Portfolio/Multi -Topic - Smoothing or Progression: Wapen balancing, Hardmode Malmalming, Buff to basic relocation rights and also opportunities in the world generation. (2024)


  • 13. Maj 2024
  • #61

Muovd馃尦 gods:

Edit: Based on feedback from society, I have presented a different way of rebalans movement accessories.Many have pointed out that guaranteed items in the boxes are too dependent on these things and that the Herme boots and clouds in a bottle (and alternatives) are good when you can get them.The early games.This would also make other accessories such as Magilumines Rence, Shield of Cthulhu and hooks more important for rapid directions.Weaker after combining with other accessories in the Tinkers workshop, it would look more like the old gear by the end of pre-hard fashion.

Muovd馃尦 gods:

This makes the phase before Bos is much more fun and quick

I don't think doing Herme's boots (or the other types of boots), but Nerfed would be more fun and probably slowly progressed (literally), the boots are fine as it is.They don't make couples overpowered.


The axe
  • 13. Maj 2024
  • #62

Solarpower Zeit:

Oh, vampire knives are the weapon that I can never understand.SELV for all Nerfs, it literally does nothing useful if I have tried to use it.A few seconds if you want to rely on vampire knives ...Portfolio/Multi -Topic - Smoothing or Progression: Wapen balancing, Hardmode Malmalming, Buff to basic relocation rights and also opportunities in the world generation. (3)If something is, it needs the buffs of buffs in all directions.

Only because they have defective DPs does this not mean that it needs a buff, they heal a 30 hp per second that matches a larger healing drink every 5 seconds.

Do you remember, but Moonbite Defuff only exists to prevent you from using "external" healing sources such as vampire knives and spectrum hood.To almost cure you to full HP by switching to vampire knives.


  • 13. Maj 2024
  • #63

Flint馃獡 said:

Only because they have defective DPs does this not mean that it needs a buff, they heal a 30 hp per second that matches a larger healing drink every 5 seconds.

They don't even have a defective DPS, in fact they actually have above average DPS in the Melee class Postplanta.


  • 14. Maj 2024
  • #64

The perfect example of balance -purism is the interest levels.

Guess?Nobody likes them because they are boring.

So why should your balance spurism strive in the form of strictly layered progression?Do you want to transform the entire game into an ERTS level-like mass faint and boring things?. The can be found for a reason.2 -> Kill Boss #3 -> AD Infinitum ".

The problem is what makes each level completely forgetting, just like the levels of interest, which exists with a very limited goal to give the next generic step in the ladder.And because they are all generic, the ladder itself sees generic.From generic and boring components requires a specific composition.games.


The axe
  • 14. Maj 2024
  • #65

The perfect example of balance -purism is the interest levels.

Guess?Nobody likes them because they are boring.

So why should your balance spurism strive in the form of strictly layered progression?Do you want to transform the entire game into an ERTS level-like mass faint and boring things?. The can be found for a reason.2 -> Kill Boss #3 -> AD Infinitum ".

The problem is what makes each level completely forgetting, just like the levels of interest, which exists with a very limited goal to give the next generic step in the ladder.And because they are all generic, the ladder itself sees generic.From generic and boring components requires a specific composition.games.

On pre-hard fashion, rather, but removing or changing them, it is the same as removing golden armor from Minecraft, there is no need to be there, but at the same time it must be there.

Of the hard fashion -malm variants, the only one is objectively bad, cobalt because it can be worse than melted/nekro/meteor.But the other are pretty good:

  • Palladium gives a rain bonus that may not be much, but it adds extra rainnia +, it is absurd to get.
  • Mythril is useful for armor mixed with dance coarser, and it is Melee variant causes the highest damage bonuses of all hard -fashion ore levels.
  • Orichalcum has its petals that are good for the destruction.
  • Titanium has its shards that are good for Melee.
  • Adamantite offers good statistics for all classes.


  • 14. Maj 2024
  • #66

Flint馃獡 said:

On pre-hard fashion, rather, but removing or changing them, it is the same as removing golden armor from Minecraft, there is no need to be there, but at the same time it must be there.

Of the hard fashion -malm variants, the only one is objectively bad, cobalt because it can be worse than melted/nekro/meteor.But the other are pretty good:

  • Palladium gives a rain bonus that may not be much, but it adds extra rainnia +, it is absurd to get.
  • Mythril is useful for armor mixed with dance coarser, and it is Melee variant causes the highest damage bonuses of all hard -fashion ore levels.
  • Orichalcum has its petals that are good for the destruction.
  • Titanium has its shards that are good for Melee.
  • Adamantite offers good statistics for all classes.

You missed the point.

You can get all these ores through fishing.So you get a progression.Sake of progression, that bosses can spawn or be produced without access to the newest interest levels?

I was talking about strictness.


  • 16. Maj 2024
  • #67

Heath04馃尦 Zei:

I don't think doing Herme's boots (or the other types of boots), but Nerfed would be more fun and probably slowly progressed (literally), the boots are fine as it is.They don't let couples overwhelm them.

That is what I thought, but people think they are guaranteed to be the worst ever in the first boxes.More common.If Magic Mirror can now be designed, it might as well be less likely to make room for the other things.


  • 16. Maj 2024
  • #68

Muovd馃尦 gods:

That is what I thought, but people think they are guaranteed to be the worst ever in the first boxes.More common.If Magic Mirror can now be designed, it might as well be less likely to make room for the other things.

I don't mind that they occur more often, first breast, regardless of how long you add a certain variance to it, I think it can be added.It moves further in the order.If you can discover something similar to Hermes and / or Cloud, I could see it.


  • 16. Maj 2024
  • #69

Lucky1 said:

The perfect example of balance -purism is the interest levels.

Guess?Nobody likes them because they are boring.

So why should your balance spurism strive in the form of strictly layered progression?Do you want to transform the entire game into an ERTS level-like mass faint and boring things?. The can be found for a reason.2 -> Kill Boss #3 -> AD Infinitum ".

The problem is what makes each level completely forgetting, just like the levels of interest, which exists with a very limited goal to give the next generic step in the ladder.And because they are all generic, the ladder itself sees generic.From generic and boring components requires a specific composition.games.

I don't know what you're talking about, but it's really not that deep.Because of the queen's slim would be a bonus for players who, just like rapid progress.Cut these traditional stations completely and simply use the normal anvil and Hellforge for hard mode recipes.


  • 16. Maj 2024
  • #70

Heath04馃尦 Zei:

I don't mind that they occur more often, first breast, regardless of how long you add a certain variance to it, I think it can be added.It moves further in the order.If you can discover something similar to Hermes and / or Cloud, I could see it.

If the 2 guaranteed crates are generated from above and down in the middle of the card, there may still be a chance that you missed them if they are hidden behind blocks / not in a cave., because people can miss the boxes and find other golden boxes deeper.


  • 16. Maj 2024
  • #71

To be honest, my takeover of the boots is that they are in the first place too critical for the experience of many people, simply because the starting movement of the player does not feel good at all.Ever so little too low.That is why I propose to increase the basic acceleration with a considerable amount and replace the wink root in the recipe for the speed drink for a newspaper.Play the game without mounting later, and the latter makes speed drinks easier to become early, making the basic movement 3.75 km / h faster, which actually feels a fairly good meddin low starting speed and even stacks with well fed., but it feels a lot if it would make speed with the cheapest drink in the game.

Last edited:


  • 17. Maj 2024
  • #72

Muovd馃尦 gods:

I don't know what you're talking about, but it's really not that deep.Because of the queen's slim would be a bonus for players who, just like rapid progress.Cut these traditional stations completely and simply use the normal anvil and Hellforge for hard mode recipes.

I'm talking about these parts:

"Filing of progression"

"The most broken weapon before the boss in the game."

"This sword urgently needs a change in level"

"That must be corrected in itself"

"Starfury needs a grain and a buffet version after skeletron"

"A weapon before the boss that is useful until the wall of the meat is not in balance"


  • 17. Maj 2024
  • #73

Muovd馃尦 gods:

Many have pointed out that guaranteed items in the boxes are too dependent on these things, and that the Herme boots and clouds in a bottle (and alternatives) are too good for when you can get them to produce an intermediate reason.I thought the maximum speed of the Hermes boots in a bottle and Nerfers in a bottle and grain boots.Cthulhu and crochet more important for fast direction movements.

Nobody said that Hermes boots and heaven in a bottle are too good.feels terrible because youneed2 important articles at all times for what is actually the basic movement for the entire game.

The solution for this is not a very strange grain for acceleration (makes no sense for the Hermes boots to accelerate slower than basic movement, and I have no idea how I can expect it to work in a double jump) or to do these two thingsEasy and as early as possible, it improves the basic movement of the player, so that it does not feel terrible to play without Herme's boots equipped.


To be honest, my takeover of the boots is that they are in the first place too critical for the experience of many people, simply because the starting movement of the player does not feel good at all.Ever so little too low.That is why I propose that it increases a considerable basic acceleration

Acceleration has nothing to do Herme's boots twice as fast as the basic movement of the player.


  • 17. Maj 2024
  • #74

J Bame said:

Acceleration has nothing to do Herme's boots twice as fast as the basic movement of the player.

Exactly, but I feel that if you want to make the basic movement feel good, you have to tackle the acceleration problem in one way or another or give the player sufficient top speed to be similar to Herme's boots.


  • 17. Maj 2024
  • #75

I would say that you cannot change the basic movement speed without also increasing the basic building speed.That they have added rolling sessions, but that they are a mounting is a big disadvantage, I have no other storage space to put it in and it is no better than the broom of Witch, so I still have the increased buff of the building speednecessary.


  • 17. Maj 2024
  • #76

Heath04馃尦 Zei:

I would say that you cannot change the basic movement speed without also increasing the basic building speed.That they have added rolling sessions, but that they are a mounting is a big disadvantage, I have no other storage space to put it in and it is no better than the broom of Witch, so I still have the increased buff of the building speednecessary.

That is why I have suggested that you can easily realize fast drinks, super early instead of a direct buff for basic movement speed.


  • 18. Maj 2024
  • #77

Swiftness Potions are available super early.

If your idea is to make the earliest exploration less frustrating, you can implement a chance for the very early phase of the game., Including sharing pants from the armor and what doubles your gear on the ground.

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  • 18. Maj 2024
  • #78


To be honest, my takeover of the boots is that they are too critical for the experience of many people in the first place, simply because the starting movement of the player does not feel good at all.Ever so little too low.That is why I propose to increase the basic acceleration with a considerable amount and replace the wink root in the recipe for the speed drink for a newspaper.Play the game without mounting later, and the latter makes speed drinks easier to become early, making the basic movement 3.75 km / h faster, which actually feels a fairly good meddin low starting speed and even stacks with well fed., but it feels a lot if it would make speed with the cheapest drink in the game.

I think this would also be a good solution, it would certainly feel the early game less slow before you get Herme's boots.


  • 18. Maj 2024
  • #79

Lucky1 said:

Swiftness Potions are available super early.

If your idea is to make the earliest exploration less frustrating, you can implement a chance for the very early phase of the game., Including sharing pants from the armor and what doubles your acceleration on the ground.

This can also work, buffet that leaves after you have equated the boots, would also do this, so that the boots do not have to be balanced around the basic movement speed.


  • 18. Maj 2024
  • #80

Lucky1 said:

I'm talking about these parts:

"Filing of progression"

"The most broken weapon before the boss in the game."

"This sword urgently needs a change in level"

"That must be corrected in itself"

"Starfury needs a grain and a buffet version after skeletron"

"A weapon before the boss that is useful until the wall of the meat is not in balance"

You spoke about the interest levels of your comment.Now what I understand what you refer to, I can tell you this: balance is part of any (progression -based) game, especially in terraria.Smooth and honest, with everything available for you to be viable for the point in progression and in accordance with how much effort you have spent getting it.@ Redigit馃尦Countless times have listened to society to the buffering of certain subcertained weapons such as the phase magazines and the harpoon, as seen in the spoilers for 1.4.5 even useless compared to other available weapons at the moment or even earlier.In the same way, weapons should not be too overwhelmed to the point that you get what Daedalus Stormbow takes place of your skills and strategies before the Nerfs.

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Portfolio/Multi -Topic - Smoothing or Progression: Wapen balancing, Hardmode Malmalming, Buff to basic relocation rights and also opportunities in the world generation. (2024)
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