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Food Systems Summit 2021
23. september 2021
Inclusive and transforming food systems feed progress to achieve zero hunger
Rich or poor, young or old - every person in the world has to eat..Offers new hope for transforming food systems that bring us together as families, communities and nations in harmony with nature.
When we entered the decade of action in 2030 to achieve the sustainable development goals (SDGs), many of the world's food systems were vulnerable and did not meet the right to sufficient food for everyone.Half of humanity could not afford a healthy diet., Climate extremes and economic volatility - is further aggravated by poverty and high levels of inequality.
The COVID-19 Pandemie has set these worrying trends in overdrive.
The crisis brought by the pandemic unfolds against a planetary crisis that threatens our climate and life as we know it.C and 2 ° C below all scenarios above 1.5 ° C and 2 ° C are exceeded in the 21st century, unless the worldwide greenhouse gas emissions are reduced by half in the following decade.
At the same time, recent reports have shown that food systems contribute to a third of greenhouse gas emissions, up to 80 percent of the loss of biodiversity and use up to 70 percent of freshwater.An important solution for these existing challenges.
A People's Summit focused on solutions for people, planet and prosperity
In the light of these epic challenges, called thousands of people who are called from the local to the worldwide level at the top of the food system.Solution on "to do the transforming effects of food systems for a driver to reach the SDGs by 2030. During this process, governments and stakeholders found new ways to work with a new rise in the various and rich ecosystem in the multilateral arena.
Inspiring visions of transformative food systems were forged as Governments, societies and civil society collected to map ways for the future of food systems that respect the human rights of all people through national dialogues in 148 countries to further strengthen and beyond the food systems in 2030Strengthening support people to realize their right to food.
Member States, experts and stakeholders have contributed more than 2,000 ideas for accelerated action.Action traces this rich input together in a systemic way to build practical communities and to promote new partnerships.A lot about the work of the top.Through the Champions Network, Global Food Systems Summit -Dialogs and more than 900 independent dialogues, people around the world offered ideas about transforming food systems, build on national priorities and action could benefit from the dedication and products of the World Food committee (CFS), which regulates global decision -making.
For the Pandemic and Related Lockdowns, more than 500 people from more than 130 countries have been safe and productive participating in Pre-Summit (26-28 July) in Rome, and more than 22,000 people came out as virtual representatives from 183 countries.Message that the business community is not good enough as usual and an invitation for scale and urgency in action.
When people around the world met around food systems, they confirmed that people, planet and prosperity are central in the 2030 agenda of sustainable development.An important role in operating the global improvement.MAD systems are progress in three basic areas:
- People - "Nutring all for health and good certificate."
- Planet - "Produce in harmony with nature."
- Prosperity - "Inclusive, transforming and honest improvement for the 2030 agenda."
With this triple pressure, the world can be concerned with delivering the 2030 agenda.
Transformation of food systems
The journey has deeply confirmed that our food systems have the power to realize our common vision for a better world.Building on good practices - such as original food systems - investing in science and innovation and all people - especially women and young people, indigenous peoples, companies and producers - involving the SDGs.
There was also a consensus that fits no size.Such as the Paris Agreement and the UN Convention on Biological Diversity.
Many governments connect to speed up and work out the transforming power of food systems in a way that is in line with the 2030 agenda.Nature, its climate neutral, adapted to local circ*mstances and offer decent jobs and inclusive economies.
This transformation is informed and supported by the ambition of all 17 SDGs based on the concept that we have to go to a system approach from step by step and quiet action.Introduce different government sectors with the interaction between different scientific disciplines, as well as traditional and original knowledge.
Transformative action requires commitment and accurate participation of the people who control our food systems, such as farmers, shepherds, food workers and fishermen.To play through responsible business practice and innovative solutions to make food systems more sustainable, elastic and fairer, while adjusting their practice to ensure that all people have access to a nutritious and healthy diet.
There is also a need to change and scale the public and private financing of food, including for science and research.
The value of food must also be understood more than a pure product.
The Pandemie has reminded us of our interconnection and that our health, animal health and the planet are inherent - points to the urgent need to improve cooperation at national, regional and global level to tackle antimicrobial resistance and zoosotic diseases through meansFrom an integrated and system -based approach to one health.A health approach is also important for strong and resilient economies.
Open, non-discriminatory, transparent, rules-based trade is important to build more inclusive and elastic food systems.
Step up and continue implementing the necessary transformations in our food systems to reach the SDGs in 2030
The Summit of Food Systems gave a considerable boost of energy to the 2030 agenda and a silver lining in the cloud of the pandemic.others for each other to keep the SDGs.
About the SDGs, the world has set clear and ambitious goals for food systems that reflect complex relationships between the environmental, economic and social columns of sustainable development.Actions needed to achieve the goals we have.Men have a goal that is explicitly focused on food by trying to put an end to hunger relating to other goals for challenges in the food system.
For example, agriculture plays a key role.SDG 12, Climate change and mitigation and mitigation and mitigation.
It is time to extend and speed up our dedication to achieve these goals.
To do this, there are several important actions that we have to take:
- We must support national mechanisms that develop and implement national ways until 2030, which are inclusive and in accordance with the climate obligations of the countries based on the National Food System of the Dialogues.The private sector and the civil society that plays a key role in supporting the implementation of the country.
- Action must be carried out at a country level by governments in their local context.Five areas of actionsTo help inform the transitions that are needed to realize the vision of the 2030 agenda, the top came from.
((1) Feeds all people;
((2) Increase solutions based on nature;
((3) Promoting reasonable livelihood, decent work and authorized societies;
((4) Build up resistance to vulnerabilities, shock and stress;
((5) Accelerates the funds for implementation.
Progress requires local and global practical communities and stakeholders who come together with national governments under the umbrella in these areas of action.
All the time we welcome new multistake holder initiatives and coalitions to accelerate progress in the direction of SDG performance informed by these five areas of trading at the national level.Estate;Has a strong representation of stakeholders, especially indigenous peoples, women and young people - and motivates increased and better coordinated investments from global partners to support the implementation of the goals of the country.
Worldwide initiatives To strengthen the ambition of science -based solutions are the key to delivering the 2030 agenda.
Following the top, will build on the existing efforts of the countries and supporting organizations.Resident Coordinators (RCS) and the UN country team (UNCTS) for the development and implementation of national ways with involvement and contributions of all stakeholders, the use of instruments and processes.
On the worldwide level, work in the UN system and with partners, the ROM-based agencies FAO, IFAD, WFP-I community will lead a coordination center top for food system.company.
Coordination Hub has important characteristics, including:
- Strengthen synergies with important intergovernmental forums, such as the high -level political forum (HLPF) and the financing of development forum processes, as well as other priority worldwide processes, including those with regard to the environment, climate, biodiversity, food security, health, health and nutrition, toEnsuring that food systems are better explained in these spaces and other related efforts that are crucial for the 2030 agenda.
- Coordination and lighting of the technical and political support of the RBAs, the wider UN system and other expert institutions to develop and implement national food roads that the Resident coordinator system use.
- Setting up a Champions Advisory Group to advise the hub with a dedicated representation of priority constituencies, in particular young, indigenous peoples, producers, women and the private sector to guarantee a robust follow -up to the top.Taking into account the perspectives of these voices and problems.
- Collaboration with CFS at high levels of experts (HLPE) at the Global CFS supports the strengthening of scientific policy opportunities and interface at local and national level.
CFS is still an important intermediary and stakeholder platform for anyone working together to guarantee food security and food for everyone through sustainable and transforming food systems.
Responsibility-The Pandemie has shown renewed driving force for reinforced accountability in all constituencies to ensure good for all people and our planet.Mechanisms, including civil society, will be the key to informing the accountability of all stakeholders, including the private sector.
At country level, resident coordinators and UN country teams will contribute to the annual report, coordinated by the RBAs on behalf of the Secretary General and regular reporting to the chairman of the UN Sustainable Development Group (UNSDG) about support for national roads.Based on this work on land, regional regional and global level, the Secretary General will submit an annual report on 2030-to-HLPF when following this top.To consider this report in connection with HLPF.
Two -year -old stock access-The general secretary will convene a global warehouse meeting every two years to revise the progress in the implementation of the results of this process and its contribution to achieving the 2030 agenda.
The Secretary General gives a deep understanding of all those who have shown leadership by contributing to this trip.Plan, let's act now - together - and realize our vision.
"Before you finish breakfast in the morning, you are addicted to more than half of the world."
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
UN special envoy requires focus on food in the following climate negotiations to limit global warming and to prevent future famine
Speaking at COP26 in Glasgow, Dr.Agnes Kalibata that millions of food security liked if climate negotiations do not treat relationships with food and agriculture.
Madagascar could experience the world's first 'climate -caused famine' because farmers in all of Africa try to adapt
Hear how farmers throughout Africa try to adapt to a changing climate with special envoy Agnes Kalibata.
Original people are the best stewards in our area
Obligations to support a hub of original knowledge would offer a source to help countries to identify ways to maintain biodiversity in agriculture and to develop sustainable food production production.