The Best Way to Invest $100,000 (2024)

If you have $100,000 to invest – from an inheritance, a bonus or a lottery ticket – this is an excellent opportunity to start (or continue) securing your financial future. With that much money, you have several investment options, and the best one for you depends on your goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon. Here are eight of the best ways to invest $100,000 to help you and your family build wealth and financial stability over time.

What to consider before investing $100,000

With $100,000 in your pocket, you may be eager to start investing and making money. However, it's a good idea to prioritize two financial goals first:

  1. Pay off high-interest debt. The average credit card interest rate is 22.77%, which is significantly higher than the average stock market return. If the return you expect to make on an investment is lower than the interest on your debt, paying off the debt is generally a better use of your money. Are good optionscredit card balance transferofdebt restructuring loan.
  2. Build an emergency fund. Risking money in the stock market is not a good idea if you don't have a financial cushion to fall back on. Aemergency fundabout six months' worth of living expenses can keep you afloat if you have unexpected expenses or suddenly lose income. Keep in mind that even if your job is secure, you may need to take some time off from work to deal with a family emergency. Consider parking your emergency fund in onesavings account with high returns.That way you can access the money when you need it, while earning a decent return in the meantime.

It is also important to consider your objectives, time horizon, and risk tolerance before investing. Are you saving for a down payment on a house, school for the children or retirement? Will you need the money in a year, 10 years or 30 years? Are you comfortable taking a bigger risk for higher potential?

departments? Do you want to choose and manage your investments yourself or do you prefer a hands-off approach? Answering these questions will help you determine the best ways to invest $100,000 to build wealth for you and your loved ones.

8 Ways to Invest $100,000

1. Maximum contributions to retirement accounts

The Best Way to Invest $100,000 (1)

The Best Way to Invest $100,000 (2)




Managed accounts charge an annual fee calculated quarterly and based on your assets under management (AUM). The rates are 0.50% for up to €100,000 in assets under management, 0.40% for the next €150,000, 0.30% for the next €150,000, and then 0.20% for assets under management greater than €400,000.

Mine. deposit

$ 0

vanretired eggsshould be the next focus once your high interest debt is under control and you have an emergency fund in place. IRAs and 401(k)s (and other employer-sponsored savings plans) offer a tax-advantaged way to save for retirement. With $100,000, you can increase or maximize your annual contributions to either type of account. Start by contributing enough to your 401(k) plan to get the full match if your employer offers this benefit (the match is like getting free money), and then max out your IRA.

OfThe IRA contribution limit is $7,000 in 2024, up from $6,500 in 2023. If you're 50 or older, you can contribute an additional $1,000 annually. A 401(k) plan has higher contribution limits. For 2024, employee 401(k) contributions are limited to $23,000, with a $69,000 limit on combined employee and employer contributions. (Contributing that much usually means the employee is making additional after-tax contributions to his 401(k) if his plan allows it.) The limits for this year have increased from $22,500 to $66,000 in 2023. In both years, you can Earn $7,500 in catch - a premium on top of the employee and employer limits if you are over 50 years old.

Here is a summary of the IRA and 401(k) contribution limits for 2023 and 2024:


IRA contributions

$ 6.500

$ 7.000

IRA contributions if you are age 50 or older

$ 7.500

$ 8.000

401(k) employee contributions

$ 22.500

$ 23.000

401(k) employee contributions if you are age 50 or older


$ 30.500

401(k) employee + employer contribution

$ 66.000

$ 69.000

Employee 401(k) + employer contribution if age 50 or older

$ 73.500

$ 76.500

2. Invest in mutual funds, ETFs and index funds

Purchase of shares in amutual fund, exchange traded fund (ETF)or an index fund can be a good option if you do not want to opt for individual investments. All of these funds have asset baskets that provide a simple way to diversify your portfolio, but there are some differences worth noting.

Mutual funds are bought and sold once a day after the market closes through the mutual fund or a broker. Actively managed mutual funds have professional fund managers who select the securities in the fund and make decisions on behalf of the fund's investors. This means that the costs are generally higher than with ETFs and index funds.

ETFs typically track an index, such as the S&P 500, and are bought and sold on exchanges through brokerage firms such as J.P. Morgan self-directed investing. ETFs trade like stocks, so their prices fluctuate during the trading session, and you can place different types of orders, such as limit and stop-loss orders. ETFs are offered across all asset classes, from traditional investments to alternative assets such as currencies and commodities.

Index funds are investment funds that track the performance of a specific market index. Rather than selecting individual investments, the fund purchases all (or a representative selection of) the securities in the underlying index. Like mutual funds, index funds trade once a day after the market closes. Historically, index funds have consistently outperformed actively managed mutual funds in the short and long term, making them a good option for investors interested in a simple, low-cost investment.

3. Buy dividend stocks

When you own dividend-paying stocks, you can receive the dividend in cash or cashgeninvesterethem. Cash dividends provide income, while reinvesting allows you to acquire more shares of the same company over time, potentially increasing future dividends and long-term returns. While it may be tempting to buy stocks with the highest dividends, above-average returns could indicate a problem with the company. Instead, the best dividend-paying companies increase their dividends steadily over time. For example "dividend kings" is an exclusive group of stocks whose dividends have been rising for at least 50 consecutive years.

4. Buy bonds

Bonds can play an important role in diversifying your investment portfolio, balancing your stocks and potentially reducing the risk of all your investments falling at the same time. As a bond investor, you receive regular payments (or 'coupons') with which you can generate income.

Government bonds (also called 'Treasuries') are generally considered the safest investments because they are backed by the full faith and credit of the US government. Other types of bonds include corporate bonds and municipal bonds (the gains on the latter are exempt from federal taxes). Instead of buying individual bonds, many investors turn to bond ETFs or mutual funds, which can be an affordable and simple way to invest in a broad portfolio of bonds.

5. Consider alternative investments

Selected partner

The Best Way to Invest $100,000 (3)

The Best Way to Invest $100,000 (4)

Yield Street

Selected partner

Yield Street


0% - 2% (varies by investment type)



Alternative investments fall outside the usual stock, bond and cash offerings. Examples include precious metals, cryptocurrencies, real estate, and collectibles such asbeautiful art. Alternatives are often more complex and risky than traditional investments, but they can provide diversification and higher potential income – if you're comfortable with the risk.

6. Invest in real estate

The Best Way to Invest $100,000 (5)

The Best Way to Invest $100,000 (6)

Real EstateMogul

Real EstateMogul


1% to 1.25% administration fee (additional charges may apply)

Mine. deposit

$ 5.000

With €100,000 you can invest in a rental property to generate a steady income stream and take advantage of numerous tax benefits. If you'd rather not be a landlord, consider a real estate investment trust (REIT) – a company that owns and operates income-producing properties such as office complexes and apartment buildings. Alternatively, you can invest in real estate crowdfunding, where you can pool your money with other investors to buy real estate as a group and share in the profits.

7. Fund a Health Savings Account (HSA)

With a health savings account (HSA), you set aside pre-tax money to cover medical expenses like prescriptions and doctor visits, lowering your healthcare costs. Contributions are tax deductible and you can invest the money to grow the account. Withdrawals are tax free if used to pay qualified medical expenses, and unused funds roll over from year to year. Once you turn 65, you can use your HSA for anything, but it will be taxed as income if they are not qualified medical expenses.

HSAs always combine with onehigh deductible HSA eligiblehealth insurance (check your policy to make sure you can open and fund an HSA). For 2024, the premium limits are $4,150 for self-only coverage and $8,300 for family coverage, compared to $3,850 and $7,750 in 2023. If you're 55 or older, you can contribute an additional $1,000 each year as a catch-up contribution. Make sure a high-deductible plan makes sense for you or your family before choosing this route.

8. Park your money in a high-interest savings account or CD

If you're still deciding how to invest your money, make sure it's kept in a safe place, such as a high-yield savings account or a certificate of deposit (CD). Bail held onFDIC member banksInNCUA-lidkredietverenigingeninsured up to $250,000 per deposit per financial institution. .

These accounts also pay some of the highest interest rates in years. For examplebest savings accounts with high returnscomes out to 5% APY, and thebest cd'soffer more than 5.5% APY. Of course, savings rates aren't guaranteed, so focus on CDs if you want to maintain a competitive price for a while, usually anywhere from three to sixty months.

TIMESTAMP: An advisor or robo-advisor can make investing easier

A $100,000 windfall can help secure your financial future, but not everyone likes deciding what to do with that much money. If you don't have the time, interest, experience, or confidence to build a diversified investment portfolio, a robo-advisor or financial advisor can help.

Robo-advisors likeM1 Financeuse computer algorithms to build a diversified portfolio based on your objectives and risk profile. As robos become increasingly popular, several investment giants such as Charles Schwab, Fidelity Investments, and Vanguard are introducing their own robo-advisor platforms. Some platforms also allow you to consult a financial planner or advisor for regular check-ins or help with specific questions. Robos typically charge a monthly fee or annual management fee based on your account balance, typically 0.25% to 0.50%.

For more guidance, consider hiring a financial advisor who will evaluate your current financial situation, help you prioritize your financial goals, and develop a personalized plan to get you there. Depending on the type of financial advisor you have, they can also help you in areas such as college planning, retirement planning, budgeting, insurance, debt management, tax planning, estate planning and more. Importantly, a financial advisor can also recommend the best places to store your investments, such as a taxable investment account or a taxable retirement account.

**Empower Personal Wealth, LLC ("EPW") compensates Time Stamped for new leads. Time Stamped is not an investment client of Empower Advisory Group, LLC.

The Best Way to Invest $100,000 (7)

The Best Way to Invest $100,000 (8)

Find the right financial advisor with WiserAdvisor

Find the right financial advisor with WiserAdvisor



Benefit is a free, independent and unbiased matching service that helps individuals find and connect with the best financial advisor for their needs. Qualified consumers receive a personal match with 2-3 screened advisors for comparison.

Most financial advisors charge a percentage of your assets under management – ​​typically 0.25% to 1% – while others charge a flat hourly or annual rate. Advisors also often charge a commission for the products you buy, such as annuities or life insurance. Online services such asWiserAdvisorcan match you with a financial advisor to help you get the most out of your $100,000.

The information presented here was prepared independently of TIME's editorial staff. For more information, see ourOverkant.

The Best Way to Invest $100,000 (2024)


What is the best investment if you have 100k? ›

6 approaches and strategies to invest $100,000
  • Park your cash in an interest-bearing savings account.
  • Max out contributions to retirement accounts.
  • Invest in ETFs.
  • Buy bonds.
  • Consider alternative investments.
  • Invest in real estate.
May 16, 2024

Where is the safest place to invest $100,000? ›

When it comes to the types of assets to invest in, the best way to invest 100k includes:
  • Cash. People often consider cash one of the safest ways to build up savings, as they aren't exposed to the ups and downs of the financial markets. ...
  • Stocks. ...
  • Property. ...
  • Bonds. ...
  • SIPPS. ...
  • Other investment accounts. ...
  • Annuities.
Apr 22, 2024

How to invest $100 000 to make $1 million? ›

4 Ways To Grow $100,000 Into $1 Million for Retirement Savings
  1. An S&P 500 index fund. An S&P 500 index fund isn't going to provide market-beating returns, but it will ensure that you don't fall behind the average. ...
  2. Growth stocks. ...
  3. Dividend stocks. ...
  4. Small-cap value stocks.
Mar 1, 2024

How to make money from 100k? ›

3. Invest in Government Bonds. One of the best things to do with 100K is to invest in corporate bonds. They're considered very low risk since they're both backed by the government and the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.

Can I live off the interest of $100000? ›

“With a nest egg of $100,000, that would only cover two years of expenses without considering any additional income sources like Social Security,” Ross explained. “So, while it's not impossible, it would likely require a very frugal lifestyle and additional income streams to be comfortable.”

How much interest will 100K earn in a year? ›

At a 4.25% annual interest rate, your $100,000 deposit would earn a total of $4,250 in interest over the course of a year if interest compounds annually.

Where should I put 100K right now? ›

8 Ways to invest $100K
  • Max out contributions to retirement accounts. ...
  • Invest in mutual funds, ETFs, and index funds. ...
  • Buy dividend stocks. ...
  • Buy bonds. ...
  • Consider alternative investments. ...
  • Invest in real estate. ...
  • Fund a health savings account (HSA) ...
  • Park your cash in an interest-bearing savings account.

What is the best thing to do with a lump sum of money? ›

If you're dealing with a particularly large lump sum, it's often beneficial to distribute the money across various savings and investment vehicles. This not only provides a safety net but also ensures tax efficiency.

What is the safest investment with high returns? ›

These seven low-risk but potentially high-return investment options can get the job done:
  • Money market funds.
  • Dividend stocks.
  • Bank certificates of deposit.
  • Annuities.
  • Bond funds.
  • High-yield savings accounts.
  • 60/40 mix of stocks and bonds.
May 13, 2024

How long does it take 100k to double? ›

How To Use the Rule of 72 To Estimate Returns. Let's say you have an investment balance of $100,000, and you want to know how long it will take to get it to $200,000 without adding any more funds. With an estimated annual return of 7%, you'd divide 72 by 7 to see that your investment will double every 10.29 years.

How fast can you turn 100k into 1 million? ›

The timeline for achieving this goal depends on your returns. For example, a 10% average annual rate of return could transform $100,000 into $1 million in approximately 25 years, while an 8% return might require around 30 years.

How to create passive income with 100k? ›

When thinking about how to invest 100k for passive income, again, REITs are the answer. For example, some REITs pay dividend yields of 5% or more. Some REITs also pay monthly dividends, such as Realty Income Corp., which would generate a monthly income of between $350 and $400.

How to flip 100k? ›

How To Invest 100k: The 5 Best Ways
  1. Investing in real estate.
  2. Individual stocks investing.
  3. ETFs and mutual funds.
  4. Investing in IRAs.
  5. Peer-to-peer lending.

How much money do I need to invest to make $4000 a month? ›

Making $4,000 a month based on your investments alone is not a small feat. For example, if you have an investment or combination of investments with a 9.5% yield, you would have to invest $500,000 or more potentially. This is a high amount, but could almost guarantee you a $4,000 monthly dividend income.

How much monthly income will 100k generate? ›

For example, suppose you invest in a money market account offering a 5% annual interest rate. In that case, you can expect your 100k to generate around $5,000 in passive income annually, or approximately $416.67 per month.

What to do with 100K inheritance? ›

What Do I Do With a Cash Inheritance?
  1. Give some of it away. No matter where you are in the Baby Steps, giving should always be part of your financial plan! ...
  2. Pay off debt. ...
  3. Build your emergency fund. ...
  4. Pay down your mortgage. ...
  5. Save for your kids' college fund. ...
  6. Enjoy some of it.
Feb 2, 2024

How much passive income can I generate with 100K? ›

How Much Can You Make in Dividends with $100K?
Portfolio Dividend YieldDividend Payments With $100K
6 more rows
May 1, 2024

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