Touch events and remarkable answers to prayer - Christian classics Essist library (2024)

Touching events



Answer to prayer,

We have read a moving incident about three young children last fall, late in the season, walking alone in a boring area of ​​New Brunswick.

The night came quickly;And felt sure, Mary removed most of her own clothes to keep them warm.

She then started to collect dry Zeewed and everything she could find to cover them.After she had hurt in this way that has been done for some time to make them a nest, she was finally exhausted with the cold and half alone for the cold bad night.

That night the loving father sat up and tender mother, wondering about the long absence of their children;The hours slowly passed with anxious to see and listen to the well -known little pattern of the feet.Through the dark.In a long time the neighbors thought with their frightened questions after their lost Johnny and Lizzie.But oh I was a moving sight in them;Their young savior was stiff, cold and dead on the sea, who had no strength and died to save the poor little children's heroes.So this small new Brunswick girl died in her successful and self-sacrificing aim to save her brother and sister.

Do you not remember this love of Lord Jesus Christ that you read?He is not mistaken.But how much listening to this story with more feelings and interest than with the story of the cross, where Jesus' love, the Son of God, is told in the blood letter!- Morning of the morning.

More than thirty years ago, a nice Sabbath morning, about eight young men, students at a legal school, went along the banks of a stream that flowed into the Potomac River, not far from the city of Washington.A retired place to spend the hours on the holy day.Church in a small village, not two miles away to call.

Currently one of their song whose name George was, stopped and said to the best friend he would not go any further but would return to the village and would go to church, who called his friend to their companions who walked a bit ahead!Boys! 'They formed a circle around him for a moment.They told him that the only way he could save himself from having a cold bath was by going with them.In a calm, calm but serious way he said:

“I know very well that you have enough power to put myself in the water and to keep myself there until I have drowned;, and then do what you think best.

"You all know that I am two hundred miles away from home; but you don't know that my mother is a helpless, bedridden invalid. I can never remember that I saw her out of bed. I am her youngest child. My dad could do itNot affordable for my education;.

“My dear boy, you don't know you never know, the pain of the heart of a mother, in good Bye, for the last time of her youngest child.Side of the grave, at first sight of her who loves you, because no other mortal does or is possible.In Mudie it cannot afford to the costs of us who will visit the two years that your studies will occupy..If you may be during this holy hour when you hear the church bells ring, let your thoughts return to this room where your dying mother will irritate in prayer for you. "

Guys, I never expect to see my mother on earth again.But through God's help I want to meet her in heaven. "

When George stopped talking, tears flowed down his cheeks.

In an instant, the ring that they had formed over him was opened.

They admired him that they did what they didn't have to do.

From that day they were all changed by them.Here eight men were converted by the prayers of the good Christian woman.And if we only knew all the results of their examples and their work, we should have a good illustration of the prayers of a mother -Bible models

Mrs. Mattie Campbell tells the happy death of her sister, a soul magazine that took place last year in May.

At the Sabbath School this afternoon a message came: 'Emma dies quickly when you want to see her alive. "My dear sister.We had played together, and more than everyone we dreamed of the Fe -the future, where we saw anything but care and temptation that the Golden Path crowned for our cheering feet., full of laughter and Frolik that the strict realities of life were not filled in.I asked, and felt that it would be answered 'Lord, dear Lord, let me have only one word to know what it is like with her soul. Mother met me at the door.Speaked in the old sweet way.It started slowly and made the hymn that we sang together: "Jesus, love of my soul," while I anxiously look at a sign of grace on her rapidly changing functions.Her face.I bent and she said, "God was always good for us, sister." How praise rushed to my lips. "He doesn't go out.'Glory be in his name!

"Insured to be dead, she was talking about a long, sweet sleep, the sleep of the soul and the body to the general resurrection, for this was her faith. She called on one of her friends and neighbors and encouraged them to burn themWords to meet her in heaven and accused them of bringing their families to whom they were also responsible.Mother and we held her breath. "

And then in surprise and surprise "Why, there is Pa!" Then she gave very intelligent orders for her funeral. "An attempt on her part to close the sweet eyes and mouth, a few annoying moments, and the open door receivedher soft mind. "-Sincere Christian.

A few years ago I went to close a meeting and said, "Is there anyone here who wants me to remember them in prayer? I want them to get up!" And there was a man rose and when I saw him stand up,I was looking for him for a long time.I will and have decided to be a Christian;Only there is one thing that stands in the way. "" What is it?"I asked."That when he hears that I was raised for prayer, he will start laughing and I have no moral courage to get up against Christ. "I said," If Christ is what He is being repaired in the Bible, he isit is worthwhile to occur; "" I lacking moral courage, "he answered; and the man shook off to foot. I thought he thought, and the spirit seemed to strive with him; but he didn't get the light.He came after the night, and only one thing kept him back - he lacked moral courage., was between his old companions and would not meet me on the street and found him about what he thought was his dying bed if there was hope for him in the eleventh hour.And day after day I visited him.

Unlike all expectations, he started recovering;And when he was recovered and one day in front of his house, I was sitting on his side you, do you want to come up;And you just want to confess Christ Braven, don't you? "" Well, "he says," I promised God when I was on what I thought was my dying bed, I would serve him and I decided to be a Christian;But I will not be a leather now.Michigan and I want to buy and settle a farm and then I become a Christian. "I said:" How do you dare to talk that way!How do you know that you have to live until next spring? "" I was never better than I am now;I am a bit weak, but I will soon have my strength.It seems that you seduce God;"And I begged him to come out bravely."No, "he said;"The fact is that I don't have the courage to meet my old companions and I can't serve God in Chicago."I said:" If God doesn't have enough grace to keep you in Chicago, he doesn't have Michigan.", the more irritated he became until he finally said," Well, you don't have to worry about my soul anymore;I will ensure.When I get lost, it will be my own fault.I take the risk. "

I left him and in a week I received a message from his wife.Advice here, and they have given my husband all to die;They say he can't live. "I said," Will he see me?"She answered," no."" Why did you send?"" Why, "she said," I can't tolerate it to see him die in this terrible state of mind. "" What is his state of mind? "" Why does he say that his conviction is sealed and he will be in hell for a while. "

I entered the room, but he turned his head away.In the face and him mentioned by name and said, "Don't you want to tell me how you are?"He turned around and got the terrible, deadly towards me, and pointing to the oven he said: "My heart is as hard as the iron in that stove; it is too late, my conviction is sealed and I have to get in for a whileBeing hell. "I said:" He didn't see me, I know better.He said: "You can pray for my wife and children you don't have to pray for me;It is a waste of your time it is too late. "If what he said was where - it seemed that the air was copper over me. After a while or eternity." There he lied, and every time he was terribleThe lament assumed: "The harvest is over, the summer is over and I am not saved." And as if the sun sinks behind the western prairies, he went into the arms of death.When he ends, his wife noticed that his lips are trembling, he tried to say something, and she gave her ear over and everything she could hear was "The harvest is over, the summer ended and I didn't rescue;"The angels wore him to the verdict., Oh, oh, a bit darker!- D.L.Moody.

A striking incident was transferred to the New York press a few years ago by a deeply modest minister.had given the Lord's case.In all respects the priest tried to comfort him.Irritated as his end approached.

"Brother, I'm going to court who is not prepared to meet each other because you have been unfaithful to me. For years I lived and I learned my family to live largely for this world, I deny nothing else than thousands of facilities.When I gave hundreds of my business and time and money to myself - pleasant and satisfaction, and how can I meet my rights and a report of my management?They save themselves in the course of secular self -publication and extravagance that sweep them in destruction.- Matlock.

The following cases are the Christian known as where, and to a remarkable extent indicates how thoroughly God knows our minimal needs and how effectively he gets the ones who once blame his name for their disbelief.

"A friend and family member of the person who was actually" a widow ", someone who trusted God and continued in prayer and prayer day and night, was once brought to circ*mstances with special justice and trial. She had two daughters who exercise themselves with their needlesTo earn a living; and at that moment they were so busy trying to end some work that had long been on his hands, with food and fuel almost exhausted, from a distance of neighbors and without any form ofpower supply.

"The daughters began to worry and were full of fear about the gloomy view; but the good old mother said, 'Don't worry, girls, the Lord will give; we have enough to be today, and tomorrow it can be pleasant;"And in this hope the girls settled again for their work.

“There was another morning, and with that no sunshine, but wind and snow in abundance.

Noon came and the last piece of food was eaten, the tree had almost disappeared and there was no proof of any relief from their necessities.The girls were very sad and eagerly spoke about their condition, but the good mother said: "worries, the Lord will give.'

"But they had heard that story the day before and they did not know the strong basis on which the mother's confidence was built and could not share the confidence that she felt.

If we get something today, the Lord will have to bring it himself, for nobody can come here if he tries, "said one of the daughters, impatiently; but the mother said," Don't worry. "And then they sat down againFor their stitching, the daughters to mice their necessary state and the mother to roll her burden on the eternal arms.

"Now mark the way the time came to Lord, and at the moment of extremity, it put in the heart of one of his children to go enlightenment. A storm, but waited for a pleasant day.

"Mr. M. sat on his fireplace, about a mile distance, surrounded by every premium and comfort needed to encourage his heart, with his only daughter by his side.

"For a long time there was no word spoken and he had been lost in silent meditation until he said in the long term," Mary, I want you to order the cattle and get me a bag.To wear some wood and flour to Sister C. '

“Well, Dad, it's impossible to walk.There is no trace and it is a whole mile up there. "

"The old man sat in silence for a few moments and said," I have to go. "She knew her father too well to assume that words would hold him and then kept his wishes.Woman what flower will give if it is once clear.

“Soon all things were ready, and the patient's oxen went to the house of the widow, swelled through the driven snow and pulled the sled with her tension of wood and flour.Fire and when she was out of the window, she saw the oxen at the door and knew the Lord had heard her cry.

She didn't say a word- why would she? M. "

"He told you the truth," said the widow, "and I will praise him forever."

"What do you think girls now?" "She went on while she turned around with a solemn joy for her unbelieving daughters.

They were speechless;Not a word escaped from their lips, but they considered the new revelation of the confidential grace of the Lord until it impressed their thoughts that would never be wiped out.

"From that time on, they learned to trust him who gave his emergency in the hour of emergency and who, from his unlimited stores, delivers the needs of those who trust him."- Answer to prayer.

Mrs. Mary Grant Cramer, whose husband is a member of the Cincinnati conference in methodist Episcopal Church, who was the American Minister of Denmark for many years and then to Switzerland and also fulfilled the chairman of systematic theology at the University of Boston.To us by letter various reports of answers on prayer, among them are the following;

'Da Dr.George E. Shipman and wife from Chicago came to us in Copenhagen, I was very impressed by the striking and interesting events that Mrs. S. told us in connection with their faith work in the house of founds.Everything they had at home and there was a payment of six hundred dollars and it could no longer be postponed, because the man who was glue said: "Things are things and I have to have my money and I will manage my son there"In the morning, "but he didn't do it.Was then in Europe, was interested in the house and he sent the money to her account. Shipman on another occasion four hundred dollars somewhat before he was needed and often received fewer amounts in response to prayer.

"Mrs. Shipman told me about Mrs. Pithey, an invalid saint she knew in Chicago, who was supported by voluntary gifts in response to prayer. This has made a fantastic proof of God's care for his helpless children in recent years in her life, that trusts him.

"I can add another incident: recently a holy woman who has inaugurated everything she has on the Lord and who lives through faith, giving her services satisfactory to her 1 case, thought that a change after the tiring work in the summer is the worstwould be for her; she held this for herself.Never before had a gift for another.

"I am familiar with a minister in New York City who has given up his church and a salary of five thousand a year to set up a church where he could reach the masses, he has experienced a lot of resistance, but has also had great successWork.For their support, his wife provides less for how they will be foreseen than she had when his salary was five thousand dollars a year.

"Really those who trust the Lord will not have."

Two sisters, one about five years old, the other next elderly, were used to walking a piece of home every Saturday morning to get chips and chips from a Cooper store.

One morning, with a well -filled basket, they returned home;When the older person suddenly became sick due to cramps or cholera.

The street was lonely, possessed by workshops, factories, etc. Everyone was busy inside;No person was seen on the street.

The little girls lost what they were going to do.

Soon the older girl said: 'You know that Annie that a good time ago mother told us that if we ever got into trouble, we should pray and help God.Now you help me get to my knees and keep me up and we will make that pray. "

There on the sidewalk these two young children asked God to send one to help them go home.

The simple and short prayer that ended was that the sick girl helped again and was waiting for the answer to their prayers.Around him, up and down on the street and back to the factory.

"O sister, he came in again," said Annie."Well," said Vanie, "maybe he is not the one who will send God. If he is, he will come back.

"There he will come again," Annie said.He goes this way.

"It may not be the one who will send God to help us," said Vanie."If he is, he will come out again."

"Oh yes, there he is; this time with his hat on," Annie said."He comes that way; he is slowly looking around all sides. He doesn't see us; maybe the trees hide us. And comes quickly.

A brave German in broken accents asks: "O children, what's in the way?"

"Oh sir," said Annie, "Sister here is so sick that she can't go and we can't get home."

"Where do you live, my dearest?"

"You can see the house here at the end of this street."

"Don't know," said the man, "I'll take you home."

So the strong man gathered the sick child in his arms, and with his head on his shoulder, led her to the place noticed by the younger girl.Door who wanted to see her.

After she thanked the man, she expected that he would withdraw, but instead he got up and changed the hat in his hands, as someone who wants to say something but manages to plunder how to start.

The mother who observed this repeated her thanks and finally said, "Do you want me to pay you to bring my child home?"

"Oh no," he said with tears, "God pays me! God pays me! I want to tell you something, but I like to speak English that I fear you won't understand."

The mother assured him that she was used to the German and could understand him very well.

"I am the owner of an ink factory," he said."My men work after the piece. I have to save individual accounts every Saturday. I pay them. I had many obstacles and sat behind my books. That someone on the street wanted to see me. For that someone on the street needed me.

“Again I went outside, looked up the street and went a small road, surprised about knowing what it meant.I turned back in my store and to my desk.

“This time my fingers refused to understand the pen."Why don't you go out as I tell you?"

This time I took my hat out, decided to stay until I found out if I lost my senses or there was a duty for me to do.And discovered that my help was actually needed. "

When the noble German would leave the house, the younger girl had the courage to say, "Oh mother, we prayed."

So the mystery was loosely, and with tearing cheeks, a swelling breast and a modest, grateful heart, the friendly man went back to his stories.

I have had a happy hour in conversation with Annie in her own house since she has her own house.

The last I knew about Annie and Vanie, they lived in the same city, serious Christian women.

Annie was James A. Clayton from San Jose, California.I enjoyed their hospitality and both respect very hard.

James Rogers,

AF Alabama Conference, M. E. Church.

"She was one-good-wife-to-me. A good woman, God blessed hair!" The words were spoken in trembling accents about a box lid.The woman slept who had worn the heat and bother of the long day of life, and nobody had ever heard her, her hand was quickly a helping grip for the one who fell on the road;And her feet were quickly left selfishly as Joy Palleted, he went home and found her waiting for him.

"Come out of your long, long wandering,

On the sea of ​​life so gloomy and rough;

Come to me, painful and loving,

And I have to be blessed enough. "

It was her love song - Valtid on her lips or in her heart.Children were born to them.She had comforted Hom, sent him strong and heartily while she stayed at home and grass.No worries, but to remember how happy they had been.The?Yes, it's still.- I.The pathetic story of loss and suffering and patient, like so many women reveal eyes for those who read.Yours to give - to see the tears of joy that your words would ever have caused, the closed windows in her soul adorned.

“We have careful thoughts for the foreign national,

And smiles at the sometimes guest;

But often for ours, the bitter tone,

Although we love ourselves. "- - -Sel.

We knew a pastor who was still lived who was named the indictment of a church in Springfield, sick. The church seemed very depressed.From a score or two of people, "there will be a prayer meeting in this church tomorrow morning in this church to breathe new life into God's work and the conversion of sinners." People speculated about the message and went home.The priest went upstairs in his studies, which was in the parsonage next to the church and gave prayer that night.That his prayer was answered and threw himself down on a couch.In the moment he suddenly woke up to see the sun on the wall shine over his head.The garden in the church, he was very happy to see the church press with people and the courtyard and the team that entered the street for a long time.In Springfield that night..Night with such a prayer that was held by the whole church, the nation would scare.We urgently need a powerful baptism of power.We have all the other elements of success.We don't miss machines.The experience of his savings and devices.Prayer for revival of God's work would make the most memorable in the history of the church in the coming year.And give yourself prayer, and everywhere in the country, God will hear and answer and pour out His Spirit and allocate His strength and make a year of resuscitation this year.Biskop C.H.Fowler

To keep her away from every Sabbath to a school in western London, a young girl could have been seen, called Mary Jane Howes..She was often touched, "raised by the Holy Spirit to feel her need for this great salvation, but had neglected it throughout her heart.The symptoms followed, her mother took her to a doctor who her case to be dangerous and advised her to keep her bed. Garland.In her bed he prayed for her with great sincerity and repeated her visit early the next morning.Danger, and Mr. Garland asked everyone except his mother to leave the room.

Then he asked her if she thought her end was in the neighborhood and if she was prepared to meet her God.I don't die.I hope to recover soon and be a help for my dear mother. "Sir. Garland then told her that she would be in the world of the Spirit before many hours had passed, and encouraged her to seek God's graceThrough Jesus Christ, our Lord! "I am not converted; "

When she saw her great suffering, her visitors kept pointing her to Jesus and with her the most serious praying, always worked out the expression about her terrible danger and repeated her the gracious invitation: 'Him who comes to me, I want to throw no wayKastud.

Despair seemed to have settled on her soul and was depicted on her face.

“The aisle again, take care of the dying,

Break them with sin and the grave

Crying about the wrongly, greeting the cases,

Tell them about Jesus the Mighty to save. "

When they had sung through it, she said:

"Oh sing it again!"While he sang the second fresh:

'Even if they still sent him, he waits,

Waiting for the punishing child to receive;

They pray sincerely;

He will forgive if they only believe, "she gave faith, and with a happy smile she shouted:" Jesus loves me;I can believe;I am saved by the blood of the blood!Sins are all forgiven.I can die now.Jesus is mine, I am his.Hallelujah!'

She now wanted everyone to be present to participate in Song:

'Safe in the arms of Jesus,

Certainly on its soft chest;

There because of his love O'Serhaded,

Lief my soul must rest.

Rake, "that's the voice of the angels,

Worn in a song for me,

About the glory

Over Jasperhavet.”

Each of her family, father, mother and two brothers were called, and with tears and serious prayers she asks them to meet her in heaven.Sleep when she suddenly started, she said;"Sing another hymn, because I am so happy that I have to sing."A friend started singing: "Jesus from Nazareth passed by."

"None! No! Not!"About prey joy and thanks.

"Oh no!"She answered.above. "

Moments later she said to her mother: "Harkk, mother! Hark! They sing.h l. Oh! I don't want to beat it out loud if I reach the other side!

The enemy got a little to seduce and enjoyed her for a while, and when he was overcome, she shouted with a sweet smile: "He is now gone; I only see Jesus"

Her vision started to fail now, but she was aware of the last.

"No," she replied, "I can't see you, but I see Jesus. I am almost at home now. All sings:

Who, who is this one next to the cool Golf,

Just on the boundaries of the silent grave,

Calls the power of Jesus to save,

Washed in the blood of the lamb? ""

She participated in Song and when it was all said, said:

"Mother, another kiss." "Her last words, and in a few moments another soul had joined the countless company around the throne.Selected by Sarah A. Cooke.

A friend of mine looking for items of charity came in the room in a house.Through the hole and found under the trusses.There was no light, but what came through a bull-eye instead of a tile.

"Boy, what are you doing there?"

"Tell no one, please, sir."

"What are you doing here?"

"Tell no one, sir;I hide. "" What do you hide from?"

"Tell no one if you want, sir."

"Where is your mother?"

"Mother is dead"

"Where is your father?"

"Don't tell him quietly, don't tell him! But look here!"

He turned his face on, and through the cloths on his coat and shirt, so my friend was marked and broken the skin's meat.

"Why, my boy who has defeated you like that?"

"Daddy, sir."

"What did your father hit you like that?"

"Dad was intoxicated, sir, and hit me" because I didn't want to steal. "

"Have you ever stolen?"

"Yes, I was once a street thief."

"And why don't you steal anymore?"

"Please, Mr, I went to the mission school and they told me about God and heaven and Jesus there; and they taught me:" You won't steal; and I will never steal me again., sir, don't tell him. "

"My boy, you shouldn't stay here;" Thank you, sir, but thank you, sir, do you want to hear me sing a little hymn?

Marked, abused, abandoned, friendly, motherless, hidden from an irritated father, he had a small hymn to sing.

"Yes, I'll hear you singing little hymn."

He stood on the elbow and then sang:

'Soft Jesus, mild and mild,

Look at a small child;

Suffers me to reach you.

Fain I would be brought

Gracious Lord, does not forbid it;

Your grace in the kingdom

Give a toddler somewhere. "

"It's the little hymn, sir. Color."

The Lord left, returned to less than two hours and climbed the ladder.John B. Hoste.

Two or three times in my life, God touched my grace my heart, and twice before my conversion I was under deep conviction.

During the American war I was a surgeon in the US Army, and after the Battle of Gettysburg there were many hundreds of injured soldiers in my hospital, including twenty -nights who were so seriously injured that they demanded my service at the same time.When my assistant surgeon and one of my stewards wanted to manage chloroform, before the amputation, he turned his head aside and refused positively to receive it.."

When I arrived at his bed, I said: "Young man, why refuses your chloroform? When I found you on the battlefield, you were so far away that I thought it was hard to pick you up; but then;You opened the great eyes, I thought you had a mother somewhere who had to think about her boy at that time."He put his hand on mine and saw me in the face and said," Doctor, on a Sunday afternoon, in the Sabbath School, when I was nine and a half years old, I gave my heart to Christ.I have trusted him since and I can trust him now. "Then I asked him if he allowed me to give him a small brandy.Again, he looked at me in the face and said, "Doctor when I was about five years old, my mother knelt by my side with her arm around my neck and said," Charlie, I now pray to Jesus that you never have the forest ofThe spirits may see, your daddy died a drunk and went to a drunk grave, and I promised God if it was his will that you would grow up that you have to warn young men against the bitter cup.Never tasted anything stronger than tea and coffee, and what I am likely to go into the presence of my God, would you send me there with brandy on my stomach? "

I will never forget the look that I gave myself.I did what I had never done for another soldier

I asked him if he would see his almsier."Oh! Yes, sir," was the answer.

When Chaplain R. came, he knew immediately that the boy would meet him during the tent prayer meetings and took the hand and said, "Well, Charlie, I'm sorry to see you in this sad state."In order, sir, "he replied."The doctor offered me chloroform, but I rejected it;Real Spirit. "" You can't die, Charlie, "said the chaplain, but if the Lord has to call you, is there something that I can do for you if you are gone?"Bible;In the address you will find the address best mother;Regardless of March, on the battlefield or in the hospital. "" Is there anything else I can do for you, my boy?"The priest asked."Good advice he gave me, I never forgot;They followed me by all the dangers of the battle;

When he turned to me, he said: "Now, a doctor, I am ready; and I promise you won't even moan while I take my arm and legs if you don't want to offer me a chloroform." I promised, but I didn't have the courage to take the knife in my hand to perform the operation without first entering the next room and taking a little stimulant to perform my duty.

While he cuts through the meat, Charlie Coulson never moaned;But while I took the saw to separate the bone, the boy took the corner of his kisses in his mouth and everything I could hear him was: "O Jesus, blessed Jesus!Now. "He kept his promise and never moaned.

That night I couldn't sleep, regardless of how I turned around, I saw the soft blue eyes, and while I closed my words: "Blessed Jesus, stay with me now," my ears kept calling.left my bed and visited the hospital;One thing I had never done before, unless it was specially called, but my wish was to see that boy.and were taken to the Doodhuis."How is Charlie Coulson, is he among the dead?"bed as he was laying, one of the nurses informed me that about nine bells, two members of y.m.c.a.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.ket through the hospital to read and sing a hymn.Coulson's Bed and Offered a Heartfelt and Soul-Tirring Prayer;Then they sang while they are still on their knees, the candy of all hymns, "Jesus, lover of my soul,: where Charlie devised.

Five days after I had amputated the lovely boy's arm and legs, he sent after me, and it was his on the day I heard the first Gospel region.See another sun stand up;But thank goodness I am ready to go;And see me die and my savior trust until the last moment of my life? "I tried to stay, but I couldn't do it; because I didn't have the courage to assist and see a Christian boy die about loveFrom a Jesus that I had learned, so I left the chamber room.Just like him, "I answered," and I can't see him again.At least influence on me in terms of his Jesus.are a Jew;The best friend I found in this world was a Jew. "I asked him who it was.He replied: "Jesus Christ, who I will imagine before I die;And do you want to promise me, doctor that what I should say to you would never forget? "I promised; and he said," Five days ago, amputated my arm and legs, I asked the Lord Jesus Christ for your soulto convert.

These words went deep into my heart.Well, my best boy, you will be fine soon."With these words I left him behind and twelve minutes later he fell asleep:" Certainly in Jesus' arms."

Hundreds of soldiers died in the Ray hospital during the war;But I only followed one to the grave, and one was Charlie Coulson, the drummer boy;In an officer box with an American flag over it.

The dying words of the boy made a deep impression on me.with money.AC!An orthodox Jew for almost ten years until the prayer of the dear boy was finally answered and God converted my soul.

About eighteen months after my conversion, I attended a prayer meeting one evening in the time city of Brooklyn.“Dear friends, this is perhaps the last time it is my privilege to testify to Christ.My doctor told me yesterday that my right lung has almost disappeared and my left bong was very affected;Time to be with you, but what remains is from Jesus.oh!It is a great pleasure to know that I meet my boy with Jesus in heaven.

My son was not only a soldier for this country, but also a soldier for Christ.He was injured in the battle for Gettysburg and fell into the hands of a Jewish doctor who amputed his arm and legs, but he lived five days after the operation.Priest wrote a letter to me and sent me the Bible of my boy.In this letter I was told that my Charlie sent to the Jewish doctor in his dying hour and said to him: "Doctor before I dies amputated my arm and legs, I asked the Lord Jesus Christ to convert your soul.

When I heard the testimony of this body, I could still no longer sit.Doctor, like your Charlie Bad and his Savior is now my savior. "—Dr.M.L.R.

During one of the meetings of our children last summer I invited the conductor of the train that ran to Cincinnati (who was a Christian man) to talk to the children.Tell a matter from his own life that God's willingness proved to deliver temporary needs in response to the prayer of faith.Temporary wishes.

It was a cold winter day when all their facilities were exhausted;And because there was no human source they would look at, they took their needs to the sweet heavenly Father who promises to hear the widow and fathers of cries.That he would hear and answer prayer.

After eating their last piece, they all went to bed and slept so sweetly as if they had an abundance..

The foreign national said he was awakened at midnight and something told him about the situation of this poor family.The place on time for their breakfast.Why blessed to let parents teach by regulation and example of such great lessons of trust! AndLily Blake Blakeney Howe.

A prominent minister in Canada tells the following remarkable example of God's wonderful care for his people: “I am often impressed by the Spirit, to perform actions, at the time that is not used for myself.

“Some time ago, on a stormy evening, I was suddenly impressed by the distant house to an older couple, and to pray there.Attached to the barn and went to the house that was not occupied by a door that had become open.Home.Letter said, "Do you remember that one evening you went to such a house and offered prayer for the prisoners?"I told him I did it and asked how he was told something about it.House to steal a sum of money, known as in possession of the old man.When you drove into the garden, I was even if you were he and planned to kill you while you stopped your that you were a stranger.I followed you in the house and heard your prayer.. "When the time of the time focused on his right arm who hung lifeless and said: Did you see that poor? It was paralyzed on the spot and I have never moved it again since then. Of course I left the place without hurting anyone, but is now here for other violations. "-Reported by Lily Blake Blakeney Howe.

The grip of the spirit of children about the great truths of religion often feels most visible when the little ones are close to their end.She became sick and medical skills turned out to be insufficient to recover her.And then said: "Daddy, the grave is dark; Oh, it's so dark! Don't you want to go down with me?" The affected older explained the impossible that she said, "Daddy, let mum go with me. "Everyone who stood around the little creature was in tears and she started praying to God in her own simple way.If she canceled her face, as she said, "Dad, the grave is not dark now. And mama can't go with me, but Jesus will go to the grave with me.

"I was once" her weakness there, she had picked up a bit from the alphabet, enough to spell the New Testament, and she had touched the fall of the master clothing and had learned the new song.Like I did in Majesty of her presence when she came to the cross."Oh, sir!" She said, "God sends his angels. I have read in his words" they are not to serve spirits, sent to serve those who must be heirs?"And when I lie in my bed, they stand around this floor around me; and when the heavy darkness comes and this bad side is so difficult that it is coming, because he says," See, I am with you ", andHe pushes his soft hand under my painful side and I sleep, I rest. "

The events of heavenly ministries through the bed of dying children are not rare.Completely certain, in a few moments, the heavenly convoy carries its liberated spirit to heaven.

A contribution to the national era, which was a whites for the stage, tells how a little girl-a beautiful and intelligent grandchildren had lost her mother too early to arrange the beloved characteristics of the memory, to disappear earlier.On the friend's lap who took care of a mother's concern for her, she threw her wasted arm around her neck and said, "Tell me about Mamma now."And when the story often told was repeated, she asked softly: "Take me in the living room I want to see my mother. You know me honey?" Cry close to the ear, the voice that was girlfriend, but it didn't make an answerThe small hands were raised while she has looked at the last impulsive efforts. "

To wear the same point, the story that brings the story of the little son of Maria Antoinette, nine years old, was confirmed in a cell and his food threw himself through a hole in the upper part of the door.After a year of inclusion, during which period this door never opened once, he was put forward to die.over there!"

And again he repeated the proclamation: "Oh, the music, how nice I wish my sister could hear it" "Music?" Where? "His companions asked again."Hear mineMothers voteAmongst them."And with these words he went with her because he didn't know to be dead at the time!"—J.H.Potts, I Golden Dawn.

When we travel, we often meet people with different nationalities and languages;We also meet events with different characters, some sad and others happy and instinctive.And the time was in the evening.Budget or pillow she was preparatory to try to secure a little sleep.For her ticket.She told him she had no one when the next conversation followed.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to heaven," she replied.

"Who pays your rate?"He asked again.

She then said, "Sir, this railway leads to heaven, and does Jesus travel on it?"

"I don't think," he replied."Why did you believe that?"

"Why, sir, before my ma died, she sang for me through a heavenly railway, and you looked so beautiful and friendly that I thought this was the way. My ma used to sing about Jesus on the heavenly railway, and thatHe paid the ticket price for everyone and that the train stopped on board people;Heaven is going? "

He answered and shouted: "No, my little darling, I don't have a little girl now. I had once ago, but she died some time ago and went to heaven." "She went over this railway and you want her nowsee? "

At this point, every person in the coach was on the move and most of them were crying.Angel, the little girl seriously replied: “Yes, my ma always said that I would be an angel for a while.

She approached herself to the conductor and asked him: "Do you love Jesus? I do it; and if you love him, he will let you drive to the air on his track. I go there and I wish you would be with meI know.? "

These words, so pathetic and innocent expressed, brought great streams of tears from all eyes, the most violent of the conductor.

She now asked the conductor: 'Sir, can I lie here until we come to heaven?

"Yes, honey, yes," he replied."Will you wake me up so that I can see my mA and your little girl and Jesus, but spoke very tenderly in words:" Yes, dear angel, yes.What should I tell your little girl when I see her?Do I have to tell her that I saw her on Jesus' railway?

This brought a new flood of tears from everyone, and the conductor knelt by her side and hugged her to cry the answer that he could not express.Take care of his (conductor) duty at the station, because he was engaged.

We learn from this incident that God has prescribed force from the mouth of even Babes and that we must be willing to represent the cause of our blessed Jesus, even in a railway trainer.

Priest Dosh I want to relieve my heart by writing and saying that the angel visit on the cars was a blessing for me, although I was not in his fullness for a few hours later.I now know that I am of him and he no longer comes why Christians are happy.Oh, my joy, my joy!The instrument of my salvation went to God.Little daughter who is now in heaven.Her answered "yes, certainly, and immediately, because there is a divine providence. Oh," she said, "I could never refuse to take the instrument of my husband's salvation under my public prosecutor."

I investigated the child on the s- —N and heard that she suddenly died in three days after her return without any clear illness, and her happy soul had moved with her ma, my little girl and the angels Ihill I was upset ofHearing about her death, but my grief has changed into joy when I think my angel daughter has received intelligence from the earth over her dad and that he is on the heavenly railway.Oh sir when I see her near the Savior.Hear her singing "I am safely at home, and mom and dad come;"And I notice that I return the answer: "Yes, my darling, we'll come and will be there soon."Oh my dear sir, I'm happy I have ever formed your knowledge, the blessing of the great God can rest on you. AndDe priester J.M.Dosh, in Christian Expositor.

Do you ask me "How did you get into these new notions?"

Well, it was like a year since this winter on fire.House was full of smoke and the fire had already attacked the stairs, which led to the rooms where we were still sleeping.The power of our neighbor who brought us the burning staircase in the free.himself exposed, so he was terribly burned around his arms and chest.You never want to forget the lost of that time..

And now it was our journey.He was an employee and his family was completely dependent on his daily income.Each of us, until the youngest child, was that we immediately had to take care of this family on ourselves.We would do it.

I had a company that gave us a pleasant support, although we generally followed our acquaintances to live in a liberal way, up to the scope of our funds.We just solved it immediately that this had to be done first, and then we would somehow strive to live on what was left.

We arranged the women in our family to illuminate the heart -grown woman of the poor man of all households so that she could fully use herself for him.

"It was like," she said, when she was patiently sitting in bed;"He never thinks about himself."

My oldest daughter has soon assured a class in music and the next one found a place in a kindergarten.Serve or save something for the big goal that had now entered our hearts.A year younger than himself, he could not play any clothes, nor clothes, schoolbooks until he had seen his little partner was mounted as he was himself.And often this was done by a real victim of the little man.

In fact it was the case with all of us.We would feel itWe could not take on any of the physical qualification of this bad suffering man;As constant as the pain he was about to.For us, who sometimes turns with him in his great suffering for us.

After the tension of the first few days was assumed, it was often necessary to strengthen our variable impulses by calling us a sense of duty.Then claimed himself.

There was an uncomfortable and expensive habit that it seems to have been broken down if it had not been for this new power that had come into my life.A year.This can be saved.It was a contamination and creepy thing and I could only feel a loss of self-respect every time I made way to use it.And when the intense urge on my daily pampering came up, the battle would certainly have been against me if I was not used to saying to myself:"It's because of him - for him!"One word gave me the victory and it was a real liberation.

There was another strong fight that I had to make.

One day a business friend drove with me with his well -matched span with me and took me to see the new house he built.I was happy to see it because I had planned that one day I would build such a house for myself.The rooms were spacious and many.A tumult;But it was just a moment.

Just stood still and hated myself for about half an hour!

Oh, some anger!Conditions that I could meet in the coming year;And then approached the deed to be given to my brave, who suffers from joy, the first day he could go out.Less than this would meet the requirements of the case.

When our friend started to go, we discovered that there was something that weigh his mind.Unfortunately it was absent.Our entire souls threw in it.

And it was a great satisfaction to see what the medicine was like, it was for the poor man, to hear our weekly report about the growing interest and figures.showed a clear improvement from that time.Walked in and out, but we were also attracted to each other that we had never been before.Together in a sympathy and feeling of feeling that was brand new;And so it turned out to be the happiest period in our domestic life.

It is now a year since the terrible evening.

Yesterday, when I looked at the foot of my warehouse, it was my surprise that it had finally been one of my most successful years.Unsubmitted successes or special interpositions.

But I could see when I look back that my own business habits had been tinted by the supplies that came to us;and wrongly placed credits.In fact, we have a fixed and sweet consciousness that the hand had been constantly with us for good provision.

Last night, when it was the birthday of the fire, we left the used hour with the worship of the family for a review of the experiences.Plan, and none of us want to return to the old way of self -release.Why not even for Christ anymore?

When we had read on our morning committee, passages such as the 53rd Isaiah or the slots scenes in the lives of our Lord in the Gospels and many expressions in the letters, the suffering, sometimes the intense qualification of the next door, as Vivar was often witness, and because almost never was out of our minds, we seemed to be very realistic of our Lord and to suffer from us.We were also very moved by the beautiful patience of our neighbor and of his joy in what he had done.All his lages have gotten a feeling of owner from us, and in a calm way he was excited about us, as if we were the trophies for a big victory.led us to approach the Lord Jesus with much desire and tenderness of the soul.And will sometimes appear with the lively of a new revelation, the words: "You will be bought at a good price;"possess.Never again, more,Live for ourselves;That we would keep the right to do for our Lord, exactly what we have done for this man.The company of Christ for our company;That we would take our hearts the things closest to his heart;Main care of our lives.

Our daughters have recorded and hung a motto on the walls of our rooms.

For the sake of him!

And then I answered your question: how did you respond to these new notions to give? AndS.J. Humphrey.

I can remember a day during a winter that stands out like a stone in my life.Against another, that our boys are doing well, but my little Ruth was harmful and in the best case none of us was dressed.Well and the wind blew through the cracks in the floor.

The people in the parish were also friendly and generous, but the settlement was new and every family fought for themselves.Because of his word and I thought my lesson was taught well.Overjas was barely thick enough for October and he was often obliged to attend a meeting or funeral.The ice was thick and supple and the boys were each after a few skates.Worth .ever.I happily kept the living room with open fire and tried to serve our scarce meals so invitingly.

The morning before Christmas, James was called to see a sick man.But the words died away on my lips.;For the last time she asked the most explicit for her doll and to skate to her brothers.Move heaven and earth to save her from disappointment.I sat down alone and made way for the most bitter tears.

James soon returned, cooled and exhausted..Took my hand and we were without a word for an hour.I would die and meet God and tell Him that his promise was not true;

There was a sound of clocks, a fast stop and a high bank on the door.James jumped up to open it.Go away.And a bag of flour.When he spoke all the time, he hurried in the box and then drove away with a solid good night.We saw that underneath was full of clothes.It is not where when God tried to see me if I could keep track of.To turn away from God. "" James, "I said, persistent to him," don't take it to the heart;I blamed, I should have asked you. "" Wait a little darling, I can't talk now."Then he went to another room. I knelt down and my heart broke; in a moment all the darkness rolled away all that stubbornness. From me, but now with the loving word:" Daughter! "Sweet promises of tenderness and joy have mySoul came back.Dancing around him;The Lord, your God, will hold your right hand and say to you: don't fear that I will help you.There was a pack of clothes for each of the boys and a small red dress for Ruth.

I burst into tears again;James cried with joy.;Stories that the children can read, suspend and non -groaded, buttons of ribbon, a gay -tidy;A nice photo, needles, buttons and wire;Everything we have picked up.Dinner!And then we were and about our lives, and how sure of a help that God has always proven.It close without a word;Then she went to her room and knelt at her bed.When she came back, she whispered to me: "I knew it would be here, Mom, but I would thank God exactly the same, you know.""Look here, woman, see the difference."We went to the window and there were already boys out of the house and skating on the crust with all their power.That sent us the box and has since tried to return God every day thanks to God.

Hard times have arrived time and time again, but we have faith in him;Who fear nothing as much as doubts about his protective care.It and again we have proven that "those who seek the Lord will not have good things." AndChristian witness.

The following example is given in the experience of a correspondent for the Christian who took place in the last part of November 1864 while traveling with her age father and two little girls

“We started from New Hampshire on Thursday morning and expected to have enough time to come to Indiana for Saturday night;But after we Lawrence River, the next day, I think, there was a smash on a freight train that hinded our train for about two hours.The cars had started again, I asked the conductor what time we should come to Toledo and fear that we would not reach there on time for the ground floor.

Soon the leaders changed and I did a similar investigation and got about the same answer.So I had to stay until Sunday evening.

"After I had been in the cars on the other side, I dared to ask the conductor if we should come to Toledo to the Down Train on time. He easily said: 'No, ma'am; impossible! If we do all the steam,Dare, we should be a moment for more than half an hour.I said no;You freeze everyone because the fire is out until Sunday evening. "

"A gentleman who was in front of us said he would show us a good hotel nearby when he became known there.I thanked him, but left behind me.When I lift my eyes with my hand and my heart to God, I said, "O God, if you are my Father and I am your child, put it in the heart of the conductor to wait until we are there."

"I soon became calm and fell asleep and did not realize that God would answer my bad prayer; but when we reached Toledo, to the surprise of all of us, the conductor got up and would know the reason he had to wait; then ourConductor told him there was a lady with her paralyzed father and two little daughters who went on that train.

As soon as everyone was out of the car, both leaders came with their lanterns and gave their help to help my father to the other train where they had reserved seats by locking the door.Very smooth when the luggage master said, "Your control, ma'am!"I gave them to him and ran into the car;But before I sat, the car started and I had no control for my luggage."O you hear that prayer, watch out for my luggage!"To believe he could do it and to let the conductor wait.., I waited for a very half hour;One thing I have never done before, because I was a conductor, so much a minute after my time waiting. "He said:" I know it was your father I was waiting for because there was nothing else on the train where I was where I was mecould have waited for.couldn't do it;it fertilized.Again, said my heart, prize the Lord! And he started to leave me when I said: "But there is one thing."What is it?"Was his quick answer."" I told him. "I have them," he said, to me; "- Select.

She suddenly arose during the meeting and spoke as follows:

“Married to a drunk!Yes, I was married to a drunken.I talk to the girls. "

We all got to her and looked at her.

"When I married a drunken, I reached Acme of misery," she continued."I was young and oh, so happy! I married it, but didn't understand. There is no young girl in this building that understands it unless she is drunk in her family; with a drunken; about father, brother or son. Girls, believe me when I tell you that you are drunk, the crown of all the misery is the frightened knowledge at the expense of happiness, almost life itself.

Do you wonder that my hair is white?-Ah!I can't count the winter there, "she said with indelible pathos in her voice.

"My husband was a professional man. Han's calling often took him away from home at night and when he returned, he returned drunk. In the event that he made way for seduction during the day until he was rarely sober. I had twoBeautiful little girls and a boy., was another room where I heard my husband entered the house.

"Delirium tremens! You've never seen it, girls; God never granted you. My husband stood next to the bed, his eyes stared at madness and a big knife in his hand."Terrible things they crawl over me. "And he flourished the knife in the air.When I hurried danger to the bed, and my heart suddenly seemed to stop beating.My children were covered with their life blood, killed by their own father!do not pronounce sound.Suddenly the knife pulled over his own neck.. "

She stopped!Our eyes were mentioned about her Wan Face.

Some women present cried loudly, while there was hardly any dry eyes at this temperament meeting.

"Two years," she went on, "I was mentally wreck; then I came back from the shock and took myself on the care of my boy. But the father's sin was visited on the baby and six months ago myBoy eighteen placed in a drunk grave; "And I turned to my abandoned house a childless woman - one who had God's hand strong.

"Girls, it's you, I want to save from the fate that caught up with me. Don't blow your life when I get my lap; don't be pulled into the madness to get married. You love him! So much worse for you;Also for you;I am a strange city.

I can now see her while she stood there in the middle of the hurried audience, her dark eyes glow and her frame vibrates with emotion while she expressed her passionate attraction.Speaking, "was not without effect, and because of them there is now a girl single.-Chose.

An evangelist said: “A little girl of eight years was sent to a message by her parents.With the seriousness of the child, that he talked to her and told her about Jesus.Heard from Jesus that she completely forgot her message.was sent, but that she had brought Jesus.He became furious and kicked the poor little creature until the blood came.The blood purchased part of my dress.Blood because of him.'That's how she died and she held the piece of her dress, colored with her own blood.The dear child was the means to lead both father and mother to Christ.Together.

"No," said the lawyer, "I will not press that man on your claim; you can get someone else to hire your case or you can withdraw it as you want."

"Do you think there's no money in it?"

"There would probably be some money in it, but, as you know, it would come from the sale of the small house that the man occupies and calls home; but I will certainly not hinder the case."

"Get afraid of it, right?"

"No, I wasn't afraid of it."

"I suppose the old man asked hard to get rid of?"

"Now, yes, he did."

"And you're probably hurryed out?"

"No, I didn't talk to him."

"Oh, he spoke all of that, did he do that?"


"And you never said a word?"

"Not a word."

"What did you do in the creation?"

"I think I'll throw a few tears."

"And you asked the old man hard, you say?"

"No, I didn't say that; he didn't speak a word to me"

"Well, can I respectfully respect to inquire who he treated during your hearing?"

"Almighty God."

"Ah, he was going to pray, did he do that?"

"At least not to my advantage. You see" and the lawyer crossed his right foot over his left knee and began to iron up and down the lower leg to give his case;“You can see that I found the small house easy enough and hit on the outer door that was a crack; but nobody heard me, so I slid into the hall and looked through the crack on another door, like cozy living room like there everWas on the pillows was an old lady looking for the whole world, just like my mother ever saw her on earth.

Well, I was about to beat when she said as clearly as she could be: "Come on, dad, start; I'm ready."And on her knees by her side, an old, white man, even older than his wife, I should judge;And I couldn't beat for me.If they didn't rebel according to his will!.He reminded God of the next place where several everyone could have been if only one of their boys could have been saved for them;snowy hair;Then he continued to repeat that nothing could be so sharp for these three sons unless mother had to be separated.Mother and he were threatened with the loss of their dear little house, which meant beggar and alms;A wealth of promises of the safety of those who have put their confidence in the Lord;Yes, I had to say he prayed hard;God's blessing on those who demanded justice ” - The lawyer stroked his lower extremity a silence in silence and then went more slowly than before:" And I would rather go to the poor house tonight than to my heart and hands withThe blood of as a persecution as that. "

"A little scared to beat the prayer of the old man, right?"The client asked.

"Bless your soul, man, you couldn't beat it!"The lawyer roared.;, I am sure I don't know, but I surrender the issue. "

"I wish," said the client, who turned uncomfortably, "you hadn't told me about the prayer of the old man."


“Well, I want the money where the place would bring, but everything in the Bible was taught when I was young;would not listen to petitions that are not intended for your ears. "

The lawyer smiled.

"My dear husband," he said, "you were wrong; it was meant for my ears, and also yours, and God the almighty meant., I remember."

"Well, my mother sang it," said the applicant as he turned his injury paper in his fingers.

"In a mysterious way," the lawyer added smiling.Chosen by Mrs. E. C. Best.

Bishop Bowman of M.E.-de Kerk gives the following performance from his own experience:

"In the fall of 1858, while I visited Indiana, I was at an annual conference where the president of Bishop Jane received a telegram that Bishop Simpson died. Recovery from Bishop Simpson."We kneel to pray.William Taylor, the great California-Gade Priest, was called to pray;And I have never heard such a prayer since then.

The impression that I was irresistibly grabbed,Bishop Simpson will not die. I got up perfectly of my knees.

"Bishop Simpson will not die.""Why do you think that?" "Another said," I have the same impression. "We sent it from the bank to the bank until we discovered that a very large part of the conference had the same impression.I asked the bishop: "How did you come back after your illness?"Bisschop, "Give me the time and circ*mstances under which the change took place."Conference.The doctor left his room and said to his wife: "It is useless to do a little further; the bishop has to die." In about an hour he returned and started back and asked, "What did you do?" "Nothing"Was the answer. "Hour beyond everything I have ever seen; the crisis is over and the bishop will recover." And he did. "

The doctor was surprised;-Living power of a superior spirit that controls the world."-Miracle of prayer.

In the fall of 1885 our oldest boy, then two and a half years old, became very ill.without strangling;And we thought he knows nothing, but the power and grace of God could become Skåne for us.At the cemetery on the hill over us, a good desire for fear of my soul went up when I thought that I could be called in a few days in all human probability, so that there was a way of the shape of my treasure.

More out of a sense of consideration of the feelings and beliefs of others than because of any trust in the power of human remedies to meet the claims of the case, man sent a doctor.That friend, there went for him, brought another, prominent for skill and experience.After carefully investigation, he declared the child who was dangerously sick of diphtheria and told the friend who brought him: "They are not aware of how sick that child is;Whatever for him, he must be done quickly. "He did not leave any medicine unless we gave him the whole thing of the case, and we did not feel ready to do this.

After his departure, man said to me: “If you want me to send to the other doctor, I will do it;But for myself I can just as easily practice the belief in God to cure Rolin as to trust Him for money a doctor. "

So while I was sitting in my arms at Rolin, he knelt and prayed.When he asks God that if it was according to His will and for his glory, he would save the child and heal beautifully helped by the Spirit.

When he appeared, he told me that he had the positive insurance that his prayer was heard and that Rolin would recover.

For hours the sick had a bit;But he immediately seemed much better, and soon fell into a sweet sleep.We put it down between the pillows, and shortly after his retirement andWe all slept well that nightThe next morning Rolin was up, dressed and played as usual about the house, and there was no more evidence of diphtheria in his case.

In a short time a sister in the Lord who had been the previous afternoon, but he traveled the time we sent to the doctor and who knew nothing about what had happened in her absence came to the door.said: "I have good news for you. Rolin will be good." And after careful research we discovered that in all, if not exactly, the same time that a man told me that God had assured him that Rolin would recover, this sister,When half a mile was removed, the same testified for those who were with her.

A few weeks later, man was healed just as miraculously by the same disease, and only the next day walked more than twenty miles in a cutter;at least.

Yours in the love of Jesus.

- Fru S. B. Shaw

The winter of 1855, in the state of Iowa, the snow fell to the depth of two feet at the beginning of November.Woman lived with five children ranging from one to eleven years.

The supply of food and fuel was only bad when the snow started to fall;And day after day the small store melted away until the fourth night when the last provisions were cooked for dinner, and hardly enough fuel remained a day more.On the evening that the sliced ​​habit, the little ones were called to hear her knees read the lesson of writing before they praise them for care for heaven can ask that help from God can be sent.

While he fought with God in prayer, the Spirit made the words of the psalmist and made an impression on her heart: "I have been young and am now old, but I have left the righteous or not seen his seed."Words as if they spoke audibly: "The young lions are missing and suffering from hunger, but those who wait for the Lord will not have a good thing."Asked God who heard prayer and was pulled on other days before the food was everything gone.For a short time he was told something about their fate and about her shouting at God for help.Come and ask for the issue. "

Then he returned to his sled, he went into the bread, meat and groceries from the house, so Mama had an abundance to cook a breakfast for the little ones who had eaten the last bread the night before.Special Providence, undoubtedly, was the person who was so impressed and that the time that mother cried to God was a stranger to the circ*mstances and the surroundings of this family.had shown some interest in the person mentioned;But he once turned out to be a friend.It has gone around for years and these children are all married and settled in their own houses that the heart of the mother is still being strengthened, triumphantly.

Let skeptics ridicule the idea of ​​a special providence or easily talk about prayer.E.M. Dodson, Fra Orworth, Kan., I Michigan Holiness Record.

Hudson Taylor, founder of the China Inland Mission, says that around 1830 his father became so interested in the spiritual state of China that he was led to pray that if God ever gave him a son, he might have the privilege of thereto work as a missionary;Prayer unknown for the son until after seven years of service in this field of mission.

From his conversion he says: “One day I will never forget when I was about fifteen years old, when my dear mother was absent about eight miles away, I had a vacation through the library after a book I was gone.A bit of what was going on in the heart of my dear mother.Dear mother prayed for me until she could only praise God for repenting her son.To do then fall to my knees and to accept this salvation and his salvation and to praise God forever.The door on her return with the lucky news, she said: "I know, my boy; I look forward to two weeks in the lucky messages you have to tell me!"

Many souls are lost due to a lack of long -term prayer with God on behalf of them.Not only her son of God, but the great work that God has put in his hands-in inner mission.believe in God .-- Anna Abrams, I Vanguard.

The following was chosen from a list of events that are registered by Thomas Graham, the well -known revivalistic designation, of the Erie conference at M.B.Kirke.To retain, from an experience of almost 50 years in the ministry: when pastor Mr. Knapp, a regular minister of Baptist, held a long meeting in Erie, he was interrupted by a Gifford, a universalistic predicant.Mr.knapp felt thatHis patience tried.. Gifford left the house that night, nor did he speak a different word for more than four years.wrote what he wanted to say.All doctors who investigated him said there was no disease in the speech organs.It was not useful.11Shortly after the publication of this item inMichigan Holiness Record,August 1887 The editor received the next witness from Mrs. Clarissa Olds Keeler, who worked together with her husbandBannered by Love.I Washington.D.C.:
'I just watched the lastDossier, and I see the story of the oldest prayer in Erie.I was a little girl when this incident took place, but I can remember.We all participated in children) and his prayer was answered as related."Gud is not spotted."

When Pastor George Howe held a long -term meeting where many were converted, the family experienced a horizontal religion that influenced him a lot.He started abusing his wife to let the children play a certain rope to play with because they had lost it now.Was satisfied and she fell asleep.That evening one of the members of the Methodist Society came close to two other brothers and told them that he was impressed by the idea of ​​going to this disbelief and she would have him.They all started immediately.And by putting it over a beam to hang itself.Chance for the seeker of religion to come to the altar on Saturday evening.Partly through the hall with the intention of continuing;Altar, he left the house and was planning to go home;But was impressed by the idea that it was "now or never", he turned and came back and stood by the altar and looked for a short time;God Almighty, I won't do it!"And left the house.From that moment he said his feelings left him.He went home;But when he stepped on his own door and put his hand to the door to open him, he said that a light was shining around him, and a voice clearly said: "He is associated with his idols, leaves him alone;"And screaming he fell on the sidewalk. They sent Swazy and Chandler who came and offered him the comfort of the gospel, but without help was Han's answer: "It's too late! Too late! too late!"And so it continued to spread over sunrise the next morning, when he took spirit to God as he had denied and insulted.

Maggie, an Irish girl of about twenty years, burned herself by lighting the morning fire with Parafin.dr.Benjamin, the head of the infidel club here, was called, which was built in cotton and oil.

A neighbor sent to John Byers, an old wood shoe maker, to pray with her.Pay him everything and took the girl's hand and asked her, "Maggie, are you in great pain?""Oh! Sharpened, sir," was her answer."We will ask God to take it away," he said;And fell on her knees on her night and was no longer aware of the space full of women who kept around than if they had been so many flies, he asked the Lord to remove all the pain so that he could talk to her soul care for herconcern;And soon he received the perfect insurance that his prayer was heard.

"Do you feel pain now, Maggie?"

"No, sir, it's all gone."

Then he presented a savior to her mind, as dying to die Maggie so that she could live in him forever;And soon she accepted him as her savior.Women: "Do you not hear that?"

"No, we hear nothing, Maggie," they answered.

"Oh, I've never heard like that! And the music! I can't tell you how good it is", and then she lay, listening until she started, she sat down in bed and be up, "You see themnot?Oh, how beautiful they are!What are they? "

"They are the angels you are going to take home, Maggie," said brother Byers.

Then she put herself on her kisses again, as if he feared it would lose it to seeing the beautiful view.

Brother byers turned around to go home, but had not received a hundred steps from the house when one of the women shouted against him: "She's gone, sir."

But the case of the doctor was strong in the spirit of John Byers;And that night he did not go to bed until he had made the case a subject of serious prayer and had received an insurance that he had to be converted when he saw the doctor a few days after that he told him about his answer to prayer for him.But the doctor laughed at the idea that such a fool received such a promise from the producer of the universe.

But the next fall the doctor went to Florida for his health, and within two months the news came back that Benjamin had kneeled on the bank of a methodist Mourner and was converted.

The next spring he died and he was looking forward to faith.Dr. H. Durham.

That air is real, there can be no doubt. Paul is allowed to meet paradise, is clear in the testimony of the most reliable witnesses, such as Dr.Tennent, from New Jersey, Dr. co*ke and many others..

He tells us that "he did the work for a very tired year." He dropped quickly. The best medical skill could not arrest the disease and life was completely desperate. "The seventh night, "he says," in a state of all the insensitivity to me I came that a heavenly visitor entered my room.the existance.We threw the world to luminous worlds with the speed of thinking.Hinges!

“Burst, in Emerald Gates and Bring

To my returned vision,

All ecstatic pleasures that spring

Around the clear Elysian. '

“However, language is insufficient to describe what I saw with unveiled eyes.

“While I stared with joy and rot on stage, a convoy of angels was seen fluently in the pure ether in this world.Their pages.I stared people, I asked my guide who these were and what their mission replied: "They are angels, sent to the world from which you came, on a message of grace."The most inviting tunes around me, but nobody was discovering, but my guide.For a long time I said, "Will it be possible for me to see some of the just perfect in glory?";Their hand.These clothes that were full and liquid were of the cleanest white.

"There was nothing that could be compared to the blessed babe. Those wings that were the most beautiful were tense with all the colors of the rainbow. That dress seemed to be from the whitest side, covered with the softest white down. The driven snow couldNo bigger than that of whitewash.From the earth.It flew to one of the best branches of life, and washed me out of my sins in his own blood, both now and forever. "

“At that moment the power came over me in the eternal God, and I started screaming;And clapped in my hands, I jumped out of my bed and was immediately healed as the lame man in the beautiful veranda in the temple who left and disappeared and jumped and praised God.I couldn't stop praising God.

"The next Sabbath, I went to a camp meeting, filled with God's love and power. There I told the thousands of thousands of what I saw and felt, and what God had done to me; and loudly the cry of glory that echoes through it was the forest. "

This is a most remarkable matter. Finley tells the circ*mstances when such power fell on the people who did not crying a hundred sinners for grace for grace, while the saints of God of joy screamed.

The healing was divine - formed by the power of God.

The man was made whole in an instant, the hope of life was finally fled.- Christian witness.

The following fragments are made from "remarkable answers on prayer" by Patton

The author has received a letter from James H. Black-Man from Sharon, Mass., (P. O. address in Canton, Mass.,), That is of extraordinary importance.Some of those facts are given earlier, but never as complete as now.

“In the spring of 1870 my wife became sick of kidney complaints. D. Miller, a famous doctor in Boston to be tested. The water was then tested by various doctors who coincided with Dr.Miller.a.A. Holmes from Canton, contained nothing but the album.The water gradually fell in quantity and eventually stopped completely, and for two years nothing went. During my wife's disease, her left limb was completely paralyzed and fade away to the size of a man in the largest place, without anyFeeling of itself and boiling water.Know that this limb was burned until she started dressing her well.She did not go in three years and two months;Round in the wheel of invalid chair.During these three years she was taken out of bed in the morning and set up again at night.Every medicine, tea to no baths or rubber.

“During her illness, God gave me a new heart and I asked for her conversion that took place in January 1874;.Their conversion.Gud gave me an insurance that our prayers were accepted and I became brave to tell others that she would go quickly.God to do a miracle!

My insurance became stronger and stronger and fulfilled me with joy and gratitude. Holtmes turned out to be free of albums.In the morning of February 25, 1873 I seriously prayed and placed my wife on her knees on the altar of the family and sincerely asked that she could go at the end of prayer.They were unconscious and apparently dead. "She got up from her knees and walked through the room twice and exclaimed:" Price God, I can go! Why don't you praise God that I can go? "Then we started to scream:"Glory for God! "Oh, Rapture of the Moment!We bent for God and thanked him for the great miracle that he had played.

“I opened the door and she went on Piazza;And about an hour later she went outside and shook her hands with a neighbor who was so surprised that he lost all the power of speech.A few days he was full and stronger than the other.Jumping around and praising God, often eight and ten miles a day walk without lameness or fatigue.

“We got our faith through prayer and read the promises.Making the world and the beautiful things that God had done to us by giving our clean hearts;And by the grace of God, then we will someday do it. "

When I was twelve years old, I felt the need for a new heart.I asked God and He gave it to me.That there is nothing so beautiful and great to know that we have been chosen from God.Only believe for all things, both spiritual and temporary.;

I was plagued by a child's arthritis;And had used large amounts for my recovery, but could only illuminate a few weeks in a row..

A year later the piles came over me and I suffered a lot., and after prayer and anointing I was healed and I was happy, healed and saved in both souls and body;Prices are name forever!

Dear friends, you who are tired of sin and sick in the body comes to Jesus and his healing, soul and body.-Fru.susan E. Miller.

During the autumn of 1888 we witnessed the remarkable healing of brother J.S.Whiting, when a priest in Hilliards, Mich. de Nacht about his remedy we were beautifully put forward in prayer.We give the circ*mstances with his own words, as published in the Holiness Register shortly thereafter.

He says: “About three weeks after my conversion, the Lord told me to go into his sermon.on Sunday;But discovered that the Lord wanted me to give up everything and worked for him.I hesitated about a year ago.Enough and I had to lie on my back.

“Last Thursday evening, while preaching, my violation of pain started so badly that I had to stop and let the brother Shaw stop.The next day.When the night came, it rained so hard that we couldn't have a single meeting, so he was left where we lay on the couch in the evening when I was unable to comfort it.Brother Shaw finally said: "Let's pray first" I thought I couldn't get to my knees, but with the help of the Lord I came down and started praying for God to cure my body.So I thought something said:

"Get up and take off your professional chair." So I got up and took it and went to the oven, opened the door and threw it in the fire as I clearly instructed myself to do.And everything is right. "

From what he told us that we believe that the Lord did him more than it would be derived from his words..When we met him months after, we still thought it was good and sound.

In the afternoon of August 9, 1853, a small Norwegian boy named customer Iverson, who lived in the city of Chicago, was sick.Saw the customer, came to him and said they wanted him to go to Mr.elston's garden and steal some apples. "

"No," the customer said immediately;"I can't steal, I'm sure."

"Well, but you have to," they cried!

They threatened to appear, because these evil big boys had often scared little boys to rob the gardens of them.

The threat was not afraid of the customer, so to make up for their words, they grabbed him and pulled him into the river, and despite his cries and fights he threw him in. But the heroic boy, even with water graves and well in the throat, never shrinks, for he knew God had said;You will not steal, "and the law of God that he had made his law; cruelty of the big boys would give him up. Under water. There was no one near his worrying cries and saving the poor child of their cruelGrip?

No one;There was no one to save him;

A German boy who had been nearby, very afraid of what he saw, ran the news home.Who should describe their feelings when they had stretched the small shape on their chest?Steadfast that he was expected to be received in the church of his parents soon.

The little boy who is often thought about how when he grew up would be a predicate or a missionary and do something for his master and master.;Instead of going to the grass, he would preach one of the most powerful sermons in Bibelskov and Bible principles that the country has ever heard.It did not know that he would give an example of steadfastness of the goal and of unclear integrity, such as the heart of this nation with surprise and admiration.And city to city and village to village, where many mothers cried with full hearts: "May his spirit rest on my boy!"And strong men cried about it and called: "God was praised for the boy!"And rich men get their hands in their pockets and said, "Let's build him a monument, let his name be immortalized, for his memory is blessed.“ May there be a generation of customer Iversons, strong in their integrity, loyal to themBiblical, ready to die instead of doing wrong.- Cynosie.

The Methodist Products in Boston was attended well last Monday and pastor W.N.Brodbeck, dated, the priest of the Tremont-Street Church in this city, the brothers under the spell of an address about "the relationship between the ministers for CPR" "Under the Under-Under point pointed out at church fairs and festivals as obstacles.

He stated that some ministers and churches would never have a generation because they would not do the hard work and make the victim important to secure the results mentioned

In Urbana, Ohio, he started to breathe new life into services, but first only came questionable characters of the altar, in whom the audience had no confidence.Many were offended and some said: "Do you know the people who come to the altar?

He replied: 'Yes, I know them;They are immortal souls for whom Christ died. "When the meetings had walked for three weeks, one of his leading members came to him and said," I think it's time to stop these meetings, we have them for three weekskept and we want an honesty and we have some entertainment "

The pastor answered firmly and immediately: "You can do what you want, but these meetings don't stop."

His heart was broken and it was also the heart of one of the pious female members.God.She said, "The victory is coming."

"How do you know that?"

"I received proof this morning to have spent 10 o'clock in prayer all night."

This was the time that the priest received proof.The church became faster, journeys were regained, hundreds of sinners were converted.Fair.åh, for more evenings with prayer!- Critical knowledge.

We press the following from a letter from the Roman emperor, Marcus Aurelius, who was born in the year 121, and died in the year 180, as found in Vol.2, by "Anti-Nicene Christian Library."-Editor.

Emperor Ceasar Marcus Aurelius Antonius, to the people of Rome and to Saint Senate, greetings: I explained my great design and what benefits I received, in the frames of Germany that I was surrounded by the enemy;Seventy -seven cohorts from the seventies, nine miles away.Host only a battalion consisting of the first, tenth, double and marine legions.

After I examined my own position and my host in terms of the huge mass barbarians and the enemy, I quickly caught praying for the gods in my country.But when I was ignored by them, I called the ones who go under us under the name of Christian they wear around in their conscience.are rooted in their conscience.Luiting of five days we had no water because there was no one;Because we were in the heart of Germany and on the territory of the enemy.From) water is cast from heaven, the most refreshing cool, but a wilted hail on Rome's enemies.who lies on the accusation of a Christian that he is a Christian, I wish it is manifested that the person accused as a Christian and acknowledges that he is someone is accused of nothing but just this, that he is a Christian;But that he arranges him is burned alive.And I also want him, who is entrusted to the government in the province, does not force the Christian who confesses and certifies such a case.I want these things to be confirmed by a certain Senate.Nobody who wants to use it or own it is prevented from getting a copy from the document that I now publish.

She was a clear eyes, freshly hurled little girl who lived on the shores of the Great Mississippi, the eldest of four children and the mother of the mother always.It was the name of the father.He was the beauty of Elizabeth, but they abbreviated Bess. Moyfield and his wife were called to the nearest city one day, six miles away.Bess;Be a little mother for them. "

Bess waved her old suns strong and held the baby up so that she could see them until the end. Moyfield to keep an unspoken supervision on the small nests and had to sleep in the house.Was Pow'ful Bad Wid the toothache.Picturesque imitation of Mrs Mayfield's industry in the evening.But what was this?.What will she do?

A sudden inspiration brought her here.

Without being afraid of the children, she dressed them in the hottest clothes they had.Large window in the room and they put it immediately, so when the water came up, the ship would flow out.The water had almost risen to the top of the stairs.Robs Arms, and now the little mother who took the basket with food also made to come in, but laughed!There was no room for her with certainty for the rest.Calm.She explained that Rob should protect the basket and that they should sit still.Take care of you. “Then the water grabbed the uncertain barrel and it flowed in the dark night.

The next day Meneermoyfield, who, together with his neighbors, the wide lake of the dazzling water that represents Mississippi and discovered the bath that was placed in the branches of a sycamore with the children crying and cooling but safe.

And Bess?Ah, where was Bess, the "little mother" who withdrew into death in the short moment?Her in the boat, the tears of every eye that were worth the 'little mother'.—Detroit Free Press.

We have cut the following from the pictorial field book of the Civil War tabing, Vol.3, p.79. It is certainly a remarkable proof of God's power to give those who give their confidence in him.-Editor.

There were some friends or quacks from South Carolina in the Battle of Gettysburg who were forced into the ranks, but who refused to fight from the beginning to the end.Witnesses by personal observation, the only region presented in the state where the proof of Sparseet.Sis excellent 4 people were robbed and looted by the confederations without grace.There, a practical testimony of the power of their principles in the opposite war had stood up.The residue of the company was called and ordered to shoot the first twelve if they did not carry out the order.doing it."The whole company threw down their muskettes and refused to obey order. With a terrible oath, tried to shoot him with his gun. The cap would not explode. Then he jumped on him with his horse, but the Sactical Conscript was unaffectedwas laid for the president and he ordered their release.

The next moving incident that pulled tears out of the eyes was recently related to me by a precious friend who had it from an eye white.

A little boy who was about ten years old stood in front of a shoe store in Broadway, barefoot, looked through the window and vibrated with cold.

A lady who drove into a beautiful carriage into the street, pulled by horses who finely caparated, observed the little man in his abandoned state and ordered the driver to immediately pull and stop for the store.Damen, richly dressed in silk, turned around from her carriage quickly went to the boy and said, "My little man, why are you looking deep into that window?"

"I asked God to give me a pair of shoes," was the answer.Socks for the boy.

She took the little man to the back of the store and removed her gloves, knelt down, washed a small foot and dried them with the towel.

At this point the young man had returned with the socks. "

As they turn around, the surprised boy caught her hand and looked up in her face with tears in her eyes, her question answered with these words: "Are you the wife of God?"—Pean Register.

At the top of the mountain in Washington, overlooking the Housatonic Valley, was a hut, the house of John Barry, a bad coal burner whose family consisted of his wife and herself.Han's occupation brought him only a few dollars and then cold weather and then cold weather, he had succeeded in paying only a small determination in the winter.Foot of the mountain, John and his wife were in big alleys.

Their entire stock of food consisted of just a few pounds of salt pork and a bushel potatoes;The valley was unacceptable and nobody thought about opening mountain roads, which was only occasionally founded in the summer;And nobody gave the old man and his wife a thought.

December 15 came, and with that experienced the heaviest fall of snow in Berkshire County for many years.His promises were remembered;And when the evening came, and blew the northeastern madman, and the hard snowstorm raged, John and his wife asked and asked for help.

In Sheffield Village, ten miles away, Deacon Brown lived, a well -developed farmer of fifty years old, known for his piety and consistent deportation, both as a man and Christian.Who was going on? "" Nieten, "replied Mrs. Brown;"Go to bed.

"Well!"Said Mrs. Brown.He said, "Who do we know with the name John who needs food?""Nobody can remember," Mrs. Brown replied, "unless it is John Barry, the old coal burner on the mountain."

"That's it," the deacon exclaimed."Now I remember that I was recently in the store in Sheffield, Clark, the grocer who spoke about John Barry," I wonder if the old man lives because it is six weeks because I saw him, and he still has itNot placed in his winter stock with groceries.

So to say that the good deacon arose and kept dressing.The two biggest baskets you have, a good stock of food and brings us an early breakfast;Because Ram goes up the mountain to wear the food I know John Barry needed. "

Mrs. Brown, used to the sudden impulses of her good husband and conviction that he was always on the right, cheerful to;and after a warm breakfast Deacon Brown and his son Willie, a boy at nineteen sled, and then with a month delivery of food and a "goodbye, mother", started on the five -bell on the cold December morning for a trip that almostSomeone other than Diakon Brown and his son Willie would not have dared to accept.

The northeast storm was still furious and the snow fell and drove quickly;But on the shocked, well -born team on his message of grace, while the residents of the sled, wrapped in blankets and extra buffalo covers, the horses through the horses operations and in the light of the storm.

Eventually they stopped in front of the cabin where the poor, the confidence in the Christian man and the woman stood on their knees to ask him who is "the hearing and answering prayer".Hear the voice of prayer, and then he knew that the message that woke him out of sleep was sent from heaven.brought in and the thank you, which was said by the starved tenants in the mountain hut.—Albany Journal.

The baby was so sensitive, as the small shrinking plant that curls at the breath and closes the heart of the light.

The only beauties she had were an extremely transparent skin and the most sad, large blue eyes.Although discipline helps me.Unfortunately I wanted!Hard.I was very serious all day and when I sent her to her little couch, I said: "Now, my daughter, to punish you and show how much, very naughty that you have been, I'll not kiss you tonight."

She was looking at me, surprised, with her big sad eyes far open-open-I assume that she had forgotten her mismatch until then;Was sent to “Oh, mom!You will kiss me;I can't sleep if you don't do that! “She cried, every tone of her voice vibrated and put her little hands out.

Now came the battle between love and what I wrongly referred to a duty.Mit Heart told her to give her a kiss of peace;My strict nature encouraged me to continue in my correction, so that I could impress the mistake.trained until I was a very submissive child;And I remembered how I often thanked my mother for her simple course.

I knelt at the bed."Mom can't kiss you, Ellen,"

I whispered, although every word strangled me..

It must have been twelve clock when I was awakened by my nurse.

From that night a furious fever drank her life;I will only kiss myself!Kiss me, dear mother; "

Little angel!She went asleep on a gray morning and she never woke up again, never!The vibrating lips grew.

Kiss her!I gave my life, I could have asked for the forgiveness of the sweet child.

The grief is not available now!The blue sky down today, and the freshness of my heart is buried.—Ladies 'Home Journal.

About two miles from the village of C., on a road wrapped in the hills, stood a large white house.Against the clear blue sky.In its base, a wide, deep river rolled to the beautiful valley that intervened, again told the charming small village about wealth.Here and there in the distance, a pond was visible, while agriculture and modest houses punctured the photo in all directions.

That was the home of three promising children who have been constant members of the Sabbatschool of the village in the last three months., The small rosy cheeks laugh Ella, with her golden curls and sunny smiles, the roses had just gathered in her ninth summer.

The father of these interesting children was the rich captain Lowe.

But not resisting all this excellent was the Heerlowe an unbelief.Way.roly and friendly to everyone, few can be insulted by his Frank Avowal by unfaithful principles or anger about his enthusiastic, half funny sarcasms about the peculiarities of a few weak, although sincere sincere members of the church.

But Meneerlowe saw and acknowledged the salvation of the morality of Christianity.Children who are trained under her influences, once growing up to virtue and crime.

Among the many children who kneel like fines on the altar of Little Vestry, a clear, beautiful Sabbath, was Sarah Lowe and her brother and sister., the younger brother and sister took it by the hand and knelt with them at the Grace-Seat-a Sight to increase the joys of the angels.

When the children had told their mother what they had done and expressed the willingness to try to be Christians, she was also very moved that she had been trained early in the principles and faith of Christianity and had never given her early faith.Dividend, reconciling spirit, she had never solved her feelings after the message of her husband, nor openly against his special views., she cried.All holy influences of her own youth and young people seemed to breathe on her heart.

She also remembered that the altar of the family and the prayer morning and evening were offered by her now holy Father. Lowe became aware of the change of his children for the first time, he was seriously surprised to know what to do.He would rather have expected this?And and would she after all call the religion, make them worse?Let things go on. Levoe heard them, but he did not attempt to ridicule their simple faith, because it had been his usual course with others.Then a youthful feeling quoted by the special circ*mstances of the past weeks..

The next Sabbath Father could not prevent loneliness when he saw his household abandoned the church..

To spread these feelings, he took a bowl with salt and started the hill for a "mountain grass" where his young cattle were closed for the season.In the mild air from the soft "Indian summer" and the different nuances of the surrounding forests, and the signs of decline on all sides, all combined to work out on the feelings that were created in the morning.

His grief rees;And while his path opened in a clear, sunny place far on the steep hill, he sat down in a puree and thought.His silent river., with his striker, pointed heavenly, nor to ask themselves self -requests "Why are they there?"

While he was engaged in this way, his attention was attracted to the peculiar assessment of a ground linked nearby.were intensely fixed on the bird.With every kit of the Love Bird.She fell into the mouth of the snake.

Then Mr. Lowe looked at the bird, he became deeply interested in her destiny.For him he could not forget or reject it from his mind.

When he returned to his house, he sat down in his library and tried to read.In God's house.Wheels was heard, was heard on the bridge that crossed the mountain stream, followed by a few moments of the old bearing that slowly crawled on the hill.

The return of the family somewhat changed the course of his thoughts.hear?He learned everything about "How good farmer Haskell spoke", and "how humble and dedicated Esquire Wiseman appeared" and "how happy Benjamin and Samuel were;"Although he seemed busy with his book and pretended to be aware of what was said.

It was even true that the old lawyer had become Vroom.Bad fanatics he had always mentioned said that the future world was correct?

Little Ella came and climbed up to her long -wing spot on her father's knees and threw her arms around his neck, put her glowing cheek, half hidden by clusters curls against his.But didn't dare say that.To remove this fear, he started asking her about her Sabbatschool.The innocent, praying child came to shiver.

"Oh father, I wish you had been there!"

"Why did you wish I had been there, Ella?"

"Oh, just to see how happy Nellie Winslow looked like while her grandfather told us children how much he loved the savior and how sorry he was that he didn't give his heart to his heavenly father when he was young. Life looked like thisFortunately looking like Nellie did. "

Mr.Lowe answered non-showan, could he not see where the heart of his beloved Ella was?To be when her father was a Christian?The rosy cheek of the beautiful girl and took the hat back the house.Little Ella was a Christian.Christ?, he entered his house.

His wife was only with an open Bible for her.When he came in, he wipes her away quickly.!"They went to his heart like an arrow" the truth, "said a voice inside, with such a scared distinctive character that he started because of the fantastic sound and the influence he had just assumed from his heart, returned with tenTime power.

'O Lord, red, my dear father.Make him on the Savior.Show him that he must be born again.

He couldn't listen."Don't let the snake charm!" And if he was like the helpless little bird fluttering around the snake, eventually fell into the jaws of death?

Hurry to his room and threw himself in a chair.He started!The voice of prayer fell back on his ear.

"O Lord, bless my dear father.Make him a Christian, and he and dear mother may be prepared in heaven. "

The father moved deeply the house and rushed to the stable.He would escape to escape from these words with penetrating power.They were like dagger in his heart.He went in the stable.Down of Hay -Loft, in the rich silver -colored tones of his own noble boy.

"O Lord, red my father!"

It was too much for the poor convicted man, and rushed to the house, he fell and cried on his knees next to his wife and shouted: "O Mary, I am a poor, lost sins! I'm going to hell! O woman, isthere a grace of a misery like me? "

Poor Mrs Lowe was completely overcome.Christ had said it and her heart told her it was true.

The children were called in. They came from their prayer locations where they had lifted their hearts to the God who had said: "Whatever you should ask to ask the father in my name, he will give it to you."They had asked the influence of the Spirit on the Spirit hearts of their parents, and it was awarded.

Faith conquered.

They came out of their knees and Ella jumped on the arms of her father and together they were looking forward to God.Priest H.P.andrews, about Christian lawyer


On board an English steamboat, a small uneven boy of nine years was discovered on the fourth day of the trip from Liverpool to New York and led to the first partner whose duty was to tackle such things.Away and who had brought him on board, the boy who had a beautifully sunny face replied it as the mirror of the truth himself, that his stepfather did because he could have advice to keep him or pay his passage to Halifax, where he had an aunt who was far away and whose house he went.

The friend did not believe the story despite the winning face and the truthful accents of the boy.

The little man was treated very roughly as a result.To involve the sailors, one day of the collar grabbed and pulled him forward, he told him that unless he told the truth, the time would hang on the farm arm..

The passengers and sailors of the afternoon watch were around him, and for him the inexorable partner with chronometer stood in his hand and the other officers on the ship by his side.of the noble boy;His head upright, his beautiful eyes, clear through the tears that have enough for them.

When eight minutes had fled, his partner told him that he only had two minutes to live and advised him to speak the truth and save his life.Friend said nothing, but nodded with his head and became so pale as a spirit and shaking with shaking like a tube in the wind.And if his own stepfather could not save his knee with tense hands and eyes that had become to heaven.Death and willing to sacrifice his life for the truth in his word.- Leflatie Weekly Telegraaf.

Do I even have to repeat a true story by suffering a few weeks ago?In a broken life, and remembered the scene when he only met the deadline.

"I left my New England house in Boy Age. When I kissed my mother, she put her hand on each side of my cheeks and said:" You are now clean, my son.Touch a glass of intoxicating spirits. “The promise I made then, I remained under strong temptations, and in circ*mstances that seriously tried my good decisions.whiskey.I took his recipe.The -Said healed me from a disease;The latter brought a deeper and mortal nature.

Yet I was not aware of it until a friend brought me one day with the words: "Major, you have to be careful." I was shocked and decided that this should never be said about me again;But I still pursued the weak way.

"Moments later my brother repeated the warning and I promised him that I would follow his friendly words. This promise was broken. I had a nice house, was blessed with wife and children, and I told her again that I said again," "I don't want to drink anymore ", and I kept ashamed of the name she bore.

"One morning when I passed the open door in my daughter's room, I saw her on her bent knees and heard her sweet voice shout:" O God, save my father and drove him out of a drunk grave. "I promised God that I would never drink again.I was drunk for the night!Moments later I was called to see a loving sister who was sick.I only rushed to her bed to find her death in a darkened room.When I leaned over that marble form and my tears fell on her cold cheeks, with tense hands, only with the dead, I told my God that the cup was never the earth again my lips.Finally, in a concern for despair, I sent my father and mother to visit my house and secure a palace car, making their long journey as comfortable as possible.

They came to my charming house to meet their drunken son.The dear mother prayed and prayed with and for me that my purity could be restored."After their return, with the ultrasound of her annoying petition that sounds in my ears, I said:" I will take the promise again, and if I am broken now, I go to the Pacific coast and leave the woman and children behindTo hide myself -where they would never hear about me again. "Invite a few friends to take another social glass together and then sign the promise. I waited an hour and nobody came up.

"And the clock hit nine, and no friends came. Then I ran my soul visions about my childhood, and my mother's voice sounded," keep your soul clean and pure, my son;"And her pain has waited for memories that time had been sealed for a long time. The clock struck ten. I listened to voices, but there was quiet everywhere to save in my own stormy soul. Bottle that never looked as attractive as a voice seemed to be tooKlinking.Not how God would bring me to flee.

I opened the Bible again and read: "God loved the world that He gave his only son, like the person who believes in Him, should not be but has eternal life."For me, and the bottle on my side, prayed and asked for strength to hold until midnight.OH!Lost.As humans ever experienced.With one side and hell on the other.Can I endure?Will this battle end in life and peace?On the silent hime at night the Battle of the Far Clock: One-Two-Four-Five-Five-Seven-Night-NE-NE-TENEN-ELEVE-WELVEVE!The load rolled in the open grave and I felt that I was saved and saved forever., and then gave my soul, my life, my everything, to him who had released me with his precious blood.From the moment my sins were washed away.From that hour to this I have no taste or urge to spirits and my life is dedicated to spread the leaves that must be to heal the nations. "

That is the story of my friend who is performing service for the master today in a Western city.Loving words:

"Don't touch, don't taste, don't go on," even if it is placed on your lips under the tempting form of "only a medicine."—Congregationalist.

"I am the Lord who heals you."

With a deep sense of gratitude to my heavenly father for my recovery of health, I write this witness.Satisfactory than one of myself.

“Mrs. Claghorn came to me for treatment, first on June 6, 1885, then in August 1885 and almost continuously afterwards, until January 26, 1886 - the day of her sudden and beautiful restoration for health. Her symptoms were frequent shivers, pain inThe bones, back pain, the inability to sleep and sometimes terrible paroxming of tonic and clonic spasms, heavily marked opisthotones, cramps of limbs, cold limbs, intense pain at the base of the debris, sometimes complete immobility;, often followed by partial paralysis of the right.


Er.hautchinson, M.D., Waseca, Minn.

For two weeks before my restoration I could not get in bed or feed myself.

My doctor was with me until midnight when I became lighter in the morning of 26.I felt better for about seven hours when I started to feel much worse.I was in so much pain, my husband received some statements about 'faith' that an unknown friend had sent, and he started reading one;Was not interested at all in the beginning, because I knew nothing about such things;I had heard of a few cases, but they were all so far away, I put them aside as something that I couldn't understand.From a lady whose illness was just enough as mine to keep my attention and he read it until the end.stuff.

At 12: 40 p.m. min man went outside and left me in the care of a companion who was in an adjacent room.For the health.But now I seemed to be led to make the request: "Lord, if you have this healing for me, give it to me now and immediately said a voice"! "And I was delighted by and through with sensations that impossible to possibly make it impossibleIf I wondered, the order was repeated with the same words.Give me the power, then I get up;Attempt than something else;But I stood up like a spring and stood on my feet.All pain stopped the first moment of months., "And asked constantly. Then I sat down on the side of the bed and lifted my arms over my head, used the paralyzed side freely.

A swelling that had disappeared the size of an egg and everything in me seemed to change position and to recreate sensations that was impossible to describe, I felt all.

Then I got up and walked a few steps and turned around and looked at the bed and the medicine next door and I started sinking on the floor.When I thought I would get my clothes and get dressed. And I obeyed.

When I turned back to bed, I repeated myself to God and asked him to end His will in me;That he would do that.

Now my husband came in, then disco solids and was willing to find me much worse than when he left me.You better imagine that.When he had returned, I asked him to go to my doctor.

The doctor was not in the city and I only saw him in the evening.Do not reserve a credit part for the remedy, but give all honor and honor to God.Sleep.I had not had a natural sleep during my illness.

The next morning I came and dressed me, without help and went out warmly;In a few days I could not stand on my feet without first praying for strength;Pain anyway.

Tumors and all the inflammations were all displaced and I was a good woman.More times I had severe paroxmes of pain, but I would go to God immediately and he would remove them immediately.

My right side was very shrunk and shorter than the other.A year ago I was recovered.I have been doing all my work since the first June.

I have not had a sick day since my restoration.Neither did myself in a medical way.

Satan has tried to seduce me many times, but the sword of the Spirit when they are presented appears to be too much for him.-Fru.alice B. Claghorn, I Michigan Holiness Record.

Saturday morning, January 3, 1880 in Maiden, Massachusetts said that the doctor of Bishop Gilbert Garden was that his last day had come and that it would not hurt him to see his friends.Groups gathered around the bank, touched with the light of immortal glory, to mice the transition from death to life.It seems that I was in the presence of death. "

We have retained some expressions of the bishop for different people as they were reported in public prints. Daniel Steele came in his room, the bishop lifted his hand and proclaimed in his familiar way: 'Oh, then, a thousand, thousand blessingsabout you!The Lord has given you great blessings and me little, and now He has given me a big one.He called me to heaven for you. "Ask Dr. Steele."There is no death, there is no death "interrupted the bishop;"I fought six weeks before death, and today I think there is no dead.John VIII.51"Should never see death; Honor! Glory! Honor!"In life he rarely shouted or ever;He certainly had the right to scream.

"Yes," he replied, "that's the whole gospel, all" with difficulties he repeated

“Happy as with my last breathing

I can only crave his name

Preach Him for everyone and cry in death,

Look, see the LAM! "

He had an immediate opportunity to preach Christ by witnessing his Spaarracht, because his adviser from Boston had come to say goodbye.Lindsay also noticed to Dr.hij: “Good night, doctor.If we meet again, it will be good morning.Light there.About dying and said, "Oh, but it's so beautiful, so comfortable, so nice! I don't see death in God and drives in heaven." When the hour approached and death he changed his faith, his faith failednot.His right hand was dead and black of death;But held his arm up and looked at the surrounding member for a moment, he said with Triumph: "I believe in the resurrection of the body!Went to his house in heaven.—Golden Dawn.

A little girl in a miserable apartment in New York stood by her mother's deathbed and heard her last words: "Jessie, find Jesus."

When her mother was buried, her father went to drink and Jessie was left to the care if a poor neighbor could give her.

One day she walked away unspoken, with a small basket in her hand and pulled one street after the other without knowing where she went."Where is he?"She asked eagerly.

He looked at her surprised.

"What did you say?" He asked.

"Would you please tell me where Jesus Christ is? For I have to find him" - this time with great seriousness.

The young man looked curious in a moment without talking, and then his face sober; “The migrations of the little girl brought her to the park for a long time.

Jessie went to her cloud."Maybe she can tell me where he is," was the thought of the child.

Jewish turned hard against her to ask, and in a tone of oppressed passion exclaimed: "Jesus Christ is dead!"Poor Jessie followed Street.She ran to pick it up.

When the doctors arrived that night, they knew she couldn't live before the morning.Mid -night -night after she had been very quiet for a long time, apparently sleeping, she suddenly opened her eyes and the nurse, bent over her whisper, while her face illuminated with a smile that the gardening of the own joy of heaven in it: "OhJesus, I finally found you! "

Then the small lips were rushed, but the question that the spirit ate had an answer.-Chose.

At the beginning of the summer of 1882, while we held a camp meeting in C - a drunken crowd came to the ground and bothered the meeting of their gangs and fights.After I expected someone so difficult, there was no police.Services were completely suspended for a while and there was certainly an imminent danger that the meeting would be completely broken down.

To realize that God's help could only give the victory of His children, in the midst of the excitement we went to the wood, the meeting held the meeting for his glory and soul of the soul, and unless He came to our aid,Large reproaches would be made to him.

We have achieved evidence that God would deliver and brought back to the camp, called for order and began to encourage people in the Spirit.While some children of God shouted and many were banned under the power of God.

The defeat was changed to almost unparalleled by the victory, and during that night the employees were busy praying with seekers, and many were saved.During the meeting were days of triumph.

The conviction was that some who tried to leave repeatedly were limited to return and give themselves to God.It was rejected, this would be his last chance of salvation.So about two o'clock in the morning he came to the altar and was saved brilliantly.-Editor.

A man, blind of his birth, a man of very intellectual power, and with many fascinating social qualities, found a woman who appreciated that his value was willing to throw his party with him and to become his wife., painful and equally, loved both parents.

A prominent French surgeon, while in this country he encouraged to investigate the blind man with great interest and care, said to him: "Your blindness is completely artificial;I think I could have given you the eye.

"I can wear it," was the answer, "so you just see me."

The surgeon operated him and was gradually successful.First there were weak glimpse of light;, There had been so true and faithful to him;And then his children were brought, whom he had so often sh*t, and as a charming prattle had fallen on his ears so often.

Then he exclaimed: "Oh, why did I see this before I asked that man if I got the chance to see them!" And when he was noticed, he hugged him with tears of gratitude and joy.

So when we reach the sky, and with unhoven eyes we look at the glory, we are not happy with a view on this.Him that I can love him with all my soul and praise him through endless centuries. "-Chose.

A poor emigrant had traveled to Australia to "create his fortune" and left a woman and little son in England.

“Come to me here;I send the money to your passage;I will see you and my boy. "Kona took a ship as quickly as possible and started for her new house. One evening when they all slept, the dreaded cry sounded," fire, fire!"Filled. The mother thought of her distant house, her husband looked lovingly and for a long time at his wife. Around.-Chose.

The priest E. B. Slade tells an interesting example of answered prayer., empty of wood.To save the little one who left, she put her children to bed and wrapped in blankets, eventually the baking area has to be done, and by making a fire of her last tree and persistent to her faith, she won the victory.was impressed that she should come and see what was the a similar feeling;And when he learned the facts, he took them all to his house and took them to Mr. Lade returned home.

We'll get the followingMethodist MagazineIn July 1827 there was a story about a conversion that took place in a revival of religion, in Lanjeth, in Cornwall, England.Austell Circuit.

“The first extraordinary conversion I noticed was the old William Morkum by Lanjeth, who had lived in the world for only seventy years without God.In neglect of religion, his mind was very worried by the prospect of eternity.I am a lost soul."Han's request sent some of their pious neighbors to come and pray with him.But the third night was even terrible for him than the other.The religious friends were called in again, and the pain of his mind was great.Silent about Him to join them in prayer to God, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.Had the power to throw his soul on the reconciliation of the Lord Jesus Christ, giving him peace with God.was to break stones on the roads.

"I am ready in both body and in the soul!" "So he stood completely upright and tightened his hands together behind his head."Now, "he said," I will ask the parish to buy glasses, so I can learn to read the Bible;To light me for the Methodist Chapel in the winter evenings. "He joined the community in Lanjeth and met twice in the class. Cirka became a month after his conversion and said to his family:" The time is me to memust die."Bed without pain or mental conflict and expressed his confidence in the cute savior and fell peacefully in the Lord.

“If I believe you could have Hawkins, I would like to, but I was born a skeptic.I can't look at God and the future. "

Then John Harvey said while he went with a friend under a dripping umbrella.In the heart it was sad, very sad.Not yet coming out of the darkness in the beautiful light.hawkin's house the truth. "

Oh, I have no objection, nobody in the world, you can believe, you know.I am ready for a miracle subject, I am hungry and it is too far to go to the city this stormy evening.Here is a restaurant; "

How warm and comfortable it seemed in the long, radiant dining room!

"Pon my word, it's beautiful," said John Harvey; "some purity in these tones "

"From outside, your little baggage!"He shouted, and one of the servants pointed angrily to the door.

"Let her come in," said John Harvey."We don't allow them in this place, sir," said the waiter;

Let her go somewhere.

All the while the two had seen the shadow of something that floated backwards and forward on the edge of the door;Now they followed a small small figure, wrapped in patched cloak, patched hood, making the mark of wet feet curious.To see her face, she was very small, John Harvey attracted her to the furthest part of the large room where there were only a few gentlemen and then moved her to sing., but a rinse rested there;And from the thinnest face, under the arch of wide temples, worked out by many of the blackest hair, than two eyes, whose soft and painful plea would have touched the most difficult heart.

"The little thing is sick, I think," said John Harvey Compassionate.

"I sing Italian or a little English."

John Harvey looked at her shoes."Why" he cried and his lip shaked, "her feet are wet in front of her ankles; she will catch her death of cold."

At this point the child had begun to sing, push his hood back and fold for her little thin fingers.Together in the reading room.

"There is a happy country,

Far away.

The voice could never, the way that child is forgotten.There was almost a halo around her head;

"Look here, child; where did you learn that song?" He asked.

"At the Sabbath School, Mr.

"And you don't suppose there is a happy country?"He continued to pay attention to the many eyes on him.

"I know there is; I want to sing there," she said so calmly, so for sure that the men looked at each other.

"Do you want to sing there?"

"Yes, Mr. Mother said it. She always sang for me until she was sick. Then she said she would no longer sing on earth, but in heaven."

"Well and what then?"

"And then she died, Mr.," said the child;

John Harvey was silent for a moment.The moment he said, "Well, if she died, my little girl, you can live, you know."

"Oh, no, Mr. No Lord! I'd rather go there and go with mom. Sometimes I have a terrible pain in my side and coughs like she did. A beautiful world"

"How do you know?"Walked on the lips of the skeptics.

"My mother told me that, sir."Words how impressive!Mays -like and yet so wise.In their depths, and yet the big, soft, shiny eyes, such as magnets, got his view of them.

"Child, you need a pair of shoes."John Harvey's voice was Husky.

Along the damp street, the baby went under the protection of John Harvey, but not with shoes that drank the water at every step.In his.In an open door they stopped broken, creaking stairs, they climbed.

'O Vader! "

"Look at me! Look at me!"And the silver went down and explained her joy, the poor child collapsed, cried and laughs, in the arms of the old man.

Was he a man?

A face dark and hole, all grown with hair black as night, and non-compressed a pair of wild eyes-a body bent almost double hands like claws.

"Did he give you all this, my child?"

"They all did, Dad;Now you need soup and oranges. "

"Thank you, sir - I am sick, you see - everything, Mr. had to send the poor child outside or we would starve." And unfortunately he looked at the corner, where he stood the old organ, covered with Baize, Baize in Taters.

A month later, the two men met again as by appointment and slowly went down the city.

No - not lived there;Because they pauted for a moment, two or three men came with a pine.

"It was very sudden, sir;"Said a woman who recognized her charity institution."Yesterday the little girl fell ill, and it seemed that he fell immediately. He died six years last night."

The two men silently went up the stairs.

"Now, my little one, are you better?"

"Oh, no, Mr. Dad went there and I'm going."

Opof!John Harvey's turned unknowingly to his friend.

"Have you ever heard of Jesus?"Asked John Harvey's friend.

"Oh I"

"You know who he was"

"GoodJesus, "the child muttered.

"Hawkins, this breaks me down," said John Harvey;And he placed his handkerchief in front of his eyes.

"Don't cry, don't cry; I can't cry, I'm so happy!"The child said pleasantly.

"What are you happy with my dearest?"Asked John Harvey's friend.

"Getting away here," she said intentionally.About and kissing and said that if I belonged to him, the Savior would love me and one of those days would give me a better home;And then I gave myself to him, because I would have a better home.To sing there and to be so happy!

With a little sigh she closed her eyes.

"Harvey, is faith and hope nothing?" Hawkins.

'Don't talk to me, Hawkins;To be as the toddler, I would give everything I have. "

"And to be the way they are, you just have to give something your stubborn, your skeptical doubts and the heart that will never know peace to the feet of Christ."

There was no answer.The moment the hands moved, the arms were lifted, the eyes still opened, glazed, although they were, they were still opposite each other.

"See!" She cried;"Oh, there is a mother!"

Her voice staggered, but the heavenly brightness was still on her face.

"There is no doubt about the soul triumph there," Mr.hawkins.

"It's great," replied John Harvey, looking at both awe and tenderness."Is she gone?"

He jumped out of his chair, as if he wanted to hold her;But chest and forehead were now marble, her eyes had lost the fire of life;

"She was always a sweet little thing," the nurse said softly.

John Harvey stood as if he had been spelled.

"John," said his friend with a loving look, "should we pray?"

For a moment there was no reaction when tears came;

And from the side of the dead child went up for annoying posts to the throne of God.And that prayer was answered that the miracle was performed, that the lion became a lamb where doubt became a believer, a Christian!- A treaty.

One morning early, while it was still dark, a poor man came to my door and told me he had a baby very sick, of which he was afraid I would die.medicine to relieve it.Work as much as you ask if you want to go. "

I said, "Yes, I will go with you as soon as I take a little refreshment."

"Oh, sir," he said, "I would try to get a bushel corn and let the earth wear home, and I am afraid the baby will die before I am there. I wish you wouldn't wait for me; "And then added:" We will save the child's life if we can.

It was a few miles to his house that I did not arrive there until the sun was two hours high in the morning when I found the mother who held her sick child, and six or seven little boys and girls around her, with clean hands andFaces that look like their mother, lean and poor.When I investigated the sick child, I discovered that it was hungry, I told the mother: "You don't give enough milk to this child."

She said, "I suppose I don't."

"Well," I said, "you have to feed it with milk."

She replied, "I wanted that, sir, but I can't get anyone to feed it."

Then I said, "It will be good for you to make some water and feed your child."

She answered this;"I thought I would do it if my husband brought an Indian meal home."

She said this with a sad face.I asked her with surprise: 'Why, ma'am, do you have nothing to eat?

She aimed to suppress a tear and unfortunately replied: 'No, sir, we only had a little bit of these days.

I said, "What are your neighbors that you have to suffer from them?"

She said;"I suppose they are good people; but we are strangers in this place and do not want any problems from them if we can come together."

I want to give the baby a small manna, I asked for a spoon.The little girl went to the table drawer to get one and her mother said to her "Get the longest treated spoon."Spoons, and both with handles, but one handle was slightly longer than the other.Child, I heard the oldest boy (who was about fourteen), say: "You now have to have the biggest piece because I had the biggest piece earlier."And then four or five children are in the corner where the oldest shared a roasted potato among them.The oldest and you should have the biggest piece.

"No," said the other, "I had the biggest piece."

I turned to the mother and said, "Madam you have potatoes to eat, I assume?"

She replied: "We had it, but that is the last thing we left; and the children have now baked it for their breakfast."

When I heard this, I hurried home and my wife inquired that I had taken the wrong medicine with me to the sick family.and had the pleasure of hearing in a few days that they all felt good-Chose.

A day or two after our conversion we called a neighbor, and while the lady of the lady heard some very hard things against God's work that shakes the entire part of the country like an earthquake.We had barely reached at home before the Holy Spirit spoke to our hearts and asked us to return to that neighbor and pray.Go back to neighbor B - 's have decided to go our stepmother to go medo's.As we went that we could hardly prevent us from running;We prayed;But when we got out of our knees, we could see that everything in the house was beautifully struck, so that the one who said short things to the Lord and his work, angry hands and said shortly before: "" What did I do? "I didn't know that I was so bad that someone had to pray for me like that. "We shake the hand of everyone who was present and left the house. Almost a Christian young lady came to Mr.B - when we were there, and said on oneKindly way that she did not want to scare us, but she feared that our prayer was to do something, but when she spoke, the Lord gave us the positive insurance about the salvation of the family, and we began to praise the Lord.In this way God literally confirmed His own word in our Christian experience.

"Likewise, the Spirit also helps our weaknesses, because we do not know what to pray for, as we should, but the Spirit itself creates intercourse for us with moans that cannot be provided."-Editor.

On Thanksgiving Morning there were six young men in a quiet conversation on the corner of the streets of Clark and Washington, in the large and busy city of Chicago.

"I propose a walk to Graceland, the beautiful city of the dead."This is how the company's leader spoke;The taught and the rich, from bank and shop, from pulpit and bar, from church and state, were worn there to rest;But the visit of these six young men at the moment on this country is not for the large and large monuments or visiting the rich grave.The most important drive too little than a block when they are in height where they stop to rest and meditate.And for these young men there is no suitable place on earth to meditate than just here.

Reader, even if you are not interested, but you may want to see something and know about this place.Perfect like -sided triangle, with three oak trees, one that is near each of the corners.Two well bus rose buses are everything that is left of the beauties of the summer.Marble. "These words arise on the front of this stone," resting in the eternal arms.Every tired, sad pilgrim to stop and rest.

Reader, you ask whose dust is here?

“Here lies the dust of a holy woman who found me two years ago, a stranger in the great city of Chicago a stranger to all people, but what was much more, a strange thing for God., and although my clothes were sad, she invited me to her house. "

"And I," says a second of these young men, "remember the day I landed in Chicago, a perfect stranger, directly from England. On my first Sabbath in the city I was invited by a young man whose knowledge I hadDone to visit the Biblical class of this lady.

A third young man talks and says: "I came to Chicago from Toronto, Canad. I was also homeless and location. I heard about this lady and her work for young men who were strangers in the city. Sabbath took a backseat andAimed to hide myself, but the eyes of this lady did not seem to be a young man next to me and asked me about my temporary and spiritual state.In hunting and calling for his wandering sheep; "Yes;

"I want to tell you how I was doing," said a fourth.In the afternoon without finding work, and without eating anything, I called the house of this lady and asked for something to eat.

She gave me a small job to do, and while I did that work, she ordered a dinner for me.Time my religious life, but when she thought I wanted to find work, she practiced for me;And because of her influence I had a situation in two days that I was able to keep from that time.Good work of honest salary, she invited me to her class and her house, and then she led me to Christ. "

"And I," said the fifth young man, "owes God for this lady than in total. Two years ago I was a bad drunk. This lady found me in the rooms of the young men and asked me to call herAt home. "

The sixth young man spoke and said: "Under God, everything I am today or hope to be in the coming days, I owe this noble woman. Not strange that they have cut the name 'dear mom' on the tombstone, because theyWas a mother to all of us. "

The leader said, "You look at the main stone", rest in the eternal arms. "This reminds us that she sang, probably in the arms of Jesus." Boys, let's sing that hymn. "

And they sang it, with the tears that flowed down their cheeks;Then they knelt around the silent grave, and in voice -free prayer he rearranges for God.

Reader, would you know if dust lies here?Her monument.Of the blessed woman whose dust is here by the chairman of Stone.She is not dead -"Not dead but traveled."

“There is no dead!

This life with deadly breathing

Is only a suburb of life Elysian,

As a portal we call death. "

- N.W.Christian Advocate.

Not long ago I stood at the Death Strok for a little girl.

From birth she was afraid of death.

"Oh, I can't go!"

"Jennie," I said, "you have two little brothers in the other world, and there are thousands of many -hearted people who will keep there and take care of you."

But she again shouted desperately "let me go; they are strangers there." She was a small national girl, strong lembed, fleet or foot, tanned on her face;She was brought up on the border, the fields were her home.We tried to unite her who was inevitable. "She cried;" Don't let me go. "But even when she begged back position between the pillows.," She said, "Mom, they are not strangers. Vibrating recovered shape between the pillows andShe was gone -The world of Chicago Woman.

Brother W. B. Bailey wrote us from Hybrid, Mo., January 7, 1887:

"I had a cancer in my left breast. It hurt me a lot; was very bad and tender and an ongoing pain was the Lord to heal me, both soul and body."

His wife wrote at the same time:

"And all the things you have to ask in prayer, thinking that you should receive."Couldn't use my arm without much pain.The holy bath for me and I was healed in response to prayer.prayer."

A local option competition took place in w —— - - and Mrs Kent tried to influence her husband to vote "not a permit". Knows to see Willie in bed safely and that Hysne his prattle, he said: "Now, Willie, saysyou prayed. "

"Dad, I want to say my own words tonight," he replied."Okay, my boy, that's the best kind of prayer," the father replied.

Honestly, the photo, just like Willie, was robbed in white, knelt on the knee of his father and prayed respectfully: "Oh dear Jesus, Dad helps to vote tomorrow without whiskey."

The morning came, the village lived with excitement.

The hands of women who were done hard by wear were stretched to God to help help.

The day was late and yet Mr. Kent had not been on the polls.Willie's prayer sounded in the ears and uncomfortable conscience said, "Answer your boy's petition with your mood."

Eventually he was on the election site with two tickets in his hand - a license;

The next day it was found that the competition was so close that it was necessary, but a voice to carry the city for a ban., he started to find the man who would vote against error, and he flew through the streets in his zeal.

The Salonmen had a birthday and highways were filled with drunk Robud.Lille Willie hurried by the uncertain audience.

They wore him home to his mother.

With a strange, still sorrow, he took his own quiet little hand, cooled in Marmerkou, and there between his fingers, firmly tense, it was not a license that the brave little soul thought to change in the courtyard.

Mr.Kent started back in shame and sorrow.This voices in his hand could have recently answered the prayer to his lips, now dampen, and perhaps averted the terrible accident.?Your one voice is what God requires from you.-The problem.

Rarely is the pure expectant spirit of the dying Christian depicted more graphically than in the beautiful letter from pastor J.S.BBOTT, written to J. Dewitt Miller shortly before his death and published in New YorkMethodologist.It Bears date in Fair Haven, Conn., 3 March 1877, and reads as follows:

I'm Puddy on a sick and dying bed with a small tablet in my hand.I can do without much trouble with pencil lines for my friends.I suffer from very little pain.Every time I am responsible for dying.You transfer to heaven - the car is waiting."All the weaknesses of flesh and sin disappear from body and soul. I will be the accompanying companion with the angels in the most beautiful of all the conceivable journeys from the earth to heaven. I have the tour of Europe several times.But when the angelic call comes to be a "heir of God."Blessings, which cannot be thought forever and forever!

I think all this that my best friend, as complete as I believe in my own existence.And I can go in this joy for the night, would have to get dark around me.Sins, I find everything my soul hits.I am actually happy.But writing these lines exhausted me.

Your loving

John S.C. Arbhor.zzz

—Golden Dawn.

A mother who lives in this city not far from the post office, tired of keeping an eye on a sick baby, recently came down the stairs for a few seconds of rest.Four -year -old girl in the hall alone, and curious to know who she spoke with, stopped at the half open door.were thick in her eyes;the little one who goes on both sides, as if she repeated the answers


"Now, who's there?"

"Is God there?

"Is Jesus there?"


"Tell Jesus that I want to talk to Him."


"Are you that, Jesus?"

"Yes, what is that?

"Our baby is sick and wants you to let it be good."

"Don't you want that now?"

No answer and statements and questions that are repeated again, finally answered by a "yes".

The little one put the earpiece back on his hook, climbed down the chair and went with a brilliant face to mother caught her in bets.

The baby whose life was desperate started to repair that day and was good.—Elmira Free Press.

We choose the next certified incident from real life from correspondenceCanada Christian Advocate: A man who had spoiled the hope for the last salvation, regardless of the character, was on his deathbed.Wan, with a terrible sense of an uncertain future, the horrors of remorse, which distracted his inner soul, the bitter head of despair that kept his lips on his lips, was the tireless hand of an abused and now completely away science, his hopeThat everything that would be good, it was good with him who was never swept away.This hope no trust in God;His bed was not a bed of roses, although surrounded by comfort of comfort.

With the terrible reality of eternity in his eyes he cried: "Oh! I can't die; there is no grace for me now - God can't forgive me now. I wish I would have lived differently if I could live alone, I would lead a different life. "I insisted with Him to hope for the grace of God in Christ Jesus, and asked him seriously to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ with all his heart, and He should be savedbe. "Such sins like I've been?"

"Yes; Oh! Yes," I said;"He just came looking and saving; be prepared to have him save, just as you are."While the tears flowed over his young face, it turned out of illness and suffering.

I told him that I would pray for him and that he had to pray for himself and leave the room that my senses left me behind.In order to be so scared, I went down the stairs, and soon I came one of his spasms of pain;For me that had him.

With terrible curses, terrifyingly inaccurate and terrible Eden, he drove his loyal wife out of the room;And there he was only there to fight the furious hand of disease, to scream and shout with anger and pain so that he could be heard in the nearby houses. I could not do anything for him, and the curses and malicious reasons in time in timeFrom the time in my ears while they lost in the dark regions of despair.His report by judgment.

God saves us from such a death;, where is your bread?O count, where is your victory? "A terrible look out to the future instead of," I know my redeeming lives, and because he lives, I have to live too.Is the terrible end of those who trust God's grace from Christ, for "God from Christ is a devout fire." AndGolden Dawn.

I had a very busy day and experienced a very nice feeling of relaxation when I established in a pleasant fuel chair after I said "good night".Was associated with their mother, a verse had impressed my thoughts.

I was familiar with it, but it came to me with a new beauty and strength.

Not a short look I ask for, a transient word,

But while you live with your disciples, Lord

Well affected, patronizing, patient, free,

Don't come to live, but observe me. "

My wife left with the little ones to see them in bed, and I was only with this verse of the hymn and repeated in my memory;I fully prepared to receive him in my house to keep me to me?Not the glorious savior, as John can be seen on the island of Patmos.Now he had answered our psalm prayer and had come in modest human form:

"Known, down -bending, patient, free."

I knelt for him, but he put my hand on me and said, "Get up, because I came with you."

My memory of my dream here is somewhat confused;But I can remember it again when the next morning seemed to have arrived and I gathered my children around me and told them that Jesus had come to us in the house.Their hands for joy, and the face of my dear wife beamed with rabbit print that seemed to be transferring her.

At that time, the Lord himself entered the room and took a seat around the breakfast tablet.

But when the meal was over and we had the worship of the family, which was a taste of heaven., but it would mean a serious loss for me to keep me away from my affairs that day.

The savior certainly knew my thoughts because he said: 'I'll go with you.How did you ask me?

"Don't come to live, but observe me?"

So whatever you are going to do, I will be next to you in the future.Lo, I am always with you, even until the end of the world. "

It seemed pretty strange to me, but of course I couldn't ask what he said, so I started in my office with the dear Lord by my side.

In my count house I found a man who waited for me to think of a lot of impatience.When I was scared, he could produce the cases that I would not be inclined to listen to Jesus to our conversation.

It was the way I feared.The smallest notification of the Lord;I didn't know if he ever saw him.

I can't tell the bitter shame that I felt.I meant he had no doubt of what I would welcome for his smart and eagerly close to the offer.I benefit from myself?

The broker was surprised when I rejected his proposal, based on the fact that they would be harmful to the interest of the other party in the transaction;And suddenly left me, apparently I thought I had developed a mild insane.

Noody, I fell at the feet of my Savior and cried to Him for forgiveness for earlier sinfulness and power for the coming period.

"My child," he said in the bid for accents, "you speak as if my presence was a strange thing for you. But I have always been to you. I have seen with sorrow and seen how you treated your fellow people in business, And wondered about your disbelief against my promise that I would ever be with you.

As he said these words, another Lord entered the office.Obscene in his speech.

He had not been in my office for too many minutes until he used an expression that brought a hot blush to my cheek.To insult him to meet with weak laughter.But now I felt like I should have been said in the presence of a lady;Only this feeling was intensified by the realization of the absolute purity of the divine that was a hear of the speech.

I expressed my feelings in a word from Expost and he exclaimed: "You suddenly seem to have become very careful" and left me in anger.

Again, I turned to Christ with a scream about grace;And again I heard that he had already seen my earlier sexual intercourse with this man.

I was now called in the adjacent office where my officials were hired and discovered that one of them had made a foolish boom, which would mean an important complication and perhaps loss.immeasurable circ*mstances.When I turned my head, I saw that Jesus had followed me from my private office and was close to me.

Again, I was modest and had to cry for grace.

Similar events took place during all strange day;And the presence of the master that I thought would have been a joy was a reprimand for me.Little to make.

But on the other hand there were times during the day that my soul was filled with borrowing;Fresh beauty of his character and person.Once the moment the children, when I came back to my house, came to oppression around him and wanted to show him their toys and pigeons said to them, "Walk away, children!"

And he put himself and took my curly little boy to his knee and called my two little girls by his side and said Tome: "These little children suffer from coming to me and not forbid them; for that is the kingdom of theheavens. "

I woke up and laughed!Ballarat Christian Union.

During his life, the priest Charles G. Finney was familiar with the circ*mstances related to the remarkable healing of a sick lady in Oberlin, O., wife of Pastor R.D.Miller, and these facts were awarded as undoubtedly says:

Mrs. Miller is the wife of a Congregation Minister and a lady with unmistakable authenticity.And now see her in our middle health.This immediate restoration will be explained in various ways.Are healing in response to the prayer of faith?The first church in Oberlin:

“From my parents I inherited a constitution in a chronic form of arthritis.In early life I was attacked with rheumatic weaknesses and pain that influenced my entire system.times that it cannot attend the meeting for months., but without permanent good results.

“Last summer several of us Christian sisters were in the habit of giving up short seasons with prayer that the Lord would send us a priest.Prayer.And hadn't even thought of praying with this, because I thought it was the will of God that I should suffer from silent submission.

“Despite what was said to me, I remained in this opinion and in this attitude until September 26, 1872, when several ladies met in our house, for a prayer meeting.That time is unable to attend a meeting.Subject of healing by faith, I was able to tell me something from their own experience.That afternoon a lady was present who could talk to me from her own experience of healing in response to the prayer of faith.Prayers were answered in the removal of various forms of illness it was subject.Response to the prayer of faith, and that it was not taken back.Reaction to prayer.When we came up with prayer, I felt that a big change had come to me that I had healed.Have more than my youthful strength;I go with more ease and speed than ever in my life;And I never felt as fresh and young as I do now, at the age of twenty.

“Now the hundred and third hymns and my youth have been more than renewed, just like Eagle's.was made entirely. "

Witness to eyewitnesses of this healing is as follows: “We were all present at the time of healing and know that facts are true.We are all Christians and are not interested in cheating more than the exact truth.Still with us and in excellent health.Once the serious cold cold winter or the extreme warmth in the summer, her health wounded.Time that she was able to go without help and looks completely good. "

Her husband, who has also added her testimony, says: “She has not been able to walk without crutches for a number of years - we have tried many remedies and doctors for a long time, without staying good results and expected that she would stay one -deficiency.She had not used any way or did not accept any medicine for late., she was restored to perfect health.From that moment she has not felt a part of her earlier complaint.

“She can now go for miles as fast as I want, without feeling fatigue, to do all her own household work and attend seven meetings during the week.Two years ago.Work with the dear Savior in her remedy seems to be perfect, and she is a surprise for everyone who knew her earlier and now sees her his name.

"Another lady, in the same week my wife was healed, a member of the First Congregational Church, limited to her bed with a complicated disease, was immediately asked and restored to health." AndMiracle of prayer.

John Livingston of Scotland once spent a whole night in prayer with a company of his brothers, to the blessing of God, all besieged the throne;The public for the older president Edwards was moved by his terrible sermon of "sinners in the hands of an angry God."Some of them even grab the pillars of the sanctuary, by feeling a few.Some Christians in the neighborhood (Enfield, Mass.) Were disturbing, not that although God was blessed elsewhere, he had to go into anger;-Foster's Cyclopedia.

At the end of a prayer meeting, the priest observed a little girl, about twelve years old, and stayed on her knees when the majority of the municipality had been withdrawn.It was time to return home.God says? "He grabbed a Bible and read the passage aloud. She immediately started praying," Lord, sent my father touched;Lord, send my father to church. "So, for about half an hour, she continued and pulled her serious attention from people who held around the door. In the end, a man ran into the church, ran at the same time and dropped on her knees next to her kneesHis child and "what do you want from me?"From an irresistible impulse to return to his house, he left the goods in the carriage and rushed to the church where he discovered that his daughter was crying on his behalf on his behalf;Foster's Cyclopedia

In "Life of William Tennent", the enthusiastic, dedicated minister and friend and employee of Whitefield, the author of his memoirs gives a report that is in a transe for three days.Until he died for the execution.that the funeral can be delayed.

The brother of Tienennent noticed: "What is a man who is not dead cold and stiff as a rod?" However, the doctor had the upper hand; another day was named funeral. During the interval, various efforts were made to signs of lifeTo discover, but no one seemed to save the light shake.

The following short report is indicated on the Heertennent's own language and was related to a brother Minister: “In terms of dying, I found my fever increasing and I became weaker and weaker until I was in heaven in one go, as I thought.But honor everyone indelible.Problems ended and my peace and glory started, and lived with the big and happy diversity when you came to me, saw me full on the face, put his hand on my shoulder and said, "You have to return."

"These words went through me; nothing could have shocked me more. I shouted," Lord, will I return?"With this shock I opened my eyes in this world, I fainted, then came fainting several times, as they would probably have done it in such a weak situation.

"For three years the feeling of the divine things remained so great, and everything else seemed so completely in vain, compared to heaven, I could have bowed the world for what I think I shouldn't have thought about it."

To the author of his memories, Mr.Tennent, about this experience, once: “I was in a moment in a different state of existence under the leadership of a general creature that offered me to follow him.

“That was the effect of my mind for what I had seen and heard that if it was possible for a person to live completely over the world, and things know it, then I was the person.And Hallelujahs I heard, and the word that was pronounced was not out of my ears when they were awake for at least three years.From the heavenly glory that nothing that was in no way related could negotiate my serious attention.

Mr.Tennent lived a few years after this event and died in the triumphs of a living faith, March 8, 1777, 71 years old;His mortal remains were buried on his chapel, in Freehold, N. J. The divine presence with him was often manifested in his public and private ministries.In personal appearance, he was long, upright and reserve, with clear, penetrating eyes and serious, solemn face.

The following was related and claimed by the deceased Robert Young, the missionary.

“While I was a resident of a British colony like Christian missionary, I was called an evening to visit Miss D - - who is reportedly dying.The room of a neatly small house, very sick but familiar with the merit of Jesus;And after we spent some time in conversation and prayer, we praised her to God and took our departure without the least hope to see her again in this life.Map after we had traveled, she seemed to die;But if the usual signs of death that developed in this country so quickly, her friends eagerly waited to see the end.

"She was controlled with great interest, both day and night; and after she had been in this state for almost a week, had opened her eyes and said," Mr.C - was dead. "Her companions who thought they were under the influenceWas fall in the grop and the blue flame covers him.b - is also dead, for he arrived in heaven, just when I left the lucky place, and I saw his beautiful gates thrown open to receive him, and the beardwho shouted the air host: "Welcome, tired pilgrim!"

"Mr.C - - was a neighbor, but a very bad person, and Mr B - - who did not live a great distance, had been a member of the Church of God. The parties that Miss D - are surprising and self -assured statementswho were immediately sent to ask questions about the two people who refer to and found their full surprise that the first had fallen to death about half an hour earlier while his shoes were suddenly entered the eternal world.

Visit in heaven.

"After she was enough to leave the house, she visited us, and Mrs. Young and I heard from her own lips the next report of what she had gone through. She told us that she had to, a heavenly one who to the invisibleThe world has mysteriously unveiled the reality of eternity, but only to see it as it represented as infinite transcendent and splendor the most raised notions of mortals, and whose glory could not.

“She told us that she saw the Savior on a throne of light and honor, surrounded by the four -year -old elderly people and a large amount that no one could count;In that colony, besides many others, she mentioned;And although these parties were not mentioned by the angel who attended her, she still said that they should know them.

“She described these heavenly spirits as different in service;Although she felt insufficient to convey a certain idea of ​​the nature of this employment, it seemed to be adapted to their respective mental taste and spiritual performance., That she heard sweet and most interconnected music she had never heard before, and made various attempts to give us an idea of ​​his melodic character, but found her notes for this goal too earthy.

While they were preferred, the missionaries already mentioned other happy spirits as she slid past her, smiled sweetly and said they knew where she was, and if she was faithful to God's grace, she would be included in them in a card time,Dear society.All orders of heaven were in perfect and blessed harmony and seemed to be directed in all their movements through mysterious influence and continued with God's throne.

'She was the next time she was led to a place where she had

View of the hell.

"She described this in the most amazing language and stated that the terrible screaming of lost spirits still seemed to sound in her ears. When she approached the burning grop, a huge attempt was made to pull her in; she felt safeUnder the protection under the protection of its protective angel.

"There were princes and farmers, taught and unprecedented, angry together in an indelible fire, where all the earthly awards and titles were over forever. Among them she saw a Miss W-Who occupied a prominent station in society, but was deadDuring the disease of this young woman.

"The punishment for lost souls she represented as a symbolization of the respective sins that had brought their conviction. For example - - - for example, was convicted of the love of money that I had every reason to believe her was difficult sin; and she thoughtTo be robbed in a clothing clothing, all in -, as she saw, was lost due to bleeding;

"She said there was no sympathy among these unfortunate spirits, but the unmixed hatred, in all its scary forms, prevailed in all parts of the fiery regions. She saw parents and children, men and women and those who had been in sin, every brand of deep hatred showed each other's society;

"While they looked at this disgusting scene, many souls came from the earth and were eagerly confiscated by countless devils of shameful form, amidst terrible cries of the hell of Hell Triumph and tortured according to their crimes."

John Wesley, in his diary for August 1746, VOL.1, pages 374-375-376, about a male styles "S.T."say:

"She stood up for about six o'clock in the morning and prayed in against God; when she was suddenly grabbed with a violent shaking. Movement.

“Her mother immediately sent to Mrs. designers, whom she went to school. Smith, Apothecary, who lived in the neighborhood.First he suggested to bleed her immediately and to apply a big blister;But after investigating her, he said: 'It is important because the child is dead. Surprise twelve she started touching;Then opened her eyes and gave the next report:

“As soon as I lost my senses, I was in a gloomy place, full of briery and grove and ditches;, where there was only a little slight twilight, so I could hardly see for me. You have to go with me. "I saw it easier as he spoke.

He brought me through a narrow track, in a huge, wide road and told me: "This leads to hell;But don't be afraid; "At the end of this way, a man was dressed like the other, in white, shiny clothes. When we turned to the left, we walked a very long, steep hill. I could barely have the stenchAnd wear sulfur.

"We lived here, I thought, about half an hour.Then my guide said: 'Come;I will now show you a beautiful place. "I saw the gate of heaven that was far open; but it was so smart that I couldn't look at it long. We went inside right away and went through a big place where I was ISaint and Angels saw;

"We went through this to third place.There I saw God sitting on His throne.It was a throne of light, brighter than the sun.I couldn't inform my eyes.I saw three, but everything like a .our's savior had a pen in his hand.The curses and all the malignant malignant works.I saw that he distinguishes the whole earth with a moment.

"Then our Lord took the first book in his hand and went and said," Daddy, see the prayers and the works of my people. "And he held his hands up and prayed with his father for us. For their fault, but thatFrom you. “Then our Lord wrote it down in the third book and returned to his throne and looked forward to the hosts of the sky.

"It seemed like I was staying here for a few months, but I never slept all the time. And there was no night; and I saw no air or sun, but clearly everywhere. Then we went back to a large door like myGuide opened in pleasant gardens, by Brooks and Fountain.'

While we went, he said, "I said," What should I sing? "And he said," Sing praises the king of the place. "I have sued several verses. I would have left Fain with him;But he said: 'Your time is not yet;You have more work to do on earth. "He was gone immediately;And I came to myself and started talking.

"She received the remission of sins when she was nine years old and was very aware of that time. Since this trance she has stayed in faith and love."

Again, Meneerwesley in his magazine of 6 August 1759, page 42: “I spoke with Ann Thorn and two others who had been in Trans several times.It was always the moment they were full of God's love.2. That in a moment it came without earlier notification about them and removed all their senses and strength.3. that there were some exceptions;But in general they were in another world from that moment on, knowing nothing about what was done or said of everything around them.

"Around five o'clock in the afternoon I heard them sing hymnes. Card afterwards B. came up and told me that Alice Miller had fallen into a transe. I immediately went down and found her sitting on a stool and leaned against the wall,With her eyes open and resolved.

“In about half an hour I observed her face change in the form of fear, pity and need;Then she burst into a flood of tears and shouted, "Dear Lord, they will be cursed!" But in about five minutes her smile returned, and only love and joy appeared in her face. About half an hour after six, I sawThat suffered again; and shortly after she cried and shouted: "Dear Lord, they will go to hell!"mixture of reverence, joy and love. Several her senses returned. "I have been to my savior." "I can't say it in honor;You then? "" Not for the world; because they were about to give God's honor?Then God will leave them, and they will lose their own souls. "" - -Plum

Although there are so many cases of healing in response to prayer, the incident with healing Mrs. Sherman is 50 minutes and resulted in such a radical change in the physical constitution that it is necessary to relate it in detail.To admit the possibility of doubt.

“Mrs. Ellen Sherman is the wife of Pastor Moses Sherman, and at the time of this event in 1873 they were residents of Piermont, N.H. She had been invalid for many years.Was partially stiff and said the doctor, incurable.

“The next summer, on a very fast walk, one day, one day she brought special weakness that could not cure any doctor.

In December 1859, when she got out, she slid out because of her stiff joint and, beating at the bottom of the spine, fell directly over the sharp edge of the stone where she went.

“Three years later, in January 1862, she fell on a staircase, hit just like before and slid all the way to the foot.Down for many years, participated by different doctors, but did not improve anything, but Rat her, got worse.

"In September 1872, due to a serious cold, she took her bed where she lay, except when she was lifted until the night of 27 August 1873. She could not stand or even stand. She could only get up in a short time without muchNeeds.

It will be seen of this, her full physical helplessness and not the least hope of any improvement.As he wants.

With emotions outside of all expressionsfeltThe proximity of her powerful savior and the feeling of receiving a new and most wonderful pulsation of a new life.With his left arm and jumped out of the bed on the feet and the train ran over the room.

Her husband's first thought was that she got angry and would fall on the floor and he jumped against her to help her.But she put her hands against him and said, with great energy: "Don't touch me! Not! Not!" And went back and forth through the room, spoke quickly and explained the work that Jesus had worked with her.

“Her husband so fast that she was in her real spirit and was healed by the Lord, and his soul was filled with indelible feelings.

"One of the women of the household was mentioned, including their son, twelve years old; and together they thanked God for the great and blessed miracle that he had played.

In the morning, after a sleep of a few hours, she investigated herself further to see if it was completely healed and both knees found completely good;areInPut it on the right knee,So to prove the completeness of its restoration.

“After two years after her healing, where she had been investigated how thorough work had been done, Mrs. Sherman gave full and abundant evidence.To work hard.I am a constant for myself and for others and have been in the two previous years.Can express my joy and gratitude for all this. "

“The parents of Mrs. Sherman also witness the wonderful change that took place with the remedy.

"In the past, her appetite was always upset, but in the morning of healing it had changed completely, and the food that enjoyed her earlier," she ate with a tasty and without pain;Natural effect of the guts was rare.From that day an unnatural is just as rare.

“For fifteen years, with a few exceptions, she had serious neuralgic hospital every month or often.

"At that time there was also an immediate and radical change in the action of the kidney, which had previously become a source of major problems. Was so full of pain, at the same time free of pain and full health.

"The week after she was healed, she went fifty miles to attend a camp meeting and rode five miles in a carriage, the rest of the cars. A neighbor said:" She will return worse than ever. "It was particularly bad, she came back better than when she left. "

These are just a few of the many expressions that respect its extraordinary improvement that completely satisfy the believing Christianthe bigDoctor is now with us, "Healing of that lame, "And healing of the sick. It is only loyal, unmanageable, as Mr. demands when he gives his richest blessing.

That disbelief just sees in it "Something strange, "As he can't understand; but the believer Christian knows it is being pulled on hisPrecious gentleman, in whom he trusts and keeps himself forever.Miracle of prayer.

A small, unequal boy can be seen in a dark alley in the big city in New York.Then it pierced his uneven clothes and made the meat under blue and almost frozen.

This poor boy once had a happy house.Han's parents died a year earlier and left him without money or friends.Newspapers and other such things.This day everything seemed to go against him and in despair he threw himself in the dark with his papers by his side.A Street Arabic): "Say, Johnny, why don't you go to the lodges?"(The lodge was a place where almost all boys were ready at night, only cost a few cents.) But the poor little man could only mutter that he couldn't touch and the boys shouted over him and said: "I die now nowBecause I can hardly see you around me.. "And with these last words on his lips, the poor boy died.

The next morning they saw passers -by -through a face that would soften the most paved heart.To the church nearby and was buried by a friendly hand.And those who have performed this action will never forget the poor abandoned Gutt.Golden Dawn.

The following fragments from an anonymous contribution in New YorkMethodologist, tells a story that many parents can adopt as their own, it will read without tears:

All morning I kept the baby in my arms so long and tired.It suffers hour after hour, but still can't relieve it!My eyes became weak in tears, and I could only pray: "God is merciful and extra, oh I save my little, my beloved little darling."

In vain!

"Your child is very, very sick."

Then he turned to my husband: "You shouldn't go to the store this morning."

Neither John nor I dared to ask him questions, because we had the feeling that there was something in his tone that no longer asked us.

"John," I said, after the doctor had disappeared, "take the baby to me."

He lifted it tenderly and placed it in the round, so we, the flame of life falls.An hour - transferred.Terrible change came.

“Oh John!Our beloved Babe dies. "

"Mary," said it all John, "Mary, God's will has been done."

"Yes, yes, dear man," I could hardly talk to cry;"But it's so difficult, so much, very difficult to lose a toddler."

Not said anymore;But we cried together.

Friends entered the room, but I didn't follow them.

“Oh mother!You have come.Willie dies. "

I can no longer live on the scene.Tegendagen, and John said: "The funeral services will take place in an hour."

We approached the coffin.There was the small face we had learned to love;But oh!. I kissed the cold face:

"O Willie! Goodbye - Farewell - Forever"

"No, Mary, not forever," said John;"There is another and a better life."

Then the solemn funeral services, the journey to the cemetery, the open grave and everything was over.Through the entrance of Greenwood, along the hard, smooth road to the hill, near the quiet lake, and there, under the shadow of a wide branching tree, we stood next to the little Jordhaug.Placed there, with a rose knit on a broken stem, engraved on the name of our lost child, the date of birth and death and then the words:

"Of course in the arms of the shepherd."

We looked and cried;And in the end John said: "Maria, life is short. In addition to this grave, let's decide to live that we meet our little one in our true house in heaven" and we will try to keep it.I know I am weak and nervous.My sad spirit, be patient! AndGolden Dawn.

From his mother.

Little Jennie was eight years old, March 30, 1886. April after she was very ill, and from that time until 4 June she thought a bit of suffering angel.She would say that when I could talk: "Mom, I don't care what I suffer, God knows best."Ended her prayer, and after she said "Amen", after we listened to her, we would look up in our faces to see if we wanted something.

This patience and dedication characterize her entire life.She bent her little head, she would pour all her heart into her God, with the sincerity that always appears by a true Christian.

About three weeks after she got sick, her little body was paralyzed and everything pulled out of shape.Those who were with her.

May 25, that was Tuesday, while she was very sorrow, she said: "Mom, play and sing my house today than I had been before." I was able to praise God, for I was filled with His Spirit.I.Until previously she seemed reassured by the music.But we knew that Jesus had her time in his infinite love because we were willing to submit his will to us.

She rested pretty well until about three o'clock in the afternoon;Then she suddenly spoke and her voice sounded strong when she said: 'O Mamma, see these people how funny they look!They look like Poles. "She lied so that she could look out the window, and when she spoke, her eyes seemed to rest on an object. Then she spoke louder:" Oh mom, come and see the little children!My life. "I sat down on the front of the bed and said," Jennie, is there anyone you know?"She looked at them so deeply and then said:" No, not one."," Mom, everyone has a golden crown on their heads, and they are all dressed in white. "I thought Jesus came behind her then. But in a few moments she got up again and said," O Mamma, hearThat music!Have you ever heard so much beautiful music?Don't close the windows tonight, will you do that? "I told her that I wouldn't do it.

The next morning she called Kittie into the room and said, "Kittie, I'll tell you what I saw last night. She kept telling her the same thing that she had told me the night before. Then she said:" Now, kittie, you want you wantforever forgive me over you, right?"Kittie replied:" Little darling, you've never been crossed.Would you forgive me, sister, to be opposite you? "" Darling Sister, "she said," It's okay.

On Thursday evening she was paralyzed in her left, so she didn't need it.:

"Daddy, mom."We tried to understand her, but couldn't do anymore in the beginning. "But of course we couldn't move her. Buiten she said aloud," I have to die;Kiss me quickly, Mom. "I bent over and kissed her and she looked so miserable. I said," Jennie, you don't have to go alone;Jesus will take you with you. "She answered:" I know.I wish he would come right now. "I did it; then she wanted us to sing. Weed without thinking a thought, I started singing the same words that I sang on Tuesday earlier. She lifted the length of her right arm andBent it to bend his head.They had kissed.

She wanted to say: 'O Mamma l how the Lord blessed me.Dan.oh, some joy;It was the sky downstairs.

She never spoke afterwards, but would try to let us understand if she wanted something.Price God!Something.I said, "Sing?"She looked so happy and bent her head up.When she expected the small children.Here the little blue eyes are not closed in this world, but in heaven.FRU LIBBIE JONES.

For about ninety -up years ago there was a club of men from the first rank of the city in Glasgow.Club.In stunning, blasphemy and dissolute.

From everyone who shone on these occasions, no one seemed half as brilliant as Archibald Boyle.But unfortunately the light that blinded in him was not "light from heaven" but from the dreaded home that gave the bad association, which had to prove his ruin for time and eternity!

At one point Archibald Boyle had been a youth with the richest promise possessed by beautiful talents and fascinating ways.Surrounding mother he met early in society with members of the 'Hell Club'.Soon in his slavery.For a long time he was twenty -five;Hem, What was heaven, hell or eternity!Unfortunately there was nobody;As soon as man forgets God who can only hold him, his concept is darkened and he glows about what his shame is.

Although everything in this heart partyed in corruption, he retained all his remarkable beauty of the face and the person, all his external elegance;

One evening, when he retired, Boyle dreamed after returning one of the annual meetings of the club that he was still driving on his famous black horse against his own house - saw a rural chair introduced by old treesand located on a hill that is now built by the most fashionable part of Glasgow, and that he was suddenly housed by someone whose personal appearance he did not put in Gloom, said with a voice that was apparently used to recommend: "You have to go withGoing along "" And who are you? "BeeYou will say goodbye, "replied the same voice, in a cold, ridiculous tone that was excited by his heart.Boyle threw his spurs in the Pesing-Zijkenanten of his Ros.A speed that almost deprived his breathing driver;But in vain, in vain!Fleeter than the wind, he flew, the mysterious, half -rich guide, still for him!Awesome, Boyle has again encouraged the brave horse.It is seriously raised and thrown;itself with a still increasing speed.In a long time this amazing speed of movement is removed, and to his surprise and horror he noticed that this mysterious companion was close to his side.

"Where."He cried in the hectic energy of despair, "Where do you bring me? Where am I? Where am I going?"To hell, "Replied the same iron voice;

"To hell," and in the future they hurried in the dark;Still made terrible by the conscious presence of his spectral leader.In addition to the terrible inconsistent moaning and shouting of pain and despair, it approached his ears were attacked with what the echoes seemed to be of hectic revelation.The world seemed like comparison, but as the fragile and dingy work in Mol.Opportunities lost and grace powered, presented to their fever mental vision scenes in their previous lives.The excitement of the street race;Madness of his choice.

Boyle observed in the long term that he was surrounded by those he had known on earth, but was dead for some time;Prepare for a long second scene!

Suddenly, with which he noticed that his fraudulent conductor had disappeared, he felt so relieved by his absence that he dared to go, apparently busy with her favorite game Loo.Guy told me tonight that he brought me to hell!hel, "He said," what a diabolical pleasant place it should be!Ha, ha!Show me through hell is satisfied, "He went with reckless gangs to add; but with a scream that seemed to hold through his soul, she exclaimed:"Peace!There is no rest in hell!"And out of infinite vaults, voices, as long as thunder, the terrible, the heart -razing sound:" There is no peace in hell "

She quickly hurried to the west of his beautiful robe and turned out to be his frightened and shook eye, a coil of fiery living snakes - "The worm that never dies" - - -The worm accuses conscience, regret, despair–Alang, darts, swirling in her lap;Others followed her example, and in every bosom there was a self -hunted penalty intake of, but not taken out, she and very angry in all the impotence of helpless, hopeless pain.A burning drop was a tear of hopeless qualifications, angry with selfish, heartless villain, from the eye of the wounded innocence on earth.

In every bosom he saw what we don't have to describe, no idea of ​​terrible enough to get pregnant;During his deadly pilgrimage here: and in total he saw them mourning and crazy about the snake -armed hand of despair;

Because hell was not hell;

If hope had ever entered there!

And they laughed, because they had laughed at the earth that is good and holy at all.The silent and midnight hour!And he who went in his vision among them in a deadly framework of flesh and blood, felt how unfit such sounds than ever could be, was the wildest scream of pain on earth.

"This is hell," again his ear attacked in the same amazing and endless role of unfair sound.

He rushed away;But while he fled, he saw those he knew they had been dead for thousands of years, still on earth brought the bitterest pang into their demise in hell.

He saw Maxwell, the former companion of his own boyish suffering, worn with continuous movement, mocked by the creations of his crazy spirit, as if the will that is the highest hunt.Rest for a moment! "

Boyle tried to close his eyes.He discovered that he couldn't do it.-Creesing intensity of horror, due to the ever-changing, yet party flow of eternal pines.

Once he noticed that his unfair conductor was again by his side.of this place. "

"Can you still mention his name?"In a year and one dayWe meet, not to share anymore! "

Boyle woke up;And he felt as if the last words of the enemy were followed with a living fire on his heart and brain, the step -by -deposit and the poorly defined terror who defeated his vice -colored soul while he was in darkness and seclusion, so very unusual for him.

He decided completely and forever to leave the 'club'.

The companions of his debauchery soon flowed around him;About the idea of ​​losing the life of the "club".Plays MethodistThe alarm about losing the life of the "club" was executed as the highest pitch, by one of their numbers, which stated that when he unexpectedly entered the Boyle's room, he was the Bible.

Unfortunately, the poor Boyle had had enough real moral courage and character, not to have hidden the Bible, how different his future could have been!But as a lot of hopeful youth he was God and his downfall was the result.

After a while, one of his Comeeers, who are deeper than the rest, surrendered to assume an atmosphere of the deepest disgust with the world, the club and the state of life they had pursued.Mood of sympathetic melancholy and to sympathize in all its emotions.His feelings of repentance were ridiculed;

We cannot trace the progress and not if we could.Volunteerback from sin from the throne of heaven -Everything lostNevertheless, not lost without such a struggle between the conviction of conscience and the spirit of evil, who made the color of his young cheek angry and made him, the year was done, a haggard and gray -out man.

From the annual meeting he has shrunk with an instinctive horror and decidedcomplete to avoid it.informedMan!Boyle was, he could not say how, sitting at that table on the same day that he had sworn himself a thousand times that nothing would leave him on earth.Meaning of the president's address: “Men, this is a leap year;That is why it is a year and a day since our last annual meeting. "

Every nerve in Boyle's body became the pain of the ominous, the well -known words.Grin!

How many in this world and poor Boyle have their soul sold to fear a ridiculous and dared anger of an almighty and eternal God, instead of encountering the sarcastic curls of a co -creative lip?

He was more than ever filled with wine, applause and any other excitement, but in vain.Foultisk, even for the bad ears that have heard it.

The night was gloomy, with frequent and fit winds and crying wind, such as Boyle, with fever nerves and rolling brains, mounted his horse to return home.master.-An authentic story taken from a channel.

"Lift with wine!" Shouted the young and thoughtless Harry. "Lift with wine!

The beautiful bride was pale.

"Yes, Marian, put your scruples aside for this," the judge said in a low tone;"The company expects it., But in mine, for this, thank me."

Every eye was used to the bridal couple.Marian's principles were well known.

They poured out a filled cup, they kept it with seductive smile.She was very pale, but now more composed.Piercing exclamation from "Oh, how terrible!"

"What is it?"Someone and everyone who stayed together;Because she had slowly worn the glass on arm length and gave it as if it were a terrible object.

"Wait," she said, "wait, and I will tell you. I see," she added, focusing her jewelry fingers to the sparkling liquid, "a face that begs all description; and yet I listen,I will paint that for you as I can.

"Trees, long and beautiful, waving at the movement of the wind, and in the middle of their midst is a male shape - but his cheeks, how deadly! His eyes, how crazy they blind around him with the fever bikes! A friendstands next to him;

"Geniality in ruins, on the long and sacred looking forehead. Why would they die, and he saw young? See how he throws back the damp curls. To be saved. Oh, hear him call his father's name. Yarn his fingersTogether while he shouts for his sister, his soul, cries in front of him.

There was a silence in the Prince salon, only broken by what seemed to be a sob of a male round.Glass with the contents slowly came to the reach of her view.

"It is now in the evening; the big white moon comes up and her rays fall softly on his forehead. He does not move; his eyes roll hello their sockets and his penetrating look. The recovery of his friend whispers the names of father andsister ."

A moan ran through the meeting.

"Dead!"She repeated herself again, where her lips step faster, as if her heart was broken;Son of a proud father, the desired brother of a loving sister;And he is sleeping in the distant land today, without stones to mark the place.

"There he lies, my father's son, my own twin brother - a victim of this deadly married one!" She suddenly called out and suddenly turned around when the tears rolled down her cheeks: "Dad, do I have to drink the poison now?"

The shape of the judge was trampled with pain.

She lifted the glittering cup and suddenly dropped him on the floor, it was broken.poison.. "

His shimmering eye, his sad, sweet smile was the answer.

The judge had left the room;But when he returned, and with a more muted way, participated in entertainment by bridal guests, nobody could not see that he had also decided to banish the enemy and immediately from the prince's house.

Reader, this is not fiction.I was there and heard the words I wrote, so almost like I can remember them., there was present at the wedding with my employeesTogether.

In a sketch of Behe ​​Paul's life, the wife of a German minister who lived on the border with the Sortskoven lived, various events that illustrate the power of the living faith and the offer of a prayer -god.

Although she was poor in wealth, she wanted a lot to train her children;And five of her six boys were placed in school while she fluid and bath and not just hit the house, but from De Doorns, to take care of their necessities.

"On one occasion," one of her children writes, "shortly before the harvest, the fields were thick with corn, and our mother had already calculated that their products would be enough to meet all the requirements for the year. She stood at theWindow and threw the case with great satisfaction in her head when her attention was suddenly caught by a number of heavy, black clouds with white boundaries that drove the eyes on a scary mass of wild storm clouds, coverWestern horizon and approaches rapid anger.

"Oh God!"She shouted, "a terrible storm is coming and what does she go from my corn?"Rock the lung air, and they feared that hailsten fell due to violence.Dear Father in Heaven, what are you doing? "

Hardly had these words crossed over her lips when she started because it seemed as if a voice had whispered in her ear:

"Has my arm abbreviated that it can't help you in other ways?" She narrows in a calm corner and God asks to forgive her need for faith.that the entire valley was thickly covered with hails,up to the edge of the priest's fields, but the latterWas well spared.I love the goodness of the Lord and promised that her confidence in the future should only be in him. "

At a different time she was unable to pay the costs of children's training;And the repeated money requirements were made more seriously by the fault of her husband who accused her of trying out a pity. "

In the midst of these test conditions, when her husband was in her studies one day, admitted to meditation, the postman brought the postman three letters from different cities where the boys were at school and each stated that unless the reimbursem*nts were arranged immediately, Gutterneville becomesdismissed.Where to look for someone. "

"She quickly looked through the papers with a very serious face, but then replied:" It's ok to give these amounts. "To say what she quickly left the room.

'Our father easily assumed that she was planning to come to a certain rich friend who had helped us earlier.From a fall door of the bottom, and over this door it was that she knelt now and started tackling him in whose strength she had trained.Also heden him how her life was relieved of the mortal gates, because of the children, and then stated that she could not believe that he wanted to leave her right now;Other whom he had to leave, but she was determined not to be the first.

"In the meantime, her husband was waiting for the stairs and the night came up; but she didn't show up. Soups were ready and yet she stepped in the attic. Then the oldest girl, her namesake, ran to call her; but the answer was:"Take your dinner without me;"A third time, at breakfast the next morning, the girl shouted her mother."And downstairs her husband and children started to feel scared and not daring to disturb her more.Eventually the door opened and she went inside and her face beamed with a beautiful light.The little daughter thought that something must have happened extraordinary;And ran to his mother with open arms, asked eagerly: "What is it? An angel brought the money out of the sky?" "No, my child" was the smiling answer; "But now I know for sure if Frau Pastorin can save timeTo see him "Ah," our mother replied."But all this last night I couldn't sleep to think about you.GuldenLying in that chest, and all night I was chased by the idea that you needed this money and that I should give them to you.Remove it again, good and good;If not, don't remember. "My mother said," Yes, I certainly needed it, my friendly friend; for everyone last night I woke up and I cried to God for help. Three letters came in and toldWe that everyone would be fired our boys unless the money for their board was immediately deleted.

"Is that really true?"The inn cried, what a noble and Christian man was.And she gave her with a prayer that could rest God's blessing on the gift. "

"Man and children eagerly waited for her house; and the three gloomy letters were still open on the table when the mother, who had completed this study in such a deep feeling the day before, stepped to her husband, brilliantly with joy.A role of money and then shouted: "Look, it's!"-Miracle of prayer.

This dedicated young lady was the sister of the well -known Frances E. Willard.Nineteen beautiful years."We copy the following"Glimpse of fifty years,'The autobiography of her sister andEditor.

On the last day of her life she lay with her head in Dad's lap and asked for the Bible to read. He read a psalm.

After a while she added: “We believe that God keeps us better than our mothers;But mother would have wished me to be good and God does not seem to be indifferent.Know what is good. "

She was worse at night.Immediately on the subject of her danger: "My child, if God should believe it best to take you to himself, should you be afraid of going?"Then in his low, sad tone said: "I thought I would like it right, because I am young; but if God wants me to go if I am not very scared, but should say:" Take me, God."

We asked if there was something we could do for her."Pray," she said, "pray grateful prayers."very close;I wish he would get closer. "

I asked her if we should pray;She said yes;'And I prayed that Christ would come close to her so that she could clearly see him and feel her in her great need., "(And Mary Bannister says she added)" My dear sister."I get him and everyone can have him too, there is enough for everyone. I see him on the cross; he died for the thief; he did not died for the good people but for bad people; he died for me." Mother askedher if she would not leave a message to Oliver. "" And when I asked for a message to her Sunday school lesson, she said, "Ask them to be good; and then added with great seriousness:" Ask everyone to be good. "

Almost finally she said with a clear smile on her face: "Oh! I get more confidence!" Mother asked: "My darling, you want to meet us, you don't know, do you know the beautiful gate?

She moved her hand convincingly and said, "I have Christ - He is here!"Then she said to me, "Oh, I'm in great misery;"And then: "Dear God, take me quickly!" She stuck her hands out and said: take me quickly, God;Take me on this side.Was still near her;She would nod, but didn't speak.

She seemed uncomfortable;After a few moments bent dad, and with difficulties she told him about her fear of being buried alive;To prepare her bed while she said, "For those who turn me off;"Shows her perfect consciousness.move.Her eyes closed slowly, her face became white. 'Few Bannister closed Mary's eyes.Father and mother entered the room and cried loudly.I read on the railing at the foot of the bed and looked at my sister - my sister Mary and knew she was dead - knew she was, she was alive!Everything was far away;

At a convention of Christian workers in April 1882 we witnessed a spiritual cyclone.Was so sharp that some seemed offended, and the spiritual influence of the meeting was unfortunately hindered.

But some were in the small company that knew the powerful power of prayer, and at that time the need for their faces for God with strong crying and tears intervened with rings that could not be granted, and soon an indescribable holiness came over themeeting.

A sister who was generally called what outer manifestations was called, was so pressed in the spirit that she started to moan loudly and then spread: "The Lord must have his sentence! The Lord must have his way! The Lord must behave meanwhile crying.He had received.

Of this convention and closing service, a minister who is now a president of the president in the Church of the United Brethren: “The interest rose steadily from first to last and was closed in a tornado of divine power.Shouted over the first cry of victory, or shouted their praise for being brought from the darkness of nature to God's beautiful light.Others were widespread under the weight of glory.The assets alone can tell the blessed results of the closing service. "

It is therefore not for nothing that God reveals himself to the children of men, and thousands have been struck forever as a result of the Pentecost overview of His Spirit.-Editor.

The following was related to an evangelical meeting: a woman who was bedridden for years lived near the track, far from another house.Accepted.At home.She never knew. "God heard her prayer.Light was there was a break;Just when she waved with the light that the engineer would see?She heard a grid sound that she knew Gap.Hundreds of life were saved.This weak, sick woman did what she could;God used what she had. AndUnion Evangely News.

O Christian!If the poor woman felt so deeply the need and made so much effort to save the passengers, it took physical death, where should you feel and what efforts you should make to save the multity of the poem, unconsciously of their danger andReady for bypass, unless someone who has light and knowledge is to the rescue?

There are some who reject Christianity because it seems incredible that God would have taken so many problems as the New Testament represents him to have done, for salvations that are just as infinitely among him as we do.also learns that God is oursVerIf I am true, I declare that it is not surprising that God has sacrificed such a sacrifice to save us.almondsA child does not allow bypass -everyoneChild, it doesn't have to be his without making a powerful effort to make it.

A fact is worth a dozen arguments;And I will therefore ask you to listen to a modest man while telling an incident in his other inevitable life.An hour or two in the evening about the more striking events that have happened to them;Imagine listening to one of the guests instead of me.

My name is Anthony Hunt.They, we have, are good men.

A day about ten years ago I left home to sell about fifty livestocks - fine creatures I have ever seen.(She has never had her own shopping doll, only the fabric babies that her mother made her).Dolly was able to talk about nothing else and went to the gate itself to call me to 'buy a big one'.

Nobody except a parent can understand what my mind was on that toy, and how, when the cattle were sold, the first thing I started to buy was Dolly's Pop.A cord and got it wrapped in paper and kept it under my arm while I had the packages of Calico, Delaine and tea and sugar supplies.She wanted to hear Dolly's Prattle about the doll, so eagerly expected them.

I assembled a fixed time old horse of mine and started reasonably well at home..And it answered me.I couldn't see anything;Known as a Drover and money about me.Such a night in about hour?, "If a man's child is here, Anthony Hunt is not the man who leaves it here and dies."

I searched again.Infiner I bet I was a hole under the hill and so entered.I assembled and hid the little soaked under my coat as good as I could and promised to take it home to Mama.

It seemed tired and cried quickly to sleep against my lap.Doorard, I saw that there was something and stood for five minutes with dead fear of the heart before I could lift the lock.Saw me, she hid her face.

"Oh, don't tell him," she said;"It will kill him."

"What is it, neighbors?"I cried.

And someone said, "Nothing, I hope now. What is it in your arms?"

"A poorly lost child," I said."I found it on the road." "And I raised the sleeping thing and saw the face of my own child, my little dolly. It was my darling and no one else I had picked up on the detained road. The little childHad gone out to meet dad and doll while her mother was working and for her they complained about a death.

I thanked God on my knees for all of them.

It is not really a story, neighbors;But I often think about it and wonder how I could now wear to live now if I had not stopped when I heard the shouting on the road the little baby-tanning higher than a squirrel diagr.

Is God less pathetic than man?When a father repelled his children, the pity saw those who fear him. "Have you noticed the last sentence of that man's story?"I often think about it in the evening and wonder how I could now wear to live now if I hadn't stopped when I heard that shout for help on the road"The little baby cries, hardly bigger than a squirrel hairdresser."

For me, this sentence all explains the whole story of redemption.This love of this man for his child was such that life would have been unbearable for him if he hadn't saved her.

Sins!God, the Father listened to the shouting of help, the Pitale cried with misery that came to his lost children;

Before that he was reminded, he not only knew that certain children continued, but that they were his children.Homiletisk Cyclopedia.

Many years ago, when I was in my landing, I returned one afternoon from a funeral, tired of today's work.Visit a poor widow who, together with his invalid daughter, lived in a lonely house in an outer part of the parish.Hut.I only thought of the spiritual needs of the poor The supplies were completely exhausted since the night before.But himself and me!encouraged me to rely on the loving care for my heavenly Father. AndNew Testament Anecdotes.

A little girl once said, "Mother, God ever reprimanded?"God ever?"

The question was so sudden and surprising that it almost arrested the mother's attention with a shock, and she said, "Why, my child, why are you asking such a question?"

“Because Mama always told me that God was good and that we should try to be like him;And I want to know if he ever reprimanded. "

"No, my child; of course not."

“Well, I'm glad he doesn't do that, to always scold me, even though I have the feeling that I have done wrong;And it doesn't seem to love God when he has argued. "

The mother felt reprimand for her simple child.In the past she had heard a lecture about evil by swearing.Her eyes.Children are fast observers;And the child who saw the effect of her words.

'Why are you crying, Mom?Was it naughty for me to say what I said? "

“No, my dearest, it was okay;I just thought that I might have spoken more friendly and did not hurt your feelings by talking as quickly and in anger as me. "

'Oh mother, you are good and friendly;Only I wish there were not so many bad things to worry and talk like you did now.It gives me a feeling of your way to further, as if I couldn't get close to you if I can do if you speak friendly.And oh, sometimes I fear that I will be exposed so far, I can never come back! "

"No, my child, it didn't say" her parent, but intuitively felt that it was a matter that required sympathy and threw her arms around her mother's throat, whispered: "Mother, dear mother, let you cry?you of me? "

"Oh yes! I love you more than I can tell," said the parent, who squeezes the little one on her lap;Not in anger, but friendly, deep, because I may be sad that she did wrong.

"Oh I am so happy. I can get as close to you if you don't scold! And you know, Mom, I will love you so much and I will always try to be good?"

The lesson was someone who fell deep into that mother's heart and has been a tool for her for many years.What is good, and to the heart of the parent.

-Mother, at home and air.

I think it is a big characteristic of the American heart that holds it to the house and the mother.I can remember that I passed a battlefield and then just a man dead.It was at home with his house.It seemed that she was there by his side.

Out and know that he said again: "It's cold! It's cold! Don't pull the blanket over me?" I bent over and pulled the uneven blanket of the poor guy closer to his vibrating shape.And he smiled again "it will do, mother; the presence of God on the wings of the prayers of a pious mother.G.I Mingins.

Religiously trained, I had reached the years of a young man before I made a public religious profession.wanted to promote the interests of the church and humanity.The oversizing grew about me that I had to preach;Yet I tried to remove it because I feared that I could never succeed.associated with traveling service.There were two special difficulties in the way.Kies has studied at a professional school for three years.Read one day in the Bible, I found a passage that seemed to be writing in particular: 'Trust in the Lord with all your heart;. “I accepted it and decided to do what God should indicate in His providence by opening the road.

A Sabbath I felt a strong impression that I had to talk to the people in prayer meeting at night when we don't preach.Don't talk to interest. "In particular, I feared an old uncle who had been a father for me and had been informed of my education. When I discussed this issue with myself in the afternoon, my uncle came into the roomAnd after a moment of hesitation, I said: "Don't you think you could talk to the people tonight?"I was surprised and scared and scared."

That night the house was overcrowded for a strange reason, and I made my first religious speech to a public congregation.

My mother was a widow.I was her eldest son, the only child left at home.Induced to talk to my mother about my mental struggles and tell her what I thought God was demanding from were born

She then told me how she and my dying father who left me a baby inaugurated me to God and prayed that if it was his will, I could become a minister;She once wanted me to be a predicate.

This conversation decided my mind.Oh, what a blessing is a holy mother!Today I can feel her hands upside down and I hear the intonation of her voice in prayer.Bishop Simpson.

The priest Theodore Clapp tells for many years of religion minister in the city of New Orleans, the next incident that took place in his experience:

A few years ago there was a lady - a mother - in one of the northern states that became excellent for her wealth, social position and religious character.Fuzzy and Vagabond.

I knew the youth in our schoolboy.Familiar with the facts and him extend such offices of kindness that I may have assessed in the right way.

A few days after receiving this letter, the young person lost his performance in New Orleans and found his way to my studies.Hell would have money."Money won't do something good," I said, "unless you reform your life."

"Reform!"He repeated;"It is impossible. It is completely late. I have no hope; I can never pick up my steps. I have nothing to live for. I am the performance of everyone that KN6 W6 W6 has no friend left in the broad world."

When he said this, I went to my desk and took the letter from his mother.My best spill."" I opened the letter and read a single section for him; and this was - the expression I read to him "O heavenly Father, I ask you to preserve, forgive and redeem my poor lost child;And to the joy of genuine repentance.

At the moment he seemed like he was being struck by an invisible force.He dropped in his chair, burst into tears, cried loudly and cried tightly: 'O God, forgive my basic gratitude to the beloved mother!loving parent, in a remote and embarrassed home-like loved for him an immortal love that all his base essence overlooked, who never combined her outcast name with her morning and evening prayer thought Omen are such tendernessObdurate Hart broke, and imprisoned with criminal law hurt.

From that hour he was a reformed man andMother, at home and air.

During the winter of T885-86 we were invited to hold a resuscitation meeting in New Haven, Shiawassee County, Michigan.Our needs a lot, we went to God for serious prayer and soon experienced a beautiful travail of soul to the abandoned Zion..Was in a flame of resuscitation that had never been known in that part of the country.Thoroughly a grace work and such beautiful manifestations of God's presence and honor.In the course of two years after the start of the beautiful awakening, during a camp meeting in the same society, a newspaper was willing to support our work and signed by various ministers of the Gospel and forty or fifty others;And from that newspaper we press the following statements regarding this glorious resuscitation, known in all this section as "The Great Revival":

“When Brother Shaw came, there was a lot of division and lack of harmony among the members of the various churches in the neighborhood - methodist, Episcopal, Free methodist, Weslyan Methodist and German Evangelical was on a low EB, but he preached a loyal truth.conviction, saved and became the hottest friends.In the mighty power of God, souls became modest, confessions were made, the wrong right was made and sectarian intolerance melted away..The work was so thoroughno differencecould be discovered among the members of the various churches.All were just as separated from the world and baptized equally with the Holy Spirit and Fire.recovered or dedicated.has never been known throughout the society throughout the revival. " - -Editor.

I had a unique experience that in my opinion very much lives.From the house I had been accused of, and there was still a strong religious influence that our house penetrates.A practice, immediately after 12 M., to retire and communicate with God.In a pain of the feeling for God, and I cried to him to get grace about that crew.In my sense of great peace, as if the prayer was answered and that herd was doing it safely.Do you have a hard time with both passages?"" Yes, "they said," a frightened time on the trip from Cienfugos to Antwerp.There is no hope and no liberation unless God helps us;"And yes, to our great surprise, a wind came off the coast and we were saved."The day of my prayer pain The Lord of the crew they could be Saved was the day they had the terrible experience on the bark.I have no comments about making this experience.N. Hamilton, I Christian witness.

Mrs. C. Chipperfield, from Springfield, Ohio, sent us a report in 1887 a report of various very clear and determined answers to prayer for the delivery of temporary needs, received during her Christian experience of about ten years, in most of the time thatShe was a widow;and added:

"I want to tell you how the Lord has mercy on my boy from death.I was strongly impressed that something hurt him;And while he prayed seriously for him, the burden was abolished a block or more;Although his face and hands were terribly strung and filled with carbon surfaces, no bone was broken.Wonderful escape. And when the railway men tried to explain to me that it was because the road was so smooth that it was pulled;Or if the tires had been over the ground, he must be crushed, I said, "No, but God heard the prayer of his mother."

On his fifteenth birthday, pastor C. H. Spurgeon was interviewed with reference to his long and eventful ministerial life, especially in terms of his confidence in the effectiveness of prayer.

Only in my faith grows much stronger and firmer than ever.They are so known to make a surprise;But for many they don't seem great.Just like the other, constantly verified every day of my life.Elias in Brook Cherith, when he received the daily rations of the ravens, could hardly be a more likely topic of skepticism than me.

Look at my orphanage.Day.I ask God and he sends it.Mr. Muller from Bristol does the same on a much larger scale, and his experience is the same as mine.

The constant inflow of funds - of all means needed to continue these works - is not encouraged by advertising by beg letters, by doing the research or one of the usual forms of increasing the wind.Is a good, equipment fact, not explained.

But freely such remarkable illustrations of the effectiveness of faith constantly appear in spiritual things. Two years ago a poor woman, accompanied by her neighbors, came to my vestry in deep need.Was personally familiar with her case.Of course I had nothing about her conscience.We can then kneel and cry against the Lord for your husband's immediate repentance.'VI knelt down and I asked that the Lord would hit the heart of the desert, transform his soul and bring him back to his house.From our knees I said to the poor woman: "Don't worry about the issue. I'm sure your husband will come home and that he is still connected to our church." She left and I forgot everything.A few months after she appeared, with her neighbors, and a man she introduced me as her husband.He had really returned and he had given back a converted man.By making a question and comparison of notes we discovered that the day we had asked for his conversion, he was far away on seapasses heads at the time.Woman and to his daily call.

I should be the most irrational being in the world if I am with a life full of experiences every day, the least doubt about the subject entertains.Determined that the shadow of an upcoming event must fall in advance on a believing soul in the form of prayer for the awareness of it.Faith did late.

Six years ago, Miss Shelly won a gold medal from the Iowa legislation, "and a wealth of admiration from everyone reading about her heroism."Facts are in a terrible thunderstorm and a stream of falling rain darkness of the night, and because of the lively lightning flashes shining on stage, she saw that a railway bridge near her house had been wiped out by the storm.Just be wiped away and brought to the attention in the abyss.And on her hands and the knees slept to the last draw of the fallen bridge, the lanterns waved back and forth over the abyss until she heard the weak voice of the engineer, who in the greatest danger even shouted at her to go quickly andTo go fast and go quickly and give the alarm to save the Express train, which then came to the dangerous place and some help to save him.A hundred meters long.From tires to bind the goat.What was going on on the brave girl who had gone to save them and still saw in an unconscious state, they tenderly picked her up and prayed her crack and bleeding limbs and quickly brought her back to conscious women who left overThis brave girl came to sixteen, look at her pale face, her crack and bleeding shape.feet."I did what I could."

Which example for all Christians who clearly see the dark abyss, only one step for non -controvered men, and they hurry at great speed.Away!No intersection but because of the bleeding victim of Golgotha! "We can all learn a lesson about victims and forces to save others from this incident that Christ can say about us in the coming day:" They did what they could.A. B. Earle.

"I came home very late one evening" A little girl would see me.I turned in bed and said:

"I am very tired, ask her to come in the morning and I want to see her."

'My friend soon returned and said:

"I think you should get up better.The girl is a poorly suffering thing.Wait until you get up. "The most deserted little girls I've ever seen.

"Are you the man who preached last night and said that Christ could save the utmost?"


"Well, I was there and I want you to be okay, to my house and try to save my poor father."

"What's wrong with your father?"

"He is a very good father if he doesn't drink. He is working and he drinks terribly. He has almost killed my poor mother; but if Jesus can save the utmost, he can save him. And I want you to be rightNow to our house. '

“I grabbed my hat and followed my little guide who arrived earlier, stopped when she turned the corners to see that I came.- No chair, table or bed to be seen ... A bitter cold night and no spark of fire on the hob and the room not only cold but dark.Head was tied up and she moaned like pain. "Her story was sad, but soon told. Her husband, without work, insane with a drink and was made desperate, had put her because she didn't give him dinner, it was not inThe house was then up and she expected the bloody work that he had started.

"The missionary, just like the man among the graves, even belonged to the desperate classes. He was converted by the mouth of a coal image. He knew the disease and the remedy - knew how to treat a man on the borders of Delirium Tremens.

“Mut of the dark shades reassured the fool and took a seat on a box.But the lecture was interrupted by the little girl who approached the missionary and said:

"Don't talk to Dad; it does nothing good. If talking would have saved him, he would have been saved my poor father a long time ago."

"The reproach of the little girl's faith, the missionary and the miserable sins knelt together. He prayed when he had never prayed before; he prayed and interested, in tones that were so tender and inner that it melts the desperate man whoHe cried for Grace.

"There was relief to this house.Kona was lifted out of her dirty couch and her house was made comfortable.On Sunday the reformed man took his hand on his little girl and went into the children's class to learn something about the savior who saves the utmost.To save the biggest everything that comes from Him to God. "

Dr.Lyman Beecher said about the Great Revival in Rochester, N.Y., led by Mr.Finney that it was the greatest revival in the Christian era. The Evangelical Service of Finnee was converted to God through his work, connected to the lectures of theChurch about revival 'are most beautifully blessed in the conversion of sinners, directly and indirectly, not only in this country, but abroad.Land, 12,000 of them were sold as quickly as they could be printed.

But why did such revocations followed Mr.finney's preaching and reading of his lectures? Finney answer this question himself.course to help the work.Me as a sovereign grace, assigned me without the least merit and despite all my sinfulness.Wonderful results of the day of wrestling with God. "

Said Dr.N.Murray: “Prayer is the power of the church;And I could speak as hard as the trumpet that the dead should generate, so I would mention the church in all branches and in all countries: 'Wake the awake!Set on your strength, Zion! “Patriarchs, prophets, apostles.martyrs, reformers, were powerful in prayer.Reigning prayer, by Wigle.

Once around the beginning of the year 1871, the train crossed the northwestern railway between Oskaloosa and Madison.Another to take his place.Call a flushed face with him and the game went on.

A venerable woman, gray and bent for years, the referee was watching from her chair at the end of the train wagon.

"No, Mom, I can't remember," the right said comfortably."Where did we meet?"

"My name is Smith," she said;"I was with my poor boy for three days, in the courtroom in Oskaloosa when he was tried to do someone sent him to prison for ten years; and he died there last June."

All faces were now busy and passengers started to gather and go everywhere to listen to and see what was going on.

"He was a good boy when you sent him to prison.He helped us to free the farm;And when Dad got sick and died, he did all that work and we could do with the right smart one.Came to card games that is a 'drinking', and then he was somehow not enjoyed working and he often stopped until the morning;The evening so late the evening out so late.A cold stand, and went down and broke loose and ran most of the house, but ran a fence and a rod ran one of one of ';'Under the barn.In the garden.But he got worse than ever, and after a while he couldn't get a job and he would do nothing but gamble and drink., diligent boy who was there and had run away.But when he was arrested and brought to Oskaloosa for trial, he wrote to me. "

At this point there was no dry eyes in the car and the cards had disappeared.

"But what could I do? I sold the house and a lot to get money to hire a lawyer, and I think he's somewhere here," looking."Oh, yes, he is, .---;" Wearing to the lawyer-who had not participated in the play."And this is the man, I am sure Agin claimed him," pointed to the Lord, the district lawyer."And you sent him to prison for ten years; he hadn't come to play cards that he might be alive. But when I used to tell him it was wrong and bad to play, he always said whether cigars or something like that. "Young people could not play with him.His and everything that would not be stuck would have my blank life and her poor mother; but now there is none of my family, but my poor granchile, the little girl of my Darer and we will put my brother in Illinoy. "

The tongue of man or angel never preached a more eloquent sermon than the gray, withered old lady who was shuffled at old age, excitement and fear that she has done wrong.I can't remember, stood for the noble looking men and argued for the cause of the rising generation.Took her little grandson on her lap and hid her face on her throat. “Eyes that were unused to cry were already many kilometers of red on that journey.Richter to the referee who, hat in his hand, went silently through his small audience.Together.

A Christian woman whose husband was an officer on a Mississippi steam boat (who was burned) when she prayed and saved her husband, without knowing the disaster, was assured that his life would be saved and that he wanted to goTo the place.When she then received a telegram and said that her husband had died, she folded it and said: "That is not the case. He is saved from the flames and waves and must be from his sins." A few days later he came homeon and was soon converted.The faith of this Christian woman was, after deeply prayed, of the same character as Luther's faith, who had prayed with some of his friends after almost the whole night, shouted: "Delivery has come!The priest S.A.Keeen, in the clearing behavior.

This prominent saint of God worked in England during the early history of methodism.Han's Cinema, Harvey Leigh, says: “Our brother was an extraordinary man in the import and distribution of his prayers.His faith can be said with the same goodness of his import and the prevailing prayers;In the religious world, he remained thousands through the unique name of

"Ask Johnny." He justified this epithet during his behavior.His prayers were long and sincere in his own cupboard. Bottomley, who was stationed with him in the Halifax cycle, says: 'During his stay in Halifax, he was highly given to prayer and generally brought about six hours every dayOn his knees and peaked seriously with God, on behalf of himself, on behalf of himself, on behalf of himself, the church and the sins, whose salvation he wanted the most.

“Often when they are harassed by a special temptation when it is concerned with the temporary state of a person in dangerous suffering when it is to pray for someone who was suffering from a bad spirit when he had a late attempt to do wellWhen he pulls in the spirit of the Spirit for a revival of religion in the neighborhood where he worked, and when he is deeply enthusiastic about seeing the Glory of the Lord, he spent many hours in the most closed abstinence andthe remote pension;Sometimes all days and nights have devoted God to God in this way.

"In the public services of the sanctuary, John had a major influence with God in prayer. In response to the serious breath of his soul, a whole meeting is moved while the trees were moved in one when they are shaken by a strong wind. AMighty shaking is felt and a large sound that is heard under the dry bones.

"A strange fact associated with the history of this good man and strikingly illustrates to his narrow community with God in prayer and of the results of such a night world, we have to relate here. When he was in Hull Circuit, he visited Burlington Quay andWas done much useful. Steepenson, whose family was one of the most influential on the spot. Steepenson at sea, on a strange and long journey, about the safety that he and the family have started to increase their care.A son on board they feared for the worst - feared that they would not have to see him at the moment. Oxtoby soouring in the family and was painfully concerned about the witness of their fear.In order to be the instrument for their relief, he fell back on his usual and safe resort - special company and long -term prayer to God - where he asked the Almighty to really give him an insurance policy of the ship or that it home in safetywould return., but that it and the son whose safety the family was so anxious would return to safety over time, and it would all be good. Paul's spirit while he expressed his noble speech to the shame of the crew of theShip when they approached the island of Melita, and unlike all the human appearance, they ensured that no hair of their heads should be bypassed.The opinion of his extraordinary piety and the power and spread of his prayers, but his silent and positive allegations of this subject almost exceeded their beliefs;Their doubts, repeated his expression of trust;told them that God had shown him the ship while he was based;The ship returned, although he had never seen her, except when he was revealed him in prayer, he should know her and easily distinguish her from someone else., One day the ship was safe and on the way home. Oxtoby was about ten miles away in the country.The good man had never walked - no, not for a moment - when a concert was sent to him immediately, which returned with the least possible delay.gave her to see.Bay.Among them, John looked out and shouted in a certain direction: "That is the ship that God showed me while he was prayer.filled Mr.stephenson with overwhelming surprise. "-Shiny light.

When Lawrence Mills was on fire a few years ago - I don't mean fire, but when the mill fell into it - the large mill fell in and after it fell, the ruins set fire to.put in prison.Lanterns shot through some angry, and the ruins.Closer to this prison.Superhuman were the efforts that the children save;Hopeless.reached them;The stifling smoke began to flow in their small room and they started sinking one by one on the floor.Let others look for a house below if they want it, but look for the kingdom of God from all your heart.Moody's anekdotes

A child of a poor family had an unlimited father who often abuses his wife and children.Believe it.Yi, she will - she has to die in a few hours.

"Yes, daddy, you have to separate from me, I go to Jesus. Lov me two things. One is that you no longer abuse Mama and no longer drink whiskey."

He promised in a solemn, stable way.The face of the little girl enlightens with joy.

'The other is, you promise you will do thatbed, "Said the child.

I can't pray;Don't know how, "said the poor man.

'Dad, knee down, please.Take the words after me, I will pray;I learned how to pray at Sunday school, and God taught me how to pray, pray my heart, you have to let your heart pray.Now the words. "

And in his simple language she started praying for the savings of sins.And a bit he started to repeat her;When he went to his heart, he was interested and he broke out in a serious prayer for himself;promised to leave them;The bed where he was resting on;There was the little speaker, a nice smile was on her face, her little hand was in her father, but she had gone under the angels.Power of prayer, from Prime.

In 1868 Mrs. Maggie Newton van Cott held a revival meeting in Stone Ridge, Ulster Co., N. Y. at the opening of the meeting, she announced, under the influence of the Spirit, of which she thought there would be a wonderful generation, and thatTwo hundred souls would be converted.Some were shocked by the prediction;Give a seat.Her warmest employees started shaking for her.mine.If I don't get on time for dinner, don't call me.If I am not with you on time for the afternoon meeting, your friends could call.I will have death or gladiolus this day in God's name. "

It was a bitter cold day in February and there was illuminated all winter in that room in that room and the frost was thick on the window screens.To receive, "stood in front of her like in the characters of Living Fire.If you stick to me and my words keep to you, you must ask what you want, and it must be done for you.You have to pray in my name that I want the father to be glorified in the son."" If you have to ask something in my name, I'll do it."World worlds of life, glorious and beautiful, followed for an hour of time - another followed - she had struggled with the Word of God, and in the fear in her spirit, which she then explained, she could understand the script where the scriptIt is the pain of the master in the garden when Hansved large drops of blood, I die: "her answer.The pain came up.The prayer became a struggle like for life. "I don't want to let you go. It's the truth. God, send the answer now; now my father hears me because of the souls - for the two hundred. I don't want to let go of my hold- You can't turn me away, see your own sweet son prayer - The Spirit withdraws and gives it to give the answer. "

That moment a sweet wrinkle of peace flowed over her soul and soon shouted her mind about Rapture.

That night, twenty seekers bent on the altar of prayer.

So it is always: "The sincere, effective prayer of the righteous." - - - - - - - -Autumn and Reaper.

One of the most striking experiences we had in seventeen years of evangelistic activities took place in the spring of 1890. It will be reminded that the United Brødre -Church was unfortunately shared on the secret of the Secret, and on this pointMany places Two priests were employed by one of "Liberals" and another of "radicals" in the same municipality.In our travels we stopped to visit an old friend who was the "radical" priest in such a place we referred to.I am thinking about only stopping the Sabbath, and we never came to a place where people had fewer expectations of a revival.

On Sunday evening our friend invited us to preach to him.That was so forbidden, the people were in the middle of a powerful revival in a short hour.They can regain their first love;And God heard and answered their prayers.Under the "Spirit Mighty Power, their heart was united and they hugged each other in tears.

So God manifested His power and came to his own name Glory;And only to him are praise, both now and forever, because in his hands the hearts of the children are men.Editor.

This man of God was one of the founders of the primitive methodistic church community George Lamb, in his monument of him, says:

"On a certain missionary trip he went a day twenty -four -mile, and while he was on the way, he says:" I fell into a profound meditation of the fall of man, his departure from its original holiness, the depth of the haardingHad sunk him, and the impossibility of every power, but God to restore ham.Reflections that I pursued in mind until I was brought into great sorrow and the soul of the soul.From souls on earth who placed in the way of death whose steps take hell.On the border of a tree;And then I made way for my feelings, donated my soul and cried like a woman in the birth of birth.

“This was a glorious baptism of the ministry;The glory of God was revealed to me in a wonderful way;a description of."

Space does not allow us to follow this apostolic man while rating the most important provinces and cities in England;Neither to describe the beautiful exhibitions of divine power that took place during his service.As malignant, and he had to endure many and serious difficulties.But wherever he went, God's work broke out of power, sinners were converted, believers dedicated and classified classes.Their net increase.Four or five thousand, and not unusual, the annual increase was ten thousand.

"Mr. Clowes was very remarkable because of his strength in prayer. He was largely abundantly in the" grace of prayer ". It never fell at my party to experience such a baptism that I could never feel while I with himKneels for Mercy chair in response to his sincere and effective prayers.

"Streaming eyes, broken hearts, screaming about grace and happy liberations were produced common effects when he came close to God in public prayer. I was present at a love party performed by him and his friend I. Holliday, in MillStreet Chapel, Hull, at the end who claimed about forty souls to God.

“Great like Mr. Clowes was on the pulpit and powerful when he was in prayer, he was just as visible to his strong and unwavering faith.Bergen van Wierook, and Myrrhen's Hills' and arranged with fruit and flowers in the garden of the Lord;A few even good men visit occasionally;mountaineer."Han's religious life seems to have been a rapid increase from grace to grace."Just like him and in honor of grace and glory of God, what it is registered: ""I have never had doubts for forty years."

"In the social circle he was seriously just without gloomy men who became perfect," and lived on the edge at the time

"John Nelson, by describing his introduction to clowes, says:" There was a very impressive gravity in his behavior when he received me., 'He said;And the next moment he was on his knees and poured out the wish of his soul in a way that I cannot fully describe, nor rates.The spirit that Samson occasionally encountered in the Dan-camp, in all its energy could come to me;On Heaps.He argued that he argued, the fire of the Holy Spirit fell on me, and I became more complete with a power that greater prepared me at work that I was bad for and from where I reduced the vibrating fear. "

"Mr. Clowes had several prominent qualities; but the most prominent of all was hisConstantand power inprayer. I have all the things he was called to pass, he had a never-like source and it was prayer.Shiny

Carvosso, noticed too seriously and believe in his prayers, talks as follows about the conversion of his children:

'I always prayed for my children, butNow I grabbedRelated by the hand of faith and withdrawn daily to special seasonsPut the Lord on His Word. I said nothing about what I felt or did, to someone than the seeker of hearts with which I fought in a pain of prayer. "

About two weeks after he was called out of work, to pray with his daughter, who became an seeker of Christ.Han's oldest son was converted at the same time.

With regard to his younger son, he says: "I grabbed faith in the promise I had while I asked for my other children. One day while I fought with God, in powerful prayer for him, these words were in my opinion inflicted, "No hoof may have been left."

“A boring and careless way to pray for our friends will not use.It.But let's take the matter in a spiritequivalentUnpleasantmaatof the object to be secured and there will be a movement! " - -Reigning prayer, by Wigle.

At an early stage in our history, 1746, the French assembled a powerful fleet for destruction of New England.The resolute and experienced Duke d 'Annillion, and sailed on his terrible message, from Chedabucto, in Nova Scotia.

In the meantime, our pious ancestors, who were judged by the danger and feeling that their safety was in God, raised a season of business and prayer in all their churches.

While pastor Mr. Prins was officially in the old South Church (Boston), on this fast day, and the most sincere to God to avert the feared accident, the wind suddenly stood on (the day was clear and clear and clear andCalm) and became so powerful that she rattles violently all windows in the building.The windTo frustrate the purpose of their enemies and to save the country from conquest and doll.And the second order, both suicide committed.Current science conflict with religion.

Mr.D.L. Moody and others who were on the disabled steamboat believe that the ship was confidential in response to prayer.In the middle of a serious storm, on November 27, 1892 the main shaft broke and threw itself through the bottom of the ship.Ships rolled terribly and the tires were washed by the waves.

A prayer service was organized on Sunday, after Mr. the proposal from Moody.

General O.O.Howard, who was one of the passengers, says: “It was the most impressive religious collection that someone has ever participated.About an hour.Moody read the ninety -five and hundred and seventh psalms, as one of the Germans translated verses of verses for his countrymen. Moody offered a very sincere prayer and made a short address., daughter of one of the passengers, of my charm.

Mr.Moody says of rescue of God's help;And God answered us as I knew he would do that.around us.Asked that Sunday evening, I had reached a point where I was not interested in the question of whether it was God's will that we should go up or down.'Don't rest.We quickly drove out of the wake of ships and our danger was extreme."Before Daylight Huron was, if it was Masthead lamp, it reached us, and the waves were asked, and the winds were rushed by Divine Command when we were pulled out of the direct danger to this safe haven.

Spree arrived on December 2 at Queenstown with her hedge thirty meters in the water, regardless of her pumps worked steadily from the moment of the disaster andNorthwestern Christian lawyer.

The following is led by Pastor B. Fay Mills: “Some of you have painted the great whole by Muncakszy, by Christ.See it.He entered the room at the time of the day there were no others;And by paying his money to the woman who was in the room, he came in and stood at the canvas for a moment, as if he wanted to look at it and leave.But when he looked, he could not turn on the floor.To read, and every few seconds his eyes would turn to the canvas and to Christ's image of Christ."Madam, I'm a tough, bad sailor.I never believed in Christ;I never used his name except in an oath;But I have a Christian mother, and my old mother asked me today before I went to the sea to look at the photo of Christ.Man must have believed in Him;And it touched me and I also came to believe in him. "Oh that we can be changed in the same image from honor to glory." - - - - -Ruling prayer.

The following is from the Journal of George Fox, the founder of the Society of says about this wonderful event

"Then I came back to Thomas Taylor's within three miles from Halifax, where there was a meeting with about two hundred people, including many rude people and divers, some of whom were bound with an oath before they came out to kill me (likeI was told); "If you want to be civil, but if that is not the case, I will charge you to be away from my earth."

But they were worse and said they do it like a normal;Power of the Lord about them.More times they pushed me out of the place I stood on by penetrating with people;Yet I was moved by the Lord to get up again when I was eventually moved.By the Lord to say to them: “If they wanted to go over God's things, let them come to me one by one;And if they had something to say or objection, I would answer them all, one after the other; "But they were all quiet and had nothing to say. And then the power of the Lord came over them and the witness answeredFrom God that they were bound by the power of God and a glorious, power we had, and his power was about everything;Teacher., another man killed and then sent to the York prison.His mouth had risen that he could never draw it again, but then died. "-Shiny light.

During the spring of 1892 we held a five -week resuscitation meeting in methodist Episcopal Church, in Harvey, the new temperance town near Chicago, Ill. A number of meetings were closed, but a few weeks earlier, and the church was divided andSome did everything in their power to undermine and destroy the influence of the divine priest.A long -term effort during such unfavorable circ*mstances.Despite the discouragement, we found that the call from God was and received an inspiration for prayer for the city.For our help.

After a few days of great soul burden for work, the Lord moved the power among people, and from that time they entered large crowHighway and holiness;

"Harvey has never had such a shake," said the caregiver of the Methodist Church, watching the Lord's power that moved to the people.Greated many, long paved by the fraud of sin.In one of the factories they started with an afternoon prayer meeting and another at the Academy;God's love burned."I think," he said in a witness a few nights ago, "I can demand the entire academy of Christ." Twenty -three the second afternoon they claimed they had found the Lord.

"No church is preached, no order of faith (salvation of the apostles), not a dogma, just:" Everyone has sinned and comes shortly after the glory of God; ""Jesus Christ came to the world to save sinners, even the chef;

From the same meeting, sister Abbie Mills, author of "Quiet hallelujahs"In"Collige of Comfort,"Wrote toChristian witness:

“I see the works of the Lord here.Who will do the item when Harvey is no longer.are filled daily with the Holy Spirit.I (Sabbat) was a day of a lot of blessing.3 P. M. Sister Cooke from Chicago held a child meeting.Give their room to others.For a long time in the congregation there were also a few on their knees a god who was not far away.An increased outflow or rainfall for salvation. "

This powerful Faith man is too familiar for the Christian world to need an introduction of us.We quote the following from a short sketch of his life

“The support of his orphanage is $ 230,000 annually. Muller received for his orphanage and other works of a Christian and benevolent nature, a total of $ 4,275,000;All men in his hands and ask him for all the necessary supplies and men are moved to give it;Some give out of their abundant wealth and some of their poverty.He has $ 5,000 in a donation and scores of times.The principle of him has never been to make a debt in connection with his orphanage.In bed.Hundreds of times he held two prayer meetings in a day with his helpers and asks God to send them stocks to the next meal with food to the orphans;He had received five thousand answers to prayer.During his life he received about thousand thousand answers to prayer within the same day;He never gives a person the least intimation of his needs, nor after words nor appearance, but always carries all things big and small for God and is constantly looking forward to the Lord.While he regards it as shameful for God and is incompatible with perfect trust in Him.

"He says:" When I first started to allow God to deal with me, to trust him, take him through his words and sit down more than half a century ago, just to him to himTrust for myself, family, taxes, travel costs, and any other needs, I was on simple promises. '

I believed in the word.I rested on it and practiced it. A strange one, a foreigner in England, I know seven languages ​​and may have used them as a means of retaining reward;But I had initiated to work for the Lord.He acted on the basis of his word.Shiny light.

A famous example of Constance and Power in Prayer, we find in John Wesley: "It is said that" as a matter of habit and rule John Wesley's ordinary private prayer devoured two hours a day. God came down. The pain away, and theThe Lord's voice shouted loudly against sinners.

“The elements and illness were often in the way, and prayer removed the obstacles.Long, and I lifted my heart to God.In a minute or two it was covered with clouds that passed until the service was over. "The congregation was busy from the church and the rain stopped when they came out.Can give?'

"Wesley moved things powerful because he moved God.He became the prince of Evangelists because he was the prince of prayers.He stirred the world with –hild of his zeal because he had touched heaven through the fire of his prayers.Had access to men's conscience because they had access to God.If more men prayed, like John Wesley Bath, more of John Wesley's thorough spiritual work would be done.Reigning prayer, by Wigle.

A few years ago we owed A-Man $ 90.To ask us not to worry about it that he was not uncomfortable.Some time after that we were very burdened because of the guilt and were led to god to open the way to us to meet the obligation or to influence him to donate to donate it when he was a man with funds.

Shortly thereafter a brother minister came to us and told us how he was impressed by paying the obligation for us.

This minister, who lived in the same neighborhood, went the money or part of what the man accepted.But shortly thereafter he was so taxed that he could not sleep and was forced to return the money to the minister, Brother K., at night.He went home from brother K - - and called him up, and in tears told him how the Lord had become him at night and forced him to bring the money back.It seemed that Forks held in him and he was impressed to give the money to us instead of our friend, brother K ---.Editor.

At our request, Brother L.G.Whitney, a reliable Christian man, writes from Hemlock, Mich.

“Two years ago, the seed in this part of the country was bad, not to be sufficiently mature the year before.Fast and became long and stubborn.Speaked with my heavenly father about it.I can remember how I approached him and said, 'Daddy, I am misled in this corn;According to the season and the nature of the grain, it cannot grow up.I gave myself and everything I have for your care.The issue with Whitney's corn that the prince didn't kill it?'It stood like a green forest through all the prince until it is mature.

But I still have an anecdote to tell.It was Ralph Wallace who told me about this.A Certainly Gentleman was a member of the Presbyterian Church.

“Our boy dies;“ The father entered the room and put his hand on his forehead of his dying boy and could feel that the cold, damp sweat gathered there;

"You know, my boy, you die?"The father asked.

"Is I? Is this dead? Do you really think I'm dying?"

"Yes, my son, your end on the ground is near."

"And shall I be with Jesus tonight, Dad?"

"Yes, you will be with the savior."

"Dad, you don't cry, because when I'm there, I will immediately go to Jesus and tell Him that you have tried all my life to lead me to him."

God gave me two young children, and since I can remember that I have corrected them to Christ;And I would rather have this message to Jesus that I had tried all my life to lead them to Him than all crowns the earth;And I would rather lead them to Jesus than to give them the wealth of the world.If you have a child, you go to the way I challenge every man to talk about heaven without talking about children.That is the kingdom of heaven.'AndMoody's anekdotes

The cases where God has sent remarkable liberations for people in response to prayer are different and striking.Frans weapon on forty ships prepared under Duke d'Arille against the American colonies was completely destroyed by a storm in response to prayer.

But God can save His baked people without destroying their enemies.Leclerc tells us that when the Dutch expected an attack from their enemies over the sea in 1672, public prayers were ordered to free.Land.The time that water was delayed, unlike the usual course, for twelve hours, so their enemies were obliged to postpone the process to another option; "

How beautiful God has answered prayer on behalf of good institutions that have been established to relieve human misery.The school for a week longer.When the last part was devoured, a thousand dollars were received from an unknown source.Our provision was used, but by tackling myself to the Lord, I noticed that I was deeply influenced by the fourth petition of the Lord, "Give us our daily bread this day;"A more special way in the words 'this day' because we had a big chance for the same day.If I still prayed, one of my friends came to my door in a coach and brought the sum of four hundred chroner 'Power of prayer, from Prime.

This well -known God -man was a priest in the Congregational Church in Portland for many years, me.Han's remarkable success was largely the result of his prevailing prayers.Ohs many can follow his example!of his life in "Shiny”:

He prayed without stoppingHe was aware of the abnormalities for which the human spirit is responsible, he sought the most serious guidance and control over the Holy Spirit.Will send a quilt - and when he, the spirit of truth, comes, he will lead you to all truth."

His enthusiastic and persistent prayers must undoubtedly be attributed to a great pleasure and almost continuous success;, The undoubtedly sincerity of his belief in the truths he has packed.Han's language, his conversation and the entire deportation, was brought home and attached to the heads of his audience beliefs that hetherefore believed and spoke.Revivals of religion, which took place during his work, were a lot and were characterized by a depth and power that was rarely seen.Han's prominent utility was also not limited in the narrow atmosphere of his own municipality.Meetings, his service was made for many thousands of blessing, both in repentance of souls and to increase the tone of piety among believers.

When his body is full of pain, gradually sinking in the grave, he wrote to his sister: 'I had to take on the figurative language in Bunyan, I could date this letter from the land of Beulah, which I have been a happy resident for several weeks. The heavenly city is in my opinion full., who now appears as an insignificant shiver that can be crossed on a single step when God has to give permission.;A single tongue seems completely insufficient for my wishes;I want a whole heart for each individual feeling and a whole tongue

He was asked, "Do you feel to express that feelings are being reconciled?""Oh, it's too cold! Looking forward to you! Triumph! And this happiness will exist as long as God himself, because it consists of admiration and keeping him. It finds words to express my happiness. Part of his goodwill iscame to my heart. "

He said to his wife as he died: "Until now I have seen God as a solid star, light, but often captured by clouds; but now he is getting closer; and is spreading in a huge and glorious sun in oneSun that the sight is too blinding for flesh and blood to maintain. "This was not a blind worship of an imaginary deity;Because he added: "I clearly see that the same glorious and dazzling perfecties now only serve to turn my love into a flame, and melt my soul in the same blessed photo, burned and swell like an droning fire like mewas an unpaid perpetrator. "

The next pathetic story of our late war is told by a Christian author:

“At the end of the first bloody day of the Battle of Fredericksburg, hundreds of wounded from the Union were left on the floor and the road rose to Mary's Heights.From both opposite lines and nobody could venture to the suffering relief.Stone Ramparts, where the southern armed forces were, made way for his sympathy and got up better than his love for life.: In general, I can no longer stand. "

"But you know," said the general, admiringly admiring the noble spirit of the soldier, "do you know that as soon as you show yourself to the enemy, you will be shot?"

"Yes, I have; I know; but to wear some comfort for the poor dying men, I am willing to risk."

"The general hesitated for a moment, but finally said with emotions," Kirkland, it sends you to your death, but I can't resist such a motive like yours.

The brave sergeant was set up with a water supply and immediately entered the wall and applied for his work with Chris as grace.Higher eyes looked at when he knelt with the nearest patient, and gently kept the cool cup on his head in front of his dried -out lips.Love Service was done, each under the Union Line understood the mission of the noble soldier in gray, and no man shot a shot.Cramped and confused limbs, their heads on their backpacks powder and spread their army jackets and blankets over them when mother would cover her child; "

So it's on the battlefield of life. AndN.W.Christian Advocate.

Ivy Gif is suddenly healed.

In response to our request, Sister S.E.MCKEEN from Lake City, Iowa, has given us the following report of a wonderful matter of physical healing.

“Last August I attended a meeting in Storm Lake, Iowa, to promote holiness, and while I became familiar with a young minister and wife from Dakota named Kegle.Unfortunately they threw their tent where GIF -IVY had grown and unfortunately she was poisoned.Save food or medicines, and when she lifted her head, she became weak.

"Doctors were heard and several remedies tried it, but she still thought it was no relief. The tent was moved and on the sabbath morning when I called to see her on the way to the Tabernacle for the morning shift, she wasn't better. That morning her husbandHer husband had told me that she could be healed.

I did not understand the work of the Holy Spirit, was myself a new conversion to holiness and had come to this place to be established in the doctrine.

"I said," I am going to see me, show me what to say to the loved one, and to her. "I sat down by her bed and then asked," Do you believe in the faith of faith?'Was so drunk that I couldn't speak.I still left her without a word.

"I was working on one of the little tabernacles and had completely surrendered to Jesus that it all went out of my head. It was five when I came back and went as usual to see what the sister was like; when I found her found, foundI put it outside her door and dressed for evening shift.I have healed. 'Glory to Jesus!The big doctor had been there and she had recovered very much.Bright spot to look back since then. "

All the dreams that make you better are from God.How do I know?John Huss is immortal.St.Augustinus, the Christian Father, gives us the fact that a Carthenian doctor was convinced of the immortality of the soul by an argument that he heard in a dream.It is possible to prove that God appears in dreams to warn, to convert and save.The crew and saved and brought them to New York.Who directed the dream?

In 1695 a ship from Spithead went for West -India and ran against the ledge of Kliffen called the cassettes.Cassettes.He told his father to his dream.

The priest Dr.bushnell in his great book entitled "Nature and the supernatural, "Gives the following that he came from Captain Yount, in California, a fact confirmed by many families: Captain Yount dreamed twice a night that there was one hundred and fifty miles away that there was a company quickly with travelers in the snow.Also saw his dream to an old hunter, the hunter said, "Why, I can remember the cliffs in the Carson Valley Pass, a hundred and fifty miles."dream, although he laughed at his neighbors, collected men together, took mules and blankets and started on the expedition, he traveled one hundred and fifty miles, so the cliffs he had described in his dream and the suffering at the foot of these cliffs brought them backTo confirm the story of Captain Yount.

God has often appeared in dreams to save and comfort.Had seen asleep.dr.Crannage, one of the most striking men I have ever met - could be passed on for goodwill and great Philaptropics - in Wellington, England, showed me a house where the Lord had appeared in a beautiful dreamFor a poor woman., sick, bad until the last fate.Were mountains of bread and orphans in a different direction and there were mountains of butter and in a different direction, and there were mountains of all kinds of worldly stocks.Your father, and do you think he, his child, hunger and dies?"Crannage told me, through a divine impulse, he went to the poor house, then the suffering there and managed it and took care of her completely.Magazine in a sick brain?No one;

Moreover, I have to say that there are people in this house who have been converted to God by a dream.Him and gave him a very nice ring and put him on his finger and said happy: "As long as you wear that ring, you will make progress; if you lose that ring, you will be destroyed.and convinced by a strange crush John Newton to throw that ring overboard and sagged in the sea to his foolishness.Sea would throw the ring up if he wanted to go up and said to John Newton: "Here is the jewel, but I think disappeared from the sky;And John Newton said he saw in his dream that the valuable pearl was his soul;It kept it to him Christ.And that dream makes one of the most beautiful chapters in the lives of the most wonderful man.

A German crossed the Atlantic Ocean and in his dream he saw a man with a handful of white flowers, and he was told to follow the man who had the handful of white flowers.

The German arrival in New York ran in Fulton Street Prayer and Mr. Lamphier-as many of you at the Great Prayer Metic Apostle, that day had given him a bunch of tuberoses.Him, and through an interpreter, Mr. Lamphis, that he had dreamed of a man with a handful of white flowers and was told to follow him.Own countrymen.gud in a dream!

John Hardock, while one evening on the ship dreamed that the day of falling had arrived and that the role on the crew of the ship was called, except his own name, and that these people, this crew, were all banned;Dream he asked the reader why his own name was omitted and he was told that it gave him more opportunities for repentance.You have to throw away everything that is witness and refuse to accept any form of authoritative witness.T. Dewitt Talmage

In the year 1874 a small group of modest Christians was formed in Chicago, who has the salvation of the soul for one object.The number of the number was local predators in England, others were lay workers.Those to the distribution of the knowledge of abroad of redeeming love.

Among them was Charles Cooke, who has now gone to join the countless company around the throne; Hanmer, now president of Free methodist Church in Wisconsin;Gittins, now in California;David Andrews, from that time in the large harvest field;And a brother and sister Jones, who now work in Chicago., but was more or less with the band because of the great awakening that we will talk.

They worked in Chicago for a while;But in response to serious prayer for God's blessing and guidance, they were put forward in the northwest of Indiana.

Their first Macedonian cries from outside the city came from Hessville, a small, neglected place where the teacher in the daily school, a Mrs. Price, had tried to start a Sabbats school in the middle of much resistance.Such apparently unfavorable environment broke the work of great power.The work spread in all directions.

They went from Gibson to Ross Station, where we saw them for the first time.The work of his spirit on Harten was a supplement to everything we had seen before and was a great mystery for us.Loud for grace, until their cries were changed to praise songs for liberation.

From the experience of the employees, Sister Cooke writes us: “We have traveled from place to place, as certainly led as the children of Israel when they were led by the pillar of fire.Minds: "When I sent you forward without wallet or scrip, you miss something? And they said," Nothing. "Our God has delivered all our needs. “These questions answered satisfactorily, we went ahead and lived with invisible joy about the promise: 'Lo!I will always be with you.'

Merrillville was their fourth point.A tent was donated by a brother Morgan who was beautifully blessed during the meetings..Thousands of souls.

Despite the opposition, the influence of the work was so great that it felt throughout the part of the state.In every place visited, the resuscitation became the most important topic of conversation between all social classes., including harvesting time, farmers can be seen for miles of miles along the roads, many people wear meetings and sing and praise God while they only walk night after night, but week after week and month after month.Through scores and hundreds.Many of the converts were called to the ministry and more people worked with the band after their conversion;And many are successful employees for the Gospel Fields today.

But we certainly have no room to follow the progress of the work.Hobart, Wheeler, Crown Point, Porter Cross Roads, Valparaiso, North Judson, Knox and other places were visited by the small, modest, firearming band.The use of the tent, large halls were used;And in some cases large tabernacles were specially built for their use.Paying off as the direct result of the beautiful work, and thousands have already been saved as the indirect result of their work.

But what was the secret of such an abundant success?In response to serious, constant) modest, prevailing prayer.Manifested the Spirit of Constant Christ.For our personal knowledge it was their habit, before every service, to repair together for one or when they entered the meeting, they were so anointed by the Holy Spirit that Respusing Brandes were illuminated by their presence.of their pole was in the form of burning.There was no prepared sermons.Led by the Spirit.Also prominent to secret prayer, and everywhere they went, was called "the bid".

The second secret of their success was perfect unity in the heart.Selfelom members of different church communities, they have never simply allowed opinions that result in prejudices.And all that she saw was forced to spread "Look how they love each other!"

Today our hearts burn in us while we think of what God did because of the loyal, modest souls, and we shout with Sister Cooke: "I would go all over the world to see another work so great."Editor.

Three children of brother and sister I.L.Miller, from Sycamore, O., died around the beginning of 1893 of diphtheria.language:

“One was a girl of thirteen years old who was converted two years ago during our meeting.disease.He was looking forward to death.

"The first small effie, was a serious Christian worker."Often when we started for a prayer meeting, she would say, "Wait until I get a small schoolmate."Her suffering was great.One day, a day before she died, she said to me, "If I could rest for a while." I said, "Don't you think Jesus would help you if you ask him?" "She said;'You ask him.Being another day and it too.

"The next was Little Vetta, who died about a month later. One day she was in an apparent anesthesia. Effie; that they were together and she would never return to live here. So she spoke free about departure and about theHeaven.Thomas K. Doty, editor Christian Harvester.

A moving story came to us from Minnesota.In the middle of the lake, the surface of the water was covered with large masses of floating ice.

He was in a small, fast-northing circle, where he was wild, the cold of death crawled over his body.

It was the voice of his little girl who called him, "Father! Dad!"He listened.Once more!But she will be afraid of the dark and cold.

But just then came the scream, loud and clear, "Dad!""I turned around," said the man afterwards by telling the story, "and hit the opposite direction. I had been away at home. I fought my way; the ice broke in front of me.

Eventually I reached the coast and at home. " - - -Wesleyan Methodist.

What a diversity of souls about us, such as the poor man, has lost their balance and losing their handle of the lifeboat and fighting in the middle of the cold, icy waves of sin to sink to the bottomless pit and have been lost foreverUnless someone may come close to them as possible and she mentions them in the right direction.

Dear brother, the sound of your voice, the words you can speak, the friendly act you can do, a fallen brother can show home in the right way.Don't faint .-Editor.

Robert Green was born and bred a slave in Charleston, S. C., his master was the methodistic minister who had a large number of slaves and was therefore very rich;But the release of liberation has suddenly reduced him to poverty.Immediately became sick and died shortly thereafter.Him to his bed for six months.

One afternoon, when we visited the departments, found him so much sick, we stopped at his bed and started talking to him about his soul and warned him to get ready for death.Stuff;But to find strangers who are so interested in the well -being of his soul, and the solemn and seriousness with which the admonition was delivered, he made him so deeply impressed that he could not remove the effect of his mind.In the evening, for the solemn words that continued to mention the ears: "Get ready for death!" At one point at night, he felt absolutely sure that he saw the same missionary in the bed and repeated the same words:"You have to be ready for death! He heard her voice and knew it was the same that Ham warned in the afternoon.Walk;But he prayed so hard that he finally accepted;And two of the men helped him in the chapel.Helped him to the altar where he started crying for grace.To shout God's praise and asked to be helped on his feet.The told him that he could not stand and better leave.Keep shouting: 'Glory to God!Glory for God! "Soon he asked them to let him go, and by breaking away he went off a few steps and stood shouting a few moments," Glory to God!":" Glory to God!He has converted my soul and healed my body!I'm a good man.One to God!He has converted my soul and healed my body! "

The next day one of the doctors entered the department and left him some medication. "" I heard, "said the doctor," you went from the chapel to the department yesterday;Are you doing well today? "Robert got up and walked over the department and back. Forming things. It has been about four years since his conversion. He has had the perfect health since then, is a member in good status in aof the churches and faithfully after the Lord.Brands of fires.

Miss Carrie C. Webb, who believes she recently experienced Faith ears while she was searched for in Northport, L.I.ARTORABLE STORY.Priest, pastor Dr.Hutchings, with many members of his congregation, are regular believers in the efficiency of prayer in removing disease.Two months ago, Miss Webb continued the summer with her brother's house in Northport, and her condition, physically and mentally, was that her friends never expected that she would come back alive.

“I had fallen into health for almost seven years and I constantly suffer from bronchitis and a serious cough.Could die when I became a burden for my family.A day after I arrived in Northport, and while I was in a lounge in the library, in my brother's house, my eye turned on a book about loyal Klid.. Sam afternoon, my brother asked me if I had ever thought of Faith-Cheat and told him about bookcase, adding that I had never thought about it in connection with myself.Had sufficient belief in receiving such a blessing.When he arrived, we entered the library.

"Only a week after that anointing did I wake up in unusual pain and prayed to God to let me die. Then I suddenly thought it would be better for me to pray for health; and I prayed and cried for three hours. I cameand stood upright, I felt a sense of health and strength that I didn't know for seven years. "-New York Sun.

Melville B. Cox was the first missionary of methodist Episcopal Church for Africa, the efforts of the missionary as follows: "Let a thousand fall before Africa is left!"Will explain itself completely and at the same time show why we have given it a place on these pages.

“New York, 25 juli 1835.

"My Best Lord: There is a circ*mstance in the deceased Mr.Cox, who at least needs more attention for some of his Christian friends than he has given it, and because it is probably out of your own strength to do without some extra facts in thematter.Recorded fact, and it is quite say.Be honest to even confess the desk of the deity.

“The following are the facts they took place when Mr.Cox was about 20 years old to New Orleans.Even if this young gentleman was well mounted for his company in any other respects, and irreparable in his behavior among men was bad for religion.

"From the hour when James sailed to New Orleans, Melville, with another brother of his, and who was a person's partner in his 'precious faith', the absent brother made a constant prayer. And then was to absorb a greatAsk about the salvation of his soul that it became their first and final thought for a few weeks.

“One evening, as the sun fell, the two brothers, as they were sometimes not about to do, visited the edge of the forest, the back of the village where they lived then, and knelt to pray.important for them was their absent brother whose image their views came up with more than ordinary distinctive character, and who, it seemed to them, was not just far away at sea, thrown on his waves as the spirit of surrender can float him,But "without hope, without God in the world," and can fall into the wave of the woe.Of sympathy, of religious sincerity, belief in God, never experienced before him before him.They, until the conflict for the past seemed, and the blessing they were looking for, they came from prayer and without exchanging a word about the subject of their feelings, went to their different houses for the night.

"The next morning the brothers met; but the feelings the last night were still too alive to be spread. Monville told the younger" what did you think of our feelings last night? "Will see if it is not true. "James was deadHe died in the evening within a few days of sailing from Balize, and as the brothers accepted, by comparing the letter they received with the Melville diary,The same hour that they were involved in prayer for his soul.

"The above letter contained no reference to his religious feelings, so the accuracy of the impression of the younger brother was not yet exactly. On the return of the BRIG, a conversation with the partner was found that both feelings of both were itIs true.

"On the morning of the day he died, he told his partner," he thought he would die that day;That he took out of his finger was transferred to his friends.And so he approached: 'Captain Cox, you are a very sick man again.' Yes, blessed 'and burst into a flood of tears and points of sale.

"I have nothing to say to the Christian about the above circ*mstances. Everything is clear to him as the light of day. But for unbelievers I can imagine a question. How it was possible that the event with James' death and the change he clearly experiencedIn his emotions it calls where name you want, and the comfort that nobody would take from the dying person how, it is possible that the event should be so impressed by the spirit of these two brothers when he told himself with whomThey were related thousands of kilometers away and how could it take place when the events took place?

"I love you, F."

In the Napoleon campaign in Russia, while the French army withdrew from Moscow, there was an invalid boy in an arm, low house, in a small village.The frightened residents reached and excited about the approach.Had the power to fly, some try to bring their worldly goods, others to hide them.their families away with them

But in the small house there was nothing of this bustle.Who stood closest to him and himself.

It was in the evening, and the sound of distant voices and preparation had gone away.

Neighbors just leave;I don't hear them anymore, "he said."I am so selfishly bad helpless boy? "

"We are all safe," the mother replied;"God will not leave us, even if everything else leaves us."

"But what can help us?" The boy was finished.?No strength to defend, no strength to fly. "

"There is a safe wall for the defenseless," his mother replied "God will build us a safe wall."

"You are my strength now," the boy said;I thank God for not leaving me behind.Soldiers are rushing. We are a pity to satisfy them and they would cast revenge over us! "

"God will still be our refuge and defense," said the mother, and in the long term in low, calm words, she placed the fearful boy until he slept like his sisters..who has a lot of wind in his fist and who once kept him up., closed and hidden by the heavy snow bar.

It was at the time that the dreaded plague passed the village.Snow that was collected around it in the silent night. AndIndicative hand of h.l. hastings.

In 1890, Sister K. J. wrote Conversion of Stanton, Mich.Trustworthy.

In the year 1885 I was healed by God's hand and I still told about his power and I praised him for his love for me..Should take me home. March 1885 I got worse.From two, looking at God.We will remember you in prayer for your healing. "Almost a year earlier, every time I saw sister fishing, she would say that God would heal me. I would answer:" I want to feel good;"But it was all the thought I once gave it, until God only at work., I saw sister fishing at the foot of my bed, while at the same time she was a mile distance and prayed for me. If you have that medicineyou will certainly die on four in the afternoon. "God sent Sister Fisher to see me.He came with her and fulfilled both of us with his blessed faith;FOOF His name!I had consumption.My lungs were almost so almost over that my voice could only be heard in a light whisper.Swear on my liver and had not been on my left for six months.I.I felt God's hand laid in every sick place., "Now you can lift clean hands?"My husband said my hand went up;had done me.It is five years since God heals me and I remain good by having faith in Him;And if I feel bad, I just pray that God keeps me good and I believe today.O you of a little faith, take God through His words and become health.

I. In the spring of 1858 under the spread of the widely distributed source described in Prime's "The power of prayer, "I was converted to God. At that time I was in adult young masculinity and in business. My health had been bad for a number of years, and when I gave my heart to the Lord Jesus, I seemed to be on theedge of death and hell.

Shortly after the powerful change I was led to pray for 'Hezekias fifteen years'. But he turned his face against the wall and prayed to the Lord, "and the Lord was happy to restore him in his health and made him the promise: "I'll add your days for fifteen years."

My case took place for a long time before Faith-Creen received the attention it is currently.Was not led to prayer for recovered health, but only for fifteen years of continuous life.My prayer became very serious until it resulted in a fixed and grounded faith.A condition in my mind for the promise.This was that I didn't have to go back.

The promise of God - the witness if you want - that my life would be saved was so clear and pronounced that I almost never thought of doubting it.To proclaim preaching funeral about compliance with what I understood as facts in my own case.

Of course my life actually went on, nothing could ruin it, while I had kept the only condition carefully - there was belief in God, but at no time I was impressed or was I allowed to be a public explanation of my security, or actually private, except in possibly a few cases in which I thought this could mainly be the result.

The result was that I not only lived for fifteen years - years added to my natural assignment - but also, I have actually made considerably improved in my third fifteenth year!My own that my day of use can still be expanded.To God His Eternal Glory!

II.i I received my first deal for a pastoral work by Bishop Simpson, in 1860. It was for a relatively new work on the northern border of the large "North Woods" and not far from adirondacks in the state of New York.A carpenter region.The were two lakes, the upper and lower Chateaugay and a river, Chateaugay, which ran from them north until it crossed the border and was empty in the St. Lawrence river.Held on an hour in the afternoon.

When the day came to fulfill the agreement, the river started around a dozen of us to the lake, in a boat..That the river was very narrow and a large number of the road shines on one side of the tree, made our progress very slow.

When we finally left the river in the lake, with two miles of the lake between us and my appointment, I saw on my watch and immediately saw that we know that Roe could not reach the school building on time.So the sail could not be used.I didn't say anything to the company, but just prayed.Very carefully and then rose, until it almost became a

The result was that I and the woman arrived in the school building before the congregation.

There was no wind, but there was an urgent need for that.

III.i 1882 I received an invitation to help Brother S. B. Shaw, the editor of this book, in a series of campmeetings in the state of Michigan.and led "Christian Harvest, "And was dependent on subscriptions, etc. received in the camp meeting seasons for the means to buy a paper shares, which was usually needed together every year in September. For some reason I received little money during theMeetings, although souls were saved and arrived at my house in Ohio with the usual need for paper and not to buy it.But shortly after praying, they started unusual amounts.- Unless the Miller said they had the need, the extra stock was held immediately.Thos.K.Daly.

The following is fromAutobiographyCharles G. Finney happened because of the beautiful revivalist.Related circ*mstances, happened early in his service in Gouver, N.Y.

I said there was a Baptist church and a Presbyterian, each of whom had a meeting house that was on the Green, not far apart;And attracted general attention, the Baptist brothers started to resist it.The Baptist Church was quite influential;And the position, they took the opposition very well and seemed to give it a special bitterness and strength that you would expect.

In this state of affairs, Brother Nash and I, after consultation, decided that that thing should be overcome by prayer and that it could not be achieved in any other way., until we prevailed;And we were convinced that no power or hell could be allowed to be permanently allowed to stop resuscitation.

The next Sabbath, after the morning and afternoon preaching, even before I made the sermon completely, and Brother Nash almost continuously gave up for prayer - we met at five o'clock in church for a prayer meeting.aimed the company of young men who had gone by hand to resist the resuscitation.Yet their brave face and stiffness were visible to everyone.

Brother Nash has tackled himself very seriously and pointed to guilt and danger to the course they took.Or by converting some of you or by sending some of you to hell.

The house was as quiet as death and most people loved their heads.The life of some of them and send them to hell or convert some of them within a week.Tuesday morning on the same week, the leader of these young people, however, men came to me in the greatest spirit.And as soon as I came to push him, she broke out like a child, known and gave herself to Christ.Companions and pray with them and immediately tighten them to turn to the Lord.

By the powerful men with faith and prayer whose names will rise until the history of this world has ended, John Knox is a man in prayer, Queen Mary from Scotland once said about Knox that she feared his prayer than an army of ten thousand men.In the throne of England, Mary, daughter of Henry VIII, who had been raised by her mother, Catharine van Aragon, was raised in the dark belief in Rome, a complete tool in the hands of the priests whose one design was to destroy the protesters.His face for hours for God, he argued for Scotland."All Scotland BC!"

In one of these seasons of the powerful gang of good, he jumped up with his feet with the shout: "The liberation came!" As soon as the courier could accelerate from London to the city where John Knox lived, he made the proclamation:"Mary, queen of England, is dead!

Praying in the Lord of autumn to educate such men in our days when the tide of worldality threatens the entire church, and Catholicism spreads its pioneering influence over the free institutions of our country;Waiting for the chance of the scenes in St.Bartholomew's Day in France or the ten thousand Protestants who slaughter one day like in Ireland, to crush the religion of our fathers, to burn the Bible and throw themselves away.Sarah A. Cooke.

At the age of twenty, a lady in Winchester, Iowa, started losing her health and was limited to her bed in a short time.A larger part of my time for five years.

“I enjoyed the blessing of prayer and have faith in about six months before I felt free to pray for healing my body;In fear I would wish it without the right submission to God's will.With this request.

“Around the end of November or early December 1873 I realized that my faith was perfect, that I was now ready to be healed;Only one exception.In the course of December 1873 and July 1874 I was healed so that I could go something and see more or less every day, but sometimes with just one of my eyes.In a fire of fire;But in the midst of the flames, I realized the presence of the Son of God who said: "I chose you in the oven of suffering.Pray for my health.Even if I felt submissive, yet I somehow cried, and the most instinctive: "You David, you're grace with me!"So that they waited for God's good time!, but did not know if it would be in life, or only reached at death.

In this way I waited for God until the morning of July 26, when without the ecstasy of joy or extra enlightenment came a feeling of Jesus' presence, and a presentation of this gift, accompanied by these words: “Here is the gift youasked about;Are you willing to receive it? "

To begin with, I felt in the depth of the divine power of the affected parts, which steadily driven out the disease until death was swallowed in victory.My friends, some of whom believe me in the wild;But I continued my work and assured them that Jesus had healed me., “It is supernatural power;Nobody can deny it. "

“My healing took place on Wednesday;Saturday I was persuaded to lie down, but discovered that the bed was not a place for me;, as in the case of the paired man who got up, picked up his bed and

My friends could not realize the completeness of the remedy until I read for a whole hour, and it is Lamlight and until they were asked to give up, the first chance after they were health.

A week from this time I distracted the rented girl and I took responsibility for the household work that I continued with ease.. " - -Chosen

Our old friend, J. Baker, now preaches in Hartford, Mich., Who has years of confidence in the Lord of all things, both temporarily and spiritually, sends us the following:

In the Raisin Center camping Square, August 1886, a brother came to me on Saturday night and asked that I will come to his tent on Sunday morning and heal him ointment for the healing of his deafness.Had been deaf since a boy;His deafness is caused by Scarlet Fever.In the company of Clara Rouch and Carrie Kimball I went to his tent and smeared him with oil, we put our hands on his head.He was immediately healed and shouted and rolled on the ground and called on the ones who stood to help him praise the Lord.

When I lived in Detroit, I had the winter of 1883 a house that I wanted to use as a home for veneless women.told me that he was a lot of power impressed by sending the money.He never knew what it was for until I told him the circ*mstance.

This beautiful evangelist was only known for a few of the current generation.

In one of his books Mr.Caugey: “I am now completely overwhelmed that in relation to the Spirit of God my efforts should evoke in the message of the Gospel, I will be successful.Spirit.

Dhr.Cahy was called by God to visit England and Ireland, in which countries he worked for seven years with the most signal success.Full salvation.

"You will remember that our conference from 1839 was held in the city of Schenectady, N. V. That year I was appointed Whitehall, N. V. Shortly thereafter I received my library studio furniture to my station.

"It was then that I seriously started thinking about prosperity by choosing a woman, in the conviction that 'marriage is honorable among all people.' Christist.My brothers approved my intention.But although I enjoy this goal for some reason, I could not explain that I was very hard.The Lord seemed to deviate from me;And the face that beamed over me so often from above and had my soul to rual for many years, now seemed to be hired in the thickest darkness.

"The more I thought: 'I don't see any good reason why I should be unambiguous among my brothers, nor keeps moving lonely life, my heart became more difficult and my darkness came up. I was soon involved in some evil justificationsMy conflict with me was about to go out of the order of his provisionI solemnly feel that he would have done my disobedience seriously.

“My suffering and gloom were so great, I couldn't pack my library or arrange my studies.I started to reflect the most solemn about my unfortunate state of mind and was more concerned about recovering my former peace and joy in God than blessing everyone, regardless of.satisfactory presence.I would immediately give my soul to it because of his help. “Now I didn't care what he ordered to do, or to undo;I was ready to obey.Didn't expect such an order that came shortly thereafter, then I expected that he would order me to fly up and preach the gospel on another planet.An audience with the Lord.The site was almost as lonely as Sinai, where Moses saw the burning bush.And just the next passage made me pray: "And the Lord fell into the cloud and stood by him and explained the name of the Lord. And the Lord passed him and explained," The Lord, the Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, long-facing and abundant in goodness and truth, kept grace of thousands, forgive inferiority and violation and sin, and would in no way release the guilty. "-Exodus 34: 5-7. I grabbed this;of the words, and as a hammer to break the rocks for the Lord, I left the place without any light;had plagued some way with God.

"This was July 9, 1839. The same evening, around dusk, eternal glory for God! When I read in, small room stood next to my studies, a light that I came up with. My soul was unambiguously reassured and warned by a strangeVisit.To let you go many seals for your service.

"I got up from my knees under a strong conviction that God had called me to take this tour.With a happy heart and free, eleven months were before me to criticize my soul.

With joy I started my pastoral work, visited from home to home and had the pleasure of seeing a most powerful revival of religion in my job.Verwerling or hinder me to fulfill what I came up with as the long and solemn committee that I had received from the Lord.I would leave America. "

The beautiful valley of Wyoming, on the banks of the Susquehanna -River, in Lucerne Co., Pa., Has long been known to the student in history and the lovers of poetry and singing.

Dr.W.In the Evangelist, H. van Doren records an incident that is reminiscent of the accidents overwhelmed overwhelmed, to illustrate the gracious care for an always inappropriate God, for those who trust him.

It was at the beginning of July 1778 that an older saint who, with his four sons, lived on a mountain with a view of the valley, discovered that his barrel with the meal was almost exhausted and his sons asked their pockets with grain and early in the morning,The long road falls to the mill in the valley.Used to such times to spend the night near the mill in Wyoming.

When the patriarch came out of the closet in the morning and said to the waiting sons: "Not today!

"But Dad, our stock is exhausted, and why would we delay?"She said while she turned around and looked over the valley, who was in peace and quiet peace for them.

"Not today, my sons," repeated himself with the man's weight, the young people satisfied the father that the father meant what he said.The Spirit was deeply impressed by this word: "Let them meet the morning."

Without accusing their honored parent of superstition or ignorance, they gave the obedient sons to him, loaded their animals, they placed in their cabins, waiting for another morning to come.

The memorable evening, a horde of Wiliors with Torch and Tomahawk went into the Wyoming valley and started their destruction work;And a few of the inhabitants are away from the sudden but deadly blows of the wild.

In the morning at sunrise, the father and sons were at the highest point and laughed the valley filled with quantities of rising smoke and flames.Top, and in a humble prayer god for the promise: "The angel of the Lord is struggling about those who fear him."-Indicative hand.

How constantly, when we follow the Lord carefully, his own blessed teachings, his own words, with full power in our memory, dressed with life and strength!I will never forget such an experience.. On an evening when we gathered to start with, all the ominous face of the men who gathered on the outside of the congregation quickly broke out in muttering words about threatening.Had distributed throughout the community, the report that we broke up families;As some, unlike family members, had decided to take the 'narrow way', to leave everyone and follow Jesus. “The audience increased and soon we found it impossible to continue the service.

Then the words of Jesus came: "Look, I send you as sheep under wolves."Our little band when my eye looked over them how helpless they saw!Those from the wolves.

Soon our leader, brother S. B. Shaw, jumped on a stump of a tree and said, "Everyone goes to his knees and holds directly to God."In pieces, if we don't hold God for him."

Soon mighty crees went to him who can save in about two hours.'Then the quantity began to spread gradually, and full of grateful joy that we have laid in our small tents to gossip;

"I knew," said brother Jenkinson, "they couldn't hurt me while they held God in prayer for me; and while their fist came over me, they seemed as soft as velvet pillows." His clothes were very torn,But no bruise or violence was above his person.A man, more full of violent hatred than the others, had threatened that he would still take the life of Brother Jenkinson;But the Lord told him to fear that he should not fear not, because his enemy was no more in his hands than a little stick and so easily broken.FRU Sarah A. Cooke.

Since this sister has contributed more articles to this book, it will not be wrong to say that we have been familiar with her since the day of our conversion, she helped us ask for the light of rescue.Spend more time than she was in prayer, or to manifest more joy in the work of the Lord. Moody. The was so heavily burdened that Sister Cooke repeatedly went to him and told him about his lack of power.He was brought under deep conviction and asked them to pray for him.God;Moans and irritated until the baptism of fire fell on him.Him in heaven andEditor.

This extraordinary man died of seventy -seven at the early age, he started his work as a Wesleyan minister in England, in 1816, so that they were closed almost simultaneously with his life on November 3, "Sketches of Wesleyan -Predators, "A very interesting work by Robert A. West:

“Constant community with God was the basis of the Heermith's great distribution.In this he was surpassed by none of the age.And threw himself for grace, fought in three hours with God in mighty prayer.His moan has revealed the intensity of his feelings.Disappeared after breakfast and family worship, he would go back with his Bible in his research and spend almost noon in the same holy work.ShameAnd by preaching - the Lord, who sees secretly and rewards him open.

“On an occasion, when he was in a country agreement, the time to start the service disappeared, and Mr.Smith did not appear.Close to service;After withdrawing, the non -evalued, he may be able to browse his full soul for his heavenly Father.

“During the sermon that night, the righteous man showed the righteous prayer effective.Long followed by loud and penetrating cries of grace, which was stabbed one after the other in the heart, and the Fort Depatan was taken down; Smith thought it was necessary to refrain from preaching and falling into the altar.When he came from the pulpit and took over the meeting, his admirable plans and great influence, helped by a yet almost equal to the lightning bolt, soon a change and in perfect order, but not in silence, the meeting is continued until midnight.Anyone who had to be clear confusion on these meetings, they were actually systematically performed.Mr.Smith had his method in the middle of the surrounding excitement, and he never delegated control to another, but was the last to withdraw from the stage with the triumph of the Savior. " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Anecdotes from the Ministry

During the great revival of religion in America, which took place under Mr. Whitefield, and others differ for their piety and zeal in that period, Mr.Tentent Labor intensively and very dedicated to help the work;

In the evening prior to public worship, he chose a subject for the discourse intended to be delivered and made some progress in his preparations.With a temptation that the Bible was not of divine authority, but the invention of man.Held God's book, under the worrying state of the Spirit, was a sealed book for him;And to add his suffering, he was "in prayer", a cloud, dark as Egypt, suppressed his spirit.

For example, he stayed in the Spirit and continued to church where he found a large church and waited to hear the word;And then he was deeper unhappy than ever;Day.;And the house, the house, at the end of prayer was a place of crying.This discourse so that they turned out to be happy means for the conversion of around thirty people.He then once spoke this day as his autumn day. " - -Anecdotes from the Ministry.

The next very interesting account is written on request, explicitly for this book.

In January 1888 my dedicated woman, since Gone To Honor and myself, was appointed open work by Bishop Thoburn in a district in the native state of Hyderabad, India.- A district of practically unspoilt Christian evangelization.From supervision of a day school and Sunday school, recently started and preach the gospel of the people.Intimated.probably once seen.

The village was just fragmented by these deadly diseases, cholera and small POOX, and the misleading natives had sacrificed almost all their poultry, sheep, goats and a lot of fruit to reassure the anger of their imaginary gods;There had been no rainfall for eight months and the people were in a semi-outlet state, and therefore a clear prey for these virulent diseases.Many enthusiastic listeners in this sad, spiritual pattern assembly.

Then a scene followed that we should never forget.

Before the ceremony was completed, a man from De Wever threw himself in front of us where we are preparing to create an urgent attraction.Then make his request.

With a sad expression in the face and a vibrating voice he kept saying: "My wife dies. For four days I broke coconuts and made Poojahs, and my wife has always got worse; now I ask you - about praying to youGod, to see if he wants to hear and save my wife! "We were led by the sad man in a small mud hut nearby, followed by the crow help.An indescribable burden came over my soul while he considered the situation.I turned to my dear wife and said, "No medicine was used every medicine; it's too late, I can't do anything for her. Can God help her. And if the purpose of the miracle of the mountain Carmel, in, inResponse to Elijah's prayer was to justify the cause of God, before worshipers, perhaps not the Lord who does not raise this woman to justify herself in this province of a million dedicated false gods? "

Her answer (I will never forget it) was: "According to your faith, be you for you."Heal her, do you want to give up forever, give up your idols and only worship Jesus Christ? "- A moment of intense fear, and his older mother rushed towards him and argued in tears to answer negatively.

He answered, "I can give a better answer after she is healed."But I insisted that I could not feel the right to ask my savior on behalf of him, unless he was willing to answer the question and worshiped Jesus when he appeared through his general power to be God. 'Before the poor soultried another terrible battle.

All his relatives and priests gathered around him and tried to convince him that it would be better for him to die than he should have such a promise.Houdu "(" Yes, "on the Canarese language) Jesus Christ can save my wife, it shows that what you are right - my gods are false, and I would have to go to Christ"

When the eyes were lifted, we asked the dear Lord to get a good name among these used souls.Oh what an insurance baptism came in our souls!

We immediately turned away to leave, and in less than a minute the excited man came to us: "Jesus Christ, He is God! My wife is good and started every conceivable way to express his gratitude.

Until almost midnight the voice of the happy man, up and down through the narrow streets of the village, cried: "Jesus Christ, He is the only true God!" By the morning there was a lot of rain shower and the natives said: "That thatis because the missionary prays. "

At five o'clock the next morning we left the village of hundreds of grateful people who follow in procession to bring those who said, so much blessing for their village.We believe that this event with Providence will be blessed with salvation, not only by hundreds in that village, but for many other places;Or among those who witness what is related to work in their cities.

Price the Lord for His great goodness! AndA.E. Vinter.

Away on the west coast of England there is a steep cliff that is known to everyone as' Lady's Rock.

It gets the name of an accident that happened many years ago.When she was suddenly afraid of a loud cry of the rocks that the coast guard had seen her and shouted over the bay, she looked up and saw her danger between herself and the coast was the cool waves and the white foam spread over the sand.Look showed her nothing more than a certain death, because the waves got up every moment;Get the eggs of the ocean bird;There seemed to be no way to flee there.

"Can I be saved? Can I be saved?"

Just before it wasn't for her;Now the whole of the coast guard was again: “You have to climb the cliff!Your only chance is to climb the cliff!Delayed, wiped a wave up and threw herself over the place where she stood, and under her rose the water and whispered.Rose after a bit until she reached a ledge from which she looked at the waves below.The message of her danger had spread to the adjacent village.Her then a grass bar;When she grabbed it, she fell on the reach of the waves while the excited people shouted: "She's saved! Thanks the sky, she's saved!"

A story wild and weird, such as the coast, and yet it is a lot of life in life for you, it reads.From day to day, from year to year;Affairs, joy, from politics, the markets, about friendships of everything but this.Everything that is transferred in an instant, you will start with the call: "What should I do to be saved?"And it can be too latePriester Mark Guy Pearse.

The widow of a captain I knew for many years of our chapel was very concerned about repenting her son who was a sailor.Was very bad and dissolved.Seemed the charming name of mothers to practice a powerful, irresistible magical form.Go on "a better tack".

On one of these occasions I gave him a pocket Bible where he reads a fresh a day until the ship returned from Sidney.You!I hope for his conversion. "He was away for many months, but was only heard of him; but mother prayed for him every day at a fixed time. And peace was great and great to see. I can't remember having her oneOnly visited where she did not mention her son and expressed her conviction that she would meet him in glory.

One evening she noticed: “I am close to the grave, I feel that my time is very short here;I will leave a message to my boy that you have to deliver to him. "I observed her extreme weakness, I prayed a few moments with her and promised her to see her early the next day. In this last attempt, her two daughters knelt on the bedAnd held her as well as possible, but I am not afraid of everything.

'Fear of hell and creepy death,

I would break every enemy;

The wings and arms of faith, faith,

Would conquer me. "

While we sang, a long banking was heard.The living room, until I broke the news until the hint back to her bed, she said, "Oh, I thought it was my dear boy. Oh; how he see him again and to give him my blessing."

"Are you able," I asked, "to hear him or against him? With a smile, she replied:" I can wear something through Christ.

I went after the sailor and when I brought him to the room, we found her praying, with her eyes closed, for her only son.And tried to speak, but couldn't.But the mother shouted, "Hallelujah! Jesus is faithful and true;" And after a kiss she added:

"My dear boy, I'm going to die and go to Jesus. I have prayed for you every day, my best franc. What will I tell Jesus about you? Your Father is there," points up ", your sisters are on the way. Oh beingOh.

'You can tell him what you like, mother.I am a Christian, converted to God, mother;And he knows everything about

“The mother's heart was full;The good news conquered her strength and she exclaimed

"Let me go, Lord, I have seen your salvation! My prayers have all been answered! My son is saved, dressed and in his real spirit! Glory! Glory! Honor!"

After sleeping for a few minutes, she woke up with a nice smile on her face and said, "I see the angels, harps, crown; clear, golden crowns! Let me go!"And she raised her hand over her head, she exclaimed, "Victory through Faith in his blood!" Then her arm fell, her eyes closed and her spirit returned to God who gave it.T.G.GARLAND.

Within two Pacific Mission blocks in Chicago is one of our large depots, Rock Island and Lake Shore.Here is a good field for work.Road to Oberlin.Church.finney was and asked if he could tell us some personal memories of him.

"We had long been without rain. Finney to give his full heart of God for rain. He put the whole thing for him.Rain. "Lord; “The service went on, the text was chosen and for about half an hour Mr.Finney when the rain started beating the windows.

'If all your grace, oh my god,

My rising soul studies,

Transported with the view,

I am lost in wonder, love and praise "

"The entire municipality stood up and does not think that in that meeting of three thousand people there was a dry eyes. I can never tell," said the stranger, "but it combines me straight up." Yes, we were all melted while "the" theHeaven came to greet the souls, and Glory crowned the grace chair.

'God who lived in the time of Elijah,

Is exactly the same today. "

"Elijah was a man who was subject to similar passions that we are, and he sincerely prayed" when the sins hurried from people to destruction "that it might not rained; and it didn't rain on earth in three years. And again he asked,he asked, and the sky gave rain. "Not all these writings given to encourage and strengthen faith in God's people of all ages?;All nature was dried out and dried up under the hot beams of the sun.The two asked: "Is God not the same today as in the days of Elijah?"The dry bed in a spring seemed a good place for prayer and there they knelt together.Their petitions had to be granted.

The priest L. B. knows, from Jacksonville, the leader of the meeting, suggested at the end of the afternoon shift that a meeting should be held for prayer for rain."And do I have to hide what the Lord has already promised?"Through the Spirit."Nobody" and came on the leg of her feet, one of the sisters told how the Lord had promised the rain.

The night came.The moon enlightened in its glorious brightness and there was no indication in the air of rain.“If you meet me and keep my words to you, you have to ask what you want and it must be done at three o'clock and the rain began to fall, and Hallelujah's and praise were god of many waiting heart, it fell a lot to sevenCall while clouds spread and the people were gathered and the work of God moved blessed.Sarah A. Cooke

A poor woman and a widow with an invalid son of the church could not participate in the church or prayer methods near the need for shoes.Nothing but felt impressed and loosely inside to buy the poor woman a pair of shoes.This hired a horse, drove two miles on horseback to a shoe store, bought the shoes and asked the widow without delay.To be a perfect fit;And that night the view of the prayer meeting hurried to announce that the Lord had sent her shoes in response to prayer.

The young schoolmaster that I suppose an informant himself was, now a venerable, white man, heard the witness of the poor woman;and his pillow that night was wet with tears of gratitude and joy, because God had used him to bless the poor widow and to answer her prayers.Answer to prayer.

Brother E. B. Williams from Warren, ill., Writing us about the immediate improvement of a woman in response to prayer as follows

“In the year 1830, in the city of Shelby, Orleans County N.Y., a woman in the Middle Ages was very ill at a time under the care of the doctor without any benefit and pronounced by everyone so incurable as I asked in the church one morning asked, outside, outside I thought of the case, a voice came for me from a source that was so clear as a man could speak and said: 'Go pray with and for that woman.I would make her comfortable.I left the house without prayer and didn't think about it anymore when Dad and I went to the same place in the case.Me and asked, why I did not pray for her recently and added: "Something told me that you came to pray for me:" (She was a quaker.) I told her that I had been sent there, prevented mendiffidence and instabilityIt was that I did not feel a phone call at the time, but a day or two after that, while I was alone and walked past the place, without the thought of the subject, the words came to me again, as normal as humans could themSpeaking: "Go and pray for the woman" I went inside and called the family together, and while we had prayer, an invisible force was felt by everyone in the house and that woman was healed immediately and had a good time. "

A few years ago we were led to ask for money to make a payment at our home, in Grand Rapids, Mich. The amount was one hundred dollars and it should be in two weeks.

At that time we held meetings in the southern part of Michigan.When the answer to prayer came, we wrote to the woman at home and we told us that we had the evidence that the Lord would send the money on time.

In a few days we received a letter from a brother in Texas that we had met alone, but once, saying that he was impressed by $ 50;Own state.

At that time, the obligation was toEditor.

John W. Redfield was a remarkable revivalist with the methodists and free methodists.He did not died many years ago.

"The Sabbath came and I went to church. A large number had come, probably out of curiosity, to see the new predicate. I had decided to free my own soul, regardless of persons or relationships by explaining the whole advice of GodBut I didn't see any favorable clues. "When I left the church, I met the most important member of the official council that submitted me as follows: 'We do not love your preaching at all, nor the chapters, you lead from the pulpit.Hell is not very popular here. "

"I asked," Do you want to tell me, brother, what I have preached that is not the truth of the Bible? "

"Well," he said, "I think it's true."

"Do you want me to preach lies?"I asked.

"I went home and cried along the street.I now saw that I had to achieve something that I had to do it through power.Then I went to the forest on Monday morning, and before that the Lord in prayer.It looked like that power, I experienced in the darkness, was about me., and that has experienced the same.I, that I could do the sky with my screaming about salvation from sinners.Step gave me pain.stood like a stench in the nostrils of the almighty and the world.

"On Sunday morning, and with eyes that became more painful from crying, and my brain tender of the continuous fight of the week I went softly and carefully to church and to the pulpit. I said to membership through the opening of the service."My work at this place.You don't want me here and I won't be, because I am genuinely tired of casting water on rocks.But if God wants to help me, I will see a break today whether seeing this has wiped out bad apologies for methodism. 'The same seemed to move in the morning.The evening I went to the pulpit and announced that I had to free my promise.Of course this woke up their hatred with a high pitch.When God helped, I pointed to the trail of an acceptable disciple and the only one that could possibly pass the gates of paradise.Towards the end of the sermon, I asked them, and only those who meant it and would take this track and where it was necessary to go to their neighbors and to pray and pray them, and who would bless of holiness to Devidns,That they had it to get up."There seem to be only three of us who count myself as one, and God moreover;But I think we will try to have a prayer meeting.Their seats, about halfway through the church.And the third time and the fourth and fifth to the sixth time in immediate order.And the church members who would not kneel;But I said in my prayer, "O God, I'm going as far as I can."Shake atoms.Atomsmall, the house was filled with the divine glory.Overcrowded the aisles and saw the two widespread under the power of God, tear each other in their faces;And the poor seductive members started one after the other to instruct their hostility and pray for grace and promised to take the field.I remained a week more and 45 sinners were converted. Ten or fifteen years later I heard of that community and it was still good. "

Major O. M. Brown, president of Ohio Christian Alliance, from Cleveland, O.H, gives us the following:

In the spring of 1890, pastor A. B. Simpson, president of the International Christian Alliance, was charged in prayer for the Gentiles, who continued to exist without knowledge of the true God.Do it there?"Then he started asking the Lord to give him a hundred missionaries to the foreign work and money enough to pay for their transit and to support on the field for a year; which would be around one hundred thousand dollars.

On the New York State Convention of the Alliance in Round Lake, in July of that year, Mr.Simpson a very overriding address on the subject and the people promised $ 1,800 in minutes at the Ohio Convention, in Beulah Park, nearbyVan Cleveland, a few days later, $ 2,200 was promised.Month was promised $ 35,000.

The work was almost doubled in the year 1892. These missionaries are spread over large parts of the pagan world in India, China, Japan, Africa, Palestine, South America and the islands of the sea.declared salary for their service;And not a member of the mission board receives any reimbursem*nt for his service.

He was abandoned by some as a hopeless thing.

There was a revival going on, and in the midst of a melting meeting he and to the surprise of many, "with a face that seemed like Moses's face when he saw God," he gave the following striking and suggestive testimonies:

"I am," said Mr.R-"," to tell you the story of my conversion. "His lips shake a little while he spoke, and his piece was lifted with suppressed feelings.Is a surprise for myself;and everything created by the grace of God, and thatMissed argument.B - - approached.He quickly dismantled and went inside.When he approached, I saw that he was excited., and with indescribable tenderness, he said: "Mr.r - - I am very worried about your salvation that is worried about your salvation," and he burst into tears.-Possession;He has often performed to speak, but not a word he could express;And to find out that he could no longer say, he turned around, walked out of the store, stepped on his horse and slowly drove away.

"Very worried about my salvation," I said audibly, and I forgot to bring down my hammer. I stood with it - ""Very worried about my salvation."Here is a new argument for the truth of religion that I have never heard before and that I don't know how to answer. The older man had justified with me that I could have confused him; but here is not a sad argument for theTruth of religion. Religion must be the truth, otherwise this man would not feel if he was very worried about my salvation that it was running through my ears like a thunderstorm in a clear sky that was very worried that I, for my own salvation, said: "What am I going to do?

"I went to my house.My poor pious woman, whom I always made ridiculous for her religion, exclaimed: 'Why, Mr.R - - What is the matter with you?'B - - I walked two miles this cold morning to tell me that he was very worried about my salvation.

"I don't know what you can do, said my surprised woman; I don't know what better you can do than to come on your horse and see him. He can give you better advice than me and tell you what you have to do to do forto be saved. '

"I mounted my horse and chased him behind him.I only found him in the same small room where he had spent the night in prayer for my poor soul, where he had thrown many tears about something like that, and God had asked to deal with grace about me.

"I came," I told him, "to tell you that I am very worried about my own salvation"

"" Rost she, "said the older man." It is a loyal saying and all acceptance worthy that Jesus Christ came to the world to save sinners, "himself the boss: and he started in the same writing and preached to me Jesus.

"I have often been asked to look at the proof of the truth of religion, but blessed be God, I have proof here," put his hand on his heart, "who can't win or resist. I amOften led to this, and that argument for the truth of Christianity;Christian came to tell me how much my peace flows for my rescue.Grace is what I am, while I was blind, I see it now.Your cupboard and on your knees;

He sat down with emotions in the middle of the tears and the oppressed sob at the meeting.Agreement.

'Many years ago I knew a lady who had been sick for two years when you saw one while you slowly died with consumption.

One afternoon I sat by her side and it looked.She would hide her life..

An hour later, the same loving, blue -yed -boy came in everywhere and stamped the snow out of his feet. "" Henry "said weakly that the mother is icy is not strong enough yet." "But Mom," said much lower the boy,"You're sick, how do you know?" "My child, you have to obey me," said his mother. "

It is too ugly to cry the boy who loved his mother so much."I don't want my little boy to go" loved me - be good.

Again, the terrible cough came over her and no longer thought of the boy.After cough had started, I noticed tears that fell on her pillow, but sank with exhaustion in a light sleep.

In a while, Gedempte Steps were heard of men who entered the house, as if they wanted to wear something;

He had left his mother angry and went to skating - obey her;And then broken through the ice, sunk under water and now saved by a great effort, hardly brought alive for her sick mother.

I closed the doors, felt more danger to her life than that of the child and gently came in, the curtains pulled back from the bed.But she never seemed to hear the answer that I gave her.

After a few hours I was looking for the boy's room.My heart was bad;Tomorrow I knew we should say she was dead., When the lips he kissed, did not give a kiss when he fell out of hand lifeless instead of shaking the hand as he always had and the boy knew she was dead

"Mom, I love you now," cried and cried and cried, "O Mother Mother forgives me", then he would let his mother "talk to me, mother!", she had never spoken about him, said, "Mom, I don't love you now."

The boy's life had changed;Sober and sad that he is ever.In the ears: "Mom, I don't love you now."

Will remember the little ones who read this that they do not obey their mother when they are everywhere and naughty, they say every time they do it, against the heart of a painful mother, because of their actions, if not with the words of Henry,that exactly the same: "I don't love you now, Mom?"

A story related by Mr.Finney, will illustrate the power of the powerful prayer of faith, even when every human help is held, and nothing is left, but the burning, beating heart breathes and pours his moan and tears earlier.

In a certain city there has been no resuscitation for many years;A stuttering tongue that it was painful to hear him speak.That he was encouraged to set aside his work, lock up the shop door and spend the afternoon in prayer.

He had the upper hand and the day of the Lord, the minister insisted and wanted him to appoint a conference meeting., private home.

The people gathered from far and close, without a doubt to surprise the unbelievers and weak hearts.Until a sins broke and said, if anyone could pray, he asked him to pray for him.that they all went out with their beliefs in the hour when the old man prayed in his store andRegistrations of ruling prayer.

From life to the dedicated and noticed evangelist, pastor J. S. Inskip, we quote the following incident while he was a pastor in Springfield, Ohio, January 1851 to look at God for a revival of religion in his own heart and among the membersFrom his church, and that he was preferred with a lot of freedom to discourse the duty and encouragement of prayer.

"This was one of the biggest days I ever looked like! In the morning I went to high school and completed the opening exercises. Then I went to church and I lived a number of business assignments along the street, I receivedA message from brother Howard and immediately asked me to repair smaller children who cried out loud.the city.

In Dr.Adam Clark's list of his life and the early ministry he tells the following performance of the current prayer:

John Wesley, with some of his employees, had worked on the Normandy Islands and had appointed a day to be in Bristol.clark,*ke and Joseph Bradford, in an English Brig that Guernsey had touched, they left Guiernsey with a fine, Honest breeze and all the prospects to take a quick passage on his journey from France.Wind stood up and blew with great strength.Mr. Wesley was in the cabin and read and heard the pressure on the deck that was placed by bringing the ship around, he put his head over the deck and asked the cause.Stick the ship, he said;"Let's go to prayer." - At his request, co*ke, Clark and Bradford. While they were ready, Mr. Wesley in genuine prayer, who thought, says Dr.Clark, to be more descendants of strongtrofinal flightwish.He said: "Almighty and eternal God, you have your saying everywhere, and all things serve the purpose of your will;You are with courage for the winds of your fist and on the water and forever you introduce a king these winds and these winds and these waves, that they obey you, they take us quickly and safely to 'the garden where we would be', etc. The power of his petition was felt by everything he made no comment of his knees, but took his band his lecture, Dr.Clark went on the deck, surprise, discovered that the ship was on its course with a stable breeze that did not go.was heard.Such answers to ask that he had the habit of receiving and therefore the performance was not strange. "

Those who "gathered the wind in fist" (prov. His goodness and his beautiful works for men's children

In his "Memorials of Methodism in Virginia", Dr.W.W.Bennett, the following events in the life of John Easter, one of the groundbreaking ministers who worked there almost a hundred years ago.His prayers such as talking to God -Surface to face.Can no longer have been a man any more signal as an instrument in the repentance of souls. On one of his job, eighteen hundred members were added to the church in one year.witnessing in Brunswick.At Merritt's Meeting House there was a quarterly encounter in the loop exercise a heavy cloud was created and quickly wiped to the place of worship.In all directions, Easter rose in the middle of the confusion, 'brothers', he shouted at the top of his voice, "be silent as I encouraged God to be the clouds until his words can be preached to bypass sinners."

Arrested by his voice and they stood between hope and fear.He knelt down and offered a sincere prayer that God would remain the rain for the preaching of His words to continue and then send refreshing showers.Until they, to stand under the middle, then go on each side of them and close again, leaving a room perfectly dry a few hundred meters in circumference.well watered.-Registrations of ruling prayer.

William Taylor, now M.E.Bisschop of Africa, and one of the largest of living men, was converted in 1841 when he is about twenty years old.preacher."At the end of that time, God clearly called him in general evangelism work, and for almost forty years he has proven one of the most powerful men in the Christian faith and the work that the Church of God has ever known. On every continent ofThe globe and many of the islands of the sea, he has explained to listen to the unprocessed wealth of Multitid Christ, and countless thousands have been transformed into God.Six thousand soulsAs a result of the work for two and a half years.But several wonderful victories were waiting for him.Executed so powerful, so brilliant that the record is one of the most striking that exists throughout the history of the Christian Church.Was Kaffirs, Fingos and Hottentototo.

"The Wesleyan Chapel will have about eight hundred. The first service was for the natives, but Charles Pamla was not there to interpret; but they found a kaffir boy who, after private instruction of Mr. Taylor, replied a good cause..

"Fourteen whites belonged to the searches. As soon as everyone was converted, he was placed in a chair on the side of the pulpit and was given the opportunity to testify for Christ. Hundreds and thirty inhabitants and seven whites gave their names as converted into oneService that lasted five hours.

“In a few days later he had another service in the same place where the power of God almost manifested himself at Pentecost.The spirit that moved with dry bones in the valley and she lifted a transcending large army.

At this second service in the capital, one hundred and seventy -seven were converted, which saved a total of two services of three hundred six inhabitants and ten whites.

Many will wonder what kind of preaching can give amazing results.He notes:

I. He preached the law that explained the law of the Sinai, the law - it is holy, just and good, the law that our schoolmaster is to take us to Christ.Before trying to point out Christ.

Ii.He preached the gospel in all his beautiful and glorious provisions about justification, regeneration, adoption and the witness of the Spirit, and that no professor in religion should live without this grace.

III.He preached the purity and baptism of the heart to all true believers, and his speech and his preaching were not with seductive words about the wisdom of man, but in the demonstration of the Spirit and Power.

Iv.He spent a lot of time fighting with God for divine guidance and power to win souls.The result of the current prayer.

As a result of his faith and dedication, self-sufficient missions have been established, not only in Africa, but also in India and South America, which is an under for the world.In prayer, his life with his results proves a never-dismissal for the church until the time should no longer be.

A good priest was once sent to a wild and dangerous part of Australia in a duty, and Mercy traveled to the place of the poor to be in someone who is big of bush -rusts or robbers, but when he returned, he had to take with himThe saddle drops a large sum of money, not because of his, but belonging to the dying man he was sent to be comfortable.

He knew that a dangerous thief was aware that driving along this lonely track through the bush with all his around him, and when he came to a part of the road, he felt so afraid he thought he didn't trustHad should be for God as a Christian.

He would be a bit quiet, so he stood from his horse and knows it with his eyes against it and asked to be faithful not to be afraid of Bush Rangers or Revers and to protect against them., and then he mounted his horse and achieved safety with the money he was in charge.

Some time later he was called again to visit a man a sick bed, and he recognized him as the thief he had been so scared in turn.Followed him intended to rob and kill him, but could not get a chance.

"Why didn't you did that when I got off my horse?"The priest asked surprisingly.

"I couldn't," said Bush-Ranger;"There were too many of you."

"What do you mean?"The priest asked."I was all alone in the bush and stood with my head and rested for a long time to the side of my horse."

"You were not alone" is simply possible that God really opened the robbers and showed him that his angels guarded his servant while he went into his dangerous duty when Elisa's eyes were opened to see guardians around his pattern.

Whatever the explanation of God isdeedSend his angels to chase the robber away, and with that he saved him from a great crime and the good priest from the dead.Mission worker.

"Are they not all service spirits, sent to them who should be heirs of salvation?"

In 1861 a Christian doctor in the city of Boston registered for the first time to open a private hospital or at home for the means of consumption excluded from the public hospital because they were incurable.Was not enough to justify such things at all, and his only hope was that if his desire was asked by the Holy Spirit, God would give the way for his fulfillment.

Almost two years later, as his cinema tells us: “The burden of the possible yet impossible work grew so heavily that he started praying in the alternative way.Lord, if this thought is of you, give me the means to realize it;And if not, I ask you to get it out of my mind. "In the evening of the same day he was given a little something, unsolicited, by a friend who was aware of his plan for the house of a consumption.".Chas.Cullis among the greatest believing men who has ever known the world.

From grace miracles manifested in response to the prayers of this dedicated God's servant, we can only make a few, short statements.That the servant of God did not in vain had entrusted the amount that was received in the first year - $ 5916.28.Including five departments, Consumptions Home, The Orphanage, The Deaconness House with his Nurses Training School, the Willard Tract Archives and the Willard Street Chapel.cullis:

"In answers to prayer, the Lord gave cash during the year, $ 13,360.45. At the house, since the start of work, $ 47,627.85," and adds:

"We are still trusting that every death has been in Christ. With regard to just one case, we cannot express ourselves with certainty; while this patient has entered into a dying state, and about six -sided hour dead. During this period wasHe also weak to do more than saying that he would ask for grace through Jesus' blood. "

How seriously his faith was tested early in the sixth year in the next item;The Lord asked to send the amount of the season. Tax those who trust the Lord will not get confused! “However, in the same year he had a contract for the rough hall, real estate, and agreed to $90,000.00 to pay for it, so that he could give his large household with suffering what the city could not afford to them, sufficient freedom and light and air., the work on his hands grew and in the introduction of the report from the seventeenth year of this work these memorable words are:

'I thought seventeen years!The word has been faithful to me.My God never fails.The reliefs fall on the company of his words such as the stars in blue above, and they throw their lights just as real as the stars;But as they see them only by those who look up the promises are revealed to those who look at Jesus ""

The same year of work reached the entire amount that M's response to the simple faith in God and took a sum of half a million dollars;Because the total number of coupons was $ 621,960.36 and the value of;The house, I found grace and peace in the Savior.We have not even mentioned the millions of channels and books, established home and foreign missions, cancer-like house, spinal cord at home, Boydton Institute and other departments in this great work.Many thousands of Christian hearts have been strengthened how many of the Lord's children were cured by illness, how many souls have saved, how many believers baptized with their own and other countries, as a direct consequence of the dedication of this servant, the dedication of this servant,Only the heavenly items that we can see.All this is a response to prayer? Culls have gone from work to reward, the various departments in the work he has established still feels, still and his powerful influence, and the power of his life still feels everywhere in the Christian world.Everything is, known by his life, will not be the answer to the redeemed, in glory: "All this in response to prayer."

A few years ago, when we lived in Grand Rapids and tried to pay our little house there, our hearts were taxed because of a hundred dollar payment that would be in a few days.We worked at the time;The southern part of the state was in very narrow circ*mstances, and from the human point of view, one could not see a way of seeing.God would deliver their money that was needed to doubt that the money would come, and it came $ 50.00 from a brother in Texas that we had never seen before, but once or twice, a brother in the Lord and in lesserBalance from different sources.Circulation of this book and for the proof that we have had that “the book proves a blessing and encouragement of thousands of hearts.) About a year before her father died of the same disease she used him during a part of his last disease and from time to time her own strength failed until she was unable to do her lungs at all.Quickly, and apart from the power of God to deliver, she had no hope to live more than a few months.

We also thought that in God was our only hope for liberation.

On the evening of January 15, we attended a prayer meeting and then received insurance about God's willingness to cure her."It was said, but a few minutes after she noticed a friend who visited us," my lungs certainly felt different."The next morning we asked the next morning to ask that the work was being done and was activated by faith to demand the victory. This moment the difference in her breathing was clearly perceptible. Two months and then in great fatigue, butAlthough absent from home, she preached every night for five weeks, without exception or difficulty with her lungs and then more than fifty souls who are brilliant to God.

Really our God is the Lord and He is able and willing to help his children with every need.

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The circulation gives a wonderful opportunity for agents and Christian workers.this job.It will bring sunshine and blessing to every house in which it comes.We want to haveThousandsTo work for it.Read a few of the good things that others say about it.

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Methodist recorder- "The book is full of events and illustrations for speakers in public and will encourage every reader to become more faith and more seriously prayer."

Rev M.S.Terry, D.D.,,Professor Old Testament Theology in Garrett Biblical Institute and Principal at the Bible School in Bay View Assembly.- “This is a book to bring a close to God.Consider such miracles of grace, he would also discover what eternal life could be for him. "

Write immediately for the conditions for agents.Early in the field.

S. B. Shaw

1188., Grand Rapids Mich.

1Shortly after the publication of this item inMichigan Holiness Record,August 1887 The editor received the next witness from Mrs. Clarissa Olds Keeler, who worked together with her husbandBannered by Love.I Washington.D.C.:
'I just watched the lastDossier, and I see the story of the oldest prayer in Erie.I was a little girl when this incident took place, but I can remember.We all participated in children) and his prayer was answered as related."Gud is not spotted."

Touch events and remarkable answers to prayer -
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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.