When a child starts school and starts reading, parents will probably hear the term 'reading level'.A teacher can share that a student reads, above or below level.
What are reading levels?
Bron:At school
Reading levels are a way to determine the literacy that a student already has.What they have to work on.They can also be used to collect children in small reading groups.
Many children's books give reading levels on their books, so that parents and children can quickly find options that meet their needs.Enter it on the other side.
Suggestions, no rules
It is extremely important to remember a few things about these levels.First of all, the scoring evaluatesThe color purpleDeserves a 4.0 score on the AR/Atos scale, indicating that it is written in a fourth class.Is known as "High-Low", which means that the content and level of interest are meant for higher quality students, while the readability score is low enough for less qualified readers to find it within their reach.More information about high-low books here.))
So although niveaun numbers can be useful, they are not the only indicator you need when choosing a book.Factic,Many teachers warn of the use of levels to limit the reading choices of childrenIf a child is willing to tackle a more difficult book because the subject interests them, you will continue and leave them!To let students read when and regardless of whether it is possible.
How to determine reading levels
Bron:The Groovy teacher on Twitter
Schools offer reading assessments one or more times a year.systems.
Below are some of the most common systems that you will find in schools, districts and libraries.With different companies and publishers that often their own designs.Desse Basic Four, however, will cover most schools and students.
Lexile® reading levels
Lexile® is one of the most common reading level systems.These levels are indicated by a number followed by capital letters L. They vary from 10L for brand new readers to 2000L and higher for advanced readers.Suitable for most third classes.When searching for "Just Real Books" for Lexile levels, you focus on those who have assessed 100L under 50L about the current score of your child.
Example lexile -objects include:
- David goes to school: 210l
- Judy Moody in Pech Charme: 470L
- Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson): 680L
- The Hobbit: 1000L
Guided reading levels (Fountas and Pinnell)
GRL -Reading level -System was developed by two professors from Ohio State University, Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell.His core theories has been refuted by cognitive scientists.Read more about this dispute here.) Nevertheless, many schools and publishers continue to use the system, such as bookbooks with letters from A (early readers) to Z+ (advanced).skills.
Example GRL -Scores include:
- David goes to school: Gr -Level G
- Judy Moody and the pech Charm: Gr -Niveau M
- The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson): Gr -Niveau W
- The Hobbit.
Atos/AR -Reading levels
The accelerated reader level is also mentionedAtosScore.This system analyzes the average sentence and word length, vocabulary level and the number of words in a book.Month at this level.For example, a score of 5.4 would indicate that the book should be read in the fifth grade in the fourth month.
Example AR -Scores include:
- David goes to school: Atos/AR 0.9
- Judy Moody and the pech Charm: Atos/AR 3.1
- The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson): Atos/AR 4.7
- The Hobbit: Atos/AR 6.6
DRA Reading levels
Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) tests various reading skills such as phonemic consciousness, phonetics and fluent.
Example drag -scores include:
- David goes to school: DRA 12
- Judy Moody and the pech Charm: DRA 24
- The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson): DRA 60
- The Hobbit: DRA 70