank press
Smith Machine Bench Press
23-62 minutes.
Negative slope
Smith Machine one-arm negative bench press
23-52 minutes.
Smith Machine Incline Bench Press
23-62 minutes.
Negative13-52 minutes.
Holding23-62 minutes.
Negative slope halter flu13-52 minutes.
Halter slope fly23-62 minutes.
Negative Sloot Grip Bench Press
Smith Machine One-Arm Negative Handle Bank Prints
23-52 minutes.
Close the Gripbankpers
Smith Machine One-Arm Negative Handle Bank Prints
23-62 minutes.
Negative cable pressed with an arm23-52 minutes.
Cable presset med my arm23-62 minutes.
Negative DB overhead extension with one arm23-52 minutes.
One -off dumbbell overhead extension23-62 minutes.
Negativ Smith Machine Crunch23-51 minute.
Smith Machine Crunch26-81 minute.
Negativ Smith Machine Hip Thrust23-51 minute.
Smith Machine Hip Thrust26-81 minute.

Training 2: Back, biceps, forearms

Exercise 2

Negativ pulldown
Negative pulldown with one arm
23-52 minutes.
Drag down33-62 minutes.
Negative one-arm seating cable row23-52 minutes.
Sitting cable row33-62 minutes.
Negative straight arm pulldown23-52 minutes.
Ligearms Pulldown23-62 minutes.
Negativ Barbell Curl
Negative Smith machine with one arm
22-52 minutes.
Barbell Curl23-62 minutes.
Negative Dumbbell -Curls concentration23-52 minutes.
Halter concentration curl23-62 minutes.
Negative back-back cable curls23-52 minutes.
Cable23-62 minutes.
Negative Dumbbell Pols Curls23-51 minute.
Dumbbell wrist curls23-61 minute.

Exercise 3: Shoulders, falling

Exercise 3

Negative Barbell -Shoulder press
Smith Machine one-arm negative shoulder press
23-52 minutes.
Barbell shoulder press
Smith Machine shoulder press
23-62 minutes.
Negative Smith machine lateral23-52 minutes.
Smith Machine Lateral Raise23-62 minutes.
Negative Smith Machine Vertical Row13-52 minutes.
Smith Machine Vertical Row23-62 minutes.
Negative facial resistance of one arm23-52 minutes.
Face Drag23-62 minutes.
Negative Smith machine one-time shoulder pull23-52 minutes.
Smith Machine shrugs23-62 minutes.

Exercise 4: Ben, calf

Exercise 4

Negative Smith Machine One-Ben Squat23-52 minutes.
Smith machine squat23-62 minutes.
Negative leg press with one leg23-52 minutes.
Beenpresse23-62 minutes.
Negative leg extension
Negative expansion with a leg leg
13-52 minutes.
Botuitbreiding23-62 minutes.
One-pipes negative back expansion23-52 minutes.
Retud23-62 minutes.
Negative legs of one legs curl
13-52 minutes.
Legs curl23-62 minutes.
Negative increase in legs23-51 minute.
Standard calf rise26-81 minute.
Negative seat calf with one legs increases23-51 minute.
Sitting veal rise26-81 minute.

Snyder -Representatives

Another intensity -burned tactics that can help increase the strength and size are cheat representatives.

One of the best and most common ways to use cheating is by the end of the set when fatigue enters. By cheating, you can force a few extra repetitions and take your muscle about failure.

Watch my video below about using cheating:

But brand new research from the United Kingdom suggests that cheating, at least on lateral climbs, can be better in muscle growth on every representative than to use a strict form.Due to too many involved variables, researchers from Swansea University in Wales drove a computer simulated dumbbell-parade-parade with different quantities of "cheating" (meaning that generating momentumvitte help from non-target muscles such as the legs, crucifix and falling).

They reported in a 2012 edition of the European Journal of Applied Physiology that the delivery of only a small amount of cheating (ie momentum) under the lateral raises the raised couple in the middle of the deltoid and made it possible to end more renowned.

However, they also discovered that when too much momentum was used, it reduced the torque in the middle of the deltoid.Strict form on every rep and set.

Jim's home report

The first to remember here is that this was only a computer simulated research, so the results had to be taken with some caution.Study a number of interesting points.Can only use a little bit of momentum (cheating) help build larger muscles by placing more torque on the target muscle and completing more repetitions with a certain weight?By even trying it in the gym.

I suggest that you walk this in one of the two simple ways.Changing training.Valse Games can help you build a better muscle mass.Once there is no one to tell what a computer has predicted, can actually work in the gym until you try it yourself.


Aradjelovic, O.False sounds: the role of externally delivered momentum on muscle strength in resistance.European Journal of Applied Physiology.I Pressen, 2012.

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Rep -area for hypertrophy (2024)


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A moderate repetition scheme with moderate loads (from 8 to 12 repetitions per set with 60% to 80% of 1RM) optimizes hypertrophic gains.

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If you have more slow-twitch muscle fibers (think: marathon runner), you'll likely be better at endurance-type activities as these muscle fibers fatigue more slowly than the fast-twitch kind (think: sprinter). That also means they respond better to high reps.

Why is 8 12 reps best for hypertrophy? ›

It turns out that 8-12 reps is actually good advice. It sits in the Goldilocks Zone of reps and loading, it's time efficient in that it can maximize the number of tough reps per set, it's energy efficient in that it doesn't require too many reps to stimulate hypertrophy, or involve loads that are unnecessarily heavy.

Is 3x10 effective? ›

This holds that regardless of whether you're trying to build muscle, strength, power, or endurance, performing three sets of 10 reps per exercise is a good place to start. The scheme mostly works, especially if you're just starting out with strength training—because everything works in the beginning.

Is 20 reps too much for hypertrophy? ›

These are the three most common rep ranges and their most popular use: The low range (1-5 reps), typically employed to increase strength. The medium range (6-12 reps), also known as “the hypertrophy range”, usually recommended for muscle growth. The high range (15-20+ reps) for muscular endurance.

Is it better to lift heavier or more reps? ›

Research suggests lifting smaller weights and doing more repetitions (or, in gym parlance, “reps”) can have a role to play – but it all depends on your goals. In short: if your goal is to build serious strength and bone density, lifting heavy is an efficient way to do it.

Why can I lift heavy weights but can't gain muscle? ›

One, you could be lifting heavy and doing too few reps in the gym. Second, there may be a big gap between your workout days. Third, you might not be consuming enough calories. Before you move on to lifting heavier weights, make sure you are doing between 3 and 12 reps.

How heavy should I lift to gain muscle? ›

For beginners, Ben recommends trying five to 10 pounds for light weights, 10 to 20 pounds for medium weights, and 15 to 30 pounds for heavy weights—or simply starting with five-pound weights for each exercise and working up from there.

How heavy should I lift for hypertrophy? ›

Lifting heavier weight (approximately 70-75% of your one-rep max) activates Type 2 or “fast twitch” muscle fibers, which are important in developing strength and promoting hypertrophy (muscle growth along with an increase in the size of muscle cells).

Is 3 sets of 10 enough for hypertrophy? ›

Are 3 sets of exercises enough for building muscle? Building muscle, or hypertrophy, requires a greater training volume than just three sets. If you have some training experience and you are looking to build muscle, you would do 3 to 6 sets of each exercise and you would aim for two exercises per body part.

Is 4x12 good for hypertrophy? ›

Want to grow your muscles as big as possible? Just go for the tried and proven classic, right? 4 sets of 12 reps, four or five exercises muscle group.

Is 3x10 or 5x5 better for size? ›

Doing 3x10 is better for volume where as a 5x5 is better for strength. Volume will help increase the size of the legs more. Increasing your strength on the other hand will allow you to work with higher weights for volume. So doing a mix of both is good.

What is the best split for hypertrophy? ›

The Upper/Lower Split Maximizes Hypertrophy

This is best explained by the fact that splitting lower- and upper-body sessions allows for more training. With two workouts per muscle each week, you can include more sets, reps, and weight. This increased volume is always better for hypertrophy than a lower training volume.

Is 4 sets of 10 enough to Build muscle? ›

Yes, doing 4 sets of 6–10 reps will be good for muscle growth. Definitely better than doing 10 sets of 6–10 reps. But … only if you do it at least twice a week.

Is 3 or 4 sets better for hypertrophy? ›

Research suggests: 3-5 sets per exercise is a good range for muscle hypertrophy (growth) [1]. 4 sets might have a slight edge: Studies show some benefit to more volume, but the difference between 3 and 4 sets might be minimal for most people [1].

Is 5 sets of 12 reps good for hypertrophy? ›

The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) will break this down, suggesting the following set ranges: 2-3 will help build muscular endurance (12 to 20+ reps) 3-6 build muscular hypertrophy (6 to 12 reps) 3-5 build muscular power (3 to 5 reps)

How many sets should I do for hypertrophy? ›

Typically, 3-5 sets are recommended for optimal hypertrophy. Conversely, the development of strength may occur with a moderate volume. For this reason, Peterson et al. (2004) suggested that 2-6 sets were ideal for improving strength, with the NASM guideline being 4-6 sets (2018).

Is 30 reps enough for hypertrophy? ›

What Rep Range is Best for Muscle Growth? Research (Schoenfeld et al. 2017) suggests that hypertrophy can be achieved throughout a wide range of rep ranges, approximately 5 to 30 reps. This is something I would also agree with based on my years of coaching and training experience.

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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.