How to earn money in the desert food for wild delicacies (2024)

How to earn money in the desert food for wild delicacies (1)

Written byJason Michaels Last updated: April 2, 2024

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Are you looking for ways to make money in the desert?

Do you want to earn money by selling burning nettle?

You know that.

Because people all over the world make serious money that wanted delicacies.

Sometimes, even as much as$ 300 per hour, if they harvest a particularly appreciated plant in an area with them.

Stapping Nettles is an example of a plant that is abundant in the forest.But because they are difficult in the butt to choose, people pay you good money to do it for them.

Diners, who would like to party on wild dishes, have opened a market for thousands of sidehustlers.

Some of these people areunemployedAnd will rust a few dollars until they get their next job.

Others want to save their food costs.

There has been an obsession with food culture in America for a long time.

And now food has become part of it.

Ingredients that can create a world class meal can even grow in your back garden.

Food harvested from nature is healthy and sustainable.Nevertheless, most Americans look at it.

Nutrition is notwhenA way to earn money and a murderer meal.It is also good for the ecosystem because it adds value to our community.And when something has value, you fight for your ass to protect it.

But it is not a government-fast schedule.

You will have to spend months,Maybe even yearsHonor your capacities.But if you are happiest to be out of nature despite the difficulties, food can be things for you.

Table of contents


Many people think of nutrition only used as a survival tactics of people who have been lost in the forest.

But today, originally harvesting wild plants for food and medicines.And in Pioneer America our ancestors went outside and searched for berries, nuts and seeds for their meals.

The deceased Euell Gibbons brought in public consciousness in the 60s. At that time, people came to the left and right.Over the years it fell into dissatisfaction again.But now Gourmands is starting to recognize how wonderful the nutritional food can be.

The rest of the world with that. In Russia, for example, it is only to inform your children to identify wild mushroomsSomething you do.

World Class Restaurants

Nowadays, the classic restaurants of the talented forager are well equipped with their fund.des.

The old fashion words get tired of dinners.

Descriptions such as "Gård to Table", "Locavore" and "Grass-Fed" lose their cachet.The new fashion word is "field-to-table", a version of the farm for the table.

Pine needles, Candy Cap -fungi and other exotic ticket prices find their way to menus.

Noma in Copenhagen, known as the world's best restaurant, treats his menu around forged food.This helps their customers to give one lifetime experience.On a farm.

There is no comparison of the taste of a mushroom that is grown on a garden and a picked from a beam on the edge of a gerutden pine forest.

Essential tools for the trip

Buy onenotebookTo register your findings so that you can add dates where you have found the system and other useful notes.You also have onePocket knifeTo cut plants and bags to wear them home.Get paper bags for mushrooms and plastic bags for other types.

And adaypackTo wear everything.

Wear long pants, boots and socks and apply abundant amounts of bug spray to keep ticks and mosquitoes away.Solar coolKeep your plants fresh in your car until you get home.

To learn art

The number of wild plants that you can use for culinary purposes is almost infinite.There is so much variation.That is what makes deterioration so rewarding.

But it is not all sweetness and light.There are dangers at the lurking around every moss-foamy stump.From gif oak and ivy to the serious liver damage that can follow by eating the wrong sponge.

Or even dead if you eat a particularly deadly.

Poison Hemlock looks like wild carrot stops.But eating it will harm your nervous system and put you in a coma.

And not every excursion will be a resounding success.

As you may have guessed, it is not as easy as picking the ears of corn from a stem on a farm in the back garden.A considerable level of expertise is needed to make it rigid.You don't have to be a mycologist (one fungus expert) to learn how to tell edible mushrooms of toxic.

But you have to be 100% safe.If you're not, don't eat it.And of course don't sell it.

This security only comes from training an expert who knows his things.So go online and find one of these guys.Note and learn everything so that you can do it.The wavy lobes of the false.

Steve BrillHas a mobile app that teaches users how to identify more than 250 species of wild plants.He has schools and daily camps where he teaches people how to identify the edible of the toxic.

There is also Deane Jordan.

Since 12 years he has taught people how to feed for their dinner.Without any formal training he has become one of the most important experts in the country.

He has a popular site and YouTube videos with more than 60,000 subscribers.In addition to giving his nourishing wisdom online, he increases the leading experience workshops of the state.

He spent his childhood in Maine learning conditions of his mother and grandmother.He watched when they gathered Einer berries and dandelion green.They would make tea with the berries.And when he was seven years old, he had an Epiphany.

"Why buy raspberries in the store when they can be picked for free growing wild outdoors?"

In 2006 he lost his job.This event destroyed him financially.But it also released him to pursue his youth passion and to be true for his values.After the dismissal, he started to give full -time food.

Now he has a popular site and YouTube videos with more than 60,000 subscribers.

Mushroom varieties

For edible mushrooms in good condition, chefs pay so much a day. Pond such as New York Strip Steak.or even Fillet Mignon.That means around $ 12 to $ 25 a day. Pond.You could serve a few five pounds of "chicken from the forest" fungus $ 100.

To succeed, you must perfect the possibility to find the most important fungal habitats.Porcini, for example, likes moist areas with many low bushes.

Different types such as different trees.

When you choose mushrooms, you actually harvest the fruit of the Mycelium.This is the part of the fungus that is underground.It is an incredible network of fine white filaments that include the whole world.

If you are a fan ofStar Trek: Discovery, you know that an interstellar version of this controls the Star ship.

When you choose them, traces spread in all directions.This makes the crop more productive and increases the biological diversity.

A commercial voter must harvest 100 pounds of mushrooms a week to make it profitable.Although some people subject this practice of "permaculture game", dependence on traditional ways to breed food reduces.This is good for the planet.

There is also Reishi, as some Asian cultures say they have medical qualities.These mushrooms go for around $ 16 per pound.

And there is Amanita Muscaria.This fungus grows on the same trees as Porcini.But you have to be careful because it has psychedelic properties.

It is also toxic if you eat it without the right preparation.

There are many fungal species that you can use for tasty dishes, but very little the taste dessert.Candy Cap is one of them.

You can make delicious cookies with candy caps.This sponge adds a touch of maple syrup to your dishes.The scent is weak when they grow in the field, but become more robust when you dry them in a room.

Candy Caps is a resident of Pacific Northwest.

Hunting on candy caps can be a painful process, because they often grow near the blackberry bushes, the thorns whose thorns can forgate unsuspecting wounds.

A lot of work is needed to collect candy caps, so that the price they are looking for is high.On Olivatie, 10 pounds of them go for $ 4,952.99.The are not as expensive as candy hood, Matsutake can go for a maximum of $ 600 per pound in Japan.

They always thrive there, but no longer.For Japanese hunger to places like Oregon.When the price of this delicacy rises, empty in Oregon empty when searching for the fungus.

A few pick -up tips

Once you have ensured that the mushrooms are not toxic, you cut out damaged areas.Then dry the ground with paper towels and bleeds in salt water for a few hours.This will get rid of all the insects that hide in the gills.

Freeze or dry your move if you plan to save them on long sieve.You can dry mushrooms in a dehydrator at 100-150 degrees F.

Then keep them in an airtight container.

The king of the mushroom world

The undisputed champion in the mushroom world is Morel.

However, it is not an easy money because this species looks suspicious than a few other species.One of these deadly doppers is known as a false morality.It contains a toxin called monomethyl hydrazine that causes dizziness and vomiting.

And even death in some cases.

You need a qualified expert to show you which one is.

Real morels have caps with roe and combs.They look like a small pines on top of a hollow stem or a pock -labeled mushroom.Is completely hollow.The cap is also attached to the stem.

The cap is not attached to the stem with fake morals.

The hood of a fake moor looks like a clenched fist and is wavy and lobed.It also has an irregular shape that gives it a "pinched" look.The stem is a hole but also contains piles of fiber that looks like gray, Icky Goo.

The appearance of the true morel in the spring promotes the arrival of the fungal harvest.This is an activity that includes 40 species and can include three seasons.

Morels have a pretty narrow autumn window from March to May.The only one appears when there are many hot days and the soil is moist.

To recognize them more easily, make an impression on what they look like on your brain.To do this, you have to have a photo of a print and keep it on your fridge where you can see it all day.There are then very visual stimuli that are in the forest and you have to reset what you are looking for.

The opportunities to discover morels rise when the temperature is good.Day temperatures go in the 60s and the night temperatures must be in the 1950s.If these circ*mstances are met, a light spring -rain can activate their appearance.

In general, it is best to hunt at the beginning of April.

You can usually find them in the dead elm.who died in the past year.

These alms still have their bark, but there are few or no leaves.

Morelen are a symbiotic relationship with certain types of trees, including elms.

On the other hand, the tree gives the mycelium sugar and water.When a tree dies, Morel Mycelia dies.So to guarantee the future of the species, Morel Mycelia sends fruit in the form of a fungus.

These mushrooms produce traces in his run, which are then led by the wind, and soon there are new members of the species that have replaced those who have died.

To find morels, look at areas with heavy ground cover.Places in beating can be more difficult to see, but the rich, moist soil can have morels thrive.Areas that sunlight when crucial because sunlight increases the soil temperature, and love hot bottom.

Look for them on the edges of the forest around stumps where more light reaches the ground.Morels can hide under fallen leaves or bark pieces or hidden from vegetation.

Use a walk to turn swollen leaves or large bark pieces.

To increase your chances, bring your children.Children are closer to the earth than adults and have an advantage if they know what they are looking for.

If you find them, cut them on the ground surface and place them in a basket orMaaszak.Renew them in a paper bag except for other mushrooms.Do not use plastic bags because plastic ensures that spills spoil.

Sale of wild salads mix to restaurants

You can harvest Graens to put together a wild saladix mix and to sell it to restaurants.Not every city allows this.But the exercise becomes more often.

I even know that some people sell this mix for $ 16 per pound!

If you want to do this, harvest areas that you know is not treated with chemicals.Here are a few plants that you can use in your mixture:

Dandelion:Dandelie -greens taste like arugula, eat alone.

Watercress:Watercress is an ingredient in the salads that are served in many restaurants in the first class.It is easy to identify and you can find it in slowly moving creek or pond.On the plate.

To harvest water, squeeze the tops with scissors and place them in a plastic bag with a little water.It will keep them crispy and fresh.

Slopes:Ramps of Wild Purre were an integral part of the diet for the early pioneers.

Find them at higher heights in North America from Georgia to Canada.You can recognize them by their one or two wide leaves from 1 to 2 ½ inch wide and four to twelve centimeters long.

To harvest a slope, cut the slider and leave the root in the ground.By doing this, you will ensure that there are plants to be harvested next year.

Bring them home in a plastic bag.

Vandblad:This is a leaf herb that thrives in moist and shady soil.The good thing about the Waterblad is that all parts of the plant are edible.The stems are the part that is best for salads.

Harvest Van Ginseng

There are few crops that have a better excess potential than American ginseng.You can harvest it from nature, or as many do now, grow it at home, so that you do not have to expose yourself to being in the forest.

This factory is a resident of the eastern half of the United States and Canada.

It is difficult to recognize in nature and to mix well with other foliage.In the fall the leaves turn yellow and the bright red berries are difficult to miss.

The Chinese have used this herb for thousands of years to increase the immune system.The question grows as more people learn about the amazing benefits.

You can expect to make good money.

Wild Ginseng is harvested in Appalachia for more than 200 years.100-300 carrots are needed to make a pound of ginseng that goes for around $ 400.

Nowadays the government limits Ginseng -Hharvest.Most ginseng is grown on private ownership today.

You don't need much space if you decide to grow it in your back garden.

If you have a half goal to grow the crop, you can expect seed production in the third year.The production of seeds will be small that year - about 20 pounds.The fourth year you get around 50 pound seeds.

And in the fifth year, 100 pounds.You can sell ginseng seeds for around $ 200 per pound or carrots for $ 500 per pound.Half goal can earn $ 20,000 a year or more!

Choose a slope with a lot of shade that drains well.Plant engines in an area where little weed will grow.Make your plant in the fall and plant the seeds at a depth of 1 ½ inch.When you start them with roots, you have to plant roots three centimeters deep in the spring. You can also grow it in raised beds covered with nets.

Inside you can grow it in containers with drainage reservoirs.

Do not fertilize them and only water when the circ*mstances are particularly dry.Seeds begin to grow a year after planting.Plants older than a year old start to develop red berries from which you can extract the seeds.

But the real money maker is the carrot.

This part of the plant only reaches maturity after about five to ten years.After this time it developed three or four tips.When this happens, it harvests.

Dry it with a commercial oven to maintain the carrot for sale.

Ginseng is so lucrative, there is even something like Ginseng millionaires that protect their premium with the help of electric fences to prevent animals and poachers.

Development of relationships with restaurants

To succeed with professional food, you must develop relationships with suppliers.Call restaurants in your area and free samples for chef chefs.Upscale supermarkets is a different points of sale for your freshly picked greens and mushrooms.

If your local supermarkets do not buy your goods, you must have abordIn a farmer's market.

Buyers go to farmers' markets to find the food they can't get in a supermarket.You can also try food workers who always want to buy healthy food locally produced.

Laws that regulate practice

Playing football is really drained.People now go to the forest in many people to get a seductive taste of food from nature.

That is why the National Forest Service takes steps to prevent the overdue.The agency has adopted laws that regulate practice, and now, in most states, you need a permit.

For foragers who harvest small amounts, the price of one is the same as a fishing license.The price is considerably more for heavy commercial pickers.

If you find a promising place to feed, first discover who owns the country.Get their permission and then get permission.

You cannot feed in most national parks.Some make exceptions to plants that are abundant.

Such as Cactus Pears in the Casa Grande National Monument of Arizona.Or berries on Cape COD National Seashore.But even here, food is only for personal use - not for sale.

Harvest of wild plants for decorative use

You can also harvest green environment and flowers for decorative purposes.Pine -Kegler is a lot of demand from people who do crafts.They are used for Potpourri, flower arrangements and wreaths.

The Pine Keglemarket is flexible and makes substitutions possible if a type is not available.You are better lucky in marketing the larger cones to the Bloemmarkt.There is also a demand for the smaller cones in the wreath industry.

Lodpole Pine is the most popular choice for decorative cones.

Most harvests of cones are done by hand.Councils such as pines and spruce can be collected among the trees they fell.Make them shortly after they have fallen, otherwise they will be black.

If they get black, they must be cleaned before they can be sold.You canriveSmall cones from the branches of pine trees or shake the tree and put a tar sailor under it to catch the cones.

Beargrass is a kind of lily that is used to make basket and flower arrangements.It has a long, coarse, coarse, low -lying leaves.

There is also the swords.It is called this because of the long, leafy appearance of its leaves.

It is also known as the "Christmas second" because it is a popular choice for Krans

Dried moss is used in many projects as a traditional material.Hear it in the summer when it is the driest.

A wildly overlap -crafting -resource that is often overlooked is the sloping stripe that remains of logging.The accessories are the unwanted parts of the tree that were removed during logging.

They are usually burned in piles on the sides of roads.Bed Log herds to be followed so that you collect these things.Which materials you harvest, it is very important that you dry the material.This prevents mildew and advice.

Your best chance to make money is through direct or bulk marketing.Also a markets on the road or farmers' markets and stores that sell gift baskets.

Harvest of medical plants

Natural remedies are quite popular these days.You can harvest a lot of them from the natural world and earn a neat win.

Plants with medical property are sold as alternative health products.The usual buyers are the retail market and regular pharmaceutical companies.

OfWhole Foods Source DirectoryEnter companies that buy this type of botanical.It also shows sources of stock and transport.Send a bulk -e -mail with an example to send a bulk -e -mail.

Some wholesalers only buy large quantities, while others accept some amount.


The largest users of seed cones are Forest Service and Bureau or Land Management.Forest Service pays well for seeds.There is also a market for people with state seeding schools.

They will also buy private companies such as Boise Cascade and Louisiana Pacific.

Seed crops are seasonal.You only have a narrow autumn window, which is mid -August to September.

Last thoughts

So there you have it.

I have given you solid strategies to make good money by selling wild delicacies.I even thrown a number of bonus tips about selling green environment for decorative use and projects.

Maybe you are planning to harvest your product from the large outdoor life.

Or will try to have plants that grow in wood and field.Whatever you do, you must be able to increase your income by following these tips.

Do you have ideas about how you can earn money in the desert?Tell me in the comments below!

How to earn money in the desert food for wild delicacies (2024)


How can the desert be used to make money? ›

Mining - the desert has valuable reserves of minerals such as feldspar, phospherite, gypsum and kaolin. These minerals are used to produce a range of things from cement to fertilisers and are therefore valuable.

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Plant, Harvest, Repeat

Crops are the foundation of your early-game wealth, the most reliable way to make money and the one that costs you the least amount of time and money. Dress Lettuce and Carrops are the best crops to focus on in your first season.

How do people make money in the Sahara Desert? ›

Oil and Gas – Oil exploration and extraction is possible in the Sahara desert. 60% of Algeria's income comes from the oil and gas industry. Major fields of natural gas are exploited in Algeria and Egypt, and minor fields exist in Libya and Tunisia.

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As such, it's in Link's best interest to hang onto a few Diamonds in TOTK before selling them to merchants. Of course, if players decide that they don't want items like the Miner's Armor Set or the Champion weapons, they should feel free to exchange them for Rupees, or to Fuse them to weapons for some extra damage.

Does Wild Cash pay real money? ›

Wild Cash is an easy-to-use, earn-good-paying app for earning rewards anytime, anywhere. All you have to do is enjoying gaming and get rewards! Fun quizzes, inviting your friends to play with you. All of these features are available in one app - Wild Cash!

What crop sells for the most money? ›

Saffron might be the most expensive (legal) crop in the world. Selling for around $2500 per pound, it's certainly the most expensive culinary herb.

What field pays the most money? ›

Physicians and surgeons report the highest salaries in the U.S., with pediatric surgeons earning the highest mean wage at nearly $450,000 per year, the BLS reports. Cardiologists, orthopedic surgeons, radiologists and surgeons also rank among the highest-paid occupations in the country.

What resources do we use from the desert? ›

Valuable minerals located in arid lands include copper in the United States, Chile, Peru, and Iran; iron and lead-zinc ore in Australia; chromite in Turkey; and gold, silver, and uranium deposits in Australia and the United States.

How is farming possible in the desert? ›

Water reuse, desalination, and drip irrigation are all modern ways that regions and countries have expanded their agriculture despite being in an arid climate. An aerial view of irrigation from the Nile, supporting agriculture in Luxor.

How do people in the desert make a living? ›

People can survive in deserts and other barren places by finding sources of food and water, building shelter, and planning for the harsh conditions. They may rely on hunting, gathering wild plants, or raising animals for food. They may also dig wells or collect rainwater for drinking.

Are there valuable resources in the desert? ›

Deserts have always been centers of mining activity. As discussed above, they naturally develop oil and precious metals and gem resources through their unique geology.

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