George Lucas |Academy of Performance (2024)

What about films that make it so exciting?

George Lucas: I think it's just something personal.Tension is the fact that I have found a way to tell the story as I want to tell it, in a medium that I could control.Cultures and social questions, but as an academic I don't think I would have been too successful.

Were you not always interested in filming?

George Lucas: Well, I grew up in a small town in Central California;Or 11 years old.I had many interests.A junior at the university.

Were there experiences that inspired you as a child?

George Lucas: There was not much on a child who inspired me in what I did as an adult. I was always extremely curious about why people did the things they do.I was always very interested in what motivates people and to tell stories and build things.I liked to put things together.When I was young, at least they were completely dedicated to cars my teenage years.

What has changed for you?Is there something that you later learned about the performance that you did not understand when you were younger?

George Lucas: Part of the performance is to be able to set realistic goals.To set the goals to achieve decent figures at school and to take subjects that I was interested in, I was a big goal.

When I first came to university, I was very interested in social sciences, anthropology, sociology, psychology, things like that.An obsession and love it.

I would switch to an art academy and eventually went to the University of South California.What it was that I loved and was good.And I realized that I could do very well and that I enjoyed doing it.

You could actually go to school and learn how to make films.. I really love doing it. “And from the moment I just started, I just started, but before that I walked around a bit, as I think many students do that.

If I look back on it now, if I had gone to the art academy or stayed in anthropology, I am almost positive that I would eventually end up in film.I like this, "and I just continued with where it got warmer and warmer until it finally got hot, and then this was where I was.

Were there books or films that were important to you that you influenced or inspired to do the type of work you would do?

George Lucas: When I was younger, I had a collection of history books on which I was dependent, a whole series about famous people in history from ancient Greece and Alexander the Great, to the Civil War - the Monitor and Merrimac.I think, think they were called "landmark" books and I collected a whole library of them.They do things they do.

I loved all the normal type of adventure books,Gecidnapt, Treasure Island,Huck find types of things.The Swiss family RobinsonAnd all this period with South Sea Adventure film.I found western. Westerns were very large when I grew up.I knew who John Ford was.I think it was very influential in my joy of films.

Do you think you had a natural talent to film?

George Lucas: Everyone has talent and it's just a matter of moving until you have discovered what it is.A talent is a combination of something you love and something you can lose in - something, you can start at 9 am, look out of your work, and it is 10 o'clock at night - and also something where you have onehave talent, no talent for but skills for which you have a natural opportunity to do very well.And as a rule, these two things go together. Many people like to do certain things, but they are not so good at it.Continue with the things you like to do until you find something that you actually seem extremely good at.Things outside of it.

When you started making films, do you think it was easy for you?

George Lucas: It is very easy to learn how to learn films.Techniques to make a film, because the things you can pick up fairly quickly.

In your opinion, which personal qualities are the most important for success in any field?

George Lucas: If you want to be successful in a certain area of ​​efforts, I think endurance is one of the most important functions.You have to spend a lot of your life on it.And you really have to be focused on it.And you have to overcome many obstacles that many people say you can't do it..

Hard work is very important.Out.

Do you look back on the bulges of your career and your successes, what advice would you give a young person?

George Lucas: Hard work is very important. However, it is easy to look, it is a very difficult struggle.Other places that have not been able to describe years and years of very, very difficult struggle during the process to achieve something.And there is no way to get the secret., because if you are really worth something, I think you are pushed to the edge of hopelessness before you get through the other side.

Has it happened to you?

George Lucas: Oh yes, often. I have had much more in my life than I've had.A career. “Because no one had ever achieved it from a film school in the actual film industry.Maybe you would work for Lockheed or an industrial company to make industrial films, but nobody came to the entertainment industry.In the entertainment industry, so I didn't care.I went to San Francisco with school and everyone said, "Why are you going to San Francisco?"I said, "That's where I live."San Francisco."And I said:" Well, I want to live where I want to live and I want to make movies because I like to make films."

My first six years in the industry were hopeless.Job and try to survive, “because I had borrowed money from my parents.To eat, pay rent and pay back your friends who support you.

I mean, it took me years to get my first movie out of the ground.Film because nobody knows if you can make a movie or not.You do a function.When you have done that position, you have a lot of getting your second movie out of the ground.

It took me three or four years to come from my first movie to my second film that knocked on doors and tried to give people a chance..

Films are not easy obsession.There are many professions that are difficult.Well, you can make a movie."Well, we really had a bad problem. You know, the actor got sick and it rained that day and we had a hurricane." And you know you can't - the cameras are destroyed - you can't do it.You just have to show them the film and it has to work and there are no apologies.And then you really have to concentrate on, what you do it and just plays in the front, regardless of the obstacles that are thrown for you.

After I did itAmerican graffiti,And it was successful, it was a big moment for me because I really sat down with myself and said: "Okay, now I am an instructor. I know I can get a job. Press my ideas for things and be creativeA way that I finally make TV advertisem*nts, or I really like it, I can do it somewhere.Good feeling at the time.

SinceStar Wars,We have seen all these action figures and tires and merchandising with popular films.This was something new in the film industry, right?

George Lucas: Well, those things happen.When you are a starting filmmaker, you are desperate after survival.That it was impossible for me to make a movie of it. "But I still had all the other work I had done. I spent this for a whole year, and I said:" I don't want to give up.I do this for three films and I will make all three films.

I made a pact with myself that I should make all three (Star Wars) films, and to do what I said to close my deal with the 20th Century Fox, I acquired the successor rights because I didn't want them to bury the sequel.They wanted, or the film earned money or not.Again to survive, that is - the study will not put enough money in your film to get it in the theaters to do the advertisem*nt.I don't have any money, but I may be able to conclude a T-shirt deal and I may be able to conclude a poster agreement and I can end up on Science Fiction Conventions and things before the movie comes out and the movie promotes. "So I did it as oneType of self -disturbance.

I am an independent filmmaker from San Francisco.I don't have many sources, so I have to think about how I get through this film and not just that, but how it can be promoted and earn enough money to make the next film.When it turned out that the film was so successful that we were able to make toy agreements, and we started the whole idea of ​​action figures, bonds, toys that are related to films.One of the things that helped me to stay independent and to finance my own films and stay in business.

How important is it to be independent?

George Lucas: For me it is very important. I think for most creative people that they don't look from others who look over their shoulder and say: "Why don't you do it green? I don't like it." It's just likeMichelangelo and the Pope in terms of making the Sixtine Chapel.It is very annoying and I am sure you can ask people's advice and work with your colleagues and mentors and things to try to do the best work you might do.I do it and try to make something else of it.I finally get a studio that completely rejects my film, but I would always fight it and eventually get it, although it is felled years later.The process of making a film is what you live for.It is not a company.

Sometimes people are surprised to hear that most films I made do not work.10 or 15 percent of their films work.When my films don't work, it is usually because I have tried a very experimental idea.Conventionally nobody would see it.

I am very proud of all the films I made.I am very happy with everything I have done.I like to watch my movies.not.

And that's okay for you?

George Lucas: It's ok because I like to make films.To try things.

What do you see as the next challenge, the next limit in the art of making films?

George Lucas: I think it's the big function of the industry to cross in the digital age.See no other important technical process and change.

I think there will be some social changes that take place because of the internet and the availability of the tools for more and more people.Movies, things that are currently difficult to consider.And there will be delivery systems that are very different.Just like this for at least 20 or 30 years.

It's hard to say, but I think the biggest problem will be, how the films come on the market and what happens to them when they are there.Situation more.Exciting times and I look forward to seeing how this whole thing is developing.

You spoke about some of your failures, but you have had a huge success.How do you have successful?

George Lucas: Success is very difficult.American graffiti,Fortunately it was huge, but it wasn't that huge on monetary things.Star WarsWas much more difficult and I had many friends who had become very successful and they said, "Boy!" I said: "Oh no, no.American graffiti.I can handle this.I know you know - “But whenStar WarsFinally - you know, the reality of the affected, and all the accompanying things that go around it, touch, psychologically it is a very, very difficult thing to tackle.And you really need time after such an event in your life, especially when it comes to assimilate what happened to you and how everyone relates to you and how your life is.

It is difficult to explain what happens psychologically, because many of the limitations you have had now disappeared.From trying to force someone to say yes, you are suddenly they are all great, wonderful things that have offered you

Here you have spent your entire life just beg and make all the means at your disposal to bring a person or two people to say 'yes' to your project or to say: "Yes, I will do this.Yes, "you know?Then everyone suddenly says yes.Do them all.If you start doing them all, your life will be very unfurnished.People and I went through it myself.

You have to have a lot of close family around you, many friends to keep you honest.Beach some place or do something to keep yourself good.

I made a habit of it.If a movie comes out, I always go on a beach, so I miss all the madness, all fuss and hype and success, and how much it does or that it does well, or if it does it badly.I miss it all.Is a healthy way to handle successfully.

How do you go into a public art form like yours, how do you deal with criticism?

George Lucas: When I started, I read just like all other critics.That the level of cinema criticism in the last part of this century in the United States was quite low.

There are a few critics abroad and occasionally a critic will write a sharp analysis of the film., sell books, and they do it by just taking things.The less serious you take.I came to one point now that I completely ignore it.

You must have thick skin to cope with the criticism.I trust their opinion;Their opinion is attentive, well -informed.For me.

I have discovered that most critics themselves are cinematic.They don't know much about films.Analyze it, they are lost.But your friends usually know what they are doing and they can criticize the technical side to say: "This doesn't work." Those things like this. And then the rest you like is, you know. It's personal, you know.Is in the eyes of the consideration. "I don't like this movie.. "There are many films that have been made bad that I love and there are many films that have just been made beautiful, but I don't like them." I like it.I do not like it.It is well.It's bad. "And it doesn't work and that's why you really don't have to deal with that part of what happens. With the audience. You should accept it a bit, whatever happens. If no one else likes it.Find a niche audience or a kind of audience that has the same likes, antipathies and aesthetic sensitivity as you have.

I think one of the reasons Steven (Spielberg) and I have been as successful as we have is because we like the films.We like to go to the able to entertain the public.We can scare the public.We will be able to blow away the audience and say - let them go out of the theater and say: "Whoa, it was great, I was really touched by it." That is here, part of the funny.And you know you want people to think.You want people to be moved emotionally.And there is a theory with regard to stories.It has been around for thousands of years.Storytellers and Shakespeare had that we are in the film industry - it's more difficult to make ends meet.Must be able to see a response from the public and then adapt to which works.So you have to use your experience to endure many films.

I never just watch movies.After that, because that is what the art I work, you know?

You have made it possible for other directors to operate new technology and to have more control over sound and the moving image.

George Lucas: People sometimes consider technology to end things, and in some cases it is not a, binding books, paperbacks, cheap books for many people, it is all the technology that enables the author to reach a better audience., Michelangelo, many painters in the past were very good at mixing colors and coming up with new colors, so that they could express things in new ways., It's just a hundred times.It is in more art form, much more advanced than that.The thing we have done since, whether we add sound, or that we add color, or that we use digital technology, is just a way to expand it canvas in, so we have different colors to work with.When it started, they were cave paintings and they were very beautiful and very important.Suddenly it's all progress at a point where it is very refined.Able to expand the interval that they can use their imagination.

The area that currently has the most range is probably literature and it always has it because it is a key to the mind and it is very direct.Shakespeare, most of Shakespeare is written around today's technology.Scene and get new people on stage if you don't have a curtain and things like that.So technological, the artist has been the most limited in what he can the past.

What are your dreams at the moment in the next ten or 20 years?

George Lucas: My life makes films.How can I get through all the stories in the amount of time I still have?"My dream is that I can do it.

It was my dream when I was younger too. "I spent a lot of time doing what I want and I" Serendipitated "to start companies and build technology and do many other things related to getting theMovies I want to make."And then I concentrate on those who are at hand.

What does the American dream mean for you?

George Lucas: I don't know what to say about it. I want to grow up our society and become more rational and based on knowledge, less based on emotion."Understand - about how we fit in the world and how we fit into the universe. Not necessarily thinking of ourselves, but thinking of others.

I am not sure if we want to achieve this.Very compatible with the laws of nature.Human nature constantly means fighting between fully self-caught and trying to be a municipal being..

If you place this vision on a larger scale, you must understand that it is a very cooperative world, not just with the environment, with only our fellow people.Organism on time, it all dies and everyone dies with it.

Most organisms adapt and become part of the system or are wiped out.

You mentioned the words "municipal" and "The Connection".Din generation of the best filmmakers all seem to be friends.

George Lucas: I think this is the advantage that my generation has. That is why we all decided beggars and shouting at the Hoofdpoort that if we did not come together, we would not survive..So we came together.

Agricultural cultures started in this way and the first hunting cultures started in this way.Alt started in city states.We tend to lose it if we forget that we as a group are stronger than we are like individuals.We and we don't want to help anyone else.We want to succeed, but we don't want someone else to succeed because we want to be the winner.From society operates - your losses.You may not be able to win that way.

If I got a job, I would help someone else get a job.Everyone could go up.If everyone succeeds, if my friend succeeds, everyone will succeed.

We continue to do this and we do it with younger filmmakers.Need people who are at the same level that you are.

One of the basic motifs of adventure is that you will find the poor and bad luck on the side of the road and when they ask for help if you give it to them, you will succeed.To become a frog or something..A larger community to return to society.The very lowest level and you fight.When we were in the film school, we were all very, very poor.Buy a certain job, we would send another friend in the interview because we hoped one of us would get the school or help in the community.But it's not just a kind of public service.

Then you realize how big it is and that by helping others to achieve more.It is much more logical and more intelligent to help others reach the level where everyone is, instead of criticizing or doing fun, so that everyone can continue.You do it all the time, it helps you personally.

If America is the persecution of happiness, the best way is to strive to help other people.Fordi is nothing else that will make you happy.Give your happiness.It is said again and again.Not happy.And you can find people who have discovered that it really helps people is really compassionate with other people who make you happy who give you a spiritual fulfillment - a kind of fulfillment that goes a long way next to everything you can buy.This is a 5000 year old idea and every prophet, every intelligent, rational, successful person said it.

You won three Oscars.Do you ever come that you did it and now do you just want to relax and enjoy your success?

George Lucas: I look a little differently at it.I have many ideas and I will be able to work for myself.And try to fill your shopping cart as much as possible., you are not focused on success.This is not a matter of modesty.

Are there any obligations that are accompanied by the kind of success you have had?

George Lucas: I think when you grow up, you realize that your obligations only have in your life - to be a citizen, to be part of humanity - to help other people, help your country and theworld to help., I taught and I did other things and came to different programs, charities and things like that.

When I became very, very successful, I no longer had time for that level of participation.In my twenty."

After a lot of struggling and kind of reflection, I realized that the time you have to give is now, no matter how old you are.Position?"It's a kind of way to say:" Oh, I'm one of them!I am one of the old boys who give libraries to schools and things and here I am only 20 or 27. "I have seen again that many people are going through this, they work so hard, they wake up one day and realize that the things theysaid: "I do it one day, I do it one day." It's a day today., my feeling is, if you can't give away time, give away part of your resources.

I think this is an obligation that you have to return, whatever happens.Just being a volunteer to be this person who devotes buildings and saves many children in a long long place.

What do you see when you contribute to your profession and to film?

George Lucas: In the end, the most important thing for me is that I have bred three children..

On the professional side I helped with moving cinema of a medium based on chemicals will not be interesting for people in the future.A life later is forgotten.

You can make something that you don't think is very important during your life and it will take a thousand years.For what is important and what is not important.

Just do the best you can do with what you actually do.I hope that I can make some changes to the way the education system works.Dramatic changes that are coming.I am enthusiastic about it and I feel that it will be part of my heritage.

Awesome.Is there something we have not talked about what you want to talk about?

George Lucas: I can't think of anything.We certainly spoke a lot about a lot.

It is awesome.

George Lucas |Academy of Performance (2024)
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