Apple cider vinegar with ginger, garlic, lemon and honey (2024)

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Homemade apple cider vinegar with lemon, honey, garlic and ginger drink is considered a magical drink that offers so many health benefits. Making it at home is super easy and you only need 5 ingredients. Using the best quality unfiltered apple cider vinegar with mama and pure organic honey is key. Research has shown that it really works for people with heart blockage or heart disease. Also check mylever detox too. Learn how to make this miracle drug with step-by-step photos and video.

Apple cider vinegar with ginger, garlic, lemon and honey (1)Pin


1. What is apple cider vinegar with lemon, honey, garlic and ginger?

2.Watch this magical drink video

3. Ingredients

5. Expert tips

6. Frequently Asked Questions

7.📖 Recipe card

Hubby found this really helpful and interesting home remedy for heart blockage on Facebook. He told me about it and I was totally interested in trying it. First I did a lot of research and discovered that it really works for people with heart blockage or heart disease.

What is apple cider vinegar with lemon, honey, garlic and ginger drink?

Combining apple cider vinegar with honey and ginger creates a powerful boost of antioxidants that helpin digestion and weight loss. This drink can help combat indigestion, nausea and bloating. Some people notice relief from their acid reflux symptoms when they drink this mixture regularly.

Who can use

  • People diagnosed with heart block, heart disease
  • People who cannot afford By-Pass surgery or who cannot go to By-Pass surgery.
  • Prevention of repeated heart attacks.
  • Suffering from constipation, ulcers.
  • People looking for weight loss.

In fact, I wasn't afraid to try it at all because it contains only natural and healthy ingredients. So it's better to give it a chance.

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Apple cider vinegar with ginger, garlic, lemon and honey (2)


Apple cider vinegar with ginger, garlic, lemon and honey (3)Pin

Health benefits of apple cider ginger garlic drink

Health Benefits of Garlic

Lowers blood pressure, Anti-congestion, Lowers cholesterol, Antibacterial properties, Lowers sugar levels, Treats skin infections, Reduces weight, Treats respiratory problems and much more..

Health benefits of ginger

Prevention and cure of heart diseases, increases blood flow, reduces weight, increases energy, Good for colds, coughs and much more..

Health benefits of lemon

Regulates heart rate, helps the heart function properly, reduces weight and much more.

Health benefits of apple cider

Removes toxins from the body, contains minerals, potassium, vitamins and enzymes.

Health benefits of honey

Lowers cholesterol, fights bacteria, gives energy to the body, antioxidants, reduces the risk of cancer and heart disease.


Apple cider vinegar with ginger, garlic, lemon and honey (4)Pin

Ginger -try to find fresh young ginger root. Peel the peel with a vegetable peeler or use a spoon to scrape off the peel. Wash it well to remove any dirt from the ginger. Use very little water when grinding ginger. Extract the ginger juice by passing it through a sieve.

Citroen -I used a lemon squeezer to squeeze as much juice from the lemons as possible. Use fresh lemon and extract fresh juice from it. Do not use bottled lemon juice.

Garlic -If you can use organic garlic. Peel the skin and use it.

Apple cider vinegar -Try purchasing organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar with your mother. It has full medicinal benefits.

Darling -pure organic honey is preferred in this recipe for its medicinal benefits.

Apple cider vinegar with ginger, garlic, lemon and honey (5)Pin

How to make apple cider vinegar with ginger, garlic, lemon and honey (step by step photos)

Preparation of ginger juice

1) Take fresh ginger, peel the peel using a vegetable peeler or spoon to scrape the peel. Was it good. Cut into pieces for grinding.

Apple cider vinegar with ginger, garlic, lemon and honey (6)Pin

2) Place the ginger in a blender. Grind it into a puree. You can use very little water to grind the ginger into a smooth paste. Do not add too much water.

Apple cider vinegar with ginger, garlic, lemon and honey (7)Pin

3) Place the ginger puree in a sieve and press it with a spoon to extract the ginger juice. Squeeze and extract as much juice as possible.

Apple cider vinegar with ginger, garlic, lemon and honey (8)Pin

4) This is your ginger juice. Put aside.

Apple cider vinegar with ginger, garlic, lemon and honey (9)Pin

Make garlic puree

5) Place the peeled garlic cloves in a blender and grind into a puree.

Apple cider vinegar with ginger, garlic, lemon and honey (10)Pin

Squeeze lemons

6) Place the lemons in the lemon squeezer and squeeze out the juice. If you have a citrus juicer, you can use that too.

Apple cider vinegar with ginger, garlic, lemon and honey (11)Pin

7) Once the lemon juice has been extracted, strain it using the same strainer and set the juice aside.

Apple cider vinegar with ginger, garlic, lemon and honey (12)Pin

Mixture of ginger, lemon and garlic

8) Take the lemon juice in a jug. You will need 1 cup of lemon juice.

Apple cider vinegar with ginger, garlic, lemon and honey (13)Pin

9) Measure and pour in 1 cup of ginger juice.

Apple cider vinegar with ginger, garlic, lemon and honey (14)Pin

10) Mix ginger and lemon together. As soon as you add ginger juice to the lemon, it turns pink. It's usually nothing to worry about.

Apple cider vinegar with ginger, garlic, lemon and honey (15)Pin

11) Now add garlic puree and mix well.

Apple cider vinegar with ginger, garlic, lemon and honey (16)Pin

12) The mixture will be slightly thicker in consistency due to the garlic puree.

Apple cider vinegar with ginger, garlic, lemon and honey (17)Pin

13) I strained the mixture through a sieve one last time. This step is optional. I did this because I wanted to remove any bits of garlic from the mixture.

Apple cider vinegar with ginger, garlic, lemon and honey (18)Pin

Cooking ginger, garlic, lemon and apple cider mixture

14) Now put the mixture in a pan. Add 1 cup of apple cider vinegar. it is best to use raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar with ginger, garlic, lemon and honey (19)Pin

15) Cook this mixture on low, medium heat for 30 minutes. Keep stirring in between so that nothing burns.

When cooked 30 minutes. Remove it from the heat and let it cool completely. You should not mix the honey until the mixture has cooled.

Pro-tip:When you prepare the apple cider mixture, it will have a slightly greenish color. It's completely normal.

Apple cider vinegar with ginger, garlic, lemon and honey (20)Pin

Mix in honey

16) When the mixture has completely cooled. Add 3 cups of honey. It is best to use organic, high-quality honey in this recipe.

Apple cider vinegar with ginger, garlic, lemon and honey (21)Pin

17) Mix the honey very well into the mixture. Once mixed, pour into clean, dry, airtight bottles and store in the refrigerator.

Apple cider vinegar with ginger, garlic, lemon and honey (22)Pin

Expert tips

  • Many people have noticed that their drink has turned green during cooking. There is nothing to worry about and it is normal and safe to consume.
  • Only add honey when the mixture has cooled completely.
  • Use the best quality honey and apple cider vinegar for their health benefits.
  • You can mix 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 1 cup of warm water and consume.


This drink is so easy to put together. You need to extract the juice from the ingredients. Mix everything, heat it, let it cool and add honey. That is it.

How to consume?

Drink 1 tablespoon of this tonic in the morning on an empty stomach, followed by 1 cup of warm water. You can also take 1 tablespoon in the afternoon and evening.

How long can this be kept?

This will keep for 1 to 2 months in the refrigerator. Use clean, dry spoons when handling.

Why did my mixture turn green in color?

Many people have noticed that their drink has turned green during cooking. There is nothing to worry about and it is normal and safe to consume.

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📖 Recipe card


Heart Block Medicine - Miracle drink of apple cider, ginger, garlic, lemon and honey

Homemade apple cider vinegar with lemon, honey, garlic and ginger drink is considered a magical drink that offers so many health benefits. Making it at home is super easy and you only need 5 ingredients. Using the best quality unfiltered apple cider vinegar with mama and pure organic honey is key. Research has shown that it really works for people with heart blockage or heart disease. Also check mylever detox too. Learn how to make this miracle drug with step-by-step photos and video.

4.12van245to vote


Preparation time:30minutes minutes

Preparation time:30minutes minutes

Total time:1time time

Portions:5 cups



  • Blender

  • Goal

  • Pot


  • 1 kop Ginger juice
  • 1 kop Knoflookpuree
  • 1 kop Lemon juice
  • 1 kop apple cider vinegar
  • 3 cups Organic honey



    • Place the ginger juice, garlic juice, lemon juice and vinegar in a saucepan and cook over medium heat for 30 minutes. Keep stirring so it doesn't burn on the bottom. Remove it from the heat and let it cool completely.

    • When the mixture has cooled completely. Pour in 3 cups of honey and mix well.

    • Once mixed, pour into a clean, dry glass bottle and store in the refrigerator.


    Apple cider vinegar with ginger, garlic, lemon and honey (30)

    To note

    • Many people have noticed that their drink has turned green during cooking. There is nothing to worry about and it is normal and safe to consume.
    • Only add honey when the mixture has cooled completely.
    • Use the best quality honey and apple cider vinegar for their health benefits.
    • You can mix 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 1 cup of warm water and consume.

    How to consume?

    Drink 1 tablespoon of this tonic in the morning on an empty stomach, followed by 1 cup of warm water. You can also take 1 tablespoon in the afternoon and evening.

    How long can this be kept?

    This will keep for 1 to 2 months in the refrigerator. Use clean, dry spoons when handling.

    Power supply

    Serves:1tablespoon|Calories:45kcal|Carbohydrates:12G|Egg white:0,2G|Fed:0,02G|Saturated fat:0,004G|Polyunsaturated fat:0,01G|Monounsaturated fat:0,001G|Sodium:1mg|Potassium:24mg|Fiber:0,1G|Sugar:11G|Vitamine A:0,4IU|C-vitamin:2mg|Calcium:7mg|Iron:0,1mg

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    Apple cider vinegar with ginger, garlic, lemon and honey (2024)
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    Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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    Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

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    Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.