Eating in Italy: 22 unique Italian food rules explained by Italians (2024)

Table of contents

  • What do you need to know when eating in Italy?
  • Watch the video and discover how to eat like an Italian in Italy!
  • Eat in Italy: Embrace Italian dining rules and enjoy authentic culinary experiences

If you're planning a trip to Italy and are curious about the unspoken guidelines for dining in Italy, this guide is just what you need.Written by Italians who love Italian food, it contains all the essential advice and insider information you need to maximize your dining experiences in Italyand it will help you eat in Italy like a local.

Italian cuisine is highly regarded as one of the most influential in the world, along with Chinese cuisine. Despite its worldwide popularity, many people do not understand Italian food and what it really entails. Tourists who visit Italy for what they believe to be authentic Italian cuisine are often disappointed when they discover that what they are used to is a lie.

As Italians who travel frequently, we have witnessed many situations where Italian dishes are presented inaccurately, such as garlic bread being passed off as an Italian main dish or ketchup being used instead of traditional ragù. A particularly egregious example was serving the fried chicken on top of a bowl of spaghetti, disguised as the famous "chicken parmesan" dish.

This guide, written by Italians, provides valuable insight into the unwritten rules of eating in Italy. We understand that Italian cuisine can be complex and it can be challenging to know how to order food or what to expect from a meal in Italy. We cover essential topics, do's and don'ts and Italian nutritional rules. By the end of this guide, you will better understand how to eat in Italy like a local, appreciate the country's culinary culture, and avoid common mistakes that can offend us Italians.

Whether you are a first-time visitor or a seasoned traveler to Italy, this guide will undoubtedly enhance your experience dining in Italy and help you appreciate the beauty of Italian cuisine. Let's start!

What do you need to know when eating in Italy?

We've put together some guidelines for how to eat in Italy, or at least how we Italians typically eat. By following these rules, both in Italy and abroad, you will avoid provoking extreme reactions and will be able to enjoy your meal without any problems. So read on for more information!

Don't order risotto as a starter

It is not uncommon to encounter risotto served as an appetizer at dinner parties or restaurants outside Italy. However, risotto is typically a main dish in Italy because of its rich and salty character. We enjoy it even without accessories, combined with a delicious glass of wine.

Eating in Italy: 22 unique Italian food rules explained by Italians (1)

Pasta and salad don't go together

Italians are very proud of their pasta and, like risotto, it is often served as an independent dish without additional side dishes such as salad or chips. As a main course, pasta is rich enough to satisfy even the most voracious appetite.

Chicken Carbonara is not a legitimate dish

We don't know of a chicken carbonara, which supposedly contains chicken, cream, parmesan cheese and peas. However, this pasta dish has no roots in Italy. In fact, in Italy there is only one true carbonara pasta, made with eggs and bacon, according to the traditional recipe. Get the recipe to maketraditional pasta carbonara.

Eating in Italy: 22 unique Italian food rules explained by Italians (2)

Chicken Parmesan is not an Italian dish

Like chicken carbonara, chicken parmesan is not a dish from Italy and not a well-known part of traditional Italian cuisine. Instead, it was invented in the United States and never exported or imported into Italy. We don't recommend ordering Chicken Parmesan in Italy unless you're prepared for friendly (or unfriendly) ribs.

Fettuccine Alfredo is not part of traditional Italian cuisine

Although fettuccine Alfredo is said to have originated in Italy, it is not a dish that many Italians consume today. In fact, it is not a dish that typically appears on menus in Italy and is more commonly associated with Italian-American cuisine. While it may be seen as a legitimate Italian dish in the United States, in Italy it is often considered a dish to eat when you're feeling down, rather than a staple of Italian cuisine. Read the story and recipefettuccine Alfredo.

Italians only drink wine or water while eating

When it comes to the drinks consumed during meals, Italians prefer wine or water. This is because wine is seen as a complement to the food, enhancing the taste and aroma of the dish, while water is considered a neutral drink that does not overpower or clash with the taste of the food.

There is one notable exception to this drinking rule: when eating pizza, it is acceptable to drink soda or beer with it. However, it is important to note that combining cappuccino with pasta or tea with steak is generally frowned upon. Although waiters may not refuse your request, this will likely cause disappointment or disapproval from them.

Eating in Italy: 22 unique Italian food rules explained by Italians (3)

Also read:Best Italian Wines for BeginnersS

Pepperoni pizza is not pepperoni pizza

In Italy, the word "peperoni" refers to pepper, rather than a type of meat as it is known in the United States. So when you eat and order in Italypizzain Italy it is important to take this into account because you may not get the topping you expect when you order "pepperoni" pizza. If you're looking for a spicy, meaty pizza similar to 'pepperoni' in the US, ask for 'pizza alla diavola' in Italy.

Mozzarella cheese is not traditional Italian mozzarella

It is important to note that there is a significant difference between mozzarella cheese commonly found outside Italy and traditional Italian mozzarella. In many places, mozzarella cheese is often sold in a prepackaged, dry form that can be sliced ​​and eaten straight. However, traditional Italian mozzarella is a fresh cheese that is soft and creamy, with milk that can literally seep out when cut.

The texture and taste of Italian mozzarella is very different from the pre-packaged cheese found in many stores around the world, and it's hard to really understand the difference until you've tasted the real thing. In Italy, mozzarella is often made from buffalo milk, which gives it a distinct taste and texture that is difficult to replicate. If you get the chance to taste authentic Italian mozzarella, you will immediately understand why it is so highly regarded in Italian cuisine.

Eating in Italy: 22 unique Italian food rules explained by Italians (4)

Bread doesn't go well with pasta

Pasta and bread are typically eaten separately and not served together as one meal. In addition, it is not customary to serve bread with oil and vinegar or butter, as is sometimes done in other countries. Instead, bread is often eaten as a separate dish with cold cuts and cheese, or as a starter or appetizer before the main course. Sometimes bread can also be served with soup or as a dip in sauces, such as bruschetta.

Fish-based meals

Although it may seem like a strange rule to foreigners, cheese and seafood are not usually mixed together in traditional Italian cuisine. This is because the strong cheese flavors can overpower the delicate flavors of seafood, leading to an unbalanced and often unpleasant tasting experience. While it is technically possible to request Parmesan cheese with spaghetti alle vongole, it is worth noting that this is not common in Italy and may cause some surprise or confusion for your waiter.

As a general rule of thumb, in Italy it is best not to add cheese to seafood dishes. Some Italians even believe that Parmesan cheese over fish can actually "kill" the fish's delicate flavor. So if you really want to enjoy the taste of seafood from Italian cuisine, it is best to enjoy it without adding cheese.

Marinara sauce does not exist in Italy

Although the term "marinara sauce" is commonly used in some countries, it is important to note that this sauce is not typically found in traditional Italian cuisine. In Italy, the term "marinara" generally refers to a pizza made with a simple tomato sauce, garlic, olive oil and oregano.

Although you can find tomato-based sauces in Italy that are similar to marinara sauce in other countries, it is important to remember that the ingredients and preparation may be different. Therefore, in Italy it is best to avoid asking for pasta with marinara sauce or a sandwich with marinara sauce, as this may not be a familiar or recognizable dish for many Italians.

Eating in Italy: 22 unique Italian food rules explained by Italians (5)

Don't ask for salad dressing

In Italy there is no salad dressing, as it is commonly known in other countries. Instead, Italians use high-quality olive oil and vinegar, separately or combined, to season their salads. Rather than obscure the flavor of the salad ingredients, the olive oil and vinegar are meant to enhance and complement them. As such, traditional Italian salads typically do not contain heavy dressings or other condiments. By embracing the simplicity of olive oil and vinegar, Italians celebrate the natural flavors and textures of their salads.

Don't look for macaroni and cheese in Italy

Despite the popular myth that macaroni and cheese was imported from Italy in the 18th century, this dish is not a staple of Italian cuisine. Although there is a dish in Italy called "pasta pasticciata" that bears some similarity to macaroni and cheese, the two dishes are not exactly the same. If you're in Italy and hoping to find ready-made macaroni and cheese in a supermarket, you'll probably be disappointed. Italians typically make pasta dishes with cheese at home rather than relying on ready-made boxes or packets. While macaroni and cheese may be a beloved dish in other countries, it is not widely recognized or consumed in Italy.

Eating in Italy: 22 unique Italian food rules explained by Italians (6)

Coffee is an after-meal affair

In Italy, coffee is generally not consumed during the main meal, lunch or dinner. Instead, Italians enjoy espresso after their meal, often accompanied by a small glass of water. Espresso is the favorite coffee drink in Italy and is always served without milk.

Coffee with milk, such as cappuccino and latte, is typically reserved for breakfast or for an afternoon snack known as "merenda". Drinking a milky coffee during the main meal is generally frowned upon in Italy as it is believed to interfere with the taste of the food. By enjoying a strong, rich espresso after a meal, Italians can clear their taste buds and fully appreciate the complex flavors of their food.

Don't miss our guidehow to order coffee like an Italian.

Never cut spaghetti

Cutting spaghetti is almost considered a crime in Italy, except for small children who are still learning to eat properly. Instead, Italians have a unique way of eating spaghetti, which involves twisting the long strands around a fork.

Traditionally, older generations used a spoon in addition to their fork to roll the spaghetti, but this practice is becoming less common. After all, Italians have been eating spaghetti for generations and have perfected the art of spinning without the need for any additional utensils.

It's worth noting that Italians don't even use a knife to cut their pasta. This is because pasta dishes, including spaghetti, are meant to be enjoyed as they are, without cutting. If a fork is not enough to turn the spaghetti, the Italians keep turning until the entire thread is wrapped around the fork.

So the next time you enjoy a plate of spaghetti in Italy, remember to flip, not cut, to fully embrace the Italian dining experience.

Eating in Italy: 22 unique Italian food rules explained by Italians (7)

There is no such thing as Spaghetti Bolognese in Italy

Spaghetti Bolognese may be a popular dish outside of Italy, but there is no such thing in Italy. Instead, Italians enjoy pasta al ragù, a meat sauce made with a mixture of ingredients that varies from region to region.

Ragù is a basic product in Italian cuisine and is used not only for pasta but also for lasagna. It is a complex sauce that takes hours to prepare and is made with high-quality ingredients such as beef, pork, pancetta and vegetables.

The idea of ​​Spaghetti Bolognese or 'bolognaise' is a creation outside Italy. So if you look for this dish in Italy you won't find it. Instead, enjoy a delicious plate of pasta al ragù, a true Italian classic.

The different purposes of red and white wines

Italians are very careful about how wine is served and paired with food. In general, white wine is usually paired with seafood dishes, while red wine is paired with meat dishes. White wine is usually chilled, while red wine is served at room temperature. Adding ice to wine is never done in Italy and is generally not recommended.

Eating in Italy: 22 unique Italian food rules explained by Italians (8)

Aperitivo is taken seriously

Aperitivo time is an essential part of Italian culture and Italians take it seriously. Whether during the day or on the weekend, it is tradition to drink a good oneAperol Spritz, wine or prosecco or another local drink or beer. Usually the aperitivo is accompanied by small snacks called "stuzzichini", which can often form a full dinner. For Italians, aperitivo is an opportunity to socialize, relax and enjoy good food and drinks with friends and family.

To drink coffee like an Italian, go to the bar and order it correctly

To drink coffee like an Italian, go to the bar and order it correctly. We rarely drink their coffee while sitting at a table in a bar. Instead, we stand at the bar, drink our coffee in one go, and then leave. Ordering coffee in Italy can be difficult, because there are many different types. The most common types are espresso, cappuccino, latte macchiato and americano. When you order an espresso you say "a cup of coffee' and pay at the cash register before going to the barista. Don't forget to drink it quickly, because that's how the Italians do it.

Embrace the art of ordering a digestivo

A digestivo is a fundamental part of the Italian dining experience. After a meal at a restaurant, it is almost customary to drink a digestivo, a drink that aids digestion and makes you feel refreshed. The most popular digestivo is limoncello, a lemon-flavored liqueur made from the peel of Sorrento lemons. Other common digestivos are grappa and amaro. Drinking a digestivo is good for digestion and serves as a social ritual where friends and family can relax and enjoy each other's company after a meal.

Avoid an early dinner when in Italy

In Italy, dinner is usually served later than in other countries and is an important social event that brings together family and friends. Dining too early can make you stand out and possibly ruin your dining experience in Italy. Italians typically eat their dinner at 8:30 PM, so it's important to adapt to their customs to fit in and have an authentic Italian experience. Please note that restaurants and cafes may not previously open for dinner 7pm, so plan accordingly.

Take your time when eating in Italy

Italians find it important to take their time while eating; meals are an essential form of socialization and bonding. They are never consumed hastily on a coffee table in front of the TV. If you want to eat like an Italian, it's important to take your time and enjoy every bite without rushing your meal. Enjoy the company of your table companions, strike up a conversation and make the most of your lunch or dinner experience.

Watch the video and discover how to eat like an Italian in Italy!

Eat in Italy: Embrace Italian dining rules and enjoy authentic culinary experiences

In conclusion, food is not only a basic need for Italians; it is an essential part of our culture and lifestyle. Italian cuisine is more than just pasta and pizza; it's about using fresh, quality ingredients and following time-honored recipes passed down from generation to generation. By following these Italian food rules, you can experience the true essence of Italian cuisine and fully appreciate the beauty of the Italian way of life. Whether you eat at a pizzeria in Naples or a trattoria in Rome, keep these tips in mind. You will impress your Italian friends with your knowledge and respect for their culinary culture. Good appetite!

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Eating in Italy: 22 unique Italian food rules explained by Italians (2024)
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