Do chickens sleep standing up? (2024)

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It is a common misconception that chickens sleep standing up,but this is hardly the truth.

How do chickens sleep?

And how can you as an owner take this into account?

We cover everything you need to know and more, so let's get into it!

Do chickens sleep standing up? (1)

How do chickens sleep? Do chickens sleep standing up?

Chickens preferget off the ground and sleep in the chicken coop.

They don't sleep standing up.

Chickens fly, walk or jump to their resting places and then sit on their feet to sleep.

Cornish crossesis the exception to this rule.

They are too heavy to get onto a perch, let alone keep their balance on such a heavy body.

Instead, they will choose to sleep on a flat but elevated surface.

I always provided a few logs of firewood for mine to sit on and they seemed to appreciate that.

You see a chicken standing still with its eyes closed.

While this may seem like a leg-locked nap, the chick is simply resting its eyes and enjoying the sun.

They may be relaxing, but they're not really sleeping.

Why do chickens sit?

It is a natural instinct for chickens to roost at night.

Even if you get itnew chicks you raiseWithout interaction from older chickens, they will immediately seek a higher roost at the first opportunity they get.

If you raise your chicks in a trunk, drying tank, or large wooden incubator, you'll probably see them jump up and sit on their sides as soon as they grow feathers on their wings.

Protection from predators

Chickens are almost completely blind at night, which means they can't see potential danger very well.

They also sleep from dusk to dawn, with some chicks invariably sleeping more heavily than others.

This makes them susceptible to several nocturnal predators, most notably: foxes, coyotes, raccoons, skunks, stray dogs, owls, opossums, cats (feral, wild and domestic), weasels, wolves and bears.

Sleeping on the floor, tucked away in a safe environment, especially in a dark room where they are difficult to see, makes their sleep much safer and more comfortable.

Before the chicken coops, wild chickens (jungle birds) slept in bushes, trees and higher shrubs.

Their feathers blended in with the foliage and they did not move or make any sounds to warn nearby predators.

Keep clean

Chickens often lose manure during the night.

If they were to sleep on the floor, they would end up in a messy position where they could soil themselves, or they would have to get up and move to a clean area to relieve themselves.

Sleeping off the ground allows them to sleep peacefully, without moving, while staying neat and clean.

Chickens often sleep in the same place night after night.

When they slept on the floor, they inhaled dangerous and unhealthy toxins all night because they were in the manure from the night before.

Mites and other harmful insects are also much more likely to be on the ground, which is why this is so importantchicken coopinstead of lying on the cage floor.

When do chickens sleep?

Chickens will sleep latesunrise to sunset,regardless of the season.

Like humans, they naturally tend to sleep more in winter and much less in summer.

Living in northern Montana, my chickens sleep almost sixteen hours a day in the winter, thanks to our long, cold nights and dark, cloudy winter days.

On some of the coldest and darkest days around the winter solstice, some of my older chickens practically lived on their perches.

They only came down to eat and drink before going to sleep.

However, in the summer they only sleep about seven to seven and a half hours per night.

Almost all chickens sleep through the night, and as long as they are not disturbed by loud noises or intruders, they should not make any noises or come down from their roost until morning.

Older chicks may nap randomly during the day if they feel safe enough. As the chicks get older, they need more sleep.

Do chickens sleep standing up? (2)

Where do chickens like to sleep?

Chickens like to sleep in an elevated room where they are clear of the groundfeeling safe from predators.

While most are happy with the coop, a few may wander into new spaces.

Chicks at the bottom of the pecking order may not want to sleep with the rest of the flock, especially if the other chicks are aggressive.

Heavy chicks may not feel able or comfortable sleeping on a post or perch.

It may be difficult to fly to their resting place, or it may be too painful for them to jump down in the morning.

Heavy breeds such asWyandottesInOrpingtonsare prone to sore or broken feet when they jump from their perch.

Naturally,Cornish Rotskruisen(fast growing meat birds) do not have access to the perches at all.

Just because a chicken can't sit in a good spot doesn't mean they don't want to be put to sleep.

Consider building a ramp for the chickens to climb up and down, or provide some upside-down pieces of firewood or cinder blocks for the chickens to roost on.

In the past I have used metal grills intended for barbecue grills as a resting place for extra heavy chickens.

I placed them on two cinder blocks, just six to eight inches above the ground.

I had an older pet hen (safely from the cooking pot) that slept here.

My sweet, friendly giant Cornish crosses also slept on these slats, which I found comically ironic.

Mother hens that are broody or have chicks will also sleep on the floor or on your lowest perches.

I placed perches eight inches above the ground.

Still, they usually ended up on a large piece of upturned firewood, hidden beneath their adorable mother.

How long do chickens sleep?

Chickens want to sleep tooas long as it's dark.

They usually sleep completely uninterrupted from sunset to sunrise, no matter how short or long the natural night is.

How to set up a perch for your chickens

Choose a good part of Coop

First, choose an area of ​​your chicken coop where feces won't land.

Do not place rest bars over food or water sources.

Also, do not place nest boxes in places where you walk (certainly do not attach human-sized perches above your entrance door).

Make sure there is enough space

Next, make sure you have enough space for the intended number of chickens (more on this in a moment).

Some areas of your chicken coop may offer more space than others.

Spread perches (if necessary)

If you plan to have multiple rows of rest bars, do not place them in a perfectly vertical line.

The lowest beams should be the longest (if they are at an angle) and stick out the most.

Each successive rod should then deepen inward, closer to the wall and higher and closer to the ceiling.

Doing this will make it much more difficult for your chickens that are higher up to soil the chickens below them.

Typically, the highest-ranked chicks sleep at the top, while the chicks low on the totem pole sleep at the bottom.

Use suitable materials

Wooden dowel rods, natural branches, tobacco sticks, and two-by-four boards are good ideas because they are easy for the bird to grasp.

They are not nearly as cruel to sore feet in the heat of summer or the cold of winter (as metal).

Rubber rods can work well. Sturdy plastic can do the same.

Do not use metal or smooth plastic as these are difficult for chickens to grip and may cause deformationhop foot.

Grind the wooden sticks finely, as the painful splinters can also cause bunions.

I even added a few short two-by-four boards to the inside of the chicken coop so that my older chickens, who are usually my children's pets, would have a high and comfortable place to sleep.

They need to be cleaned more often, but it is worth it to me so that they have a good quality of life.

Prepare for waste

If you want to make cleanup easier, consider placing something under the perches to make it quicker and easier to clean up after your flock.

Some people lay out tarps and wash them regularly.

Others throw away straw or wood shavings and change mediums often.

And other brilliant people keep a sandbox under their perch so they can effortlessly pick through the sand like a giant cat litter box.

I've never used sand before, but it's on my to-do list.

Use perches that are thick enough

The chicken coops should have a diameter of at least two to three inches.

Not only do thicker perches support more birds with less risk of breakage, but it is also a relief for the chicks not to have to grip so hard on the perch to stay upright.

Thicker pads are also warmer because they can settle on the feet and warm them while they sleep.

How much space do chickens need to perch?

Each chicken should have about four inches of space on the perch.

Wyandottes may need a foot or two of space occasionallyfor dwarf cornerswhich requires only six inches.

Giving even more space is a good idea if you have unusually aggressive or shy chickens in your flock.

This ensures that your lowest-ranked birds still have a safe, pest-free zone to get some much-needed sleep.

Too many chopped chickens will eventually stop staying in the coop if they feel unsafe, making them a target for predators (or freezing to death in the winter).

One of my favorite herd observations is the difference in open roosting space between summer and winter.

In summer, every inch of the wooden pole seems absolutely necessary.

The chickens go outside leaving gaps between them.

In winter they are all squeezed together to warm up and it seems the farm is only running at half capacity.

Why does my chicken sleep on the floor?

If you see your chicken sleeping on the floor, this could be a problem or a sign of a problem.

Here's how to tell the difference between the two.


Chickens that are uncomfortable can sleep on the ground, especially when pressed on the cool ground, to cool down faster.

Don't panic if you see a chicken stretched out and sleeping on the ground when it's warm. They're just trying to cool down for comfort.

You will normally see this during the day rather than at night.

It is also cooler for chickens to sit on a perch with their wings slightly spread, so that they cool down a little faster.


If a chick is being bullied by its flock mates, it may sleep on the ground to avoid confrontation.

Other birds may even deliberately take him or her down.

If this is the case, add more perches so that the lowest ranked birds are guaranteed a place to sleep.


Inaccessible perches can be difficult to reach, too high to fly to or jump from safely.

They could also not have enough space or be too dirty for the chicken to feel uncomfortable there.

Heavy birds may not be able to jump or fly to the perch or be too heavy to balance on the post.


Although it is normal for all chickens to roost at higher altitudes, not all of them know how to do this or how to reach the roost.

Carefully put them in their place in the living room if you think they don't know any better.

If they can't fly to it, make a slope or lower the perches lower.

Illness or injury

If a chicken isn't feeling well, he may sleep on the couch instead of walking upstairs to his bed.

Here isfive common chicken diseasesand how to treat them.

Final thoughts on chickens that sleep standing up

Now that we know that chickens do not sleep standing up, we can better understand their cages and adapt them to their needs.

We also know why chickens rest when they sleep, why they sit where they want to sleep, how to set up a suitable chicken coop and how you can tell if a chicken is doing well.

I hope you found this useful!

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Do chickens sleep standing up? (2024)


Do chickens sleep standing up? ›

No, chickens don't sleep standing up, but they roost and go to perches to take a nap or rest.

How do chickens normally sleep? ›

Chickens are social creatures, and their sleeping habits reflect this. At night, chickens often huddle together, forming a tight-knit group. This behavior provides warmth and fosters a sense of security within the flock.

Do chickens sleep with their eyes open? ›

Just like the ducks, your chickens who take up position at the ends of the perches will sleep with their outer eye open and will turn 180 degrees to allow the other side of their brain to sleep. The chickens in the middle will sleep with both eyes closed.

Why do chickens like to sleep up high? ›

Chickens instinctively seek high roosts to avoid predators. A roost is an elevated bar, branch or narrow plank on which chickens perch to sleep. Seeking high spots to spend the night has been part of chicken survival instincts since long before its domestication over 5000 years ago.

Do chickens show affection to humans? ›

Just as dogs are devoted and loyal, chickens show their affection for example by following you around. They can even run to you when you call them or eat treats out of your hand. They may even sit on your hand or shoulder or become lap chickens.

Do chickens know their name? ›

Although chickens have been known to communicate through sounds, there is no scientific evidence that chickens know their names. However it is possible that you and your chickens have experienced that – especially around the time where you feed them chickens seem to respond to their name being called.

What is the most common sickness in chickens? ›

#1: Marek's Disease:

While Marek's disease is typically considered a disease of young chickens (clinical signs typically appear between 6-30 weeks of age) older chickens are also susceptible. Unfortunately, the only way to diagnose Marek's Disease is via a necropsy by a veterinarian.

What is chicken lifespan? ›

Chicken lifespans vary widely, with most hens generally living between 3 and 7 years. However, with ideal care, they may live even longer. If a chicken is kept safe from predators (including dogs) and has no genetic issues, it can certainly live 10 to 12 years old.

Do hens ever crow like a rooster? ›

After the hen surpasses peak production, her reproductive system changes pretty drastically. Hens will peak around the 2-year mark and then their hormones start dropping. This can affect their reproductive organs, and hence, they start crowing.

Do chickens recognize their owners? ›

Chickens remember people, places and things.

Chickens will trip over themselves running to greet their caregivers, and there's individual recognition within the flock, too. As they grow into adulthood, chicks continue to look to their mothers for guidance.

Do chickens like to be petted? ›

Chickens have different personalities, and you may discover that some like to be petted while others would rather sit nearby. But even if they don't like your attention, you can still get them to trust you. Their temperaments can also depend on the breed.

Do chickens remember people? ›

Memory: Studies have shown that chickens can remember up to 100 individual chickens and can even recall specific individuals after months of being separated. ⁶ Chickens can also remember human faces and have been successfully trained to act as therapy animals for sick and elderly people.

What relaxes chickens? ›

Calming supplements can also be given to help your hens cope – Nature's Grub Healthy Hen Herbs containing Chamomile and Lemon Balm help to relax your hens, Little Feed Co Peck Pourri that has a unique mix of dried herbs and flowers is made with marigold flowers, chamomile flowers, rosebuds, rosemary, mint, basil, ...

Do chickens have a bedtime? ›

chickens will usually roost around dusk and will be asleep by sundown. some stay up a little later, but when it is dark they are usually in their coop, or they will sleep where ever they are. They will try to get off the ground, so as not to easy prey for predators.

Why do chickens wake up and scream? ›

There are four reasons chickens (hens) make noises in the morning (especially)… They are awake and confirming who's still there and where. They are hungry and waiting for feed and water. They want out of the coop into the run or want out of the run to pasture feed..

Why are my chickens up at night? ›

If it is older birds it could be that the coop has pests. Not the same, or as bad as a predator, but mice or rats or red mite in the cracks of the wood might be putting your hens off entering the coop at night.

Are hens happier with a rooster? ›

Chickens, even those who have been living together for years, will sometimes squabble or pick on those lower in the pecking order. Having a rooster around does seem to keep peace within the flock. Also, in the absence of a rooster, one hen will often assume the dominant role and become a bit of a bully.

Why do chickens fall asleep when you hold them? ›

The reason your chicks seem calm and remain motionless on their backs is typically due to a phenomenon called tonic immobility or “animal hypnosis.” This phenomenon is triggered by confinement of the body and an extreme amount of fear.

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Name: Jonah Leffler

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.