The Jesus of Sarah Young shouts: The story behind the devotions (2024)

The Jesus of Sarah Young shouts: The story behind the devotions (1)

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The Jesus of Sarah Young shouts: The story behind the devotions


Hello ladies and welcome back to thoroughly rested! I am your host Melbatoast.If you are new, I am welcome!I beg this episode you and glorify God.

In the last few episodes we actually rated 70% of Sarah Young'sJesus calls for teenagers: 50 devotions to grow in your faithTo criticize certain specific devotions and compare it to writing.In these episodes, my main goal was to make the claim that 1) Scripture is so much better to teach, encourage and guide our teenagers., What will Jesus say to us?Why not go directly to his words in Scripture.Or wrongly represented himself when we compare what he said in writing with what he says in the devotions of Sarah Young.And this is a problem.Jesus never changes.Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

That is why I would be careful with the Jesus of Sarah Young and what she claims he says.

In this episode I will look at the story behind Jesus, who calls franchise because today it has become so popular in American evangelization.How they came and look at what she describes as her converted harter experience.

So let's dive, do we have to?

The story of Jesus shouts

Jesus shouts: enjoying peace in his presenceWas first published in 2004 by Integrity Publisher, purchased by Thomas Nelson, a 365 -day dedication was written by Sarah Young, who claims in the first edition that she "... decided to listen to God with pen in hand in hand, wrote everything down [she] thought he said. "(Introduction, p. 12)

The influence of this book is all over the world.

Sarah's writings also include Jesus listening, Jesus Always, Jesus today, Jesus lives, dear Jesus, Jesus calls Jesus calls Bible story, Jesus calls: 365 Devotions to children, peace in His presence and more, all encouraging journey of readers against intimacyWith Christ.

Jesus Belt is more than a dedicated book.

From June 2021, Thomas Nelson celebrated their Jesus fire called more than 35 million units sold.

Wisconsin -Governor Scott Walker read in 2015 fromJesus callsto more than 1,000 peopleIowa Faith & Freedom Coalition.

Louisiana First Lady Donna Edwards delivered in 2017 copies ofJesus callsTo female prisoners of the Louisiana Correctional Institute for Women.Jesus callsDevotions free for prisons and prisons.

Press secretary in the White House Sarah Huckabee SandersIt is known that it reads her leather -boundJesus callsDedicated daily before press conferences.You can find this information on Wikipedia.

This has practically replaced the script because they receive encouragement and are pulled closer to Sarah Young's Jesus.

Other works such asJesus todayInJesus alwaysHave won the Christian book by ECPA for a year.

The brand and that is popularity continues to grow.

So how did itJesus shouts: enjoying peace in his presenceCome to?What motivated Sarah Young to write this dedication?

WhenJesus callsCome on with his first edition, it immediately received objections within the Christian community.become popular with Christians.edited/removed.

It is this specific information from the introduction in 2004 that we will view in this episode.

Jesus calls an introduction

In the introduction toJesus callsSarah Young describes different experiences with what she identifies as the presence of God.Bee"Although the search that I brought me, there was a search for the truth, it was God's glorious creation that helped me open my heart to him."(Introduction, p. 7)

"Creation is really something great, but we must make it clear that creation itself cannot and unveil certain attributes of God, his rescue plan or his son.It also opens our hearts.These are his words that do it and more soIs lively and active, sharper than every double -edged sword that pierces the distribution of soul and breath, of joints and marrow and distinguishing the thoughts and intentions of the heart (Ib.4: 12).We apart from innovation, a work of God's giver of a new heart to seek and serve Him, have no hearts that open to him.God, creation will bring us to grant other gods because of our non -regulated heart.Over time, we see how man is so surprised by the creation that they will worship what was created instead of the Creator (Rom.1: 25).

It is in nature that Sarah Young finds himself one evening by walking only in the snow felled with snow.

"Suddenly I had the feeling that a hot fog was covering me. I became aware of a beautiful presence and my involuntary reaction was to whisper," Sweet Jesus ". This expression was completely unusual for me and I was shocked to even be soTender to hear the maker of the universe. "(Jesus shouts, introduction pp. 7-8)

- So we see her expressing the experience of a feeling of warmth from a certain "presence" as her conversion experience.What does it mean to be converted?

In religious terms to convert resources to change someone's religious beliefs or faith.So in the case of Sarah Young because of a feeling of warmth that she attributes to a beautiful presence, was her heart transformed from disbelief to faith?She belonged to Jesus.So her conversion did not believe she was his to believe she was to him.

Does the writings cross that certain experiences can let us know that we belong to Christ?And does the writings tell us what it means to be converted?

The Scripture says a lot about conversion.1 - Although the word "conversion" only occurs once in Scripture (the actions of apostles 15: 3), and the word "conversion (s)" is used 4 times in Scripture (theActs of the Apostles 13:43;From dark to light.

And let me say this to clarify even more ... That conversion is not only a reversal by not knowing that someone is from God to know that someone is to God, as Sarah Young describes here.To God and those who have been determined in advance will repent while the Father gives the Son, will come to Christ (John 17: 6; John 6:37).Bibly Biblical Conversion is a turn of what someone once thought that faith and trust has in the Word of God, and specifically the Word, Jesus Christ, as our Lord and Savior.

So to know that conversion is to turn away from one series of beliefs to get another series of beliefs, to turn from slavery to Satan to be released to slavery to Christ.Gospel., we receive the righteousness of Christ and our sins are forgiven and counting righteous in this faith.

What about this experience to trust her that she was to God?What if she has an experience the next day that can make her feel the opposite?Why rely on emotions that come from an experience?Went with the Son of God, but he did not converted and trusted in Christ (John 17:12).

For Christians we should not be guided by what we feel, our experiences or our situations, but of the Bible. And then, why did she not know and did not trust them on the many teachings/promises of Scripture that God is with us, thatWe are a children of his children and that those who have faith in the work of Christ, the Gospel, are to Him?

The Bible distinguishes between those who belong to Satan and those who belong to God.(1 John 3:10).If we want to be sure of his experiences (2nd Peter 1:19).

Real conversion comes from the confidence of a historical person who has performed an actual historical event.

So we can look at it in this way - which is a change of thoughts caused by disbelief to faith is universal for everyone.The feeling of a presence only applies to her.From us who have never had her experience, are therefore attracted to seek experience in the hope of receiving the same safety (that we belong to God) or to go into despair, because we have never received this experience and therefore concludes thatVihre not to him.

Again, I want to make it very clear that all people who are converted from one set to another - belief based on the Gospel - a factual objective historical event that happened in the past, either on our salvation or rejection.Young's conversion/her heart converts because of a feeling of warmth that she identifies as a presence.

Sarah Young continues in her introduction and describes a different meeting with this presence."The following year, back in the US, I had a meeting with the presence of Jesus ... At that time I worked as a technical author in Virginia. Min chef sent me to Atlanta to attend a conference. IIdentified this task in a hotel without enthusiasm "by Catherine Marshall.(Sarah Young's Jesus calls, introduction page 8).

She then describes for the next 16 years as what others could call to lead the "exemplary Christian life."“But even during these 16 years I experienced the presence of Jesus to live.

So I was ready to start a new spiritual search.It started to dive into a dedicated book, theThe secret of the persistent presenceBy Andrew Murray.The theme of this book is that the presence of God is intended as the constant experience of Christian.She says"... I started looking for God's presence seriously. My day only started with God, equipped with Bible, dedicated book, The Journal of Prayer, Pen and Coffee. When I waited for his presence, God began to reveal himself to me.(Sarah Youngs Jesus calls, introduction s. 9-10)

- Have you noticed that her desire to start a "new spiritual search"?It is after reading these books and devotions?Guard?Not in her studies of Scripture?

She continues to describe more experiences."Our combined ministries exposed our family to intense spiritual war, and I prayed for protection every morning. One morning when I prayed, I visualized God who protected us all. I first portrayed our daughter, then our son, and then surrounded SteveFrom God's protective presence as a golden light.First to bathe in its glorious light.(Sarah Young Jesus calls, introduction s. 10-11)

- This easy experience is how she says she is equipped to step into the dark, fight and do the good work to help others?Yet the Scripture speaks this experience when it says is what exchanges us to serve and help others (2TIM.

These experiences with this presence are clearly a major impact on her life.Convince others of something.So in this case, Sarah Young takes these experiences to convince you, and I belong to God that he comforts her and speaks to her.This is to convince you what she wants to tell us afterwards ...

Sarah continues ...

“In the same year I started readingGod calls, a dedicated book written by two anonymous listeners.

The next year I started to wonder if I could also receive messages in my time that communicated with God.Bible,But I longed for more. I wanted to hear more and more what God had to say to me personally on a certain day.received a message.

My recording had changed from monologue to dialogue.Almost started to flow more freely and I bought a special notebook to record these words.This new way to communicate with God was my day on my day.I knew that these writings were not inspired because writing isBut they helped me get closer to God.

I continuedGet personal messages from GodWhile I meditate on him. "(Sarah Young Jesus shouts, introduction p.11-12)

- Ok, there are a few things to tackle here.Russell, the editor of the book, says that "... the claim that they make an amazing thing is that their message was given to them ... by the living Christ itself" (ibid. ", The story of the book" By AJRussell).

One of the two anonymous women, in their own short story about the reception of these messages, remembers how she could not receive messages themselves ...

“But a very beautiful thing happened with my friend.From the first groceries to her by our Lord himself, and every day from that moment these messages never abandoned us.

We all felt unworthy and overwhelmed by the miracle, and could hardly realize that he was personally taught, trained and encouraged by him, because millions of souls, much worthy, had to be with the guidance of the Bible, sermons, their churches, booksand other sources. "-Wow what a statement about Pietistic arrogance!

But I have to continue ...

This book, which calls God, has no trouble claiming that it is extra biblical revelation, given by God Himself..Words and share them. "Yes, I don't think so which rabbit hole that will lead, as everyone can write what they think God tells them. A very postmodern/subjective way to receive God's Word.

The other that I want to tackle is her "for more desire".Be really with him.These are good wishes where things go wrong is where we choose to fulfill this desire or when the wish is self -oriented.Women (and also men, just in a different way) want to be loved, and in particular we want to be loved on our way.We collect people who satisfy that love for ourselves.We don't love them in truth, but love how they make us feel.This is "desire for more" to be distinguished in our own mind.What is our "desire"?Personally, we should tell us (what he does) that we are miserable sinful people that we would still have "long" for him?

See this "desire for more" when they have self -oriented, instruct us outside the script to do exactly what Sarah Young did.Sse after personal revelation.What he wants to reveal personally about someone's life or someone's person.Now is so good to know, especially when we collect this information from the script, but the object of our love is revealed by what we are "long" for."Longing" to love God and thereby strive for information about him or "desire" to love ourselves, knowing what God has to say about ourselves.Do you always want to point out to yourself and how much he "loves" you.

Moreover, the "desire" of Sarah Young reveals how writing was just not enough for her..In depth. And yet Mrs. Young has more needs/wishes.

And thirdly, she claims that these messages from God are not as inspired as the Scripture.It is true, because God cannot lie, nor will He contradict the Scripture.There is never a while with God who speaks (even personally), that it does not fully come up with the Scripture and is also not an absolute truth.

Sarah Young continues ...

“I also think he still talks to those who listen to him (John 10:27)"(P. 13). Sarah Young, like many other women who believe that God speaks personally and apart from Scripture, uses this passage to support this faith, but this is a turn of John Chapter 10 verses 27.

In John Chapter 10, Jesus tells the parable of the Good Shepherd, the shepherd who will "place his life for the sheep" (vs 11:15, 17).And goes through him the door (verses 7-9), those for whom he will die, no similarity of constant personal revelation of God who speaks to the Schapendag.

Sarah Young then goes into why she decides to share these personal revelations/messages from God with others:

“This practice of listening to God has increased my intimacy with Him more than any other spiritual discipline, so I will share some of the messages that I have received in many parts of the world.Jesus' presence and peace.Messages that follow that the needs of the feeling are. The first person suggests me, I, my always refers to Christ.You refer to you, the reader, so the perspective is Jesus who speaks to you.

I have recorded references after every daily lecture.To record all the thoughts or impressions that you receive when you wait in his presence. "(S.13-14)

So her goal to present these messages to the public was to tackle the felt need for those who want to force me more than script.It is worried because of the subtle undermining of Scripture as the beautiful words of God that Christ reveals our Savior, and it completes the carnal need that we must love through God.Instead of pulling our Spirit to love God, to teach his ways, to learn ourselves, let us only focus on ourselves, the non -father, son and the Holy Spirit.Others who are insufficient to know God.


Ladies, while what God has to say about us, to encourage those who belong to him, to love, love and support us, comfort us, these things don't bring us to love him.His work that brings us to love God more, God knows more, and through the Holy Spirit goes as Him and He becomes holy when He is holy without fear, grows in knowledge and distinction, obey Him and loves others, even oursEnemies.Good.He is the truth.He is love.

And that is why it is so important that we know Jesus.Will discuss part of the struggle of the early church with Christological heresies, therefore they are important to be able to identify how Jesus influences the gospel and how the implications of a false Jesus can influence our lives as women, women, women, mothers and friends.

Let's chase more and more to know him.Everything as a loss because of the overall value of knowing Christ Jesus [our] Lord, the pursuit of the price of Christ, counting all thingsas a waste so that [we] can get Christ9and exists in Him and has no righteousness of [our] own own from the law, but what comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness of God who depends on faith -10that [we] may know him and share the power of his resurrection and his suffering and as he can become in his death,11It can in any way obtain [VI] the resurrection of the dead (Phil 3: 8-11).

I pray that we understand what we can, dive continuously in the depth of his words, receives from it, his works, his teachings, his character, his righteousness given to us by faith..

Melba Toast

The Jesus of Sarah Young shouts: The story behind the devotions (2024)
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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.