Related disorders - National Aphasia Association (2024)

The following related disorders can cause or accompany aphasia.

There are many causes of aphasia, including strokes, brain trauma, brain tumor and progressive neurological disease.

It is important to distinguish these related conditions from aphasia because treatment (s) and the prognosis of each disorder are different.


A collective expression used to describe the deterioration of the performance of targeted movements.-verbal communication.

Specific study usually shows that they are unable to perform ordinary expressive movements on request, such as waving goodbye, waving or greeting or for pantomime drinks, brushing teeth, etc. (lempraxia).Apadraxia can also have a primary influence on oral, non-speech movements, such as pretending that you cough or blow up a candle (face apraxia).

This condition can even extend to the inability to manipulate real objects.Nevertheless, it can form the basis of the very limited capacity of people with aphasia to compensate for a limitation of speech by using informative movements.

Apraxie van sprap

Often used by speech pathologists to identify a limitation in the voluntary production of articulation and prosodia (rhythm and timing) of speech.

Brain trauma

Aphasia can be the result of a brain injury and can accompany damage after head trauma..


Refers to a group of speech disorders that are the result of weakness, slowness or non -evident of the speech mechanism as a result of damage to various points in the nervous system.).


Refers to those who have difficulty swallowing and can experience pain while they swallow.Some people cannot swallow or have problems taking liquids, foods or saliva.Living to go the body.


A state of disorders of memory, intellect, personality and insight caused by brain injury or disease.Forms of dementia, but these are usually overshadowed due to more widespread intellectual loss.


Battle is the main cause of aphasia and 25% - 40% of the survivors of a stroke that develop aphasia..

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Related disorders - National Aphasia Association (2024)
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