Pomegranates: Weight loss and other reasons why you should eat this fruit daily (2024)

Pomegranates: Weight loss and other reasons why you should eat this fruit daily (1)

Pomegranates are low in fat and can help reduce inches


  • Pomegranate can help treat constipation
  • The fruit may reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease
  • It can help improve gut health

Throughout your childhood, your parents and grandparents probably told you countless times about pomegranates and why they are among the healthiest fruits on the planet. Pomegranates are a powerhouse of nutrients such as protein, fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, folic acid and potassium. Pomegranates have a thick, inedible skin. The inside of the fruit contains hundreds of red, juicy and edible seeds. Pomegranate seeds can be eaten as they are or processed into pomegranate juice. Health experts recommend eating pomegranate (and all other fruits) instead of juicing it. But if a new study is to be believed, pomegranate juice can be healthy, especially for babies. The study, published in the journal Plos One, may help brain development in infants.

As part of the study, researchers examined the benefits of pomegranate juice during pregnancy. Preliminary results from a clinical trial in expectant mothers whose babies were diagnosed with intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) showed that drinking pomegranate juice during pregnancy may have a protective effect on babies. It can help in better brain development and brain connectivity in babies born to mothers who drank pomegranate juice daily, reports ANI.

Also read:From a perfect workout snack to blood pressure control, this delicious red fruit offers incredible health benefits!

Other health benefits of pomegranates that will convince you to eat them daily

Nutritionist Nmami Agarwal says that while pomegranates provide numerous benefits to the human body, it is like “dumping the whole fruit from your pantry.When juicing this super nutritious fruit, the pulp is extracted, leaving only a sugary substance in the glass," she says.

1. Eating pomegranates whole can have anti-inflammatory effects and can protect a human body against various diseases such as type 2 diabetes and obesity.

Pomegranates: Weight loss and other reasons why you should eat this fruit daily (2)

Pomegranates can regulate blood sugar levels and prevent type 2 diabetes
Fotokrediet: iStock

2. Regular consumption of pomegranate helps improve intestinal health and digestion and keep intestinal diseases at bay.

3. “Adding it to your daily diet will also help improve and regulate blood flow,” says Nmami.

4.Pomegranates are a great source of several vitamins and minerals that help prevent cancer and heart disease.

Also read:This is the best time to eat fruits for better digestion and weight loss

5. Due to its high fiber content, it also helps to smooth stools, which further helps in treating constipation.

6.Regular consumption of pomegranate for up to 2 weeks helps maintain blood pressure, says the Delhi-based nutritionist.

Pomegranates: Weight loss and other reasons why you should eat this fruit daily (3)

Pomegranates can help control blood pressure
Fotokrediet: iStock

According to Nmami, a cup of pomegranate seeds daily for up to 2 weeks will start to show some difference in your inches. "A cup of pomegranate contains very little fat with a calorie content of approximately 174 and thus promotes weight loss."

She suggests the following three ways to include pomegranates in your diet:

1. Salad test:Sprinkle some pomegranate seeds over your salad and eat it daily with your dinner or as an evening meal.

2. Yoghurt-match:Adding seeds to yogurt is an effective way to eat pomegranate for weight loss.

3. Of salsadip:Pomegranate Salsa Another delicious yet healthy way to incorporate pomegranates into your diet.

Also read:Diabetes: This nutritious monsoon fruit can help you lower blood sugar levels

(Nmami Agarwal is a nutritionist at Nmami Life)

(With inputs from ANI)

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides general information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical advice. For more information, always contact a specialist or your own doctor. NDTV accepts no responsibility for this information.


Pomegranates: Weight loss and other reasons why you should eat this fruit daily (2024)
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