Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (2024)

Table of Contents
Section 1: Properties of content Theme: Researching the understanding of students Learning outcomes Introduction 1. Exploring the prior knowledge of students 2. Use of discussion to develop understanding 3. Encourage Writing Source 1: Question Resource 2: cornflour and water Source 3: Background information about drugs Resource 4: Map Sorting activity Resource 5: Student Writing Resource 6: ideas for demonstrations Section 2: Measurement Theme: Do science handy Learning outcomes Introduction 1. Think of measurement in groups 2. Organizing a 'circus' experiments 3. Solution for measuring problems Resource 1: Work distinguish Resource 2: Practical work Resource 3: Ask to take measurement Resource 4: Meet 'Circus' Resource 5: Interesting facts about the earth Resource 6: Troubleshooting - Solutions Section 3: Press and heat transfer Theme: Science Lived - Relevant and Real Learning outcomes Introduction 1. Everyday examples of 'print' 2. Relationship with Physics for daily life 3. How can we keep things cold? Source 1: To make science relevant to daily life Ressource 2: brainstorming Resource 3: Everyday Examples of print Resource 4: Examples of Physics in Action Resource 5: To keep things cool Resource 6: Planning Resource for students Section 4: Forces Theme: Troubleshooting and creativity Learning outcomes Introduction 1. Development of literacy through science 2. Draw diagrams to explain science 3. Set opening tasks Source 1: Troubleshooting and creativity Resource 2: Promotion of crucifixes left and skills in Lexist Resource 3: Power Diagrammer Resource 4: Encouragement of students' questions Resource 5: Structuring of Thinking Resource 6: Expand and challenge Section 5: Electricity and magnetism Theme: Taking challenging ideas Learning outcomes Introduction 1. Focus on literacy 2. Discussing important ideas in groups 3. Modeling of electrical circuits Source 1: Common misconceptions Resource 2: Focus on keywords Resource 3: Background of magnetism Resource 4: Information about Circuit Resource 5: How to model electric circuit

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Section 1: Properties of content

Theme: Researching the understanding of students

Learning outcomes

At the end of this part you have:

  • gave students opportunities to develop understanding of the materials by talking;
  • Planned questions at different levels of ability to find out about the understanding of your students of the materials of content;
  • Used writing and drawings of students to investigate their understanding of how particle theory explains the properties of solids, liquids and gases.


At the end of the doctrine of a subject, teachers usually did a test or exam to find out what their students have learned.Leave to help students.A good teacher will find out what students understand when they go together and which students find difficult and help them make progress.

This device has three short activities that fit into your normal educationProperties of contentAnd will show you how you are what your students understand.them in teaching other topics.

1. Exploring the prior knowledge of students

Students have their own ideas about a subject and an effective teacher takes these ideas into account when teaching.Learned from newspapers, adults, friends, older brothers and sisters and observations.Often their ideas are not the same as the scientific ideas that we want them to understand.

In primary school, students may have learned that the case can be divided into solids, liquids and gases.Begin, the students are bored easily and there is a danger that they will keep every misunderstanding they have.

Activity 1is designed to consolidate and expand their understanding and for you to develop your ability to explore understanding through questions.Bron 1Remind you of the different types of questions you need to ask.Students to choose the best.You can also ask another question: "Why do you think so?"

Resource 2offers some background for educational activity described inCase study 1.The activities help you to build on the knowledge and the understanding that your students already have.

You start by visiting ideas that they will have met in primary school, but then extend them to more drugs, which helps them to realize that many things around them are a mixture of a solid and a gas or a solid fabricAnd a liquid.A fungus looks like a solid one, but does not have all the properties of a solid.

Case Study 1: Research of a new substance

Mister.yaya planned a fun activity for her class (seeResource 2).Sauce (a mixture of cornflour and water).Hr.yaya split his class into groups and gave them a bowl of cornflour that they had to mix with water.Questions based on their observations.Very confused by liquids.Arranged.

The students had a lot of fun and convinced at the end that they remembered the properties of solids and liquids and how the particles were arranged in each.

Activity 1: Asking questions effectively

You must collect a set of items or images of objects that represent solids, liquids and gases.Some of them will be clear, others will be more difficult to classify because they will be a combination of a strong and a gas (e.g.Resource 3Have some suggestions.Add the lesson to divide your objects (or photos) into two groups - those who are clear and those who are more complicated.liquids and gases.Directly to the more difficult items.

Good teachers will, if necessary, change their plan to prevent the students from bored.If you are convinced that the properties of solids, liquids and gases are understood, introduce the other group of images or objects.Consider them about working in groups of four to discuss how the objects can be classified.

2. Use of discussion to develop understanding

Talking a problem is a great way to organize your thoughts and ideas.IActivity 2You give your students the opportunity to discuss the answers to a series of questions with each other.The listening to their conversations gives you insight into their thinking and helping you find out how you can best support them.Students who understand the subject pretty well to help those who don't do it.Mixed skills?Activity 2is designed to help your students understand the particle model for dust.Cases The target is the goal of promoting the discussion.

Case Study 2: Organization of a 'short black'

During a seminar of teacher training, teachers worked together to plan practically, practical physics education that would help their students understand the characteristics of the material.Resource 4"The particles are arranged. Every student had three cards they had to place in the right box. The students had to explain why they placed a specific item in the specific box and asked the others. The teacher noted that there were many discussionsAmong the students while they tried to make decisions.

Activity 2: Think-Pair-Share

Register the statementsResource 4On the board and then follow the proposed steps.(Every statement must be numbered to facilitate the discussion at the end).

  • Students only have to work to match the number with fixed, liquid or gas.
  • Students compare their answers with a friend and ensure that they agree.
  • Each pair shares their answers with a different pair and they discuss the answers until they all agree.
  • The groups of four compare their answers to another group and discuss until they agree.
  • Finally, a representative of each group of eight asks to report on their answers.

You can use this idea of ​​thinking - couple -bar with many different topics in science.Students often find it easier to talk about their ideas than to write them down.

3. Encourage Writing

One of the reasons why physics sometimes seems difficult is that we cannot see things that we are talking about.It's full of abstract ideas.Through experiments and models.To give your students the opportunity to write about their ideas, a very good way to find out what they understand.What they do and not understand.Resource 5Gives suggestions to use writing to cause understanding.ActivityYou will perform some demonstrations that will explain your students with their own word.solids, liquids and gases behave.Case study 3Show how a teacher revealed a considerably common misunderstanding among his students and used this to change his lesson plan.

Case Study 3: Role -Playing Games to support understanding

Mr. Molu asked his class to use the particle model to explain why liquids flows, why solids are difficult and why gases can be compressed.Did not get very high marks.The students complained that everything in physics is abstract and difficult.And gases are arranged.In a double lesson he started showing the class asked the following questions:

  • How close are particles in any case?
  • In any case, how did the particles move?

Then each group discussed and attracted the events that they later draw on the chalkboard.

Activity 3: Effective demonstrations

In this activity you will do some demonstrations that illustrate some properties of materials and the students lead to explain the demonstrations with their own word.But can include expansion of a solid when heated (ball and ring), the expansion of a liquid in heated (colored liquid in a glass bottle), a needle running water dissolves potassium permanganate in water.

The most important thing is to give students the opportunity to explain the ideas themselves.Resource 6Give you some ideas.Use the demonstration to practice your question.Start by asking simple closed questions that are designed to have your students observed carefully and then let them try to explain their ideas., you will really see if they understand.

Source 1: Question

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (1)Teacher source to support teaching methods


Good interrogation is really important and is not as easy as it can first look.Think.Good questions can promote thinking, encourage research and help with the assessment.

By thinking closely about the kind of questions you can ask you, your education will improve.

It is useful to come up with questions such as 'open' or 'closed' and 'person' or 'subject -centered'.

Closed questionsHave a single correct answer.They can reassure students and help you discover what they remember.

Open questionsDo not have a good answer or more correct answers.

Topics-centered questionsAsk things like "What's going on in a plant?" And "What kind of rock is this?"

Person centeredQuestions focus on the student and are less threatening and more student -friendly: "What do you think the plant goes in?" "What do you notice about the rock?"

A selection of teachers who were chairman of Benjamin Bloom came up with a taxonomy of species in which they identified 'Questions about lower order 'In 'Questions with higher order '.

It is important that youplanCorrect your questions.For example, when creating a practical demonstration or introducing a new item, you write a list of a lower order and a few questions with a higher order.Teaching, practice!You also have to think about how you can answer your students' answers.Try to give them time to think, ask more students the same question or let them discuss the answer before you answer.

Conventionally, students are asked to set up their hands when they answer a question.doesn'tTo ask them to set their hand.All will have to listen as they know they can be asked.Successfully answer some of your questions, they become more confident.

Bloom's taxonomy of questions
Kind of questionsGoalExamples
Questions about lower order
RecallTo see what your students remember

How is it?


Where is?


ComprehensionTo see if your students understand what they can remember

Explain why?

What are the differences between?

What is meant?

ApplicationTo see if your students can use their knowledge

How would you classify these invertebrates?

What is proof that this is a metal?

Questions about higher order

To help your students think critically

To see if they can deduct and draw conclusions


What do you think will happen if?

What do your results show?

What would it have an effect on?

synthesisTo help your students make new ideas of existing information

What would happen if there was no friction?

Suppose the soil is rotated by half the speed?

EvaluationTo encourage your students to form opinions and make decisions

How effective is?

What is the best, and why?

What do you think?

Adapted from Amos, S. (2002) 'Questions from teachers in the classroom' in Amos, S., Boohan, R. (ed.)Aspects of teaching in secondary science, London, Routledge Falmer.

Resource 2: cornflour and water

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (2)Background information / Teacher's subject knowledge

Cornflour and water - a curious mix!

Warning:Always throw the mixture away in a trash can.OmitPut it down a wash because it will cause a blockade.

Your students are probably familiar with the properties of solids, liquids and gases.or other of the categories.But what happens if this is not the case?Hand would meet all the criteria for a solid.

So some substances are absolutely difficult to classify.Is made of water and cornflour.

  • A box of cornflour, 450 g (16 oz) or equivalent (a powder with a high starch content)
  • A big mixing bowl
  • A jug of water
  • A spoon
  • A large plastic food bag
  • Newspaper or equivalent to treating the floor
  • Water
  • Dietary
  • A cup or cup.


  • Pour1/4of the box (about 100 g, 4 oz) cornflour in the mixing bowl and add slowly1/2cup of water.
  • Continue to add cornflour and water in small quantities until you get a mixture with the consistency of honey.Cups of water.As a general rule you look for a mixture of approximately 10 parts of cornflour to 1 part of water.
  • Zinc your hand in the bowl of corn keeper and water and pay attention to the unusual consistency.Round, the more a solid, the mixture becomes.Sink your whole hand and try to grab and pull the liquid.
  • Let go of a small object in the corn position mixture and then try to get it.
  • Relax the surface of the mixture.If you have used exactly the right proportions, it will not spray anywhere.

To explain the properties of corn position 'Quicksand'

Maïzena Mixed with water is an example of oneHeterogeneous mixtureIt's a bit of a mouthful!So do not pour a remaining mixture into a sink - the water will evaporate and leave a massive lump of fabric that blocks it.

In fact, cornflour and water mixture sometimes function as a solid and a liquid at other times.the liquid) .

When you throw the surface with your hand, force the long starch molecules closer together.flows again.

If you push your finger slowly into the mixture, it easily goes in and feels like a liquid.

All liquids have known a characteristic asViscosity- or resistance to current.Jo more resistance to allow a liquid to flow, the greater the viscosity;For example honey.Viscosity less than for cold honey.Cornstarch, Water Mixtures and Fastzand consideredNon-setliquids because their viscosions change when a force is exerted,doesn'tWhen heat is applied.

Source 3: Background information about drugs

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (3)Background information / Teacher's subject knowledge

Basic properties of content

A solid

  • have a specific shape and a fixed volume
  • is very difficult to compress.

A liquid

  • takes the shape of the container and has a fixed volume
  • is difficult to compress
  • Flows.


  • Have no 'form' and no fixed volume.
  • will spread over any available container or space
  • is easy to compress and can easily be compressed.

Some examples of materials that are more difficult to classify

Some materials seem to be a single fabric, but are not:

  • Sand (or powders, such as flower).These flows (like a liquid), but is made of small solids.
  • Modeling of clay (eg 'plasticin') is a mixture of a solid and a liquid.
  • A cloud flows into the air (like a gas), but consists of many small drops of water in the air.
  • A jelly is a mixture where small amounts of liquid are mixed in another material that is a solid.
  • Toothpaste is a mixture where small amounts of solid are mixed in another material that is a liquid.
  • A foam is a mixture where a gas is mixed in another material that is a liquid.
  • A sponge is a solid with air or liquid that is mixed with it.
  • Some liquids (such as tomato ketchup) are thick and do not flow very well, but if you shake them, they become thinner and light light.

Resource 4: Map Sorting activity

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (4)Teacher source for planning or adjusting use with students

Set statements about solids, liquids and gases

1. Particles are held together by a strong strength.2. Particles move freely in all directions.3. sliding particles past each other.
4. Particles are not in an ordered structure, but are kept very close together.5. Move particles at a certain place in an ordered structure.6. The particles are spread.
7. Particles can only vibrate.8. Particles constantly clash with each other and change position.9. Particles are in constant, fast movement.
10. Heating the fabric ensures that the particles move faster and collide more often.11. Heating of the fabric ensures that the particles vibrate more powerfully.12. Heating The fabric ensures that the particles move faster.
13. Collisions ensure that particles change speed and direction.14. Occasionally a particle on the edge of a group becomes so hard that it escapes from the group.15. Some particles move much slower than most, some move much faster.

Answer to teachers

Solid: 1, 5, 7, 11

Liquid: 3, 4, 8, 10, 14, 15

Gas: 2, 6, 9, 12, 13, 15

Resource 5: Student Writing

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (5)Teacher source to support teaching methods


Having students write about their ideas is a great way to find out what they understand.Your students do the opportunities for them to show what they know and be creative.

Writing in science should certainly not be limited to answering questions and copying notes.There are different ways in which you can use writing children to investigate their understanding, to develop their knowledge, motivate and refine their skills.


This stands forRelated activities relatedUnpleasantThe text.

A common approach is to give some text those words miss.A little easier.

Other approaches are as follows:

  • Sentations that connect to each other to explain a process or phenomenon can be vocal and students must decide their correct order.
  • Say that must be completed to give full definitions.
  • Diagrams are delivered when students have to feel.
  • A table is provided with a few holes that must be filled in.
  • There is a piece of text where students must emphasize keywords or definitions.
  • A piece of text is delivered and students need to make a table or diagram or to produce a summary.

Ord -matching

You give a list of scientific words and definitions.Students must match the right word with the right definition.

Write experiment on

By encouraging your students to write about their experiments in their own words, you show how much they understand.

Draft card or thought card construction

This includes breaking a complex idea or process, to sections and they graphically confirm to show their logical consecutive circ*mstances and how they contribute to a concept of the whole.The subject if the cards are useful.

Writing to another audience

This type of writing sometimes helps students to find science hard to find, but who enjoy the humanities.Sxisons include:

  • Produces a poster.This not only gives students the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding, but also enables them to use drawings and graphs to illustrate science concepts.
  • Production of an information board on a certain subject that can be used by younger children.
  • Write a letter or newspaper article to express a position.

Resource 6: ideas for demonstrations

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (6)Background information / Teacher's subject knowledge

Expansion of a solid: Bol and Ring

When both the ball and the ring are at room temperature, the ball can fall through the ring.Ring again.

Keyword:Lower material, heating, cooling, expansion, expansion, contraction, contracts particles, vibrations, vibrates, energy

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (7)

Expand a liquid: Modelthermometer

Fill a boiling tube with colored water and then place a narrow glass tube (inserted by a cork or bung) in the neck of boiling tubes: make sure the end of the glass tube is in the water.Cooking tube, if you have to see the column with colored liquid in the glass tube, it becomes higher and higher because the liquid is expanded when heated.

Keyword:liquid, warmth -expansion, turning off, particles, exercise, energy

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (8)

Expand a gas: liquid in a tube/bubbling flasks

You can show this by using a test tube or cooking tube with a piece of capillary tube that is inserted by a bung.Get up in the pipe: it is pushed up by the air in the test tube.

Another way to do this is to use a cooking tube or bottom tube with a narrow glass tube that is inserted in it.Heat the air in the flask with your hands, air bubbles from the hose in the water.

You can demonstrate the opposite process - the contraction of a gas if it is cooled - if you have an empty plastic drinking bottle with a screw cap.Pour a little hot water into the bottle, destroy it and then pour it out again.Screw the top again.

Keyword:Gas, heating extension, extension, contracts, contraction, particles, collisions, energy

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (9)

Resolution and diffusion

Potassium permanganate crystals in water

Buy a glass trough or a large glass cup or glass bowl and place about water in depth.Changes in the water.Allow the water to be completely established and then release one or two (no longer) potassium permanganate crystals in the water.Is the proof that there is some potassium permanganate in that piece of water.If it is left long enough, the purple color spreads over the liquid and the color will be the same intensity instead of being the deepest near the crystal.Is proof of diffusion.

Keyword:Potassium permanganate crystals, sturdy, dissolved, dissolved, diffusion, particles, collisions, random

Perfume in the air

Spray some strong perfume in a corner of the room.Cover your students to set up their hand when they can smell perfume.Potassium permanganate -experiment shows that diffusion is faster in gases than in liquids.

Keyword:diffusion, particles, collisions, spaces, random

Section 2: Measurement

Theme: Do science handy

Learning outcomes

At the end of this part you have:

  • Organized students in small groups to use devices to solve a problem;
  • Questions designed at different levels to enable students to participate in a practical demonstration;
  • Organized children in groups to collect and present data well.


Organizing practical work is an important part of a science teacher.Practical work requires careful planning and some improvisation.

In this unit we take the subject from the Meet and illustrate three different ways to organize practical work: demonstration, a laboratory parade and to solve a problem.Ahead, while others find the ideas difficult.We have used these activities to show how you can distinguish work and can accommodate students with all the ability.on.Bron 1Offers some ideas about the different ways to distinguish work.

1. Think of measurement in groups

Practical work has many goals.Resource 2Contains some general information about organizing practical work.In the first activity you use the device as an incentive to think and talk.Level suitable for this group.

Case Study 1: How are you going to organize groups?

Mrs. Egwali collected the basic instruments that are available in the school laboratory.

  • Choose an instrument and discuss the correct name under the group.
  • Write the name of the card.
  • Download the object that can measure exactly and write the name on the map.
  • Place the cards next to the instrument and what it measures.

Mrs. Egwali walked around while the students were working.They were actively involved, except for two groups where some students were quite passive..Mary said it was not a very accurate way to measure, but Joshua said that his mother's cake was always perfect!The students asked to choose the right one.

Activity 1: Start with measurement

Before the activity, as many pieces of measuring equipment as possible are collected for the class.

Divide the class into groups and ask each group to find out what they think the instruments can be used.Resource 3Have some ideas about equipment that you can use and questions that you can ask while they work.)

Ask the groups to report back.Let them think about when it can be used.

Ask each group to measure the length of a training book on the nearest millimeter.What is the range?

After the activity you have to think about how you shared the students.

2. Organizing a 'circus' experiments

Organizing a laboratory parade (or circus of experiments) is a good way to enable students to perform their own experiments when you only have one set of devices..

By allowing each group to measure the same objects and record their results on the board, you can explain the concepts of 'accuracy' and 'precision'.Case study 2Describes a situation in which the teacher does not have much equipment.Activity 2show what you can do with more equipment andResource 4Give you some specific ideas.

Case Study 2: to take measurements

Mrs. Otieno has limited access to the measurement of instruments and learns a mixed school.In groups of boys and girls.At the same time, she had drawn a table on the board with a column for unloading the volume, the diameter and the mass.How the Vernier -Calipers, the bundle balance and the measurement of the cylinder worked.Variations in the lectures.

Activity 2: Thinking of 'uncertainty'

Make a number of different activity stations in the room.Resource 4But you may have to use differently, depending on the equipment you have available.Share your class in groups and give them for 4 or 5 minutes at each station.A table on the board with a column for each station and ask a person from each group to write their measurements in the right column.To think about why some answers can be different.A more accurate equipment to do the same work.

3. Solution for measuring problems

Much of the practical work that takes place at schools and universities concerns students according to detailed instructions.In some contexts this is very important, but it can lead to students losing the opinion why they are asked to do something specific.Good for students to get the chance to design their own experiments.IActivityThey must design an experiment to solve a certain problem.There will be more than one solution.This would be a chance to divide your students into groups of mixed skills.It is more difficult and with that it will consolidate their own concept.InCase study 3The teacher uses a number of great facts to motivate her students and let them do something by estimating so that they can get a 'feeling' for different masses and lengths.

Case Study 3: Size estimate

Mrs. Nakintu went to an internet café and looked up some interesting facts over the earth - she found the mass of the earth and his circumference, the length and the width of their land, the distance to the moon, the distance to the sun (seeResource 5).The idea was to help her students understand the selection of measurements that can be done and to get them interested

She then gave them some daily items and asked them to guess the mass or length.

She issued the pieces of paper (so each group had answers from a different group) and asked several students to take the measurements.2 brands, if they were within 50% and 1 brand if they got the correct order of size.

Activity 3: Solution of problems

This is a problem -solving exercise.

Proposed problems can be rice grain that the pressure of a student has exerted on the ground.

Compare students what they did and the answer they received with the other group and evaluate their own work.

Resource 1: Work distinguish

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (10)Background information / Teacher's subject knowledge

Distinguishes work for students with different skills

As you will of course understand, every student has different skills.Others by listening to and absorbing spoken instructions.Some will easily understand the work, others will take more time.Some will work very quickly through every task that you have set, others will work slowly.It is impossible for you as a teacher to take all the differences that consider all the time, but there are things that you can do to support individuals in a class.

If you have a class of 30 or more students, this may sound like a scary task!There are two important things you have to do to be able to effectively accommodate everyone in your class:

  1. Know your students.You have to give them opportunities to work in groups and listen to the conversations;You have to mark their written work;You have to ask questions from individuals in the classroom and you have to encourage them to ask your questions if they don't want to know or just want to know more.If you know who easily understands who finds science difficult, who likes to talk, who likes to write, who likes to draw and who likes to do experiments, you will be in a much better position to help individuals.
  2. Know your subject.It is unrealistic to expect everyone to remember everything and understand what you do.

You can take into account the selection of skills within your group in two important ways:

Differentiation of the result

This may mean that you give a number of questions that gradually become more difficult.Everything comes as far as they can.Already with alternative you can set open assignments where students demonstrate what they can do.Present their work, which can be very motivating.

Differentiation by assignment

This includes setting different students or groups of students different assignments.For example, some students in a practical session can have instructions in written form for them, and some can have them in a diagram form, and some can have a combination of both.

You can give a number of questions that cover the basic ideas that you assess that everyone must understand, and a set that is more challenging.

Learning style

There is a lot of research that suggests that different students prefer to learn in different ways.The three learning styles that are more often referred to are visual, sound and Chinaesthetic, that is, preferably students prefer graphs and photos, some learn best by listening and some people prefer to be able to do things.

As a teacher you cannot be expected to always take all students into account, but a good teacher will ensure that their lessons contain activities that all cover the learning styles.

There is a tendency to expect students to listen a lot.Just don't copy

Resource 2: Practical work

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (11)Teacher source to support teaching methods

Practical work


Practical work is an important part of learning about science and learning to be a scientist.

Tessa Materials are considering practical work in the science of students who discover, learn and verification through observation and experiment with the help of skills and methods used by scientists in the real world.Ensure that their students experience different types of practical work.

Purpose of practical work

Different types of practical work and specific experiments will achieve different goals, but the benefits of practical work include:

  • Development of practical skills and techniques such as how to use a microscope.
  • Handicely experience with materials and processes that can increase their understanding of science and help retain knowledge.
  • Development of study skills such as control of variables, analysis and registration of data and looking for patterns.
  • Motivation and pleasure.
  • Encouragement and promotion of higher thinking.
  • Communication properties.Practical work can offer a context for developing communication skills.

Types of practical work

  • Demonstrations- A teacher can decide to make a demonstration of safety reasons or due to lack of time or resources.Experiment or activities before or during the demonstration (for example, predicting whether statements are true or false and then use observations to confirm or change their decision).
  • Structured practical -Students carry out an experiment in groups..
  • Rotating (circus) handy- Pupils in groups go from one experiment to the next at 'Stations' in the classroom.The experiments must be related and instructions must be short.Particle theory of dust or adjustment.Some stations can contain a short sort or problem to solve instead of an experiment.
  • Research- Pupil's plan, feed and analyze their own experiment.It may have the freedom to choose what they are investigating whether the teacher can limit the available material or specify a subject to investigate.Give students usually guidelines on 'the scientific method' or perform an 'honest test'.
  • Troubleshoot- This is similar to a study, but students have more freedom of freedom.Good vehicle to promote communication skills.

Organize practical work

Every time you plan an experiment, try it yourself for the lesson.

When dealing with chemicals other than water, students must wear safety glasses.If you are not available, you must use very diluted solutions (0.1 m).0.4 m).

You have to think about how your students get the device they need.

  • Give them an activity to do at their desks and even if they do that, you distribute the device they need.
  • Spread the different things in the room and ask a person from each group to collect what they need.
  • Give the chemicals themselves with a teaspoon on small pieces of paper that they can go back to their place.

Resource 3: Ask to take measurement

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (12)Teacher source for planning or adjusting use with students

Examples of measuring equipment and questions

Here are some general 'fast' questions you can ask students about equipment that they do not recognize:

    • Can you see device names on it?
    • Does it look like something with which you could do electrical measurements?Can you connect electrical equipment?
    • Are there turns that you can run?What happens if you do that?

You can make this easier for students if you make a table with quantities, devices and abbreviations that students can refer to, here is an example:

Quantity is measuredUnits in which it is measuredAbbreviation
GiftAmpère (Ampère)IN
MassaWeight (Kilogram)kg

Another way in which you can make the task easier is to use a small number of practical examples to make the identification process more of matching training.

For example:

Which of these could I use to measure

  • The thickness of this piece of plastic?
  • The mass of this piece of metal?
  • The current current through this lamp?

Here are some examples of specific equipment and questions you can ask them:

  • Micrometer- Which things change when you turn the button?(Tip: look at the scale and see what else is moving.
  • Ampèremeter(or voltmeter) In addition to a circuit with a lamp and a switch connected to a battery - what can you use this to measure?
  • Force- What can you continue with this??
  • Voltmeter(Connected over a lamp that is connected to a battery with a switch) - What changes when you close the switch?
  • Top-Pan BalanceofKitchen bowls(With an analog scale) - How can you have this changed of the value next to the cursor?
  • Measurement of the cylinderofMeasurement of pitcher- How can you use this as accurately as possible (read it at the eye level)?

Resource 4: Meet 'Circus'

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (13)Teacher source for planning or adjusting use with students

Examples of stations for activity 2

Remark:If you have a camera (or a mobile phone with a camera), it would be useful to take photos of students when performing some of the activities.Also try to capture some of the variations in how different people interpret an activity (eg station 6 extension or drawing the load in station 7).

Station 1

Equipment and notes

Circuit made with three bulbs connected in series (with a switch in series) for a low voltage -DC supply or battery that approx. 4 V. The voltmeter must be correctly connected over the three lamps using two wires, but the contact toChecking the supply for the circuit must be open to students to close themselves.

Instructions for students

Close the contact and register the Read in Volt.

Station 2

Equipment and notes

Top pan balance or kitchen weights;

Mystery object such as a mass of 20 g or a stone, in a box or bag (so that students do not see what it is and guess the answer).

Instructions for students

Place the bag (box) on the scales and absorb the mass.

Stations 3, 4 in 5

Equipment and notes

Stations 3 and 4 need identical small logs, approx .2 cm thick, but gives a ruler for station 3 and gives a micrometer to station 4;

Station 5 needs a small piece of sponge, approx. 1 cm thick plus a ruler or a micrometer.

Instructions for students

Measure the thickness of the object.

Station 6

Equipment and notes

Measurement of the cylinder or the measurement of jugs with a little water in it.

Expansion 1: Another measuring cylinder and a stone for measuring the quantity of the students.

Expansion 2: a third measuring cylinder and a collection of 10 small stones (pebbles/gravel/shingles, all about the same size and each less than 1 cm over).

Instructions for students

How much water is there in the container?Register the amount of water in the container.

Extension1: Find the Pebble volumes.(Tip - Pebble moves its own water).

Extension 2: You have 10 small stones.

Station 7

Equipment and notes

2 x power meters (spring balance): one of them (a) must hang on a tripod, ready to attach the load, the other (b) must be left on the couch;

A small heavy object to attach to the spring balance.

Keep in mind that students 'go' the load on the hook so that it falls or jumps off.

Make sure that both power meters are correctly reset at the start of the so often that nobody corrected it.

Instructions for students

Attach the object to the hook on the instructions of the stream meter.

Now remove the load and connect it to the other power meter so that the load on the couch rests.slowly and steadilyAlong the bank?

Answers and things to discuss with your students

These stations not only offer opportunities to make measurements of a number of quantities, but also to discuss why measurements can vary:

The circuit in station 1 offers the possibility to read a voltmeter.When students don't have to do anything for the circuit, except for closing a switch, some variations in the measurements obtained can probably be made from a corner instead of immediately before that.

Station 2 activity is again a simple measurement with the help of kitchen bowls or an upper pan balance.

Stations 3, 4 and 5 show difficulties because of learning a micrometer.

Station 6 uses a measurement cylinder or is possible to measure the amount of water in the container.The individual stone can lead to more variation, depending on the equipment and methods used.Variation (if you didn't pray them about the use of all 10 stones, you could also ask how many stones they used for the measurement.)

Station 7 uses flow measurements.From results because students want different ideas for how quickly they have to pull it and in which corner they have to draw: some photos would be very useful here.At the same time too.

Examples of questions about all results

  • Look at the results for (station X): did everyone in your group agree on the value?If not, why was it then?
  • Which stations results showed the most variation?Why do you think it's?
  • What amount did you find the most difficult to measure?
  • Have stations results show a steady change in value (to get smaller or larger when you went off the column)?If so, why do you think it happened?
  • Were the results different if you might have expected them to be the same?
  • Which measurements were the most/leasthandle?Explain why.
  • Which measurements were the most/leastaccurate?Explain why.

Summary of precision, accuracy and variation for the teacher

Why do measurements vary?

  1. Variations caused by the equipment or by the way it is used:
    • The scale is not good enough for the quantity you try to measure.
    • The equipment produces variations in the lecture that are not due to actual changes in the measured quantity.
    • The scale will not be reset if they have been performed
    • The measurements are not performed under controlled conditions (there are, for example, concepts, changing temperatures).
    • Incorrect technology (eg do not read a scale of directly for the needle or indicator or level with the scale marking).
    • Differences in technology/experimental method.
    • The equipment is damaged.
  2. Variations in the measured quantity:
    • There is a natural variation in the crowd - there is no absolute, 'true' value, eg length of a leaf, diameter of a seed in the sense that if you chose another leaf or seed, the value would be different, regardless ofHow carefully you have measured it.
    • The value changes over time due to a factor that has not been considered when setting up the experiment (for example, the length of a wire can change if the load is left on it, a previously dehydrated object can show an increase in the volume, because the Harabsorbed can showWater from the area can show another object a decrease in mass due to the losing of water in the area, water fresh from the tap can be at a different temperature than water that is in a room for an hour or more..).

"Exactly" or "exactly?"

Accuracy is about how close a measurement an agreed actual value is for specified conditions.

Precision is about how close a series of measurements matches.

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (14)

Resource 5: Interesting facts about the earth

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (15)Background information / Teacher's subject knowledge

This source gives you some information about the earth and about Africa.Let your students guess the answers.A useful skill in science, because scientists can recognize mistakes.

If some students in your class find this topic easy, you can ask them to calculate the density of the earth and the moon.

Density = mass/volume

Volume = 4/3 Π r3(π = 3. 142) r = radius

The earth

Diameter = 12,760 km

Radius = 6,380 km

Massa = 5,972 x 1024kg

Crust = 40 km right

Distance from earth to the sun = 1. 426 x 109km

Distance from earth to the moon = 384,000 km

The moon

Diameter = 3,475 km

Jet = 1,738 km

Massa = 7.35 x 1022kg


Distance from the northernmost point (Ras Ben Sakka in Tunisia) to the southernmost point (Cape Agulhas in South Africa) = 8,000 km

Distance from the most western point in Africa (Cape Verde) to the easternmost point in Africa (Ras Hafun in Somalia) = 7,360 km

Resource 6: Troubleshooting - Solutions

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (16)Teacher source for planning or adjusting use with students

The following are some possible approaches of some sample problems ofActivity:

Height of a tree

  • Measure the length of the shade and compare it with the length of a shadow that is formed at the same time as a meter rule.
  • Measure the length of the shade and also the angle ϑ from the ground at the tip of the shade to the top of the tree (care: don't look at the sun!) Then use
    • opposite = adjacent x tan ϑ
    • Opposite the height and adjacent of the tree are the shade.

Mass of a sheet of paper

Find the mass m of an x ​​sheet of paper and then mass of a leaf = m/x

Area of ​​the palm

Pull around your hand on a piece of square paper and count the squares.

The volume of a stone

Shear methods (see Station 6, Extensions 1 and 2 inResource 4))

Thickness of a piece of paper

Measure the height (h) on a stack with x pieces of paper.A piece = h/x

Mass of rice grain

Measure the pulp (m) of a stack of grain.

You must let more people count the grains and keep checking until everyone agrees.

Press exercised by a student

A student stands on a square paper and someone pulls his feet.

The power they practice (F) is m x 9.8 and is in the Newton.

Pressure = f/a.

Section 3: Press and heat transfer

Theme: Science Lived - Relevant and Real

Learning outcomes

At the end of this part you have:

  • Used brainstorming to help students realize how the principles of pressure apply to daily life;
  • Supported students to use scientific ideas to explain local technology, household processes or agricultural processes
  • Supported your students in applying their knowledge of heat transfer at home.


Science is all around us.Students must learn.Bron 1Give some strategies that you can use to help your students make these connections.This device is not limited to a field - we want to encourage you to develop the habit of relating the science that your students learn in their daily lives.You will use brainstorming as a technique to help them make connections and you will be encouraged to take them out of class.

Students often see science as something they do at school and not necessarily related to their lives.The school that is important can be involved and interested - especially if there is any controversy involved.Keep your students interested in science and help them see how science can help them understand the world.

1. Everyday examples of 'print'

In this unit we start with aspects of science that are relevant in the house and we continue to consider questions of greater importance for society.They would probably not think about how ideas about pressure in their lives manifest.But once they have the chance to talk in a group, you will find that the ideas will flow.Resource 2Offers guidelines to perform brainstorming in a large group;Resource 3Offers many examples so that you can maintain the discussion.

Case Study 1: Demonstration of print

Mrs. Joyce enters her classroom with her stiletto heels, wears a wooden block with sharp nails that are stuck on it, a bottle of soft drinks and a straw with a drink, a bone and sharp knife and two pieces of cake.With her outside the class on wet soft soil.

Mrs. Joyce had noticed that the boys kept soda.

Then Mrs. Joyce asked two boys to compete by cutting the two cake pieces;The competition started.

Activity 1: Demonstration of daily printing

Collect your class around the front.Fill a cup to the edge with water.The cup - make sure you train before class or it can be messy!give an explanation.

Let your students work in pairs to explain:

  • How a straw works
  • How a suction works
  • Why elephants and camels have large feet
  • Why it is possible to lie on a bed with nails.

Select four pairs to report back.

Finish with a brainstorm where you encourage the class to come up with other daily examples of pressure.

2. Relationship with Physics for daily life

When you start to make a conscious effort to connect science in the classroom with daily life, you will find various examples to support your education.To emphasize the relevance of science, it is good to get out of class.Resource 4Give you some ideas about the kind of places you can go.Case study 2Describes how a teacher brought his class to a garage.

Case Study 2: Visit a garage

Mr.Wekesa, an experienced teacher who had worked in a garage before he came to the teacher training, wanted to break the monotony of the school environment.The students explained those graphs to use how a hydraulic lift works..The students must first observe the parts and compare what they saw with the graph they had drawn.

Mr.Wekesa discovered that most students in the class had visited the garage on their way to school, but they had not realized how relevant the principles they had learned in their physics would prove to be.By asking the class to make a model of a hydraulic lift and presented it in a science competition.

Activity 2: Visit to a playground

Choose a place close to your school where physics principles are clear, such as a garage with hydraulic jacket;

Go together the week before and compile a list of questions for your students who make them think about the physics principles.Heavier and a lighter person that forces you to experience on a roundabout.On a construction site or farm, ask them to find examples of the ways in which builders and farmers use machines such as Poelies, collar and wheelbarrows to make strong lifts.

When you return to class, ask them to write a short report explaining how three physics ideas were used.

3. How can we keep things cold?

Many of the problems we are confronted with and decisions that we make in daily life require some fundamental understanding of scientific principles.ActivityYou will support your students in thinking about a problem with which they are confronted every day.There is no real answer to the problem and some groups of students will be more successful than others in offering a solution.Resource 5Give you some background information about the problem.This is an opportunity to encourage your students to write about their experiment with their own words.Study lessons.Resource 6Provide a writing framework that helps your students clearly structure their ideas.Case study 3Show how Mrs. Ussaman organized the activity as a competition.

Case Study 3: Organize a study

Mrs. USSAMAN had taught physics for a few years and discovered that when she told the ideas in her daily life, her students were much more interested.From cardboard, material and plastic they didn't need.

One morning she gathered her class around the front and showed a cup of icy soft drinks.To plan and make their design..

The lesson of science was at the start of the day, so the class gathered during lunch to measure the temperature of their cup of water and look at each other's design..

Activity 3: Implementation of a study

In the weeks before performing this activity, you must collect waste materials such as cardboard, plastic, cotton and paper.if possible.

When they have a plan, give them a cup of cold water and the materials that you have assembled so that they can make and test their design.Ultimately, each group must show their design and explain why it works.Resource 6Offers guidance to your students to help them write a report about the problem and their solution.

Source 1: To make science relevant to daily life

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (17)Teacher source to support teaching methods

To make science relevant to daily life


Tessa means are supported by a perception that science is not only an activity performed by people in white coats in a laboratory.Principles.It is important that students get the chance to apply their scientific knowledge to an understanding of their own environment and that they understand that the skills they develop in science are relevant to some of the problems they are confronted with in daily life.

Possible strategies

Class discussion

Where possible, use local examples, but also encourage students to draw on their own experience in the classroom.

Practical work

  • Use local examples and materials, such as Hibiscus indicator;
  • Give students a challenge with the help of scrap materials, such as pure salt.

Research project

Students can find information from local newspapers or magazines or interviews adults in society, such as breweries, mechanics or health workers.

Use the school grounds

In addition to the obvious opportunities for organic studies, the grounds of the school are a source of educational examples in other topics such as corrosion, structures and forces.

Day visit

Visit local industries, agricultural places or museums.The effective teacher will link this to the classroom both before and after the trip.


Ask the students to write about examples of science around them (eg chemical change in the kitchen or effort on the football field) or to bring materials to the classroom.

Write tasks

Use local problems as an incentive for creative written work, such as a letter to a newspaper or radiocript about local environmental or health problems.


  • Interviews - A child can be 'expert' and the interviewer can ask questions as if he is producing a news company for the radio.
  • The students make a decision on a local subject, such as health promotion or energy supply.

You have to make a file yourself and keep all newspaper and magazine items that you find that contain or about scientific problems.Every time you start a new topic, you wonder how it relates to daily life and help your students make these connections.


Brainstorming as a class or in smaller groups can help students make connections between the science they learn in class and their daily lives.

Ressource 2: brainstorming

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (18)Teacher source to support teaching methods


Brainstorming is a group activity that generates as many ideas as possible about a specific problem or problem, then determines which ideas offer the best solution.Helps students:

  • Understand a new topic
  • generating different ways to solve a problem
  • Be enthusiastic about a new concept or an idea
  • Feel involved in a group activity that reaches agreement.

Brainstorming is especially useful to help students make connections between ideas.In science, for example, it can help to appreciate the links between the ideas they learn in the classroom and scientific theories.

As a teacher, a brainstorm at the start of a subject gives you a good idea of ​​the scope and depth of knowledge that has already been recorded by the class.Collective ideas that you can refer back to as the subject of progress.

How to make a brainstorm

Before you start a session, you must identify a clear problem or problem.Probably answers.And power.

There must be a large sheet of paper that everyone can see in a group of between six and eight students..

Before the session starts, the following rules are made clear:

  1. Everyone in the group must be involved.
  2. Nobody rejects the ideas or suggestions of other people.
  3. Unusual and innovative ideas are welcome.
  4. Many different ideas are needed.
  5. Everyone has to work quickly;Brainstorming is a fast and furious activity.


The role of the teacher is originally to encourage discussion, involvement and recognition of ideas..

  • summarize what they did well for the class
  • Ask them what they found useful about their activity.

Resource 3: Everyday Examples of print

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (19)Teacher source for planning or adjusting use with students

Daily examples of print

This is followed by some real examples of pressure in action:

  • If you wear a heavy bag, narrow handles or belts are cut into your hands and shoulders, but wide handles and belts are more comfortable.
  • Surely heels on shoes sink further than wide, flat heels.
  • To spread your weight over a larger area, you tell you to sink.
  • Heavy vehicles used on softer soil must have larger, wider tires.
  • A sharp knife has a narrower leaf edge than a stump and is easier to cut.
  • Nails and couplings have a flat hammer head plus a sharp point to make it easier to hammer in wood, but also a leak of tires.
  • Large machines to dig, grab or liftuseHydraulic print systems.

Below are some daily items that depend on pressure at work:

  • Sudepuder
  • Sucks a drink with a straw
  • sifoner
  • Spray
  • Bicycle pumps
  • Water pumps
  • Hydraulic jacket for lifting cars
  • Pneumatic controls
  • Vacuum cleaners.

Resource 4: Examples of Physics in Action

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (20)Teacher source for planning or adjusting use with students

Examples of physics in action

Places to visit and examples that you might see

PlaceExamplesPhysics principles they use
Garage of workshopHydraulic jack

Pressure = power/area and press sent by a liquid (oil), then input pressure = output pressure

Used as a 'Force Multiplier'

Hert, screwdriver

Input Force X Input distance from Axle = output power x output distance

A Power Multiplier

Construction siteRiemi

Input Force X distance It moves = output tax increased x height It is canceled.

A Power Multiplier

Wheelbarrows and handles

Input capacity x Input distance of the wheel axle or Pivot = output power x output distance of Pivot

A Power Multiplier

Kitchen or bakeryCan open, potato tippers, nut cracks

Examples of handles such as power multiplicators, so that small power that the operator exerted on the handle produces a great force on the object:

Input Force X input distance of Pivot = output power x output distance

Knives and spearsNarrow leaf edges and fine points cut the material more easily, because to reduce the area of ​​the same power, the pressed area increases

Another handle: a lighter person is further to balance a heavier person.

Moment clockwise = anticlockfish moment

GardenScissors/ secatos/ grocers

Forcing multiplicators:

Input Force X input distance of Pivot = output power x output distance

Some examples of strengths

Hydraulic Jack:

You use a small force, but drain to increase the large load at a smaller distance.

Input pressure = output pressure because the pressure is transmitted by oil.

  • Small input stamp cylinder with A1 area, small input power F1
  • wider output stamp cylinder with area A2, larger exit -power f2
  • Power on Output Stamped

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (21)

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (22)

Handles, eg SEAW:

Clockwise turning strength x distance from pivot = against the clock in turning strength x distance from pivot

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (23)

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (24)

Cut tools for example secateurs, shears:

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (25)

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (26)

Resource 5: To keep things cool

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (27)Background information / Teacher's subject knowledge

Background information about insulation and keeping the water cool

  • Energy (heat) Transfer from hot objects to colder items.
  • Everything that is warmer than the environment becomes cooler by transferring energy to the environment (so that they get warmer);Everything that is cooler than the environment gets warmer (and the environment becomes cooler) when energy is transferred from the environment to the object.
  • If you leave something long enough, it will reach the same temperature as the environment.
  • To keep a warm object warm or to keep a cold object cold, delay or stop the transfer of energy (heat).
  • Energy (heat) is transmitted by wire, convection and radiation.
  • Metals are good conductors, but plastic or materials with many air holes such as foam or bubble wrap are bad conductors (nor good insulators).
  • Using thermal insulationofinsulatingA hot or cold object means that the object is packed in a material that is a poor thermal conductor.
  • The thicker insulation, the better it works.
  • Heat (energy) is transmitted by a liquid such as air or water using convection flows.Air or liquid is cooled, it is close again and sinks.
  • Building design can use convection flows to keep the building cool: to make this, the hot air can rise through the building and flee the top and draw cool air at the bottom.
  • Glossy or white surfaces reflect the most radiation, while black surfaces are the best absorbes and transmitters.Spray them with shiny paint) or white surfaces to reduce absorption.
  • Vacuum cabbage reduces the heat transfer by all three mechanisms: the silver -colored layer reduces the transmission with radiation, the vacuum means that there is no air that makes loss of convection possible and the insulating foam under the cabinet reduces losses by wire.
  • Thick coatings also help keep cool things cool, because more energy is needed to warm up the cover material.
  • Water has a highSpecific heat capacity, which means that it needs a lot of energy to increase the temperature so that it stays the temperature longer: rivers and lakes are slower to warm up than the surrounding country;Cool longer than leaving them on the table alone.
  • When a solid melts, it absorbs energy from the environment, but it stays at the same temperature until all solid has become in liquid.A relatively large amount of energy to melt, used for cooling coats to transfer food or medical supplies without cooling (when used, or in plaster to keep rooms cool, they are mentioned 'The usefulness materials'Of kortweg PCM's.)
  • When a liquid evaporator, it uses energy from the environment to do this, so that we can use evaporation to keep things cool: let the water evaporate from your skin instead of using a towel to wipe yourself, you feel youCooler and wrapping a bottle A damp towel helps to keep it cool for a long time.

Resource 6: Planning Resource for students

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (28)Teacher source for planning or adjusting use with students

How can we keep the water cool for as long as possible?

A cold drink directly from a fridge or cooler can be very refreshing, but it doesn't stay cold for long!

Work together with your partner to design a way to keep the water cold in a hot climate.You must create and test your design and then present a report explaining how it works.

The writing frame below can help you.View your report by answering the questions:

Introduction and plan

What are you trying to find out?
Which functions will you be important?Explain how they can help.
Describe how you want to test your designs to find out which is the best.

Results and evaluation

Present your results in a table and use suitable graphs or graphs.
What suggests the results?Why do you think this design worked best?

Section 4: Forces

Theme: Troubleshooting and creativity

Learning outcomes

At the end of this part you have:

  • used a game to help your students become familiar with the keywords for this subject;
  • Planned activities that have involved the thinking of students about forces
  • Given your students the possibility to solve a problem.


When your students look for a job, the qualifications they have will clearly be very important.Potential employers will also be looking for people who are creative and who can solve problems;For yourself.Case studies and activities in this device are designed to show you how you can give your students the opportunity to be creative and develop their 'thinking skills'.Bron 1.You have to think about how you can create an atmosphere of excitement and research in your class.If you can do this, students will ask questions and easily contribute their ideas.Really enthusiasm about the topics that you teach.

Creativity is about the possibility of thinking, not only remembering, but to use, to propose, expand and make analogy.Students who are particularly talented in the topics of humanity and who like to write, perhaps like to write about science in the form of a newspaper article or a poem.Choice.

1. Development of literacy through science

In this device, the three activities would fit into your normal education of 'forces', but in each you allow your students to talk about and think about the ideas.

Friction and air resistance are around us and have an in -depth effect on everything we do.Case study 1InActivity 1To allow your students to make the connections between the forces around them and their daily lives.Case study 1Describes a teacher who has worked with a English teacher - the students discuss the ideas of science and then write a story in their English lessons (Resource 2Offers information about promoting interdisciplinary links and skills in literacy).Activity 1is to help your students understand the scientific words.

Case Study 1: Creative writing about friction

One of the misconceptions about friction that Mr Sifuna had noticed in her many years of teaching was: 'Friction always hinders movement, and that is why you will always remove friction.In to work together.sifuna shared her class in groups.Student contributed, would be admitted.Hr.Sifuna went around the class who discussed the students.There were heated discussions and the recorder was very busy writing the ideas. Sifuna was surprised how imaginative his students were and how many ideas they had at the end of 15 minutes.

Later in English, when they learned about creative writing, Mrs. Haule asked students to tell a story about a world without friction.Areas of life to entertain, but it can also be very useful. Sifuna was very happy to see that one of the students who found science difficult wrote one of the best stories.

Activity 1: Use a game to learn keywords

One of the difficult things of science is the number of new words that your students have to learn.

Write the keywords for the subject of the forces on pieces of an old grain box.The word.that you can also use for overhaul.If you work with a colleague, this would save you time.

2. Draw diagrams to explain science

In science we often illustrate important ideas by drawing graphs.Activity 2,You are encouraged to let students draw their own graphs to illustrate the forces involved in three demonstrations.Resource 3Offers the necessary background.To promote.Resource 4Provides information about promoting a Study atmosphere in which students are encouraged to ask questions.

Case study 2: een bungee -spring

Miss Chitsulo was a student teacher in teaching the practice.To an internet café and a film downloaded from someone who made a bungee from the bridge over the Zambezi river and kept it on a memory stick.Their places to draw graphs to explain what they had seen.

They had to draw three charts over the Bungee Jumper to show the forces that work at different points in the leap - on the way down, at the lowest point and on the way back.Board, but Miss Chitsulo wanted to see if they could do it themselves.Their graphs on the board and gave every chance to repair their own work.

Activity 2: Demonstrations with student -guided demonstrations

In this activity you will make three demonstrations: a spring balance (a Newton meter) with a mass in water and in the laboratory;Push a balloon into the water and a liquid needle.Resource 3For the details.Of each demonstration (or label images you have given) with arrows to illustrate the forces that act.To remember whether they have thought of it themselves.

3. Set opening tasks

To learn how to solve problems, students must be available with open activities that have a number of solutions to develop their ability to solve problems, you can be selective in the information you provide.You tell them at the start of the subject you want them to explain why a large ship can float in water.IActivity 3,You will set your students to change the shape of a piece of plasticin (or equivalent) to make it flow.When they have solved the problem, they must look at each other's solutions and be asked to explain their own thinking (Resource 5Give a writing frame that you could use).Resource 6Describes an alternative problem that you could set up and suggest how it can be adapted to students with different skills.

Case Study 3: solving a problem

Miss Chitsulo created a competition: "Which" boat "can most paper clips retain?" And gave each group a piece of plasticine: all pieces were exactly the same size.

Some students noticed how the boats were lower in the water when more paper clips were added.She had some salt water and oil ready to try their boats.Some things they already knew about how ships flow louder when they are unloaded and when they are in salt water instead of in fruit water.In various liquids she showed them some photos of Plimsoll - lines on ships (lines marked on ships to indicate that a vessel can be immersed in water), and they discussed how this helps to keep shipping -resistant loaded.

Activity 3: Research of fluent and sinking

You need a bowl with water and some objects of different sizes, shapes and materials.Sink hard tree and a large stretch of a soft tree that flows.If the students can explain their predictions before they test them.Own time in the university - the things we understand best are often those who confuse us for a while!way to make it flow and if possible to wear a small load.In the end you have to explain why an object flows with regard to the forces..

Source 1: Troubleshooting and creativity

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (29)Teacher source to support teaching methods

Problem solution and creativity

By being resourceful and fascinating variation, you can motivate your students.Can look!


Creativity is about the ability to think.Ideas.They must also feel safe at the reception they get before they make such suggestions.

Of course some teachers will be very creative, but some will not do that - and that is fine as long as you are resourceful and willing to try new ideas.In different contexts you can use news from radio, TV or newspapers and relate this to the science that you teach.For everything you will create an atmosphere of excitement and study with dramatic demonstrations, enthusiasm or amazing and incredible facts.

Strategies to promote creativity

Bring students to:

  • Write a story to illustrate a scientific principle
  • Draw a photo to illustrate a scientific principle
  • Make a theater piece
  • Model
  • Become a member of a role play (for example the particles in a fixed liquid or gas)
  • Make a poem or rap
  • Think of alternative explanations from something they see
  • Write a letter or newspaper article or podcast.


Helping students in developing problem -solving skills is a often quoted goal for science teachers.Explain how you worked it up and why you found it hard.It can solve problems with the development of thinking skills.

  • Encouragement of questions generated by students.The action of asking questions requires involvement and creative thinking, two cognitive core strategies.
  • Be aware of 'goal'.Students must be encouraged to ask: what is it about? "" What does this concern? "" Why do you want us to do this? "
  • Set open activities.Teachers must set up activities that can be treated in various ways, so that children have to think about how they will tackle the problem.
  • Planning.Teachers must give children opportunities to plan their problem -solving strategy in a systematic way.
  • Paraphrase.It is known that you really get to know and understand ideas while you try to teach them to someone else.
  • To learn to learn (metacognition).Teachers can encourage children to become more aware of their learning by making them think about why they did not understand and what strategies have helped those who can be useful in the future.


Wellington, J. Og Ireson, G. (2008)Science Learning, Science Teaching.Abingdon: Routledge.

Resource 2: Promotion of crucifixes left and skills in Lexist

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (30)Teacher source to support teaching methods

Promotion of cross connections and skills

Links over de links

Why promote interdisciplinary links?

  • It is important that students integrate learning into topics instead of seeing knowledge and skills as space -played off.Sometimes reaching a subject can be limited because students do not realize that skills they have learned in a different subject can be useful.
  • When you refer to what students learn in other disciplines, you show that you are interested in their wider learning and that you generally appreciate learning, not just science.
  • By using a number of approaches, you can draw on strengths that students may not show during a 'normal' scientific lesson.
  • This is a process with two ways: Science offers support for learning in other subjects and in addition to the school plan;Science can benefit from skills and knowledge that has been acquired and practiced in other topics.

Some examples ofsubjectswho may have a link to other topics

  • Water cycle, erosion, pollution, mining, energy sources, climate
  • Growth and Development, Medicine
  • Food and Nutrition
  • Famous researchers and inventors, important inventions and discoveries.

Some examples ofapproacheswhich may be used more often in other items:

  • Role -Games Games
  • Creative writing
  • discussion
  • produces a poster
  • Conduct a study or use a questionnaire
  • Practical problem solution
  • Design and construction of an artifact
  • Search an internet or search for reference works.

Some examples regarding educational forces:

  • Bungee Jumping - Creative writing about sensations at different times in a leap.
  • Surface tension - insects that go on the water surface, creative writing or poster on life from the point of view of an insect (effect of scale - like raindrops inThe life of a bug).
  • Liquid and sinking - freshness and liquid/sinking tests for fruit;How to control people, whether different foods are fresh?
  • Liquid and sinking - used as a way to sort different types of plastic for recycling (pieces of plastic are placed in a variety of sorting tanks that contain liquids with different densities, such as water, salt water, glycerol), this can connect to works in worksIn geography Pådes sources or work in technology on different materials.
Working with colleagues in other topics

If you want to try a new approach, it is a good idea to work with a colleague who uses this approach to teach their subject, so that you can learn how to use the procedure effectively.Debate Dan Teachers in Science;You can ask:

  • What things should you have prepared for this type of activities for the lesson?
  • Does the activity work better with a certain space setup (for example, a space free for role -playing or everything in a large circle to start a discussion)?
  • Are there routines or rules that you determine before these types of activities?
  • Do you have standard sentences or instructions that students will recognize (such as 'Freeze!' Or 'images!' If you want students to pause in the middle of a role play)?
  • Which size of the group works best for this activity?
Promote literacy in science
Why promote skills through science?
  • Piping skills must be developed via each topic and regularly practice.
  • Language is often a problem in African countries because students learn in English, which is not their first language.
  • Improving skills in literacy helps students to gain more effective access to materials and to help them make more confident students.
What kind of skills in literacy are especially useful in science?
  • Students must understand the most important scientific words.
  • To find information from the internet, in newspapers and magazines or in reference books or non-fiction books.
  • Location of information quickly in a piece of text.
  • Identification of keywords and sentences in a piece of text.
  • Produces a summary.
  • After a series of written instructions.
  • To know the meaning of technical expressions.
  • Be able to find out what a new technical term can mean (by recognizing related terms).
  • To be able to spell technical terms correctly.

Below are some examples of promoting skills in literacy:

1.Identification of keywords and sentences in a piece of text

Possible ways to promote this:Recognition - search for identified keywords (list of the teacher);Identification - write a list of keywords in a text (Students identify keywords to make their own list).

2.Location of information in a piece of text

Possible ways to promote this:Dart activities - Circle/marker/height/under the emphasis on the words (or sentences) that, for example, call a device, are the parts that move phases in a process, tell you what you should do, the units from measuring, tell youSay.(Please note, if you have assessed plastic bags, you can place a photocopied sheet, bring students to use field balls for this activity and then clean the plastic with a sponge after discussing the answers).


Possible ways to promote this:Selection of sentences or sentences that describe important information in the text (eg Zinces in two groups - correct/wrong, where/fake, text says that this does not say);Resume;Give a writing frame to help students record the most important elements of a sensible order.

4.Insight into technical expressions;

Possible ways to promote this:Make lists of 'related words' (words with a common root such as 'geo' or 'chlorine') for the wall of each subject;Students make their own word lists for each topic;With words on paper pieces, find all the words that approximately ...;Matching activities -Match term for meaning ('Snap' card games);

Resource 3: Power Diagrammer

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (31)Background information / Teacher's subject knowledge


This source is for use with activity 2.

Forces can change the shape of an object can lead to it moving faster or slower or changing the direction in which it moves.

If an object does not move or moves in a straight line in a straight line, the forces must be balanced on it.

The greater the power of an object, the greater the gear (change in speed) it produces.

Forces (and speed and acceleration) are vector quantities - they have size and direction.represents the power.

Note: In more advanced work, the combined effects of forces can be arranged by means of flow charts with all the power arrows drawn on a scale.Moved so that they pulled 'nose to tail', then the arrow from the start of the first arrow to the end of the last arrow, the resulting current style.

Use Power -Diagrams with students

Asking students to draw graphs about the forces that work on an object or power to add an incomplete diagram - is a great way to investigate what they think is happening and to encourage the discussion.

Giving photos for labeling instead of asking students to draw the objects can help prevent the problem from students who give their drawing ability or constantly spend a beautiful drawing instead of thinking about science.Identify the forces that work on an object and to show in which direction they act.

For older students you can introduce some additional guidelines:

  • Streams are straight arrows (not bent).
  • The arrow must start with the part on which it works and points in the direction of the power works.
  • The longer the arrow, the greater the power.
  • If two forces are in balance (then the object does not move steadily), the arrows will have the same size and start from the same point, but go in opposite directions.
  • If two forces on an object are not in balance (so the object accelerates), the greater power will be in the direction that it speeds up and the arrow of this power will be greater.

Identification of the forces that work on objects: some examples

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (32)

Diagram 1A spring balance with mass hanging in air and in water.

The forcemeter in diagram 1 shows that a small force is based on when the mass is in water.

The mass that hangs on the forcemeter, the spring pulls down less in water.

The mass is unchanged:Pull the gravityOn (red arrow, on both graphs) the same is in air and in water, so the weight is unchanged.strictForce (blue arrows, only on the right photo) on the mass.

The balloon in diagram 2 has only a small mass, soPull the gravityIs quite small.push downTo get the balloon under water.You push it under the balloon, the harder you have to push to keep it there.

As you push the balloon down, you see the water level rising: the water that pushes you out of the road (displacement) while the balloon goes under water.

The amountstrictDepends on the amount of water compensation through the balloon.

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (33)

Diagram 2Push a balloon under water

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (34)

Diagram 3A needle that flows into water

A needle does not weigh much, but it does not move much water because it seems to be on the surface;So what does it hold?

Add a drop of detergent to the water.

Identification of forces during a bungee -spring

There are three phases that must be taken into account:

  1. On the way down
  2. At the lowest point of the jump
  3. On the way back

1. On the way down there is no excitement in the Bungee Rope.

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (35)

2. At the lowest point in the jump, the voltage in the bungee crack is maximum and is sufficient to prevent them from falling longer.

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (36)

3. The elastic rope raises the sweater again: the rope is no longer stretched, so the upward characteristic of the voltage is smaller.

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (37)

Resource 4: Encouragement of students' questions

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (38)Teacher source to support teaching methods

To let students generate their own questions

For students to ask questions about something they study, they must feel that asking questions is a good thing and that they will not be laughed at or found stupid to ask.

Things you can do

You can encourage students to ask questions by giving answers such as' it's a good question!vanThinking? "Or" Should we find out? "Or" Hmmm ... Let's find out! ".

This increases two important points:

  1. It's usually betterdoesn'tTo just give students the answer, but to encourage more thinking.
  2. You must have thought about the kind of question that students can ask so that you have things ready in your room to try ideas.predictions whether it can mean that the internet or reference work is to see if they have answers.Help them reformulate these suggestions for something useful, instead of telling them what they should look for.

Another way to promote a spirit of studies is to have something made and worked, or some unusual objects such as 'Stamps' so that students can ask you 'What is it?'

When something unexpected happens, it can bring people through their understanding, so it is important to record demonstrations that contain something that surprises students with demonstrations that illustrate an important point.happen before they see whatDoinghappen and to be willing to repeat an activity so that they can get the full advantage of this.

You can show that your query appreciates by being a role model.If something 'strange' or unexpected happens, let them ask you why it was and be ready to look for answers.

Resource 5: Structuring of Thinking

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (39)Teacher source for planning or adjusting use with students

Solving problems - Think about thinking

Here is a challenge!

A lump of plasticine sinks when you release it in a bowl with water, even if you carefully lower it.

Try your idea and then compare your solution with that of others.

Describe what you have done to make plasticine flow.
What did you know that you have already chosen that solution?
Which design wore the biggest load?What was special or different about what made it better than the other designs?
Why could the best design have a larger load?
Predict what will happen if you place a boat in salt water and load it again.

Resource 6: Expand and challenge

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (40)Background information / Teacher's subject knowledge

Expanding the work of currents and sinking to offer an opportunity for differentiation in a real problem -solving problem solution

This source offers an expansion of activity 3.

The context and the problem

Recycling is important to save valuable sources when the item can no longer be reused.Products have a recycling code about those who tell you what they were made of, but you cannot always see this code on a piece of dirt plastic.)

Background information

A method that recycling companies use to sort mixed plastic waste isFlotation: Different polymers have different densities, so although a current in a certain liquid (because the polymer is less dense than the liquid) will sink others (because the polymer is closer than the liquid).Solution and glycerol (propane -1,2,3 -trio) -can sort the most polymers.

The ordinary polymers and liquids (boldly printed are displayed here in order of increasing density:

Pp (polypropylene), PE (polyethylene),water, ABS (Acrylnitril butcodes styrene), polystyrene,Saturated saline, PMMA (polymethyl methacrylate, also known as acrylic or perspex), PC (polycarbonate - density varies),,glycerol, PC (polycarbonate - Densitet Varier), PET (polyethylentereefhthalate), PVC (polyvinyl chloride).

How the process works

All the plastic waste is cut into small pieces before the batch is added to the first tank (water, the least dense of the three liquids) (this is important because lid and bottle with many plastic bottles will be of different materials and because if you are youUses a whole bottle, it has air in it, so that you do not look at the density of the plastic but at the bottle.) All bits that are beaten away and all the pieces that sink in the next tank, and the process is repeated.(Note that, depending on what was in the original mixture, you may have a type of polymer or that you have two or even three polymers in each of the last, individual groups and you may have to use other tests to find out which oneBits were a certain polymer: you cannot see polyethylene and polypropylene from this method because they both flow into water.)

Set a differentiated task

You can do the amount of challenge of:

  • The way you words about the task words
  • the materials that you deliver and how you deliver them
  • the amount of information or guidance that you provide.

Some different ways to set the task

You must offer cups or bowls for testing samples with every liquid.'Samples' must be small pieces of pure plastic.Get rid of waste and therefore students can dry dry before they are placed in the next liquid.

  • Give some identified tests and some 'mysterious' tests and ask students to identify 'mysteries' tests.
  • Give some identified samples and ask students to investigate which flows and which sinks into each liquid, and then take an identification test.Jo more polymers, the harder the task is.
  • Give unknown samples and the information about relative densities and ask students to suggest what each test is.XofyIs easier than identifying without hint options.
  • Give unknown samples and the information about relative densities and ask students to suggest what every sample isand evaluate the method.This adds a different question because students have to think about which strengths and weaknesses are.

Some things you could use as sources of different types of polymer

Note: These are suggestions based on what the polymers are usually used for.Try to find the recycling code on the object to confirm what the polymer is.

PP Polypropylene: Bottles of tops, some cosmetic bottles, yogurt pots, some food bins

PE -Polyethylene: Bleek or detergent lessons, bottles for silent drinks, some cosmetic bottles

Pet Polyethylene Terephthalate: Shampoo -Bottles, Fizzy Drinks -Bersessen

PVC Polyvinylchloride: plastic tubes and cable aids

PS Polystyrene: Plastic Bestics, 'Foam' Mad Cardone, Drink Cups

PMMA -polymethylmethacrylate (Acrylic, Perspex): plastic heersers, Clear Drinks Cups.

Section 5: Electricity and magnetism

Theme: Taking challenging ideas

Learning outcomes

At the end of this part you have:

  • Structured an activity to investigate the understanding of the subject and to help your students understand the keywords;
  • Supported your students in understanding the subject by actively listening and speaking;
  • Organized a role -playing games to model electricity power and worked as a class to evaluate the model.


Being an effective science teacher means that it can be very clear to explain difficult ideas.About the science that is 'wrong', especially about the more abstract topics.To be identified and handled before the progress can be made.It is often not enough to explain the ideas;

In this unit, the three activities build on each other and enable you to gradually develop their understanding..

1. Focus on literacy

Electricity is a subject that there are many misunderstandings.Desse is explained inBron 1.To succeed in this subject.

This theme is strongly based on the ideas of 'exploring the understanding of students'.Barrier for understanding science can be the scientific words that students need to know, especially if they are taught in their own language.Activity 1Describe how you can support your students in understanding the keywords that are linked to this subject.Case study 1Had very little equipment and therefore had to deal with everyday objects.

Case Study 1: Word Card

Mrs. Immare is worried that her Form 1 -class learning in English is challenging.A list of all the words that their students had to understand.Resource 2Have some suggestions.) With the help of an old grain package, the couple made a set of small cards.

Mrs. Immare collected her class around the class.They must already know and to explain some of the keywords.

Then she asked Ernest to choose a card and read the word.

Activity 1: To explain to students to explain words

Prepare a set of cards with a few keywords that are linked to the subject.And make a circuit and explain how you can make the lamp light.

Once you have treated the most important ideas, you spend the cards and make sure that nobody sees them.Must guess what word they have.It can use the equipment or the actions to help them explain the word.

2. Discussing important ideas in groups

Researchers have made a clear link between language and learning.When students discuss ideas with colleagues, they have time to draw on their memory of what they have done before, share ideas with their partner and clarify their thoughts by also explaining them to get used to scientific words that may not be known.Much more likely that you tackle their misunderstandings in this way.Too often when we use questions in a whole class discussion, we assume that because a student can give us a correct answer, the class can see as a whole subject well.This technique in different contexts, the teacher inCase study 2Let her students talk about magnetism.Activity 2, which is based on circuits, will take more time than just explaining the different types of circuits in your class and ask them to copy labeled graphs and notes, but it will help students consolidate their understanding.

Case Study 2: Talking about magnetism

Mr. Sifuna knows from earlier experience that students have difficulty understanding the difference between 'being magnetic' and 'being a magnet' and that they tend to believe that all metal will be magnetic.Some students have seen huge electromagnets those cars raise on a local demolition. Sifuna showed the class some materials to sort and asked them to discuss in groups that the magnets would choose.Everyone had made his predictions, he gave each group a bar magnet and asked them to sort the materials in 'magnetic' and 'non-magnetic'.

Some students were surprised that some of the metal samples were not magnetic.

He then gave each group two magnets, an iron dick, some paper clips and a few pieces of copper.And walked around and heard about their discussions.

Finally, he showed them how an iron dick can be made to a magnet by ironing it in a direction with the bar magnet.Resource 3).

Activity 2: To talk about Circuit

In exams, students often have to draw or interpret circuit cards.

Divide your class into groups of six.Resource 4).Until they all agree with a response.

3. Modeling of electrical circuits

Difficult ideas can often be illustrated through a physical analogy.Later time.If you use physical analogies, you must always have the benefits of the specific model discuss by identifying the shortcomings of the model, you will also add their understanding.The teacher inCase study 3I have tried previously role -playing and have faith in the use of role -playing games in her lessons.ActivityDescribes a role playing game that your class should enjoy.Resource 5Offers an example of role -playing and instructions to perform them.

Case Study 3: Evaluation of models

Miss Chitsulo is a student teacher.She wanted to play a role to explore models with her students as one of her college assignments.Fashion model.-Games from games, Miss Chitsulo asked her class to compare the two.

She asked some questions: 'Is this a good model?Who hadn't learned about it yet? “Her students enjoyed rolling games and were happy to be asked about their opinions.

Activity 3: play a role -games

Choose one or both role described inResource 5And prepare your sources for the lesson.With end together to make a loop.Things it helps by explaining.Parts of the model.In the end, everyone to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the model.Everyone covers a short paragraph to explain the model with their own words.

Source 1: Common misconceptions

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (41)Background information / Teacher's subject knowledge

Misunderstandings about magnets and magnetism

Researchers have discovered that there are certain misunderstandings about electricity and magnetism that are very common.

Misunderstanding: All metals are attracted by a magnet

Not all metals are attracted by a magnet.'Copper coins', who are attracted to a magnet, are not actually a copper, but a buyer -nickel alloy.

Misunderstanding: if something is attracted by a magnet, it is a magnet

Being pulled until a magnet does not mean that a material is a magnet (but it is a magnetic material and can be made to a magnet).This time rejected by the magnet, the object is also a magnet.

Misunderstanding: The Magnetic Arctic, ie the Pole of the earth in the northern hemisphere is magnetically a North Pole

Northern sizes of magnets are the posts that point to the north.If posts, unlike posts, so the magnetic North Pole of the earth is actually a magnetic South Pole because it attracts the North Pole in a magnet!

Misunderstandings about a job for a pioneer and electricity

Misunderstanding: You only need a wire to make a circuit with a battery and a pear

If students have seen an electric light hang on a ceiling on the ceiling or electrical equipment with a lead to a plug, but have never built a circuit with batteries and pears, they can believe this (they can also believe that if you use two threads, the cord of one end of the battery is the one who counts and the other is simply to light as a 'return route'.), Not the glass) for the lamp.

Misunderstanding: power is 'used up' while it flows around the circuit

Power is not used up: the power is the same all the way around a series circuit.Be the same brightness.

Misunderstanding: The power starts from one end of a battery and in turn flows through each part of a circuit until it comes back to the other end of a battery (eg Kstil battery)

The current immediately flows into all parts of a circuit when there is a complete circuit.Even if you had a huge circuit that went around the classroom, all pears would light up at the same time, not after the other.

Resource 2: Focus on keywords

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (42)Teacher source for planning or adjusting use with students

Some keywords for electricity and magnetism

Here are some keywords that you could use.You may want to add a little more, depending on your syllabus:

















Magnetic field

Resource 3: Background of magnetism

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (43)Teacher source for planning or adjusting use with students

Magnets, Magnetic Materials and Non-Magnetic Materials

Questions for students to predict the answers before they test their predictions

Will a magnet pick up all materials?

What do all magnetic materials have in common?

Will the magnet attract or pick up a piece of aluminum?

Will the magnet attract or pick up a piece of iron?

How can you see the difference between a magnet and a magnetic material?

Additional questions and what you need to answer it

How can you find the North Pole in a magnet?

To find the North Pole of a Magnet, also

  • Have another magnet with the North Pole on it (and as you know is correct - see below)of
  • In what way is it north.

You need a piece of string to suspend your magnet.

What you need to sort the samples every group
  • At least one bar magnet for testing the samples.
  • At least another magnet to be a monster.From a magnetic door lock, a small magnetic magnetic that is used for earrings or jewelry fixings or from a number of handbags.
  • Small samples of non-metal materials, eg piece of wood, a piece of cardboard, a piece of plastic.
  • Small samples of metal materials or objects made from metal: try to get a variety of metals, such as a piece of copper plate or copper tube, piece of aluminum/aluminum foil/empty aluminum drink, piece of steel/steel food can/steel paper clip, iron nails.
  • Two hills.

Before class, put all samples on a group on a table, spread them as much as possible and mix them.

Sort the samples

A person in the group must contain one end of the 'beam magnet' over each monster by his side (but do not touch the samples with the magnet).

Another one in the group must remove all things that are not attracted to the magnet or being shed and put them on a tray.

The student who has the magnet must run the magnetic round to use the other end and keep the end of the magnet over each of the samples on the table.

Another must remove all samples that are not rejected by the magnet and placed on another tray.

Resource 4: Information about Circuit

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (44)Teacher source for planning or adjusting use with students

Proposed circuits and descriptions

This source is for use with activity 2. You can add more of your own that applies to your syllabus.

A circuit with a cell (battery) and a pear.

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (45)

A circuit with a cell (battery) and two balls in series connected.

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (46)

A circuit with a cell (battery) and two lamps connected in parallel.

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (47)

A circuit with two cells (batteries) and two bulbs in series.

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (48)

A circuit with one cell and a resistance in which one ball in series is connected to the resistance and the other lamp is connected to them in parallel.

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (49)

A circuit with a cell and two bulbs parallel to a switch that controls both lamps.Of

A circuit with a cell and two bulbs parallel to a switch between the bulbs and the battery.

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (50)

A circuit with a cell and two bulbs in parallel, with a switch that controls only one of the bulbs.Of

A circuit with a cell and two bulbs parallel to a switch on one of the branches.

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (51)

Resource 5: How to model electric circuit

Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (52)Teacher source for planning or adjusting use with students

Teacher instructions for Rol -Games Games

Here are two role plays that you can use to model what is happening in an electric circuit with a small group (before use with activity 3).

Remark:The descriptions explain the various parts of roll games ('this person is the battery', 'this is charged to move the circuit' etc.).All this, but just say that this is a role to play to model what is happening in an electric job.what must we do, ask them questions like "Who is the battery?" "What represents the moving costs?" "What represents the resistance?" Or "How does it show that energy is being transferred?"

Such a copper

What you need:A packed sweets, two boxes and some paper cups.

What must we do:

  • Start with everyone except one in a circle.This outside the circle is an observer.
  • A person (the battery) has a box with some packed candy in it: they pass on a candy every second to the person on the right side who immediately transfers each candy to the person to the right, and so on (it can help someone outside the circle to do thisTime to hold time by tapping the table once every second.)
  • A person in the circle has a cup.Located behind the person to the left of the 'battery' and folds a cute back to the battery every time the person they are behind.In the rhythm before you make changes.
  • Now give a cup to another person, so there are now two lamps/resistors in the circuit.
  • Now give another in the group a box and half of candy.Speed ​​passes that candy around the circle and the observer claps twice as fast.

This model is good because you can see that the number of moving loads remains the same.The risk that students will think that the addition of batteries will add more costs, even if you have not received more sweets than before: focusing attention on the speed with which candy passes the observer., but ask them to pass on round candy with twice as much as flap with the double of the speed they did earlier.)

In the ideal case, the candy would be slightly smaller every time they passed the 'lamp' that represented the transfer of energy to the lamp.Candy would be used until the last time - which is the battery without energy.Electric circuits that are not properly displayed in this model: transfer energy from the circuit to the lamp.The other model is better in this respect, because students can feel the energy when the heat is generated by friction.


What you need:A (large) loop of ropes, ideally with a pattern or markings on every meter, so that you can see how fast it goes.

What must we do:

  • Everyone in the group is in a circle, so the rope loop is not pulled too tightly but is nowhere.
  • A person is the battery: they pull the rope aroundStable, ie a steady amount of properties.
  • All others are the resistance: they take the rope very easily while it goes around to slow it down.Rope When it goes around, the more energy is transferred to their hands (care for painful hands and friction burns caused by people who pull the rope).Do not start to pull against the resistance.)

This model is good becauseIt shows that as the current flows around the circuit, the loads move around the circuit at the same time.HoweverIf the 'battery' starts to pull harder to move the rope, students can think that the addition of more resistance will make the battery more difficult to keep the power the same.

Ask the class for each model:

  • What is the circuit in this model?
  • What represents the load that moves around the circuit?
  • What represents energy in the circuit?
  • Where does the current energy collect?
  • Where does that energy give up?
  • In what ways does this model seem like your own ideas about electricity?
  • Which model is better?
Module 3: Secondary science - Physics: Look as a single side (2024)
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