10 best cattle for self -sufficiency that you must increase (2024)

When you are looking to stop your addiction to the grocer, you will consider increasing cattle for self -sufficiency.

10 best cattle for self -sufficiency that you must increase (1)

Growing fruit and vegetables are just one step to increase your self -power, but animals play a bit on this trip when you eat meat or dairy products.It is a big decision to bring animals to your house;I encourage you to ensure that you do everything your research when choosing the best cattle for self -sucker.

You want homestead and want to produce as much food as possible in your country, but what does it really look like for your family?

Everyone is on a different homely travel.You may have 10 hectares and lots of beautiful grassland, so cows and larger cattle are a good choice for people with less space.

You may have a hectare in the middle of the suburbs and you still have the strong desire to be more self -sufficient.It is expensive to buy agricultural land;I know I am not there yet.Chickens and ducks are possible, even if you don't have dozens of hectares to use.

So let's take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of this best cattle for self-supply to help you decide what the best addition to your house will make.

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10 best cattle for self -sufficiency that you must increase (2)

10 best cattle for self -suction

1. Cows

10 best cattle for self -sufficiency that you must increase (3)

Cows are not for everyone, but if you want a versatile farm animal, the cows are the way to go.The sole is that they need a lot of space, so if you don't have any space, I would skip the cows and go to goats.Cows require 2-3 hectares to graze per day. Cow, if you want to be spotted cows with grass.If you don't have that space, they need cow food and hay, which increases the costs of increasing cows.

Cows are bigger cattle, so I don't recommend starting with cows if you have no experience with other animals.They don't need much time a day, but if you have a dairy, they have to be milked twice a day.Cows must require also help during delivery and they need a suitable shelter, especially when they are born.

For these reasons, cows are one of the best cattle for self -sucker:

  • Supplies milk to your cows -Cows are the best milk source for your family and if you have a dairy cow or two, your family has enough milk without needing the store.Many cows produce into a gallon a day, so that you can make cheese, yogurt, ice cream and any other dairy product you want.
  • Gives your family meat -The collection of cows also gives your family meat.Cows produce hundreds of kilos.A cow easily feeds a family for a year!
  • Seller calves -You can also sell the calves to an income source, but you must be prepared to help your cow during a birth.The knowledge is a must.
  • Sale of dairy products or meat products -Check the laws of your state, but selling dairy products and meat products is a possible way to increase your family income.

Advantages of increasing cows

  • Cows require a small daily cow, but you must ensure that you understand their needs and how you can take care of them.
  • These animals give you a lot of meat and dairy products.A small herd of cows is all a family that should really be self-sufficient when it comes to meat and dairy products.
  • They require what daily care, except for feeding and milking if you have a dairy cow.

Disadvantages of lifting cows

  • Cows need a lot of space;You need more hectares to graze or be willing to pay for hay daily.They can eat around 24 pounds a day!
  • You have to give a strong hiding place and fence that you keep cows where they should stay.
  • If you want to breed cows, the birthrodden can be a bit complicated and you have to be ready to help.
  • Cows only birth once a year, so it's more difficult to make the sale of calves to an income source.

Last thoughts: Cows are good, if you have a lot of room to graze, but buying hay is expensive.If they are versatile, I would not want to demolish the money for hay and feed.If you have space, it's a big oh yes!

2. Goats

10 best cattle for self -sufficiency that you must increase (4)

Goats are one of the best cattle for self -sucker, and because they are completely sweet, more and more house places add these animals to their backyard.Disease animals provide milk and meat for consumption, and some varieties also produce fiber for clothing.Some goats goats thrive in smaller areas.

Goats are often self -power when they have room to feed and eat, but if you have a garden in the suburbs, they are happy as long as you feed them every day.They like weeds, grass, grain, hay and vegetation.

Goat owners must be saxed because they are vulnerable to different abdominal products.This means that you have to check more limited goats.

If you want to be self -sufficient, there are a few reasons for lifting goats.

  • Milk for your family -Milk Goats is an obligation;They have to be milked daily, but in exchange you have fresh milk for your family every day.Goose milk can be converted into butter, cheese, yogurt and soap.
  • Goat meat -Many goats are known to have delicious meat, so if you want a source of more meat than chickens, goat meat is delicious!
  • Maintains grass and weeds -Goats like to eat and chew on something like grass and vegetation.Some people use goats for grazing clean up, so if you have a country to be cleaned up, goats are for you.
  • Fleece -Some goats are not ideal for fleece, but others do.If you want fiber for clothing or yarn, goats are an option!
  • Sell the children -Depending on the different goats you breed, some children each pick up up to $ 500, especially if they have papers to show their bloodlines.If you want to earn extra money, it's a good idea to sell goats.

Advantages of raising goats

  • Many people who cannot digest cow's milk that chop goat milk and it can be done for cheese and ice.
  • Goat meat is delicious, although not popular in the US.It is more common in other parts of the world.
  • You can raise goats on a large farm or in a small back garden.
  • There are many different goat varieties, so choose whether you want a meat goat or a dairy products.
  • Goat children collect a good price when they are sold.

Disadvantages of raising goats

  • Goats often require more care than chickens or other small cattle.
  • These animals require a safe hiding place, and because they have the reputation to escape from artists, their hiding place must be good.

Last thoughts: goats are like a larger gateway house animal.If you don't have room for cows, goats can be an option and they give your family dairy products!Some varieties where the Nigerian dwarfs are less than many dogs.Small house places.

3. Chicken

10 best cattle for self -sufficiency that you must increase (5)

Chickens tend to be the gateway animal for homesteaders and it is possibleRaised chickens in small spacesAnd back gardens.So if you live in the city, chickens are one of the best cattle for self -supply because they are so easy to keep.

Chickens don't need much space, and as long as they have shelter, protection and food, they will be happy.The best of all, raising chickens gives you a way to live a self -sufficient lifestyle.

A few ways to use chickens include:

  • Eggs to eat -The most obvious way to use chickens is to eat the eggs that they produce for food.If you have chickens, you have an endless stock of eggs.
  • Eggs for sale or hatch -You can also sell fertile breeding eggs to other people who want to learn how to hatch eggs at home.If you don't have fertile eggs, you can also sell eggs to eat, a good wayEarn money on a house.
  • Meat birds -All chickens can be eaten for meat, but if you want to raise chickens for filling your freezer, choose one of the best bird species with meat bird.Home came up with meat is delicious and cuts your need for the supermarket.
  • Sell chickens -If you want to earn an income, consider breeding eggs even in an incubator and selling the chickens.It is a great side congestion for homesteaders.
  • GivingBelieve it or not, you can also use the feathers of your chickens.They deliver filling, insulation or crafts.
  • Have fertilizers -Chicken fertilizers is a large fertilizer for your garden, but it must be composted before applying it to your garden.It's a big oneNatural nitrogen, but fresh fertilizer burns plants.
  • Check bugs and weeds -Chickens love free range and when they do that, they help you to control the bug population in your back garden.They eat sign!They are also excellent foraging, so they help to control weeds that are able to erase areas when they are bound in an area.

Advantages of raising chickens

  • Chickens can be raised in many areas, even in small back garden and house places.
  • If you want to raise chickens for eggs, whatVarieties of chicks lay eggs almost dailyThis offers a source of food for your family.
  • Chickens are generally a cheap cattle;The feed is cheap and they love to eat all your leftovers.
  • It only takes a few minutes a day to take care of chickens.You have to feed and water them, and you will have to ensure that they are protected at night.

Disadvantages of raising chickens

  • Chickens are high.Everything knows that cranes are long, but chickens can also be noisy.
  • It takes a maximum of 24 weeks for some chickens to lay eggs, so you have to be patient and wait for the eggs to come.
  • Chickens are prey, so you have to give your herd a lot of protection.

Last thoughts: As long as your area has no regulations against raising chickens, I suggest that everyone starts with a small couple.They are versatile and help you get used to raising cattle, plus they are so much fun to have.

10 best cattle for self -sufficiency that you must increase (6)

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10 best cattle for self -sufficiency that you must increase (7)

4. Rabbits

10 best cattle for self -sufficiency that you must increase (8)

Rabbits make the list for various reasons as one of the best cattle for self -supply.

First, they are allowed in most places.It is difficult to find a province or city that prohibits the ownership of rabbits because they are a popular pet.So if you are a resident of the city, rabbits are an option.

Secondly, they need little space and costs to increase.Cannins live happily in cages, and if you have room for them to fan, rabbits are freely self -sufficient.

They are also productive and breeders who are crazy.All have heard the saying - breeding like rabbits - but it is actually true.It takes 10-12 weeks from birth until a rabbit is ready for butcher.Cannins also have a short pregnancy period, usually 25 to 28 days so that they can have more nests every year.

Rabbits are a versatile farm animal to increase the self -power.A few ways to use rabbits include:

  • Butcher- A goat and three can give a lot of meat every year.It is estimated that a nest gives 80 pounds per year per year.
  • Fertilizer to your garden- Unlike other fertilizers, rabbit fertilizers does not have to be composted.So spread it over your garden whenever you want.
  • Races and sell the sets- Getting rabbits more quickly and many babies.If you have a race or two that people want, you can sell baby rabbits!

Advantages of raising rabbits

  • They are versatile and you have many ways to use rabbits on a house.
  • Rabbits are multiplied quickly, so that breeding it to sell sets or meat is light.
  • They start to reproduce quickly, usually within six months.
  • It doesn't take much to maintain rabbits because their food costs a little.

Disadvantages of breeding rabbits

  • Rabbits are prey to many animals, so you have to make sure they have a strong hiding place.
  • You have to clean their cages or boxes regularly.
  • It is difficult to sell rabbit meat because rabbits are so cheap and most people don't eat rabbit meat.
  • If you have a large family, rabbits don't give much meat.You need a big breeding program.

Last thoughts: rabbits are great if your city has too many laws against cattle.They live in pens and breed quickly;You can easily produce meat for your family without having a lot of space.Cannins are a large farm animal for housing.

5. Four

10 best cattle for self -sufficiency that you must increase (9)

Pigs have a bad reputation;People think they are ugly and bad, but it is far from the truth.They need more care and space than other pets, but if you like pork, it is a good ideal for self -sucker.Have space, it is possible to lift hundreds of kilos of meat and never have to buy meat from the store again.

Despite what people think that pigs are actually pure animals, but it is only true if they have space.They are very intelligent and they understand that they have to keep their residential areas and waste separately.You have to give shelter against the weather and a strong fence because pigs like to wander around.

Some varieties of pigs are quite large, while others, such as kanekune -pigs, are better in small rooms.You must ensure that you have the knowledge to take care of them and all the material needed to take care of them.

This is what you can get from raising pigs for self -suction.

  • Pork for your family -The most obvious reason that you would raise pigs for your family is that you produce food for your family.Depending on which breed you breed, pigs produce a few hundred pound pork.
  • Sells piglets -If you are looking for a way to increase your family income, it is a good idea to sell small gels.Pig is ready to breed when they are about six months old and each pig has 5-25 piglets in a nest.
  • Sell pork -Make sure you check the laws of your state before you do this, but selling pork is a way to increase your income at your home.You have enough pork for your family before selling some meat.

Advantages of raising pigs

  • Pigs eat something, so they feed is fairly simple.They need a lot of food, but if you have food that wants to spoil or table residu, they can all be given to your pigs.
  • Pigs produce a lot of meat for your family.If you like pork, a few pigs can feed a family for a whole year.
  • They breed quickly and produce up to 25 piglets per day.stel, so if you want to sell piglets, you don't have to wait too long.

Disadvantages of raising pigs

  • Pigs reach a large size and are more difficult to eliminate than other animals.
  • A lot of food is needed to feed pigs.Expect them to feed 6-8 pounds per day.
  • Pigs can escape artists, so you have to make sure you have a good hiding place and a strong fence.

Last thoughts: you have to have the right space for pigs to live their best life.If you don't want that and still want pigs, look at kunekune -pigs.Discreen pets produce a lot of meat, but they need a lot of food.That meat will not be cheap!

6. Ducks

10 best cattle for self -sufficiency that you must increase (10)

I have to be honest;Since I started to raise ducks last year, I think I like them more than from chickens!If you are looking for cattle for Self -Sufficiency, ducks are a great addition to your house.To lift ducks with chicksis a good idea;If you have room for chickens, you may want to consider adding a few ducks.

Duck eggs are larger than chicken eggs, and although ducks are not as many eggs as chickens, their eggs are considered more a delicacy.They sell for a higher price than chicken eggs and they also give you a source of meat.Duck feed for bugs and worms on your property, while they are less susceptible to illness.

You must give access to water;After all, ducks are water birds.If you don't have a pond on your property, it is still possible to lift ducks.

Here are a few ways in which you can use ducks in your self -security.

  • Eat eggs -If you have a small herd of ducks, place the eggs that your family can enjoy.They are rich and delicious.
  • Exclusive eggs -If you have a Drake, your ducks are fertile and you can sell duck eggs.Depending on the duck variety that increases you, a few ducks will collect eggs, a high price tag.
  • Selling ducks -Instead of selling brotherly eggs, you can also hatch the eggs at home and sell the ducks at a higher price.Duckings are sweet and easy to sell.
  • Bugs Eating -Ducks are fantastic feeds for insects and worms, and compared to chickens it is less likely to tear up your plants.They focus on eating vermin.
  • Garden fertilizer -You can also use the pellets that produce ducks in your garden for fertilizer.

Advantages of raising ducks

  • Ducks lay eggs larger than chickens and they taste good.
  • Some Andacs are ideal for meat and duck meat is delicious.It is richer and is considered a delicacy.
  • Compared to chickens, ducks have less chance of illness, and it is less likely that ducks will die when they breed them.
  • Feeding ducks is light and affordable.

Disadvantages of raising ducks

  • It takes six to seven months for ducks start laying eggs and they are not every day.So you don't receive as many eggs as with chickens.
  • They have to be enclosed at night because they swim all night and become a measure of predators.
  • Ducks are messy and noisy!

Last thoughts: Ducks can be messy, but I think I really like them as much as I love chickens.They are good for back garden if you deliver a swimming pool and they are versatile to their use.

7. Bier

10 best cattle for self -sufficiency that you must increase (11)

Most people have no idea that honey bees are considered cattle;They produce food for human consumption.In recent years, more people have focused on increasing bees as their population falls;We learn the value of bees when it comes to food production.

One of the great things about raising honey bees is that they can be raised almost everywhere.Some even have bees -bikuber on top of apartment buildings in the middle of the city.

Honey is one of the oldest foods that people have eaten from animals.We know that the oldest treasure we found is going back more than 3000 years and it was still edible - wild!It is not sugar but a sugar replacement;Growing sugar cane or sugar beet is not useful for most people.So instead you can pick up bees for honey.

Why do you want to raise bees on your house?Here are a few options.

  • Darling -The most obvious reason to set up bees is that you can eat the honey they produce.Honning has a long shelf life, so even if you don't use all the honey that you harvest that year, it saves well until the next year.
  • Sale of honey and products -If you want another way to earn money at home, it is a good idea to sell honey or bee wax products.Sell well with most farmers.
  • Seller bees -Some people sell bees and full beehive to people in their area.This is a larger production, but if you like bees, it is a consideration.
  • Polliner Planter -Although you may not think about it as a big problem, pollinate bees, and if you have a grease garden, bees will help to increase your production of fruit and vegetables.

Advantages of increasing bees

  • Bees need little time from you;They regulate their own beehive and food supply.
  • Amounts produce a lot of honey, so that you can replace one or all sugar that your family produces.
  • Bees also produce beeswax that you can use to produce ointments, ointments and candles.

Disadvantages of increasing bees

  • Some people are allergic to bees, so if you or someone you love has a bi-allergy, this is a no-go.
  • Bees have an expensive starting price, but after starting the beekeeper, maintenance is cheap.

Last thoughts: despite the steep start -up costs, I think everyone should have bees.You can keep them even if you live in the city and they give you a wonderful sugar compensation.

8. Quail

10 best cattle for self -sufficiency that you must increase (12)

Quail quickly becomes one of the most common animals that are found at home for various reasons.They are smaller than chickens and require even less space, and because they are so quiet, quail can be raised everywhere.Most urban policy never states quail, so if you live somewhere that forbids chickens, Kwartel is often a Maas in the law.

Quail is a wild spilling, but some varieties are tamed for eggs and meat.They cannot be allowed to free;They fly, and unlike chickens or ducks, Quail does not return.So you must ensure that you give sufficient protection and a sufficiently large encapsulation.

A few ways in which you can use quail on your house for self -sufficiency comprises:

  • Eat the eggs -Quail produces eggs as soon as two months after it comes out, so if you want an animal that produces many eggs, the quail is the best choice.The eggs are smaller but tasty.
  • Raise quarries for meat -Quail is nice when it comes to meat.Now, if you have a large family, a quail will not give a lot of meat to your family, but if you slaughter a few immediately, you can make some delicious meals.
  • Sell quarter animals -In some areas, quail animals are a delicacy, and despite their size, they tackle a reasonable price.If you live a place with which you can sell eggs to restaurants, some restaurants with chef are happy to be locally grown quail animals for their meals.

Advantages of raising quail

  • Quail is small and they can be stored in cages or small areas.Some even raise their quail in a shed or garage.
  • Their eggs are delicious!
  • These birds are quiet, so it's easy to lift a forest in a quarter.They sound like birds in a tree.
  • It takes a bit to lift quail;They need shelter and nutrition.

Disadvantages of traveling quail

  • A single quail does not deliver much meat, so you have to raise a large number of birds if you want this to be an important meat source for your family.
  • Kwartsel is prey, so you have to give enough shelter.
  • If you do not take care of their cages or rotate, your birds can easily get sick.

Last thoughts: If you are confronted with resistance to raising chickens, quail is a good choice.They can be raised in cages in your garage!Although I don't think it's a good idea to lift quail as the only beef source, versatility adds to your diet and increases your self -power.

9. Vis - meerval, tilapia, etc.

10 best cattle for self -sufficiency that you must increase (13)

If you have a pond or a natural swimming pool, you can raise fish in your backyard like another source of meat.Most people never consider raising fish as a source of homework meat.

It is possible to raise fish indoors, but if you live in an apartment, you would limit the number of fish you can increase.Immediately each fish increases your target of self -sucker.

The type of fish that you can increase depends on whether you live in a cold or hot climate.If you live in an area that is a warm climate, try Tilapia and Havkat.It stays good all year round with a little maintenance, and it can be raised in an Aquaponics system as long as it hates clean water.

These fish can also be raised in colder climate, but they do not survive in temperatures below freezing.So if you keep them out, you need a cold water fish. Rainbow trout are delicious fish with cold water that survive in freezing temperatures.

Parenting fish at your home offers a few benefits, such as:

  • Fish, meat -The most obvious reason to raise fish for self -power is that you can eat the meat produced by everything you raise.
  • Get through the fish -Another option is to resell the fish or spawn that comes from the fish that you breed.
  • Fertilized water to the garden -If you use an Aquaponics system, you could use the water that includes fish waste to water your garden.

Advantages of raising fish

  • You don't have to know too much about raising fishing to start.They are lighter than other animals.
  • You don't have to have a big setup to raise fish.
  • Fish does not need much maintenance.You have to feed and deliver clean water, but it's just about it.

Disadvantages of raising fishing

  • If you breed fish and live in a colder climate, make more care of the fish.
  • It takes time before the fish grows.Tilapia takes about 34 weeks to reach a harvestable size and the catfish takes 1-2 years to reach a pound.
  • It costs more if you want to create an Aquaponics system.

Last thoughts: If you want large -scale fish that holds surgery, you need space.It is possible to elevate them in, but even aquaponic systems need space.It is not useful because your only food source but for raising fish, a great way is your protein sources diversified.

10. Sheep

10 best cattle for self -sufficiency that you must increase (14)

Sheep are sweet, docile animals that are versatile for households who want cattle for self -supply.It is an animal that I considered because I am a hook that likes to work with woolen yarn.

Sheep are happily crying and as long as they have shelter against bad weather, they are nice to add to your farm.You must know that sheep need more work than goats.They need more space than goats and they have other needs to ensure good health.Sheep must be cut in the spring, otherwise they will not be comfortable.

Some possible applications for sheep on a house include:

  • Try sheep meat -Sheep meat is a popular choice;Lam is a delicacy.It is more expensive than many other types of meat, and if you can do time for your production for breeding, spring is a good time to sell lamb.
  • Relocation against wool -Sheep supplies wool that can be spun to cook.Where would be cool, would it be to hook or knit sweaters or mittens from yarn that from the sheep that you breed?
  • Milk Your Sheep -Believe it or not, sheep can be milked.Moss Sheep Milk seems like a strange idea, it is more often drunk in other parts of the world.
  • Grassed grasland -If you have a grazing that needs to be cleaned up, would like to eat all kinds of vegetation.
  • Sales Lamb -Another option is to sell lamb born on your property.

The benefits of raising sheep

  • Sheep are soft animals that are docile and not as stubborn as goats.
  • These animals multiply at least once a year and they can reproduce eight months old.
  • These are versatile animals that give your family meat, lamb, wool, milk and many sources of income.
  • Lamb is expensive and can be sold at a premium price.

Disadvantages of raising sheep

  • Sheep need a better shelter than other cattle due to bad weather.
  • These are not a good cattle for a small area;They need enough space to graze and move.
  • Sheep are prey, so you must offer protection against predators.
  • They have to be cut every year.
  • It is more expensive to lift sheep than other cattle.

Last thoughts: getting space, so I would not imagine to raise them unless you have the grassy area that they like.Whether these animals produce one of the most expensive meat, making them a great source of income and they give you many products that can be used for your family or income.

Increasing your self -power with animals

If you decide that it is time to diversify your self -power with animals, make sure that you do all the necessary research before you bring animals to your house.You will give the best possible house, so I enjoy you to investigate and talk to people who raise and talk animals to really understand their needs.Then start with one of the best cattle for self -power and slowly add more to your house.

10 best cattle for self -sufficiency that you must increase (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.