Mireya's third intersection (2024)

Mireya's third intersection (1)


The first time she was raped.The second she was almost drowned.

DoorDarcy Courtau

In January ofLast year Mireya called me to say she was going to Juárez.

She had undocumented in the United States for 25 years, but now she applied for a permanent stay.

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There, Luz Mirella Zamora (she dedicates the situ name with ayTo prevent confusion;Ray-Ah) an employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would be confronted with three piles of papers: green, blue and pink.Lack of paperwork.Pink and she would get stuck in Mexico until her extensive family could collect enough money for a smuggler to bring her home: $ 8,000 to hide in a vehicle, $ 15,000 if she wanted to sit in the passenger seat.

Mireya only had 30 days to come up with the money to travel to Juárez for her appointment, and from her voice on the phone - victoriously, nice - I could see that she had a kind of crazy plan.Mireya and her husband had asked the owner and the owner to end her suffering and save the flesh.Put the animal down and they dressed it in the grass.Now Mireya changed 80 pound beef into jerky to sell to the bag.

I told Mireya that I would go to Juárez with her.I had followed her story for a few years and I would be there to see how it turned out.Born, and eventually came to sell for Share Volkswagen Passat with a bloated water pump that someone had left to my mother and whose title was somehow signed with me.

I met Mireya for the first timeI 2014.

During one of my travels to Arkansas my father asked me if I knew I had another sister.From his 10th child, although they have not actually shared anything blood.

My parents had met Mireya and her five children by her husband, Robert, a third generation of Mexican American who worked in the area.Papa decided to sell a few hectares of their property on a loan with zero interest.

Mireya and Robert named the town of El Rancho and started filling it with geese, mules and a split track of pigs., the best known for its annual Rodeo, which has grown into a small city with the arrival of Latino and Marshallese immigrants.

The husband and children of Mireya are born and bred Americans, but she was missing a social security number and was forbidden to work.

Mireya never knew her real father, but my father started calling herof, daughter.AlmsierInCrazy.Always considered rebellious and mouthful, she was 'independent', 'direct'.

I enjoyed having Mireya and her family in the area, but I was furious when I discovered that she and Robert were left for two years on their payments for El Rancho;They seemed to inherit the property rather than paying.Kun one of my brothers and sisters is given country, the only value that my parents possess.

Mireya's uncle had once mocked her to try to learn English.In professor!She told people), praised her fluency.

"She is smart," I once heard her say to friends, her tone unmistakably creepy."

If we had been real sisters, we would have had an eruption somewhere along the way and have cleared the air.

Mireya's third intersection (2)

By requesting a stay,Mireya feared that she would be an excursion to the US to be citizenship and immigration services, which occasionally marks people without paper for immigration and customs enforcement.

But she was tired of hiding, it was tired of being subject to the schedules of other people when she needed a lift for a household job.Intat back roads.

Until a few years ago it would be unthinkable to try to get a visa.legal.Or further than the guarantee of success.

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In 2013, the Barack Obama government offered a solution: immediate family members of American citizens can apply for the exemption without leaving the country as long as they can prove that an extensive divorce would be a difficulty for their family members.illegal presence exemptionPardon.

Mireya did not have the $ 6,000 that it would cost to hire a good immigration lawyer, so she decided to go alone.

She joined a Facebook group of 36,000 members, people who registerPardonAnd their friends and families.Those paperwork have touched, consult the group the advice of their lawyer.When it comes through DHL, they post different selfies with the package of which the logo of red and yellow company has become a stand-in for the documents that have been sealed inside.

For three years, Mireya gathered the required documents, first in a manila folder and then in a growing harmonic file that is known as the 'folder'.To remind her why she spent so much time gaining her notarial content.

Mexico demanded that requests for an official birth certificate would be made personally.With a judge.A year and $ 400 later the new birth certificate arrived in Arkansas.Of course it requires in Spanish, and citizenship and immigration services require that all documents are translated into English, so Mireya also paid for it.

When she didn't have a laptop, she submitted some forms on her phone and went to the public library to print hardlings from others.She had crossed every box, she spent $ 1,300 on a physical examination and vaccinations.

Her exception was approved in the spring of 2017;Now she had to go to Juárez for a medical examination and an interview at the consulate.Border twice in 1989 and 1997 -and if you had entered the country illegally more than once, she said that Dinvisa application will be rejected.

Mireya told the Facebook group what the lawyer had said.God without being God, but I am nothing" - God without me remains God, but I am nothing without him.

Twenty -two people answered;They concluded that if she had been crossed long ago, she would be forgiven.

We drove to El Paso,The car from Park Mireya there and then take a van to Juárez.Robert and Mireya took the car at sunrise.itzanai - "nani" - and Fernando, teenagers, said farewell.With growing agitation until she was sitting and held him.

Mireya's oldest, Joaquín, 25, would lead us.1997, so he could get better medical treatment.The death of his son to strangers moments after she met them, as if her name is inseparable from the loss.

In her grief, Mireya had released a year before she returned to her Visa application.A rent in the city nearest El Rancho, the largely white and conservative each other, population 3,000.

Mireya had left her Pueblo for the first time at the age of 15.Her beloved grandmother was already in California and used to a sick family member.Find her grandmother.A girl only a year older, but much more worldly borrowed her money from a coyote and said she would go with her.The time that was crossed every year and Coyotes were cheap, $ 250 to $ 300.Mireya told me the story;I have edited her words for clarity and concise.

I had no money.I knew nothing about the United States.

This man stopped us at the bus station in Tijuana.Norden?I can participate with you, I have friends, you will do it in three hours.We have a house where you can rest and stay until it is safe to cross. "He keeps saying," You can trust me. "

We came to the house.

Upstairs was only a large room with four walls, no windows and a metal door.No bed, just a few sheets on the floor.There was this big lady, she was long, a bit old, 45 maybe.They fed us.They placed us in the room above that we should sleep there and they have to lock the door for our safety and if we have to pee or whatever, they gave us a bucket.

I have that feeling in my heart and said something is wrong.Why did they put us in the room?To kick.

Here the house comes to the house and she just hardly has any clothes.She opens the door and says, "Good morning, my beautiful, my princesses!"

We just looked at her.

Three men come right behind her and this man looks at me and he goes: "I choose her."The other man is like "yes I choose her too. But my friend, she hugged me and she said:" No, not she, choose me.Let her go.She is 15.

They brought me below where there was this small space.

They raped me.

It went in days, nights.And everything I got to eat was a glass of milk with an egg in it, raw, mixed.They say it will give me a few days.

Finally the man who brought us there came in the room and looked at me and said, "Are you going?"

I couldn't talk.Han did not take his coat and put it on me because I was naked.He said, "I get girls here, wouldn't do this anymore."

It was so difficult for me to trust him!Then this.He opened the door and he asked me to stay behind him and we started walking up.Car.He opened the trunk, said we will be safe there and then he started driving.

After a while he let us out and said: "I have a friend and he wants to help you cross girls. He takes a shortcut." He said to me: "I hope you will forgive me for what I did."

This new Coyote said that we had to go to this bridge for two or three hours, we will go under it and then we will come to this big fence and in girls to jump off.

These three hours were three days when we went.I don't know, maybe we were lost.hedWe didn't have much water - we had to sip it and keep it in my mouth..

We finally came to the bridge and went down, and then we kept going.We saw this big fence on the American side.The cord was broken where other people had previously crossed.

And we had something like "Who's coming?"

And she calls: "Immigration!"

The coyotes started to run and disappeared.Whoosh- She jumped from that fence.I was the last one and I am so scared and I don't shake.ImmigrationIs, or whatever to do, so I just started running and I was close to the fence.I climbed halfway, but I couldn't handle it and I fell back.

He told me something in English.I didn't speak English then;Really blue eyes.Eyen.And he asked me questions.Your name?"




He grabbed my face with one hand and looked at me.Her.Gaga!Go here!"

I started to go where he pointed.I saw a big hole under the fence - there were branches that covered it, but he clearly knew it was there.I was a little girl, thin - and he stepped on his horse and looked at me and said, "Good luck" and disappeared on his horse with the dust behind him.

Over hier.gå. Border Patrol Manager who let her go - he was an angel, Mireyy said.

The coyotes who switched her to the rapes - she remembers him as an angel to come back.I am a woman, I love my husband, "she told me." "Mireya has reconciled the attack of men with God: maybe it was a test or the price of good things in the store.

In California she found work with babysitting for a few from Africa was the longest, darkest man she had ever seen and he gave Spanish at a university.Gave her lessons three times a week, a friendliness that would change her life.

She worked for a few years and gave birth to two boys, but she couldn't end each other.For a specialist.As an American citizen, he was eligible for Medicaid.was 23 years old.

There had been heavy rainfall and the local TV station released reports from migrants who had drowned.

She only wears her asthmain halter, some money and a change in clothing, she took a bus to the border where she met a group of other migrants.Well to show counterfeit documents to Border Patrol.

The deal was that I had to cross a car, sit in the back seat and not talk to someone - they ask for your papers and you show it.ImmigrationCheck everyone very well, so he goes: “We know this place where the river is low.The other side of a gas station.Take care of the rest. "

It's like,Hmm.godt. Thinking and talking to each other.Some have been crossed for the first time, others their fifth. "They drove us to the river in an old black minibus without chairs. But when we arrived the river, we saw that it was not going to imagine - you see the sea!I said: "No, I can do that.I don't know how I swim.fast.

The man said: "No, no, no, it's going well. We did it yesterday and the days before." It got dark.He said: "Everyone must be naked. The other side and puts the clothes there. If you come to bamboo on the other side, I scream¡María!Three times, and when you hear it, it means it's time for everyone to get out of the water, dress and you will do itfast."

They said that when you get out of the water and you are in softening wet andImmigrationGoodbye, they immediately know that you just crossed the river.The least was what they told us.

The man said: "Girls or boys who don't know how to swim - these two boys you should get on their shoulders. Where he goes all the way down, covers the pillars bigger than the boys - they had to be sixOr are eight feet long - and they would really put them in the ground.

We are like "how will he breathe?"

So here we go: go into the water.crazy.You can't see.It's so dark.And try to get one of these people.

We arrived on the other side and came when the man who had me on my shoulders, coughing and bump of water.The people. "We waited and waited and waited, but that call never came.

I was the one who said - I could hardly talk - "I come from this water."It was so cold.I don't die here."

Mireya and the other climbed the riverbank where they found clothes left by other migrants.

In Juarez,An industry with hotels, restaurants and fixers originated around the American consulate, the only one in Mexico that processing immigrant visa applications.Mireya, Joaquín and I fought for the Conquistador Inn to wait for her appointments.

The medical examination of a private facility would be the first and more difficult of her two interviews.Reviews.Tattoos?What do they mean?Mireya would admit to tattoo eyebrows and show the butterfly at her crucifix - brave gangs - symbols, but everyone was nervous about everything.

In the factory she and other women received bracelets -coded bracelets and took off their clothes.Her stomach for the AR.

On the way out, she studied the bill.

The next few daysA group is collected in the lobby of Conquistador, where a holiday atmosphere is created, such as in places with a purgatory crisis.

Miguel was recorded in Mexico for five months., While he was waiting, but it didn't cover the mortgage loan and the bills.

Yovana and her sister Graciela, 14 years old her junior, confused everything.Yovana was the American citizen for the two, but strangers took the opposite when she was brown -oriented and her sister's fair.Yovana's parents were divorced shortly after she was born in us, her father then returned to Mexico and had Graciela with a woman with a light, Hazel-Eyed woman.his sister breed.

Graciela has her own young children.

Why apply now?"We have because of the president."

A few days after our stay, Miguel went to the lobby of Conquistador with a green slip.I believe in God." I believe in God.

High, brilliant anabella hurried the next morning - her visa was approved!She spread photos of her grandchildren on a table and gossip with Mirey.

The majority of our group in the hotel had agreements the same day, and the night before everyone who was collected in the lobby agreed to go together.Husband, their hands on each other's knees .Soscar showed us a video on his phone from a huge rave, he DJ -ed once a year.to Mexico and open a company.But he had a baby.

Mireya got up to keep the court, speak in Spanish and tell people from California and New York about her garden harvest on El Rancho - the tomatoes, onions and chili that she made to Salsa."It is very rare for me to act at Walmart," she boasted.On her phone she pulled a picture of a black bear - "and there are dangerous cougars!"

Blanca speculated about the Latino population of Arkansas, jobs, the presence of IS.Mireya spoke about her cleaning of the house - "For men it is easier that they work in construction" - and explained that most local population inElkins have been hospitable.

"Is that a sanctuary?"Yovana asked.

"Her ..."

Mireya's third intersection (4)

It was rumor,In practice, appointments were served for the first time, served for the first time, so the next morning everyone was on the consulate for dawn and bought coffee in a corner shop.While the others were waiting.

Francisco was agitated.He is a naturalized citizen and works for $ 13 per hour at a factory in Texas that produces aluminum rotors;Father would be good - he had crossed illegally, but returned 12 years ago.Han's mother had never crossed, but she could not read or write.Had written them on a scrap paper and hid by hand.

We were in the Woestijnweg, our feet freezing on the floor, baked our head and shoulders while the sun came up.

There was a voice in the crowd - our people came out.

Claudia fell into her husband's arms, her cheeks wet with tears.

Graciela found her sister and smiled at what seemed the first time on days."I can now return to my children."

Oscar and the man who had shared his almond cake disappeared.

Francisco's parents went up, stiff and formula, but with the victory in their eyes.Francisco lifted a singing arm directly to heaven.Thank God!'He called loud enoughGudto belong.

Mireya came out and found Joaquín.She had a green slide in her hand.

Mireya Ville VenteIn the house of her family in Jalisco, further south, for DHL to deliver her visa at the airport in Guadalajara.

Mireya had not been to her Pueblo after 20 years.Cable has the money to have the icons in the chapel, the knife in gold, and a man named Alejandro rends his bell with a rope.

About 4,000 Mexicans live in Pueblo with a few hundred migrants from El Salvador and Guatemala, who come there to choose blackberries and raspberries in the city - most Mexicans could not wage.

The first night there was Tequila and Coca-Cola among the grandmother of Bougainvillea Mireya, had planted for decades.With laughter.

Earlier midnight the children went to bed and a cousin turned Mariachi Music's radio to slightly slower.

In the morning Mireya Duffels brought the hand-me-downs of her children to the best friend of her childhood, Ana..

In the coming days, Mireya went through the streets and greeted people.Remember me?"Do you remember me?

She bought snacks sold in a doorway and an old woman got out."You remember Mireya!"

“Mireya!I can remember these eyes! "

"My son Eliseo died in an accident. I'm in Arkansas -"

"Do you remember how I used to take you from your mother when she hit you?"


Mireya continued.There was the Guaveboom.There was the clinic where her little brother Alfonso was born.Click up Mother, 'Motherf*cker, Hun Krone.

Mireya's third intersection (5)

Several days at the DHL -Pack had still not arrived and Mireya had gone from weakening international visitors to the servant of everyone except Odilón.She rarely left the house, cooking, cleaning and washing her cousins ​​and washing of Joaquín, unable to say no.

Mireya and I shared a bed and Joaquín slept in the same room.Every night Mariachi music from the courtyard announced..

My family had passed the hat for the travel costs of Mireya, but it had clearly went to household invoices.There was no money left to get home.Robler called, desperate after her to return.She would sell homemade tamales as soon as her feet hit the ground in Arkansas if she could just get there.

Mireya was finally exhausted.

She fell into loneliness.

The men found the rat And a few days later the DHL package came., stopped in traffic, the surrounding mountains disappeared when the sun went under a border that eventually only became visible with brake light.

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The driver studied Mireya in his rearview mirror and spoke about children who died in the desert and other serious things.Bastards, how barbaric"–Bastards, how cruel - she muttered from time to time, but she buzzed again with forward movement. Melankoli couldn't touch her. And I knew that Mexico finally made Mireya and me to me: this journey would bind us.

The driver left us in the US.Customs and Border Protection Station, empty a huge room at the moment.

A Border Patrol manager jumped up the DHL convulsion and shook from an inch thick papers he had, and then Mireya's Mexican passport and American visa.Echoes of the walls.

Mireya walked to the door that would take her to the United States where her taxi was waiting, and then she stopped and turned to look at the officer."He is another angel," she said."I will always remember his face."

This article appears in the printed edition of June 2019 entitled "Mireya's Third Crossing."

Darcy Courtauis a writer and photographer based in Washington, D.C.en Arkansas.

Mireya's third intersection (2024)
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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.