Botanist of Spur Stardew Valley: The Best Foraging Profession - SDew HQ (2024)

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Candela Maldonado

Cande has been in the games industry for over five years, working as a localization specialist and actually working with Eric Barone himself. However, it would be her burning passion for Stardew Valley that would see her work on producing her own content for this beautiful, whimsical title. She enjoys helping Junimos, meeting friends at the Stardrop Saloon, and is no stranger to the Skull Cavern!

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Stardew Valleycan be without introduction. But when you're part of an alien species that just arrived on Earth, it's a video game about managing your resources on a daily basis, season after season, year after year. During each phase we strengthen our bonds with the townspeople, improve our crops and discover mysteries. But of course we need to learn how skills work in the game to get there first.

Essentially, there are five types of Stardew Valley skills: farming,Mining, viergering,Fishingand struggle. Of course you can develop some of them. In fact, the game doesn't require you to follow a specific path. But if you want to get the most out of them and put an end to them, you'll want to master them.

Most of these are inherently complex.

Let's think about mining, which has endless levels and difficult enemies to fight. And fishing? Whether you fish at night, during the day, in the rain or in the sun. Don't even get me started on agriculture.Agriculture, as expected from a farming game, the difficulty is next level.

But today we will focus on foraging. Yes, the one about picking things up off the ground. In this guide we discuss which foraging profession is best and which profession suits you: botanist or spore?

In short:

Botanist of Spur Stardew Valley: The Best Foraging Profession - SDew HQ (3)

This guide has been handcrafted to cover all foraging-related aspects: leveling up to 10, collecting the best items, obtaining the best quality items - all leading to the final decision: should I become a botanist or a tracker? Yet you have a split screen with two options right in front of you and you want to make a quick decision. Here's one too long; I have not read the version of this manual:


This profession is ideal formoney makers.If you are interested in coin making, then this profession is for you. Make sure that every item you pick up is only of the best quality with your botanical skills.


Have you graduated? Are you on your way to complete the museum or acquire a specific item? Well, you've found your calling. Follow it all.

Overview of the headlands

Botanist of Spur Stardew Valley: The Best Foraging Profession - SDew HQ (4)

Roughing involves picking things up from the ground. That is how it works. Whatever you pick from the ground is considered a food commodity. This is because it gives you a foraging experience. The more you level it, the better it gets and the more rewards it brings you.

It's the skill that people often level quickly because early in the game they tend to pick up a lot of things walking around. It's the best you can do. It will give you a lot of energy, a lot of experience and a money making machine if done right.

How foraging works

Now when you start a new game, edible items will appear all over the world. You can run around and pick them up. They spawn in almost every area in the game.

Sample items all work the same way: they change throughout the seasons. After selecting all the counterfeit items on the map, it is important to know that two to five new items appear daily for each area. Now what is an area, you may ask? It's everywhere with a transition screen.

The countless benefits of foraging

Each time you increase your Blacksmith skill, you increase your Ax skill by only a small amount. So if you get all the way to level 10, you'll use one less energy to swing your axe. Instead of using two energies, you need one.

Take advantage of foraging

The edible goods can be worth a lot of money. For example, if you find the mushroom soil in the mines, you can get a whole bunch of mushrooms here in one day. A few hundred of them. They are all very valuable too.

ter info: The mushroom bottom spawns in the mines. It goes between floors 80 and 120. You can find it randomly every day

Level 5 Headland: First choice

Botanist of Spur Stardew Valley: The Best Foraging Profession - SDew HQ (5)

The first career choice comes at level 5, you can become onerangeror a collector.

Forester gets 25% more wood by cutting down trees. The collector gets duplicate items for each item you enter. If you're here, you probably chose Gatherer. As you should have. Double harvest of fodder, baby! Why don't you want that?

However, if you want to create new buildings for your farm, you might consider taking a completely different route.

Find your way to level 10

The real choice comes at level 10: do you want to be a botanist or a tracer?

Botanist or Spore, which is better?

At foraging level 10 we have another choice. We can choose between the Botanist, which means the feed is always of your highest quality, or the Tracker, which means the map highlights feedable items.

Before we make our choice, let's look at each one.

The botanist: Quality over quantity

Botanist of Spur Stardew Valley: The Best Foraging Profession - SDew HQ (6)

As a botanist you get the essential quality over quantity. So if you find something to forage, the item will be of iridium quality.


  • Higher profit

Anything at Iridium level means you get higher profits from selling items.

  • Better gifts for NPCs

When you give high-quality items to NPCs, it increases your heart meter much faster.

  • Saves space

Yes, you read that correctly. Goods of the same quality range. Everything you pick up is Iridum quality, so you don't waste storage space.


  • Time consuming

The alternative shows everything on the map. But as a botanist you keep searching blindly for things. So finding items is still time consuming.

  • High quality... Nonsense?

Some items, although of high quality, have little value. Sometimes you come across an item that will bring you some profit regardless of the quality.

How to get the most from being a botanist

Stardew Valley players like to think of animals as a worthless investment. You have to put a lot of money up front, but you will see the returns slowly increase over the weeks.

To start your money making machine you will need the following

  1. Luxe stal: 20000g
  2. Gris: 16000g pr

When I say it like that, it sounds like a waste of money, right?

What do you think of this:

Pigs give you truffles, selling them for 625 grams and increasing to 1250 grams if they are of high quality.

Aren't you glad you chose botany?

ter info: Truffles can be turned intotruffle oilwhich sells for 1065 grams and can go up to 1491 grams if you are a professional. In the oil mill, it takes six hours in the game (six minutes in real life) to turn truffles into oil.

You can quickly get 10 truffles per day that can be turned into oil and sold for 14910 grams, so you can earn 14910 grams and more per day.

This whole pig farming has a downside: in winter the pigs stay in the stables. So you will have to create a new strategy for this season.

The Tracker: quantity over quality

Botanist of Spur Stardew Valley: The Best Foraging Profession - SDew HQ (7)

If you select Tracker, arrows point to the location of the feedable item on the map. An arrow will appear at the edge of your screen pointing to worm sites in your area. If you enter an area and notice the arrow is missing, there is simply nothing to forage.

This is extremely useful to ensure that you find all the daily feeding area before the day is over.


  • Save time:

You spend less time looking for things. They are right on your map.

Say goodbye to the time you searched for things in an area where there was nothing at all. With Tracker, you walk into the area and know if what you're looking for is here, and even get specific directions on where to find it.

  • Ideal for the collector

This job is for you if you are looking for something specific or to complete the museum. If you don't want to earn money and only want to complete in-game missions, Tracker is for you.


  • Make room, everyone

If you're in the sleuthing business, you better start planning a warehouse expansion. You pick up items of different qualities that don't stack on top of each other like the botanist.

  • A fruitless craft

Unless you start looking for profitable items (which are usually out of reach), you simply won't make that much with Tracker.

  • A limited improvement

At first it looks like your card is getting a UI buffer. Now there are arrows pointing to the right place to go.

However, the arrows only point to the worm tiles. No collectibles are shown on shrubs, such as salmonberries, or on crops, such as scallions.

How to get the most out of Tracker

There's no point in lying: you won't make any money with Tracker.

But that doesn't mean there's no profit.

Completion of the museum

The museum is one of the collectible side activities (or the main activity, depending on how seriously you take your collectibles) in the game. First you have to restore the old museum by donating some items.

To complete a task like this, a map showing the location of each item can be useful.

On finding Lucky Ring

Lucky Ring is an item that gives luck+1. Luck is a factor that plays a huge role in how events in Stardew Valley play out on a day-to-day basis.

One way to quickly find this ring is to have a professional tell you where it is. Take full advantage of the tracker profession to find out which lake, river or pond to look for your Lucky Ring.

Get all the achievements

Some achievements, such as Full Shipment, which requires you to ship every item in the game, or Mystery Of The Stardrops, which requires you to find every single Stardrop, will be easier with the Tracker skill.

The blue arrows on the map showing where the feedable items are located are useful if you want to get the game to 100%.

So which one should I choose?

This one is up to you. If you want to find more shippable items right now, that's fine. If you're level 10, you generally don't have to find many things. That's why I always choose Botanist. That way, when you find what you're looking for, your items will always be of Iridium quality.

The truffles you collect from the pigs? Always iridium. And very, very valuable. They definitely make it worth having pigs. The same goes for anything else you pick up. And Iridium quality means more health and more value. High-quality forgings can also make great gifts. Obviously, the higher the quality, the more people like them.

Unless they're poisonous mushrooms that Linus doesn't want to eat.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: When will you unlock the Botanist and Tracker professions in Stardew Valley?

Answer: It takes a lot of bending to pick up items before you unlock these professions. However, you unlock the choice of becoming a botanist or spore when your forage attributes reach 10.

Q: Can you change professions in Stardew Valley?

Answer: You may want to find something specific with Tracker before becoming a full-time botanist. It is understandable. You can change your profession by donating 10,000 grams to the Statue of Insecurity in the Sewer.

Question: How to unlock the sewers?

Answer: The previous answer was only constructive if you unlocked the sewers.
To unlock the sewers you need the Rusty Key. Gunther will give you the Rusty Key when you complete the museum. Yes, it is the dream journey to become a Tracker to complete the museum, unlock the Ruster Key and then go to the sewers to turn into a botanist.

Botanicus of tracker Stardew Valley:Parting words

Choices are never easy. But it always helps to know your options. Either way, the foraging ability is one of the most accessible in the early game and the most rewarding in the late game. This skill can give you all the energy and coins you need for your game.

I'm sure you'll find something whatever path you choose. Stardew Valley offers numerous ways to play the game, but none of your choices will hinder your progress. No, it's not 'just' a farm management game. Instead, it's a grand adventure that takes you to a rural community where there's also room for adventure and even social consciousness.

Make the most of your foraging experience and become the expert you've always dreamed of.

Botanist of Spur Stardew Valley: The Best Foraging Profession - SDew HQ (2024)


What is the best profession for foraging in Stardew Valley? ›

Hands down, the best Foraging Professions are Gatherer at Level 5 and Botanist at Level 10. This is especially true when raising Pigs. The Truffles that these Pigs find will always be iridium quality, and the player will pick up two Truffles instead of one 20% of the time.

Should I choose botanist or tracker? ›

If you selected Gatherer as your level 5 Foraging profession in Stardew Valley, you may be wondering what profession you should take at level 10. You can choose between Botanist and Tracker, and while both have their uses, Botanist is the best choice for most players.

What is the best choice for level 5 foraging? ›

Should You Pick Forester Or Gatherer In Stardew Valley? Both Level 5 choices offer their own perks and bonuses but which one is better? Although the question itself really boils down to playstyle, on paper, it's generally a better choice to choose Gatherer.

What is the most profitable profession in Stardew Valley? ›

Even once players have enough animals and have automatized the feeding and petting systems, it simply isn't possible to get as many animal products as it is to obtain crops. On top of that, the Artisan profession is the best possible one in the game. Players get 40% more for every artisan product.

What is the botanist profession in Stardew Valley? ›

Botanist profession applies iridium quality to:
  • All items labeled as "Forage" in-game (except Sap and Cave Carrot, and buried items)
  • Fruits, vegetables, and flowers found as forage (including Salmonberries and Blackberries shaken from bushes during their respective seasons)
  • Fruits shaken down from trees.
May 8, 2024

What is the fastest way to max foraging in Stardew Valley? ›

Picking up foraged items from the ground — including those grown from Wild Seeds — will raise Foraging, as will harvesting spring onions. However, the most efficient way to level this skill is by chopping wood.

Is botanist and naturalist the same thing? ›

A biologist whose interest lies primarily in the study of plants or animals can be called a naturalist, although these days it's more likely she'll be called a natural historian, a botanist, or a zoologist.

What is the difference between a naturalist and botanist? ›

When natural history was coined it meant “description” of nature (plants and animals) and naturalists were persons who studied nature. Botanists were individuals who studied plants.

Can you change your profession in Stardew Valley? ›

The Statue of Uncertainty can be used to change your professions. It requires you to make an offering of 10,000g at the shrine located inside the sewers on the opposite end of Krobus. This can change things such as Mining or Fishing skills.

Is it better to be a Forester or gatherer in Stardew Valley? ›

Consider your playing style. If you find yourself chopping wood for materials often, you should pick Forester. If you forage items regularly and sell them for profit, you should go with Gatherer. Unlike the Mushroom or Bat Cave, you can always change your profession at the Statue of Uncertainty.

Which level 5 farming profession is better Stardew Valley? ›

At level 5, the best Profession to pick is Tiller. Players will often find themselves selling extra crops for some money in Stardew Valley, and only a handful will be turned into recipes or used in artisanal goods.

What is the number one rule of foraging? ›

The number one rule of foraging is not to eat anything unless you are 100% sure it is safe to eat. And you can learn! Not only are there tons of books, websites, and apps, but there are also classes that teach you how to forage for edible plants.

What professions are better in Stardew Valley? ›

If you chose Tiller, as recommended earlier, the far superior choice is Artisan. Given that artisan goods are some of the most profitable items in the game, it's much better than the crop growth speed increase given by Agriculturist.

What is the most profitable food to sell in Stardew Valley? ›

Most players usually go for the crops with the biggest profit margins, like cauliflower in Spring or pumpkins in Fall. Some make as many kegs of wine as they can and wait for the eventual payday.

Should I get rancher or tiller? ›

If you're looking for a lucrative choice for both early- and end-game, the Tiller will be your best option. However, if you like caring for animals, you could benefit from the Rancher profession. This wikiHow will compare the Rancher and Tiller professions in Stardew Valley and help you decide which one to choose.

Which profession is better, forester or gatherer? ›

Consider your playing style. If you find yourself chopping wood for materials often, you should pick Forester. If you forage items regularly and sell them for profit, you should go with Gatherer. Unlike the Mushroom or Bat Cave, you can always change your profession at the Statue of Uncertainty.

Is rancher or tiller better? ›

The Rancher Profession can be helpful early-game if you prefer to raise a lot of animals. The Tiller Profession is better for end-game earnings with the Artisan upgrade since you get 10% more for crops and 40% more for artisan goods. At Level 10, you can unlock a sub-category for your profession.

Is miner or geologist better? ›

If you value faster tool upgrades, Miner is great. If you value an early source of additional gold and gifts, the Geologist is the way to go! Note that you can change your profession using a late game feature, but you'll likely have your chosen profession for a while.

Is fisher or trapper better? ›

The Trapper profession reduces the materials needed to craft crab pots from 40 Wood and 2 Iron Bars to 25 Wood and 3 Copper Bars. Fisher is the best choice for most players, but if Trapper fits your playstyle better you should select that profession.

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