History and detailed description of Loudoun County, Virginia ebook (2024)

History and Detailed description of Loudoun County, Virginia

The following paragraphs of the literature study guide of this bookcra are prints of Gale's for Students Series: Presentation of Analysis, Context And Criticism or Ordinary Works: Introduction, Author Bioography, suddenContrast, what am I reading now?, for further research and sources.

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The following sections, if found, are expressed from Beaham's Encyclopedia or Popular Fiction: "Social Conerns", "Thematic overview", "Techniques", "Literary Precedents", "Key Questions", "Related titles", "Adaptations", ", "Related sites" (C) 1994-2005, by Walton Beaham.

The following sections, if found, are expressed from Beaham's Guide to Literature for Young Adults: "Over the Author", "Overview", "Setting", "Literary Qualities", "Social Sensitivity", "Topics For Discussion", "IdeasReports and papers ".(C) 1994-2005, by Walton Beaham.

All other sections of this Literature Study Guide are the property of and copyright protected by Bookrags, Inc.

Table of contents
Start of e book1
Mineral and relative1
Flora in fauna1
Cities and villages1
Area and agricultural losses1
Live pils1
Agricultural work and fertilizers1
Arrangement and staff1
French and Indian war1
The revolution1
Mason-McCarty Duel2
General Lafayette's visit2
Detachment and civil war2
Comparative heights.10
Mineral and family members.25
Flora in fauna.40
Transport facilities. [13]42
Cities and villages.44
Agricultural values.55
Live pils.57
Earth products.60
Agricultural work and fertilizer.61
Education and religion.62
Distraction of name.68
Arrangement and staff.68
Early habits, customs and clothing.70
French and Indian war.77
The revolution.79
War in 1812.89
Mason-McCarty Duel.90
President Monroe's home base.91
General Lafayette's visit. [27]92
Mexican War.93
Detachment and civil war.94




Loudoun formation

Weverton Sandstone

Newark system

Newark Diaabase

Catoctin Schist

Rocks of the Piedmont slu*ts

Lafayette Formation


Mineral and relative



Loudoun Sandy leem

Penn Stony leem

Iredell Clay Loam

Penn linger


Cecil -Klei

Cecil sludge Leem

Cecil Mica Loam

De Kalb Stony Loam

Porters clay


Flora in fauna



Transport facilities

Cities and villages


Round hill







Smaller cities

Statistics department.

Area and agricultural losses



Agricultural values

Live pils

Were were

Animal sold and gender

Nice cattle

Dairy products


Horses, mules,enz.

Sheep, goats and pigs


Poultry and bees

Earth Products

Were were

Corn and wheat

Oats, rye and buckwheat

Hay and food crops

Various crops,enz.

Orchard fruits,enz.

Small fruits,enz.

Flowers, ornamental plants,enz.

Agricultural work and fertilizers



Education and religion



Historical department.


Distraction of name

Arrangement and staff

Early habits, customs and clothing

To use



French and Indian war


Colonial assembly


The revolution

Loudoun's loyalty

Loudoun County solutions

Revolutionary committee


Quaker Non-participation

Loudoun's Revolutionary Hero

Army recommendations

Judicial decisions and reimbursem*nts

Closed by the competition

War in 1812

The convincing cause

State archives a Lesburg

Mason-McCarty Duel

President Monroe's home base

General Lafayette's visit

Mexican War

Detachment and civil war

Loudoun County in de detachementbeweging

Loudoun's participation in the war

Loudoun Rangers (federal)

Mosby's command in situ relationship with Loudoun County

Mosby in Hamilton (Digt)

Battle of Leesburg ("Ball's Bluff")

Munfords Kamp I Leesburg

Fight by everyone

Duffie I Middleburg

Saying goodbye to Loudoun

Living at home during the war

Pierpont's Pretentious Administration


Close the war


After the surrender

Behavior of the released



I don't know when I planned this work for the first time, is inextricably linked to the idea with a fading memory of my earliest goals and ambitions.I have experienced the early remission with every creation memory.

The greatest difficulty was in acquiring material that could not be supplied by individual research and research., the comments and details of most parts that the products are in my own personal observation and reflection.Exactly accusing everything for discourtesyin this and states the circ*mstance only because it will serve to emphasize what I am currently sayingmy reThe scarcity of available material.

Similarly, a careful assessment of more than two hundred parts only gave lean results, and in most of these illusory references I found no fact any facts -shooting.State and national reports, magazines for legislative matter, biographies, family research, memories of light on the history of the year, topographical properties,enz.

But unlike my expectations, there was no way for many people to refer to Loudoun County.

That works of history and geography cannot be prepared in any other way, no persons are aware that the nature of such writings must be told.Historian and geographer expect those who, after the fact of his work, to exclude whether the former authors have seen exactly and have related if the latter would have the similarity to explain the same facts, with the variety that only one duty of literatureTo abstract, abridge and to give, in synoptic views, the information spread through different parts. "

When I touch the case of other books, I claim the only profit of a crazy and loyal compiler. In some cases where the thoughts could not be fulfilled or expressed more shortly, the words of theory writers may have been used.

Where this is done, where possible, I made in my footnotes or text, candid and sufficient Avowal of the sources that I have obtained the special information.All sources from which I searched and obtained information.Many of the secure reference housing have undergone a process of siege, and if I can collect the link, which confirms confirming handling, which ultimately did some unrecognizable and non -trace.

The only publication of a strictly local color found during my research was that of TaylorMemoir van Loudoun, a small book, or more correctly a pamphlet, just 29 pages, mainly with the provincial geology, geography and climate.from Leesburg in 1853.

I will in particular refer to the grateful recognition caused by Arthur KeithsGeology of the Katoctin -RiemIn Carter's in lympansEarth Study of the Leesburg area, Two government calls published by the United States Geological Survey and Department of Agriculture, and contain a fund with useful information with regard to geology, earth and geography of about two thirds of the area of ​​Loudoun.First two items. Outside them would considerably improve the costs of this publication.

And now a delayed and perhaps unnecessary word or two when revealing the purpose of this part.

To save a valuable failure of facts and events from an impending oblivion;- the events before they had separated;Victims and courageous, performed by her civilians and soldiers - then it has been the purpose of this work, such as the object and design.

But the idea, which originally evolved, only considered one chronology of events of the Creation of the year to today.

From the beginning to terminate this self -proclaimed assignment, it has been deliberately prosecuted with conscientious zeal and perseverance, although my hand -cut is not in the middle of the circ*mstances at least a preference.Filled with a different kind of episodes of a different kind.

What the philosopher Johnson said about his bigDictionaryAnd can just as well be said about this modest volume, the author:

“In this work, when it is determined that Muchis has been omitted, does not let it forget as much as it is done;And although a book has never been saved for tenderness for the author and the world is small, that what it condemns;Yet it can satisfy the curiosityEnglish dictionaryWas written with a little help from the scholar and without patronage of the big;Not in softobscuries or retirement or under the shelter or academick bowers, but in the midst of discomfort and distraction, in illness and in grief. "

If further elaboration is permitted, I can say that the preparation of this work, I have not observed much of the limiting rules of the literary series and I often gone beyond the prescribed limits of conventional dications.Have tried to present these sketches in the most clear and concise compatible with readability;To compress the possible amount of useful information that is the smallest compass.More freely about language and spots of poetry and imagination. I have to understand that the average reader will find them for statistical and laconic, also many details and empty of details.

A non -interested historian that I have not been, and if such a indictment is preferred, I have to look forward to quickly cut off the demanding mass of my readers.

In this respect and before you continue with further Idesire to say that my right to prosecute this workcan is not completely questioned by a well -known treatment of the subject that I considered my inalienable power. I was born in Loudoun County, by parents who in turn can brag the same distinction, and if not all, certainly the happiest days of my life were passed on in the holy districts., her arcadian grassland and browsers, hair -colored hills and silver -verged, serpentine stream. I knew some of her sharp school masters and coherent the full strictness of their discipline.Raw, unpleasant spirits came in their hands in a short period - short when they were measured after year - and were the one who could fight the problems of life with clean hearts, healthy spirits, robust bodies and characters that can remain unused, even ifThey are obsessed with every healing unity known under a creepy world.Consult the Dominis in our boys' years - Veteran school masters from Old Loudoun!

But return to my theme.I have a distinctive feature of the views that some will entertain and with reference to this work, although my minimum years of criticism are of those whose experience and ability to qualify the best to assess.

However, until the end of this criticism can be disarmed before the ruling, the reader is asked to investigate all the facts in connection with.

Of course there must be many omission in such different subjects, but I will be very disappointed if actual errors are detected.

When submitting accuracy and thoroughness, I just have to say that the collection of this employee is three years of night use - it is the most ambitious and disturbing years of tea -lives.

In the best form I am capable of, the fruits of this long -term work are now mandatory at De Kaarsle, and it hopes to make a friendly statement about people from Loudoun County.

"Arcadia, "
Barcroft,,VA.,February 1, 1909.



Loudoun County is located in the northern end of "Piedmontvirginia", [1], which forms the tip of one of the most picturesque regions of the American Continent.bread Plains, different groups and intervals of hills and forested mountains, deep river balls and theDepression Speaking of Vally is every conceivable form of the strict point of violence compared to this enormous casual Unduligatyarea.

[Footnote 1: "Piedmont" means "foot of the mountain.""Piedmont Virginia", with a length of 250 miles and an average width of 25 miles and ranging in height of 300 to 1,200 feet, is just east of the Blue Ridge -Mountains and includes the provincesLoud, Fauquier, Culpher, Rappahannock, Madison, Greene, Orange, Albemarle, Nelson, Amherst, Bedford, Franklin, Henry and Patrick.Making part of the belt that starts in New England and extends to the south to Georgia and Alabama.]

The special geographical location of Loudoun Hasbeen is usually intended by Yardley Taylor, who carried out a state study of the Graafschap in 1853. He placed it "between the width buddies of 38 degrees. 52-1/2" and 39 degrees.21 "North Latitude, who produces 28-1/2 "of the latitude or 33 status miles and between 20" and 53-1/2 "from Ondutwest from Washington, is 33-1/2" of longitude or very close to 35statut Miles. "

Loudoun was originally awarded the six million hectare in 1661 by Charles II, King Ofengland, to Lord Hopton, Jarl van St.Albans, Lordculp pepper, Lord Berkeley, Sir William Morton, Sir Dudleywyatt and Thomas Culpherock between RappaSock betweenPotomac Riversto their sources were included in this supplement, then known as the "Fairfax Patent" and later as "Northern neck of Virginia."

“The only conditions associated with the transport of this domain, similar to a principality, were a fifth of all the gold and a tenoma all the silver discovered in its borders pound sterling must be paid every year in the treasury in Jamestown.1669, the letter -patent was surrendered by the existing owners, and in their place new ones were issued ... The conditions of these letters demanded that WholeAREA included in this beautiful gift to be planted and inhabited at the end of twenty -one years, butIn 1688 the provision was withdrawn by the king as an impontionan impossible state. "[2]

[Footnote 2: BrossEconomic History of Virginia.]

A few years thereafter, the Patents sold the subsidy to the other Lord Culpher, to whom it was confirmed by Letters Patent by King James II, in 1688. From the rights and privileges of the subsidy granted to the original subsidyHis daughter, Catherine, her son, Lord Thomas Fairfax, Baronof Cameron - a prince heritage for a young man of 20 years.


The original boundaries of Loudoun County were changed with the following action from the General Meeting, transferred on January 3, 1798 and entitled "A law to add part of Loudoun County to the County Fairfax and the site to change courts inTo keep Fairfaxcounty. "

1.Adopted by the general meeting, That the entire part of the County Loudoun lies between the bottom border, and a line that must be drawn from the mouth of the Sugarland Run, to Carter's Mill, on Bull Run, must be and added to and part of the yearAffairfax: Always assume that it should be legal for the Sheriff for the aforementioned County of Loudoun to collect and make it necessary for public costs or officer costs that are responsible for the same way in which this promotion was not taken.
2.And albeit furtherThat it must be legal for a majority of the peaceful justice of the aforementioned County of Fairfax, along with the judges of County van Loudoun included in the part that sowed in the month or May the next time to resolve on aPlace for team courses in it or so close to the center (taking into account the part of the Graafschap Loudounueby added to the aforementioned Graafschap Fairfax) such as the situation and the convenience will admit; and continue to set up the necessary publications in such a place, and untilSuch buildings are completed to appoint each place to hold courses because they have to seem correct.

3. This action must start and be in force of and then
The passers -by.

As currently limited, the old canal is on the mouth of Sugar Land Run on Lowe's Island, [3], ”Thomme van de Lijn that separates Loudoun fromefairfax County and runs directly throughout the country to a point on the Bull Run branch of the OccoquanRiver, about three eighth of a mile above Sudley Springs in Prince William County. “De Bull Runns forms the border between Loudoun and Prinswilliam to his highest spring head in Bull Runmountain, just below the cool spring -skap. From the top of this mountain markseen directe lijn Toa Point [4] op Blue Ridge, bij Ashby's Hole, de rand tussen Loudoun en Fauquier Samter.A dishonest line that partly follows Crests of the Blue Ridge until they reach Potomac under Harpersferry, separates Loudoun from Clarke County, Virginia andJefferson County, West Virginia, On Her Westernborder.Motomac Then Becomes The Dividing Line Between Loudoun County and Frederick and Montgomy Counties, Maryland;'And this state that claims the entire river, exerts jurisdiction over the islands and the river."

[Footnote 3: “What is called Lowe'sland, at the mouth of Sugarland Run, used to be Iceland and was done by the race that differs and part of what went through the current channel in the river, while part of itIt went river of what is now called the old channel.River directly to the west of the original row of cliffs that are so close to the river from here to Georgetown that Ashey forms, the series announces waterfalls as Seneca Falls, the large and the small waterfalls, which means that it falls entirely of 188 feet in less than20 miles. " - - -Memoir van Loudoun.]

[Footnote 4: designated in an old record as a "double -bound poplar tree that was in or near the Midway conjunction of Ashby's Gapon Top of Blue Ridge."

This ends an overview of 109 miles, ie.19 miles in the company of Fairfax, 10 with Prince William, 17 with Fauquier, 26 with Clarke and Jefferson, and 37 miles past Potomac.


Loudoun County is the first broken areas of hills and mountains that are abundant with Piemonte Virginia, who present themselves here in softly rounded contour, gradually sinking in the plains, storms and painting at the landscape. They are remarkable for their parallelism, regularity,Rectine direction and uniformity, and forms by far the most striking feature in the topography of Loudoun.Ever -Sneeuwge Golden Golden, they are dressed with vegetation from base to the top and offers good range and grassland for sheep and cattle.

The most important valleys are longitudinal and the continuous pair and relatively intangible.

The distant famous Loudoun valley, resting quietly between Blue Ridge and Catoctin Mountains, presents all the many different topographical aspects that are peculiar to the territory that is in abundance with the foot.

Blue Ridge, the southeastern selection of the TheaNSEGhanies or the Appalachian System presents here, as the second form and the general appearance characterized in the entire state, has holes or depressing series eight or ten miles where the public roads continue.This is the Potomac Gap at 500 feet and Snickers and Ashby's gap, both at 1,100 feet.up to 1,000 feet for 4 miles south of the river, and then, while rising sharply to 1600 feet, continues on the higher row of heights. Blue Ridge borders the county to the west, because it is about the southwest or almost parallelWith dentatlantic coastline and Loudoun from Clarke County, Virginia and Jefferson County, West Virginia, the line that runs along the top.

From almost the same high and similar features, Thshort Hills, is another reach that starts at the Potoma River about four miles under Harper's Ferry and extends to Blue Ridge, at a distance of almost miles from the top to the top, for approxTwelve, where it is broken by a Grenof Catoctin Creek.It is immediately again over this current and extends over about three miles when it suddenly ends.

A third reach, called "Catoctin Mountain", starts in Pennsylvania, crosses Maryland, interrupted by Potomac, appears again in the margin of the Virginiaate, opposite rocks, and runs through Loudoun County at a distance of twenty and a few miles, when it getsinterrupted when it is interrupted, when it is interrupted, when it is interrupted when it is interrupted ,.

Increase on Catoctin Mountain gradually reduces from the Potomac River to Aldie, even if the rocks remain the same, and the tertiary drainage that may have to determine that their heights become less effective in that direction.

This mountain probably does not exceed 300 feet over the surrounding country, although it can reach a height of 700 feet in some phases.

When you reach Leesburg and Snicker's Gap Turnpikeroad, a distance of twelve miles, it will be extended to Threemiles in the coast and it will continue almost the same until Brokenby Goose Creek and his silk blade before Ashby's Gap's Gap Turnpike reaches.

The Catoctin series throughout Loudoun is followed a course in parallel to Blue Ridge, the two form an intervening Evalley or Baselevel Delete, ranging in width from 8 to 12 miles and in height from 350 to 730 feet of sea level.- So only called because of the relationship with the mountains on each side - have made a different place in this department.

Right south of Aldie, on the small river, the point of the Recreupie of Catoctin Mountain, a second rank and extends to Fauquier County. It is known as "Bull Run Mountain", but is rightly considered an indirect continuationOf the height of Catoctin, his course and some of his characteristics that are almost with those designs, except that it is higher than one of the latter, except the Western.

To the east of Catoctin, the tumultuous continuity of mountains in soft waves decreases, an almost set order of sloping increases and depression that present an uninhibited variation and charm of the landscape.A striking feature of topography.

Three or four freestanding hills that rise to a height of 150 or 200 feet above the adjacent country are the only consequences that are met in this section.

Comparative heights.

The hilly nature of Loudoun is clearly shown after the next exhibition of the height of points and places on the tidal water.

Feet 8 -pencil river, by Klipper200Motomac River, by Harper's Ferry 246

The entire province east of Catoctin Mountain varieties from 200 to 350 feet.730 feet, and the highest peak of this range in Loudoun rises 1600 feet on the water of the tide.

The short hills have an estimated height of 1,000 feet, while Catoctin -Bjergens Katoctin varies from 300 to 700 feet.

From many viewpoints along Blue Ridge, perhaps has achieved a beautiful view on both Loudounand Shenandoah -Dale.Loudoun with a considerable area of ​​offair fax and fauquier in full view.Washington City.Westward embraced the view of the view, Frederick, Clarke and Warren County, in Virginia, Berkeley and Jefferson County, in Westvirginia, Washington County, in Maryland and some of the mountain brackish rings in Pennsylvania.


Drainage of Loudoun can be subdivided into two provinces. A Potomac province, removed from the asystem of small side barrels of this current. The second province is the region that is drained by small streams of which the boss Goose Creek is.In these prominent drainage lines, there are entirely within the "Catoctin Belt" and the heights are insurmountable according to the composition of the belt itself.

De sideelver, hvormed dræning af de to udførte provinSe er Catoctin Creek, North Fork CatoctIncreek, South Fork Catoctin Creek, Little River, Northfork Goose Creek, Beaver-Dam Creek, Piney Run, JeffriesBranch, Cromwells Run, Hungry Run, Bull Run, BullRun, Sycolinecreek, Tuscarora Creek, Horse Pen Run, Broad Run, Sugarlandrun, Elk Lick, Limestone Branch Og Som Mancer Lessstrøms.

The general slope in the province is in the northeast, the waters usually follow the same course that it can easily be observed by the reference map over the section., where the Arthens more to the north or Southto Pass, which is reached by the northwest of the rocks.

Goose Creek, a right -wing branch of the Potomac River, is an important stream that follows a course with the view of kilometers of the source in Fauquier County Toits Junction with Potomac four miles northeast of Leesburg.Gohongarestaw, which means "river of swans".At least for chalk time.

Catoctin Creek is very skewed;The basin exceeds twelve miles when the collar flies and includes the entire width of the valley between Bergeamamen a small part in the northeastern corner in the province.Seven miles. It has a fall of one hundred and eighty meters in the eighteen miles of his run and is about twenty garden wide near his mouth.

The northwestern fork rises in Blue Ridge and flows to the southeast and mixed his waters with Beaverdam from the southwest, immediately the Bovecatoctin Mountain, where their united waters pass a narrow valley to Goose Creek.

Little River, a small rich Van Goose Creek, stands up in Fauquier County west of the Bull Run Mountain and enters a few miles southwest of Aldie.In Goose Creek.Civil were made navigable from the mouth to Aldieby Agent for Dammen.

Broad Run, the following stream of consequences east of Goose Creek, rises in Prince William County and striving in the northern race, with a few bays through Loudoun.

Sugarland Run, a all kinds of -smaller current, rises partially in Loudoun, although the race is mainly due to fairfaxcounty and is emptied in the northeastern grip in the province.

Different streams rise in the southeastern corner, creating a southern and southeast track and forming the upper branches of the Occan River.

Perhaps no province in the state is better watered for all purposes, except for production in drying times. Many of the farms can be subdivided into fields that are often held and would have water in each of them in normal seasons.

There are several mineral sources in the province in the classroom called Chalybeat, some of which contain valuable medicinal properties and other sources and wells that are affected by lime., an exhaustion of the cleanest spring water.Road to the surface, the base is waived, in countless stuff.

The largest spring of each class in the province is Bigpring, a relatively wide width of water without supervision adjacent to Leesburg and Pointof Rocks Turnpike, about two miles north of Leesburg.

As mentioned, springs are generally less, and many of them are infallible, although they can be influenced by drought.Easy for production purposes. Desalniettemin is the Hydroelectric power abundantly The diversified length of the district, which offers considerable falls on water courses and many places are occupied.


Because responsible statistical data is usually allocated to darkness, it is without unnecessary hesitation that the next piece of amazing information, collected from a reliable source, here, as sections is healthiest in the world, as proven stapling, that the death rate on 8-1/2 Per1.000 places, the all kinds of mortality in the table collected from all parts of the habitable world. "

The climate in Loudoun, such as the other locations, is mainly controlled by the direction of the prevailing winners and is influenced to a limited extent by the diversified physical characteristics of the province.

Although the rainfall is abundant, it is annually amounts to forty or fifty centimeters, the air is usually dry and salubrious.Do not be a local cause of generating malaria.

Just like the rest of Virginia, the climate of Loudoun is almost almost with Cashmerand and the best parts of China.

Loudoun Winters is not long -lasting and are used by long -term seriousness.Snow Notcover Earth for a significant period and then the tumre is of clear sunny days in these seasons in the other large ones.In the sections of sections Nord or even Western locations of this latitude.Of course the growing season is much more extensive than in one of these sections.

The seasons are a little earlier than in the Theshenandoah -Valley, just above the western border of Loudoun, and the farmers plants here and harvest their cuts from a week to ten days earlier than the farmers in this region.

Loudoun Sumbers are usually tall and comfortable cool, while occasionally periods of extreme heating arenot are more suppressive than in many parts of the north that are looking for rest, recreation or recovery of health.And was found in particular for the consumers and that is struck by lung disease. The brilliant southwestern trade wind blows through the long parallel valleys, she transports and explains Bergen moisture born from Mexico.


The geology of more than half of the Loudouncounty area has received a thorough and intelligent treatment from the hands of Arthur Keith in his most excellent work entitled ”Geology of the Katoctin -Riem, "Authorized and published by the Geological Survey of the United States. [5]

[Footnote 5: Credit For a lot of important information, and many of the details that are displayed in this department, receive an incredible Mr.keith and his assistants.]

Mr. The Analysis of Keith included the entire Bullrun Mountain, Catoctin in his course through Virginia to Maryland until the end in southern Pennsylvania, Blue Ridge and South Mountain for a similar flanking intervals. [6]

[Footnote 6: The name "Catoctin -Riem" is used for this region because it is separated by Catoctin Mountain from Piemonte -slu*ten as Aldersographic Unit clearer than in any other area and because the geological unit is completed by CatoctinMore complete and compact than othersthen other places.]

In this important work, the Katoctin belt seems to be an embodiment of the leading events of geological history in the Appalachen region.Full, with the exception of the later Paleozoic cliffs.In addition to the flat plateau type. In the repetition of its most important geographical functions from pre-Cambrian times to the present, it gives the remarkable and unique example of the permanent continental form.

With certain qualifications, a summary of the leaders who have left their impression on the regions is as follows:

1. Surface -outbreak of diabase.

2. Injection of granite.

3. erosion.

4. Surface -outbreaks of quartz porphin, rhyolite and Andesit.

5. Surface outbreak of diabasis.

6. erosion.

7. Demolition, sale of Cambrian formations; easy oscillations during their landfill;

8. Oostward Helling and Marketing of Martinsburgshale;

9. Uplift, post-carboniøs vervorming Anderosion.

10. Depression and Newark deposit;

11. Uplift, Newark deformation;

12. Depression and marketing of Potomac, Magothy and Severn.

13. Increase southwest and erosion to Baselevel.

14. uplift, distortion and decomposition to tertiary Baselevel;Marketing of Pamunkey and Chesapeake.

15. Depression and sale of Lafayette.

16. Uplift and erosion to lower tertiary basic levels.

17. Upheld, distortion and erosion to Pleistocene Baselevel;

18. Uplift and erosion to lower Pleistocene Base Level; off Columbia at a low level.

19. Uplift and current erosion.

Along the coastal reduction to Baselevel, followed by depression and marketing of Lafayettgravels;Height followed and erosion of a smaller base nelter; second depression follows and the deposition of Columbia Grords;Again comes the height and excavation of narrow profits;Then depression and marketing of Columbia with a low level; other depression came with possible gravel deposits; height then came with an excavation of wide soil; the latter, height and channeling that are currently underway.

The general structure of the Katoctin belt is anti -clinal. The oldest cliffs occur in the core;On its limits that in medium age;And in adjacent provinces that they have cut.

After the first placement of the folds along tea lines, the compression and distortion continued.

In this folding system, the drainage lines that have been cut in this way. The drainage of the belt as a whole is a huge degree of anti -clinal TOA, because the three -fast synchronization lines are lines of high height and the ancient lines are inner valleys.

In the order of solubility, the cliffs of the Katoctin belt follow within the boundaries of Loudoun County, which will be limited the subsequent geological data, Standas:

1. Newark limestone conglomerate;

2. Newark Sandstone en Slate;

3. Newark Diabase; feldspatisk.

4. Granite;

5. Loudoun formation;

6. Granite and skist;

7. Catoctin Schist;

8. Weverton Sandstone; Silicium.

All these formations are reduced in places to Baselevel. The first three are always, unless protected by a harder rock;The next three are normal;

The catoctin belt itself can be described as a width of attacking cliffs bordered by two lines of lower Cambric sandstone and slate.Surface is covered by the coagulation distance.Kiel as a whole can be regarded as Asan Anticline, the attacking cliffs that form the core, the lower Cambrian flanks and Silurian Ogkenark The adjacent zones are also very folded and burned, but the buton story about their lack of characteristic beds can be the details of thefolds among them are not traced.

They are the oldest cliffs in the catoctin Belt and occupy most of the area.

An important class of rocks that take place in catoctinbelt is the sedimentary series.In the Katoctin -Riem.


The granite in the southern part of Countyis is very important as far as as much as the diabase in the same section.

The areas of granite are usually long narrow belts and vary greatly in width.

The granite mineralogical composition is quiteconstant over large areas.Granite with barely visible crystals.

Loudoun formation.

Under the various Cambrian formations of Catoctinbelt, there are major differences in uniformity and composition.In no more is it manifested and the first or loudoun formation.For adjustment between new trends and sources of delivery. Loudoun formation actually has very exciting sedimentary possibilities, and that within very short geographical boundaries.

The name of the Loudoun formation is indicated in the frequent performance of all its variations inkoun County.Lenses along two lines;One One Immediately Weflet Catoctin Mountain, the other three or four miles of Blue Ridge.Along the western rankets, limestone only extends to Potomac. They appear on both sides of the river and have worked for agriculture in both places. Long the limestone lenses of the eastern line are extended to Potomac and in Maryland for Rondeemile, and theIs along this belt that they are the most important and valuable.The work for commercial purposes.Coinces two beds in the ski, and between the two cliffs there is a graduation of composition. In none of the Western belts are the calcareous bed discoloration for bullets, but all retain their original character of blue and pigeon -colored limestone.And none of a large linear size.

The Loudoun formation of course followed a period of erosion of the Katoctin -Riem, because it is the first slippery deposit.Catoctinmountain.With the last interval it is doubtful whether this formation is larger than 200 feet thick at every point.

The distribution of the coarse varieties coincides with the areas of the greatest thickness and the syntheses in which no WeVerton -SandstonePears.From black slate and is very limited in size.

Weverton Sandstone.

The formation then followed the Loudoun Formation Weverson Sandstone. It varies from a very fine, pure Sandstoneto a moderately coarse conglomerate, but generally a sandstone.Along the southern part of the Blueridge.

From the distribution of these different fragments, if they are, the area in Weverson -Sandstone can be derived.

The immersion of Dungectin -Belt was practically complete because Weverton -Sandstone is nowhere the crystalline cliffs.From the granite masses. The Blue Quartz fragments are almost exclusively limited to access by WeVerton -Sandstone in Blueridge south of Potomac and are rarely found oncatoctin.

The general grouping of the Loudoun formation Intotwo infutation classes (1), the fine slate associated with Wevererton -Sandsten and (2), Sandstones course that are in deep synclines without Weverton, Rosesthe questions about the unity of this formation.Point is diverse and apparently crucial. The general composition of the two is the same - that is, beds of felt space, silicon material derived from crystalline cliffs.Similarly, they are metamorphoses at different locations.

A clear change in the thickness of Weverton Sandstone Cocurs along the Catoctin -Berg, the formation has been reduced from 1,000 to 200 feet in a few miles.This change is the behavior of the field, which forms Potomac.ha Fieldspat, which is a granular coast, quickly reduced to fine clay and crops, the direction of the disappearance is the direction of deep water.The WeVerton -Sandstone is united to show the existence of land that is not far northeast of Catoctin Mountain during the landfill.

Apart from this clear change in thickness, none of a uniform degree in WeVerton -Sandstone appears over the remaining part of the Katoctin -Riem. The sections of Blue Ridge access to about 500 feet and those of the Katoctin line are in developmentof 300.This permanent difference in the two lines can be attributed to Toan to the east of thinner by the formation, but includes a coast west of the Blue Ridge line. It can also be attributed to the existence of a barrierBetween the two, and this is in line with the deductions of the component fragments.

Newark system.

An era of which a sedimentary record remains in the region of the Katoctin -Riem, is one of immersed sale, Newark or Juratrias.It has been developed in the Piedmont slu*ts, bears the history of the catoctin Belt by shed light on the periods with demolition, sales, coagulation injection and distortion that they have involved.

It is approximately.4 miles wide at the Potomac River, on the Low Burges of Leesburg, about.10 miles wide, and from there it spreads to the east until the maximum width is perhaps 15 miles, except some of the materials in theFormation can be drawn.From Newark Sandstonerises to 500 feet.Gravel Hood.

As a whole, the formation is a large body of red lime thousands of Argillaceous sandstone and slate.

The conglomerate of the limestone can best be developed from Potomac to Leesburg, and from the region the south quickly reduces until it is rarely displayed on the south side of the Catoctin -Berg.

The conglomerate consists of limestone of different sizes and in some cases reaches a footdiniameter, but usually an average of approximately.2 or 3 inches. The pembles are usually well completed, but those sometimes significant corners are. With rare exceptions of catoctin schistand canQuartz performance.

The conglomerate occurs, as it is said, in lensorwigs in sandstone ranging from 1 foot to 500 meters thick, or possibly even larger. They disappear due to full replacement with Sandstonat the same horizon.Strike of Newark Rocks are a bit west of the north, while the strike on the catoctin Belt is a little sleto to the east of the north.Usually switch with WeVerton Sandstone. The thick ends of the wedges are touched along the contact with contact.

The result of weathering on the conglomerate is very uneven and robust series of accesses that project the roller surface of the earth.

The actress shows a little clear stratification and very small dip.Topography of conglomeratis striking and consists of a light roller -evalley without special characteristics..

When only somewhat weathered conglomerate forms effective decorative stones and have become extensive as a marble called "Potomac Marble" by Quarry on Potomac east of Point of Rocks, evening.

The thickness of the Newark formation is the most insecure. The rocks dive in a light angle to the west with almost no exception and the sections seem to be continuous. Even with liberal deductions for frequent errors, no less than 3000 feet will take into accountWith the observed areas and dips.

Newark Diabase.

Description of the lordified deposits would be far from complete without reference to the later diabassohich is associated with Newark rocks.

These diabases, which they will be generically called, are usually composed of plagioclase -felt spat and diaalline or augiet;Holokristallijn in the chairman and real glassy bases are rare, making the thermal diabase more suitable than basalt.

There is a larger variation in texture, from fine afanitik stairs to coarse -grained dolerites with field sparsone trout jersey of an inch long.

These forms are nowadays preserved with nomaterial change, except for immediate weather conditions, but for changes in this species they are easy prey and give the most distinctive forms.Flat hills or mountain areas.Rock weather ribbons in a fine gray and brown clay with different bowlers with a distinctive rock with a distinctive concentric shape.

Although the diabase figures are the most prominent in the cliffs of the then Wark, they are also occasionally found in other terraces.In the Katoctin belt they are irregular in granite and schist.In Leesburg, that cuts limestone conglomeratis almost the only performance of this combination.

The diabase only occurs as a intrusive cliff in the Katoctin belt.Mode.no can be detected undisputed in these Enstones, neither in strike nor dip, but of course must of course exist with the least thickness of the intruder.Size, and also of the width of their accessings in the Western sandstone.Hooked curve. The contour of the diabase peppers directly over Red Sandstone and limestone conglomerate, which has a constant northern and southern strike.Line, they are not that they are not continuous.

In Leesburg the limestone conglomerate is hardened next to the diabase, the iron oxide is driven away and the tealimestone is partially crystallized in marble.

Catoctin Schist.

Catoctin Schist is geographically the most important of the volcanic rocks in Loudoun.

In its area, the shoe is unambiguous in appearance, so only two division channels are made at all with any security. The presence of epidote in large or small quantities. Pidote takes place in the form of lenses that are ranked in parallel to the plans for skiing,When Ashigh reaches five meters in thickness and classification of the size of the smaller grain.Not completely reaching as a size as an epidote.Barter Quartz Sandpidote is practically insoluble and is spread over the surface of blocks of all sizes.Epidote and Feldspat.

Apart from the narrow canyons of the tertiary base, rock is rarely seen unless poorly weathered. The light blue color of the fresh cliffs changes exposure to a boring gray or yellow, and the massive parts and plates are divided into thin ski layers. It isFully compact in appearance and usually there are many macroscopic crystals.

A general separation can be made to an epidotic division that is characterized by an abundance of macroscopic pidote and a non-epidotic division with microscopic pidot.

The skiers can certainly be called volcanic in many macroscopic characters' barracks, such as component minerals and basic arrangements. Descalniertemin can certainly be claimed as a diabase by the entire mass.Make it advisable to talk about it like a ski.

Sections of the finer ski in polarized light showmany small areas of quartz and plagioclase and various crystals of epidote, magnetite and chlorite where it has a distinctive parallel setup.Feldspat well defined, and despite their subsequent change, the fragments are released and polarized together.

Cutting the plain of Piedmont.

The Piemonte slu*ts, where it borders catoctinbelt, is mainly composed of the previously described Newark -Laagen, Red Sandstone and Limstone Conglomerat.Ol -The Newark areas is a wide belt of old crystalline cliffs whose relationship with Catoctbeltt is unknown.

The cliffs, in a transverse line that starts a LittleLeto east of Dranesville, in Fairfax County, and express to the Catoctin Mountain, near Leesburg, comes in the next order, ie and conglomeratelimimestone.

Heavy diving from Trap Rock extends over the lower end of the Graafschap, from the neighborhood of the mouth of Goose Creato Prince William Line.Schalie remains over the Trappan case, but changes a lot of character. [7]A Largemassa van Trap Rock presents itself excessly about Theal at the eastern construction of the wide runbrug, on Leesburg and Alexandria Turnpike. The toe of many of these dives are "covered with a whitish or yellowish compact slate, high indoors and changed to onecliff that is very difficult for narrowing. [8]

Yufodothe 7: TaylorsMemoirs.]

[Footnote 8: Ibid.]

Lafayette formation.

A large class of variations as a result of cliffs with surface shape. Different stages of the erosion process can be distinguished and to a certain extent correlated with the time scale in other regions. It is also best adapted to research because it is connected to the connectedWith the usual time scale using the corresponding deposits.This phase is the tertiary Bassellev, and the deposition is the Lafayette formation, a rough gravel and sand that lies horizontally on the hard cliffs.In the course of the coastal plain and the eastern part of the Piedmont slettes, the striking sound glove is and puts together a large part of their surfaces.. Here a Newark Sandstone Hill is closed with gravel. This gravel is very disturbed by recent erosion and consistency more rather by scattered fragments than by a bed deposite.

The materials in the Lafayette gravel are mainly tip and grain of quartz, with a significant mixture of quartzite and sandstone.Largequartz -measurements probably derived from Lartens from Kwarts in Katoctinskist, for no other training about the water at that time, Quartzinstor probably contained full Give such pebbles are associated with the quartz of Piedmontplain.This difficulty theory with difficulties for their well -rounded state that appears on the beach action or long car.Quartzsand can be very well derived from graniticquartzes, but it is an uncertain case.From the variety that is found along the Catoctin and the Bullrun Mountains. The white sandstone in the terraces along bulls can be traced from the avation to deposits.Nogravel deposits.


Dynamic Metamorphism has produced a large -scale ranking of minerals along the eastern side of Catoctinbelt and results sometimes in full destruction of the granite degrees.From Muscovit and Quartz in the uninterrupted field spat. The aspect of the rock is currently a gneis with rather unlimited ribbon.And rude parallel to their surfaces.The last scene was full pulverization of the excerpts and extensions of lenses, the Feldspathic Materials Composition to Muscovit, Chlorite and Quartz and the entire mass that received strong skiing -due to the arrangement of the Mica Platen Parallelo de Extension.This last phase macroscopically no more than a silicon slate or ski, and is hardly distinguished from the end products of Linsimilar Metamorphism in the more field -spatic skis and Loudoun Sandy Sandy -Leeisteen.Both in the hand monster under the microscope.

Weverson Sandstone has a little less from Metamorfismthan one of the sediments.In Blue Ridgeit has not undergone any major change than a small expansion of his particles and the development of a small sparkle. Lange Catoctin Mountain, from the Potomac River South, but increased change occurs together with the decrease of the thickness.Main degree of Goose Creek for almost the entire recrystallization of the masses.

Metamorphism of the Loudoun formation is fairly general. It is often shown in the production of phyllites of the argilous members of the formation, but all fragmented varieties show some expansion and production of secondary mica.

The metamorphism of offensive rocks is a regional nature and has the same increase in the sediments from West to Easta.

In Granite it consists of different stages of change, participated in any chemical recontribution. The process consisted of progressive break and reduction of the crystals in quartz and feldspar and was illuminated by the frequent split tendon of the large field of field.Ski -Lat.Disse Laty and Gneisid aircraft are Seento parallel with direction and attitude of this, regardless of where they are close enough for comparison.

Dynamic change of the Catoctin Diabase is pronounced and distributed.The cliff to a marked degree.Mica's mobility.

The average dip of the schistosis plane is around 60 degrees.From this they vary up to 90 degrees.

Parallel to mica's that cause skiing, the growth of quartz and epidote lenses took place. This was also distorted by Crushing and Stretchingalong Bull Run Mountain and the southern part of Catoctin Mountain.From this fact, taken in connection with the folding of the ski plane at Pointof Rocks, it seems that the distortion was not any continuous effort.

The relationship between ski people in the coagulation distance is as follows: Diaabase, with a non -composition composition and small mechanical strength, has provided to an extreme degree;

Mineral and family members.

Compared to mineral wealth, Loudoun is in the state with the represented provinces..

A large bed with compact red oxide of iron is located on the outer base of the catoctin -mountain on the margin of the river potomac. To reduce this ore, and moderate distance from other ovens.Clapham -Ooven was still transported until all available fuel was consumed and then went out of the explosion.The mountain. This tunnel, about five hundred meters long and trumpet under the top of the hill, was cut by the same rock wall and on that day a great job remained.

Magnetic iron ore is found in certain places, and this or a similar substance has a disturbing powerupon -in the compass of the farmer, which extremely difficult to reproduce how much accuracy is needed.The continuous effect is more or less perceptible in the Catoctin Mountain and is not specified elsewhere in the province.

The chromate of iron was discovered long ago along Broadrun, and around the same time a bed with Micacehasone ornament on Goose Creek under Leesburg Turnpike.Copperers is associated with the last mineral.

In 1860 the output of Pig Iron in Loudoun was 2,250 tons, and the value $ 58,000.Rockbridge was the only Virginia County that exceeds these figures.

At various locations there are small angular lumps of a Julage posture that are believed to contain sulfur, embedded in rocks.

Small amounts of silvererts are detected from time to time;But the leaves have never been extensively worked, and many of the richest veins are still unspoilt.

Deposits of copper in the skiists have a long excited interest and have led to mining.

At the bottom of the Catoctin Mountain, where it is first approached by Goose Creek, the marble is of excellent quality, but is a bit worked.And green, serpentinized and chloritically serpentinized marble. These marble are of great beauty and susceptible to good polishing.Blue limestone. Near this interval, the thickness of Marbleconstant is reduced and is rarely more than ten meters. Sometimes there are two beds, sometimes only one or five meters.Here, as elsewhere, there are marble beds in a bluish green mica's ski, which has been thoroughly transformed by mechanical pressure.

Near Leesburg and north of the city and between the Catoctin Mountain and Potomacriver, the conglomerate limestone or brecced Marmori is abundant, associated with red slate. It is a calcareous cliff that is apparently formed in a part of the pebbles that are cemented togetherAnd, and, that is cemented and cemented together and, that is burned, it produces worse lime..

The exhibition at the World Fair, in New Orleans, of the following copies of Loudoun Minerals claimed that mineralogists were visited:

1.Speculous Iron OreFrom Leesburg is reportedly in quantity.

2.ChalcopyrietFrom Leesburg there would be a promising vein.

The following was contributed by "Eagle Mining Company" from Leesburg; A.Wise, General Manager:

1.Carbonate of copper, van Vene 3'wide, developed for 25 'Diep.ton.

2.The sulfur of copper, from vein 10 "wide, developed to 50 'deep. Askays Byoxford Copper Company in New York offers 12-1/2 percent copper.

3.Iron ore, van Venes 4 'Wide and 50'deep.Ries 55 percent metallic iron at Assayof W. P. Lawver, by U. S. Mint.

4.The sulfur of copper, van de Veer, 50 '.ton by Assay by W. P. Lawver, Vsmunt.

5.Carbonate of copper, red oxide and tin, from vein 3 'wide, developed to 25' deep.

6.Iron ore, from vein 2 'to 4 covering, 50'.The yield developed 55 percent metallic iron.

7.Copper oxide, of carbonate, developed 60 'on 4' wide vein;25 'Deep.

8.The sulfur of copper, from vein 8 "to 15" wide, 50 developed.

9.Iron ore.

10.Gravity, heavy spruce, vein undeveloped.

11.Iron ore, from 50 'level of the shaft of the Eagle Company.

12.Marble, from Quarry or "Virginia Marble Company", three miles east of Middelburg. The deposit has largely proven; the marble has been pronounced from a very superior quality.

13.MarbleFrom the same as above.

14. "" "" "

* * * * * *

17.Buyer, James Pinkham, Fra Virginia Department of Agriculture.

I "Handbook on minerals and mineral sources in Virginia“Prepared by Virgininac commission for St.Louis Exposition, Loudoun is a circle with the three relatively rare mineral gestures below.

"Actinqlite:Calcium Magnesium iron, Amfibol,,

Ca (mg fe) _ {3} (si o {4}) {3}.

Specific gravity, 3-3.2.Hardness, 5-6.Streak, uncoloured .... Fine radiated olive-green crystals are found ... in Taylorstown .... "

"Tremolit:A number of amfibol.calcium.

Magnesium Amfibol.Over mg {2} (an o {4}) {3}.

Specific gravity, 2,9-3.1.vents in the green-like talhuvers in Taylorstown. "

chromium, of which no economic significance has been discovered in the province or elsewhere in Virginia.

"[9] On the eastern flank of Catoctin Restsa Dunne belt of glitter slate. This rock consists of quartz and mica of various proportions, and this belt when reaching the Bull Run Mountain, expands and forms the entire bottom of thisBerg, and where the glitter dominates, as it does, it sometimes forms excellent flagstones. "

Yufodothe I: TaylorsMemoirs.]

* * * * * *

“Immediately on the western base of Catoctinmountain, which prevents a number of magnesian or talcose slate that occurs across the length .... in this Rangeea -vein of Magnesic limestone and exposed to different places.Places only a few meters in thickness and difficult to reach is not much demand for burning. "

* * * * * *

“Along the east side of the valley (Loudoun), Gneis often comes to the surface, and where the larger streams have worn deep valleys, it is sometimes exposed in high and down cliffs. This is especially the case along Goose Creecand Beaver Dam.Combination is a ruling feature of this one of the best agriculture in Virginia.

“Another cliff that is a valuable acquisition, horn mixture. This is undoubtedly the fact, for the oxydasia of them, it contains the appearance and colors the ground a reddish color offer, the soil is durable and the crops are usually heavy.Very difficult that it is the fan that is crispy, although generally very difficult to get mill decisions to run mill gifts.

However, a large part of the valley in the valley of the nature of both horn mixture and Gneis participates and is appropriate as a "hornblend Gneiss Rock".

The beds of Magnesian or Talkum Slate, sometimes contain crystals of iron sulfur, are often in this section and on the bottom of the Black Oakridge, which is mainly composed of Chlorito -Lat and Epidote, another bed of Magnesian Limestone Icefound.40 percentOf the magnesia, it is an excellent cement for walls, but has little or no value as fertilizers.


The soil in Loudoun varies greatly in both geological and productivity, each black from Arich alluvial to an unproductive clay that occurs within borders.

The heavy clay fund in Loudoun are recognized as the strongest wheat and grass soil.Hemere Leem -like soil is better for corn because of the possibility of a more thorough cultivation. However, the countries must all be fertilized or limited to achieve the best results, and with these extra costs the profit in wheat rowing is extremely uncertain about other than clay soil.

And they are largely used for these purposes. Mountain Sandstone soil, which is rough and ston, is not adapted to agriculture; but for some lines of horticulture - such as the production of grapes, peaches, apples and chestnuts - or forestry look likeoverlook them.Potatoes.The slate and mica soils, even if they are and lied, are mainly adapted to grapes, vegetables and berries and other small fruit. These soils must be checked very carefully to obtain the best results.They work easily and respond very quickly to fertilization and thorough cultivation. It is very likely that the gardening and fruit wire of the market on these types prove to be profitable. However, it seems that peach trees have this country short. They can bestare adapted to the production of corn, grass and vegetables.

[Food Note 10: For most of the information displayed during this caption, the author is debts to Carter's and LymansEarth Study of the Leesburg area, published in 1904 by the US Department of Agriculture.]

The part of the province that lies to the east of a line from the Potomac River near Leesburg, by Aldie to Fauquier -Line, is much more unproductive than the western part, partly due to a subordinate.Tobacco without trying to improve the quality of the earth.When they became poor, the countries were thrown to commons.

Large channels that were previously produced from thirty -two fresh bushels corn to ACRE still remain out of cultivation, although many of the current owners focus their attention on the improvement of these soils and are richly rewarded.

In this section, especially along the Goose Creek, stair-rockoccurs, sometimes with large surfaces, partially covered with unpaid slate, formed from the red slate in this region, which is gradually penetration.Almost level, "Earth is a dark brown colored clay, very reluctant of moisture and better adapted grain ... A lack of lime probably takes place and there may be a disgusting ingredient. Per minute., The earth is better." [11]

Near the wide runbrug, the earth is regrettable sterile. “In many places it is only a few centimeters thick, and the rock underneath is compact, prevents what plots that penetrate a lot under the surface, which causes excess water in rainy weather and oneLack of reasonable weather.Not absorbed to break down lightly, because it is found a short distance below the surface and the layers immerse a low angle so that the water falls freely against this type of soil. "[12]

YUfodothe 11: TylorsMemoirs.]

[Footnote 12: ibid.]

There is a huge belt of Red Land, known as "the red sand stendation" that extends from Potomac by some of the provincesLoud, Fairfax, Prince William, Fauquier, Culpher and Orange, who can be made generously productive with a reasonable cultivation.Professor.B.Rogers described in his report to the legislative power of Virginia in 1840 the under the leader of 'secondary formation in the northern district'. "The general form of this area," he wrote, "is the one with a long -term triangleThat extends in a direction of SSW.

Soil countries with inexhaustible fertility and rich upland Saams often meet the north and south of Leesburg for a considerable distance on each side of Theturnpike that leads from cliffs, MD., About the onionextremity of the county of Middleburg.

Limestone occurs in large quantities in this zone and all the correct elements are present that are mentioned in the treatment of the soil in other areas.

The country here is in a high condition of cultivation, and according to its particularly varying and non -threatening vulnerability produces huge crops of all step rotations in the province.

The earth near Oatlands, which is included in the zone, is stiff and rocky, apart from those limits to water courses or the bottom of hills where it is in the esenriket of liberal supplies with dilapidated dust that is paralyzed and inexhaustible.A generous quality, so pertinious contents of fillings can withstand the washing the heaviest. While in the cultivation of rye, oats and corn, satisfactory results are almost always inevitable. Then these are not in any place in the Blue Ridge better grasslands.

In the valley of Loudoun between Catoctin and Blue Ridge Mountains, the earth is formed by Gneis, Ler Slate, Hornblend, Greenstone and Quartz. The happy combination of these materials produces a most excellent and sustainable land contains in fair proportions, aluminuminumina, silex, SilexPotas, lime and other brilliant minerals.

Loudoun Sandy Loam.

Loudoun Sandy Leam consists of 8 to 12 inches A heavy brown or gray sandy loam, underlined by a heavy yellow or red clay or clay.Teels underground contains a considerable amount of grinding sand, making the structure almost the same this.Sand of the soil and the underground consists of very coarse rounded and subangular quartz particles. The surface material is no somewhat sandy loam, Menis as a clay with considerable quantities of very gross quartz fragments..

The Loudoun Sandy Leem performs in irregular areas of dominant size in intervening valley between the blue ridge, short hill and the Catoctin mountains. The largest part of the type is located near Round Hill.

The topography of this soil in the valley varies from rolls to hill, where the slopes are long and soaked, while it is around the valley walls and the mountains. The lightweight structure of the ground gives it the light percolation of water, andExcept where underground sand the moisture of the ground is good.

Almost this whole type is in cultivation. Where the forest is still standing, the growth consists of oak. It is considered a good grain, but is too easily structured for wheat, although an important area for this crop has been reserved.hectare, wheatFrom 12 to 15 bushels and lean more and grass and clover at speed 1 or 2 tons peracre.Productivity of the soil depends a lot on the sand content of Tesub.If the amount is large, the soil is icic and requires considerable rain to produce Goodyield.When the clay content dominates, a moderate amount of rain is reached and a good yield and good yields are obtained. Plants, pears and small fruits do well on this ground.

Penn Clay.

Penn Clay consists of 6 to 12 inch Ared or red -brown loam, resting on a subgroup of heavy red clay.. From 1 to 10 percent of the soil pulp is usually not small sandstone fragments, while the size of the type separates many of the types of many multi -calcides conglomerate, involved in Triasic Red Sandstone, the Cometo surface.The type, different conglomerate of climate defenses, often large format of 10 to 25 percent of the surface.

This final phase takes place near Potomacriver near Cliffs, MD., And near Potomac, 3 miles north of Leesburg, and in these places it comes for the deaf phase of the type where the clay often comes inother parts of the county is.Where the limestone conglomerate is not so overweight, or where it is deeper and for the most part not unimportant, the surface soil is deeper, often from 18 inch lamb.But above no expansions or access.Here the ground is washed away from some of the more raised small areas and the heavy red clay surface is exposed.

In many places along the bottom of the mountain formation of this type there is somewhat complicated by washing the mountain, which mainly consists of subangular quartz fragments, of a diameter of 1 to 4 inchesine.Mass.

This type appears in an irregularly formed area, about 15 miles long, ranging from less than 1 miles to 3 or 4 miles wide, cut by the Potomac River east of Cliffs, MD. So it is the central part of the county, in the Piemonteplateau, which extends from directly north of Leesburg and the eastern foot of the Catoctin Mountain.

The general surface cleaning is good, there are many small streams that flow through the type and empty in the Potomac River.Improved by tiles because it is usually lower than the lighter phase.are taken over during the growing season.

Corn, wheat, clover and grass are the cultivated crops, the yield of which is as follows: maize, from 40 to 60 bushels per day.hectare; acre.

Penn Clay is the most valuable land in the Piemonte region in Loudoun and brings the highest prices.

Penn Stony Loam.

The Penn Stony Leem consists of 8 to 12 inches A red or grayish heavy loam, somewhat sobbing, underlying a heavier red clay.The earth of the earth.

This type appears in the southeastern part of Loudoun on Piedmont -Plateau.Between two is the presence of sandstone fragments in Penn Stony Loam.

The topography varies from gently rolling to Hillyand Ridgy, with slopes that are sometimes pretty steep. However, the surface is not so broken to disturb the cultivation and the slopes are usually gentle.

The type is well drained, the slopes that enable a fast water flow from the surface, while the water of the soil passes lightly through the soil and sub -space. On the other side, the structure is sufficiently heavy to prevent unnecessary losing and drought.

A bit of the soil is in cultivation because of the stony character, making the cultivation difficult. Where unbeaten is covered with a heavy growth of chestnut, oak and pines. Appels and small fruit and vegetables are doing well.

Iredell Clay Loam.

The soil on the Iredell Clay -Loam consists of 6 to 18 inch light clay, usually brown or gray, although sometimes of a yellowish color, with an average of about twelve centimeters.Clay. This clay is cold and sour, almost impenetrable for moisture and air and protects the underlying cliff of decay to a large extent.Diabase bowlers, which vary in size from a few centimeters to multiple feet Indiameter, are also spread over the surface of the theses.18 Inches, the thetype is quite productive and its productivity is generally proportional to the depth of the ground.

The local name of Iredell Clay Loam is "Waxland" from the waxy nature of the underground or "black-oak land" of the hangover. A few small, isolated areas of this ground occur in the intervening valley of the Katoctinebelt, and hereIs the structure almost the same as the belly described;But the soil usually consists of 6 to 10 inches of a sad or brown loam, strange due to a weight building and unfortunately crazy clay.This phase has few stones on the surface or in the ground. The local names of this phase are "cold, acid country" and "white clay".

Most of the Irredell-Klei Lamb takes place in the southern or southeastern corner of the county and covers a large, irregularly formed but generally connected area that extends from Leesburg, in a southeast and southern direction along Goose CreekTo the southern transition of the province, the most typical development of the earth is at Waxpool.Near the foot of the short hills of Blue Ridgeor.The most typical development of this phase takes place just southeast of Bluemont.

Where rolling and sloping surface cleaning is, the water that quickly passes from the surface is different small streams that flow in Goose Creek, which is the most important drainage method of this type. In the low, flat countries the water or floats very much.

Corn, wheat and grass are the most important crops that are grown by this soil type, the average yields per day. Aacre is iHV. follows: maize, from 20 to 40 bushels;

The majority of the type is worn, while the assumed areas are used for grassland and wooden leads, where forest growth is black oak.Grown.In wet seasons the soil is wet and stuck to work.

Penn linger.

Penn Loam consists of 8 to 12 inch Adark, Indian -Rød Loam, emphasized by a heavier loam of the same color. The structure of the type is very uniform with the exception of a few small areas where the underground Isa laughs a loam.20 percent of the soil mass. The soil is free of large stones or other obstruction slices.

This type takes place in various large, irregular ones are Newark formation of the Piedmont plateau in the eastern part of the county.Larger areas are located just south of Leesburg, while another east of Lucketts takes place.

The topography consists of a carefully rolling to almost level, and there are no steep slopes or rough.On the steeper slopes.The loam -like subgroup a clear but not too fast percolation of excess moisture and never becomes foggy or in a cold, sour state.The Potomac River, the biggest drainage of the county.Lang's thesestreams, who in all cases have cut beds that are approximately 10 to 30 feet under the surrounding plain, gradually the slopes.

The original growth of Penn -Leem was a forest of oak, hickory and walnut, but in the present time all the type is erased and bred. The soil is not naturally very productive, but is appreciated by its great sensitivity to improvement, his rapid responsiveness to fertilization and light cultivation and control., makes it easy to keep a good tilth. The crops are corn, wheat, grass, clover, apples and small fruit.Ton per.acre.

Cecil Loam.

The land in Cecil -Loam consists of 8 to 12 inches of a brown or yellow loam.have 5 to 30 percent of the corner quartz or ski fragments on the surface.

The majority of the intervening valley or baselvelvit of the Katoctin belt consists of Cecil -Loam, and it appears here as a large, connected area that are small areas with Cecil Clay, Loudoun Sandyloam and Iredell Clay Loam.Mountain also consists of Cecilloam.To the extent this is the most important land type in Loudoun, which covered approximately.33 percent of the total area.

The Cecil loop has been removed everywhere because of its rolling character. The soft rolling areas are generally not exposed to excessive erosion, but the steeper slopes were poor, deep canyons and ditches that form on the mountains.Areas where the substrate contains a relatively large part of the Mica fragments.

Cecil -Loam is entirely devoted to general agriculture. The crops are corn, wheat, grass, clover, vegetables, apples and pears.The average yield line varies from 40 to 60 bushels.White dooes very good and produces peracre from 12 to 20 bushels and more in favorable seasons.Part of the year.

Almost all the type is in cultivated crops or grasslands. The original tree growth was oak, hickory and walnut; but part of this is now, except for occasional trees.

Cecil Clay.

The earth in Cecil Clay consists of a heavy loam, red or brown in color and has an average depth of 8 inches. The surface is generally free of stone, although apartments that the small areas a few quartz and granite or ski-have fragments.In the areas of Piedmont, small rounded diabase fragments appear on the surface.The areas are small.

The type mainly occurs in the intervening valley of the Katoctin belt, between Blue Ridge and Thecatoctin Mountain and on the western slopes of Catoctin Mountain.Mountain finds in one of the two long, wide areas that extend in a northeastern country southwestern direction.

The most typical areas of this earth occur on the Piedmont plateau and on the soft slopes at the foot of Blue Ridge near Bluemont.

This type of soil has an excellent surface cleaning and is well watered and emptied everywhere from small streams. Realize from the slopes so steep to wash poorly. The heavy underground clay retains abundant moisture for plant growth and the soil is rarely so wet that this is thisIt is necessary, this would undoubtedly be better in the case of the heavier stages.

This whole country is being appreciated and it is greatly appreciated, where it turned out to be a strong soil and prone to improvement. The original forest growth consisted of oak, hickory and walnut. In addition to his tendency to bake, his crops are responsibleFor drought under drought.

The land produces wheat, corn, grass, clover, apples and pears.It is a strong wheat floor and gives from 15 to 25 bushels per day.hectare and sometimes more. Grass and clover hay deliver at a speed of 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 tons of Peracre, while from 40 to 60 bushels maizepercreUsually produced in good seasons.

Seen all, Cecil Clay is best adapted to the production of wheat and grass. The soil is also well adapted to apples and pears.Because Cecil Clay is suitable.then.

Cecil sludge.

The surface floor in Cecil Silte -Loam consists of 12 centimeters of a light gray or white sludge -lamam. This material is subject to a substrate of yellow -dish -Loam that is slightly heavier than the earth.Some areas, the soil is free of stone, while in others from 10 to 30 percent of the ground mass consists of small stone fragments.

The type of Piedmon region, in the southeastern part of the county, covers the largest of these areas..

The drainage is good, but regardless of where the slopes are erosion, it goes quickly, makes canyons and developed places that prevent or fully prevent cultivation.The type is well watered by small streams that flow throughout the year.

Probably half of this type is grown. The rest is covered with a growth of scrub fertilizers, pines and some cedar trees.The soil is thin and only reasonably productive and is not much for agriculture. The raised crops are corn, wheat, grass and something.acre.små fruit and vegetables good.

Although it is of course a thin soil, Cecil Silte Loamis is pretty good for the production of the aforementioned crops. It is to considerably glued and fertilized and responds well to such use.

Cecil Mica Loam.

Cecil Mica-Lam consists of 12 inches of a crispy, microfast yellow or yellowish red loam, the substrate a yellow or yellowish red loam, the mica content of which increases to 24 to 30 inches under the Tole is slightly more than much small microfa*ger restIt gives a loose structure.

On the surface there are 5 to 40 percent of the Angularquartz fragments ranging from 1 to 6 inch in diameter, some are much larger.

Cecil Mica Loam acts as a long, narrow strip that occupies the lower, soft eastern slopes of the mountain of Thecatoctin.

The topographical features of Cecil Mica -Loam consist of soft and incidental steep rolling slopes. The surface is well drained and on the bottom of the steeper Slopeste washes poorly and deep meter -dried weather borders of drought.

No farms are fully found on Cecil Mica Loam, but these farms in Piedmont, which expand the theme account count, usually include part of this ground. Kornet gives from 10 to 30 bushels Perhectare and sometimes.

De Kalb Stony Loam.

The soil in the Kalb stone -like loam consists of a sandy loam of yellow, coarse structure that has an average of 12 inches.These sandstone fragments and bowlers occur in various squares in the earth and underground.

The Kalb Stony Loam is a mountain bottom that takes place for long, parallel ribbons with different width that extends into a general northeast and southwestern direction, and constantly occupy the top and slopes in the blue ridges short hills.The eastern slope of Catoctin Mountain.

On the Blue Ridge and Short Hills they cover the Kalb Stonyyloam all mountains, and here the ciography of the thief consists of long, sharp, rock crestedridges, with steep, robust slopes and incidental cliffs and huge richels.Mountain Side, and here that there is an accumulation of two or three centimeters of a black shape that rests on the broken sandstone fragments and covered with the agrine of grasshopper, oak and berries vines.

Due to the steep and robust surface of this soil, along with its rocky character, superficial drainage is quick and so fast through it quickly and there is never a surplus of moisture in the orsubshoil of the earth.

Due to the steep and rocky character of the Dekalb stone -like loam of the type, you can build.

The most important growth on the type is chestnut, oak and some pine trees. Aacre is as follows: maize, from 10 to 20 bushels;Wheat, from 6 to 10 bushels.Bees and especially peaches perform pretty well on the mountain phase, where is not too rocky.

The majority of the Kalb Stony Loam is not at all, and it is unlikely that the country will ever be valuable except forestry.

Porters clay.

The Porters-Pier consists of 6 to 12 inches of a brown or red-brown loam, subject to a heavy clay or clay.Large ski topics on the surface, some of which are single feet india meter.The soil is easy and easy to work where it is not so stoned to disturb the cultivation.

This earth is a strict mountain type and not from Greatex tent.

The type is well empty everywhere, while the structure of the substrate is sufficiently heavy to maintain consistency through fairly extensive dry spells.

A significant part of this soil type is subcultation, especially on the wide mountain top. These areas that are not grown are covered with a heavy growth of oak, hickory, grasshop and walnut., wheat of 8 to 15 bushels and grassland clover of 1 to 2 tons of Peracre.irske and bare potatoes offer good yields and fine apples are produced and produced.


The meadow of Loudoun is usually a brown Sily Orsandy -Loam with a depth of multiple feet.Depends on the surrounding soil as it is formed from the sink from these types and participates in a certain degree of their species of their structural properties.

The type, although low and flat, is generally good enough for cultivation, although this is one or the country, is mainly used for grazing. Little is of the type of wooded.Are in grass, the flood damages.

Flora in fauna.

Flora.- records of the days of early settlement point for a scarcity and inferiority of Groot Hout Loudoun (then Prince William) and coherent provinces. The responsibility for this condition has been reduced to the hunters who visit this region before the belief and the command ofThe fire have burned to destroy the lame wood, the better to protect relatively dense and strong growth.

Currently, after the intervention of the field of felting for almost two centuries, a large part of the provincial area is still covered with coverage of the forest. The standard is mainly slightly above average and quality.

The total value of forest products that were cut or produced in 1899 was $ 51,351.enzWhile farmers cause damage in connection with their ordinary agricultural activities.

The trees that are usual in Loudoun are four types of the white oak, i.e. plain, swamp, box and chestnut, the last, which, however, only appears along the margin Potomac River;or Pilegen, pin oak;and in eastern parts of the county, black jacket or golenoak and dwarf, hickory, black and white walnut, white and yellow poplar, chestnut, grasshopper, axis, sycamore, wild cherry, red flowering, rubber, sass hen, Persimmon, Dogwood, Redand smooth Elm, black and white mulberry, Aspin (rare), Beech, Birch, Linn, Honey-Locust, Sugar Daple, Sugar Noot, Yellow and Whitepine, Hemlock and Red Cedar.

Among the smaller trees and shrubs are the white thorn, maple or virginia thorn (suitable for coverage), hawthorn, wild cherries or service berries, water bowls, edgewood, red button, black ages, normal age, Sumach, older, laurel, bay leaf, whitech-Hazel, Hazel-Nut, Papaw, Chink Capin, Burnish Bush, Nine Bark, Button-Bush, Rade, different varieties of Whortleberry or Huckeberry and Wild Gooseberry.

Some brambles who have met are Greenbrier, High Blackberry, Dewberry or Low Blackberry, Andrespberry.

A list of vines and climbing plants would include the food, three varieties;Duif or raccoon grapes, chicken screw, a wild bitter grape, sarsaparilla, yellow parilla, poison wines or poison-eg, clematis, trumpet flour and wild potato.

The medical herbs in Loudoun are rattlesnaker, Seneca Snakeroot (also called Virginia Snakeroot), many types of mint, liver root, red carrot, May apple, butterfly-LED, milk weed, ground test, trumpet-wier, Indian physical,Lohelia blown upInCardinal, Golden-Rod, Skunk-Cabbage, Frost-Wed, Hoar-Hound OG Catnip.

The harmful plants that the careful farm murms claims are the wild garlic, tribby weed, dogfennel, two varieties of the ordinary Daisy, Oxeye Daisy, St.John's wort, blue thistle, common thistle, pigeon, brutal, wide dockPoke-Weed, clot-cage, three-fold cage, supposed to have been introduced from Spain by Merino Sheep, Jamestown or "Jimson" Weed, Sorrel and in favorable seasons, a heavy growth of lamb carter and canvas.

Loudoun Red Clover, Timothy, Herd's-Grass, Orchard-Grass and Lucerne Towhich, who are now aware, has from introduced grass.His annual grasses in the summer.More types of Sumpor ant grass bloom under certain circ*mstances, but soon disappears with the right drainage and tillage.

Although some of the wild flowers from Loudoun deserve the attention of the florist, they as a whole have a commercial value or meaning, and for this season a count of the many varieties does not have a thoughtful.

Fauna.- Wild ducks, geese and turkeys, pheasants (English and Mongolsk), Patridges and Woodco*ck are one of the game birds of Loudoun, Andeaagles, Crows, Buzzards, Owls and Hawks under the predatory.A show The protection of the strict fish and game grazing that applies here.

Red and gray foxes, raccoons, opossums, forest marms, squirrels, hares and smaller animals are fairly general.

During the pioneering days, the county was abundant in lars species of games that have the forest in North -America in common .imong were these beavers and otter, buffalo, deer, wolf, wild cat, panther, bear, fox and moose or wapiti (wapiti (Cervus canadensis), noble herds, from which mountain sides and valleys vary in this section.

Transport facilities. [13]

Good roads that are always of enormous importance for the successor were made early by the enormous products harvested from Loudonnands. They were built with an eye for duration and with the right compensation for generations of Unintermittand and Augmentative traffic.

These roads resulted in their promoters, but with the completion in 1832 by the Chesapeak and Ohio Channel that borders the province just over Potomac, transport to and to Washington (Georgetown) and Alexandria Material cheaper and the income of Turnpike -Bame Moord, in many cases, the income is hardly enough to combat maintenance costs.

[Footnote 13: No excuse is offered for omitting vital statistics that could and would have been included in this department that had serious appeal treated with state officials and the business committee of the state -owned company with more polite and I can add, I can add, duty -filled consideration.- the author.]

Turnpike -Dille spread around forty years later and culminated forty years later. Company names on some of the roads built for Loudoun before the Providence was, Goosecreek and Little River Turnpike, Loudoun and Berlin (Nubrunswick, Md.) Was Turnpike, Ashby's Gap Turnpike, Leesburg Turnpike, Leesburg and Snicker's Gapturnpike, Little River Turnpike and Snicker 'SGAP Turnpike.The combined authorized capital was $ 637,325, the state of which was drawn more than two -thirds by individuals.

The system does not come exclusively from a local loyal demand for the lines considered. The regulation of the Graafschap programmed, apparently, apparently apparently always stepped simultaneously. First came the settlement and location of one or two and the opening of the communication between them; then the came theOccasion, Hunter and Scoutinto the troubled part of the restless, the Land Scholarship and the settlement in isolated locations;Then the Sklazed trail to the mother city and to the cabin of the pioneer or the postposts;The local roads that run from Cabin Tocabin;Dan city roads and provincial roads, with Heries of the "Provincial" highways.

Nowadays, the public roads and turns of Loudoun are better than those in most Amiesand, in obedience to a popular question, in a fair repair state.

Lowly before the civil war, Little River was done to take his mouth to Aldie using a Lockand Dam system, this and more far-reaching improvement bread was performed by "Goose Creek and Little River Navigation Company" Captatat $ 100,000.Sams were destroyed by Federal Invaders and never reconstructed.

Loudoun is crossed by Washington and the Ohio Division of the Southern Railway, who penetrates from East to West and offers a marketing option for its enormous shipments of cattle, grains and various products.Limits, but three of which are established standards.

The original goal of the promoters was to expand this path to the coal fields of Hampshire County, West Virginia (then in Virginia).Bridges and figures were destroyed by the order of General Lee and for a few years later, Leadoudoun was without sufficient railway communication with the outside world.

The construction costs between Alexandria and Leesburg, the first part of the work, were $ 1,538,744. The line, many years later, was extended to Roundhill and still later to Bluemont, currently the westernist terminal.of the important cities.

The northern edge of the county is in light communication with the main line of Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and Chesapeake and Ohio Canal just above Potomac.

Large steel bridges that span Potomac at Harpers Ferry, Brunswick and Rocks Point, provide practical penetration into West Virginia, Maryland and the not distant is in Pennsylvania.

Further communication with the Nordic countries is made possible by a ferry (White's) in constant effect between Loudoun and Maryland Shore.

Cities and villages.


Leesburg, a nice old city, the provincial chair in Loudoun, is located on the eastern base of Catoctin Mountain, 2-1/2 miler of the Potomac River at Balls Bluff and 3-7/8miles to the west of Goose Creek.The northern part of the county, 40 miles northwest of Washington, 153 miles in a similar direction from Richmond, state capital, within a few miles of the picturesque Blueridge Mountains and the famous Valley of Virginia, 12 miles of Rocks Point of Rocks, MD.And about 22 miles from Historic Harpers Ferry, W. Va. It covers a long and healthy ordinary whose environment waves and well grown and beautiful flow hill and valleys are.

The city picks up its name Van Read, the early settlers in the province and was founded by the General Meeting in September 1758 in the thirty seconds of the government of George II.Nicholas, owned by the Land House, had divided this channel, andSome of the parties were built before the passage of the promotion.), Jameshamilton, Nicholas Minor, Josias Clapham, Aeneas Campbell, John Hugh, Francis Hague and William West, men, 'threatened for the newly established city.Was its foundation was the name Georgetown, assigned in honor of the then prevailing English monarch.

[14] "In his birth and baby, the city was destined to win the most western function of the colony famous.

“After his location, the small Fortbecame points to the most important equipment for the British colonial troops in the French and Indian war. Tradition still points to the desert with loving fatal mars;But in the light of a thorough difference, it appears that this claim is not substantiated. While a division of his army, under the command of the Old Sir Peter Halett, undoubtedly released the night at the plantation of Nicholas Minor, the primary founder of the city,Has General Braddock Isfloundate went in a different direction. "

[Fodnote 14: Fru A. H. Throckmorton I TherichmondTime.]

Leesburg is governed by a mayor and the joint council and at the time of the census of the last government (1900) had a population of 1,513.

The houses, many of which are of bricks and stone construction, are built in a compact and essential way. In the city and the surroundings there are many of the most palatic homes in Virginia.Sowing it.

With a height smaller than most points in the province, Leesburg nevertheless shares where they are distinguished to be unparalleled for health and picturesque environment.

Cross in right -wing corners, the streets are regular and spacious and illuminated by electricity.Many of his houses and business houses are also equipped with electrical lighting facilities, power generated on a factory near Belmont, on Goosecreek and controlled by Leesburg -capitalists. In almost every quarter of the city, bricks and granolithic sidewalks are laid to the usualTypes of shade trees.

Some of the municipal benefits that have not yet been listed are a sewer system, a fire brigade, a public library, police security and a thorough pregnancy system of a capacity of a capacity that is sufficient to support the entire company with absolute purewater from a feather noticedThe neighborhood is published in the neighborhood The Basis of Catoctin Mountain.

Some public buildings are a town hall, one of the largest stones in North Virginia; a relatively new courthouse and the office of a clerk, [15] Both angry structures with impressive facades that give them a beautiful atmosphere of colonialism, the two liberal compensationAbout a fenced area with sloping lawns and overarching nuance;This contains eight steel cells, targeted residential areas of prisons and his family and has a sunny court with towering as a humanitarian feature;Educational facilities and extensive playgrounds.

[Footnote 15: Before 1873, Leesburg Academy.]

The city has 7 churches that represent all the leading effects, a Christian industry for young men, 5 brotherly orders and a weekly newspaper.Own trains arrive and depart daily from Leesburg.

Among the local companies are two beautiful bank houses ("Loudoun National Bank" and "Peoples National Bank"), 2 large hotels that can handle 130 guests, different guests, shops, shops that can handle every class and quality of merchandise, an art -rich ice systemwith the end of the daily capacity of 5 tons, a large racecourse on the outskirts of the city, where a horse show, racing and other events, a confectionery and bakery, an ice factory, a pop factory, two harness factories, a wooden factories and planning mill,2 are held, 2 private schools, 3 shoemaker stacks, 2 livrei stables, 3 blacksmith shops, 2 furniture houses, 2 obligations, 2 border students, a limestone quarry, 3 wheelwork shops, 2 in Tinne Business Farm, Standardoil Company's.Branch and Packing House.

Leesburg has probably found more than the usual number of resident doctors, lawyers and mechanics in cities of a similar size.

Round hill.

Round Hill, a thriving railway city in the western part of the county, is 3 miles east of Bluemont, 3 miles west of Purcellville and 53 miles from Washington.600 meters from Obovemean Tide and is located in the middle of a rich farmwhich is with streams of pure water from mountain waterways.Away.


Waterford, a flowering Quaker settlement, is located on Catoctin Creek in the northern part of the county, 6 miles south of Taylorstown, 7 miles northwest -Ileesburg, 47 miles in a similar direction from Washington and 159 miles north of Richmond.Van Waterford in Ireland, where some of his founders had previously lived. Just like the other cities and villages of the famous Loudoun valley, Waterford is noticed because of its strange and inexhaustible wells in the cleanest and best water, bending air and low mortality.It has 383 inhabitants, of whom there are 14 traders and mechanics.


Hamilton, one of the most beautiful cities in the province, is spread over an important area and covers one of the highest points in the beautiful Loudoun Dal. It is about 46 miles per rail of Washington, 3 miles from Purcellville and just a fewMile of both Thecatoctinog Blue Ridge Mountains, which weighs the valley in the east and west, and the center is of a group of seven towns and villages within a 5 - Miles Radius. The 364 inhabitants, number 18 traders and mechanics.


Purcellville, in the western part of the county with an estimated height of 500 feet, is approximately.50 miles from Washington, 3 miles from both Round Hilland Hamilton and 2-1/2 miles from Lincoln.And a national bank.


Middleburg, located on Goose Creek in the southwestern part of Loudoun, is 12 miles from the top of the BLUE Ridge in Ashby's Gap, 5 miles west of Aldie, 1/4 of a mile of the Fauquier line, and 16 milesVan Lesburg, the government seat. It is a growing and prosperous society, increased and airy and overlooking a wide -wide area of ​​rich area. Dien of its 296 inhabitants are traders and mechanics.


Ashburn, a railway city in Lower Loudoun, previously known asFarm, is 34 miles from Washington, 31 miles from Alexandria, 4 miles northwest of Sterling and 6 miles from Leesburg., The Basfissen in Goose Creek, in the neighborhood, is very satisfactory and attracts many who are dedicated from Washington and other more points by the sport.


Bluemont, previously known asSnickersville, is an attractive village, close by and cheaply with the southeastern base of Blue Ridgeldain, about.3 Mile from Round Hill, 54 miles from Washington and 165 miles from Richmond.It is located on the western edge of the most dense population of Loudoun and has a number of modern hotels and boarding houses, two liver, a Kornelevator and many reflective glasses.Dots that lead from Washington and Alexandria to Winchester are crossing each other at the moment. Bluemont is a popular summer place and is a very short distance from both the "Bears" and "Raven Rocks", Die Pointson the western slope of the BlåridgeStitches from which the most important views of the Shenandoah Valleyand River and Alleghany and North Mountaect.the have a population of 200, of which 14 traders and mechanics.

Smaller cities.

Other cities, per villages and settlements in the year are:Airmont, 2-1/2 miles frabluemont, population 25;Nasty, in Little River, 5 miles from both Middleburg and Oatlands and 12 miles from Leesburg, provincial seat, population 155, 7 merchants and mechanics;Arcola, 6 miles from sterling and 12 miles from Leesburg, population 100, 4 traders and mechanics;Belmont Park, a small railway on the eastern bank of Goose Creek about 4 miles east of Leesburg, formerly a picturesque resort and popular excursion point managed by the old Richmondand Danville Railroad Company, who put on the few years of the operation, many thousands of visitors, many thousandsVisitors, many thousands of visitors, many thousands of visitors, many thousands of visitors, many thousands of visitors;Bloomfield, 7 miles fra around Heuvel, population50;Uk, 8 miles from Purcellville, population15;Clarkes Gap, one of the highest and healthiest points in the province and an important shipping point that drains a high degree of fertile land, 4 miles west of Leesburg, population 25;Conklin, 10 miles from sterling, population 10;Daysville, 2 miles from sterling, population 20;Elvan, 1 km from Lovettsville, population 18;Evergreenmills, 7 miles from Leesburg, population 10;Georgesmill, in the extreme northwestern part of the county;Hillsboro, 5 miles after scene from Purcellville, population 131, 9 traders and mechanics;Hughesville, 7 miles from Leesburg, population 12;Irene, on the southern railroad, a mile by Hamilton and

The train station for the city, population 20;Leithton, 8 miles from Purcellville and Roundhill, population 25;Lenah, 3 miles west of Carcola, population 25;Levy, on Bull Run, 3 miles south of ladies;Lincoln, 2-1/2 miles southeast of Purcellville, in the heart of "Quakersettlement", population 200, 3 traders and mechanics;Lovettsville, 2-1/2 or 3 miles south of Brunswick, MD.And 7 miles of both water forders Harpers Ferry, W. va., In a diligent and progressive neighborhood, population 97, 16 merchants and mechanics;Lawetts, 5 miles from Cliffs, Maryland and 7 miles from Leesburg, population 50.8 merchants and mechanics;Telescope, 4 Milessouth by Arcola, population 10;Free, 2 miles from Ashburn, population 15;Mechanicsville;Ravine, 4-1/2 miles for scene from Leesburg, population 25;Mount Gilead, a centrally and loving village on Catoctin Mountain Ca.8 Mile of the Cities Readingburg, Middleburgand Aldie, population 50;Mountville, a small settlement in a neighborhood that is abundant with the best quality and other minerals, 2-1/2 miles southeast of Philomont and about 1-1/2 miles of both Waters by Goose Creek and Beaver Dam, population 25;Morrisonville, 6 miles after scene from Brunswick, Maryland and 4 miles from Lovettsville, population 20;Neersville, 5 miles after scene of Harpers Ferry, W. Va., Population25;Northern fork, 6 miles from Purcellville, population 26;Haverland, adjacent to Catoctin Mountain 7 miles southwest of Leesburg and 5 Mijlnorth by Aldie, population 20;Paeonian Springs, 1 km northwest of Clarkes Gap, Population112, 6 merchants and mechanics;Paxson, an unusually healthy community 2 miles east of Blueemont, population 15;Philomont, a Quaker-Neder set, located 3 miles southeast of Silcott Springs in a fertile and synthetic wheat neighborhood, population 161;Royville, 2 miles nord for Arcola;Ryan, 2 miles south of Ashburn, population 50;Silcottsprings, a one-time resort 3-1/2 miles South Volume Purcellville, population 25;Stumptown, 2 miles of happiness, population 20;Taylorstown, 3 miles southwest of rocks, md., Population 50;Trapp, 5 miles from Bluemont, population 36;Unison, 6 miles from Bluemont and 9 miles from Purcellville, population 100, 3 traders and mechanics;Watson, 9 miles from Leesburg, population 10;Circumvent, 2-1/2 miles north of Royville and 8 miles from Leesburg, population 25;Welbourne, about 5 miles northeast of Upperville, in Fauquier County;Tarweland, 5 miles of both Hamilton and Purcellville, population 25;Willard, 5 miles southwest of Herndon, in Fairfax County andWoodburn, 3 miles from Leesburg, population15.


Area and agricultural losses.

The Loudoun County area rains Anders AT460, 468, 495, 504, 510, 519, 520 and 525 squares.The estimated accuracy of each single single in this confused range cannot be easily determined, insofar as it is known, after officially confirmed.Yardley Taylor, who conducted a careful investigation of the Graafschap in 1853, has determined the area of ​​525 square miles.

Of this number, 207 square mile east of Catoctin Mountain and are of the upper secondary formation, while the remaining 318 square miles west of primitive formation.

The longest line over the entire county is 35 miles, duck texts from the lower end of Lowe's Islandat, the old mouth of Sugarland Run, to the top of Blue Ridge at Ashby's Gap;Jefferson County, West Virginia, on the margin of Potomac Riverbelow Harpers Ferry, to the corner of Fairfax Countyon Bull Run, within half a mile of Suddy Springs in Prince William County.

Within the borders of Loudoun, 313,902 [16] hectares of the best agricultural land in every province are included in the state.In the central parts, the largest place in the southern and Eastern parts became.In 1900.1,754, or 90 percent, was powered by white farmers and 194 or 10 percent driven by colored farmers.

[Footnote 16: It will be understood that the total land on farms in no way corresponds to the total area of ​​the province.]

Tabel I.—Summary of decades of improved and preparing land for farms, with a percentage of the increased falls.

----------------------- |Hectare land on farms. | --------+-------------------------------------+--------+-
------- Census ||| ---+-----------+-------------+---------+--------
----+------------ 1900 | 313.902 | 251.874 | 62.028 | 6.4 | 6.9 | 4.81890 | 294.896 | 235.703 | 59.193 | [*] 1.3 | 1.4 | [*] 11.1880 | 298.869| 232.391 | 66.478 | 8.2 | 15.1 | [*] 10.71870 | 276.291 | 201.888 | 74.403 | [*] 6.7 | [*] 8.3 | [*] 1.91860 | 296.142 | 220.266 | 75.876 | .5| 294.675 | 208.454 | 86.221 |-|-| --------+---------+-----------+-------------+---------+------

[* - Val.]

The most striking fact that it should be noted with regard to garden areas is the relatively large fall in the decade from 1860 to 1870. Of course this was one of the catastrophic consequences of the civil war years, has not yet been fully restored, because it appears from the factThe fact that in some of South Atlantic Statesthe reported the land of agricultural land in 1900, Lessthan was that it was in 1860.

A continuous increase is shown in the field of improved agricultural land except in the decade of 1860-1870.tedkrease in the amount of cultivation, reported on the census of 1870, was due to the circ*mstances that resulted from the change in the work system, thatA complete rehabilitation of the agricultural industry prevented.

Only three other of the 100 Virginia friends reported that the improved areas in 1900, namely: Fauquier, 291.734 hectares;Pittylvania, 280.456 and Augusta, 276,459.

Table II.—Number of farms per decades: Summary, 1850 to 1900.

1900 1.9481890 1.8181880 1.8411870 1.2381860 1.2071850 1.256

Comparison of the number of farms reported in 1850 with the number of the last census shows an addition in 50 years on 692 farms.

The large increase between 1870 and 1880 is seen ata.

Tabel iii.-Farms classified per area - 1900.

Under 3 hectares of 223 and less than 10 hectares of 15510 and less than 20 hectares of 17120 and less than 50 hectares 24650 and under 100 hectares of 264100 and under 175 hectares 396175 and under 260 hectares 324260 and under 500 hectares 274500 and lower 1,000Hectares 881,000 hectares of acres and more than 8

Table IV.—Number of farms with specified tensing, 1 June 1900.

Owners 1,116
Sheep 173
Owners and tenants 18
Leaders 48
Cash Tenants 232
Share tenants 361
A total of 1,948


The persistent high price of the Loudoun countries is deterred by the population of immigration.

The last census (1900) received Loudoun's populated 21,948, of which number 16,079 was white, 5,869 Negries and the remaining 101 foreign born. This is even smaller than shown in the 1820, making the province a population of 22,702 or 754 more than in1900.

The subsequent schedules that gave full statistics for the population of Loudoun County of the newest and highest authority were from American counts, collected in 1900 and published in 1902.

Population, housing and families:

1900. Private families.Population 21,948 Number 4,195Detwellings 4,157 population 21,690 families 4,231 Average size 5.2

Private families occupy ownership and working and free and occupied at home, 1900.

Collected private families 4,195

Farm axles. Other houses owned.
Free 959 Free 622
Occupied 257 occupied 147
Unknown 120 unknown 81
Had 648 employees 1,169
Unknown 7 unknown 185
----- -----
A total of 1,991 of a total of 2,204

Indigenous and foreign and white and colored population, classified by Gender, 1900.

Born native. Indigenous white - foreign parents.Man 10,634 Male 114female 11.213 Woman 121
Born abroad. Foreign white.Man 59 Male 58female 42 Woman 42
Indigenous white - native parents. Totally colored.Man 7,583 Male 2,938Female 8,161 Women 2,931

In 1860, a year before the outbreak of Civilware, the province kept 21,774Suls within its limits: 15,021 white, 5,501 slave and 1,252 Freecolored.In the number of slaves during this period, Sixy-Sixth loved on the Virginia-Momter list, then also included the provinces that were now in Westvirginia.This number was divided into the following relationships among 670 slave holders:

1 Slave 1242 Slaves 843 Slaves 614 Slaves 835 Slaves 466 Slaves 397 Slaves 358 Slaves 279 Slaves 2210 and under 15 slaves 8015 and under 20 slaves 3620 and under 30 slaves 2330 and under 40 slaves 440 and under 50 slaves 450 and under 70 slaves 1100 and Onder 30 slaven 2330 en onder 40 slaven 440 en onder 50 slaven 450 en onder 70 slaven 1100 en onder 3000 wonder 200 slaven 1

The following table gives the population of the Loudoun County decades, of the first official company of 1790:

1900 21.9481890 23.2741880 23.6341870 20.9291860 21.7741850 22.0791840 20.4311830 21.9391820 22.7021810 21.3381800 20.52317990 18.952222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222220

The reports on the population of the master districts below, with a few exceptions, show a price determination between the 1890s and 1900s:

----------------------+-------+------- | 1900.| 1890 .--------------------+-------+------- Broad Run District | 3.309 | 3.463Jefferson District |3.106 | 3.307Leesburg District | 4.299 | 4.246 Lovettsville District | 3.104 | 3.210mercer District | 4.010 | 4.570 Mt.Gilead District | 4.120 | 4.478 ----------------------+-------+-------

Charged the following cities for the same period for a comparable decrease in the number of inhabitants:

-------------+-------+------- | 1900.| 1890 .-----------+-------+------- Hamilton | 364 | 407Hillsboro | 131 | 156leesburg | 1.513 | 1.650 Lovettsville | 97 |Middleburg | 296 | 429 Waterford | 383 | 385 -------------+-------+-------

These circ*mstances with fluctuations and actual relegation seem unambiguous if it cannot be demonstrated that the same conditions are practicing elsewhere in the state and the Union, or where agriculture is a thick industry.Virginia and Jefferson in West Virginia. All these agricultural societies border on Loudoun and show what similar fluctuations in the population can be called between the above periods.

A decrease in the population of one of these similarities is clearly due to the fact that partial or total failure of the crops creates the migration of part of the population of largely or other parts of the country.Be great of course.

As a different contributing cause, it can be positive that the dissatisfaction in which agriculture is held by the young men in Loudoun who are less difficult to search and more lucrative employment in the big cities in the east is partly responsible for, if not for thermal, determined,Determined for the stagnation of the population of the province.

The white population of Loudoun County in 1880, 1890 and 1900 was as follows:

Census. Population.

1880 16,3911890 16,696 - 305 Increase.1900 16,079 - 617 falls.

The Negro Population of Loudoun County for the SAMI period was:

Census. Population.

1880 7,2431890 6,578-665 Fall.1900 5,869 - 709 autumn.

The figures show that the Negro population is stable, while the white population rose from 1880 to 1890 and from 1890 to 1900.The share of the fall of the Negroes was very greater than for the white man.Agriculture and domestic, if crop errors necessarily cause migration to other locations, and since Washington and Baltimorear are not far away and offer higher wages and sometimes more attractive professions, there can be no doubt that the fall is mainly due to migration cities.


Agriculture, in many of its important branches, Isby Long Loudoun's leading industry and is drawn to the use of new methods for cultivation and harvest.

During the Civil War, agriculture received a serious back when the county was destroyed by the contradictory weapons, but by hard work and intelligent leadership of people who are once again placed on a rich foot.

Agricultural methods used throughout the province are very uniform, regardless of the fact that there are a relatively large number of soil types in the area.

A system of general agriculture, with few variations, is practiced, although part of the soil is very officers in the early summer than other soils of the area.The following year for hay.

The gently sweeping hills of Loudoun and wide Valleysssssupport large herds of cattle and herds of sheep and give huge washed corn, wheat, oats and other grains.

The wheat is sold for shipment or soil intensity of the many mills in the province, which mainly deliver the demand to home.

A Government Statistian was responsible for the subsequent statement, which was undoubtedly based on the credit winds of Loudoun in the census of 1880: “On the whole, the best agriculture in the state is now being carried out in this (loudoun) county. Of the perpetratorThe provinces were first in the production of corn, butter, eggs and wool and in the number of dairy cows and sheep and is once for fauquies in the number of stock cattle.

The breeding of superior stock and horses is an important inn of the agricultural activities of the county. A contribution toLand life in America, In an article entitled "Land Life in Loudouncounty", says about it: "And breeding animals here is not the wealth of bad men who can play in national life. It is a serious matter, productive for actual merit and in -depth satisfactionWith continuous and well -grounded, as I once have the Seentrence of men in their calling.

The richer class of citizens is of course specialized, each of his personal choice.Die, with 1500 hectares, makes a large dairy company and increases registered dorset Horn -Sheep, large whitorkshire -Wine, registered Guernsey -Vee and Percheronhorses.Another, with a similar area, specializes in Hackneys.On his 300 or more hectares, thoroughbred and Irish hunters increases. Fifth that has thousands of hectares, fadtener cattle allowance.

Some of the farmers whose capital does not allow the purchase of expensive breeding stock, Havelong has been busy ending cattle for the market, animals were sent from Tennessee, West Virginia and elsewhere to be accompanied by Debonderful Gras in Loudoun County.disse.Grass from a few months to two years and concerned their condition and speed with which they were registered.

Sheep are found on almost every large farm and stored for both wool and sheep meat.They are gathered advanced and sent to the Eastern markets.

The rapid growth of almost cities and the development of transport facilities has exercised a large Bluens in the development of the dairy industry Inloudoun County, which increases the demand for dairy products, so that such products can be allowed in the aforementioned products with a profit for the farmer, so that theProduction of adoption causes the production of adoption as a specialty instead of randomly following with general agriculture.

The dairy islands in Loudoun, 1 June 1900, counted 8,563, of which 7,882 or 92 percent were on farms, and 681 or 8 percent in barns and encapsulates.

If the number of dairy cows, 1 June 1900, is taken as a basis, the five most important Virginia are arranged as follows:Loud, 8.563; Augusta, 7.898;

If only the liters of milk produced on farms in 1899 are taken into account, the provinces are in the following order:Loud, 3,736,382; Rockingham, 3,141,906;an Augusta, 2.993,928.

If the greatest weight is given to the farm value of dairy products, the order is as follows: Fairfax, $ 301.007; Henrico, $ 247,428;Loud, $ 242,221;Pittsylvania, $ 200,174, a Bedford, $ 194,560.

From every point of view, but the last, Loudoun arranged as the leading dairy products Virginia.boerderij, and these factors helped to change the ranking as a noisy reference to agricultural values ​​for dairy products.

The good prices that have been obtained for apples in recent years have led some to this fruit on a large -cale plants than before, and the result is pretty gratifying so far.Send to large markets.The poor property is stored for home consumption used for cider and fed to pigs.Pears that are grown in small quantities throughout the year.Success well, but have usually grown for home consumption, where market gardens stand out.

Summer pension hosts give Loudoun a large passing population that requires various recordings and countless internships for his accommodation.

Spread over the loud it can be found that large numbers of small industries are found, using many of them steam, water or motor flow.DESSE consists of grilles, grain liver, stone quarry, can, packaging houses, sawmills, an artificial plant and different quantities and different quantities and different quantities.

Various Van Loudoun's more important companies that were launched after the latest general census, and this circ*mstance makes his reports of representations, in no time fully or completely reliable, of uncertainty as a symposium of the Province's production interests at the moment.The latest reports, which can be obtained and the only official statistical exhibition of this subordinate source of assets.

Number of companies 164
Number of holders and regular members 197

Capital: Expenditure:
Land $ 25,957 Fuel and Rent of electricity
Buildings 79,350 and heat $ 8,811
Machines etc. 104,402 various 12.935
Cash and various 141,548 Costof -Materials uses 424.538
-------- --------
Total $ 351,257 Total $ 446,284

The value of products $ 638,136

Agricultural values.

The tables that are displayed during this, and the two later Kindred headlines were built on the basis of the recent general census reports and are a very complete and reliable statistical exhibition of agricultural sources and products from Loudoun County.tablei.——The value of all agricultural property, including implications and machines and living shares, with increasing falls and percentage of the increase and decades decreased: summary 1850 to 1900.

-+------------- Census ||Property.-+-------------+---
--------- 1900 | $ 11.056.109 00 | $ 971.459 00 | 9.6 | $ 5.675 621890 | 10.084.650 00 | [#] 729.731 00 | [#] 6.7 | 5.547 111880 | 10.814.381 00| [#] 1.437.636 00 | [#] 11.7 | 5.874 191870 [##] | 12.252.017 00 | 323.187 00 | 2.7 | 9.896 621860 | 11.928.830.757 00 ||| 7.549 97 --------+----------------+-----------------+------------+------------

[##: values ​​in gold.]

[#: Val.]

A particularly large increase in the total value of offarm -Property will be noticed in the decade from 1850 to 1860.Subsequently, the civil war followed with its destruction of agricultural possession, and the county did not fully come from this disaster until 1890.

The average value peracre for all agricultural ownership inkoun rose from $ 32.18 in 1850 to $ 35.22 in 1890.

Table II.—The value of farms with improvements including buildings, with rise and

--+-------------+----------- CENSUS |Value of ||Value |||Increase.per.acre .-------------------------------------------------+----- ------+---
---------+--------- 1900 | $ 9.138.560 00 | $ 518.830 00 | 6.0 | $ 4.691 25 | $ 29 111890 | 8.619.730 00 | [#] 911.52400 | [#] 9.6 | 4.741 33 | 29 231880 | 9.531.254 00 | [#] 1.345.752 00 | [#] 12.4 | 5.177 22 | 31 891870 [##] | 10.877,006 00 | 368.795 00 | 3.5| 8.785 95 | 39 371860 | 10.508.211 00 | 2.158.840 00 | 25.9 | 8.706 06 | 35 481850 | 8.349.371 00 ||| 6.647 59 | 28 33 -------------------------------+-----------------+------------+---

[##: values ​​in gold.]

[#: Val.]

In 1900 there were only two provinces of Virginia with high farm values ​​than Loudoun.de was Rockingham with $ 11,984,440 and Augusta with $ 11,464,120.

Tabel iii.-The value of country and buildings, with the percentage of the total amount represented by the value of buildings, 1 June 1900.

Land and Improvements (except buildings) $ 6,649,69000
Buildings 2,488,87000

Total $ 9,138.560 00
Percentage in buildings 37.4

Table IV.—Number of farms and figures and percentage of those with buildings, 1 June 1900, with average values ​​for country and buildings.

Number of farms:
A total of 1,948
With buildings 1,933
Percentage with buildings 99.2
The average value of -
Land Perboerderij $ 3,414 00
Land PR.Acre 21 18
Buildings Per farm 1,278 00
Buildings Per farm with buildings 1,288 00

Table V.-Total and average value per farm of agricultural tools and machines with an increase in falls and percentage of the increase and reduces the total value with decades: summary 1850 to 1900.

---------- | ----+---------------+--------------+-------------- -+ -------
----- 1900 | $ 295.910 00 | $ 103.000 00 | 53.4 | $ 151 901890 | 192.910 00 | 9.683 00 | 5.3 | 106 111880 | 183.227 00 | [#] 23.473 00 | [#] 11.4 | 99 531870 [##] | 206.700 00 | [#] 31.564 00 | [#] 13.2 | 166 961860 | 238.264 00 | 42.470 00 | 21.7 | 197 401850 | 195.794 00 ||| 155 89 ---------+-------------+--------------+-------------+-------

[##: values ​​in gold.]

[#: Val.]

The percentage of the increase was at least in the decade from 1880 to 1890. After 1870 the farmers first reported as large investments in machines such as before the war.

Only two other Virginia -features report higher values ​​of agricultural equipment and machines in 1900. They were Augusta with $ 439,090 and Rockingham with $ 436,340.

Live pils.

Were were.

The total value of the living stockOn the farmOnly 1 June 1900 was $ 1,621,639 or 14.7 percent of $ 11,056,109, the reported value of all agricultural ownership. From the living stock value, Vecht, worth $ 1,556,935, good for 96 percent;

Tabel I.—Reported value of living Stockon companies with an increase and decrease and

------+----------- Census ||Value |||Increase.acre .--------------------------------------+---------------+----------
-+---------- 1900 | $ 1.621.639 00 | $ 349.629 00 | 27.5 | $ 832 46 | $ 5 171890 | 1.272.010 00 | 172.110 00 | 15.6 | 699 68 | 4 311880 |1.099.900 00 |[#] 68.411 00 | [#] 5.9 | 597 45 | 3 681870 [##] | 1.168.311 00 |[#] 14.044 00 | [#] 1.2 | 943 71 | 4 231860 | 1.182.355 00 | 244.763 00 | 26.1 | 979 58 | 3 991850 | 937.592 00 |-|-| 746 49 | 3.18 --------+---------------+-------------+-----------+---------
-+----------- [##: values ​​in gold.]

[#: Val.]

Animals sold and gender.

The census and special agents protect reports on the amounts received from the sale of living animals in 1899, and of the value of animals that are slaughtered.For the purchased animals.

Table II.—Receipts of the sale of living animals and the value of animals that were slaughtered on farms in 1899, with an average and number of reporting from the farms.

Farms report cattle 1,911 of the sale $ 392,852 00 average amounts per sale per farm 205 57value of animals slaughtered 109,618 00 average value of the slaughtered animal per farm 57 36

Nice cattle.

The total number of neat cattle in the Loudoun Countyre 1 June 1900 was 30,277, of which 29,432 or 97.2 percent on farms and 845 or 2.8 percent in charger and inclusions elsewhere.

Fauquier, with 34,098, led all provinces in the number of neat cattle, Loudoun ranking in second place, with 30,277. In the number of dairy cows, the Loudoun led the list for Virginia struggled with 8,563 or 665 more than the nearest competitor, Augusta County.

Of Calves reported Augusta 5,476; Washington, 4,177 andLoud, 4.090.

Tabel iii.-Number of heifers and Cowson Farms, 1 June 1900, with percentages.

Kvier 1 and younger than 2 years 1,917
Dairy cows 2 years and more than 7,882
Other cows 2 years and more than 588
A total of 10,387
Kvier 18.5
Dairy cows 75.9
Other cows 5.6

Dairy products.

Table IV.—Lallon Milk produced Nakarms in 1899, and sold Gallons and estimate Gallonconsumed on the farm for specified purposes.

Produced 3,736,382
SOLD 875.780
Applied in the production of -
Butter 2,198.542
Cream sold 181,566
Consumed on farms:
A total of 2,380.108
Per.Boerderij reports Milk 1,321
Used not reported 480.494

The reported amount of butter produced on Farmsin 1899 was 628,155 pounds, with an average report of £ 349 and an increase in production of 12.4 percent in 1889. 330,785 pounds was sold in 1899.

The four provinces in Virginia, which produced the largest amount of butter on farms, were in that order, Bedford, 727,680 pounds;Loud, 628.155.


Of the 26,187 neat cattle that were 1 year old and over in Loudounjune 1, 1900, 14,597 or 55.7 percent, were checked. Of this number, a few only worked only Oss when the majority of the majority were held alone for beef.

Horses, mules, etc.

The number of horses reported on Loudoun Farms I1900 included 797 Colts under 1 year;From 10,286 Horsehy 93 percent was on farms and 7 percent in barns and inclusion city.

Only two provinces of Virginia,They took., Augustaan ​​Rockingham, reported more horses than Loudoun, and the last province led everything in the number of Colts.

The total number of mules of all ages in County in 1900 was 109.

Sheep, goats and pigs.

Reported in Loudoun on June 1, 1900, 31,092sheep, of which 15,319 were lamb under a year, 15,040 received a year and older and 733 rams and Wetherson and older and older.

Loudoun led the list of Virginia's comments in the number of lambs younger than a year and was in second place in the number of sheep that became a year and older.

The total number of goats of all ages in Loudoun in 1 June 1900 was 20.

The total number of pigs of all ages on 1 June 1900 was 17,351, of which 15,554 or 89.6 percent, Varon Holdings and 1,797 or 10.4 percent, in Charger and Incloses elsewhere.


Tazewell led the list of Virginia wrestings in 1900 in both the number and weight of fleeces cut off and was followed by Loudoun with a total of 15,893 fleeces, weighs, unwashed, 87.410 pounds.1880.

Poultry and bees.

The total value of all the poultry that was raised in 1899 on Loudounfarms was $ 114.313, an average value per day. Farmof $ 58.68.

The number of chickens of three months old and older, including Guinea chickens, on farms in Loudoun County on June 1, 1900, was 132,627;turkeys, 7,218;

The total value of all available poultry, including the value of all non -reported young chickens, as well as the older chicken, was $ 58,276, on average $ 29.92 per day. Reporting the farm.

Shenandoah was Banner County Virginia in the production of eggs and reported 1,159,000 tens;LoudThird, with 771,780 dozens, the fourth highest competitor, Augusta County, misses 60,580 dozens of the last ball.

Third third parties ranked from the Virginia wrestings at the last census Loudoun in the number of chickens on farms, the third finch size of turkeons, third in the value of poultry products in 1899 and second in the value of poultry available on 1 June 1900.

The province was in the province on 1 June 1900, 2,225 swords bees, with a value of $ 6,428.The same year produced 24,970 pounds of honey and was 1,110 pounds.

Earth products.

The total and average values ​​for the Loudoun farm products from 1899 are set with percentages on the following table:

Value of products:
Fat for pets $ 1,018,434 00
Not fed to live live 1,817,414 00

Total $ 2,835,848 00
Percentage not fed for the value of agricultural property 16.4
Average value per farm:
Fat to cattle 523 00
Not fed to cattle 933 00

A total of $ 1,456 00
Average value per ACRE:
Products fed $ 3 24
Products that are not fed with 5 79
Average value peracre improved soil:
Products fed $ 4 04
Products not fed 7 22

Corn and wheat.

Of the 100 provinces in Virginia, Loudoun was in third place in Cornreal in 1899, reported 46,248 hectares, and in the same year the list in the production of corn led with 1,538.860 Bushels, a surplus of 350,830 bushels over his nearest competitor, Fauquier, FauquierCounty, that had planted in corn 981 more hectares.

Loudoun ranked third place in the wheat area in 1899, as a result of the management in the area and in production. The following three provinces in the order of production were Rockingham, Shenandoah andLoud, the product of the latter was 447,660 bushels. The same order prevailed in 1890.

Oat, rye and buckwheat.

The area reported under Haver in 1900 was 765 hectares and the product 13,070 bushels.

The reported area under Rogge in 1900 was 597 hectares and the proceeds 5,560 bushels.

In 1899, Loudoun reported only two hectares of buckwheat subcultivation in 1899 against 232 hectares in 1879. The proceeds in the last census was only 12 bushels, and in 1879 2,338 Bushels were.

Hay and feed washed.

The total area of ​​Klaver in 1899 was 1,555 hectares and the proceeds 1,598 tons.Loudoun reported only 2acres planted in Alfalfa or Lucern and a similar number of tons.Twelve thousand four hundred and ninety -five -Five -Five -FiveaCres were planted in other tame and grown in 1899 and a product of 1,503 tons.

The reported area in feed crops in 1899 was 867 and the product 2,473 tons.Ripe for the grain was 21,614 tons.

Various crops, etc.

Four hundred and five hectares planted in various nonsense in 1900 produced 33,312 bushels.

Seven hundred twenty hectares were set aside Tomissellane vegetables (excluding Irish and sweet potatoes and onions), and the product worth $ 41,136.

Of the 11 hectares reserved for Sorghum sugar cane, 7 tons sold and 789 liters produced syrup.

The number of square meters of land under glass that was used for agricultural purposes on 1 June 1900 was 48,310.

Orchard fruit, etc.

The reported value of the orchard products of 1899 was $ 51,363.

The following table shows the number of each class of orchards of age, 1 June 1900, with bushels -products:

-|Numbers |Numbers ------+------------------- Apple |83,027 |195,406peach and nectarine |22,446 |3,900 Pear 534 Apricot |117 |30 Non-classified orchard Fruts |42 |20 ---------------------------------------------------Re>

In 1899 the farms in Loudoun produced 2,304 barrels of cider, 388 barrels of vinegar and 13,530 pounds dried and evaporated fruit.

Klein fruit, etc.

The total value of small fruit was $ 3,574, the number of hectares under cultivation 40 and the product 62,280 quartz.

In Loudoun on 1 June 1900, 9,742 Vinrapevines was of the fireplace.

The number of Pechanical, Persian or English walnut and other emergency trees in the reported age was 35.

Flowers, ornamental plants, etc.

The total area reserved for flowers and decorative plants for commercial purposes in 1899 was eight hectares, the sale of sales from $ 15,400 and square foot glass surface reported by the 53,300 of Florist.In the area for glass surface.

The total area reserved for kindergarten products in 1899 was 10-1/4 hectares and the amount of sales from there $ 2,225.

Agricultural work and fertilizer.


The scarcity of effective work is one of the most problems that the farmers in this province have to deal with.

Some farmers employ men in the month and pay from $ 15 to $ 18 and border, but at a distance from the population's centers, this passing work is difficult to protect, and even smart wages can sometimes be sufficient delivery and are attracting.Family is allowed to live on the farm and he is paid on the day of the work he requires, with the usual 75 cents or $ 1, with the possibility to work for an important part of the year.Small rent for his house, but has allowed a piece of land -free for a garden. Where the farms are small, most of the work is done by the farmer and his family, and the thesis situation is less difficult;But with the big performance it is often impossible to guarantee enough work, especially during the harvest.

The total and average labor costs on Farmsin 1899, including the value of the delivered council, were $ 292,150, an average of $ 149.97 per year.boerderij and 93 -cent pr.acre.


Commercial fertilizers are generally frequently used.Five or thirty bushels for ACRE.The railways, but a little lime is used on the difficulty of transport.

The total amount used for fertilizer in 1900 was $ 107,490, an average of $ 55.18 per year. Farm and 34Center Peracre and made up 3.8 percent of the thetotal value of the products.

Education and religion.


Little of the early settlers in Loudoun enjoyed education than a few months of participating primary schools when they previously existed in Virginia for the revolution.Sufficient knowledge about arithmetic for ordinary matters.All new settlements, which are common to be done to be trained.

From the real effectiveness of the colonial schools in Loudoun, only a little can be learned. If they could read, write and chifers to "Singlerule of Three", their educational qualifications were considered sufficient.The neighborhood of a subscription with a subscription, the schools form themselves and provide the couple necessary books.per. investigation of the month and lower when the schoolmaster 'Reason'.

Few schools were taught by women during the colonial period and female teachers were still rare to a relatively recent period.

The wages for regularly appointed supervisors varied according to the nature of the schools and the ability of the district to accommodate the costs.

After the revolution, with increasing prosperity, there was a spirit of general improvement and a new interest in the cause of education.

The current educational situation in Loudoun is hopeful that public lessons are now popular with all classes. Intelligence is more generally distributed than in a common period in the history of the county, and has inappropriate, progress with moral upbringing has all the intellectualCulture. Our boys and girls have been raised in a home atmosphere of purity, of active thinking and intelligent cultivation; all their forces are strongly stimulated by local and rheumatic prosperity and unlimited freedom in the all -high strive.

With the improvement of the school system, Comea has a better style with school houses."Littlered School-House on the Hill" has provided Placeto-Builds of tasteful architecture, with modern cases that are conducive to the comfort and health of teachers, and the refining effects of the neat environment begins to be understood.Separating chools are maintained for colored students and classification schools that are maintained in densely populated places.

Talented teachers inaugurated with free schools for their aforementioned and honest instruction courses;with a popular thing about the costs of educational purposes and a collaboration between parents and teachers;, assured friends of education in Loudoun Maylabor that the new century will give an abundant reunion for the work that is so beautifully advanced in the old.

Total receipts of school financing for the year ending on July 31, 1908.(From the Superintendent or Schools Division.)

From state funds $ 13,968 92 "County School Tax 12,355 38" District School Tax 14,640 82 "All other sources 322 30" Balance available 1 August 1907 6,644 60
Total $ 47,931 97
Total expenditure42.78858
Balance available August 1, 1908$ 5.14339

Schoolback, number of schools, registration and participation in races and districts, 1906-1907.(From the State of Superintendent of Schools.)

--------+------- |School |Number | Schools are open. |Registered.districts.+------+--------+------+---------+-------+------------- +Total. | White. | colored. | white. | colored+------+------+--------+-----+----
----+------ Wide Run |748 |228 |4 |538 |107 |465 Lovettsville |614 Van Leesburg |255 |130 |6 |36 -----+--------+-------+---------+-------+-----------+ ----- Total | 3,940 |1,690 |93 | 2,996 |1,087 | 4.083 -------------------------+-----------------+---------++ ------+----


With its faith, its sacraments and, apart from its service, the church was an integral part of the exercise of the county from the start and continuous organization of all orcases and owners of the former religion.embodied was usually benign and salutaria., influence on the deadly sourdough of secularity.

* * * * * *

All leading church communities are represented in Loudounby Churches and municipalities insofar as shown with the following table of statistics that represent conditions they existed at the end of the Calendaryear 1906, and based on the return of individual church organizations, received by CensususSOffice, via theAgency that they were obtained for publication in this work.

=+=========== | Communici |Numberor members. Organizations. | ------------ || Total number || reported .-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ ---
--------- All Church Society |Baptistlegemer: || Baptists- || Southern Baptist Convention |11 |1,199 National Baptist Convention || (colored) |15 |1,235 Free Baptists |Friends: ||Society of Friends (Ortodokse) | 2 | 122 Religieuze Society of Friends ||(Hicksite) | 3 | 278Lutheran bodies: || General Synod of the Evangelical || Lutheran Church in United || States of America |4 |Methodist bodies: [17] ||Methodist Episcopal Church | 19 | 1.179Methodist Episcopal Church (SYD) | 21 | 1.716 Farvede Metodistiske Episcopal Church | 1 | 45Presbyterian bodies: ||Presbyterian Church in United ||Staten (std) | 4 | 345Protestant Bishop| 7 | 416Reformed bodies: ||Reformed Church in de VS |Roman Catholic Church| 1 | 60 -------------------------------------------------++--------------+---

[Footnote 17: Leesburg had one of the oldest methods of methods in America up to a year of Soago, when it was destroyed.Methodist cemetery, which is more than a century Tombstone. According to the report it was built in 1780.

Leesburg is the oldest methodistic territory at the bottom of the Baltimore conference in Virginia, and it was here that the first Methodist Conference held the State on May 19, 1778.]]



In 1742, Prince William County, part of the overwhelming Culpher supplement, was shared and the Provincial FairfaxCreat and mentioned in honor of the owner of the entitled Owner. Comment in Samban, Bull Run, to his Ultimateource in the mountain of the name from which Pointit to theTop of the aforementioned mountain remained and a direct course followed to the transit road in Blue Ridge, known as "Ashby's Hole".

Fairfax was shared in 1757 and the Territorium Weflet his changed border called "Loudouncounty".Border of Prince William County.This border was then and the current line between Loudoun and Fairfaxsubstititu (see "Boundaries", page 17).

The following are excerpts from the procedure of the Virginia House of Burgesses, which led to the establishment of Loudoun County in May 1757. The law that authorized the division of Fairfax and the establishment of Loudunnis, which was given intact:

On April 20, 1757 a 'petition from various residents ofFairfaxCounty, who prayed part of the aforementioned province, was presented to the house and reads and referred to the consideration of the next meeting. "
Friday, April 22, 1757, "Mr.Charles CarterThe Commission and complaints reported that the Commission, under their well -to -do proposal, had referred from them and Hadtome to various decisions, which he read in place and then delivered to the table, the same was re -readTwice.
"DissolvedThat the petition of the various back of the aforementioned country ofFairfax, which asks the same thing, can be subdivided into two different provinces, with a line from the mouth on the main branch ofErg-Runto Head of it and from there through a Strerereightline to the mouth ofRocky-Run, is reasonable. "

The following Monday, the bill was again presented to the parliament by Charles Carter of the Commission for Proposals and Complaints, and on Friday 29 April 29 April, was admitted and read a third time.

On Monday, May 2, 1757, the bill entitled "A law to share Fairfax County" read a third time, taken over by parliament and sent to the council for their "unit". It received the consent of the consent governor on Wednesday 8 June 1757.

An action to share the County Fairfax.(Passed on May 2,

I. It points out that many disadvantages participate in the higher residents of the County Fairfax, due to the large size of the aforementioned province and their remote situation from the courthouse, and the aforementioned inhabitants have arranged this provisional general meeting that the county of the county ofthe county of the county of the aforementioned province of Canbedded: therefore, whether it is now adopted by the Governor, Council and Burgess of this current general meeting, and here it is the authority of the same that of and from July 1 of July next following followingLater district Fairfax is divided into two provinces, that is, the whole part of it, lying ashamed of the difference in the Patowmack River, and by a line that must be a straight track, to the mouth of Rockyrun from the head of Samierun, a straight trackRidden, must be a separate county and be called and known as Loudoun: and everything that is during the mentioned race and course must be another separate county and keep the name Fairfax.
Ii.And for the correct legal administration in the aforementioned county of Loudoun, the same must take place: albeit to be granted by the aforementioned authority that a court is constantly held after the first day of July by the judges of this, Tuesday of each month, in Sucharner, such asAccording to the laws of this colony, are provided and must belong to their committee.
III.Always always that there is no nomething, it must be built to become the sheriff or the calf in the offarfax controversy in Higgly The inhabitants of the county of LoudSounat will take place the time;But such a sheriff collector must have the same power to collect collector for such a quota and costs, and must be responsible in the same way as it is done, everyone praises, use or adapted to its opposite in any way.
Iv.And it is further adopted by the above authority that the Fairfax County Court must have jurisdiction of all actions and lawsuits, both in the law and in equity, which must depend at the time the division stated;Mayty and determine all such actions and lawsuits and issuing process and allocation implementation in such an action or lawsuit in the same way as if this ACTHAD was never made, a law, use or habit of contradicting someone.
V. and albeit further adopted by the aforementioned the aforementioned that of every one hundred pound tobacco paid when printing accumulated rent, secretary, clerk, sheriff, surveyor or other officers reimbursem*nts and surtable for a larger or smaller amount the following reductionsare done to the payer, that is: for tobacco owed in the County Fairfax Ti Poundsof Tobacco, and for tobacco that appears in County of Loudoun Twenty Pound Tobacco;The main component of the tobacco, and to have told fraud in the customs of his Majesty, forbids everything within its wallet, must and can be canceled and Madvoid.

Distraction of name.

Loudoun County was appointed in honor of Lord Loudoun, a representative pear of Scotland, who was appointed the year before the foundation and under the French and Indianwar as Captain General and Governor of Virginia and commander of the British forces in the Colonies.

However, his military covers prevented him from doing this on the tasks of the Gubernatorial Office, and it is believed that he never visited the Virginia colony., Indecision and general inefficiency were the most striking and not -Disastrous.franklin said about him: “Heis as little st.george on the signs;Always through the horse but never ahead. "

To his early withdrawal to England, contemporary writers and brother officers ruthlessly critical, "if a child could surpass or scary with a pop gun."

Hardesty's historical and geographical encyclopedia Capacontains the following concise report of the audience noted that Scotchman made up:

"John Campbell, son of Hugh, Earlof Loudoun, was born in 1705 and succeeded his father in the title of November 1731. Injoly, 1756, arrived in New York with the appointment of Governor-I chief of Virginia and also Theecum.by Norborne Berkeley, Baronde Botetourt, as governor of Virginia, in 1768. ”

Arrangement and staff.

The permanent settlement of Loudoun began between the years 1725 and 1730, while the province was still except for Prince William and the building on Lord Fairfax, immigrants who secured the Nitti-Nitti-Nitti-year-old rental contracts in the countryside at a speed of two Shillings SterlingingPer100 hectare saw a steady influx of the fine old English cavalis [18] Stock, where the settlers occupy large countries in the outer and southern parts of the county or most of the territory of Potomac Riversouthward to Middleburg and of Catoctin Andbull Rijd Bergento the east to the eastern border of the county.

[Footnote 18: This stock was the first to introduce and promoted slavery in the province.The story of Loudoun Rangers.]

John Esten Cooke's faithful and eloquent definition of the character of Virginia is particularly useful to Cavalier element in the Loudoun Society.Someconception of the beautiful style and knowledge of his subject of the author can be obtained from the following passage:

"The virgins in the present are ingrained in its character of cordial instincts and the spirit of courtesy and hospitality, which marked his ancestors. He has the English prejudice for the life of the country in the life of the city; is more at home between green fieldsand rural areas in streets, cattle, sport with fox hunting, the community of old neighbors, political discussions, traditions of this or the local celebrity and so far and even more limited remedies.Many of these provinces are laughed at, and after all, it is good to love someone's native earth and to cherish the home traditions that give a race to a uniformity withAll the remains of the world and that they generally have saved the characteristics that characterized their ancestors. "

The northwestern part of the Graafschap, known as "German settlement", [19] mainly from Pennsylvania, but a few from NewYork, where two colonies they had established on their arrival, just a few years earlier, from Palatin State of Germany.Came to Loudoun Boweweenthe in 1730 and 1735, [20] about the time of Thecavalier -Settlements.

These German settlers were a patient, divine people, naturally robust and very persistent in the description of their language, religion, customs living.authority.

[Footnote 19: The first sheep were brought to the country by these settlers.The story of Loudoun Rangers.]

[Footnote 20: 1732 was probably the year in which the earliest of these German settlers arrived in Loudoun.]

The earliest of these German arrivals, with indigenous transit and a correct appreciation for the dangers of border development on the day of bloody atrocities, came to Loudoun in an organized body that embraced the sixties or more families.

Many of the men were craftsmen without average power and used to their respective transactions as conscientious and diligent as others, in the rude way to tackle their recently acquired hectare.

In this way a sympathetic, stable and self -supporting colony was set up, based on considerations of general safety and financial economic suitability, under the estimated hills in the Virginia border.

Almost at the same time as these settlements, emigrants from Pennsylvania and the then neighboring colonies came, including many members of the Society Expenses of Quakers. [21]Not any of these beliefs, the Camdate director of England and Ireland, attracted to the ingenious climate, fertile soils and abundant harvest, defeats that had received a broad spread of circulation early. They chose houses in the central part of the county, tenSouthwest of Waterford and West Ladessburg, generally known as "Quakersettlement".

Every summer they brought them new accessions of prosperity and pious brothers to swell their number;And soon they had the desert bloom like Rose. They found freedom of religious and moral thinking, a moderate climate and the healthy society that they have landscapes in the countryside.

Then, like now, an ordinary, serious people, they have left the emperor of their character - economical, diligent and eye -jumping honest - to the entire surrounding district.

[Footnote 21: The term quaker, originally given in -brackets, was used as often by friend as an enemy that it is no longer a spotting, but the generally accepted term is a member of the Society of Friends.Loudoun Rangers.]

It is believed that no coordinated violence is offered by the Indians who seem to have accredited them with the same qualities of honesty, virtue and bone, by the exercise of which William Penn, the founder of the belief in Pennsylvania, had their charging faith andesteem won.

Quaker is a type that is known for the whole world and does not need a special representation in this work. Quakers or Loudoun has remained loyal supporters of the Creed at all times, their peculiar nature, ways and principles that separate colonies, no matter how implanted.

It is doubtful whether a race has done more to stimulate and immediately stimulate real progress and to develop the fixed resources of Loudoun than the part of our former population known as Scotch-Irish.and improvement in the colonial era;

Early habits, customs and clothing.


The earliest permanent settlements in Loudoun, which were subject to separately in the previous section, will now be tried in the previous section, general description of habits, habits and dresses of these settlers, as well as their unorganized pioneer predecessors.

The early settlers, with only one class -exception, had no expensive taste to satisfy, no expensive habit and spoiled and nor possessed or cared for for luxury. Thir ex existence, as they need, costs that were for the costs of both bothtimes or work. Cattle and pigs found enough food in wide grasslands, which in the summer gave the grass and forest, where the land in the fall was stranded in the fall with acorns and other similar yields.

The pioneer lived approximately;The German from the Palatin house as the true farmer he was; but in almost all cases the table was added generously.

Ice was not stored for the use of summer, fruit were few and no choices, and the vegetables limited;At that time, our ancestors have no acquaintance with tomato, cauliflower, eggplant, red pepper, okra and certain other frequent vegetables today.Indianshad School those who grew in the preparation of the sucotashwith beans between corn and raised melons, pumpkin and pumpkin in abundance.

Corn for bread was broken in a mortar and painted in a vessel or hand tubes.In the early days, mills were few and far apart, some of the back-setlers that were forced to raise many kilometers for their schedules. This situation arose in the statements "Firstcom First Serve" and often transported the arrivals' sNight and sometimes the journey extends to obtain a few bushel -meal three Orfour days., it was taken into use to comply with Greater's demand. The construction of a good mill, it must be granted, was praised with more satisfaction than the deneration of a church.

The more primitive of these people ate from wodtrechers and plates;Rifles.de had no money and their bad furniture was essentially raw, sometimes including a few pitter dishes and plates and spoons, but usually nothing beyond wooden bowls, trenchers and noggins, with kale basses and squash that softened. The trough of the horse served asA wash and water buckets were rarely seen.The desert had conquered that, which was not contemptuous when the evening came, to sleep on a dirty floor with a bear skin to cover.

With muscles of iron and heart hearts, they unite the tenderness of the weak and a capacity of self-assured of an ideal knight of chivalry;Integrity that took into account unfairness as a violation as despicable Ascoward.Unhearded.I moral gifts - although they were not mental performance - were these robust pioneers from Loudoun, it must be admitted, enormously superiorto many of those who followed them when better facilities for transport made the county more accessible.

The society before and many years after the revolution was easy, pleasant and somewhat refined. The ties in social life were accurately drawn.in social visits;The parties and dinners were common. "Nowadays, games were more common with respectable people."


From leisure time, all classes had an overall at all times and it became cheerful for mutual help without thinking of compensation, except in nature. If someone fell after illness or other accident, his neighbors would happily deliver their services, often the productionFrom the apartment a seed and mingling lab with entertainment.

On days that were dedicated to the drawing of flax and wheat, the neighbors and their children gathered in Happymood and thus brought themselves to their satisfactory tasks.party. The rough table, which then and the bundle boards were often used for a carriage. Visitors contributed from their skinny store as such dishes, knives, forks and spoons on the board, sitting on benches, crutches or chairs with spalThe company participated in Proneelen who held up.In addition, this has never passed failing corn bread and bacon, from bear and deer meat, turkey or other competitions and an abundance of vegetables, which they called "roughness".-Cake ", was baked travel or" Jonny "shelves, about twelfth long and eight centimeters wide. Against the flames.

No matter how strict it can be kept from other times, a harvest without whiskey was like a dance without a FELE.distributed as purely inactive superfluous.

The dinner over, the company spread, the elderly withdraw into a body and seats or extend to the ground.

After filling and relieving the inevitable pipe, the conversation would be general., Weretold;Hairbreadth escapes from the Indian massacre told and the fights of Late Wars, which in turn fought under the spreading branches of the trees.

Another entertainment nowadays, and someone who did not get into dissatisfaction for many years was what became known as "shucking beer". These meetings were invited both old and young.Parties by selecting from the present company that goes to each in rotation.

Soups always followed this exciting competition, and after soups the dance. Normally speaking, violin was the only music and the most for the advantage was the role and Jig, all of whom participated in a shell and had unknown to the modern ballroom., "Some on foot and some on horseback, practically the only means to get there.

"Terrible forfeiture" "does not describe that prescribing drinking habits of the population of Virginiain the second half of the eighteenth century. They devoured an enormous amount of spirits compared to their number and drunk allhours of the day and night. The people, peopleBecause the people, because the people, because people, because the people, were bought by Puncheon.and Sherry and Madeira wines, French fires, delicate Holland Gins, Cordials, Syropes and all kinds of Ale and Beer, which was customary for a comment, and drinking after and at parties were always cool, long -term andIndicated, so nobody except the most spicy old buyers judges, squires and parsons of six-floth capacity Vandens have escaped their sea-Leegsi an insurance state.

While a large part of the house seekers who had settled in the Graafschap immediately after Revolutionhad had received a rudimentary training and had lived communities, which may have been said that was only used to the roads of the border and the camp.were more lightweight under the UrtheBivouac than in the "living room" of Thelog -Cabin, and a Woodman's EACs jumped between the tall trees in the original forest was a chase from father who was more accompanied to their rough nature and active temperature than to interfereThe society in setting communities.

Education during the early settlements received the attention of the store in Loudoun, and school houses that were always of tribes were hardly visible.

Although the standard of morality, was almost social, was of a high order, there were little of these settlers who were members of a church.The Sabbath as Aday of worship and was impressed early on a sense of the need for religious faith and practice. From time to time from the prominent citizens, these views encouraged meetings in their huts, where the writings and sometimessermon responsibility sang and sang hymns, but no prayers were offered. Meaning and forming the influence of these early Christian efforts on habits and morality for people were healthy and useful in every respect. The attention of the people was arrested and turnedUntil the study and the study of moral and religious questions and direction was given to the consideration of higher thoughts and the persecution of a better life.

In the meantime, other elements were introduced, which seemed like a radical change in the customs of people for both good and evil.City or even someone who had so many ASA thousand inhabitants.Related to education and global wisdom that comes from experience with older communities.Some of them had come from the sea and others from the big American cities and entail the most modest resident.

And therefore the methods were gradually introduced and used a more advanced civilization.Teepioneer and his wife who heard about these things would like to "go to the city" to see "sights" and discover that there were many useful and useful articles for the Farmer's Kitchen that may have been obtained in exchange for their corn, bacon, eggs, eggs, honey and hidden;And although the wise grocer was careful to accurate his center center, they asked the prices a bit about the grocer that was just as not aware of the value of the offered when he was happy with their novel and apparently usability.


The subject of clothing is approaching with cautious and its description terribly essayed. The Stashal, ceremonial sexual intercourse of the sexes, the rigid and detailed corridor of Loudoun men and female colonial and post-revolutionary times is tracing allleal exclusively for costumes of that period.from paste turban, because their jewelry stomach and tight deer held their bodies so tightly, a screw would be inferior if their shoes with high heels were made of wood, and their paths of Taft, often for up to fifteen meters long and great feathered main dressesTo turn them as slowly as the peaco*cks were?

Children were discussed in stay and were allowed to wear Chinupports, holes and pillows to give them the graceful carriers needed to wear all this weight of stiff and detailed costume, all of which was in the game with the character of the assemblies and other overallentertainment, the card games - Bassed, Loo, Piquet and Whist - with the dance, the ceremonial public life in almost every class society, even the detailed funeral censermonies, and the sedulation that "of quality" of quality "believed that it has the management assymbolized in costume.

Bind-Wig, Bob-Wig, Bag-Wig, Night-Cap-Wig, Andriding-Wig was worn by the required Heer-Asincasion.Silver Gallon.When he went into terms of the church or court, he wore besides puddles sword, a gold or ivory sugar cane, at least five feet long, "low quarter" shoes with pasta or silver buckles. Hans, whatever the material was, tightstretched

About his calves and carefully blasted by the knee. If he drove, he wore boots instead of shoes and wore a large riding whip.With Goldor Silver Lace.Hans Jas, Van cloth or velvet, can be of any color, but was certainly detailed with being with flap bags and good hanging cuffs, below that men appeared red plush or blue canvas, according to his smart.The were made clear and assembled and tense by the knee.On the couch often had couplings of Scarlet, who came across Scarlet in the winter with a black velvet, and blacksilk dresses in the summer.

The important plants and burgs dressed well, but not so special about their wigs, which they probably have no more than one, continued to visit and Sabbath agriculture.Was almost unreachable and the practice of razor knobs fell as soon as the Desetude. Sum was the hat of wool or felt hamburs, with a low crown and wide edge, showing up and minced meat a white linen broth, fasting with a buckle at the back.His waist jacket, from the same things, expanded to the knees.Hewore shorts with brass or silver knee tips, red or blue districts and rather shocked, coarse leather hoes, tense over the quarter.And knew what two are in favor.

Mechanics, employees and servants had leather from leather and aprons, sagathy jackets, Osnaburg shirts and hairships, coarse shoes and camgum or jean stockings, knitted at home.

The women's dress in these classes was Shabbierstill, their costumes usually the short dresses and petticoats, also accurate Calico caps.From home -made Linsey.All their canvas was actually homemade.

The ladies of the quality, as it is intimidated, dressed extravagant, mug, the courage, bars and noticed as fashionable women have done from the most important start of things.

The pioneers who were universally dressed in the blouse of the Jachtdem, sometimes lined and decorated, and perhaps the most practical dress ever devised.Itfit was loosely open, the knees almost reached the knees and had large sleeves and a robe to protect the shoulders to protect the shoulders to protect the shoulders to protect the shoulders in bad weather. His belt, tied up or tense.His feet in moccasins;A Coon-Hud that capcplet the dress.

His wife was wearing a Linsey undressed, homemade and homemade and a short dress from Linsey or "Callimanco" when this material could reach."For more strict seasons. To end the Kercheval, the historian of the Shenandoahalley historian is quoted here:" The jackets and beds of the women, as well as the huntingunas in the Themenat while they respond to a diploma of paper hanging or tapestry hanging orTapestry Hanging or Tapestry hanging, they advertised to the stranger and the wealth or poverty of the neighbor in the family in the articles. "

* * * * * *

It is to hope that the Desultory Sketch that has been set up, despite convenience, will not be found uninteresting.

As a whole they were a generous, large -hearted, liberal people, and their mistakes were much less than their virtues.Yeomanry, in their own rude, Ru-and-Clarified Man, reflected the same kind of personal independence of character and pride sense of individuality as a tesocial aristocracy.

French and Indian war.

A bit can be taught by Loudoun's participation in the last major French and Indian war (1754-1763). It had three years before her admission to the sisterhood of Virginia Mats, and the things she must have done during this period, of course, of course,Of course, accredited to Fairfax, of which County they were part.The remaining six years of war, which is during the period, are imperfect and not -high -gray and would confuse the most experienced and persistent compiler.

The only deductions that have worked at all as remarkably presented:

The General Meeting in Virginia, April 14, 1757, approved a law when appointing a commiteto pays directly for officers and soldiers who were then the salary of the colony, "Rangers, who previously Fort in the land of Cherokee", for thePayment of the militias were "taken out for actual service, and also for facilities for the soldiers, rangers and militia ..."

In the following schedule, the names of Loudoun Payées and the amount that was received by each:

L s.d.aan captajn nicholas minor 1 00aeneas campbell, løjtnant 7 6francis wilks 1 17james Willock 1 15john Owsley and William Stephens, 15s.4john Thomas, to facilities 5john Moss, for Provisments 2 8william

A later act of the same body commissioners were authorized to "investigate, explore and regulate such wages, provisions, weapons,enz, "Of the six provinces from which they were appointed", and all overdue payments related to theme. "

The following list of Loudoun recepers, with the opposite quantities, is reproduced in the identical form where it was subsequently submitted:

L S.D. “1757.TO Robert Adams, recipient of Stephen Thatcher, Force Salary, 5 12 6do.guing by Thomas Bond, For Do., 4 10thomas Gore, to a gun gun, 4 10STHEN emory, to dress weapons for militia, 13jamesClemons, for a gun impressed, 4 101763. Captain Moss, for 60 days of salary on 6s .., 18lieutenant Gore, for Do.kl.3S., 6d., 10 10 ”


Colonial assemblies.-Genal assembly of 1758-'61, Francis Lightfoot Lee and Jameshamilton;General assembly of 1761-'65, Francislightfoot Lee and James Hamilton;Peyton and Jameshamilton (the latter left his chair during the session on May 21, 1770 to accept the office of Corons. He was followed by Josiah Clapham); general meeting of 1775-'76, Josiah Claphamand Francis Peyton.

State Conventions.

Below is a compendium of Virginia conventions with the names of the delegations that are returned by Loudouncounty.Represented by fifteen of its wise and most prominent citizens.

Convention of 1774.- With August 1774.

Convention on March 20, 1775.—Metal Richmond, Monday, March 20, 1775. Printed March 27, 1775. Loudoun Representatives: Francis Peyton and Josiah Clapham.

Convention of July 17, 1775.-Metar Richmond, July 17, 1775. Staggeraging 26 August 1775. Loudoun Deposits: Francis Peyton and Josiah Clapham.

Convention of December 1, 1775.—MeTar Richmond, 1. December 1775. Skrevet January, 1776. Loudoun Depsatants: Francis Peytonand Josiah Clapham.

Convention of 1776.- This conference in the city of Williamsburg, Monday, May 6, 1776, and "The first written constitution of a free state framed in the annals of the world." Printed July 5, 1776. Loudoun Deposits: Francis Peyton and Josiah Clapham.

Previous conventions could not set constitutional laws, but they instructed the colony of the colony, and to a certain extent the fate of her people.net as the Convention of 1776 they were revolutionary instead.

Convention of 1788.- This conference in the State House in the city of Richmond, 22 June 1788, to ratify or reject the Constitution, which was recommended on September 17, 1787 in Philadelphia to the States of the Federal Conventionis27. Juni 1788. Loodelegates: Stephen T. Mason Og Levin Powell.

Convention of 1829-'30.—Assembled In Richmond Den 5. Oktober 1829. Tenth District (Loudoun Og Fairfax) Delegater: James Monroe, Charles Fenton Mercer, William H. Fitzhugh OG Richard H. Henderson.

Convention of 1850-51.— With in Capitol in the city of Richmond, Monday, October 14, 1850. Printedis, 1.1851 augustus. District van Loudoun Delegates: Johnjanney, John A. Carter OG Robert J.T.Hvid.

Convention of 1861.—Am with February13, 1861. exposedis, December 6, 1861. Delegates from Loudoun: John Janney Ogjohn A. Carter.The Defender was elected president of the convention. Janey's resignation as president of the convention was offered on November 14, 1861.

Convention of 1864.- (Restored Government of Virginia.) Meeting on February 13, 1864.is, 11. April 1864. Loudoun Deputies: John J. Henshaw, James M. Downey Og E.R.Gover.

Convention of 1867-'68.—Metal Richmond, Tuesday, December 3, 1867. Light on April 17, 1868. Loudoun Department: Norborhakerkeley and George E. Gyps.

Convention of 1901-'02.—Metjune 12, 1901. exposedis, June26, 1902. Loudoun OG Fauquier District Districts -Departures: Henry Fairfax OG Albert Fletcher.

The revolution.

Loudoun's loyalty.

The story of the revolution and the causes that the big event led is treated correctly in a more general story than this claims to be., and that she and patriotism that she appeared during the revolution was equal to the provinces of her sisters, who had been implemented with this sketch with this sketch with this sketch with this sketch., and after once entering the revolution, she decided to endure the fight until the resource was exhausted.

Armed with flint-lock-MUSKETS FROM small drillings and with long barrels, which they loaded the use of Ramrod from the nasal cavity;Equipped with powder horns, loads made from sugar cane for load, spherical shape the home -bound of the blue music of FIFE and Drum Intobattle for freedom against the power and power of the motherland.

Loudoun County solutions.

In 1877 the following article appeared in a newspaper in Leesburg under the heading "Loudoun County a hundred years ago:"

"Major B. P. Nolan, grandson Burr Powell, simply brought us into possession of a verified copy of the procedure for a public meeting in Leesburg, Loudoun County, 14 June 1774, almost one hundred and Vijd years ago. It is interesting, not just because ofhis antiques, but also as the spirit of independence that started the breasts in our love, who were a member of the congress from this district, who died in 1776 years before the explanation of American addiction.1810. His son, Burr Powell, sent a copy to R. H. Lee, Esq., Who in 1826 published another edition of Hans' Memoirs in R. H. Lee in R. H. Lee, "Surf -Future Familiarity."

* * * * * *

The negotiations or decisions follow:

"Public meeting in Loudoun in 1774."

“During a meeting of free holders and other residents of the Loudoun-Mat of the Virginia colony, held at the Hof van Leesburg on June 14, 1774, F. Peyton, Esq., Esq., In the president, for a hugeEffective method to consider Save the rights and freedom of America and relieve our brothers in Boston, which suffers from the most oppressive and tyrannical act of the British parliament, made in the 14 years of his current regime of the Majesty, so that their trade,Their trade fully owned that is useless -
"Dissolved, That we will be raised to such powers that his majesty is entitled to practice, as a sovereign for British dominance and for no one else.

"Dissolved, That it is under the dignity of freedom
subjects to a treasure that is not imposed on them in the usual way,
From representatives of their own choice.

"Dissolved, That the British parliament mentioned above is contradictory of the fundamental law laws in punishing persons without ever the form of a trial; but a despotic effort of constitutional power -designed to slave free and loyal people.
"Dissolved, That the enforcement implementation of the aforementioned parliamentary act of a military power must have a necessary tendency to increase a civil war, and that with our lives and fortunes we can help and help our suffering brothers, Boston and every part of North America andSupport falls under the immediate oppression until a remedy of all our complaints must be acquired and our common freedoms that are located on a permanent basis.
"Dissolved, That the Eastindia Company by exporting their tea from England to America, while he is subject to a load on the British parliament, apparently designed to resolve the Americans as they are chainworthy by a venal ministery, making himself himselfUnclear and terrible does in Alllameric.Is therefore unanimous of this meeting not to buy tea order east -Indian item, whatever happens, imported after the first of this month.
"DissolvedThe fact that we will not have commercial sexual intercourse with Great Britain, the action of the above parliament must be completely abolished and the right to regulate internal policy in North America of a British parliament must be absolutely and positive.
"Decide that Thompson Masonand Francis Peyton, ESQS., It was appointed to represent the province during a general meeting at the atwilliamsburg the first time of August, to take the meaning of this colony as a whole about the previous decisions, and this together with thisTogether with Leven Powell, William Ellzey, John Thornton, George Johnston and Samuel Levi, or three of them, a selection that corresponds to the most important committees appointed for this purpose.

"Signed by--

'John Morton,
Thomas Ray,
Thomas Drake,
William Blurry,
Benj.isaac Humphrey,
Samuel Mills,
Joshua Singleton,
Jonathan Drake,
Matthew Rust,
Barney Sims,
John Sims,
Samuel Butler,
Thomas Chinn,
Lina Hanco*ck,
John McVicker,
Simon Triplett,

John Wildey,
Joseph Bayley,
Isaac Sanders,
John Williams,
William is found,
Richard Hanson,
John Dunker,
Thomas Williams,
James Nolan,
Samuel Peugh,
William Nornail,
Thomas Luttrell,
James Brair,
Poins Awsley,
John Kendrick,
Edward O'Neal,
Francis Triplett,
Joseph Combs,
John Peyton Harrison,
Robert Combs,
Stephen Combs,
Samuel Henderson,
Benjamin Overveld,
Adam Sangster,
Bazzell Roads,
James Graydey,
Thomas Awsley,
John Reardon,
Henry Awsley,
Edward Miller,
Richard Hirst,
James Davis,
Jasper Grant.”

Revolutionary committee.

The County Committee for Loudoun before 1774-'75 consisted of the following members:

Francis Peyton,
Josias Clapham,
Thomas Lewis,
Anthony Russell,
John Thomas,
George Johnston,
Thomas Shore,
Jacob Reed,
Life Powell,
William Smith,
Robert Jamison,
Hardage Lane,
John Lewis,
James Lane,
George Johnston,

The attached findings and a later committee illustrate the work on these revolutionary bodies.

“During a meeting of the committee in Loudoun County, which was held on
Leesburg Friday 26.Mei 1775 ....

“The committee, taking into account the behavior of the government with regard to the attempt, which, because of its explicit orders, was tagsetecretly from the Publick Magazine, which belongs to the colony, the night of the twentieth ult.
"Solved, none against the proverb, That his rule in these and other parts of his behavior that has recently occurred, not only lost confidence in good in this colony, but that he is rightly considered in America;When Hisverbal response to the address over this apartment in the city of Williamsburgh, Areuntilfilmtor, which can be deduced from the last suspicion that the representatives of the people are not competent judges at the place where weapons and ammunition are intended for the colony intendedFor the colony, the colony can be safely admitted to the hospital and that the inhabitants (unlike other topics) cannot be careful, are not careful with the means needed for their protection against uprising or even avoidance;among us, from seducing their colleagues questions from their duty and loyalty; we are insured ourselves, not actually based, and that, we believe, is interpreted by the duty of the duty under which every good man under, toHis weaker countrymen on the day of Publicktrial, the part they have to deal and explain about constitutional principles, the nature of their removal, whose strength we never want to be relaxed, but still perhaps subordinate considerations of superior consideration.
"The committee was informed of some of the officers who ordered the troops of this province who marched on the above occasion that the reason for their marching was no longer than Fredericksburgh that they had repeatedly received the honored Peyton Randolph, Esq.To return home, to ensure that the different citizens of Williamsburgh do not have the fear of danger, either in their characteristics of their persons, the only civil power we know about this great struggle for freedom, that of opinionare.

"Solved, none against the proverb, That below
circ*mstances that we approve of the aforementioned officers
And troops.

"Solved, none against the proverb, That we heart in the construction of our countrymen, Captain Patrick Henry and other Volute in Hanover County, who marched underhim, by reprisals on the ownership of the king for violation committed as the aforementioned who offered the minimum inventory, their personshave offered.Or goods, in this account, to pass unused with its equality.
"Solved, none against the proverb, That it is recommended to the representatives of this province, such as the declaration of this committee, that they do not in any way agree on the aforementioned retaliation as stated and returned.

"Ordered, That servant immediately puts a copy of
The previous resolution of the printers from Virginia and
Pennsylvania Gazettes must be published.

“After the committee's order.

'George Johnston,Clerk."

I Sessie and Loudun, 14. May 1776:

"Richard Morlan, who is convened to appear before this committee, to speak words unattended for the American freedoms, and to scare a minute man to return to his duty; and also the public declares that hethat would not collect, and if the fines were to resist the collection of the fine with his gun: the charges were brought to him and he heard in his defense, the committee thinks it is correct to publish the aforementioned Morlanupkeep as an enemy to the rights of an enemy and freedoms and have ordered that this resolution has been published in VirginiaGazette.

'Christopher Greenup,Clerk."


At the time of the revolution, Loudoun was one of the most densely populated provinces in the state. Lord Militia, according to the return of 1780 and 1781, counted 1,746, which number was well reported by another Virginia County.

It is likely that a pair of loudoun patriots served in the famous "Company of Virgina Riflemen" by Captain Daniel Morgan, described by a line officer of the Continental Army: "The Areran -Mable shocks and hardy men; many of them exceed them high meter highIn Whitefrocks and round hats, the sperm are remarkable for the accuracy of a diameter of seven -in -the -house British officers and soldiers who expose them even more than twice the distance to the normal shot.

The Germans from Loudoun were intensely loyal to freedom of freedom, many serve in the Legion of Armand, recruited by the authority of the congress in the summer of 1777 and composed of men who could not speak English.

Quaker Non-participation.

During the period prior to the revolution, important officers had received the friends or quakers from Loudoun and they exerted a decided influence in the government's government.But also complete the taxes on them, as with all other citizens, for the detention of the War of Independence.

This non -compliance with the military laws of the state of conscientious motives brought them into difficulties as seen in the attached fragment of KerchevalThe story of the Shenandoah -Dalen:

“At the start of the war, attempts were made to force them to wear weapons and to serve in the militia;But it soon became Fondunaviving.Tvang or Commer was therefore abandoned and the legislator has adopted a law to charge a tax on their property to hire compensation to perform militia in their place.Public requirements;And before the war was over, many of them were reduced to great need under their financial circ*mstances.
“This sale of Quakers's Property offered great opportunities to design individuals to make profitable speculation. They continued to refuse to pay taxes a few years after the war, making it illegal to contribute to our citizens who have their public claimsPay with more punctuality (except their pattern fines that they have to pay). "

The revolutionary hero of Loudoun.

John Champhe, De Lange and Saturn-Sergeant-Majorof Lee's famous Legion, was a resident of Loudoun County. This dangerous adventure was completed in third place to catch the traitor Arnold, except the unfortunate others and established the general general gateswere accused of condensation in the unfair intrigues of Arnold. His research ensured the complete confirmation of Gates;But in the absence of his other attempts, he drove the red coats to North Carolina, where he left their ranks and went with the American troops under the Genereric Greene.

This officer gave him a good horse and money for his journey and sent him to General Washington. The commander -in -chief "expected the wish of Munificlytet from the sergeant and presented him a pressure of extra service, so he didn't, in income, as he would, if recognized, certainly die on ONA Gibbet.Leesburg has repaired.

After years, when General Washington was called city chairman Adams, organized as the army order to defend the country against French hostility, he asked Champhe with the promised goal of placing heaven the leader of a company of infantry., by what the investigation was conducted, Courier sent to Loudoun County in search of Champhe. There he heard that the unfair soldier and daring adventures had moved to Kentucky, where he quickly died.

Some interesting anecdotes about Champhe are related to a part of the Captain Cameron private journal in the British United Service Journal.Champe received his company, part of Arnold's British Legion, on his arrival in New York.

Army recommendations.

The following list of Milit officers was "recommended by the judge of Mr. van County Court Fortoudoun County, Virginia, to the government of agreements from March 1778 to December 1782:"

[22] "Maart, 1778: James Whaley, Jr., andere luitenant; William Carnan, Ensign; Daniel Lewis, andere luitenant; Josias Milesand Thomas King, luitenant; Hugh Douglass, Ensign; Isaac Vandvants, Lieutenant; John Dodd, Ensign. Mei 1778: George Summers en Charles G.Skridge, kolonel; Miller, Samuel Butcher, Joshua Botts, John Williams, George Tyler, Nathaniel Adams en George Mason, Luitenant; John: John: John: John: John: John: John: John: John: John: John: John: John: Debell, Lieutenant en Williamhutchison, Ensign.1779, 11 oktober: Francisrussell, Captain.1779, 8 november: JamescleVeland, Kapitein; Thomas Millan, Ensign.1780, 14 februari: Thomas Williams, Ensign.1780, maart: John Benham, Ensign.1780, juni: Wethersmith en William Debell, andere luitenant; , Ensigns; Charles Bennett, Captain.1780, november: James Coleman, Esq., Kolonel;George West, kolonel; James Mcllhaney, major.1781, februari: Simon Triplet, kolonel;John Alexander, kolonel; Jacob Reed, majoor; John Linton, kapitein; William Debell Ogjoel White, luitenant;Thomas Shores, kapitein; John Tayler en Thomasbeaty, luitenant; John McClain, Ensign.John Jones, Jr., Ensign;John Binns, eerste luitenant; Thomas King, luitenant; Williamt.mason, Ensign; Gustavus Elgin, kapitein; Johnlittleton, Ensign.1782, januari: William McClellan, kapitein. Augustus: Enoch Thomas, kapitein; Samelsmith, luitenant;Charles Tyler en David Beaty, Ensigns.1782, december: Thomas King, kapitein; Williammason, eerste luitenant en Silas Gilbert, Ensign."

[Footnote 22: Summary of the judicial order book., Page 517-522.]

Court decisions and reimbursem*nts.

Necessary families of the revolutionary soldiers of Loudounwers with the necessities of life as later orders:

“1778, November 9: John Alexander to give Elizabeth
Welch, her husband is in the army.

“1778, November 15: Georgeemrey to provide the baby to Jacob Rhodes, in the continental army.Williamdouglass to give Mary Rhodes where her husband is in the army.

“1778, 14. December: Leven Powell tot Give Andrew Laswell.

“1779, February 8: Samuel Triplet to give wife to Hugh
Henderson.josias Clapham for furniture Ann Phillips.

“1779, March 8: Farling Ball to give the widow
Joseph Celer Og de Wown AF William Eaton.William
Stanhope for furnished Barton.

"1779, April: John Lewis, Ghent, to give Shadrack Reader's wife.For 500 pounds for 500 pounds to be placed in the hands of Johnlewis, Ghent, to deliver the needs of life for those who have men or children in the continental arm.

“1779, May: Farling Ball to give Edward McGinnis and
William means.john Alexander to deliver Ann Bartan.
(William Stanhope Tofurnish Ann Barton, Juli 1779.)

“1779, August: Robert Jamison to provide Conard Shanks,
When the son is in the army.Jonathan Davis to give Mary
Stoker.piercebayly does.kone does by Joel Coleman.

“1780, March: John Tyler does this.Jemima Coleman.

“1780, July: Simon Triplet to deliver Jemima Coleman, woman
Joel no more than two barrels of flower and 200 pounds
From pork.

"1780, September: John Alexanderto Furniture Ann Barton a barrel of corn and fifty pounds of pork Joseph.

“1780, November: Wm.bronough Do.Sarah Russell, wife of

“1781, April: William Owsley for Levere Hannah Rice & Two
children, the family of James Rice who died in
Continental army.

“1781, May: Adam Vincel to deliver Mary Tritipoe, woman at
Conrad, her husband in the army.

“1781, September: Joseph Thomas to deliver the widow after David
Hamilton (a soldier killed in the continental army).

“1782, January: John Tyler, Ghent, to indicate the family
Cornelius Shout (Hebeing an 18 -months concept).

"1782, February
The wife of soldiers).

“1782, Marts: William Douglass tot Give Eleanor Wilcox,
pleasant for an order of the last court addressed to John
Lewis, gent, Saidlewis Falder.”

“Cash Toppay Various people for furniture of supplies such as
According to their multiple accounts:

“1778, 12. maj: William Ellzey, ESQ., L3 8s.9D., På konto
By John Stokerand L2 10's wife. Ditto to Wife to
Shadrack Reeder.wm.Douglass, L50 14S.6d.pr.ACCT.

“1778, 9. June: Andrew Adam, L13 5d., For Margaret Hill

“1778, 10. Augustus: Farling Ball.L4 16S.9d.John Alexander,

“1778, 14. september: Leven Powell, Gent, L6 1S.William Douglass,
Paradise, L47 7S.Johntelier, L3 19S.Del.

“1778, 15. september: Farling Ball, Gent, L1 17S.6d.

“1778, 9. november: Andrew Adam, L16 15s.

"1778, New.15: Daniel Bad, L24 Ss.Vede.Geo.Sex, Gent, LZ
10S. Farling Ball, idem, L2.

“1778, 14. December: Joshua Daniel, Gent, L9 15S.John Orr, L7,

“1779, 9. februari, Farling Ball, L18 13S.9d.wm.douglass, L53
9. 1. Chss, Live yym.

“1779, april: John Alexander, L68 15s.Daniel Losh, L10 37S.
William Douglass, Gent, L28 16S.Andrew Adam, L17 13S.WM.
Ellzey, L24 2s.

“1779, Maj: Geo.West, Gent, L42 14s.

“1779, Juni: Andrew Adam, L12 3S.6d.John Orr, L43 16S.WM.
Douglass, L18 16S.Farling Ball, Gent, L175 5s.

“1779, Juli: John Alexander, L18.

“1779, August: Jacob Tracey, L20 for nursing and funeral
Sophia Harris, Kona to a continental soldier.

“1779, Oktober: Pierce Bayly, Gent, L10.Simon Triplett, L43,
9S.10D.Robertjamison, L30.Jonathan Davis, L32 10s.
Farling Ball, L61 10.6d.wm.Douglass, Gent, L51 15S.

“1779, John Orr, Gent, L93 8S.3d.Leven Powell, Gent, L69
10S.WM.STANHOPE, Gent, L4 4S.

"1780, Januarari: Jonathan Davis, Gent, L50.wm.stanhope, Gent,
L4 4s.

“1780, February: Thomas George, l206.israel Thompson, L119
2s.George Emrey, L46 19s.

“1780, Marts: Hardage Lane, Gent, L83 8s.

“1780, april: Thomas George, L15.Farling Ball, Gent, L99
6S.WM.Douglass, Gent, L69 10s.

“1780, Juni: John Tyler, Gent, L40.Pierce Bayly, Gent, L20.

“1780, augustus: John Orr, Gent, L500.WM.Douglass, Gent,

“1780, november: Thomas George, L221.Farling Ball, L50.
George Tyler, Gent, L8.George Emrey, Gent, L163 12s.

“1781, Marts: John Orr, Gent, L431 16S.WM.Cavans, L120.

“1782, Feb.: John Orr, Pr.Acct., To make furniture Mary
Butler, a soldiers, with supplies. "

Closed by the competition.

On November 25, 1783, the British army evacuated the New York.The independence of the United States was recognized by the British government and the war was terminated.Spend the rest of their days in hard -earned peace.

War in 1812.

The convincing cause.

After the revolution, a number of new cities, educational institutions, the people of the Graafschap jumped steadily, and the people were diligent, entrepreneurial and happy.

Another difficulty, however, soon interrupted this peace and the crank between the two government screens referred to arbitration for the war in 1812, which was fought against England by the United States for maritime addiction.

The honor of the new Republic was attacked by urging the high seas from Great Britain to look for American ships by refugees British.Hamnative citizenship and swears faithfully to another government, was disputed by Great -Britain, who kept it "one English man would ever become an Englishmann."That within eight years of patience more than 6,000 men were taken out of the ships in the United States and were forced into the British navy.

This daring behavior thoroughly aroused the indignation of the American people, where the resentment of the population of Loudoun was warmly connected. To see that the blood exhibition was needed to preserve national honor and stimulated by urgent petitions, President Madison advised a declaration of warThat accordingly was promoted on June 18, 1812.

State archives a Lesburg.[23]

When the British were on the road of Bladensburgto Washington, James Monroe, the secretary of the State, had been with General Winder for several days in August 1814, who restored the enemy and saw the movements of both armies.Of the American armed forces, he thought he was in great danger to Washington.in this department. He had quickly made and placed linen bags in the state archives, which were then loaded in Wagons and crossed over the Kettingbrug, over overpotomac, to the Girl Mill of Edgar Patterson, two miles transferred to cars and communicated to Leesburg, where they were where theywere placed in a non -occupied to occupy, [24] whose key was given to a recently ordered priest, called Littlejohn. [25]For example, we saved the precious documents for the revolutionary war and our state archives, which described Leesburg with abstract truth that it was the capital of the United States for just over two weeks.

[Footnote 23: Anonymous]

[Footnote 24: Perhaps the most valuable of these documents was the declaration of independence as claimed, here was dropped off.]

[Footnote 25: Mrs. A.H.Trockmorton, Inan Interesting Story, which is referred in this part, differs from the authority that is cited about the decision of these important articles.h.b.nalle, ... and certainly locked up in the Gamlevaultand two weeks outsidethe reach of the enemy. "]]

Mason-McCarty Duel.

The Duel, February 6, 1819, between Armistead T. Masonand John M. McCarty, both inhabitants of Loudoun County, was the second "Honor's affair", which was occupied in the now famous field in magazine. The cousins ​​were enemiesUnder the assignment of enemies under the US Senate.Mason, known as "Chief of Selma", was a master's degree in William and Mary College and the commander of the Acavalry Regiment [26] in the war in 1812. He later became Brigad General for Virginia Militia. He married and took his residenceIselma plantation, four miles north of Leesburg.Furniture of replacements when payment of $ 500 each.

[Footnote 26: Many of the Germans from Loudoun served in this regiment that participated in the Baltimore.]

Masons Kant was defeated. He finally decided to do this. "Chief of Selma" fell on February 6, 1819, his heart pierced through the ball of his opponent. He was only 32 years old. The grief of his slaves was painful toSee that his only child became an officer in USarmi and was fatally injured in the Battle of Cerrogordo.

President Monroe's home base.

"Oak Hill", the landscape of Jamesmonroe, ex-president of the United States and author of the world-famous Monroe doctrine, is in the vicinity of last place.

The main building, with an impressive Greek facade, was planned by Monroe while he is in the presidential chairman, and the construction of William Benton, an English man who served him in the triple capacity of steward, adviser and location.50 with 90 feet;It is built in an important way of bricks; has three stories (including basem*nt), a wide porticofronting to the south, with massive Doric columns of thirty high and is surrounded by a bunch of beautiful hectare.A wooden house was of modest pretensions that stood in a stone's throw from his palace -like offspring.

The owner's financial affairs were seriously stopped from the first, and he worked in Vainto received justice from the country he had earned Solong and so good, for serious financial costs and losses. His old friend, Lafayette, now even more prosperous, sentAnd sent help with a delicacy and generosity that honored him.sale .

While he was a resident, the position as a regent of Universityof Virginia, introduced in 1826, was accepted by Mr. Mr.Dhr.Monroe as not incompatible with his view of the entire pension of public life that Anex president became.

When the State Virginia called for the audit of its Constitution, Mijnheermonroe to become a member.He was actively interested in the things of his own neighborhood and derived the tasks of a local magistrate.

Mrs. Monroe died on "Oak Hill" in September 23, 1830, and after her departure the old man found a lonely farm life indispensable.York.han Wroteto Mr. Madison, April 11, 1831:

* * * * * *

“It's very worried for me to sell my property in Loudoun, in addition to separating everything I have in the state, I spoiled a lot if I could keep it, so I could visit it occasionally and about myFriends or many of them there.Illhealth and advanced years prescribe a course that we have to follow ... "

General Lafayette's visit. [27]

The greatest social event in the history of Leesburg, in which General Lafayette, August 9, 1825, the great Frenchman, accompanied by President Johnquincy Adams, had visited former President Monroe in "Oakhill", from which the Augustus process, Affo troops of Cavalerie led, madeThe Elf Mijljourney to Leesburg.lafayette, the president, the former president and the chairman of the city council, drove in the first carriage, signed by four white horses. In Leesburg they were met by six Militia companies, including a few old soldiersFrom the revolution. When firing the national honor, Lafayette fell out of his car and shook his hand with these veterans and heroes.

[Footnote 27: This report of the -fisit of General Lafayette, with the exception of a few minor changes and an ORTWO additional facts, is from the pen to Mrs. A.H.Trockmorton, of this county, after forming a historical sketch of readingburg,to Detgamle RichmondTime, 19. July 1902.]

Are delivered to his porch, Dr.McCabe, the mayor of the city, a welcome address to which Lafayettes responded., who now, like now, a large trees in the shadow -rich shaded, kissed Lafayette, who turned from the coach, a small virgin who was maintained in the arms of her Negronurs.This life in the summer of 1901.

[Footnote 28: A nice stone mansion is still standing, and the deceased Colonel John H. Alexander, during his life, one of the previous lawyers in the state.]

Lafayette sent an avenue on the right side of boys and girls and the young ladies of Leesburgfemale Academy and links of Youths of Thelesburg Institute.They extended the path of the big guest. The lights had red frames and white and black co*ckades.

One of them explained a welcome address and was abundantly rewarded by a handle on the hero.

Hail Patriot, statesman, hero, sage!
Hail Freedom's friend, the son of Hail Gallia,
When Laurel Greener is age,
Chosen next to Washington.

Greeted, master of a holy cause,
When hostile bandsours are occupied;
If courage has made the oppression,
Hil, Holy Warrior, Lafayette?

She was also honored by a grip on Lafayette's hand and a kiss.A knock on the square of the court. Two hundred people participated in this banquet. The many bowls that are remarkable to ceiling concept and elegance of dictation.

"The living data of the War of Independence such as the prophetic books of Sibylen, which increase in value as they decrease in number."

Lafayette roasted General Bolivar, "who felt real patriotism and understood real glory." Another toast was "in memory of Washington, fresh as the passing moment that lasts as eternity."

An estimated 10,000 people witness the festivities.

Mexican War.

There was hardly a generation in which the country that was implemented of financial duty for several years, when the United States were involved in a short successful war with Mexico, ensured that the resistance of this country was 'the annexation of Texas'.Not within the cutlery of this sketch to follow foreign history.

The entire American power, hired in the invasion of Mexico, consisted of 26,690 regulars and 56,926 Volunteers, excluding those who earn in the fleet. The profit consisted of the session of extensive territory to the Pacific, a few thousand miles of valuable sea coast and a huge oneBorder of the United States to international power.Different bodies throughout the war.

Detachment and civil war.

Loudoun County in de detachementbeweging.

The election of Lincoln and the accompanying success of the Republican Party brought the decision of the South to eliminate itself from the Union.

At the moment the prosperity of the Loudoun was near the praise, and the endangered solution was a serious threat to her progress.

After the determined lead of the other southern states, the legislative power Virginia approved a state treaty on January 14, 1861 to consider the detachment of detachment, and the members were elected in the pursuit of them in Capitol in Richmond, Op.12e, WednesdayThe 13th day of February afterwards.whose represented in the Constitutional Convention of 1850.51.

Roll calls were followed by the choice of a permanent Cheeairman, Mr. Janney, Van Loudoun, who received a majority of the entire number of pronounced votes.Convention as follows: [29]

[Footnote 29: The difficult publication in this work of the Heerjanney's speech about acceptance is particularly suitable.From the fate of old rule, and whose considerations must be monitored of breathless interest from people to both hemispheres.]

"Men of the Convention: I coordinate my sincere and sincere thanks for the honor you have assigned to me by calling me to the president for the considerations of the most important group collected in this State of Sincethe -Yyear 1776.
“I am without experience in performing the tasks that you have assigned, with little knowledge of parliamentary and rules that will manage our procedure, and I have nothing to promise but believe and opponent.Apologized by your kindness and immediately corrected by your wisdom.
“Men, it is now almost three years since a Convention of people in Virginia was collected in this Haller to ratify the Constitution of the United States, whose most important objects had to consolidate, not the government but the states of the States.
“Causes that have passed, and daily that go into the story that will give them, but of which I don't think ToreView has brought the Constitution and Unioninto threatening danger, and Virginia came to Therescue.Land expected her.All future ages, led to the body intended for the Constitution;And one of her honorable people whose forehead was decorated with a civilian wreath that will never fade and that is now sent in the Inorange district, was the most important architect and one of it is the most scattered - and in the headmaster of the Republic.
"It may not be that a government house can fail and manage it, without the risk of blaming, nor to the wisdom of our fathers, nor on intelligence, patriotism and virtue, will probably pursue, or the measurements can be correctTo take on.
“Lords, a flag that has been carried in triumph for almost a century by the battle and the wind, and now flowing over this capital, on which is a star who is prayed this old commonwealth and myear nest, where I will know each member of ItskropeSincerely, it is that it stays there forever, provided that there is always sparkle that are disadvantages.Don't cheer them from Delaware Andrhode Island.
“The amount of responsibility on this organ cannot be exaggerated. When my voters asked me if I would accept them here if they were selected, I answered in the affirmative, but I did it with fear and trembling.Right to revise our action, but the measures we take with good or evil can be for the entire country.
“Is it too much to hope that we and others who are involved in the work of demand and arrangement can then solve the problem, which now confuses us that it wins our sisters in the south, who, for what they find enough, because because because because because, having horizontal from the old track of the offers? Can we not expect our old sister, Massachusetts, to take her steps back?Will she not follow the noble example of Rhode Island, the small state with a heart that is big enough for a very continent? Will she not, when she remembers who it was, withdrew her sword from the creature of horse country in Cambridge and neverFinally returned until her freedom and independence were achieved, and from where he came, her disgusting laws, as many of her wisest and best citizens consider a place on her legislative articles?
“Men, this is not a party convention.contract."

The process was worthy, solemn and sometimes even sad.During the entire session, good feelings are a remarkable extent for these harmonious relationships are mainly due to the detachments. Many their actions were often considered suspected of their opponents who pursue an obstacle policy at such times when nothing had to be achieved.

On April 17, 1861, the Convention in a secret session approved the regulation on detachment with a voice of 88 to 55 on condition that it must be submitted to people for their approval or rejection in an election held for this purpose on 23 May.

In the convention, statements or peace war varied would follow the detachment.Solution.Almost all speeches that were held in that conference seemed to be a distinction between a sense of fear and the problem that the war would follow.

There was a hot discussion about the issue of submitting the regulation to the people for ratification or rejection. Before and after the approval of the Regulation, the reference to the people who preferred in vain Hopethatt, who have the measure on thisway it would be frustrated. That in a matter of such a vital meaning involving life and liberties, the regulation must be submitted to them for their discussion and that detachment must be attempted to be together after ratification by a direct voice of the peoplewho are one issue.

Including and exciting scenes followed the passage for the regulation..

Shortly after the Convention started its deliberations, a massive meeting was held in Leesburg, where the detachment sector was practically unanimous, to make decisions to be sent to the important body that the immediate approval of the Regulation was treated -the citizens were dealt with-The citizens were treated..Kilgore and others.

Voting in Loudoun for ratification or rejection of the regulation of detachment, although not tight, was somewhat exciting and characterized by slight disturbance, the polls.Detachment.

No province in the state of overshadowed Loudoun dedicated to the principles on which the withdrawal of Virginia from the Union was established, and the courage showed her by maintaining these principles, did her know, only for every society in Southland.

Loudoun's participation in the war.

A discussion in this part of the Great Civil War and its causes has been taken into consideration in no time, and they appeal to survivor -confederated soldiers and government record holders who long ago demonstrated the impractical report of a thorough report of the part of Loudoun partly-Soldiers in the large, uneven match 1861-'65.The exact numbers cannot even be determined if the original record that is lost or destroyed and never duplicates.

It can be said with the truth that the size of the service ends of Loudoun in this, as well as the previous war leader, is never fully known or sufficiently appreciated. It is certain that thousands of its sons -caught in the confederation, die hundredsIn the defense, and not a few, because of their courage, a persistent fame won and earned the mention of the annals of their government.

At home or in the rows, during this proven period of bourgeois, her people remained liberal and brave and constant without remarkable exceptions, although they have told various real difficulties and hardships.For all attacks made in his environment, and often destroys ownership as a punishment.

Both armies asked for fantasy -military necessity, malice, burned or seized valuable feed boundaries and other stores, and almost every place, in or other times, witnessed jacket, theft, murder, arson and Rapine., but the worst damage was caused to attack the districts of the country by parties of Federal.

The entire armies were on the products of Loudoun fertile hectare.from Musketry.

There were also times when the most important bodies of Oneor, the second of both armies, were completely camped in its borders, as in September 1862, when the victorious army of Lee, before the first campaign in Maryland, was stopped in Leesburgog stripped by allUnnecessary transport, split and wagons and batteries that were not provided with left; [30] again, in June 1863, when Hooker was held in borders with the Kegel army extended from Manassas, near Bull Run, to Leesburg, near Potomac;AFT, was the Battle of Gettysburg, was followed by the dangerous forces among General Meade, who crossed the Potomac and moved by Loudoun.

[Footnote 30: On the 5th day of September, the wars of "Maryland, My Maryland" of every band in the army, and with his men cheering and shouted joys, Jackson Potomacat Edwards Edwards' Ferry (Loudoun County), in which), in whichHeriver Breed but low was, near the stage with Evan'svictory about Federals in the previous October, and where Wayne had crossed his Pennsylvania Brigadein, who was in 1781 to the Yorktown area.]

Generally early, after the short and bloody battle for Monocacy, and after his invasion of Maryland and demonstration against Washington, Potomacat White's Ford, July 14, 1864, and rested in Leesburg, the 16th swamp of Shenandoah valley with the help of the Blue Ridge, withJackson's cavalry in free.

The removal of competitions and smaller engines were fought for Edwards' Ferry, Balls Bluff, Snickersville (now Bluemont), Leesburg, Middleburg, Aldie, Hamilton, Waterford, Union, Ashbys Gap and Andre Pointin in the province.

During the investment of Stonewall Jackson by Harper's Ferry in September 1862, weapons were placed in Positon Loudoun Heights, supported by two subordinate regiments, and part of Jackson's was immediately placed with artillery on a bluffy shoulder of this mountain.

The following military organizations were fully or partially recruited in Loudoun County and collected Intotheed Confederate Service: 8. Virginia Regiment (part of Pickett's famous Vechtdivisie), Loudoun Guard (Company C, 17. Virginia Regiment), Loudoun Cavalry ("Laurel Brigade")), and White'sbatalion of Cavalerie ("Comanches", 25. Virginia -Battalion).Mosby's Command, "Partisan Rangers", also drew the results of his patriotic citizen.

The sons of Loudoun, which serve in these and other organizations, played a prominent role in every rose field from Pennsylvania to the coast of Florida.

Garnett's Brigade, to which the 8th Virgina Regiment was confirmed, was taken under action during the memorable charges on the third day of the Battle of Gettysburg.And of the most desperate character. General Garnett, himself, was shot from his horse, while Hanomtennale five steps of "Stone Hek", from which the Federals gave their murdered fire.

Loudoun Rangers((Federalism).

This voluntary organization consisted of two companies of unaffected virgins, all of whom were recruited in the German settlements northwest of Leesburg.company A, in the beginning, was commanded by Captaindaniel M. Keyes, from Lovettsville, later withdrew from wounds that became Received in Actie. Hij ging verder door kapitein Samuel C. Means, door Waterford.Com Pany B's Commander was kapitein James W. Grubb. Ierse taming, de eerste genoemde klasse dominant.

The command was on June 20, 1862 in the Federal Service Lovettsville.Loudouns historie(Virginia)Rangers, said that it was' an independent command, organized in obedience to a special command for the Dear Edwin M. Stanton, war secretary, and was first subject to his orders, but then in the eighth corps, ordered to the Mad Major GeneralJohn Ellis Wool .... "

"Rangers", as the name suggests, were Werescouts and in this very useful capacity the enemies of their state with shameless fire. But as organ they fought too few assignments and none of a crucial character.

The following resolution or justification is offered for the above activities:

“As the name of their organization indicates, they came from a state that was Arrayedin -arms against the authority of the national government.Those as anallurement.The verve in Unionarmy - the army of their country - were spontaneous outgrowth of a spirit of high patriotism.
“When they saw their duty that they had no moral courage to implement that duty;And without any decline of years, we cannot maintain that the principles that Rangers claimed were equal and that their opponents were forever. "

Far from a well -ordered command to be with a clearly defined oneoperating mode, the two companies were drilled, incompletely eradicated, only aimless and periodically active, and were initially also about to resolution.

Usually independent and tireless parties operate, because the command did not offer a serious Menaceto citizens or soldiers, although the latter was ever harassed and irritated by them.

Mosby, who had largely desired and often the essay of their conquest, finally got the chance he had eagerly waited for. (Keyes'Switch, as it was then called), he sent Captainbaylor with a horse detachment to that point.

Major Scott, where in 1867 wrotePartisan life with mosby, this has to say about the fight that followed: “He (Baylor) provided between Halltown (where there was a brigade of infantry) and the camp.They killed four wounded and 65 prisoners together with 81 horses with their equipment. The rest of the command sought refuge in the bushes. The some loss that Baylor sustained, was Frank Helm, from Warrenton, who was wounded because he was toThe most important thing in the camp is being charged. "

The day of conquering General Stevenson, who commanded Harper's Ferry, and under whose orders therangers had traded, sent the following message to General Hanco*ck in Winchester:

Harpers Ferry,6. April 1865.

Mosby surprised the camp to Loudoun Rangers near Keyes'
Ford and cleaned.He made the attack around 10

John D. Stevenson,
Brigadier -General.

When Major General Hanco*ck, then divorced into the federal army, heard about the exploitation of Baylor, he laughed and exclaimed: "Well, it's the last of Loudoun Rangers."

As it turned out to be!

Mosby's command in the relationship with Loudoun County.

From January 1863, until the end of the part -time operations of the war colonel, this was usually limited to the provinces of Loudoun and Fauquier, this rich, pastoral country that offered maintenance for his command and the blue rear a refuge that one could retreat, then hardwas pressed, when it was hard pressed by the total figures from which time was sent against him. [31]His men also spread here and gathered with a fantastic facility - and of countless manifestations of his great original genius.year.Of all its methods, this is the least clearly understood.War's Memoriescan only be partially complete;For he could not point out with goodness to his personal magnetism and dars as the dominant influence, although he must have testified that they were responsible for this almost unparalleled dedication. "The true secret," he says, "was that it was a fascinating lifeAnd his attractive father more than his difficulties and dangers compensated. They had no camp obligation to do, that is whether it is necessary to be disgusting for soldiers of High Spirit. "

[Footnote 31: By referring to the famous "Greenbackraid" (October 14, 1864), where a party jewelers entered a train from Baltimore and Ohiorailroad, in the neighborhood funds, lieutenant Grogan, Van Rangers, said the order, the next day, “Metat Bloomfield, in the Loudoun County, and a state of our Underthe U.S.S.Teadury, and to find a net surplus of $ 168,000, Dividamong was our shareholders (each $ 2,000) and then free in Loudouncirculating that after that was never an opposite or blood horse that was sold in that section for Confederatemoney. "]]]

Many of his followers were recruited in Loudoun County. A couple before the rise of Mosby had been approaching peace of mind;But the order consisted of the most important men who had seen active service in cavalry and inherent regiments, but tired of the routine and discipline of the camp had returned to their home Loudoun and provinces.Regiments without leave ever the first battle for Bull Run - a period of two years.

With this promiscue following, because there were hundred men in no time, he introduced a long uninterrupted train crack of an eternal skirmish, in short, all the evil that is possible for a small body of cavalry that quickly moves from point to the pointFrom an army.

He believed that he could force the enemy to collect his lines or those who would both be of great benefits for the southern cause through continuous attacks.Forcing the enemy to protect one hundred points and free to choose one of them.

But theories, purposes and methods of these pear or partisan leaders can best be explained alone. Utimulating and effortless, but with convincing, they have spoken to the man and his actions that are the garden.

"The military value of a partisan 'Swork is not measured by the amount of animal animal of ownership or the number of men killed, but of the number he holds to look at.Picked up so much by the stream of fighting.
“I tried to reduce this aggressive power of Potomac's thin by forcing it to keep it a great force on the defense. My men had no camps.If they had become intocamp, they would be caught quickly ... A blow would be hit by a weak or unanswered point and then a quick retreat.be beaten whether the insects would sound that would be imposed in hot hurry and rapid prosecution.Along a line of a few kilometers.Of course these alarms were very annoying, forno Human knows how sweet sleep is just a soldier. I wanted to use and consume the hard work of the northern cavalry. "

* * * * * *

"My goal was to weaken the armies who invaded Virginia by harassing theirs."

* * * * * *

“The line that connects an army with its supply basis is the heel of Achilles - the mast vital and vulnerable point.

* * * * * *

"Because they had no fixed lines to guard defined territory to hold, it was always Myspolicy to avoid the enemy when they came looking and the war led to their own camps."

* * * * * *

“These operations were worried not to be in accordance with the regulars taught by the academies;But in all of that a unit of the goal did, and a plan that was commander -inch. "

* * * * * *

"... Although I waged war against it, because its end is to guarantee the peace of the destruction of enemy means, with the smallest possible loss for my own side, there is no approved action by me that is not perfect iiII compliance with approved military use.

Although all his engines in the death of Stuarttill by the great cavalry leader in May 1864, and then to General Robert E. Lee, allowed Mosbywa's freedom of uncoloured action in Thesenian that the operation of his command was left to his individual owner.

The following militant verses were published in Southern Magazine, shortly after the war, and received immediate popularity:

Mosby I Hamilton.

Door Madison Cawein.

Ned Loudoun Lanes, Med Swingreins
And collisions of Spurand Sabre,
And Bugling van de Hoorn,
Six scores and we think we are sweating mother
Six scores and eight from Southernborn,
Everyone tried in love and work.

Full in the sun by Hamilton,
We met the intruders of South;
Which, more than fifteen hundred strong,
'Mid -Stimating house hatrarched with
All night, with Northern Shoutand Song,
To crush the Raiders.

Down Loudoun Lanes met streamingmanes
We encouraged the inhabit march again;
And past our war redway
The Counts of the Southern Hero Lay,
Our guide reports to Revgetethat Day,
When we drove Grimogether.

Old stories still tell Somemiracle
Of saints in holy
But who should say why hundreds
Before the few there were mosbyed,
Unless the gallery of our nearest
Accused of Ushen during the wrestling.

While Yankee cheers for our ears,
Van troops at Harpers Ferry,
While Sheridan led on Hishuns,
And Richmond shook to Roaringguns,
We still found the south beautiful sons,
She would not make a corner to bury.

Battle of Leesburg[32] ("Ball's Bluff"[33]).

"After the first match of Manassas, Col.eppa Huntton had been commissioned to resume Leesburg with his regiment, the eighth of Virginia. A Littlelater Col.William Barksdales thirteenth Mmississippi, Colonel W.S.Featherstone's Zeventhenth Missippi, a battery and four companiesUnder Colonel W.H.Jenifer were sent to the same place, and these were arranged in the second brigade by the Confederate Army in Potomac Under the Command of Brig.nathan G. Evans, who was promoted to his Bravonducta21.Juli

From various good roads that led from the Fords of the Outper Potomac, near this city, directly to his Bullrun camp;To see the great federal power that McClellan had placed on the other side of Potomac;-Dal through a good gymnastics hat from Leesburg led over Blue Ridge and to save for his army, the abundant supplies from the fertile County Loudoun.

“On October 15 (1861), the Division of General Bank of the Federal Army was located in Darnestown, MD., About fifteen miles on the right East from Leesburg, with Detachments on Point of Rocks, Sandy Hook, Williamsport,enz.; Lander and Col.E.D.Baker were in Poolesville, eight km north of the east from Leesburg.In particular, they treat important approaches from Northwestto Baltimore and the Federal City, especially those from the Lower Shenandoah Valley Ognortheesternpiedmont, Virginia.

[Voetnoot 32: Virginia Military History, door Jedediah Hotchkiss.]

[Food Note 33: also called "Battle of Harrison's Island" and "Battle of Conrad'sferry."]

"On October 19, McCall's Federal Division to Dranesville, on its way to Leesburg and about 15 miles of that place," to drop the reconstruction in all directions, then in interaction with General McCall and pushed parties in the same direction and for sampurosis.Approximately in 19th, Stone's advance opened a tough cannonade at the southern positions in Fort Evans, near Leesburg Pike, Andat Edwards' Ferry, and at the same time Generalvans heard heavily firing in the direction of Dranesville.the entire Brigadeto ordered the front, along the line of Goose Creek, 3 Milessoutheast of Leesburg, where he had a line of penetration to wait an expected attack by General McCall, the next morning, Sunday 20 October when it had reported thatThe Federal Advance came into force from Dranesville to Leesburg.Enenevans' Scouts caught McCall's courier, bore the General Meade of Dispatchesto and dedicated him to investigate the guidance to Leesburg.

"On the morning of the 20th, the Federal Signal Officer reported on Sugar Loaf Mountain, in Maryland, that the enemy has moved from Leesburg.Reconnoissance the day would be broadcast, in all directions, Franesville, concludes: 'You will look carefully at Leesburg, to see if this movement has the effect of driving them away. "At the same time a reunion of Harrison's Island to Leesburg had started, where the enemy pickets withdrew into penetration. The 'Light Demonstration' brought the Battle of Ball's Bluff on Monday 2 October, the morning of October 21.McCall retired from Evans Front to his camp in Prospect Hill, 4 miles on the river river from the chain bridge.From this observation point, through the work of the earth called 'Fort Evans', east of Leesburg, with a view of Fords at Conrad's and Edwards'ferries and Ball's Bluff, Evans, Op.18.00 on the 21st cross at Edwards' Ferry AndatBall's bluff, 4 miles past.Enemy under control until his attack plan had to be developed.

“The power that was crossed around midnight on the 20th in Harrison was part of the order of Colonel Baker, around.300 men under col.Charles Devens, of the fifteenth Massachusetts.The aim was to catch a confederated camp, which was reported that it was about a mile of the river. This force went on to an open field surrounded bywoods, where it stopped until it got along with a company of the twentieth Massachusetts, who was left on the bluff on the Virginia side to protect the federal vends.Devens, in sunrise, pushed forward with a few men to recover and went personally in the sight of Leesburg. Think that he was not discovered, which was meant to stay and sent back to his brigad commander, Colonel, for reinforcements..Insufficiently mentioned, and it was almost the afternoon hour that pre -treated regiment of 625 men was opened on Virginia Shore.

'Convinced around 1 pm.10 That the most important Federalattack would be at Ball's Bluff, Four Milesnort Harvest by Leesburg, Evans Colonel Huntton Ordered with the Eighth Virginia [34] In Support of Colonel Command, and That The Combined Force Sould Then Drive TheTeenage to the River While HE, General Evans, supported the rights of the movement with artillery.He would soon be seriously attacked with a body of infantry that appeared in that direction and of a body of dismantled cavalry that had brought his front and attentive to be flanked, Devensretire's regiment to an open space in the forest, for the bluff, and and andwilling to receive an attack. To find out about reinforcements, the Devens went back to the bluff around the attitude he proposed to occupy, while Baker 300 of the twentieth Massachusetton placed on the left and for this his Californian regiment with twoCanons with two weapons with two weapons with two weapons, was supported, supported by two companies of the fifteenth Massachusetts.Around the same time the ferry General Stone a strong force over the river through the ferry of Edwards to make a demonstration of Evans', making Colonel Baker in the Bluf Command ball.Line, and our troops seem to go there under Baker.On the left, under Gorman, his skiers have almost obtained a mile, and if the movement continues, the enemy will. "

[Footnote 34: The Regiment, in which various companies were of Loudoun -Solden.]

"Around.14.30, General Evans, who had a hidden, shorter and inner line when he was strengthened, KoLonel Burt, with the eighteenth Mississippi, to attack the federal links, while Huntton and Jeniferattacts kept the attack on Edwards'ferryIn chess of batteries of his burglary. When Colonel Burt reached his position, the enemy was hidden a gap, opened a furious fire for him that was forced to distribute his regiment and to stop the flank movement that had all started.With the seventeenth Mississippi, it was sent to a double Quickto-Support Burt's Movement. Envans reports: 'He arrived in twenty minutes, and the Actionbecame Gene along my entire line and was quickly quickly kept a constant fire with his batteries for more than two hours quickly quickly quickly kept a fire with his batteriesOn both sides of the river.

from the river.I have already commissioned my strength that he was driving him in the river.Killed and injured by this formidable weapon.In the precipitation the development of the enemy, the explosions of the river rushed, many of his troops ran into the water and drowned, while many others, by overloading the boats, lower them and sharing this fate.The route now, around 7 am, was complete and the enemy began to throw weapons in the river .... the 20 foals surpassed his troops at Ball's Bluff and the prisons were marching to Leesburg. "

“During this promotion, Kolonel Barksdale, without the thirteenth Mississippi and the six -piece Artillery, was established for Edwards's ferry.

"Each of the conflicting had around 1,700 men in this action. The southern people had no artillery in the competition, while Federal's Herthree Light Gun. Shortly after the action was in general, Colonel Baker passed by a sharp shooter who was killed by a sharp shooterThe Federals so demoralized that the survivors have and decided to withdraw.His own companies and part of the California Regiment, but not from the others.

"On the morning of 22. Colonel Barksdale -Informed General Evans was that the enemy was still information on Edwards's ferry. A superior power from a penetrating location to the banks of the river, killed and injured a number of men., Federals, after being strengthened and rifle holes, rays bundles on Fort Evans and left two companies to see his front.36 killed, [35] 117 injured and 2 missing, from a strength of 1,709th the killed the brave colonel Burt. The federal losses were sent back at 1 p.m. 49 killed, 158 injured and 694 missed.

[Footnote 35: The southern soldiers who fell in the Battle of Ball's Bluff, are buried inunion cemetery, on the northern border of Leesburg.Where all enjoyment of interest in visitors to Central Loudoun.]

"Evans insisted on Longstreet for reinforcement, the fen reported on his struggle for the 21st, who thought that 20,000 federals were in his front. Oberkjenkins, with the eighteenth of South Carolina Cavalry and Artillery, was driven from Centerville in the 22D's teethdoneAnd against Leesburg, through mud and a floating rain, until midnight, when infantry went into bivouac;found his men very exhausted, ordered, very exhausted, ordered, very exhausted, ordered, very exhausted, ordered, very exhausted, ordered, very exhausted, ordered, very exhausted, ordered, very exhausted, ordered, very exhausted, ordered, very exhaustedOrdered, very exhausted, ordered, very exhausted, ordered, very exhausted, ordered, very exhausted, ordered, very exhausted, ordered, very exhausted, ordered, very exhausted, ordered, very exhausted, ordered, very exhausted, ordered, very exhausted, ordered, very exhausted, ordered, very exhausted, ordered, very exhausted, ordered, very exhausted.General Evans of his regiments to fall back to Carter's Mill, a strong position on Goose Creek, about 7 MilessouthWest from Leesburg, and joined Jenkins, which had stopped at that location, so that Barksdale without a regiment, two artillery pieces and some cavalry, joinedSuch left as a rear -guard in the neighborhood of Leesburg, and Huntton, with Hie -Flat Virginia and two pieces of artillery, on the banks of Sycoline Creek, 3 miles from Leesburg, and sent his cavalry to the front against courage against courageAgainst courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courageAgainst courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courageagainst courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage against courage againstCourage against courage against courage ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,> alexandria. "

Munfords Kamp I Leesburg.[36]

"After he had driven the army of Pope to a safe position behind the defense in Washington, Generale turned to the north to Potomac and started the first campaign in Maryland.

“While this movement was going on, the front of Washington lived.From Maryland.The Munford regiment had only about a hundred and 60, but was approaching Leesburg in an unexpected direction, he carried out a surprise, and after a heavy skirmish compl -route Middel Party and Himo Waterford chased, a distance of seven miles.-Sea prisoners and killed or wounded thieves. "

[Footnote 36:Life and campaigns of Maj.-Gener.j.e.b.Stuart.]

Camp ved All the.[37]

“Early in the morning of 17 June 1863, Colonel Munford, with the 2D and 3rd Virginia Cavalry, moved from Upperville through Middleburg, and has decided his stacking posts east of Aldie, crossed to Snicker's Gap Road and continued with two two regiments.

"Colonel Williams C. Wickham, with the 1st, 4th and 5th Virginia Cavalry, the remaining regiments of the Brigade, had moved from Piemonte by Middleburg and was about to place his men in the camp in Dover Mills, near Aldie.

“The 5th Regiment, Colonel Thomas L. Rosser, who arrived a bit after 1st and 4th, was directed by Colonel Wickham to faint about Dovermills and to choose a camp closer to Aldie.

"The power of the enemy that attacked was the 2D cavalry division, under the command of General D.M.GEGG, and accompanied by major general pleasure.York regiments, supported by 1st Maine Cavalry of Colonel J.J.Gregs Brigade, Andby Randol's battery, seems to have done everything for the competitions.

[Footnote 37:Life and campaigns of Maj.-Gener.j.e.b.Stuart.]

"The arrival of the Rosser's regiment was at least accused by an immediate saber, the progress of the enemy drove back on their main body in the city of Aldie. After facilitating the pressure on the piles, Rosser Hissharpshooters stationed under Captain R.B.Boston, on the right side of Snickersville Road, where a number of haystacks offered some protection and thermethind of his small regiment ready for their support. Colonel Munford now arrived person and stationed Lieut.William Walton, of the 2DVirginia Cavalerie, with reserve -branch,Fifteen people, behind a stone wall to the left of the SnickersviLigigerigadad with orders to hold his position against each oddspil with 2D and 3D -the regiments can come to his help. In between, the Colonel Wickham, the 1st and 4th regiments and the Battery of Breated hadOn the basis of any progress on Middleburg Road, only Rosser, fulfilled and dismissed of the Squadron of Kapitein Boston, Boston had ordered his position in all dangers.During the subsequent heavy battle far was obtained to be out of the reach of the support and he and Han Oghan's SKVADron were caught.

“During this time there was no force on the left side of Snickersville Road, except for the pile of Munford behind stenhips.of the guns and the 1st Virgininacavalry on Middleburg Road.

"In the meantime, the enemy was strongly on the Onliotenant Walton. He had repelled two increasing trees, but was surpassed by dismantled men, had had about fifty meters behind a house Andorchard, in which position he ordered the only opening the enemy could attack. PROSCUTOR of the 3D-Squadron, led by Lieutne and 5. Squadrons in the same regimentOnly squadrons of this regiment present.

"When Walton's party was clearly important, the enemy decided to remove him and presented a considerable force for another attack when 2D and 3D Virginia Cavalerie reached Veldweg -Desquadron of the 2D Regiment under Captains Brekinradgears, it was dug it3D regiment under Capt. George D. White.kolonel Munford now thought that his attitude was to see Securyagainin an attack of cavalry, and there was nothing more to wear than the enemy should wear it., who forced an attack in columns in the fighting and prevented the enemy spreading his front. They were stationed in a closed field, with a stone wall in their front, a pole and rail fence on their right side and another fence on the left.Cavalerie failed in their duty, his dismantled Menwere was absolutely certain.

“The 2D Virginia Cavalry, led by Lieut.j.J.Watts, now accused the progressive enemy who had penetrated the position of Sharp Shooters. The heads of the pillars met in the narrow road in hand-to-hand saberFight.When this was non-Progress, Captain Jesse Irving Hek threw the right side of the road and brought his Squadonto front, the fire opened against the left's left flank.Captajn W.W.TeBBS has carried out asimily movement to the left of the road, while dessharpshooters constantly shot in the enemy's steps..The 4th cavalry in New York.

"During this time, Kapitein Boston, on the 5th Cavalry in Virginia, kept the Haystacks father in the forefront of his friends, where Colonel Rosserhad placed him with such strict orders. Hewas from the result of a wall, but had been his utmostTo help in the competition.

"The federal cavalry was determined to bear the position if possible and another load was quickly organized. This was met by 3D Virginia Cavalry, led by Colonel T.H.OWens, who took the way, supported on his right side of 2. Where he becameAppointed by a new regiment and who had been driven back and some of the prisoners and some of his own men.

"Captain Newton, after collecting his little command and many men from other orders, was Wasagain ready to relieve Colonel Owens when he fell back, and by a timely accused a new attempt to accuse Flankhim. When the enemy came up again, becamehe chosen him with terrible effect of Stonewall, which they had recovered, and completely checked him. I don't hesitate to say that I have never seen Asmandere Yankees in the same room of the earth killing in a fight in I have ever seen or have seen orOn a battlefield Impirginia that I was over.

"Colonel Munford reported the conquest of 138 dates."

Duffie I Middleburg.[38]

“On the same afternoon (June 17, 1863), events of significant importance in Middleburg, where Stuart had set up his headquarters for the day.

“Early in the morning COPD.A.N.Duffie, with the first Rhode Island Cavalry, the Bull Run Mountain had crossed the main road.So far Snickersville.This orders seem to have considered the department of one or Gene Gregg - a dangerous

Movement in the presence of an entrepreneurial enemy. Colonel Duffie reached an appraisal gap at. 9.30 am and was somewhat delayed by crossing the mountain of Piket from the command of Chambliss.City and then she quickly drove that Stuart and his staff were forced to make Artrreator faster than in accordance with dignity and comfort.When he had no strength, Stuart withdrew against rector roads.Towoydraw van Aldie and Robertson and Chambliss were organized to move immediately after Middleburg.

[Footnote 38:Life and campaigns of Maj.-Gener.j.e.b.Stuart.]

"The only hope for the Duffies Regiment Nowlay in immediate progress on Aldie, where he created a significant rebellion by Therar of the first Virginia Cavalry in Middleburoad. But he didn't know this and his order was positive, what himNightat needed Nightat Middleburg is encapsulated.

"" General Kilpatrick told me that this brigade was so worn out that he could not send a reinforcement to Middleburg, but that he would report the situation of our regiment to General Gregg. Bent, he said that General Gregg had gone the facts to General PleasontonAnd had the assignment to stay on Aldie until he heard of general pleasure. "

* * * * * *

“For example, Colonel Duffie stayed behind to meet his fate.7 In the evening he was attacked by Robertson's Brigade.In the morning that most of those who had escaped from Robertson the previous evening. Colonel Duffie even got up and Centerville reached early in the afternoon with four Hans officers and twenty men. However, this was an exaggeration of the accident, because other officers, apart from itself, the wood had led and managed to return to Defederal Lines, the 18th and 19th "

Saying goodbye to Loudoun.

Federal operations against Mosby in Loudoun County.

Mosby's tireless aggressiveness caused a lot of annoyance and confusion at the time.In some he went with unsuspecting ballness, although he strives for his own order.

These repeated and sometimes catastrophic failures that have had the goal of all hidden attempts, generally subsidies and later, General Sheridan, felt driven. During the date of August 16, 1864, Grant sent the subsequent random order to General Sheridan:

“If you can perhaps save the cavalry adivision, you have to send them through LoudSounceCounty to destroy and wear crops, animals, Negroes and all men under 50.All male citizenship 50 can be kept very much as prisoners at war and not as civil prisoners. "

Sheridan immediately ordered all the cavalry of the eighth Illinois, then the best regiment of his friendly army of Potomac, to concentrate on MuddyBranch, preparing to start operations against Mosby in Loudoun County.Excellent like many, he could be 'Mosby's Gang'.

The command broke the camp in Muddy Branch on August 20 and crossed Potomac with 650 people, where the special object of the Explorer is, as stated in Command Tomajor Waite, "to break the impact or parties of Mosby's, White's or other Guerrillas, to eradicate, it can be met. "

With a view to communication from Sheridanto Halleck, dated November 26, 1864, this Expeditie Seedem has not even been moderate success. He said: “I will start working soon.From private rights.nu there will be an intense hatred, the part of this valley that is almost going on.

In his determination to get rid of his difficult unity, Sheridan issued the following reporters the following reports to Major General Merritt, who commanded the Firstcavalry Division:

“You will be aimed at the front morning morning in the line of Manassa's Gap Railroad as far to the east as Whitebains, in the east on the Bull Run Range, west of the Shenandoah River and on Thanor of Potomac. This part is theChicken Bed of lawless bands, which have robbed small parties of the tea of ​​army communication in time of time, in protective houses and with all small parties in our troops. The real objects are looting and highway robbery.The region of the borders forer is described above. This order must be literally executed, that no housing is allowed and that no personal violence is offered to the citizens' reserve.must be your concentration point and the point from which you must serve intervention against Potomac. Providence can be collected from the country to which you pass.You return to your current camp via Snicker's gap on the 5th day. "

In addition to the three brigades of Merritt, Colonel was commissioned to send four regiments.

[39] "The Federals divorced themselves in three games, one of which went past the Bloomfield Road and the Loudounin direction of Potomac walked; another went past Piedmont Pike to Rectortown, Salem and around Middleburg, while the main body was held along TurnpiketoAldie, where they touch Snickersville Pike.

“From Monday afternoon, November 28 to Friday morning 2 December, they varied through the beautiful valley in Loudoun and part of Fauquiercounty, burn and waste.sheep, pig,enz.;To kill poultry, hind offensive women, pills and in many cases even rob the poor Negro.

“They burned all mills and factories, also such as hay, wheat, corn, straw and any description of feed and stables, now full or empty, were burned.

“At Mrs. Fletchers (a widow), where the Hogs were killed for her stock of meat, the soldiers made a stack of rails on which the pigs were placed and burned.Deliveries to the helpless and dependent paupers. With various earlier occasions, Alms Househad was visited by looting parties, so that little was left at the moment, but was taken by the small plant.

[Footnote 39:Mosby's Rangers, Byjames J. Williamson.]

"Colonel Mosby did not mention the command, so there was no organized resistance, but Rangersmanaged to save many live stocks for farmers by driving to security places."

Living at home during the war.

In Loudoun, who was not fully realized everywhere at any age, the seriousness of the war was not fully realized until the volunteers sold, after a short season of feverish socialgayety, along with clothing parades and exhibition exercises, traveled to their respective positions.Waiting and work and ask for the absent and the reason they had so easy to get.

When few slaves were owned by a family, the white boys who were too young for the service of the army worked with them in the fields, while the girls treated with household tasks, but sometimes, they also worked in the open air., the possession of no slaves, the men, paralyzing, women and children were forced to the farm on the farm.

Serns -numbers had smoothed sexual and worldly awards and manual labor was sometimes done by all WHOWERS in the least physically mounted.Allclasses were busy early with provisional and privacy, although they succeeded in a selfless way of sending, from time for other, large quantities of clothing, meat and other supplies to the soldiers in the field and the injured comrades in the army hospitals.

The intense dedication of Loudoun women to the southern causes was the most annoying for a certain class of federal officers in the armies who invaded North Virginia. They seemed to believe that it had conquered the entrance to southern society through their military skills,But the women canceled them during each tour and controlled their suspected progress quite effectively.

The women in all classes played and sang connected on every occasion, and although they were ordered by demilitarian authorities to give up, it was normal to be followed until a guard of soldiers was detailed to maintain the order., of their rude scholarships and the rougher reinsters to "be wounded by the fingers of rebel women," like those who certainly had a loved object.

The women undoubtedly had the more difficult task. The men, in active service in the field, were reasonable for their families to be safe at home, and in the feverish arousal of war no concern about themselves, while the women, on the other hand, lived in timesFear of serious news from the front, and was also charged with work and gives more and harassed than ever worn by the absent men.

The music and songs that were popular would only be during the war that certified the vacuum temperature of people. But when sad grief followed until everyone was touched; just like wounds, illness, imprisonment and the death and the death of friends, ever ever threw one everThe shadow of people over the spirits of people;When hope was mocked, and consciousness perhaps came after all the lost reasons, the iron went into the people of people.Trissation, while in the churches, where the doctrines of trophy and good works became prominent, were a little different from the soul hymnes and the older church men.Employees for the cause.

Pierpont's pretentious administration.

On December 7, 1863, the legislative power of the "Restored Government of Virginia" held his first meeting of the Chambers of the Alexandria municipal council, since the municipality became the seat of a trade union board in the old rule, after removal of Gouverneur Pierpont, after removalVan De Gouverneur Pierpont van Wheeling, W. where he and his non -authorized suburbs have performed the establishment of a new Union Commonweader from the ruins of Confederate Virginia.Loud, a de city Norfolk.Prins William, Northampton, Alexandria,Loud, and the Norfolk -the -Maps were reported by seven delegates. Madison Downey from Loudoun was selected for speeches for delegates House.

This small mouthpiece from Virginia Unionists had naturally imprisoned important or even common questions about legislation to decide."Loyor -Iloyal, admits that slavery in the state of Erdoomed. These actions after this concession, the Calla treaty of loyal representatives, to change the state constitution in this specific and to explain slavery and involuntary napkin, except for crime,To promote in the state. "

That is why a new constitution was to surpass it from 1851 and to express the feelings of the Union of Potomaclegislators.Promised words or actions for the Confederation has been chosen since September 1861, a member of the convention; all "loyal" citizens who had not given or comfort the Confederation since January 1,1863 had the right to vote.

Elections were held on January 22, 1864. Much little interest was manifested by the people, as shown with the ridiculously small voice everywhere that was coordinated.NoisyNominated, Dr.J.Henshaw, J.Madison Downey and E. R. Giver were chosen by a purely handful of voters.

The convention met in Alexandria 13 February 1864 with fifteen [40] representatives present from twelve provinces. Legr Roy G. Edwards from Portsmouth was elected president and W.J.Cowing, secretary.A number of rescuing changes in the old constitution, framed urban legitimate authority in Ante-Bellum days, was completed for the two-month session in this convention.

[Footnote 40: It should be noted that the Loudoun County has supplied three of this song.]

The government of Alexandria almost kept almost two -time.

The Pierpont government was not in itself of the influence of large input.At that time and since then, LO from his legitimistic prenses."It would have been short by the people, but for the protection that the federal armies are being provided. It therefore seems that the" restored government in Virginia "was not based on the permission and approval of the gate occasionally, whowas suitable for a policy of appropriate and aggression, it was with vibrating and invincible, recognized as the legal government of the Lincoln government.


An important event of the war was the issue of Bi -President Lincoln of his famous liberation procedure. This very important measure, promoted to the time of New -year, 1863, sounded the death of Knoldslavery, an institution that seemed in the south that inevitableused to be.

The times spread quickly through the Loudoun producing, but there were no changes in the amicable conditions that existed between the white and colored varieties.

The population of Loudoun, of course, shared in these clear concerns, but here, as elsewhere, Negroes manifested no external signs of dissatisfaction.

Entire communities of women and children were left to their accusation, while all the unfortunate white men were on the battlefield and trust was faithful.And that the treatment of the Negro by his owner was such in such a way to maintain personal attachment and mutual trust between them.Tasks without the exposure of the danger..

President Lincoln's proclamation was considered in Virginia as a strictly political war measure, designed to place the war cause that is clear in the only slavery produced after leading countries and with a view to the use of Negroes as soldiers in the federal army.At the start of the war.But now it was established that the United States proposed to maintain immediate release at Armean without compensation.

Close the war.

The semi -clad and poor southern armies, subsequent years of ticking fights, were no longer Ableto against the total number that had confronted them with merciless regularity in an important conflict outside.

Everything that the supporters of the States Court had prophesied would have been implemented if they were not unimaginable;All manionists claimed to be the objects of the war: the south was conquered, the sovereignty of the rejected state, the slaves were released, and the recognition of Negro -political equality forced the nation.

The stripes and animations of the neighborhood were continued in every village and village, and in almost all domestic mothers cried for the lost lovers in their armed grave.Armies.The women were enthusiastic about the southern cause;

But the circ*mstances of peace were hardly signed, with the great popular heart of the state with generous and beautiful rivalry in an attempt to restore the past.Without being enthusiastic on their lips.Wary exile of the southern arm, long before the formal permission was given by the state or the federal government, they were called at home and received with open arms and loving peel proudly the noble men who died in one of the rows of the army.the war.


After the surrender.

If the era of the reconstruction that followed on the tragic drama from the civil war, the hard element of bleeding outlets were missing, it was still painful and long -conflict. It was a gloomy period that forced the population of Loudoun, like other communities in Southland,and there was no profession and no alternative hidden submission.

The conditions in the south of this decade were radically distinguished from them in the north.Their credit was destroyed and agriculture and matters that were paralyzed due to lack of working capital. Great territories went out of cultivation, the reported advanced agricultural land in all southern states in 1870 than in 1860, and the total and average country of the country fell everywhere.

The provisional soldier had returned to his farm and started working to save his family from extreme needs.War would expand.

No one was thinking about opposing the federal authority; the results of the war were accepted in good faith and the people believed that they attribute their defeat to the will of the Dallo -like.Ashinal results of the war.

That was the state of feeling in the first phase before there was a general concept of the then questions that had to be resolved or of the conflicting policy..Lille interest was shown in public questions;Has driven out the interest in government and politics.

There was a common lack of good money in the province and the industry was paralyzed.Description and believed that Greenbacks would be worthless in the same way as the southern currency. All values ​​for values ​​had been lost, what fact the amazing and fictional prizes could be that reached in the south a few years after the war, and the theliberity of creditsof the first legislation after surrender.

For many people there was an almost crazy desire for the things they had ever got used to, the traders and speculators they now placed in Temptionarray in the long empty shop window.

People who own hundreds of hectares of land were often poor as the poorest Negro.

Almost all Gristmøller and the production of the location have been destroyed, moler trams cut, drained pond and rail depots, bridges and fires burned. All cattle near the troops.

In the larger cities where something was saved from the war weave, the looting of federal soldiers was embarrassing. Gold and silver plate and jewelry were confiscated with "tramps", which was the behavior of the northern newspapers thebehavior of the soldiers condemned, and several ministers, including Henry Ward Beecher, the pulpit.

The best soldiers of the federal army had demanded their prints as soon as the fights were over and had immediately returned to their houses.Their robberies and violations.

Land was almost worthless, the owners of which had no capital, cattle or utensils.

Of this general gloom and despair, the young people partially came back, and among them there was a social hangingness of a quiet species..

This revival of spirits did not extend to the elderly who had long been recovering from the shock and the grief war, much that Lifeworth lived had lost to them forever.

Behavior of the released.

Almost every slave holder who returned home after the fall of the Confederation collected his remaining Negroes and formally informed them of their freedom and spoke to them about his privileges, responsibilities and limitations.of the reports.Unemployment With a fixed salary, most of them were offered, and apart from the cities and armpits where they were exposed to foreign influences, the Negroes usually chose to stay at work.

Many were satisfied with the old slavery neighborhoods that others were, because the taste of freedom that was granted almost set their own houses on by points. There were two things that Negroes had to be done in Southfelt before they could be completely free: they have to do theThrow the names of their masters and Leavhe old plantations if they are only a few days or weeks.

One of the most satisfied and diligent was a lot of restlessness and neglect of work.Hunting and Fish and Folics was the order of the day. Neck has somehow been given a dog and rifle injury through freedom.impression - the result of the doctrine of the Negro soldiers and the government officials - that the government would support them in unemployment..

Neither Master nor Freedman knew exactly how to start, and it was some time before things came from the chaotic state where the war had thrown them. The average plants had little or no conviction in Freegro work, but everyone who is now ableWas to give this process.Work the free Negro;Countless plans were exercised, many have tried.

The new regime differs, but somewhat from the old to autumn of 1865, when Freedmen's Bureau, helped by the Negro soldiers and white broadcasts, had filled the spirit of the credible ex-slaves with false impressions of the new and glorious state thatlay for them.place.

After they had left their houses, the blacks gathered during the walk, the road, in villages and towns, and especially near the military positions.Curiously understanding, but of which he was insured, was a great condition.

On the Negro, women often fell the burden to support the children, for which difficulties were traceable The common crimes with feticide and murder of children. The small number of children in the decade were generally noticed. The restructuring conditions were unfavorable heads and morality with Negroes, bothMale as feminine.

Their marriage relationship was hardly satisfactory, based on white standards. Reconstructions condemned this as a great cruelty and abolished the laws. Because many Negroes had had different women before they were relieved of the various sanctions for desert, bigamy, adultery, adulteryenz.Somesized the chance to leave their wives and children and to acquire new aid meetings.

Negro -women accepted the freedom with even greater serious man and were not always or easily induced to take the well -known grind cladding and domestic services. Confident their former mistakes, wearing fine clothes and often going to church wereTheir most important ambitions.negro women had never been so well equipped, nor in the Great -Sex sex, did not lose much of their original cheerfulness;Was rude and offensive in their meaning for the whites.

As a result of certain harmful foreign influences that quickly develop a tendency to be unabashed behavior of the younger Negroes who were convinced that civil behavior and freedom were incompatible. With some there was an overview not to submit to the direction of their employer, andThe advisers of this Onegro warned him against "the efforts of the white man to" slave him.They violated by joy.

The Negroes lived en masse in the cities in abandoned and destroyed houses or in huts built by themselves by waste wood.The were very thinly dressed and their food, often insufficient and poorly cooked, if they cooked completely, were obtained by begging, stealing or after request at the desk.

The health of the Negroes was injured in the period 1865-1875.In the cities, the standard of living low, sanitary events was poor, and sickness button programs and the Negro-Constitution permanently damage.

After the military occupation of the state, the then, young and old, seized with an over -Mastery for learning books. In fact, it was more a desire to simulate Whitemaster and to obtain prevention of forbidden privileges than a real onedesire because of an understanding of the value of education.Appreciation that was not yet entirely the truth of whites.


There is no event of extreme historical value mark marked by Loudoun since the days of reconstruction, and the seemingly sudden conclusion that the reader has now arrived, is not considered incompatible with the plan for this work, which in no case the Hascont -Temple is with the inclusion with the inclusion with the inclusion of something other than fashion broths.

* * * * * *

History and detailed description of Loudoun County, Virginia ebook (2024)
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