14 Cash Crops: The Most Profitable Plants to Grow - Small Farmers (2024)

Whether you are limited in time or space, it is a good idea to look for the highest value cash crops to maximize production and profits. So let's take a closer look at the options to determine which one you should consider growing.

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Choose what you want to grow

There are plenty of ideas for lucrative crops, even if your farm is relatively small. The crops you should choose depend on many variables, including climate and soil.

A small farm, tended by several employees, must grow crops that suit the market, the area and your time investment.

When considering which crop to grow, keep the following in mind:

What is the value per pound?

When you plant a crop with a lower value per pound, you will have to produce more to make the same money as a crop with a higher value. Therefore, it is important to keep in mind the costs of production and any investment or time required to grow the crop.

How will it be sold?

If you can sell directly to customers or produce more valuable products, you can get the best price.

However, marketing and selling your crops can be a lot of work, and if you grow more than a very small crop, it can be a challenge to sell everything at the best price in a short time.

Sometimes it is better to sell your crops to wholesalers, especially if you are increasing production.

Even though you don't get as much per pound, as if you were selling it yourself to buyers, you can sell all your crops in bulk quickly and easily, and not be left with anything that you can struggle to sell before it spoils.

How fast does it grow?

A fast-growing crop means you can grow more of it. Some grow in a few weeks and can be harvested every week.

Other crops require more care, so you may prefer crops that grow more slowly but also require less maintenance and care. It just depends on your situation what you should go for.

What benefits can you expect?

You want to choose something that can produce a high yield for each hectare or even square meter of available space. If you have a larger plot of land, yield is less important and you may want to look at the additional benefits of small crops.

Think of returns in terms of value and weight. For example, microgreens weigh very little compared to potatoes, but they can be sold for much more.

Do you have vertical grow rooms?

14 Cash Crops: The Most Profitable Plants to Grow - Small Farmers (1)

Some types of crops can be planted on shelves in rows of trays. However, if you are only growing crops on one level, you may not be making the best use of the available space.

If you only have a small area, consider mushrooms, microgreens or a companion plant on vertical levels.

Is it labor intensive?

Some crops are sold at very high prices, but part of the reason behind this may be the fact that the plants require a lot of labor.

Saffron, for example, falls into this category. To make just one pound of dried saffron, you must collect the stamens of 75,000 plants.

You also need to make sure that you can match the requirements of the crop you are looking at with the time available. If this isn't going to work, you'll have to choose a less profitable crop instead that won't require much of your time.

How much can you earn?

What you want (or need) to earn from your crops can help you figure out how much you need to increase production, what determines how you market and sell the crops, and how much time and expense you need to to achieve all this.

12 Most Profitable Crops for Small Farms

1.) Christmas trees

You can grow these from Douglas fir, blue spruce, balsam fir and other species. Starting a forest of Christmas trees is a significant investment and it can take up to eight years for a sapling to reach a marketable height.

Continue planting more saplings as you wait for the first ones to fully mature so that there are plenty of Christmas trees to harvest each year.

You can expect a profit margin of 200% when selling these trees. For example, if you sell them for €75 per tree, you can earn more than €100,000 per hectare per year.

Conifers make several seedlings that you can replant to grow another crop, and once you've had one harvest you can start a new cycle without buying new seedlings.

2.) Mushrooms

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Mushrooms may not be the first thing that comes to mind as a lucrative crop when considering small farms, but they can be very profitable.

Oyster mushrooms, for example, take just five weeks to grow and can fetch up to $20 per pound. As a result, mushrooms are a good crop for people in urban areas or on low-access agricultural lands.

They are usually grown indoors and produce an impressive yield per square meter.

With oyster mushrooms you can get more than 25 kilos of crops for every square meter planted, and they are also productive, so you can grow them vertically in hanging bags, making the most of the available space.

Mushrooms do not have a long shelf life after harvest and they are not the most accessible products to transport across the country. This gives local mushroom growers an advantage over commercial mushroom farms with higher production.

If you want to try mushrooms, you can sell them to restaurants, farmers markets or even chefs.

3.) Microgreens

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These have some similarities with fungi. However, they are also among the most profitable varieties if you want impressive profits per product square meter of growing area.

You can start small, grow about five microgreens in your basem*nt and quickly and easily make hundreds of dollars a month from just these plants.

Microgreens take two to three weeks to grow and usually sell for more than $15 per ounce. lb. You'll likely use planks to lay out strips of fluorescent lighting and have up to four rows of microgreens in a stack.

With planks you can grow $10,000 worth of microgreens in just one month, and all you need is a little space in a spare room or basem*nt. Microgreens are planted in 8 x 10 inch containers full of soil. Hydroponic growing is another option.

Microgreens must be sold fresh because they do not last long after harvest. You can market microgreens to wholesalers or sell them to local supermarkets or local restaurants.

There are plenty of other vegetables and herbs that will grow well with microgreens. Try the most common ones, such as sunflower, radish and pea shoots.

These are easier to expand and because the public is already familiar with them, they are more accessible to the market.

Cultivation of microgreenscan be very profitable given its high sales price and excellent yield per square foot.

4.) Ginseng

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Two different varieties of this plant have been cultivated for many years. Ginseng grows slowly and is known for various medicinal uses.

Both American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) and Panax ginseng (Korean wet ginseng) have been used in traditional medicine for centuries.

There are no convincing health benefits for ginseng as far as the scientific community is concerned. Still, some studies show its ability to help with fatigue and menopause.

Some Asian recipes call for ginseng and can also be used to make herbal teas or energy drinks. Since it takes six years after planting for the plant's roots to mature, consider it a long-term investment and perhaps grow something else while the plant matures.

Many farmers sell the small roots and/or seeds of the plant while they wait for the mature roots to develop. A ginseng farmer should be able to earn up to $200,000 for every hectare of plant, if roots, seeds and roots are also taken into account.

Ginseng cultivation is an intensive operation. It is demanding because there is a high risk of errors. A polypropylene shade cloth is also needed.

This plant can be grown on a much smaller scale in the forest and is therefore found throughout the eastern and northern United States. Wild ginseng like this is considered superior to the cultivated species in terms of medicinal benefits.

However, wild ginseng is becoming increasingly difficult to find. That is why 'wild simulated' ginseng is in high demand and is grown in forests.

If you are already growing trees for firewood or lumber, you may also want to add some ginseng plants, as they sell for $300 to $60 per plant. lb.

5.) Garlic

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In 2017, more than 500 million pounds of garlic were sold domestically, with an average price of $1.50 per pound. lb. Plant garlic in the fall and harvest it in the summer.

When you see sprouts emerging, you only need to water them twice a week.

Getting started growing garlic can be expensive. You're looking at $18,000 per acre to grow 1,000 pounds of "musical garlic," a hardy variety with a peppery flavor.

However, you can save onions for the next harvest and use them instead of buying more.

6.) Lavender

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This versatile, versatile plant produces flowers that you can sell fresh or dried to florists. The dried specimens are used in arrangements or wreaths or can go to craft stores or directly to artisans.

It can also be used to make lavender oil for soaps and lotions, while the dried flowers are often found in herbal sachets and pillows. Lavender also has culinary uses, such as ice cream recipes.

Purple Haze Lavender Farm makes over $1 million a year from selling their wide variety of lavender products grown on their 20-acre farm. Dried lavender bouquets do not take much time to make and are popular.

One hectare of lavender plants yields about 12,000 bouquets in a year, each costing at least $10. All you have to do is tie the stems into bundles and then you can hang them for a week before selling them.

To grow lavender, you need well-drained soil. However, it is versatile enough for different climates and you usually don't need to use irrigation or fertilizer. Lavender can be grown from cuttings in a greenhouse.

Keep in mind that lavender only blooms in its second year, but will bloom for at least 10 years after that because it is disease resistant and grows quickly.

7.) Safran

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Considering that saffron sells for about $2,500 per pound, it is probably the most expensive (legal) plant grown on Earth. This culinary herb has a floral, almost honey-like taste.

The high cost is that it takes 75,000 flowers to make just one pound of saffron. It is made from the sprouting part of the crocus plant.

To grow these crocuses you only need ¼ hectare of land, so you can see how profitable it is to grow these.

Areas with mild winters and dry climates, such as California, are best for growing saffron plants. But they will also grow elsewhere in greenhouses or polytunnels.

However, you cannot quickly grow saffron crocus from seed. You need to grow tubers, the fleshy tuberous roots of the plant.

Crocuses are not difficult to grow. The tubers will split over time and you can then separate them for replanting, sell any surplus to other farmers or, if you have space, grow some extra yourself.

The only difficult part of growing saffron is the very labor-intensive harvesting. After carefully selecting the flowers as they open, remove three flowers from each flower.

Now consider that you need about 150 flowers to make just one gram of dried saffron.

This is the main reason why saffron is typically grown in places where labor is cheap, such as Iran, and not in the United States, despite the crop's high value.

8.) Bonsaiplanter

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These miniature ornamental plants are grown in small pots, which prevents them from growing larger.

The cheapest sell for $20, while impressive examples can fetch as much as $5,000. Some bonsai have been blooming for more than a century and continue to bloom even though they are only one or two meters tall.

Many people enjoy growing their bonsai, while others may prefer to purchase an established bonsai that can serve as decoration.

Bonsai growers usually specialize in different regions. Some start with starter trays in untrained saplings, while others are grown in small pots.

Experienced growers will maintain their plants for a longer period of time and then 'train' them in their pots. Some people spend years growing their plants and then sell them to collectors for hundreds of dollars.

These plants don't need much space because they are so small. To get started, though, you'll need a few hundred dollars worth of soil and seeds. You can grow bonsai from regular seeds.

The value of growing bonsai plants is that you have the skill and knowledge to transform an ordinary seedling into an impressive bonsai plant.

If that sounds good to you, start with a few plants and as you get more experience, you can move on to larger ones.

9.) Goji-bessen

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These antioxidant-rich berries are considered a "superfood" and offer many health benefits. It is also believed that they offeranti-cancer and anti-aging properties. Goji berries grow well in China and also suit the American climate.

Fresh berries, especially at farmers markets, can command high prices, while dried berries cost a little less, at $20 per pound or slightly more.

It is possible to grow up to 7,000 pounds of this crop on an acre, so in terms of fruit at least it is the most valuable crop to choose from.

Goji berry plants are woody, thorny and deciduous. They can grow up to 6 feet tall when fertilized and pruned, or up to 40 feet in the wild.

It is best to keep goji berry plants in a greenhouse for the first six weeks after development. Then move them outside where the climate is good for them, including a cold winter.

These berry plants are hardy, meaning they are invasive in some areas. This is why varieties such as Crimson Star and Phoenix Tears are recommended, as they typically do not grow.

While it is possible to get a light harvest from the plant in year 2, it typically takes 3 to 5 years to reach full production capacity. You can start early by planting goji berry plants in late winter while they are not blooming.

These plants are usually taken from cuttings, so growing them can be initially more expensive compared to other plants that can be grown from seed.

It can cost up to $10,000 to have enough goji berry cuttings to cover an acre, but it is well worth the money when you consider that the trees bear fruit every year (not all fruit trees) and never need to be replanted.

10.) Wasabi

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You may already know that most 'wasabi' in the West is not authentic wasabi at all. Instead, it's horseradish, mustard, and green food coloring.

Maybe you've never tried real wasabi, even though you've been to many sushi restaurants. The reason is that wasabi costs about $160 per kilo or $50 for a 100 gram stem. A restaurant selling the real thing will charge about $300 per kilo.

Wasabi has a volatile taste and must be cooked fresh. It is at its best for about 15 minutes after you paint it.

Any longer than that and it starts to lose flavor, so any wasabi that isn't prepared in front of you at a restaurant isn't the real deal because it won't keep for long.

Wasabi is an enlarged stem rather than the actual root of the plant. There are two elements in the plant that are responsible for the spicy taste, but the compound breaks down quickly and does not last long. It is therefore also possible to eat the stems and leaves of the wasabi plant.

This plant prefers freshwater streams, making it difficult to grow. It is also susceptible to disease, so you probably won't want to grow large quantities in your greenhouse. So it's fair to say that wasabi is a challenging cultivar to grow.

Wasabi prefers sunny, cool summers, making it an excellent choice to grow in Britain as it prefers dull weather. However, some regions in the United States, such as Oregon, offer a similar climate, so they are also good places to grow fresh, real wasabi.

Although you can grow this plant in containers, it grows best along stream banks if you happen to have one on your property.

It takes at least 15 months and perhaps even two years to harvest the stem or rhizome, but you can start harvesting the vegetables in as little as two months and then it will take about seven weeks for each plant to fully develop. The leaves and stems have a sour taste.

11.) Bamboo

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Cash crops are not always edible; Bamboo is an excellent example of something that can make money, but is not grown for food.

Bamboo is considered tropical, but several varieties are hardy and can even survive below freezing. This is one of the fastest growing woody plants in the world; in fact, one species in Japan grew three feet in just 24 hours!

This versatile plant can be sold alone for decoration, but can also be used to create a hedge or privacy screen. Unfortunately, homeowners and landscapers will pay more than $150 for a potted bamboo plant, and bamboo farmers are struggling to meet current demand.

Plant them in a nursery pot and you can make thousands of dollars every year. You can plant more than 500 plants in one room if you use 5 gallon pots in a 30' x 40' area.

Bamboo is also used to make textiles and fabrics. This plant can also be used as a biofuel and in kitchen appliances and flooring.

If you live somewhere, you can grow this plant; you may want to grow it for something other than decoration. Bamboo shoots are used in many Asian broths and dishes, although they must be prepared carefully.

Newly planted bamboo shoots can take up to 10 weeks to reach their full height and then take another 5 years to reach full maturity.

When you harvest bamboo, it grows back without you having to replant it because it is a grass.Studies have shown thatCutting back your bamboo plants will also help them grow faster next year.

12.) Flowers

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Although a tulip bulb could sell for more than anyone could have made a year ago in 1637'let's go'Nowadays, modern floriculture is not so lucrative.

However, on a smaller farm it can be an excellent crop.

There are so many options for growing flowers and you can grow a wide variety of bulbs, cuttings and dried flowers if you want.

Growing flowers can be lucrative because you can start with just a few dollars worth of seeds, essential equipment and supplies. Moreover, you can start making money with your flowers in the first year.

Experienced flower growers can harvest more than $100,000 worth of flowers in just one season in a greenhouse. You can make about $50,000 acre of flowers even if you only sell in bulk to wholesalers.

You may want to start with some market research to find out which types of flowers are in high demand in your area. Profitable examples of flowers you can grow include salvia, sunflowers, snapdragons, peonies and zinnias.

Many small farmers find many interested buyers at weekend farmers' markets in cities around the world. Other ways to sell flowers are directly to supermarkets, luxury hotels, restaurants and florists.

13.) Grass-fed poultry

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Suppose you consider animals instead of, or instead of, crops; that is of course also another option. There are also many profitable animal species you can breed. For example, broiler chickens sell well and are more lucrative than laying hens, so many small farmers go for it.

It takes a laying hen nine months to produce broiler chicks, and these chicks reach their optimal weight after just six to nine weeks. When they reach 4 pounds, you can get between $3 and $6 per pound, depending on your location and local demand.

Broilers don't need much space and you can increase the price per chicken. pounds by growing them on pasture. Every few months, reinvest some of your harvest profits to scale up the operation.

To get started, you'll need to raise your chickens or buy some. Then store them in a dry and warm place for a few weeks before releasing them into the pasture.

Because local processors are often fully booked for months, you should call them as soon as you get the chickens, or even earlier, to ensure they are available when you need them.

Raising birds means complying with local food and hygiene regulations. So it's wise to research these before you start and find out what you need to do to become certified to raise chickens.

Grass fed chickens improve the land you raise them on, so it's fair to say they bring ecological benefits to your property. So consider converting them to a mixed farming method.

14.) Snails and insects

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Snail farming can be lucrative, as escargots are a gourmet delicacy. Plus, if you raise them naturally, you can expect top French restaurants to be happy to pay for them.

You like to breed locusts if you want to be innovative. The insect market in America was worth $50 million in 2018, and many experts believe it will be worth it.$850 million by 2027. Of course, many people aren't too happy about insects like chicken or beef. They are usually sold as a novelty, as in clear candies. You can also get chocolate-covered insects, including crickets.

As people become more accustomed to insects as an alternative food source due to their ethical and environmental benefits, it looks like this market will grow quickly!

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Davin Eberhardt

Internet side |+ report

Davin is a master, but has professional training and experience in various home and garden industries. He leans on other experts where necessary and edits and fact-checks all articles.

14 Cash Crops: The Most Profitable Plants to Grow - Small Farmers (2024)
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