Incognito mode: Is private -browsen really private? (2024)

Incognito -fashion.sprivat life state.privat browsing.Usy what you or your browser call it, the Incognito mode continues to use your browser habits -but it is not as private as you would think.

When most people switch to the Incognito mode, they enjoy the peace of mind that their web history andCookieswill not be storedbrowserIt cannot store anything, it does not mean that the sites, servers or search engines they visit are not.unrecognizableThen many would like to think.

So how private is Privé -Browsen?

Check oursVideo guide for private -Browsen in the Incognito mode

Read more while we dive into the dirty details of the Incognito mode, including guides for setting up, choosing alternatives and seeing how private your data really is.

What is the Incognito mode?

Incognito mode: Is private -browsen really private? (1)

Also known asPrivate browsing, Incognito mode is a browser setting that does not keep track of your story, cookies, site data or registrations during viewing.

It may seem like a great way to hide your surfing habits, and it is only to a certain extent.Some search engines, and your ISP (ISP).

As a result, private browsing is often not as private as many of us hope.

But let's first investigate whatIn factIncognito mode really works and how these functions differ from what many people can expect.

What does the Incognito mode do?

As we have seen, the incognito mode prevents your browser from different aspects of yourBrowse through activity, such as cookies and browsing history.

  • Don't hold the story.When you assess the internet, your web browser (such as Firefox or Chrome) has a detailed overview of where you visited - unless you use the incognito mode, that is.

With the Incognito mode, your browser does not record your browser story, what this does, cannot see which sites you visited after your session.It.

  • Do not store cookies.Although everyone likes cookies, the Incognito mode is not - so much that they don't even keep them.Http -cookies, those small data packages, your browser stores on your computer while you assess.

Cookies are widely used to follow and save your browser data such as names and passwords.For example, when you add items to an online shopping cart, the site saves a cookie with your browser that stores your shopping basket.In your cart the next time you visit.

Although cookies are the backbone of many of our browse experience, we don't always want them.In some cases they can even be a bit annoying, especially if we don't want certain sites to store unwanted data in our browser.

For this goal, your browser does not store cookies in the Incognito mode.

  • Do not save Site data.In addition to not storing cookies, your browser will not store any other types of Site data in the Incognito mode.Formulardataand active login.

As you may have guessed, a different form of sites data.When the cookies are used to follow and identify on the internet, they are usually treated separately.Data from the Education Site.

Because most Site data are only the images of the site and HTML files, removing it does not make a big difference outside your browser to redo it again on the next visit.mode.

  • Do not save form information.Although it is just a different type of site data,Form submissionsis an important concern about security - especially on shared computers.Here the use of the Incognito mode has the advantage of not storing form information that can contain usernames and other sensitive information.

Without stored form information, you largely minimize the risk of another user on the same computer, discover your username or if you have selected an autofill setting, password.This function alone makes the Incognito mode essential for protection when using public or shared devices when using public or shared devices.

  • Do not keep logged in.At the moment you know that the Incognito mode does not save the login of the site together with other sites data.

Depending on your browser and settings, the Incognito mode also does not keep track of earlier login during your session.tils.og you earlierLogin sessionRecovery when you disable the incognito mode.

  • Switches off browser extensions.In addition to temporary logging in all active sessions, eliminating the Incognito mode and ElkeBrowser.Som You can choose to activate them again, it prevents them from being inactive to save extra data.Many people also use this function to enjoy

Although we have treated many good details here, there is actually only one important collection meals:Incognito mode does not store browsing dataHowever, we see in the next section, it is no guarantee for privacy.

What does the Incognito mode not do?

One of the biggest misconceptions about the Incognito mode is that it is completely private - which it is certainly not.

Incognito mode: Is private -browsen really private? (2)

Even if your browser does not store your story or data in the Incognito mode, this does not mean that the sites and search engines that you do not visit.

As a result, there are many things that are incognito modeDo notEspecially when it comes to your privacy and identity.Here are some of the most important things to keep in mind.

  • Do notHide your IP address.Every device that is connected to the internet has an IP address (internet protocol), which is a kind of virtual equivalent of a physical address for a house or building.IP address.

Because the incognito mode yourIP adres, It is still fully visible for all sites or search engines that you visit.

To hide your IP and activity, cow your connection and/or useVirtual Private Network (VPN)Or proxyerver.We cover these in the "alternatives" section at the end of this guide.

  • Does not prevent network managers from viewing your activity.If you look at a job or school network, all your traffic is targeted by the network of the network before you go out online.

As is unable to hide your IP address, the Incognito mode cannot prevent your network administrator from seeing your activity.Immedid time,Friends and ProxiesAlso offer valid solutions here, even if your manager still sees you communicate with VPN or Proxy.

  • Does not prevent your account activity from being followed.If you log in to an account (such as your e -mail or social media) while in the Incognito mode, every account activity is still visible for third parties -value you also make you traceable.

For example, if you log in to Facebook and visit a page with a dog ownership, Facebook can still see that you have visited the page and possibly even provide targeted advertisem*nts based on this activity.

For this reason, many browsers logs out during the use of incognito fashion.

  • Still visible for places, search engines and ISPs.Because the incognito mode does not hide your IP, your identity is still visible for everywhere orSearch enginesYou visit.Although they cannot easily trace you without cookies (an advantage for the incognito mode), they can still find solutions by easily knowing your IP and the pages you visit - especially when you log in to one of your accounts.

It is more important that both your identityInBrowser data is still visible to your ISP and Jurisdiction (ie the government).

Again, VPNs and proxies can help here.

As a result, there is little that you can do to hide your browsing between you and your ISP.

  • Malware doesn't stop.Incognito mode does little to nothing to protect you against malware, phishing or the risk of visiting dangerous sites.Anti-malware-softwareAnd caution carefully when you assess, whether you use the Incognito mode or not!

Briefly:Incognito mode does not hide your browser data from third parties.Always assume that your data is fully visible, whether you are in the Bougnito mode or not.In fact, there are different alternatives that can keep you much better.

What is the Incognito mode usually used for?

As you might imagine (or already know from experience), there are plenty of reasons to use the incognito mode.CertainlyVaries, the Incognito mode is an extremely effective option.

Being discreet is of course not the only reason to use the Incognito mode.

  • Hide your story.Whatever you do online, the thought of someone else who sees usBrowsIs quite uncomfortable - especially for users on shared or public devices.As a result, many people use the Inkognito mode to hide their story from other users (or even themselves).

To hide your story, your security can also protect on shared devices.For example, if you have access, do not delete form and site data, they can also see your login details!

  • Avoid unwanted cookies.Most sites use cookies to do things such as storing your active registrations, maintaining the content of the shopping carts and following your home online.

By using the incognito mode, websites do not keep your login or existing tracking data.Sometimes a result, many people use this function to log in to multiple accounts at the same time or ensure that they get the best prices for shop sites.

  • Avoid some types of tracking.Without stored cookies or logging in, you can avoid most types of tracking while using the incognito mode.of your accounts.
  • Is being organised.If you are used to a certain Browse experience, you know that checking new sites or products can easily throw things away.

Suppose e.g., that you are considering taking tennis.

  • Browse without extensions.Although browser extensions are often very useful, they can also make our browser much more cumbersome than it should be.

Site blockers, for example, are popular browser content that are used to minimize distractions or to arrange internet use in some cases.Remove blocking places.

  • Web development.Website -performance is a crucial consideration for web developers.However, it is difficult to measure when Site data such as images and HTML files have already been stored (orpress) From earlier visits.As a result, many developers use the Incognito mode to test performance and loading times by forcing the browser to cache Site data.

Is the Incognito mode actually private?

Incognito mode only makes your browsing private in other users on your device.

Can I be traced in the Incognito mode?

Incognito mode: Is private -browsen really private? (3)

It depends.The incognito mode of the Men prevents sites with cookies from following, you can still be followed if you log in to an account or if a site can link your IP address to your identity.

What is the disadvantage of the Incognito mode?

The main disadvantage of the Incognito mode is that your IP address, identity and browser activity are still visible to third parties.

How to use Incognito mode

Most browsers make it very easy to switch to the Incognito mode.The most popular browsers.

Google Chrome

Incognito mode: Is private -browsen really private? (4)

Trin 1:OpenGoogle Chrome.

Trin 2:Click on the menu button (vertical dots) at the top right and select "New Incognito window".

Trin 3:Switch to the new window and make sure you are in the Incognito mode.

Mozilla Firefox

Incognito mode: Is private -browsen really private? (5)

Trin 1:OpenMozilla Firefox.

Trin 2:Click on the menu button (horizontal rules stacked) at the top right and select "New private window."

Trin 3:Switch to the new window and make sure you are in the Incognito mode.

Microsoft Edge

Incognito mode: Is private -browsen really private? (6)

Trin 1:OpenMicrosoft Edge.

Trin 2:Click on the menu button (horizontal dots) at the top right and select "New Input window."

Trin 3:Switch to the new window and make sure you are in the Incognito mode.

Apple Safari

Incognito mode: Is private -browsen really private? (7)

Trin 1:OpenSafari.

Trin 2:Click on "File" on the toolbar at the top left and select "New private window."

Trin 3:Switch to the new window and make sure you are in the Incognito mode.

Mobile browsers

Although the most popular browsers have a mobile app, many mobile users adhere to the standard browser in the operating system of their mobile device.This is chrome for Android and Safari for iOS.

Android (Chrome)

Incognito mode: Is private -browsen really private? (8)

Trin 1:Open de Google Chrome Mobile App.

Trin 2:Press the menu button (vertical dots) at the top right and select "New Incognito Tabblad".

Trin 3:Switch to the new tab and check whether you are in the Incognito mode.Just like the desktop version, the standard window must say: "You have gone incognito."

iOS (safari)

Incognito mode: Is private -browsen really private? (9)

Trin 1:Open the Safari Mobile app.

Trin 2:Press the menu button (two overlapping squares) at the bottom right.

Trin 3:Press the "1 tab" or "X tabs" button at the bottom.

Trin 4:Select "private" in the "tab groups" settings.

Trin 5:Tap the "+" setting in the left corner to open a new private tab.You can tell yourself that you are in the Incognito mode when the theme of the browser gets dark.

Other browsers

Other browsers such as Opera andEncourageAlso offers private brows functions.As you may have noticed, the procedure for going with Incognito is something the same, regardless of the browser: open the main menu and select the option.

For alternative settings and other private browsing functions, consult the user manual of your browser or instructions for problem solution.

Options for Incognito State

Depending on your private -browsing -requirements, there are various excellent alternatives for Inkognito mode.Alternatives such as VPNs andTor -browseroffer even more privacy andsecurityand De Incognito -Modus.

Proxy -servere

Incognito mode: Is private -browsen really private? (10)

INproxy serverOffers an intermediary between your device and the sites that you visit.By leading your traffic through a power of attorney, no third party knows.

The photo above gives a good example of how this works.Here Alice Bob will ask what time it is without Bob knows she's.Is Proxy the one who asks for time- not Alice.He sends his answer to Proxy, who then sends it back to Alice.

Although a proxy is an effective way to explain yourself, it does a bit to secure your connection.VPN'sTo perform the same function as a proxy, but with an extra layer of security.

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)

Incognito mode: Is private -browsen really private? (11)

Although they share the same underlying principles, VPNs differ from proxiesMain ways.

The biggest difference is connecting security.Why proxy's do little to secure your connection, codes VPNs your data and gives aSafe connection. The is only you and VPN who can see the data you send, so they don't even make your ISP through what you have.

However, another difference is cost.Where many clerks are cheap (if not free), a top quality VPN usually costs between $ 5 and $ 12 per person.


Incognito mode: Is private -browsen really private? (12)

In short, "the onion router" hides your identity by coding your data and sending it via any network of relay.

If VPN or Proxy by third parties is not that you are you who are assessing.

You can access TOR by using it for freeTor -browser.

Anti-tracking software

Incognito mode: Is private -browsen really private? (13)

If you want to block cookies and other types of tracking without the "bare bone" experience of the incognito mode, look no further than anti-tracking software.Tracking van cookiesThis prevents tracking on the site.

Note that most alternatives that we have discussed (such as VPNs and TOR) already contain a form of anti -tracking skills.


Incognito is an easy way to keep your browsing history private and to prevent you from being followed.

However, it does not prevent sites, search engines or your ISP to see your IP address and browser activity.

Your privacy is not the only thing to be online.Safety features, you can be sure that your site is checked and secured 24/7.Plan a free demoToday.

Incognito mode: Is private -browsen really private? (2024)
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