Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (2024)

Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (1)


Norman Lebrecht

11. June 2024

There is only one British participant in this year's Leeds Piano Competition, an event founded by piano teacher Fanny Waterman (photo) to promote the consciousness of the instrument and his talented young artists.

But one.

This week I looked through the list of current players in Gustav Mahler Jugendorchester's concert in Granada.

Achieving these elite events requires training at the highest level.

Have we just lost it?


  • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (2)Meyrick Alexander participation:

    June 11, 2024 OM.9: 46

    Could it be 14 years of cuts and discouragement of art, you think?


    • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (3)Mel Cadman participation:

      June 11, 2024 OM.12: 34

      But whatever you think ... Dares not to call Brexit!


    • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (4)Aemd participation:

      June 11, 2024 OM.14.32

      I can insure you for more than 14 years!


    • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (5)Arundo Donax participation:

      June 11, 2024 about.16.43

      I admire you to a large extent basket sound, Mr.Alexander.Last night I listened to your Gustav Schreck Sonata recording.


  • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (6)Jonathan participation:

    June 11 2024 OM.10: 32

    Are British players still eligible to play in Gustav Mahler Jugendorchester?

    ……. All musicians with European citizenship are admitted to the orchestra.

    Does this only mean EU citizens or citizens from a country on the European continent?


    • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (7)GMJO -management participation:

      June 11, 2024 OM.14: 30

      Of course they are: Europe is a continent with a rich cultural heritage and goes much further than the EU.GMJO has always expected the expansion of the EU by allowing musicians from all European nationalities, and so it also continues to admit musicians from the UK.: GMJO is not supported by the EU.


      • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (8)Jonathan participation:

        June 11, 2024 OM.16.34

        Thank you for the confirmation!


      • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (9)Norman Lebrecht participation:

        June 14, 2024 OM.9: 52

        Thank you.


    • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (10)Serious? participation:

      June 11, 2024 OM.15: 01

      It clearly says 'European', not 'the European Union'.


      • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (11)Jonathan participation:

        June 11, 2024 OM.16.41

        Thank you for your somewhat aggressive answer.Interrupt all tape with Europe and as a result ask me whether they are still eligible to request GMJO.I have simply asked a question for clarity.


      • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (12)V. Lind participation:

        June 11 2024 OM.21: 01

        Ask the Swiss, the Norwegians, Ukrainians, etc.


  • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (13)Musician participation:

    June 11, 2024 OM.10: 45

    I am not surprised.With a junior department, and yet we had to go far beyond the city for music lessons on one of the branches.

    As I understand, the UK had about a really good music education system.30 years ago.Many good quality amateur orchestras throughout the country).And if they were particularly talented, they could become a member of a junior department in a music college or special school such as Purcell, Menuhin or Chet's.Expensive and many responsibilities for music education became responsible change from schools in professional musical institutions.

    Okay.Could not come to a weekend music school because places were already taken by children who were not tested for their musical skills, so some probably do not show any opportunities to develop great musical talent.

    So if the UK wants to have better quality musicians, then you either make access to music education cheap and omnipresent, or you do it selectively and look for children who at least have the chance to succeed with this profession.

    But I have to emphasize that we probably have to do everything to go to the first.Employment market (and even on social media!) Great Britain) offers less and less in cultural education.


    • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (14)Mel Cadman participation:

      June 11, 2024 about.12: 43

      Only the dominant right-wing story --- The only voice that is heard in political and media sources are responsible for this complete travesty of reducing costs for all aspects of our lives where it was not immediately paid and veryExaggerated reward, so-so-hindered, sector for financial services! Have a certain real background and interest in real music ... Perhaps even a right-wing English work of the government can do some of the damage?Everything other than the value of nothing '.


      • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (15)V. Lind participation:

        June 11, 2024 OM.21.03

        But I bet they benefit from free spaces at ROH when the women want a glamorous evening.


  • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (16)Anon participation:

    June 11 2024 OM.10: 48

    Brexit prevents young British players from attending GMJO.

    The same applies to orchestral courses at concertytytywewwowwowwowwowwowwowwowwow.


  • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (22)Leon Bosch participation:

    June 11, 2024 OM.11: 17

    In British music, protests against the opposite are transformed into a fashion accessory in the middle class.


    • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (23)Mel Cadman participation:

      June 11, 2024 OM.12: 47

      Exactly what all the tories would do!Keep Riff-Raff.


      • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (24)Alan participation:

        June 12 2024 OM.10: 51

        Specify the boring socialist drift medal, it will be boring.


    • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (25)Stuart participation:

      June 11, 2024 OM.19.40

      I fear that you are aware of ...


  • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (26)Anon participation:

    June 11 2024 OM.11: 24

    15 plus years of broader opportunities lessons at primary schools have purchased a lot in instrumental education, how can you learn an entire class an instrument correctly?Cover,


    • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (27)Wannaplayguitar participation:

      June 11 2024 OM.12: 00

      The Suzuki method uses the large classes principal


      • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (28)Viool Leraar participation:

        June 11, 2024 OM.14: 22

        @Wannaplayguitar: Suzuki only uses group lessons in addition to individual lessons, in contrast to wider options!

        Suzuki Group classes never replace one-on-one lessons.

        The parent is also expected to be in the individual Suzuki lessons, keep the child at home, note and help.

        Based on my experience, it is not possible to learn the violin to a high standard or even a fairly decent amateur standard by participating in group lessons.I cannot speak for other instruments, perhaps for other instruments, it is possible.

        Often the wider opportunities really start late (in year 3, some schools even later).

        In a sense, broader options can even be harmful, because it is impossible for the music teacher (often not a specialist string teacher) to keep an eye on every child.

        When I first learn the children individually who want to continue after participating in broader opportunities for about a year, I often have to teach them as complete beginners, or even worse, I have to regret their bad habits created by the fact,That the basic flight 'It was well taught and nobody has looked at anything.

        Moreover, when they finally start individual lessons, these children are relatively "old" to learn a string instrument (about 9 years, where they ideally should have started at the age of 7).

        At the moment, most private individuals have learned that children have played for several years and played at a higher level.


        • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (29)Mimi t participation:

          June 12 2024 OM.16: 18

          I sympathize.The grown -in bad habits is not easy and the legacy of bad lessons is just as difficult.YouTube videos have a lot to answer, with bad technology and flat fingers and 'but my other teacher lets me play like this' hinders all progress.Acrylic style types of nails are a new problem and are nowhere near my piano allowed!
          Selftaugh is Nightmare Word.Would it certainly carry out a self -operation?
          It is amazing how many teachers do not learn the theory with the practical.
          Good luck, if students like to learn, it is an achievement in itself.It cannot be everyone the next location.


        • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (30)Christopher Clift participation:

          June 13, 2024 OM.19: 13

          I understand your comment about children who have to start after 7 years of lessons (violin) to succeed and that it is not possible to achieve a decent standard by learning in group lessons., In my high school you have a group (of four) students who continue for about a year, after which I was the only one.Enough to participate in the Graafschap youth orchestra, and at 5 p.m. I had a place at a well -known London College of Music and then in a Manchester College.orchestra.


          • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (31)EDA participation:

            June 14 2024 OM.06: 53

            Clean determination, motivation and hard work often outweigh 'natural talent' in my educational experience.
            Certainly not in music.

      • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (32)Anon participation:

        June 11, 2024 OM.14.34

        Yes, but with parents who are heavily involved in lessons and home exercises.


      • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (33)Anon participation:

        June 12 2024 OM.8: 47

        Not really, No.Suzuki combines private lessons with the student and older with home exercise, where the parent actively trains and also ordinary small group lessons and opportunities for playing trains.


    • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (34)Aemd participation:

      June 11, 2024 OM.14.39

      I first saw part of the strings project of the Tower Hamlet -while graduating the teacher training.Minutes (I don't remember which) 'lesson' that left a little more than time to coordinate and minor repairs.Others, so it didn't work and it was with several of us students who helped.


  • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (35)Tim Walton participation:

    June 11, 2024 OM.11: 41

    A question that answers before this blog can be taken to make the value of the foundation.
    How many British pianists made themselves to participate in the competition, but were removed in earlier rounds.


  • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (36)Interested observer participation:

    June 11, 2024 OM.12: 57

    Conservations have changed in the last 30 years.Who all sound the same and unfortunately are 'Jacks of All Trades and Masters of None'.Focus on expertise and on the inner message in every piece.In the place they run between orchestra, chamber music, some solo work, technical academic work - this is all important, but why have no ways - after a foundation year you decide which path you want to follow?Singers usually do not start opera education with an opera school to the post -degree level -the voice is an instrument and it must grow up and it is different from playing a string instrument, but why is the process so different?The pursuit of expertise has been eradicated from state schools in the United Kingdom to all do the same in the pursuit of equality - now it disappears from a conservatory at least two lessons a week with their professor and perhaps an assistant - here have only an hour!Usually) about the composer and the music in the first place- not about the artist or their clothing.


    • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (37)Hreardon participation:

      June 12 2024 OM.06: 16

      Your observations are perfect and not just British concentric.Child in the US and s.e.asia de paradigms described the most.Some very well -known teachers instruct their prize looking for students to "play this like Richter did, such as Horowitz ... etc."And let's not even start with the competitions and brother/sister hood, etc. Creativity and originality, although very recommended and rosy, rarely takes the highest honor.


  • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (38)Kathy participation:

    June 11, 2024 OM.13: 28

    My child is a very talented 10 -year -old pianist and violinist.We live in Lewisham, London.

    The neighbor Boven and the Council would have threatened us with the order of the noise repayment if he continues to practice at home, although we always practice strictly at social times.

    It is very difficult ……


  • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (39)Jonathan participation:

    June 11, 2024 OM.13: 59


    According to this site, only 7 British pianists have reached the final since the game started, from a total of 61 finalists.Years, but only have one British pianist for the 2nd round this year that really suggests the musical education of the state in the country?Sweat statement based on a competition goes a bit far.In the context of the competition there were at least two British in the first round (Callum Mclachlan and Julian Miles Trevelyan).


  • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (40)PhD.-Music Education Student participation:

    June 11 2024 OM.14: 13

    Years and years of rhetoric of the government that art is not valuable career choices, cutbacks in financing, cutbacks in university departments, Brexit, a pandemic and have to overtake in English and mathematics at primary schools and colleges, Ebacc, every art remove some art fromSome art school plans, schools are responsible for their financing distribution, but at the same time that makes everyone and nobody an expert.
    Do all that in a pan and stir it ... Welcome to the future of the music in the UK.


  • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (41)Eerik participation:

    June 11, 2024 OM.14.32

    Follow the money.Good life too low.


  • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (42)CB participation:

    June 11 2024 OM.15: 29

    I am so sad to hear about Cathy's experience in Lewisham.
    I am a governor of a small primary school in Lewisham.This year we have decided that every child in the year 4 teachership is one of the Lewisham Music Hub team.
    It seems that Lewisham Council may not be consistent in his attitude towards music education.


    • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (43)Viool Leraar participation:

      June 11, 2024 OM.21.43

      Why would every child learn the violin in year 4?

      Read my comment above and aemds.

      Year 4 is very late to start the violin.

      If it is a group or even whole class lessons, I can guarantee that the children do not really "learn" the violin (to a good level), no matter how good the teacher is.

      I would be much more to choose (younger) suitable children who have good violin hands and have a good ear for it and who will actually learn the instrument.

      Instead of forcing a year of the whole class to scrape on violin -shaped items of poor quality without practice at home, zoll technology and bad habits that are difficult to break when the child is even older (year 5 in this case).

      I am certainly not against involving all children in making a kind of music and exposing them to music, maybe Kodaly, singing, perhaps basic drums (sorry for singing and drumming teachers).

      But why the violin, of all instruments?Sounds even worse when things are played badly.

      I think it's handy for Cathy's child.


  • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (44)Peter Broadbent participation:

    June 11, 2024 OM.16: 18

    Why blame education when we have had so many years of discouragement from our government?All Western countries are confronted with financial challenges, but it seems that our leaders in particular decide that art is unnecessary to try to tackle the inherent problems of society.


  • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (45)Louise F participation:

    June 11 2024 OM.16: 38

    This is actually wrong.This year there were two British challengers at Leeds.

    The problem is that our British conservatopes are flooded by non-brought musicians.Music education is serious.


  • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (46)John Humphreys participation:

    June 11, 2024 about.16.46

    Perhaps the old artificial bait of competitions (except the enthusiastic pianists from the Far East) falls?I am chairman of one!) - Trying to decide who is the 'best' in contrast to just different.


  • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (47)Sam Walton participation:

    June 11 2024 OM.17: 08

    Unfortunately, the kind of barrier that Cathy is coming is becoming increasingly common, especially now that more people are working at home.Did this problem held, I share the worries of Cathy.Alt what I can advise is to go in a constructive discourse with both advice and neighbor to come up with a solution that everyone is satisfied with.Social Center or Church that will like to borrow their piano at certain times that are not too busy?


  • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (48)Trombone participation:

    June 11, 2024 OM.18.34

    All the above is true.
    What we had 30 was now in the world, we are filled ... Such a shame.77, the basic tax rate was 25%, now it is 20%: is there a connection?


  • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (49)Trombone participation:

    June 11, 2024 OM.18.39

    ... and electronic keyboards, guitar in the classroom, djembes and the dreaded ukuleles will not cut it.


  • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (50)Question mark participation:

    June 11, 2024 OM.19.30

    It may not be the quality of education in the UK, but who participates in this education.


  • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (51)George Lobley participation:

    June 11, 2024 OM.19.37

    Britons listen to only pop music today.What can you expect


  • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (52)Michael participation:

    June 11, 2024 OM.19.55

    What a free market, right -wingers think of art.


    Everyone of you who has activated this Nutcase, Philistine, free market waters in the past 40 years, is an accomplice.


  • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (53)Disappointed parent participation:

    June 11 2024 OM.20: 58

    My son is 13, he has class 8 in one instrument and class 4 in another, but he cannot make GCSE music because his school does not run for his year group, because only 6 students have chosen it.Professional musician and will continue his instrumental studies, but he is really looking forward to studying a subject he likes for his exams.


    • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (54)Mimi t participation:

      June 14, 2024 OM.19.33

      In the past, the feasible number was for a GCSE group 10. An exception had to be made in this case. Even 2 more, which makes 8, there must be more pressure at the school to lead the course.Site?
      Would the music teacher be willing to run it as one after school/ lunch lessons, but why would they?
      It is an absolute shame that a child of such talent is in this position.It would be a very poor advertisem*nt for school if it was published, which has not taken the trouble to keep the valuable music staff.Topics can have lean times and canceling a year leads to the departure of staff and the option and the subject disappear entirely from the curriculum.
      You are only another option to switch to a school with a well -set music department with a story about running GCSE and a level that does not promise much in his blank advertisem*nts, but while delivering Tallepil during option -crunch time time.
      Disappointed parent doesn't even get close, you have to be sick!


  • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (55)Quincos Davios participation:

    June 11 2024 OM.21: 11

    The British music education system is broken.There are far too many music teachers who cannot read music.A serious situation.There are many reasons for this, including a lack of financing, respect and a flood in education about speech articles and the pressure of teachers who have to achieve goals.gets better ...


    • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (56)I Davies participation:

      June 14, 2024 OM.07.43

      Dumed Dum?


  • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (57)Dr. participation:

    June 12 2024 OM.12: 49

    UK Music Teaching has always been about teaching grammar instead of learning to play.Many people fall out because they are bored.


  • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (58)Ludwig's participation:

    June 12 2024 OM.02.32

    Import South Korean drinking water in Great -Britain and the British talent pool will flourish in a wonderful way!


  • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (59)Andrew Clarke participation:

    June 12 2024 OM.3: 23

    Peer Group pressure can discourage many young people, different from electric guitars, electric keyboards and drums.


  • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (60)Tess participation:

    June 12 2024 OM.10: 17

    Debt Tories.The national curriculum has killed every creativity.We do our best despite poor financing, lack of support and lack of insight.


  • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (61)Hywel Hills participation:

    June 12 2024 OM.11: 15

    What is needed is perhaps an incentive for young people.Or five harpers and many other instruments.It's music.And it gives new players a way to be inviting instead of scary.


  • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (62)Christopher D Wiggins participation:

    June 12 2024 OM.18: 27

    The main reason is that it is still considered elitist to study an instrumental.Not everyone would then follow their studies at the end of this compulsory unit, but everyone who wants to be able to do.


  • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (63)Anon participation:

    June 12, 2024 OM.21.29

    I just had a meeting with local music teachers.The national plan for music and model music plan supports the learning of music (one can mainly suggest western classical).the moment.


  • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (64)Helen s participation:

    June 13, 2024 OM.05: 31

    Schools use their budget that they choose, it means that school leaders choose how much money they will spend on each subject every year.Then we have for the year that is just ready.

    Long term - free individual music lessons that were previously financed in the 70s and 80s - this is no longer the case.That the most a box is that the exercise for schools does not help.

    Personally, I think that if the toilet needs to be used, the toilet must only be carried out for a certain period and then lessons must be offered.

    At the top?I know that some talented young musicians do not intend to follow music as a career path because of wages and the costs of training in this country.Believe in by the cutbacks further down the ladder, there is a narrowed selection pool for the conservat banks to choose their students.


  • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (65)Chris participation:

    June 13, 2024 OM.8: 24

    In the past there used to be more reporting about ties and orchestras in the regular media.
    Also in our area, when the cutbacks began and De Lesplaar was re-introduced around 1996 for the education of the music service, we experienced a gradual decrease in both student and standards.Many employees of the music services and school music staff became superfluous.Now music can often be once a week in the early secondary and non-existent in many of our local primary schools.Difficult to attract students who can show the will and perseverance to develop into the higher levels.


  • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (66)Giuseppe participation:

    June 13, 2024 of.18.16

    When they had taught people in the top curatories and then got Tutti jobs that they should have trained their students to get interested.


  • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (67)Elliott Kevin participation:

    June 14, 2024 OM.13.34

    We have lost it far from it.In fact, we have seven fantastic large music schools in this country with a number of brilliant young talented players.
    We are now hub of the world.And they sound great.
    Spain started a big push in music education in the nineties, and we really see that there is a performance.


  • Where is the UK -music education wrong?- Glide (68)Greg participation:

    June 14, 2024 OM.22.33

    We have remained rigid to traditional styles in education, America leads the road to music education, accessible to everyone and more tempting.

    We used to led.


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